Pierced Pleasure - Chapter Two

Story by Troius Clawston on SoFurry

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#2 of Pierced Pleasure

One one particular night, tattoo artist Marzo wasn't expecting much to occur while manning his shop by himself. However, when a fellow zebra entered his business for some piercings, it doesn't take long for him to realize how compatible the two were. The customer, a spry-looking hunk by the name of Eirjan, was wanting to get his nipples pierced by a legit zebrican artist. And after seeing how well Eirjan responded to the experience, Marzo was curious about making their session more... electrifying~

NOTE: This story was a commissioned piece for Eirjan, and more of my work can be found on my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/TheVClaw

By the time the sun had completely set, and the night's sky was fully dark to reveal the bright stars above, Marzo's tattoo shop remained closed with a sign hanging over the front doors. Fortunately, even with the neon displays brightly lit over the shop's front windows, it was doubtful that many patrons would show up during the middle of the week. Not to mention, Marzo wasn't too worried about potential business when he had a lucrative side-means of income at his disposal. It may have not been a source of profit he was used to trying, but it was hard for the zebra to pass up the opportunity after encountering his kinky "client".

Just downstairs in the shop's basement, Marzo was quickly getting things set up while looking through some details on his laptop. As the zebra studiously combed through his Preyhub page to make sure it was still active, his new buddy Eirjan was nervously waiting on the couch by the stairs. The red-striped zebra was still wearing the neoprene one-piece Marzo lended him, and his fur still carried a notable scent of the remnants of sweat and cum from earlier. Fortunately though, despite how awkward he may have felt waiting for the artist to finish up on the computer, Eirjan was able to lighten the mood while looking around the refurbished basement. "So... is this like, your living space or something?"

"Mmhmm," nodded Marzo with a prideful smile. Even though the basement of his tattoo shop was an odd choice for a home, Eirjan couldn't deny how well-constructed the setup actually was. In fact, given the fact that it had carpeted floors and a full kitchen and bathroom setup, it almost felt like Marzo was living in a trendy loft that would rack for a pretty penny downtown. The only evidence that it was a basement were the small barred windows that peeked from the top of the wood-paneled walls. "I got most of the renovations done last year," admitted Marzo with a brief shrug, "but I've been planning to add some LED lights across the walls to add more ambience at night."

"Ooh, that's a good idea!" Eirjan nodded with a chipper smile, not seeming to mind his unusual attire while lounging in Marzo's private pad. "So, do you usually invite clients down here after a piercing?~"

"No, you're obviously the exception here." Marzo chuckled a little to himself, and finally pulled away from his laptop. "I actually keep this place locked-up tight during business hours. The last thing I need are any junkies breaking in and stealing my shit."

"Yeah, I can see what you mean there..." Eirjan's eyes went back to towards those windows, which prompted him to ask cautiously, "So, ummm... I'm not like, locked in, am I?"

"Oh, don't worry! Those bars open up from the inside." Marzo went over to one of the windows, and verified his claim by showing the grated bars swinging outward from the window frame. "This is just to keep people out. I swear I'm not pulling any 'Buffalo Bill' stuff or anything."

"Hmph~" Even though the two were veering into easily uncomfortable topics of discussion, Eirjan wasn't afraid to make a cheeky retort to Marzo's claim. "Says the guy who just electrocuted my nipples like an interrogation scene~"

"Oh, you wanna go there, do ya?~" Marzo glanced back at the zebra with a coy smirk of his own, and narrowed his eyes more teasingly. "Because I seem to recall you wanting it up higher each time I gave you a good zap~"

Eirjan's head lowered sheepishly in an attempt to hide his blush; unfortunately, his cheeks could clearly be seen growing as red as the stripes across his muscular arms. Marzo didn't say anything to point that detail out, but he still huffed with an amused smile on his muzzle. "So, what's your story then? I mentioned my history with BDSM, but I don't believe you mentioned too much about your own."

"Oh! W-Well, ummm..." Eirjan seemed a little hesitant to answer such a personal question upfront, even if he and Marzo shared an intensely successful session right off the bat. But when he glanced up at the zebra, and saw that reassuring smile on the artist's face, Eirjan sighed softly and replied, "Well... I guess I got really curious about things early on, and... Heh~ After a couple years of experimentation and trial-and-error, I've been able to figure out which buttons I like getting pressed."

"Hey, that's good to hear." Marzo went back towards his computer, and pulled out a small webcam that he had stashed in the desk drawer. "I know I certainly had my share of bad experiences when I first got into the kinkier side of things. My previous boyfriend was actually the one who introduced me to a lot of it through conventions and mutual friends. Of course, by the time I was getting into it myself, he was growing out of the trend, and well..."

After that uncomfortable pause, Marzo ended up sighing before looking back at Eirjan with a reassuring smile. "Honestly, it's not like we ended on bad terms or anything. We just had different plans for our futures, and neither of us were really upset by the end."

Eirjan smiled back at the artist, and tried to say sympathetically, "Well, that's good to hear. I'd hate to think I was stepping into a hornet's nest or anything."

That analogy got Marzo to giggle devilishly, and he went back to his laptop to plug in the webcam. "Funny enough, one of my Ex's friends was actually into that kinda thing. It was called, uhhhh... Melissiophilia, I think? It's like, arousal by insect stings. I once watched him getting his ass stung by a couple of wasps, and it was friggin' wild!"

That detail got Eirjan to cover his muzzle with a hand to keep from snickering too audibly. "Oh, jeeze! Seriously?!"

"I swear to god, it's true! I even did a couple of tattoos on his ass, since he was so into the needling process. I put a giant bullseye on one of his cheeks, and a honeycomb on the other."

"Oh god!" Eirjan couldn't hold back his chuckling, and his hand went up to cover the top half of his face instead. "Please tell me you have photos of that!"

"It's actually in my portfolio! I got a few clients to do butt tattoos because of it, so I have no regrets." Both of the zebras shared a good laugh after that remark, which helped to lighten the mood tremendously. After checking the quality of the video when the webcam was turned on, Marzo looked back at Eirjan to ask, "So, are you still cool with this idea? I mean, I know you're open to a lot, but I didn't want to push your limits too badly with this."

Eirjan just scoffed with a playful roll of his eyes. "You kidding, dude? I never clicked this well with anyone at the conventions I've been to! And considering how far I've gone at those places, doing cam stuff isn't that big of a deal for me."

"Alright, good to hear!" Before Marzo could get anything started, he went over to his shelf to get the appropriate attire. Eirjan started to blush again when he got a good look at the zebra's collection of adult items proudly on display. Among the half dozen products from Terrible Drake, as well as the various leather-gear items meant for Dom/Sub play, Marzo happened to have a few pup hoods along the bottom shelf. Since there were a multitude of colors, Marzo humed to himself in contemplation before making his choice. "Hmmm... I think this one might do for ya~"

Marzo turned around to show Eirjan the orange pup hood in his right hand, as well as the matching collar and leash in his left. The red zebra squirmed with a deeper blush, already knowing that the color was linked to 'anything goes' in the notorious hanky code. But even with the presence of several other colors in Marzo's collection, Eirjan didn't seem too apprehensive about wearing that as opposed to the others. In fact, the zebra couldn't help shivering in delight when the leash and hood were handed to him by the artist. "You wanna try those on before we start? I wanna make sure they fit properly."

Eirjan didn't hesitate when he nodded his head, and was able to get both items worn with ease. The bright orange collar hugged around his neck snugly enough, while also leaving enough room so he can easily breathe. And as for the pup hood, which was admittedly a little tight around the muzzle region, Eirjan still felt comfortable by the time he got the back straps tightly latched in place. Of course, by the time he had both items proudly adorned over his neck and neck, it seemed that Marzo was blushing just as hotly as Eirjan.

"Oh, damn~" Marzo huffed with an impressed smirk, and narrowed his eyes on the leashed and hooded zebra seated before him. Eirjan's head lowered a little in nervousness, but that only made his subby appearance all the more alluring. Since he was still in the neoprene getup, and his cock was already twitching semi-flaccidly through the exposed crotch opening, it didn't seem like there was much more preparation needed on Eirjan's end. Because of that, Marzo picked the other end of that leash connected to the front of Eirjan's collar. "So, you wanna get things started? I'll only take a minute or two to get a livestream set up if you're ready~"

Even though Eirjan's blush was heavy enough to be seen through the thick padding of his hood, he still nodded his head with an antsy shudder. Marzo's grin grew wickedly wide, and he decided to test the zebra's consent with a hard tug of his leash. "Well, you better get on all fours if that's the case~"

Eirjan tried to remain silent, but a muffled groan could be heard through the closed zipper of his muzzle when he got off the couch. The zebra soon found himself on his hands and knees, his cock hanging out lewdly between his legs; along with the crotch-piece of that neoprene leotard, there was also a large hole around the backside like assless chaps. Eirjan's thick, toned rear was fully exposed within the open confines of his neoprene, while his red tail wagged about excitedly against his back. He and Marzo haven't even started yet, but he could already feel his pierced cock stiffening up and smacking against his stomach.

"Mmmmm... Such a good little pup~" Marzo kept a tight grip on Eirjan's leash, and reached down to give a playful pat to the top of his head. Eirjan murred lovingly through his pup hood, and gave an exaggerated wag of his ass to make his tail flail about excitedly. Marzo chuckled in amusement, and was already getting hard beneath his tight jeans. But instead of just whipping it out for Eirjan to tend to, the artist went back to his laptop to get the livestream set up. "Don't worry, dude. I promise I'll keep your identity confidential for this first session~"

Even though he didn't mind being seen for this lewd video, Eirjan still gave a thankful nod while smiling through his hood. Meanwhile, Marzo spent about a minute typing out the details for his livestream page, as well as setting up a donation box for any interested patrons. "Hmph~ Hopefully this'll cover any clients that might show up upstairs..."

Eirjan saw a red light come on above the webcam, which was pointed straight at Marzo as he stood before his computer. He also got a brief glimpse of the livestream page himself, which was titled 'Marzo's Newest Pup'. The zebra shuddered antsily while perched on the floor, just out of sight from the camera's view. "Alright, I think we're good! It might take a while before we get a lot of viewers, so we'll have to wait and see~"

With that, Marzo turned back towards Eirjan so his side was facing the camera. As he took a couple steps away from the laptop, the livestream page revealed the thick bulge of Marzo's tent that was trying to peek from the crotch of his jeans. By that point, a couple of notifications could be heard as the first few viewers joined the stream out of curiosity. But instead of trying to look up at the page, Eirjan's eyes remained pinned on Marzo's lustful smirk as he stood before him. "Now then... how about you come into view, little pup?~"

Eirjan had to take a shaky breath, but complied with a brief nod before crawling on all fours. The webcam's light remained brightly lit as the hooded zebra crawled across the floor, soon coming into view near the bottom of the livestream's screen. Given how well he was dressed in Marzo's kinky attire, his ears twitched beneath the hood when he heard a few more notifications from the computer. If he wasn't focused on Marzo, he likely would've seen the large number of emojis and excited responses popping up on the stream's chat bar on the side. Of course, given how prominent the bulge from Marzo's crotch was getting, Eirjan wasn't willing to look away from that anytime soon.

"Yeah, you like that, guys?~" Marzo shot a cocky grin back to the camera while holding onto Eirjan's leash, and pulling the pup in closer to his crotch. The chat bar was already filling up with interested viewers, while the number of watchers increased steadily upon Eirjan's appearance. When he saw how much attention they were getting already, Marzo's smirk widened before glancing back down at his pup. "Mmmm... Let me fix that for you before you start~"

Marzo reached down to unzip the mouthpiece of Eirjan's hood, allowing his muzzle to open up wide and make breathing easier. Of course, as soon as Marzo pulled his hand back, his intentions were made clear when he motioned down to his crotch. "Now it's your turn to unzip~"

A brief moan came out through Eirjan's hood, but he was quick to lunge in and unzip the fly of Marzo's jeans. He didn't try to glance over at the livestream page, but he could hear even more notifications going off before he could even pull Marzo's pants down. The very moment he gave a hard yank to the waistband of those jeans, Eirjan was rewarded with the reveal of Marzo's thick, meaty cock springing out like a jack-in-a-box. While the chat box beside the stream became flooded with eggplants and wide-eyed emojis, Eirjan let out a deeper moan through his hood before stuffing that cockhead between his lips.

"Mnnnghhh!!~" Marzo's head reeled back as he struggled to stifle his surprised moan; of course, the moment he felt Eirjan's soft, pillowy lips wrapping tightly around his head, the artist brought one of his hands down to rest atop the pup hood. His other hand kept a tight grip of his leash, which he used to tug on the collar and pull Eirjan's head in further. Fortunately, since the zebra's eyes could be seen rolling back blissfully through the pup hood, there wasn't any cause for concern as Marzo's cock slipped further into his muzzle. Meanwhile, Marzo was grinning lewdly down at his pup while groaning under his breath, "Mmmm... Yeah, take it you little slut~"

Eirjan let out the briefest moan around the girth of Marzo's cock, and brought his hands up to tightly wrap around the zebra's waist and grope his muscular cheeks. Meanwhile, the relentless pull of Marzo's leash prompted his head to push in further, which allowed more of that throbbing cock to slip into his drooling maw. Even as he felt that thick cockhead reaching closer to the back of his throat, his lips continued to tentatively suckle around the shaft as best as he could. And as his eyes closed contentedly, his ears twitched beneath his hood as he heard more messages coming in through the chat:


'I thought this channel was dead!'

'Look at that bitch go~'

'Lucky puppy :3 :3 :3'

"Aaaaahhhhh..." Marzo reeled his head back while savoring the alluring warmth of Eirjan's mouth, which caressed more of his cock with every pull he gave that leash. He let out a pent-up groan through his gritted teeth, while he felt his shaft throbbing hard between Eirjan's lips. The pup continued his cocksucking without pause, and tightly squeezed Marzo's cheeks with both hands to feel how firm his muscles were. But even with how exhilarating Eirjan's passionate blowjob felt, Marzo's ears perked up when he overheard a small "Ch-Ching" sound effect from his computer.

'Pup_Handler just donated $10: Long time no see, Marzo. Hope you paint that bitch proper~'

"Nnnfff~" Marzo only took a split-second to read that message in the livestream, which was more than enough to make him chuckle lightly. "Ooh, I think I know what he means by that~"

His lustful gaze peered back down at Eirjan, and he gave a teasing thrust of his hips to shove his cock deeper in that hungry muzzle. That sudden push managed to make the pup's eyes shoot wide-open briefly, but it wasn't enough to make him choke on Marzo's cock. Instead, all that Eirjan could do was prepare himself as he clenched his eyes tightly shut. And as the chat box went wild with hungry comments and walls of emojis, Marzo shuddered in delight as he began to fuck the zebra's face.



'You better shoot down his throat~'

'I wanna see it on his face :D :D :D :D'


"Mmmmphh!!~" Eirjan's elated whimpers could be heard between the shaky breaths he tried to make, even though Marzo seemed determined to fuck that pup hood as best as he could. The artist's plump balls repeatedly smacked against the underside of Eirjan's muzzle, and could be heard audibly enough through the webcam's mic. Drool was seeping through the opening of his hood, not that Eirjan seemed to mind while feeling that shaft sliding in and out of his lips. Marzo was looking equally as pleased while thrusting on camera, and didn't even pause when he heard another payment notification from his computer:

'Deez-Nuts just donated $25: Give that bitch a bukkake and I'll send another 25~'

"Ooh~" Marzo wasn't planning on shooting his load so soon, but fifty dollars is fifty dollars regardless. Plus, when he looked back down at Eirjan's diligent cock-sucking through his pup hood, it would've been hard to keep his resolve anyway. His knees buckled especially hard when he saw Eirjan reopen his eyes, peering up at him with the cutest expression possible while his mouth was stuffed with cock. Because of that, Marzo didn't feel too conflicted when he finally loosened his grip on the pup's head. "Nnnnghh!! You... You wanna get a facial, bud?~"

"Mmmph?~" Eirjan's eyes widened the moment he heard the word 'facial,' but he didn't need to be asked twice if that was something he wanted. Since Marzo was gracious enough to let go of his head, the little pup was quick to slide his muzzle off that throbbing shaft with a heavy gasp. But even as he panted heavily like a dog, the zebra shot a sultry gaze up at Marzo as he kept his mouth wide-open. He even stuck his tongue out hungrily, and used one of his hands to vigorously stroke Marzo's cock to get him off. "Aaaaahhhhh~"

The chat box went absolutely wild, and the viewer count steadily increased as more people logged on to watch the action. Marzo tried not to snicker when he saw the plethora of white droplet emojis flooding the chat bar, as well as the multitude of thirsty comments showing their approval of Eirjan's dedication. As the cum-hungry pup stayed busy pumping that cock for all it was worth, Marzo could barely keep himself still while moaning heavily between breaths. A couple more of the payment sound effects could be heard from the laptop, as more viewers donated small payments to ensure the deed would be done; but even if the zebras weren't being paid for their efforts, Eirjan still moaned out elatedly by the time he felt that thick cock throbbing hard in his grip.

"AAAAHHHH!!~" Marzo's hips squirmed badly as he struggled to remain standing, and his cock twitched in Eirjan's grip as he quickly came to fruition. The very instant Marzo's cockhead could be seen pulsating through the livestream, a couple thick ropes of cum shot out to drape across Eirjan's pup hood. The slutty zebra moaned even deeper, and kept his mouth open as a couple of heavy spurts landed right across his tongue. Marzo's head reeled back while crying out in ecstasy, leaving only his growing viewers to see the drizzles of zebra splooge that ran down the orange hood.

"Aaahhh!!~" Eirjan's eyes closed blissfully while letting Marzo's load hit his face, and his tail wagged about excitedly when he got a good taste of that cum in his mouth. Even as more ropes landed across the bridge of his muzzle, Eirjan closed his mouth briefly enough to make a deep and audible gulp of the loads in his hungry maw. The heady taste of Marzo's brand made him shiver in delight, and his blissful blush was growing hot enough to nearly be seen through the thick padding of his hood.

'Now THAT'S a good puppy'

'Can I be next???'

':D :D :D :D'

'Deez-Nuts just donated $30: Welp, you got me to nut early! Nini~'

Even after that one user left the chat in a hurry, more viewers were flooding in while Eirjan was seen freshly bukkaked on camera. There were now a few dozen people joining the livestream, and three digits worth of donations have been deposited to Marzo's PreyPal account. But even with that successful face-fucking, the artist's spent cock wasn't enough to get him to stop so soon. After all, even if he came early, that didn't mean his slutty little pup wasn't able to take more for their growing viewers. "Nnnnghhh... F-Fuck, you're good~"

Marzo took a couple deep breaths while wiping his cock off with some tissues, leaving his pup to remain on his knees moaning through the hood. Without even thinking, Eirjan began to wipe off some of the thicker strands of cum from his face while his eyes were closed, leaving him to really savor the taste as he popped his glazed fingers in his mouth. His own member was throbbing hard while sucking the fresh, gooey loads from his digits like a complete deviant, which elicited dozens of wide-eyed emojis to flood the chat box beside the stream. Of course, even with how hot it was to see a depraved zebra-pup licking up his Dom's load, Marzo didn't realize what was going on until he heard more payment notifications coming in. "What the... OH!!"

Marzo was left stunned for a moment as he gawked down at the sight of Eirjan's hungry cleanup session, not expecting to see him getting into the debauchery so naturally. But instead of feeling overwhelmed or grossed-out by the pup's naughty display, Marzo merely huffed with a more piqued smirk spreading across his muzzle. "Well then," he said with a shrug, prompting Eirjan to pause his tentative licking with a glance up at the Dom's cocky stare. "I have a feeling you need to be covered in something else~"

With a hard tug of Eirjan's leash, as well as a motion of his head upward, Marzo silently ordered for the zebra to get back up on his feet. The pup was blushing nervously, but did as he was directed without much thought as to what might happen next. If he was able to get a good look at Marzo's livestream page, he likely would've taken notice of his unique username at the top: Artistic_Zebra_Daddy. But even with that name, it was doubtful that Eirjan would realize what he was gonna be in for; however, as soon as Marzo picked up some chains and a paintbrush, many of the users viewing the livestream went wild with excited comments.


'Is this happening???!'

'That pup's in for it now!!'

'Painter-Pony just donated $50: Finally, someone else is doing this again! :D'

Eirjan may have had no idea what the chains or brush were meant for, but he didn't try to show any apprehension when Marzo took hold of his wrists. The ends of his metal chain were connected to a pair of matching nylon cuffs, ensuring that Eirjan's arms wouldn't be in too much pain while tightly restrained. Marzo tossed the chain over their heads, successfully looping it over one of the foundation beams that went across the ceiling of his basement. Since the brace was just as sturdy as Marzo's chains, Eirjan soon found himself being suspended with his hands pulled over his head, and the tips of his boots barely touching the floor.

"Oooh!~" With strands of Marzo's cum still smeared across his hood, Eirjan was slightly taken aback by his sudden change in positioning. "W-What are yo--Nnnngh!!"

With another hard tug of that leash, Marzo was quick to silence his pup while pressing a finger up against his lips. "Ssssshhhhh... You're a pet right now, remember? Pets don't talk~"

Eirjan had to bite his bottom lip out of nervousness, but he still gave the artist a weak smile before nodding his head silently. Marzo pulled his hand away, which allowed for the zebra to take a calming breath and readjust himself in his suspended stance. Due to his positioning, his untouched erection was standing rigidly between his legs, completely unobstructed due to the neoprene's crotchless design. And since his cock piercings could be seen clear as day through Marzo's webcam, even more excited comments came in through the chat box:

'Hey, that's Eirjan!!'

'Damn, are those real?!'

'I'm even MORE jealous!'

'Ooooh, who's a kinky pup?~'


'I've heard of crown jewels, but this is ridiculous :P'

Marzo zipped up the front of Eirjan's pup hood, which quickly muffled his eager moans while he remained hanging before their growing audience. And since the zebra wasn't going anywhere, Marzo chuckled in delight as he picked up another item just off-camera. While he held a thick painter's brush in his right hand, he happened to have a small tin of black paint in his left. "I gotta say, it's really convenient you don't have black stripes for this~"

"Mmmph?" Eirjan could only watch while his brows raised up beneath his hood, and he stared down at Marzo removing the lid of his paint can. The artist went to work dipping the brush's soft bristles in the black paint, coating them with a dark and glossy sheen. Marzo's smirk turned more confident as he stared down at Eirjan's untouched cock, which was still throbbing uncontrollably while a thick glob of precum was seeping at the tip. Marzo took enough notice of that waiting droplet to groan to himself with an envious shudder, clearly wanting to give it a proper taste before he began. But with Eirjan hanging from his chains with a muffled groan, the artist regained his focus before saying to the camera, "Well, guys! Let's put my artistic skills to proper use~"

Eirjan wasn't sure how he was going to handle the prospect of being painted, but Marzo's determined grin left him reeling in pleasure while his cock throbbed needily. The artist got in close to the pup's fidgeting crotch, and carefully began to write in the open space of the neoprene above Eirjan's cock. The zebra took his sweet time, slowly applying each letter with great precision between the dips of his paint can. Eirjan wasn't able to read what was being written, but he couldn't keep himself from giggling a little from that brush tickling his more sensitive regions. "Mrrfff!!~ Hnhnhnhnhnhnhn..."

Meanwhile in the livestream page, the chat box was lighting up with replies as they saw what Marzo was painting on the pup.

'Hehehehehe, such a naughty puppy~ >:3 >:3'

'I think he likes it :D :D :D :D'

'i would be into it too'

'Hungry_Beaver just donated $15: Paint something on his cock too, please.'

"Heh~" Marzo chuckled when he paused his painting to read that donation request. "What, you think I wasn't going to do that? C'mon guys, give me some credit here..."

Eirjan was still left in the dark about what was being written above his exposed cock; but at the same time, his body shivered elatedly as his mind ran wild with possibilities. The zebra had been a medium for body-writing before, so he already had a good idea what naughty words or symbols Marzo might try to adorn across his body. But unlike those felt pens he experienced at conventions, the soft bristles of that paintbrush were causing his nerves to tingle like mad while he hung helplessly for their thirsty audience. Even as the smell of fresh paint lingered in the air, Eirjan couldn't stop giggling by the time Marzo painted his first phrase:


"Mmmmphhhh!!~" Even without knowing what Marzo marked him with, Eirjan moaned deeply through his hood upon hearing the flood of comment notifications rolling in. There were also a couple more donation payments that came in, which caused him to overhear Marzo whistling with intrigue. "Ooh, we're taking requests, aren't we? Hmmm... Alright, I'm cool with that~"

Even though there wasn't much room to paint anything else in the crotchless region of Eirjan's neoprene (unless Marzo just painted on his cock), both of the zebra's legs were completely uncovered and ripe for the taking. Because of all that open space, the artist wasn't afraid of taking advantage of his pup's prime real estate for the sake of donations. So as the comments kept rolling in with horny emojis aplenty, Marzo went to work dragging his brush across more of Eirjan's untainted flesh.

"Mmmmffffff!!~" Eirjan rolled his head back with a hungry moan, and tried his hardest not to fidget his legs from those merciless brush-strokes. Both of the zebra's thighs were soon given the same treatment as his crotch, with the words 'Sissy Bitch' and 'Zebra Slut' proudly overwriting his red stripes. Marzo chuckled to himself in amusement as he painted several crude drawings of cartoonish penises as well, as per the request of an anonymous patron who donated ten dollars. More notifications came in the longer he painted, which only got Eirjan more riled-up as the impromptu canvas on display. By the time Marzo was beginning to paint the words 'Cum-Guzzler' around one of his knees, it was already beginning to buckle due to the titillation he was feeling from that paintbrush. "Nnnnnghhhh..."

The more he felt those tantalizing strokes from Marzo's brush, the more he grew enticed by the tingling sensations. The fur across his legs were starting to stand on end, even as more lewd names and symbols were painted across them with that glossy black. By the time Marzo began to run out of room, it almost looked like Eirjan's legs had become the target of some massive graffiti to mark him. Of course, considering how rock-hard his cock was standing above his body-writing, it was doubtful that he would've disagreed with any of the inappropriate statements painted on him.

"Ooh, it looks like somebody likes these brushes, huh?~" Before Marzo could even finish chuckling at his own assumption, he grinned when he saw Eirjan nod his head with a muffled moan. The artist dipped his brush in the paint can one last time, which was now half-empty following his impromptu art session. "Well, it probably wouldn't be right to leave that last part untouched, now would it?~"

Eirjan might have not known what Marzo was referring to, but his hungry moan through the pup hood made it clear what he was wanting to happen. His hips thrusted out involuntarily, with his cock twitching repeatedly in need of some attention. A couple drops of his pre were slowly trickling down the underside of his shaft, just before dropping down to the towels Marzo laid out on the floor. Meanwhile in the chat box of the stream, the excitement only grew as they watched Marzo finishing up his body-painting.


'Is it gonna get zebra stripes?~ :P :P :P :P'

'It might not be easy to write much on that LOL'


'Man, I missed seeing him do these vids so much :3'


The very moment Marzo dragged his brush across the side of Eirjan's cock, the zebra's head reeled back so he could belt out a lustful moan. Even though the hood's muzzle was zipped tightly shut, his lumbering voice was still rather audible for all the viewers watching the stream. Marzo paid no heed to the upsurge of comments and notifications coming through the computer's speakers, and remained focused on the canvas before him. With every slow, teasingly smooth glide of his brush up Eirjan's shaft, he was rewarded with a strong shudder from the pup that left him smirking in satisfaction. Those alluring brush-strokes also caused Eirjan's cock to throb even harder, with a couple thick spurts of pre shooting out to fall onto the floor.

"Yeah, you like that, don'cha?~" Marzo was grinning devilishly as he played with that needy cock with his brush, covering more of his length with lines of black paint. The artist had already painted a lot of lewd words across Eirjan's legs and waist, so there was no reason to add anything too special to that twitching cock. Instead, Marzo was content with painting it a smooth, even coat of black that covered every inch. The nerve-tingling painting lasted for only a couple minutes at most, but it was more than enough to make Eirjan moan over Marzo's lustful words. "Mmmm... I bet you want me to play with your ass too, right?~"

"MMMFFFFFF!!!~" Eirjan's body locked up intensely in his bondage, and he replied with an eager nod of his head. "MMHMM!!!~"

'Ooooh, he's in for it now~'

'Such a good puppy!! :D :D'

'Five-Finger-Delight just donated $200: I'll send another hundred for every finger you shove in~'

'OH SNAP!!!'

':O :O :O :O :O'

'He's insistin on a FISTIN!'

While the chat beside their stream went absolutely wild, Marzo was still smirking on Eirjan without realizing what got the notifications so heated. "Well, if that's the case," he began before glancing back at his laptop, "I guess we could--H-HOLY!!"

Marzo nearly jumped out of his boots when he saw that donation amount listed, as well as the message that 'Five-Finger-Delight' sent alongside it. Even though the artist wasn't expecting too many donations for their impromptu session, his brows flagged up when he saw how much was in the total so far. If he and Eirjan kept going, there's a good chance that he would get the same amount as he would on a good night of tattooing upstairs. However, since he literally just met the zebra less than a couple hours ago, the idea of going that far left Marzo more than a little apprehensive. "Oh. Ummm... Well, uhhhh..."

Despite how tempting that payout would've been, Marzo tried not to wince when he glanced back at his pup. Unfortunately, he was able to see that Eirjan had finally looked over at the laptop as well. Even from his bound position away from the computer, he was able to read enough of that request to make his eyes nearly bulge from the hood's eyeholes. Of course, even with how shocked he may have looked, his stunned silence wasn't enough to keep his cock from throbbing hard between his marked legs.

Marzo took a couple glances between Eirjan and the computer, and quickly leaned in to whisper into the pup's ear discreetly. "Hey, we don't have to do that, you know? If you want to stick to something more--"

"Nnnnghhh!" Eirjan may have looked just as flustered as his Dom, but he was quick to interrupt Marzo's assurance with a firm shake of his head. Even with his knees wobbling , and his face growing hotter beneath his thick pup hood, Eirjan only needed a quick breath while his eyes were tightly shut. After sucking in through his nostrils, the zebra relaxed in his restraints before looking back at Marzo with a half-lidded gaze. He didn't need to say anything, but his sultry stare left Marzo blushing just as deeply as the pup.

'I think he wants it~'


'Five-Finger-Delight just donated $100: Make it happen, guys. I'm happy to pay more~'

'Mister_Fister just donated $50: This gon' be good!'

':O :O :O :O :O :O :O'


'TheVClaw just donated $20: I'm morbidly curious...'


"Oh, fuck..." Even though the donations and positive comments were enough to make him huff with a nervous smile, Marzo still looked fairly overwhelmed through the webcam's feed. However, when he looked back at Eirjan's waiting expression, he wasn't able to see any look of hesitance in the zebra's eyes. A deep, muffled moan tried to come out through the front of Eirjan's pup hood, which prompted Marzo to carefully unzip it as a precaution. But since the pup was still playing his role as best as he could, Marzo was the first to speak with caution. "So, ummm... are you actually, like... cool with that?"

Even with so much thick padding over his face, Eirjan's smirk was just as randy as the comments flooding into their livestream. "Nnnnffff~" After taking a quick glance back at the laptop, Eirjan leaned in to whisper into his Dom's ear, "Give it to me hard~"

If either of them were reading through the chat bar, they likely would've realized how audible Eirjan's answer was from the number of shocked emojis that filled the white box. But instead of giving any reaction to the livestream's excitement, Marzo lunged in to connect his muzzle with Eirjan's. The two zebras closed their eyes with blissful moans through each other's lips, and made out passionately in taboo embrace. Even though Eirjan was hanging from the basement ceiling and dressed like a complete deviant, he couldn't have felt more comfortable while sharing a deep kiss with the studly zebra Domming him so hard. But despite how rich and sensual that kiss may have felt, Eirjan wasn't afraid to pull back with a light smack of their lips, and whisper even lewder ideas into Marzo's ear...

Unlike his approving statement earlier, none of the viewers were able to overhear what he was whispering to his Dom. However, judging by how wide the artist's eyes got, it was obvious that he was suggesting some pretty kinky ideas to spice up their night. Marzo had to take a second or two to blink a few times, not expecting for Eirjan to be that wild for the sake of their stream. Nevertheless, by the time Eirjan pulled back with a devilish grin, Marzo only needed a moment before closing the zipper of his hood.

"You know what?" he asked with a curious huff. "I wouldn't be against doing that either~"

As viewers filled the chat box with question marks in confusion, Marzo pulled away from the camera for a moment to grab something in storage. Eirjan was left hanging idly with his painted cock still rock-hard, but didn't seem to mind being exposed for all those horny viewers to ogle at. When Marzo finally returned to the stream, the towels on the floor were replaced with a large plastic tarp that he draped underneath Eirjan's hanging body. The pup shivered excitedly when he saw how prepared his Dom was getting, knowing that the real fun was set to start at any moment.

"Alright, guys!" As soon as he laid down the tarp, Marzo shot a cheeky smirk towards the webcam to address his followers. "I hope you're all ready for some fun~"

Even Eirjan was able to see how quickly the viewers were responding to that comment, as the chat bar filled with enthusiastic comments and emojis. The zebra shuddered antsily when he saw the viewer count growing even faster, knowing that more and more people were about to see him indulging in some wild fantasies. And with Marzo getting himself prepared with a pack of silicone gloves on the ready, Eirjan shivered with excitement while hanging in wait.

Marzo made sure to turn Eirjan's body around, leaving him unable to read any further texts as his ass was presented to the camera. The sight of that plump, muscular rump caused the notifications to intensify, which made Eirjan's ears twitch with a flattered blush. Meanwhile, Marzo took his time as he poured a generous amount of lubricant over his gloved hand. "Just remember, kids," he said towards the livestream in an informative tone, "you should always stay safe when doing kinky stuff. We're doing this as consenting adults, and we're taking every precaution to ensure nobody gets hurt."

With that little PSA out of the way, Marzo got in position beside Eirjan's ass to begin. The artist was grinning lewdly as he teased the zebra's hole, which could be seen puckering needily on the stream while his red tail was lifted up high. Marzo hummed to himself as he pressed his lubed-up thumb against the outside of that ring, eliciting a hungry moan that tried to break through Eirjan's hood. But even with how loud and shaky the zebra's voice sounded, Marzo gave a hard press of his thumb to slide it through and tease his slutty pup. "MmmmNNNNNGHHH!!~"

If Marzo was paying attention to the stream, he probably would've laughed from how many people were flooding the comments with 'Thumbs-Up' emojis. But even when he heard more donation notifications, the artist stayed diligent as he moved his thumb deeper inside the moaning pup. Eirjan's head reeled back blissfully as he took every teasing wriggle of Marzo's thumb, clearly hungry to feel much more than that. Fortunately, as soon as Marzo pulled out his thumb with a wet pop, it was quickly replaced with his index and middle finger taking its place. "Nnnnghhhh... Yeah, take it you little slut~"

"MMMFFFFF!!~" Eirjan reeled in absolute pleasure as he felt those meaty digits burying deep inside of him, opening his hole up a little more with the aid of that lube. Despite how badly he wanted to be stretched-out, his hole tried its best to cling around the girth of those fingers to hold him tight. Marzo smirked upon feeling that tight pressure, but responded with only a hard shove of his fingers deeper inside of him. After only a minute or two of hard fingering, Marzo felt confident enough to try and slip in the ring finger as well...

'Now THAT'S more like it!!'


':D :D :D :D :D'

'Five-Finger-Delight just donated $200: :)'


'WTF, I thought this was a painting stream!'

'On Preyhub? Really??'

While the chat remained brightly lit with notifications, as well as increasingly large donations from usernames with obvious fist puns, Eirjan was moaning deeper with every hard push of those thick fingers. Even though Marzo was grunting from the tightness of that hole around three of his fingers, the muffled moans he heard from his pup prompted him to try and slip in the pinky as well. Fortunately, despite how badly Eirjan cried out through his hood, Marzo's fourth finger slipped in with relative ease to make the fisting half-complete.

"Nnnnfffffff..." Marzo grinned eagerly when he saw how well Eirjan was handling such a large stretching, not even complaining when half the Dom's hand was inside of him. The zebra's hole remained snug around the girth of Marzo's palm, but he could tell from those hungry groans that the pup was wanting more. Much more, in fact...

"You know what?" said the artist with a cheeky grin that made Eirjan shudder in anticipation. "I think your hole deserves a..."

With that brief pause, Marzo grunted hard as he repositioned his wrist inside of the zebra, and slipped his thumb through that slutty hole. "... thumbs up!~"

Despite how corny that pun may have been (which resulted in a lot of conflicting comments in the livestream), Eirjan was left reeling in pleasure when he felt that additional bout of stretching. As soon as the thumb poked its way through that opening once more, all that was left was the thickest part of Marzo's gloved hand. The girth should've been enough to make most other pups second-guess their honry mindsets, since Marzo's hands were usually too big to fit most regular gloves. But in the case of Eirjan, who continued to moan out deeply through his closed muzzle, his response to the added pressure was to try and push his ass back against Marzo's hand to shove it all the way in.

"Mmmmfffff!! F-Fuck, you're eager~" Marzo grinned even wider when he felt Eirjan pushing back, clearly wanting the whole hand inside so his hole could wrap around the wrist. Even though that would usually be the grand finale for most size-queens, Marzo was already aware of what the zebra was wanting from him. So after taking a quick glance back at his webcam with a sly wink, the artist picked up his bottle of lube so he could apply more...

"And here... we... GO!!" Marzo groaned out hard with a final push, which managed to slip the remainder of his gloved hand straight inside of Eirjan's ass. The slutty zebra wailed out intensely in his pup hood, but only shivered in his bondage while clenching hard around Marzo's wrist. The artist grinned in satisfaction, happy to see how well this new friend was responding to such a drastic filling. But even as he took a moment so Eirjan could breathe, Marzo's grin only widened as he uncapped his bottle.



'Is he...'



':O :O :O :O :O :O'

'Five-Finger-Delight just donated $1000: OH MY GOD YES!!!'


"Hmph~" Marzo could hear the notifications behind them, but he only smirked to himself while coating his entire arm in the clear gel of his lube. The slick substance glistened brightly, helping to show off his tattoos under the basement lights. Meanwhile, Eirjan was reeling in wait while moaning hard through his hood, his cock spurting thicker strands of precum that splattered across the tarp below. The zebra knew that if Marzo pushed even further, there would be no way for him to control himself on camera. But considering how large the plastic tarp was, all he could do was take a deep breath when he heard Marzo ask, "You ready for more?~"


"GOOD!~" Marzo gritted his teeth tightly, and gave an even harder push of his arm while making a tight fist inside of the pup. Eirjan's body tensed up tightly within his bondage, but there was nothing he could do but belt out a heavy cry from that fist pushing in deeper. The thick girth of Marzo's hand shoved itself further within the zebra, soon swallowing up his wrist to make way for his forearm. Marzo's glove may have disappeared inside of Eirjan completely, but he didn't seem too deterred as he continued to push with a randy grin.

"MMMMPHHHH!!~" Much like the hungry pup he was, Eirjan was left howling through his hood the more Marzo shoved his fist in. As his eyes clenched tightly shut, Eirjan wasn't able to feel the faint pulsations of one of the gems that began to illuminate from the underside of his cock. Along the row of enchanted piercings down his shaft, it seemed that the yellow gem was the one to light up the more Marzo pushed his arm in. Of course, since the zebra's bladder was right in the way of Marzo's fist, it wasn't too surprising that his strenuous pushing could cause certain... functions to lose control to make way for more of his appendage. "NNNNGHHHH!!!~"

Before Eirjan could even try to give a warning, his knees wobbled badly while hanging from the floor. The only response Marzo heard was a muffled whimper, before his ears flagged up from the sound of liquid hitting plastic below their feet. Eirjan's eyes clenched tightly shut, and he quivered in a mixture of embarrassment and arousal as he lost control of his bladder. As the yellow gem in his cock glowed brightly, a surprisingly heavy torrent of hot piss shot out from his cock to douse the tarp in front of the stream.

'OH FUCK!!!'

'Welp, I just came'


':3 :3 :3 :3'

'Hehehehe, the pup is leaking~'

'Like a schoolgirl >:3'

'You call THAT a leak??'


"Oh, fuck..." Even as he tried to cram more of his forearm deeper inside of the zebra, Marzo's eyes widened in shock when he saw the strong stream of piss that refused to let up. He paused for a moment with his jaw agape, needing a second to recall what had happened upstairs earlier. Even though Eirjan explained those enchanted piercings as best as he could, Marzo wouldn't have expected for piss to be one of the qualities that would intensify as well. But alas, as the thick stream refused to let up after a minute straight, and the heavy aroma of ammonia wafted heavily within the basement, Marzo could only shudder with a deep blush as his cock hardened within his jeans. "Damn, I hope that tarp is enough~"

Without even thinking, Marzo used his free hand to wrap around Eirjan's waist without warning. He tried his best to cup his hand, before placing right in the middle of that torrent of hot piss. He shuddered with a hungry moan when he felt how warm the blast of piss was while trickling through his fingers. He didn't give any attention to the plethora of stunned emojis in the chat, and pulled his hand back while it was holding a pool of the pup's little accident. Marzo closed his eyes to get a good whiff of the strong, acrid aroma, before he eagerly sucked up the handful for a proper taste.

"Mmmmmm~" Marzo was so pent-up from that taste of Eirjan's piss, that he didn't realize how hard he shoved his other arm inward while getting more. Eirjan continued to howl out intensely as he felt more of Marzo's arm pushing in, right up to the artist's elbow. Meanwhile, as the bulge of Marzo's fist could be seen poking against the front of Eirjan's midsection, the Dom continued to pull his other hand out to collect more of that heavenly strong piss. Each eager lap of his hand elicited a strong moan, with the motions repeating over and over due to Eirjan's enhanced pissing.



'Is he part camel???'

'He's fucking lucky'

'RIP carpet...'

Luckily for the sake of Marzo's living space, it seemed that his tarp was just large enough to contain the flood of piss by the time Eirjan finally finished. His cock was still rock-hard by the time the last of his urine spurted out, and his bladder was emptied to allow for easier passage of his Dom's arm. Marzo was still hungrily licking the piss off his hand like a total pervert, but his right arm still shoved itself in deeper so the elbow could slip past the hole. He may have had no idea how Elrijan's hole could be so elastic, but he couldn't care less as he eagerly began to jerk his cock.

"NNNNGHHH!!! Yeah, take it!" Marzo was growing just as antsily as his pup, and was fully getting off from the muffled cries of pained pleasure he heard through Eirjan's hood. The zebra was squirming like mad while hanging from the chains, and his moans grew even deeper while the bulge of Marzo's fist went higher up his torso. By the time the artist was able to get a good portion of his bicep through those plump cheeks, he wasn't sure how much more Eirjan could take without splitting in two. But alas, even as he had his arm further up that ass than a ventriloquist, the lustful moans belting through the pup hood made it clear that Eirjan wasn't sated just yet.




'This CAN'T be real...'




'This is fucking wild, dudes...'

Eirjan's head hung low by the time he felt the full girth of Marzo's thick, muscular arm stretching him out far past his limits. Even though he had some enchantments to ensure his hole wouldn't be permanently wrecked, the pup still needed a moment while clenching hard around the artist's bicep. Meanwhile, Marzo could only shudder while rubbing his cock with his free hand, and tasting the strong flavor of piss in his breath. "Nnnnfffff... Holy fuck, I'm sooooo glad I closed up the shop upstairs tonight..."

"Mmmmmfffff!!~" Eirjan's whimpering moan tried to come out as audibly as he could through his hood, even though it sounded much weaker than before. Luckily though, it caught the attention of Marzo as he glanced up at him with a smirk. While he remained suspended from the ceiling, the pup turned his head so he could look down at him with narrowing eyes. Even with the entirety of Marzo's arm buried inside of him, the cheeky perk of his brows showed that he was curious about something else~

"R... Really, dude?" asked Marzo between panted breaths, even though he wasn't against it as judged by his smirk. "Even after taking all of this, you still want me to fuck ya?~"

Eirjan may have been wiped out from the fisting (as well as his massive pissing), but he immediately nodded his head like the eager slut he was. "Mmmhmm!!~"

"Jesus, where the hell did you come from?~" Despite his lingering shock, Marzo grinned back up at him before nodding his head. And much to the livestream's shock, Marzo only waited a moment before he began to slow process of pulling out his lubed-up arm.

'Wait, seriously???'


'Okay, I gotta see this!'

'It's gonna be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway'


'How about a baseball bat?~'

Even though the chat box was growing randier with increasingly perverted suggestions, Marzo kept his focus on the pup as he tried to unlodge his arm as carefully as he could. Fortunately, despite how tightly Eirjan's hole was clenching around his arm, Marzo's generous lubrication helped to allow him to slip it out with relative ease. By the time his elbow slipped back out from the zebra's opening, Marzo could feel how badly Eirjan was shivering with a lumbering moan through the hood. But much to the artist's shock, even as he pulled back enough to get back to his wrist, his eyes widened when he felt that hole still clenching tightly. "... Uhhh... Okay, now I'm getting more jealous than scared..."

Marzo took a second to unclench his fist inside of Eirjan, allowing it to be as straight as it could for an easy unlodging. And as Eirjan shuddered in wait above him, the artist only waited another moment before saying, "Well, here it goes, bud!"


"NNNNNFFFFFFF!!!~" Eirjan almost came on the spot when he felt that brutal pull of Marzo's arm, which caused the fist to pop out like he was uncorking a champagne bottle. The Dom actually pulled back so hard, that he stumbled back and fell ass-first in the puddle of Eirjan's piss in the tarp. Even though he wasn't too upset about being soaked in so much musky piss, Marzo grimaced a bit when he looked down at his outfit. "Awww, shit... I guess I gotta do laundry afte this..."

Eirjan couldn't keep himself from snickering muffledly when he overheard that remark. Even though he knew better than to mock his Dom, it wouldn't be surprising if he hoped for a brutal retaliation from Marzo. Luckily for the horny pup, Marzo's ears perked up well enough to indicate he heard that inappropriate response. And with a newly revitalized grin up at the pup, Marzo narrowed his eyes on him and asked, "Oh, you think that's funny?~"

The very moment Marzo got back up on his feet, he pulled off his piss-soaked shirt with a single tug of the sleeve; the moment his bare torso was revealed to Eirjan, the pup's eyes widened when he saw the impressive ink-work that adorned his toned chest. A large, highly-detailed necklace tattoo was wrapped around his shoulders and chest, with a Zebrican medallion resting in the middle of some spiraled stripes. Of course, when the artist undid his pants, the entire chat blew up from seeing the number of sexualized tattoos that went around his groin region. The infamous 'OwO' symbol was engraved right below his belly button, while a circle of rainbow-colored five-pointed stars were around his crotch. Eirjan could see a few more unexpected pieces of artwork that covered various pieces of Marzo's form; but since the zebra's cock was fully erect and throbbing, all that the pup could think about was how quickly he could get his Dom to cum.

"Ohhhhhh, you're in for it now, bitch~" Marzo was grinning wider than a fat kid in a pastry shop, and was eyeing Eirjan's waiting hole like it was the last apple fritter in stock. The zebra lunged in without warning, and caused Eirjan to shriek out through his hood when he shoved his cock between those plump cheeks. Since the pup's hole was already slathered with plenty of lube from Marzo's arm, the artist didn't feel any hesitance when it came to just thrusting in at full-force. Both of them moaned out deeply the instant Marzo got balls-deep in the pup, as it was revealed that the earlier fisting did nothing against Eirjan's tightness. Not only was the pup's hole still tight enough to wrap snug around that shaft, but Marzo was already throbbing hard due to how pent-up he had gotten since his last climax. "Nnnnfffff... I hope I can fill you up proper, bud~"

With the webcam still going, and the horny notifications still coming in like mad, Marzo quickly went to work fucking Eirjan from behind. His muscular physique emphasized just how much stamina the artist had, as he pounded that slutty pup hole without mercy or fatigue. Marzo and Eirjan's balls could be heard repeatedly smacking against one another like a Newton's Cradle, although it was hard to catch that over the boisterous groans both zebras were belting out. Eirjan was moaning like a mare in heat, and trying his hardest to push his hips back in tandem with Marzo's thrusts. Meanwhile, Marzo was groaning through gritted teeth as he pounded that ass for all it was worth, absolutely loving how tight that hole still felt with every effortless fuck-stroke he gave.

"Aaaahhh!!~ Oh, fuck you feel good!" The artist's growling words of praise caused Eirjan to moan out even deeper through his hood, and his head to reel back as far as his half-lidded eyes. One of Marzo's hands wrapped around to grab Eirjan's cock, and he vigorously began to jerk him off so both zebras could get their much-needed climaxes. He even rested his chin against Eirjan's shoulder, holding him close as both of their cocks throbbed harder in each other's grasps. Their intense fucking lasted for only another couple of minutes, but the session was still hot enough to allow several more donations to come flooding in.

"Aaaaaahhhhh!!!~ I... I'm gonna cum, little pup!!~"

"Mmmmfffff... Mmm... Muh Tuh!!~"

"Oh yeah... Y-You ready to shoot?~"


"Y-You wanna be filled up to the fucking brim?~"






Their back and forth finally came to a close the moment Marzo clenched his eyes tightly shut, and delivered one final thrust deep inside of the zebra to leave them both reeling in ecstasy. Both of their moans joined in unison, sounding like some twisted symphony by the time their cocks finally unloaded at the same time. Marzo kept himself balls-deep inside of Eirjan, and moaned out wholeheartedly as he shot rope after rope deep inside of the slutty zebra. Eirjan's head lurched back down, and his final moan reverberated strongly through his hood while shooting extremely heavy ropes of cum all across the piss-soaked tarp. Since the zebra's white gem piercing was glowing brightly against the underside of his cock, his second orgasm of the night resulted in just as generous of a cumshot as the one he gave earlier in Marzo's studio. Nearly another gallon of thick, musky splooge flooded the already doused tarp below their feet, which only added to the perverted cocktail that left the basement reeking of piss and cum.

By the time both zebras came down from their lustful highs (with Eirjan needing much longer due to the enhanced orgasm he gave on camera), Marzo could barely keep himself upright due to how badly his knees were buckling. The Dom had to hold onto Eirjan's back tightly, keeping himself deeply buried inside of the pup with his cock still throbbing. If this was any other instance of pup-fucking, Marzo would've likely pulled out after finishing inside of him; but in this case, the artist was fortunate enough to remember what Eirjan whispered in his ear earlier. Much like that full-arm fisting, the pervy puppy happened to have one last request that Marzo was more than happy to oblige.

Of course, before his cock could soften up inside of the twitching zebra, Marzo managed to relax himself just enough to follow a similar physical response as Eirjan had. His eyes remained closed, and he only needed a couple breaths before being able to relieve himself. "Nnnghhh... Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh~"

Marzo could safely admit that before Eirjan came along, he had never considered pissing inside of a dude before. But as his cock remained inside of the pup's freshly-creamed hole, Marzo couldn't hold back his relieved sigh as he unloaded his bladder straight inside of Eirjan's ass. The bound zebra moaned out deeply through his hood, and shuddered from the feeling of immense warmth that flooded his insides with a heavy torrent of hot piss. The sensation left his nerves tingling intensely, and his blush deepened as that warmth radiated outward throughout his body. By the time Marzo finally finished relieving himself, Eirjan almost looked pregnant from the sheer amount of piss that left his belly swollen.

Of course, that analogy was only made more apparent when Marzo took his pup by surprise, and pulled his cock out with a single thrust. "NNNGHHH!!!"

"MMMMPHHHH!!!~" Eirjan's legs quivered while he hung from his bondage, and he felt all that hot piss and cum erupting out of his ass like his water just broke. The livestream viewers went absolutely nuts when they saw that enema-esque finale, not having realized what Marzo did inside of him prior to that pullout. Marzo sighed with a blissful smile as he sat down naked in the computer chair, allowing him to get a proper view of Eirjan in his post-coital state. Meanwhile, the slutty pup continued to moan weakly through his hood, and basked in the afterglow of his raunchy session with his cock hanging flaccidly between his legs.

"Man..." Marzo took a moment to glance back at the livestream page, and whistled to himself upon seeing the high total of donations the two managed to collect. Of course, even with his happy he felt about their successful stream, his eyes eventually glanced down at the ruined tarp that was lying on the ground with a puddle of piss and cum. "... fuck, that's gonna take forever to clean up..."


Despite how long the cleanup actually took, Marzo was somewhat pleased that it didn't actually take them "forever." However, even with Eirjan's assistance, the two still spent a couple hours cleaning out the basement after closing their stream. The artist may have been grateful about not making any spills on his carpet, but he really wished he had a better method of preparation than a single sheet of tarp on the floor. He and Eirjan spent a long time lugging out the tarp filled with various body fluids, and were just barely able to keep from spilling anything until they got outside.

"Ughhh... we should've invested in a kiddie pool or something," said Marzo, who had to slump down on the couch following their extensive cleanup. Both his and Eirjan's clothes were going through the washing machine, which left the zebras completely nude in the freshly-cleaned living space. While Eirjan laid sprawled-out in the loveseat, Marzo sighed in contentment before adding, "Still though, at least I don't have to scrub piss-stains out of the carpet again."

"Heh~" Eirjan looked fairly wiped-out, but the fact that he was still sitting comfortable felt like a downright miracle from Marzo's perspective. Enchantments or not, Eirjan could tell that his Dom was still confounded by how well he handled such an intense session on their very first night together. "Wait, have you done stuff like this before down here?" he asked curiously. "I mean, I kinda figured you have. What, with all that talk of your past and all. But still, I mean..."

During Eirjan's pause, Marzo just huffed and said with a roll of his eyes, "Well, I never went that far down here. The last time I fisted a dude like that, it was for a porno shoot in an emptied out pool."

"Whoa! Seriously?" Eirjan's face lit up while gawking at the artist, not having expected to learn that detail. However, the zebra only needed to blink a couple times before his expression softened in understanding. "Huh... Well, I suppose that explains why we got so many viewers so quickly."

Marzo blushed a little in embarrassment, and tried to look away from the nude zebra bashfully. "Yeah, I... I definitely carried more pride in my side-work than my Ex did. Although to be fair, he was going into career prospects that looked down on that stuff. If anything, I'm just glad he was able to get into the work he has now without his reputation being tarnished, you know?"

"Oh yeah, that's totally true." Eirjan was quick to nod his head back at Marzo, and made sure to add, "And don't worry, I won't try to ask who it is. I know how important it is to keep things private."

"Well, thank you," said Marzo graciously. "But still though... I certainly feel lucky to have found someone as open-minded as you are~"

Eirjan's smirk was just as wide as Marzo's. "Dude, you're calling me open-minded? Not many guys would agree to going that wild in their home, dude."

"Yeah, and not many guys would've suggested it either~" Both of the zebras shared a lighthearted chuckle following that retort, which allowed for Marzo to think for a moment before speaking more truthfully. "And honestly, I... I wouldn't be against trying more stuff out sometime... I-If you're interested, of course."

That statement caused Eirjan's brows to raise up in surprise. "Wait, really? You... You wanna keep going?"

"Well, not right now," he made sure to say with great insistence. "I mean, I don't know about you, but I'm fucking wiped-out after all that cleanup!"

"Oh! Me too, me too..." Eirjan huffed with a nervous smile, and scratched the back of his neck while clarifying, "I just meant, like... did you really wanna keep... doing stuff together?"

Due to how much Eirjan was blushing following that question, Marzo made sure to respond with a sincere smile on his face. "Dude, do you know how hard it is to find a stud like you? Given all the half-assed 'subs' I had to deal with online, you're like a pot of friggin' gold!"

That compliment got Eirjan to look away with a gracious smile, even if it was nearly covered by his heavy blush. However, he still appeared thankful when he heard Marzo add, "Plus, I mean... Given how well we clicked, I think it would be a huge missed opportunity if we didn't keep going, right?"

With that point in mind, Eirjan's nod made it clear that he was thinking the exact same thing. "Yeah," he admitted with a sheepish smile back at the artist, "I... I can't really deny that either."

Marzo scooted himself towards the side of the couch, allowing for Eirjan to come over and sit beside him for the night. As the nude zebra got up to rest alongside his new friend, the shop above remained closed as both of them basked in the afterglow of a very passionate session. Neither of them said anything, and just appreciated each other's warmth as they snuggled close together. Music was playing faintly from the laptop's speakers, which helped to add some much-needed ambience to the place after their fun. And by the time both of their eyelids began to feel heavier, Marzo was the first to speak up. "So, uhhh... you need a place to crash tonight, Eirjan? Because after all the kinky shit we did, I wouldn't be against sharing my bed~"

Eirjan giggled with a more pronounced blush, and looked up at him with a cheeky smirk. "Oh, really now? I gotta say, you're pretty upfront for someone I just met a few hours ago~"

Marzo just scoffed back at him, and asked in a more matter-of-fact tone of voice, "Oh, I'm being upfront now? No offense, but shoving my entire arm up someone's ass is usually reserved as a third date sort of thing~"

That retort got Eirjan to laugh out-loud, and he eventually relented with an understanding shrug. "Alright, alright. Touchè..."

He took a moment to stop giggling, and looked up at Marzo with a warmer smile. "But with that being said, I certainly wouldn't mind sleeping with you. I mean, in the literal sense, of course."

"That's all I wanted to hear." The tatted zebra was the first to get up, and took Eirjan's hand as they walked towards his bedroom. Due to how tired both of them felt, the two nearly collapsed on the bed before nestling up close with one another. Eirjan hummed sweetly as he felt Marzo's nude body hugging him tightly from behind, holding him in a spooning stance on top of the bed. And as both of them fell into a sweet and sensual slumber, neither of them felt any regrets as they slept soundlessly throughout the night.

Gideon: The Luckiest Unlucky Fox

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Pierced Pleasure - Chapter One

Even though the sun had only just set about twenty minutes prior, the neon lights around the shop's windows were already shining brighter than the streetlamps outside. Just above the eye-catchingly bright purple lights, the name Kupigwa juu ya Ink was...

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Judy Gets Tickled Off-Duty

- Are you there yet? :P - - ... - - Hello? - - Sorry, traffic was really hectic. I just walked into the mall - -Okay cool. :D - - I hope you're ready~ \>:3 - - \>\_\< - - Hehehehehe~ - "Nnnfff~" The very moment that response...

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