Pierced Pleasure - Chapter One

Story by Troius Clawston on SoFurry

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#1 of Pierced Pleasure

One one particular night, tattoo artist Marzo wasn't expecting much to occur while manning his shop by himself. However, when a fellow zebra entered his business for some piercings, it doesn't take long for him to realize how compatible the two were. The customer, a spry-looking hunk by the name of Eirjan, was wanting to get his nipples pierced by a legit zebrican artist. And after seeing how well Eirjan responded to the experience, Marzo was curious about making their session more... electrifying~

NOTE: This story was a commissioned piece for Eirjan, and more of my work can be found on my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/TheVClaw

Even though the sun had only just set about twenty minutes prior, the neon lights around the shop's windows were already shining brighter than the streetlamps outside. Just above the eye-catchingly bright purple lights, the name Kupigwa juu ya Ink was painted in a bold tribal font in front of a zebra-striped background. Regardless of how foreign the business' name may have sounded, it was obvious with one glance through its front windows that the place was a tattoo and piercing setup. Two plush, black leather chairs were set up by the windows, and presented beside stainless-steel setups meant to emphasize safety and cleanliness. However, given how barren the street was that night, with the only accompanying business being the abandoned building across the shop, those two chairs remained empty as the night began to settle in.

"Ughhhhh..." Since it was so early in the evening, the buff zebra manning the front desk wasn't too worried about the slow output. Given how it was still the middle of the week, there was still plenty of time to get an influx of tattoo or piercing requests before the weekend rush. Not to mention, it gave the artist more than enough time to practice some personal designs on his notebook. His legs constantly fidgeted weight from one to the other the longer he stood in his black boots; but even with the slight grimace on his face, the zebra seemed hesitant to sit himself down while focusing on his drawing.

The old notebook was tightly clasped in his muscular hands, while his pencil diligently scrawled across the pages to flesh out his latest design. The cartoonish caricature of an angry beaver showed a lot of expression and depth in its two-dimensional medium, even while trapped in its temporary monochromatic prison. The drawing almost looked like it was glaring at the zebra through its page, while it was tightly clutching the thick bars of a prison cell with its head sticking through the gap.

"Heh~" The more he sketched the beaver out with his pencil, the wider his smirk grew in amusement. The intensity he managed to replicate in the drawing's eyes made him blush in pride, and he couldn't help muttering to himself. "Don't worry, little guy. Marzo's gonna give you an awesome place on someone soon."

His smile turned more content when he glanced over at his readily prepped station. Right above his toolbox filled with piercing and tattoo machinery, a large cork-board was set up to display the various sketches and art pieces ready to be tattooed. Most of them were wild, cartoonish doodles meant to emulate the comic designs of decades ago. There were also several mandalas and tribal arrangements, which usually sold like hotcakes due to his nationality. Even though those of those "authentic" zebra designs were based on patterns he found on the internet, he couldn't deny how often they paid off his rent before the first week was over. But as his eyes veered down at the unfilled corner of his cork board, he smiled for a second before glancing back at his pissed-off prison beaver.

"Hmmm... I wonder how you'd look wi--"


"O-Oh!" Marzo was quick to pull himself from his thoughts, and tucked his notebook behind the front desk the moment he heard the bell at the front door. His cheeks were slightly blushed in embarrassment, but he wasn't too worried about that being noticed due to his overall appearance. All down the length of both his well-toned arms, a multitude of colorful tattoos stood out prominently along the white stripes of his fur. He was also wearing a dark grey t-shirt that was purposely a couple sizes too small, which helped to accentuate most of the curves across his muscular physique. Just below the hem of his shirt, his skinny jeans seemed to carry just as little subtlety from the way his crotch hugged every inch of its denim confines.

With all those features combined, Marzo looked downright eye-catching the moment he leaned beside the front desk of the shop with a waiting smirk. When the guest finally entered, Marzo's brows raised up while greeting him with a smile. "Hello there! It's nice to see a new face tonight. Anything I can help you with?"

"Uhhhhh..." After the front door closed behind him, the new zebra was looking rather blushed as he stood before Marzo. Unlike the artist, whose fur was the basic black & white setup expected from most zebras, the other happened to have bright red stripes instead of the standard black. He also had no visible tattoos either, not they were needed to help his muscled pecs stand out beneath his pink tanktop. Instead, Marzo was able to see that the zebra had several piercings along both of his ears, as well as a couple of pointed studs protruding from under his bottom lip. Aside from that, the only big feature the zebra sported was a sharp blush smile smiling back at Marzo. "W-Well, I... I was kinda curious about getting some piercings done?"

"Ah! Sure thing, dude." Marzo went behind the counter with a smile, and pulled out the paperwork for the zebra to fill out. "Well, I'm guessing you know the drill by now. But before we fill in your info, you mind telling me what kind of piercing you were wanting?"

Marzo's smile looked just as comforting as it was flirtatious, and his stare was alluring enough to make the zebra glance away bashfully. Even though Marzo wasn't usually the type to act this upfront with clientele, he didn't seem too worried about backlash when he caught sight of the pink triangle earring dangling from the guy's right lobe. Fortunately for the artist, the red-striped hunk didn't seem too uncomfortable while rubbing his forearm nervously. "Ummm..." After looking through the sheet of paperwork Marzo handed him, the zebra picked up a pen to check in one of the listed boxes. "Well, I was hoping to maybe get... these done if possible."

The zebra made sure to include his name at the top, before turning the paper around so Marzo could read what he had emphasized. At the top of the form was the name Eirjan, right beside the checked box indicating he was wanting a piercing. But just below that section of the form, Marzo's eyes widened in surprise upon seeing the other checked box below it. While the boxes for 'Ears,' 'Bellybutton,' and 'Nose' remained bare, there was only a single entry which had a black check right beside it...

"Oooh! Wanting some nipple piercings, I see~" Marzo shrugged his head with an approving smirk, and handed back the form so he could finish the details. "Sounds good to me, Mister Eirjan. Judging by the facial pieces you already have, I'm guessing you don't have that many big questions?"

"Uhhh, n-not really, no..." Eirjan was trying hard not to look so flustered, but Marzo took notice of the zebra's blush just as quickly as his sheepish chuckle. Even as he filled out the rest of his form, Eirjan had to scratch the back of his neck between quick glances at the artist. "Sorry, I just... I heard about this place from a few people, but I was worried whether or not it was actually, like..."

Due to how much his words trailed off following that pause, it took Marzo a moment to realize what Eirjan was trying to say. Luckily, the artist was quick to skew his muzzle while tilting his head back at him. "Lemme guess. You've been to places before that claimed to feature Zebrican artists, only to find it was just a marketing ploy?"

Eirjan's ears dropped down a little in embarrassment, and he tried to give an apologetic smile through his blush. "I'm guessing that's more common than I thought?"

"Unfortunately, yeah." Marzo picked up the form after Eirjan filled out all the required sections, and continued to speak while reading through the details. "So many guys just blindly assume that Zebrican tattooing is just a 'style,' and that any artist can pull off the craft without experience. And while there are some impressive Zebrican tribal pieces I've seen from other species, it doesn't change the fact that it isn't authentic, you know? Not trying to make any problematic opinions or anything, I'm just being honest."

"Hey, I'm right there with you," assured Eirjan with one of his hands raised insistently. "I tried going to this other place last week for piercings, but the so-called 'Zebrican' piercer was a friggin' ferret! I mean, he had I.D. to prove was born in Zebrica, so it technically wasn't a lie. But still!"

"I think I actually know that guy." Marzo chuckled to himself when he went back to his chair, motioning for Eirjan to follow. "Honestly, he's really good at neo-traditional and color work. I'd honestly recommend him if it wasn't for the whole 'Zebrican' thing he insists on..."

The zebra gulped nervously while being led towards Marzo's station, but he wasn't too hesitant to keep from pulling off his tanktop. With his midsection left totally bare, his red stripes hugged across his toned muscles to better accentuate his studly figure. Of course, since Eirjan was feeling too flustered to stare back at the artist directly, he wasn't able to see the quick double-take Marzo gave the instant he saw those toned pecs. His eyes veered down to glance at Eirjan's rock-hard abs, which caused Marzo to whistle involuntarily; fortunately, the artist tried to play that response off as intentional, as he gave his plush chair a couple smacks to catch Eirjan's attention. "Alright, buddy! Just get yourself comfortable, and I'll get things started."

Eirjan smiled with a thankful nod, and tried to relax himself as he sat down in the chair. Meanwhile, Marzo went to his toolkit to pull out the piercing equipment he needed, as well as the disinfectant he had beside his station. "So Eirjan," he asked with a lighthearted smile, "is this the first time doing a non-facial piercing?"

"Uhhhh, not really..." Even though his smile looked a bit more natural while in the chair, Eirjan couldn't help but squirm bashfully while shirtless. "I, uhhh... I technically already have several piercings elsewhere..."

"Do you now?" Marzo looked back at him with a raised brow, needing a moment to ascertain where Eirjan may have been hiding some additional body art. However, since the zebra had no visible piercings along his chest or back, the only remaining place to be seen was tightly covered by his jeans. Marzo only needed a couple blinks before he started to blush in realization. "Oh... OH!"

His eyes veered down at Eirjan's crotch for a split-second, while the red zebra himself just looked away with an embarrassed smile. "Yeah, uhhh... I have a row of studs that go along my shaft..."

Despite how overly specific that detail may have been, it was more than enough to make Marzo's eyes bulge out in shock. "Oh, damn!~" He looked back down at Eirjan's crotch with a more impressed smirk, and huffed with an approving nod. "You know what? That's pretty badass if you're telling the truth."

"What, you think I'm lying?" asked Eirjan with a cheeky smirk up at him. Without thinking, the zebra replied with his go-to response, "If you want me to prove it, I won't mind~ MMPHH!"

Eirjan quickly covered his muzzle with both hands, even though it did nothing to silence what he just said as a joke. Meanwhile, Marzo just gawked at the blushing zebra with a more confident smirk. "You know what? I'll take your word for it then." The artist chuckled to himself as he went back to his equipment, overhearing the remorseful groan Eirjan tried to keep concealed. "Hey, don't worry about it. If I was ballsy enough to get my dick pierced, I'd likely say shit like that too. I'm just glad you didn't do it when this place was crowded, you know?"

"Y-Yeah, uhhh..." Eirjan may have been grateful for Marzo's cavalier response, but his head still hung guiltily while he readjusted himself in the chair. "Umm, I'm sorry for saying that, though," he said sheepishly. "I wasn't trying to, like... flirt with you or anything, I swear."

Eirjan tried to give a nervous chuckle when he looked back at Marzo, hopeful his statement sounded sincere enough. But much to his surprise, he was met with a peculiar, almost disappointed-looking smirk from Marzo in response. "Wait, you weren't flirting with me?~"

Marzo had to keep from giggling when he saw how deeply Eirjan's cheeks flushed from such a question. But before the zebra could try to respond, Marzo walked past him to get his gloves. "I gotta say, you shouldn't keep a guy hanging like that." While he was standing over Eirjan in the chair, Marzo made sure to glance down at him and shoot a playful wink. "After all, given how you're looking, I'd be rather flattered to catch your eye~"

Eirjan's muzzle opened up wide for a moment, but nothing could come out while Marzo put on his black latex gloves. The artist didn't say anything else, or even look back at Eirjan while getting himself ready. Instead, Marzo just kept a faint grin visible on his muzzle, and only waited until getting his tools before looking back at his client with narrowing eyes. "So, Eirjan... Is there anything else you wanna ask before we start?"

Because of how sensually the artist's muzzle was crooked while smiling, Eirjan felt himself being inadvertently drawn up towards his eyes. His cheeks felt like they were burning against his face while blushing so heavily, and his had to bite his lips shut to keep his muzzle from going agape. But even with how coaxingly comfortable Marzo's stare may have looked, Eirjan couldn't find it in him to ask anything in that moment. So after closing his eyes to let out a shuddering breath, Eirjan readjusted his focus towards his incoming piercing. "No, I... I think we're alright, Mister Marzo."

"That's good to hear." Marzo smiled while signing his name at the bottom of the admission form beside Eirjan's. He then picked up a bundle of cottom swabs in one hand, while clutching the bottle of alcohol sanitizer in the other. He didn't show any discomfort when he leaned in close to the shirtless Eirjan, and studiously rubbed the solution over both of his nipples for sanitation. The zebra hissed a little through his teeth due to how cold the alcohol was; however, Marzo merely smirked with a huff while continuing the process. "So, what got you to want nipple piercings now?" he asked while looking down at Eirjan with intrigue. "Most guys usually save dick piercings for last, don't they?"

"Yeah, I suppose..." Eirjan squirmed a little in his seat, but remained still when he saw Marzo picking up one of the metal tools. It looked like a long, thin variant of tongs which were made of pure stainless steel, and had a ring-shaped prong at the end of its clamped tip. In Marzo's other hand was a small medical pouch, which had a paper tab ready to be ripped for the disposable needle waiting inside. Even though the sight of that tiny tool made him wince in his seat, Eirjan maintained his smile while shrugging up at Marzo. "Well, I originally got the piercings as a way to get it over with, you know? Like... 'Let's take care of the big one so the rest doesn't feel as bad,' that kind of thing. But the funny thing is that, uhhh..."

That was when Eirjan saw Marzo rip open the pouch, and pull out the thin needle that was pinched between two of his latex-covered digits. The needle was more than long enough to pierce through the skin without issue, and featured a curved tip to help guarantee deep puncture on the first try. Marzo looked back at Eirjan with a curious smile, and held the needle tightly in his grip. "The funny thing is what?" he asked playfully with a smile. "Don't worry, I won't judge."

"Heh..." Despite how disbelieving his smile may have looked, Eirjan could only huff while nodding back at the artist. As he tried to lay back still in the chair, his eyes clasped tightly shut in an attempt to hide the guilty look on his face. "W-Well, uhhh... Let's just say that... I originally only meant to get one dick piercing, but I..."

During his pause, Eirjan had to look away from Marzo with an embarrassed blush. "... I kinda... I liked it so much that I had him keep going."

Of all the statements Marzo could've heard as a piercer, that was what got his brows raised up rightfully high. Eirjan continued to keep his muzzle firmly elsewhere, leaving him ignorant of Marzo's curious smile. His eyes veered down at the zebra's crotch for a moment, while the end of his metal pliers went down to clasp the first nipple. The metal prongs were lined with a thick rubber to cushion the grip, but Eirjan still let out a pained gasp when he felt that tool's merciless pinch. "Honestly, that's not something you should be embarrassed about," said Marzo with a firm, unrelenting tone that guaranteed sincerity in Eirjan's ears. "Heck, given how many times I've pierced so-called 'tough guys' who claim to handle it, it's always nice to get a client who really knows how to anticipate it. You get what I mean?~"

Eirjan's hands clasped the ends of his armrests tightly, as did the pressure of his teeth against his tongue. The zebra didn't want to show too much hesitence, but it was becoming difficult to keep from squirming in his seat. However, that wasn't necessarily due to feeling uncomfortable underneath Marzo's firm stance. In fact, when Eirjan caught sight of that long needle in Marzo's hand, standing out against the black latex like an intimidating marine-hook, his cheeks flushed out tremendously deep before he shuddered antsily.

His eyes veered up to see the deep, sensual grin that Marzo was shooting back down at him. As the artist's smirk skewed from one end of his muzzle towards the other, he peered back downward to focus on that nipple tightly clasped in the pliers. His eyes narrowed in concentration, while the tip of his needle went in towards the tool's circular prong as a target. "So, should I anticipate anything before I do this?" Marzo looked back at his face with his cocky smile unchanged. "I don't wanna get hit in the eye with anything if I pierce something too tender~"

Eirjan winced with an embarrassed groan, and writhed a little in his chair. His legs tried to wrap around one another tightly, but that only provided more focus towards the bulge tightening at the crotch of his jeans. Marzo's eyes weren't careless enough to be caught peering down at that, but his smirk made it obvious that he was aware of its presence. Meanwhile, Eirjan could only grimace with a shameful blush before muttering under his breath, "I, uhhh... I promise I won't be too loud, alright?"

Given how feebly the zebra made that reassuring statement, Marzo had to pause long enough to shoot him a warm smile. "Hey, it's no big deal, dude. The place is empty, so I won't get upset. In fact..."

While his dominant hand kept hold of the curved needle, Marzo extended out the pinky to teasingly grace against the nape of Eirjan's chest. The client's lips bit tightly shut, and his body tensed up greatly beneath the smirking zebra. Marzo kept his eyes focused on every movement of Eirjan's expression, prepared to pull back the split-second he sensed any limits being crossed between them. However, due to how badly Eirjan's jeans were getting tented from the tightness of his prong, Marzo had a good feeling his assumption was just what he wanted to hear:

"... considering how you came here when I was the only artist on shift, I have a feeling that you wanted a solo session like this, huh?~"

Marzo leaned in closer to Eirjan's conflicted-looking expression, perking his brows for emphasis to match his grin. For a moment, Eirjan looked downright worried due to how confidently Marzo was staring him down. However, after taking one last glance down at the needle still firmly grasped in Marzo's hand, the only thing Eirjan could do was huff before looking back at the artist with a weak smirk of his own. "W-Well, ummm... I'm guessing you have experience with this already?"

"You can say that," admitted Marzo while shrugging lightly. "I've been to a few fetish conventions that specialized in that kind of stuff. Not gonna lie, it's pretty fun seeing guys in purple bondage squirming under me~"

Eirjan squirmed especially badly after that teasing quip, which caused his ankles to curl up tightly against one another. As he writhed in the seat, Eirjan tried to speak up mindlessly in an attempt to distract from his bulging crotch. "I, uhh! I... I actually have one of those purple harnesses at home. I haven't had the chance to use it yet though."

"What a coincidence," said Marzo, whose eyes narrowed on Eirjan while the needle got in position. "I happen to have some stuff like that around here right now~"

Eirjan's eyes widened immensely, just the same as Marzo's wickedly sly smirk. "If you're curious," he began with a friendly tone of voice as he pulled his head back, "I can easily get some of that stuff out to show you. Heck, I can even risk putting up the 'Closed' sign for a few hours, since tonight usually isn't busy anyway..."

As his eyes repeatedly blinked in shock, Eirjan wasn't able to speak out when his muzzle opened up. Instead, Marzo put down his needle on the metal tray, and reached out to press his finger over the zebra's lips. "But! That's only if you're cool with that sort of thing. I mean, consent is pretty important in these situations, right? Or if you want, I can just pierce your nipples and have you on your way."

With the way Marzo smiled more genuinely at him, Eirjan can tell that he legitimately wouldn't be upset if he chose the latter option. But despite how comforted he may have felt, Eirjan's heavy blush remained as he looked back at the shop's front doors. He bit his bottom lip for a moment in contemplation, but let go when he turned back to Marzo bashfully. "Are... Are you serious about the whole... 'C-Closing up shop' thing?"

Marzo grinned especially wide, and put down his tools so he could stand upright again. "Well, that depends on how private you want this to be. For example..." As he went to turn the deadbolt on the front doors, Marzo glanced back at his client with a devious grin. "If I threw up the curtain to cover up the front windows, would you be alright with getting pierced bottomless? I mean, if the doors are locked anyway, why not?~"

Eirjan had to take a second to process how drastically things were progressing. Even though he had to breathe out a couple times in bafflement, the zebra was still sporting a wide grin that bordered between excitement and being scared shitless. After closing his eyes for a split-second, Eirjan breathed out before giving the artist an affirmative nod. With that, Marzo nodded back before going to pull the curtain over his shop's window; as the thick velvet curtain draped across the large window, and the 'Closed' sign hung prominently over the front doors, Eirjan hoped he wouldn't literally get caught with his pants around his ankles.

"Nnnnghhh..." The zebra groaned in slight embarrassment as he looked down at himself, realizing too late that he chose to wear a jockstrap to this piercing session. Even though that wasn't a bad thing, the zebra still felt exposed with his toned ass already sticking out within the jock's elastic bands. Meanwhile, the garment's black and red-lined cup was straining badly enough to test the properties of its thick fabric; but even with how securely his cock may have been contained within the jockstrap's cup, Marzo did a double-take when he saw every distinct line that hugged across the garment's elastic fabric. And with the way that bulge was tenting out the cup to its tightest limits, there likely wasn't a single detail of Eirjan's cock that could be missed.

In fact, Marzo's eyes widened the moment he saw several tiny nubs that were sticking out against the fabric, which went along the underside of Eirjan's rigid shaft. Even with the earlier admission Eirjan gave earlier about his experience getting cock piercings, getting a "candid" view of the studs upclose caused his head to tilt in puzzlement. "Huh... Wow, I wouldn't have expected them to be pierced in like that."

"Huh?" Eirjan glanced down at his crotch, apparently not realizing how tightly his jockstrap was emphasizing certain features. As soon as he realized his mistake, he yelped in embarrassment and cupped his crotch with both hands. "J-Jeeze! I, uhhh... I thought I was wearing boxers today, I swear."

"Hey, come on now..." Marzo walked back up towards the chair, and leaned against one of the armrests while grinning down at the zebra. "I already put up the 'Closed' sign, remember? You don't gotta be so shy behind the curtain, so pull those hands away."

Marzo shot his client a sultry wink, which caused Eirjan to look away with a blushed whimper. However, after only a second or two of hesitance, Eirjan shivered a little while slipping his hands away from his crotch. "Thank you," said Marzo in a deep and brooding tone, while his free hand rested atop Eirjan's shoulder.

The artist leaned himself against the back of Eirjan's chair, looming over him with a more dominant smirk on his face. Since the zebra's bulging jockstrap was left uncovered and exposed, Eirjan could only grasp the armrests again as the metal prong returned to his nipple. He grimaced through gritted teeth when he felt those cold rubber nubs holding him in place. Meanwhile, Marzo's other hand could be felt traveling down the length of Eirjan's torso. "So, just for the sake of knowing each other's limits, I just gotta ask..." With that, Marzo's gloved digits rested right atop the waistband of Eirjan's garment. "... would it be alright to pull this back, big guy?~"

Eirjan tensed himself up while tightly clasping his seat, but made sure to nod at Marzo with a nervous smile. Because of that, the artist was grinning lewdly by the time he yanked down Eirjan's jock. The zebra's thick, ebony cock sprung out from the codpiece like a jack-in-a-box, throbbing rigidly as it stood unobstructed between Eirjan's legs. But even with how impressive his endowment may have looked, Marzo's jaw went agape when he saw the line of circular, and perfectly symmetrical gems that were pierced into Eirjan's cock like bedazzled studs. Not to mention, Eirjan's black shaft helped to accentuate each gem's individual colors, making them stand out beautifully as an accent for his overall length.

"Ho... H-Holy shit..." Marzo was stunned beyond words, and even needed a moment before using such a blunt expletive as his first response. Luckily for Eirjan, he was quick to see the astounded smile that spread across Marzo's muzzle. "Wow! Dude, if that's what you managed to handle before, I'm really glad you came to me for these nips~"

Eirjan wanted to smile gratefully down at the artist, but that was before Marzo got himself in position at the first nipple. The zebra clenched his eyes shut the instant he saw the needle getting right up against the prong. "Alright, Eirjan," said Marzo, making sure to look up at him curiously. "You ready?~"

Eirjan let out a faint, shuddering breath as he grasped his armrests tighter than before. Then after a quick inhale, the zebra nodded his head while his cock twitched readily against his stomach. "Y-Yeah, I'm good! Count me down..."

"Sounds good!" Marzo made sure the needle was right in place at the prong's curved opening, and began the countdown for his client. "Alright, Eirjan, hold that breath! And we're going in three--"

Marzo grunted with a smirk as he pushed the needle through without warning, prompting Eirjan to belt out a pained yelp in the chair. "GNAAHHH!!" The zebra leaned forward in his seat, and clenched his eyes shut as he tried to breathe out slowly through his pursed lips. Meanwhile between his squirming legs, Eirjan's cock was spasming especially hard with every throb it made atop his waist. The artist would've been blind to miss such a strong physical response to a piercing -- especially since Eirjan's cock was less than foot from his face during -- but for the sake of Eirjan's dignity, the tatted zebra said nothing about it. Fortunately, Marzo's quick puncture ensured that the thick stud would remain imbedded at both sides of the client's nipple without any further precaution. However, that also meant that all the attention was pinned on the unpierced nipple which remained on Eirjan's chest.

"See, that wasn't so bad, was it?" asked Marzo, who made sure to shoot Eirjan a comforting smirk while dabbing a cotton swab over the pierced points. Eirjan winced with a brief groan while the blood was being dabbed away from his nipple, leaving only the thick stud that went beneath it from both ends. Of course, the very moment Eirjan felt those cold pliers getting up against his other nipple, his groan was much more pronounced while writhing in place. Meanwhile, Marzo just said with a shrug, "Yeah, I guess you already know the drill, huh? All your anticipation blocks out the pain from that first piercing, which means it'll all come rolling in full-force for this one~"

Marzo already had a fresh needle in his gloved hand, and he didn't wait for Eirjan to take a breath before getting in position. Luckily, the artist did pause long enough to keep his devilish pointed up for Eirjan to see. The zebra's cock remained exposed and untouched, left only to twitch and hang beneath Marzo's torment. Meanwhile, Eirjan tried to keep his mouth open when the artist asked, "So, about what I said earlier... Would you want me to get some of that bondage gear to try out after this?~"

With the way Marzo was glancing up at him with that mischievous grin, it was clear that he was down for whatever kinky ideas may have been flowing through Eirjan's head. Fortunately for the artist, his client didn't show too much hesitance as his smile widened dorkishly. Eirjan's exhale came out as a shaky shudder that resembled a nervous giggle; but despite how blushed he may have been, he was quick to nod up at Marzo while narrowing his eyes. "W-Well, I mean... I forgot to wear a harness for this, didn't I? It would be irresponsible to keep going unprepared after that..."

Marzo's grin turned more amused upon hearing the confidence in Eirjan's statement. Even with how overwhelmed the zebra may have looked, Marzo could tell that he was eager to get more after this piercing. And given how temptingly thick that pierced cock was looking, the artist would've been crazy to turn down a stud who enjoyed this kind of kinky fun. So as soon as he got himself in position, Marzo made sure to ask Eirjan cheekily, "So, should I give another countdown then?~"

Eirjan was looking right back at Marzo that time, with his lips tightly pursed shut. He was blushing hard as his eyes darted between Marzo's waiting smirk, and that intimidating needle aimed right at his unpierced nipple. His cock throbbed direly between the two, but its studded length was left unattended for the time being. Meanwhile, Eirjan just grinned right back at the artist after that question was asked. "Honestly, I... I wouldn't mind you doing it right now~"

With the way Eirjan's eyes widened with emphasis, Marzo understood how literal the zebra meant those last two words. So before Eirjan could get any second thoughts, the piercer went right in after an affirmative nod. "Consider it done!~"

"NNNGHHHH!!!~" The moment he felt that second needle piercing through his skin, Eirjan clenched his eyes shut and arched his back away from the chair. Unlike the first piercing, which was fairly painless in comparison, Eirjan was able to feel the intense sting that came the instant Marzo's needle sunk beneath the sensitive flesh. Even though he was fully expecting the pain, the zebra still writhed with a strong grimace after the procedure was completed. But aside from a harsh groan through his teeth, Eirjan was able to stay still (for the most part, at least). Meanwhile, Marzo dabbed some more of the alcohol-soaked cotton across the pierced region, while sneaking a few glances down at Eirjan's still-twitching erection. "Gnnaaaaahhhhhhh..."

"Yeah, I hear you there, dude," cooed Marzo sympathetically while cleaning up the wounds. "I will say though, you totally proved me right with how well you handled them. You took those piercings like a champ!"

"Heh~ Thanks..." Since his dick was already standing out freely between them, Eirjan felt bold enough to smirk back at the artist while bringing a hand down. He motioned his head down to his crotch, while using his hand to teasingly dangle his pierced cock. "I was told I took these pretty well back then too~"

"Yeah, I bet~" Marzo only took the slightest glimpse at Eirjan's member, and gave his chest a playful smack as he walked past his chair. "Stay right there, man. I have a feeling you'll like what I have stashed back here..."

Eirjan shuddered a little with an antsy smile, but he remained in place while Marzo disappeared to the back room. While he waited the zebra took a moment to glance at his new piercings through the mirror. Upon closer inspection, Eirjan couldn't help smiling pridefully when he saw how well-applied and symmetrically the piercings went across his nipples. Not to mention, his smirk widened when he saw how well they matched the studded gems that went up his shaft. "Man, those look good~"

"Yeah, I told ya!" yelled out Marzo from the other room. "And I happen to have something to match your dick piercings too!~"

Eirjan wasn't expecting to hear that part, as his eyes got particularly wide by the time Marzo returned to his station. The artist was smirking mischievously while holding a bundle of items in both hands. A handful of nylon straps and glossy fabric was clutched in his left hand, which included several pieces of rainbow-printed elastic to match Eirjan's piercings. And in Marzo's right hand, he was holding a small metallic box that had a few black wires dangling from the top. At the ends of those wires were a couple of tiny metal pliers, which Eirjan noticed quickly enough to make his brows raise immensely. "W-Whoa!" He reeled back in his seat a little, but maintained a flustered smile when he glanced back at Marzo. "Is... Is that one of those, er... electric things?"

"Don't worry, I had it tested myself." Marzo gave that assurance with a sly wink, and then handed Eirjan the clothing he was carrying. "I also had those purchased last month at a convention, so they're still clean. I haven't tried them on yet, but I heard that Neoprene can be pretty comfy for first-timers."

Eirjan was blushing when he held out one of the neoprene singlets, which looked to be made of a shimmery silver fabric similar to diving suits. And along the triple-stitched hems on the sides, the garment was boasting brightly-colored rainbow elastic to help Eirjan's red stripes stand out. The attire was rather revealing, but he couldn't necessarily complain while seated naked in the tattoo chair. So after a brief shudder, Eirjan went to work slipping the tight neoprene onesie over himself; however, as soon as his legs slipped through the bottom holes, his cheeks blushed even more when he realized there was also a hole at the crotch of the singlet.

"Ooh, look at you~" Marzo was grinning pridefully by the time Eirjan slipped the top straps of the garment over his shoulders. The silver onesie almost looked like a weird bathing suit, even though it only covered the middle section of his chest. The arm straps went in too far to provide much body coverage, which meant that Eirjan's pierced nipples were still sticking out. And with the outfit's purposely bottomless design, all that the neoprene did was expose Eirjan more than he was while naked. Nevertheless, it seemed that Marzo's approving nod was all the verification needed to prove the outfit fitted perfectly. "Ooh, how lovely," he said with a jeering coo while his eyes narrowed on Eirjan. "I wish I had my pup-hood to try on you~"

"Nnnnghhh..." Eirjan squirmed in embarrassment, but his cock could clearly be seen throbbing while he remained in the chair. He looked away from Marzo's grin to scratch the back of his neck, and he muttered bashfully, "I, uhhh... I might have one of those back home too..."

That admission just got Marzo to shiver in delight, and he quickly went to work after placing the electrical device on the metal tray. "Ooh, I knew I had a good feeling about you~" With his confident smile more undeterred than ever, Marzo held up the wires with both hands to make the pliers click between his digits. "So, Mister Eirjan... You want a couple good zaps? Heh heh heh~"

Eirjan's legs may have tightened against one another while he laid in the chair with a worrisome look. But as his eyes peered at those tiny metal tongs in Marzo's fingers, he only needed a moment to breathe out before growing a piqued smirk of his own. "W-Well, ummm..." Eirjan may have been nervous, but he wasn't too flustered to puff his chest out with his head motioning downward. "I-If it's not too risky trying it so soon after a piercing~"

Marzo's grin became wickedly wide, and he responded with only a firm nod. "Oh, you want it while it's still tender, eh?~"

Before Eirjan could have the chance to back out, Marzo went in with the pliers open to clasp over both of those newly-pierced studs. Eirjan cringed with a pained gasp, needing to clutch his eyes shut while the wires tugged at his piercings. Fortunately, Marzo made sure to apply the attachments carefully enough while the device was a couple feet away on the tray. "Don't worry, I'm not tugging on the wires on purpose..." Marzo shot a coyer smirk down at Eirjan after the wires were attached, and added, "unless you want me to do that~"

"Nnnnffff..." As Eirjan writhed strongly in his seat, a thick glob of his precum was already bulbing at the head of his cock. Marzo had to keep from licking his lips when he saw that tempting droplet seeping at the crowned head, but refrained from leaning in while Eirjan was right there. Not to mention, the zebra was already looking riled-up while seated with that electrical device ready to start. "Y-You know, I... I'd rather see how that thing works before trying for anything else."

"Alright, big guy. Totally understandable..." Marzo stood back up while smiling to himself confidently, and stood beside the metal tray next to Eirjan's chair. After making sure both of the black wires were connected to those nipple studs, Marzo teasingly rested his hand on top of the device. One of his gloved fingers dangled just above the thick knob on the front, which was connected to a numbered dial. "If I had those attached to your cock, I'd only have it at a three or so for starters. But given how sensitive those piercings are..."

Marzo's digits went around the plastic knob, and his eyes narrowed on Eirjan mischievously. "What number do you think I should start with?~"

With his hands clenching harder atop the armrest, and his cock continuing to throb in anticipation, Eirjan let out a nervous shudder before saying through his blush, "W-Well, I... I wouldn't mind if you... put it a little higher than three~"

"Hmph~" Marzo looked just as content with that option as the kinkily-dressed zebra, and quickly turned that knob up to a five on the dial. Eirjan let out a nervous-sounding groan as he squirmed from the sight of such a high number, even though he could see that the device went all the way up to ten on the voltage scale. But since the zebra's muzzle was tightly shut in hesitance, Marzo wasn't interrupted when he went to press the power button. "Well, let's hope this isn't too much for you, cutie~"



"AAAHHHH!!" The very instant that machine buzzed to life with that low and monotonous hum, Eirjan's body tensed up greatly while lurching forward. Meanwhile, Marzo stared down at the zebra studiously, keeping a close eye on how tightly Eirjan's pecs tensed up each time the device sent an electrical surge through the wires. The voltage was rather high for a newbie to handle right off the bat, but the electrical buzzes came and went at a rhythm of half a second each. Because of that, Eirjan's grimacing groans came out somewhat regularly as he bore those titillating buzzes as best as he could. Fortunately for Marzo, even with how loudly those buzzes could be heard, he could also see a couple thick strings of Eirjan's precum spurting out to land across his stomach.

"Hmmmm..." Marzo turned the dial down to a steady two, allowing Eirjan to get a couple breaths between the muffled surges that continued to tantalize his piercings. Even at such a low voltage, the sensitivity of those nipple studs ensured that Eirjan could keep on writhing in place. His nostrils tried to flare out in order to catch his breath, but every inhale was still rather weak and shaky due to how much the muscles in his pecs were tensing up. But even as he kept groaning through his closed muzzle, Eirjan stayed still enough for the artist to wipe off a large glob of that pre which splattered against the neoprene fabric. "Wow! I'm not one to make puns, but even I can admit that response was rather... shocking~"

Marzo chuckled to himself while peering down at the squirming zebra, and kept his smile when he licked up that glob of salty pre lingering at the tip of his glove. Eirjan's jaw dropped when he saw the artist do such a thing, but the only noise he could make was the briefest moan that stemmed out with his weak breath. His eyes turned half-lidded, even though his body continued to spasm from the constant volts coursing through those metal studs. One of Marzo's hands went back towards the device, his fingers wrapping around the plastic knob to turn it once more; meanwhile, his other gloved hand went down to grasp around the base of Eirjan's thick, throbbing cock.

"Aaahhhh!!~" The moment he felt that much-needed contact, another spurt of pre shot out while Eirjan moaned in his chair. Fortunately, his cock wasn't able to shoot its load just yet, and continued to twitch rigidly within Marzo's latex-covered digits. He had to clench his eyes shut to help control himself, since he was already close to the edge from those constant surges of intense stimulation through his nipples. But with the added pressure of Marzo's alluring grip, Eirjan was reeling from the tantalizing pleasure leaving his muscles endlessly tensed-up. However, the zebras ears perked up when he heard Marzo's smooth voice from up above:

"How much higher you want it?~"

"Aaahh!!~" Eirjan's head pulled back while he moaned in his seat, unsure of how much he could actually take through those spine-tingling wires. But as Marzo began to slide his gloved digits up and down his shaft, Eirjan found himself too lost pleasure to really care. His muzzle opened up wide while panting heavily, and his back arched up from the chair once more. "Nnnnfff!!~ I... I th... IthinkIcanhandleseven!~"

Marzo's brows raised with an impressed-sounding, "Ooh! Seven it is~"



As soon as he upped the dial to a strong seven, Marzo's other hand worked more diligently to stroke the zebra's cock. Even with the thick latex glove he was wearing, the copious amount of precum that slathered Eirjan's length ensured that every hard tug was tantalizingly smooth. Because of that, all that Eirjan could do was belt out a piercing cry while sinking back in his seat. The surges of electrical stimulation were intense enough to make his toes curl up in his thick boots, and his muscles to spasm from every merciless buzz. The amount of overstimulation should've been enough to make most guys tap out -- especially considering how fresh those nipple piercings were. But even as his nerves tingled to a near painful degree, the additional strokes from Marzo were just enough to keep him moaning between strained breaths. "Gahhh!! Mnnnghhh... O-Oh, fuck!"

"Yeah, that's right, big guy..." Marzo's voice sounded much more sensual, and was matching his lustful grin while he kept jerking the zebra off. More spurts of precum slathered over Eirjan's cock, as well as Marzo's glove to glisten against the black latex. And with the continuous buzzing of that device still sending strong volts through the wires, Eirjan was left in a very riled-up state while hearing the artist groan in arousal. "Nnnffff... Man, you're looking really good like this right now~"

"Aaahhhhh!!~" Eirjan made another strong writhing motion in the chair, and moaned out before giving a more pleading look up at the artist. "K... K-Keep going! I... I can go higher!~"

Marzo's grin became much more enticed as he chuckled in delight. "Well then! Let's see how much you can take..."



"MMMPHHH!!~" Marzo turned the knob up to an eight on the dial, which made the buzzing from that device a little deeper than before. In comparison though, Eirjan's moaning voice sounded like it went up a couple pitches. His winced expression tightened up quite a bit, with his jaw tightening up almost as much as his muscular thighs. Meanwhile, his cock throbbed even harder within Marzo's grip, with the head pulsating every time precum spat out to glaze those fingers diligently.

"Oooh, you're getting close, aren't you?~" Marzo's leering smirk was accompanied with a slow, teasing lick of his lips while the zebra kept groaning beneath him. His arm was pumping up and down with a faster tempo, which allowed him to feel every hard throb of that cock twitching in his grasp. His fingers could feel every distinct stud from those gems pierced into Eirjan's shaft, which thankfully didn't deter from his tenacious strokes in the slightest. In fact, as his jerking motions grew more rapid to make the zebra's cock throb harder, Marzo could've sworn he felt those gems getting a little hotter through his thick glove.

If Marzo was able to glance down between Eirjan's legs, he might have been able to see how brightly those studs were beginning to illuminate down the underside of his shaft. Like the electrical voltage coursing through Eirjan's piercings, it seemed that the zebra's arousal was charging up those gems to leave him teetering on the very precipice of release. Of course, even with that rigid cock throbbing so relentlessly, Marzo didn't wait to ask before turning up that knob a little more.



"GNAAAHHH!!" Eirjan was gripping those armrests hard enough to nearly break them off the chair, but it was the only thing he could think to do while being titillated to such an extreme degree. The wires connected to his studs were still tightly clamped, while his nipples continued to be the conductor for the dangerous amount of voltage surging through his system. His muscles were constantly flexing and tightening from the strain, and leaving him frozen in the chair without the need of bondage. Beads of sweat were trickling down the zebra's body, although it couldn't be seen through the tight neoprene wrapped across his chest. In fact, the only droplets that caught Marzo's attention were the thick, gooey strands of Eirjan's pre that constantly trickled down the artist's glazed fingers as he jerked him off.

"Nnnnghhh!!" Marzo was shuddering through his antsy smile, and beginning to sweat as he pumped that cock for all it was worth. The bulge from his untouched erection could be seen through the denim of his jeans, but the artist refrained from getting undressed while titillating his client. Although, given how enticing Eirjan looked in that neoprene while reeling in his grip, Marzo didn't need to rub himself to know he was getting close. With every hard throb he could feel within the tight confines of his pants, Marzo grunted impatiently while holding that knob in his other hand. "Y-You wanna go all the way, big guy?~" Due to how vigorously he was stroking Eirjan's cock, Marzo's voice sounded a bit flustered as he grew closer to fruition himself. "Nnnff! I... I'll let you finish me off if you do it~"

"AAAHHHH!!" Eirjan clenched his eyes tightly shut, and reeled his hips up from the chair with an intensely loud moan. The gems underneath his cock were shimmering wildly from his merciless arousal, but all that Marzo could feel were the oddly warm pulsations against his gloved hand. His eyes remained pinned on Eirjan's blushed and moaning face, which caused the artist to shiver with a bitten lip. Due to how close he was getting, the zebra needed to force himself to take a deep breath before belting out, "I... I wa... I WANNA TAKE IT!! I WANNA TAKE IT, PLEASE!!~"

"Nnnnghhhh!!" Marzo groaned excitedly through his teeth, and immediately obliged with a flick of his wrist. "That's a good boy~"



"AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!~" The amount of volts that coursed through that device's wires would've been powerful enough to illuminate a lamp; but as those surging pulsations went through the metal studs of Eirjan's piercings, the result was just as electric as the zebra reeled in a blissful mixture of pain and invigorating lust. His entire body locked into an arched position opposite the chair, making him look like he was being possessed by a demonic presence. But even when Marzo finally let go of his client's cock, it kept throbbing uncontrollably while standing rigid. Nevertheless, due to the titillating amount of stimulation surging through Eirjan's body, it was doubtful he would need much more to shoot his load. "I... I'M GONNA CUM!!"

"Nnnnghhh!! GOOD!!" With a quick drop of his fly, Marzo finally freed his thick cock from his skinny jeans to give it some equal attention. Much like Eirjan's endowment, the zebra was sporting a beastly ebony member that stood nearly a foot in length. His cock was as black as his untattooed stripes, with the only color being seen at its plump and slightly-marbled head. As soon as that meaty cock was left standing at Marzo's waist, a thick glob of pre was already seeping out from the tip to dangle enticingly. But before Eirjan could even realize Marzo had his cock out, he was left moaning even louder when the artist got up on the chair with him.

"AAAHHHHH!!~" Eirjan wasn't expecting for Marzo to join him for his climax, but he certainly wasn't one to complain when he felt the artist's massive cock pressing up against his own. The undersides of their shafts were held up tightly with the aid of Marzo's hand, which grasped both of their cocks between his pre-slathered digits. Due to how slathered Eirjan's length had already gotten with all that gooey pre, Marzo was able to effortlessly grind their cocks together for a hard, silky-smooth frot to leave both of them throbbing for more. And even with Eirjan mere seconds from unloading everywhere, Marzo gripped his chair with confidence as he rubbed his cock against the moaning zebra's.

"Mmmmmm... C'mon, big guy~" Marzo could feel every hard, twitching spasm of Eirjan's shaft against his own, which left his nerves tingling on end for that much-needed climax. While he was hunched over the client's squirming form, Marzo's hips began pumping back and forth to thrust his cock against the zebra's. Due to all the electric stimulation Eirjan was taking through his nipples, even Marzo was able to feel the tingly static when their bare flesh was touching. Eirjan may have been about to pop, but Marzo's heated groans between thrusts made it clear that he wasn't too far behind. "Aaaahhhh!!~ D-Do it, Eirjan! DO IT NOW!!~"

Eirjan couldn't have kept himself from cumming if he was being held by gunpoint; so when Marzo made that lustful plea, the only response the zebra could give was a loud and overwhelmed, "GNNNNAAAAAHHHHHH!!!"

Those hard grinding motions from Marzo's frotting, combined with the tantalizing electrical surges stroking his piercings, resulted in an especially intense cocktail of orgasmic bliss that hit all of Eirjan's nerves at once. His body locked up tightly beneath the artist's dominant embrace, and his eyes rolled back when he felt that first relieving wave of pleasure strike. His cock throbbed hard against Marzo's shaft, before the first heavy rope of his cum shot out far enough to land right across the bridge of Eirjan's snout. Of course, as the zebra kept moaning from the ecstatic sensations leaving his body tingling near-endlessly, his hefty spurts kept shooting out to drizzle himself with multiple strings of his jizz. Of course, even with how tightly his toes were curling up, or how quickly his heart was racing from the merciless pleasures hitting his senses every second, Eirjan's voice was soon accompanied with the euphoric sounds of Marzo's climactic moaning out as well.

"AAAHHHHH!!~" Because of how titillating it was to get a kinky zebra like Eirjan so riled-up, Marzo's arousal only needed to be sated with a few hard frotting motions between them. As soon as he felt Eirjan's cock pressing up against his own while throbbing so intensely, the sensation was too invigorating to keep from reaching orgasm as well. Marzo's eyes clenched tightly shut, and he moaned out while giving a hard thrust of his cock against his client's. And before Eirjan could even finish cumming, Marzo's cock was pulsating right against it and shooting out a couple thick ropes of his own. The artist may have not been the conductor of that device's electrical stimulation, but he was looking just as heated as his head reeled back for a hearty moan.

"MMMNNNGHHH!!~" Thick strings of both zebra's loads rained down over Eirjan, with his chest and the neoprene garment he was wearing getting absolutely drenched in their sticky secretions. If Marzo wasn't lost in his own pleasure, he might have been able to notice how much more Eirjan was shooting volume-wise as opposed to himself. Of course, if Marzo wasn't frotting him so mercilessly, he may have also been able to notice how one of the gems under Eirjan's cock was glowing brightly when he actually came. Unbenounced to the artist, nearly a gallon's worth of cum erupted out of Eirjan's cock while he was moaning rapturously underneath Marzo. And by the time he was finally able to breathe deeply between moans, Eirjan was left sitting a sizeable puddle of jizz as he panted heavily.

"Nnnnnghhhhh..." Marzo had his eyes clenched shut throughout his own climax, and was clutching his chair tightly while grinding against Eirjan's spent cock. Fortunately for the client, Marzo used a free hand to instinctually turn off the device and stop the stimulation. Eirjan's body finally relaxed, and he collapsed in the chair while gasping like he was just saved from drowning. Several thick spurts were still oozing down the client's softening length, while Marzo only needed a final throb that shot a string of cum to the top of Eirjan's chest. After that, the tatted zebra hung his head low while collecting his breath, needing a moment after such an exhausting session. "Aaaaahhhh... Holy crap, that was--JESUS!!"

Marzo practically leapt off Eirjan the very instant his eyes reopened, and he was met with the sight of an egregious amount of cum that was pooling in Eirjan's seat. The artist stood in shock with his mouth agape, and his cock hanging flaccidly out the open fly of his jeans. Meanwhile, Eirjan could only look away from Marzo shamefully, unsure how to explain the messy aftermath of his climax. "Uhhhh... I'm sorry," he muttered weakly in guilt. "It's, ummm... it's kinda hard to explain... B-But I promise I'll help clean up."

"Uhhhh..." Marzo's stunned stare went down to the tiled floor, where he could see the first couple strands of Eirjan's load already dribbling down from the sides of his chair. Even though the leather was advertised as being waterproof, Marzo could only imagine how much time would be needed to fully disinfect the chair before his next client arrived. And even with how genuinely apologetic Eirjan may have looked, Marzo could only huff while scratching the back of his head. "... Yeah, you definitely will need to help with this," he emphasized with a nod of his head, before he grew a weakly amused smirk. "Holy shit! How the heck can you shoot that much in one go?!"

"Uhhhhh..." Eirjan was blushing even deeper while avoiding looking back at Marzo's awe-stricken expression. After shrugging his shoulders feebly, Eirjan tried to respond with, "Well... Each of the gem piercings carry a... special property that helps with certain... functions..."

Eirjan winced upon realizing how vaguely he gave that answer. Even though it would be hard to explain the gems' specific properties in technical terms, he knew that a lot would have to be addressed in order for Marzo to understand fully. Luckily, the artist was already glancing down at the colored gems along Eirjan's flaccid cock, blinking a few times as he tried to assess the situation himself. The white gem was still flickering the tiniest bit, even after Eirjan finished cumming that bucket's worth of jizz. "Is that so?" asked Marzo, before he leaned back with a more curious-looking smirk. "Heh~ If that's what the white gem does to ya, I would love to see how those other piercings get you off."

Eirjan's blush became more bashful as he tried to point his flustered smile away from the artist. "Oh, come on," he muttered in embarrassment. "You flirt too much~"

"Well, YOU came literal buckets all over my station," noted Marzo as he pointed down at the milky white puddle growing around Eirjan's chair. "So I think we can call it even."

"Nnnghhh..." Eirjan cringed when he looked down from his seat, and tried not to look too grossed-out from their post-coital messiness. Marzo handed him a roll of paper towels, which he used to wipe the layer of cum matted all over his torso. After unclipping the wires from his nipple piercings, still wincing a bit from the sensitivity, Eirjan was able to hop off the chair with his knees wobbling a little. "Nnnfff... S-Still though, I really hope this wasn't too much for you or anything."

"Pbbt! You kidding me?!" Marzo's confounded stare on Eirjan was accompanied by a pair of wide eyes, and a grin that showed nothing but the most piqued expression on his face. "Dude, if I knew you could shoot that much, I'd ask to take a video of it to post on my Preyhub account!"

Eirjan's eyes shot open while Marzo chuckled to himself, looking away from the cum-drenched client for a moment to shake his head. Meanwhile, Eirjan bit his lip as he looked down at himself, and blushed from how tightly the soaked neoprene was clinging to his fur. "Do... Do you actually have a Preyhub account?"

Marzo stopped laughing, and redirected his intrigued stare back on Eirjan. Meanwhile, the zebra continued to blush while looking down at the floor between them. "I-I mean... if you asked me, I... I'd probably be alright with it..."

Marzo narrowed his eyes on the sheepish-looking zebra, and his smirk turned much more tenacious while huffing under his breath. "Is that so, Eirjan?"

The client looked back up to Marzo's face, only to see the artist grinning at him with the purest look of confidence. "I'll admit, I haven't touched that account in a while since my Ex and I split a year ago. Buuuutttttt..."

With that pause, Marzo's gloved hand went up to prod against Eirjan's bare chest. The pre-slathered fingers teasingly walked up the chest towards the zebra's chin, while Marzo continued to speak in a more suggestive tone. "... If you're willing to help me clean up this mess, I would love to bring that account back up with a few entries regarding yourself. That is... if you're interested, of course~"

Marzo smirked up at Eirjan, right as his hand rested atop the zebra's shoulder. Meanwhile, Eirjan placed his hand right on top of Marzo's glove as he smiled seductively back at the artist. "Oh, believe me, Mister Marzo. I wouldn't mind seeing what else you're willing to try~"

Eirjan may have been a client when he first entered Marzo's shop. But after the session they were lucky enough to share, that statement was more than enough to ensure that Marzo saw him as much more from then on. And as the artist smiled more wickedly back at Eirjan, he only needed a second before leaning in close, and catching the zebra by surprise with a small peck on the lips. "Well if that's the case," he said when he pulled back with a gleam in his eyes, "then you better keep that outfit on for later~"

Eirjan blushed with a smile of his own, and didn't hesitate to nod his head affirmatively. "Sounds good to me!"

Pierced Pleasure - Chapter Two

By the time the sun had completely set, and the night's sky was fully dark to reveal the bright stars above, Marzo's tattoo shop remained closed with a sign hanging over the front doors. Fortunately, even with the neon displays brightly lit over the...

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Judy Gets Tickled Off-Duty

- Are you there yet? :P - - ... - - Hello? - - Sorry, traffic was really hectic. I just walked into the mall - -Okay cool. :D - - I hope you're ready~ \>:3 - - \>\_\< - - Hehehehehe~ - "Nnnfff~" The very moment that response...

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Chief Bogo's Formal Flustering

The sun had only recently set over the western horizon, but the vast metropolis of Zootopia was already shimmering brightly underneath the night's sky. Even though there were several sections of the city with various climates and nature scapes, nothing...

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