Judy Gets Tickled Off-Duty

Story by Troius Clawston on SoFurry

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Note: This story was the ending result of a Randomizer Poll I held on my Official Patreon Page in March. After compiling all the suggestions from my Patrons, the ending story result included: [Judy Hopps, a Mall Dressing Room, and Tickling]. Hope y'all like it!~

Judy Hopps may have not had too many nights off from her policework, but that didn't mean she didn't have any plans. And after making arrangements with a mysterious contact online known as 'GiggleM@ker', the lonely bunny hoped that things would go well enough as she ventured to the Zootopia Plaza Shopping Mall. But instead of a friendly lunch date or shopping spree with a friend, Judy was determined to have a much different kind of fun with her unknown contact. More specifically, she wanted to have some "private" fun involving her feet, and whatever methods 'GiggleM@ker' could provide to prove their username...

  • Are you there yet? :P -

  • ... -

  • Hello? -

  • Sorry, traffic was really hectic. I just walked into the mall -

-Okay cool. :D -

  • I hope you're ready~ >:3 -

  • >_< -

  • Hehehehehe~ -

"Nnnfff~" The very moment that response popped up on her text screen, the bunny huffed with a strong wince before looking away from her phone. It may have only been a few teasing remarks, which likely wouldn't have turned many eyes from anyone who read the exchange without context; but for Judy Hopps, whose cheeks were nearly growing as red as the undershirt beneath her thick hoodie, those texts were more than enough to leave her feeling flustered beyond belief. Even though she was trying to walk at a brisk pace across the mall's ground floor, she couldn't help tightening the drawstrings of her hoodie to better conceal her face and twitching ears.

Usually on her days off from Zootopia PD, Judy would be content with either lounging in her tiny apartment, or heading out to enjoy the city's near limitless possibilities. Of course, when the officer was finally able to save up enough money to buy a new laptop (and a private wifi account out of reach from her apartment building's unprotected system), it didn't take long for the curious bunny to get lost among various chatrooms whenever she was off the clock. Even though she hated the idea of being some shut-in constantly typing away in front of a computer screen, it wasn't easy to avoid the convenience that came with constant communication and contact. Not to mention, even with the strong friendships she was able to carry among the officers in her precinct, Judy couldn't escape the looming loneliness and boredom that came with living alone in such a massive city.

Ironically enough, being by herself was exactly what Judy needed as she practically speed-walked across the spacious mall. The last time she came here for a indulgent shopping spree, she was constantly stopped by various citizens who were able to recognize her outside of her uniform. While she certainly didn't mind the countless compliments and words of praise, or even the incessant selfie photos people took with her, today's venture was NOT meant to be as social. Fortunately though, despite how famous she may have been as the "Hero Cop of Zootopia", it didn't seem like any of the shoppers she passed could see her face behind her thick hood.

Even though her baggy clothes and hunched posture would've been suspicious to the officer while on-duty, right now she was trying not to feel too paranoid about how others may have seen her. She was making sure to go through the least-traveled parts of the marbled halls, just to keep herself from bumping into anyone who can recognize her. And due to how much space she was keeping around herself, Judy only needed a quick glance of her surroundings before pulling her phone back up to type:

  • Where was the store again? I don't remember seeing a 'AnthroMotion' store last time I was here... -

Judy stared at the screen for a few seconds, and bit her lip warily when she saw those three distinct dots pop up to indicate her contact was typing something. She had no idea who this person even was, and only knew the name of their profile online: GiggleM@ker. But despite the fact that she was basically waiting for the response of a stranger, her cheeks blushed when she saw the text that popped up beneath her own:

  • It's past the pretzel stand by the fountain. Side hall across from the massage parlor :) -

Judy may have been nervous, but she smiled with a thankful sigh when she realized how close she was. She had only been in this mall a couple times, but she was able to remember those two details well enough to know she was going in the right direction. When the striped roof of the pretzel stand peeked out from behind the fountain she was walking towards, Judy went back to her phone to type a quick update:

  • Alright, I know where that's at. Thanks! -

After a couple seconds, the contact known as 'GiggleM@ker' sent a quick reply:

  • Oh, is that those smacking noises I hear?~ -

Judy stopped in her tracks, and groaned softly to herself with a guilty shiver. Her digits clenched the sides of her phone tightly, and she had to close her eyes shut while trying to maintain her composure. Meanwhile, the toes of her thick paws wriggled involuntarily against the cold tiled floor. Since custom-made shoes for rabbits were ridiculously expensive (not to mention unnecessary for most healthy bunnies who can handle walking barefoot), Judy's bare paws weren't considered a social taboo when walking around in public. But at the same time, Judy couldn't keep from shuddering from the thought of her contact actually hearing her footsteps from so far away. She was sure they were just saying that to tease her, but her heavy blush made it obvious that it was working tremendously.

But for the sake of keeping some semblance of confidence for her "friend", Judy breathed out pertly before typing in response:

  • How do I know that's not you pawing yourself?~ -

She giggled to herself after sending that cheeky reply, and hoped that it could get a strong reaction from whomever she was typing. She usually wasn't one to have text exchanges this suggestive -- especially with someone completely anonymous -- but the naughtiness she felt from continuing with her plans was keeping her from feeling too shameful. And the very moment she felt her phone giving off a distinct buzz, Judy had to keep herself from shuddering antsily when she looked at her text screen:

  • Okay, just for that, you're getting it harder than I was planning before >:3 -

Judy had to struggle not to groan too audibly as she squirmed from that warning message, which caused the fur across her back to stick up like a startled feline. After biting her lip to keep from shuddering, the bunny took a preemptive breath while thinking of a proper response. Part of her wanted to keep things as safe as possible due to the public setting, but she couldn't resist typing back in response:

  • You better~ -

Judy had to tuck her phone into her pocket the moment she typed that out, just so she wouldn't have to look at her reply and freak out after it was sent. She upped the pace in her brisk walk, which caused the bottoms of her long feet to smack louder against the cold floor. Even though the mall was full of various forms of white noise -- from the booming speakers above playing some old pop song, to the constant chatter of other shoppers in the distance -- Judy couldn't help but wonder if this 'GiggleM@ker' actually could hear her footsteps above it all.

When she finally rounded the corner to reach her destination, Judy sighed in relief when she saw the store was nearly empty. She had never heard of AnthroMotion before, but her brows raised in interest as she entered the brightly-lit and sporty shop. It looked to be a fitness store of some kind, as large display tables and racks held various items of workout clothing. Aside from herself, the only other person in the store was a burly yak seated behind the cramped-looking desk. Fortunately, he seemed to be more interested in a trashy romance novel he was reading than the hooded bunny who just walked inside as silently as possible.

Despite her suspicious appearance, Judy made a beeline to the back of the shop as agreed in earlier texts. It was hard to believe that less than a week ago, the cop was able to overlook her sense of logic and personal safety for the sake of making arrangements online with a stranger. But as of now, as she slipped into one of the open dressing rooms in the back, Judy's arms were trembling in elation by the time she closed the door behind her. After double-checking to make sure it was locked, the bunny was finally comfortable enough to disrobe her hoodie to hang up on the door-hook.

"Nnnffff~" Judy writhed strongly with another shudder the moment she looked down, and saw how large the gaps were between the tiled floor and the bottoms of the stall walls. Even though those gaps are meant to be a safety precaution as a means of escape, the bunny still felt exposed when she noted how easily her feet could be seen from outside her stall. But at the same time, that fact was what caused her to blush deeply and pull her phone back out. After all, given how this was meant to be the most secluded part of the shopping mall, Judy was hopeful that things wouldn't turn south too soon.

  • OK, I'm here :) -

Judy wasn't the type to usually add emojis to her messages, but she wanted to make sure her contact knew she wasn't feeling too hesitant. At least, not just yet...

  • Good girl ;) -

Another stifled groan escaped from Judy's tightly-pursed mouth, but she was confident it wasn't loud enough to stir the store clerk back at the front of the shop. She had no idea how this person's text responses were getting to her so badly, but she had to sit herself down on the bench to keep her knees from buckling under her weight. Her toes wriggled excitedly against the ground, and her heart was racing from the thought of them somehow being seen by that mystery texter. Her eyes remained glued to her phone as he pondered what message to send, but her attention was quickly turned towards the door when she heard some footsteps outside.

Judy's eyes widened when she heard those lumbering steps looming in closer, and she caught sight of what looked to be a pair of thick black military boots outside her door. She wasn't sure what species could wear attire that bulky, or even whether or not this person was a prey or predator. Of course, that may have been the point, as those boots silently stepped into the changing stall right beside Judy's. As soon as she heard the door close, Judy felt her phone vibrating to indicate another message had been sent:

  • Nice to see you're already barefoot~ :D -

Judy blushed profusely, and squirmed in her seat as she crossed her legs tightly to quell her anxious arousal. But alas, despite how badly she tried to bite her lip to keep from shivering, the bunny still had to cover her mouth to muffle a groan the moment she got a third reply in a row:

  • Dawwww, you're crossing them together, I see~ You getting flustered? -

"Mmmff~" Judy may have tried to keep that frazzled huff from becoming audible, but she was sure that they still heard that response while right beside her. But before GiggleM@ker could continue on with their text-based teasing, Judy pouted with a heavy blush while quickly jotting down a response:

  • Is that really you? Because I don't want to do anything and then find out it's a stranger... -

Judy knew that her question was likely breaking the mood a little bit, but she'd rather be sure things were going as planned before making any hasty decisions. Luckily though, her text was almost immediately given a response as she saw those familiar ellipses on the other side of the text screen. After closing her eyes to take a deep breath, Judy tried to prepare herself while feeling the phone vibrate once more. But even with that preemptive move, Judy felt her heart skip a beat the moment she reopened her eyes to read what was sent:

  • Stick those footsies under the wall and find out ;) -

Judy let out a weak and shivering exhale while writhing on the little bench, even though she secretly loved that they finally gave a response that bold. After all the back and forth discussions they had, many of which ending up with Judy staying up way too late on work nights, her impulsive fantasies seemed like they were finally going to come to fruition. But even as more of her fur rose up across her bare arms, and she began to feel hot and bothered beneath her thin undershirt, she had to take a moment to keep herself composed for this moment. Unfortunately, despite how briefly the bunny paused to collect her thoughts, another text came in from GiggleM@ker in the other stall:

  • I'm waiting... :3 -

An involuntary shudder swept across the rabbit's body as she used her free hand to grip the underside of her bench, just in case that reply was enough to make her fall to the floor. She still felt a strong mental barrier that was keeping her from moving her body, despite how far she had already gone to make this happen. Her legs twitched incessantly, and her eyes clenched as tightly shut as her pursing lips. Meanwhile, Judy could feel her toes pressing down tightly against the hard floor, before they helped to inch her feet towards that side wall separating her from the mysterious contact.

Judy's heart was racing in a mixture of anxiousness and desire, and she didn't try to pull her legs back to refrain from that request sent via text. Instead, the bunny took another breath to exhale pertly, and then clenched her eyes to prepare herself for whatever happened next. After turning her body the slightest bit to the side, Judy hoped that she wouldn't regret her decision as she stretched her legs out, and slowly peeked both of her feet underneath the wall.

"Hnnnggggg..." Judy's entire body was tensed-up worriedly, and she could only guess what the person in the other stall would say to seeing the bottoms of her long, lagomorphic footsies. Her toes were clenching in tightly, which meant the soles of her feet likely looked rather wrinkled while pulled off the ground. Judy may have no idea what might happen next, but she still tried not to gasp when she felt something taking hold of her ankles with a stern grip. "Hah!~"

Her phone buzzed while resting on her lap, and the bunny let out a shuddering breath before looking to see what was sent to her:

  • These are just as lovely as the pictures you sent~ <3 -

When she saw that complimentary text, Judy almost felt touched enough to forget the fact she was having her feet ogled by some stranger. She wasn't sure how to respond, but she tried to smile through her blush as she texted back at them:

  • Thanks, I guess... >_< -

She then heard the faintest chuckle from the other stall, which was from a voice too indistinct for her to make any guesses. She may have been a skilled detective, but she couldn't say her talents were appropriate for a moment like this. Not to mention, even if she did try to fathom who the elusive 'GiggleM@ker' may have been, her body locked-up tightly the moment she felt the faintest brush of something soft across the length of one of her soles. The bunny was helplessly trapped due to her texter's tight grip on her ankles, which prompted her to clasp her mouth with both hands as she gasped loudly. "HUH!!~"

Outside the occupied dressing rooms, the yak at the counter was still reading through his book without giving any notice to what may have been happening in the back. Meanwhile, Judy was struggling not to convulse in her bench while writhing from that brief bout of titillation. It may have been a single brush against the sole of her foot, but its sensitivity still made some strong goosebumps rise up across the length of her legs. With her mouth still tightly covered up, the rabbit hoped more than anything that she could control herself while groaning out muffledly. But on the other side of the stall, GiggleM@ker remained silent while keeping those bunny feet right where they belonged.

Another text popped up on Judy's phone, but she had to take a moment before putting down one of her hands to open the screen. She wasn't sure how this individual was able to text while holding both of her ankles at the same time, but she could appreciate the speediness of their replies. Of course, that wasn't nearly enough to keep her blush from growing hotter as she read what was on her phone:

  • You want more, you naughty bunny?~ -

-Because if so, I want to hear it~ -

Judy went wide-eyed, and she blinked a couple times while reading the text a couple times over. Meanwhile, her feet continued to clench tightly in the texter's grip, and her mind couldn't stop imagining what may have been waiting for them on the other side if she complied. The bunny huffed to herself silently, and bit her lip as she began to type out a response. But before she could press send, another text popped up for further emphasis:

  • Not on text -

  • I want to HEAR it~ -

"MMPH!!" Judy nearly broke her phone from how tightly she clenched it in her hand, while her other tried to keep her shocked gasp from being overheard from the outside. Her bulging eyes repeatedly darted between the locked door of her stall, and down towards that open gap where her poor footsies were being held captive. The store may have been as empty as a nun's porn collection, but that didn't mean the idea of complying with that request didn't sound absolutely insane. But before she could try to protest, Judy's attention was brought back to her phone when a bundle of texts came in at once. But instead of any further texts, the bunny was met with the sight of three pictures that filled up her screen. "H-HOLY!!"

Judy winced painfully as she clutched her mouth shut following that outburst. She could hear 'GiggleM@ker' chuckling again, but that was the only thing that was audible from outside the stall. Even the yak at the front counter didn't make much of a response, and merely shrugged to himself without pulling away from his book.

Meanwhile on Judy's phone, those pictures that were sent caused her heart to thunder heavily against her chest. For most people, nothing would've seemed too amiss by the innocent photos that were texted to her. But for the blushing cop caught in the middle of a dauntingly titillated state, her mind was racing from the three images presented before her:

The first one was a plain-looking toothbrush with a white handle. The second one was a wooden hairbrush, which looked to be brand-new and sporting thick bristles shimmering from the plastic sheen. The final picture was a vintage-looking feather duster, which boasted a thick plume of black feathers that contrasted with the brown wooden handle. And judging by the identical off-white backgrounds all three items were pictured in front of, Judy could instantly tell that they were taken on the bench in their stall.

  • Here's the deal. If I hear you say it, I'll use one of these tools. :D -

  • And if you say it CLEARLY enough, I'll let you choose~ -

Judy's legs may have been bound by the texter's grip, but she still clenched her thighs tightly while biting her fist to keep from moaning. The bunny was wearing a tight pair of pink yoga pants over her legs to keep from being recognized in the mall, but that clothing decision proved to be rather foolish in retrospect. Even though they haven't even started yet, Judy squirmed with a tantalized shiver while the crotch of her pants began to dampen and turn the fabric slightly darker. She tried to pull her hand away from her mouth, which caused a shuddering breath to belt out like a hoarse-sounding gasp. Even though her eyes were peering down at the wall's gap with a look of contemplation, Judy's feet were finally unclenching so her soles could be seen in their full-lengthed, silky-smooth glory.

She made a brief glance back at the door, just in case her paranoia might get the best of her. She knew that this would have easily been a ruse, and that some creep could've been on the other side with a recording device to tape her admission. But despite how mortifying such a fate would've been for the hero cop (not to mention EXTREMELY ironic), Judy breathed out softly before closing her eyes, and cleared her throat to speak. "Ummmm... I-I..."

Back at the store's counter, the yak finally put down his book and was wearing a pair of earbuds. The sound of Gazelle's latest album could be heard playing faintly from his ears, which meant he had no way to hear Judy's voice from the stalls behind him:

"... I want you to tickle my feet!"

Since she had no idea how many people actually heard that admission, Judy dropped her phone on the bench so she could sink her face into both palms and cringe silently. Her body was tensed-up for a long moment, which was met with only silence outside the stalls. Meanwhile, her feet were still bound in wait within the texter's grasp, while her soles were left unattended. Fortunately for the bunny, her worries were able to deplete by the time she peeked out through her digits, and realized that nothing bad happened from saying that out loud.

Another buzz came from her phone, which caused her to snatch it back up and read what was said:

  • Wow, that was great! Proud of you, sweetie~ ;) -

  • Go ahead and choose >:3 -

Judy wanted to take a moment to savor that appreciative text she received, or even to shoot them a quick thanks for their support. But as soon as she read that second line, the rabbit was quick to give the only response she felt was fitting for what she was wanting in that moment:


Judy winced when she saw her impulsive reply in the text screen, which caused her to put the phone back down before she could try to delete it out of remorse. She wasn't sure how they would respond to such an answer, but she was hopeful it wasn't too overzealous for where they were hiding. Luckily for the bunny, it didn't take long before she heard another text notification. The phone was face-up, which meant she could glance down and see a thumbs-up emoji in response.

Or at least, she COULD have looked down to see that response, if her head didn't instantly reel back from feeling some proper contact on the other side of the stall.

"MMMPHH!!~" As her phone laid untouched on the bench, Judy's eyes shut tightly as she groaned through her hands and struggled to stay still. However, that was much easier said than done when she felt a sudden gliding of some tiny bristles down the length of her sole. Meanwhile in the other changing room, a large gloved hand was taking hold of both of Judy's ankles in the same grip, while the other started to teasingly brush the undersides of her feet with the toothbrush. The bristles may have been tiny and soft, but they also carried just enough rigidity to ensure they would tantalize every inch that graced across the bunny's smooth and very sensitive fur. Not to mention, the person holding that toothbrush didn't start their work at a slow pace either; instead, they purposely shook their hand as they moved the toothbrush across Judy's feet, which caused every stroke of the bristles to be accompanied with enough tickling motions to make the bunny giggle muffledly.

"Nnnghhh!! Pbbbtttt..." Judy's eyes were tightly clenched shut, but she tried her hardest to keep from pulling her feet back from the titillation of that first tickling tool. The sensation of those bristles brushing against her soles was intense to say the least, as every movement struck her nerves badly enough for her legs to remain tightly tensed. Her toes could only wriggle like mad as they struggled helplessly, but her feet remained firmly in her tormentor's grip to continue the candid onslaught she asked for. Despite how tightly she tried to cover her mouth, she could still be heard snickering through the other side of the stall. "Mmmfffff... H-H-Hehehehehehehehe~"

The yak at the register couldn't overhear Judy's giggling while listening to his music, but it was faint enough that he likely wouldn't have heard her regardless. Because of that, the poor bunny was left completely by herself as she squirmed badly in her little dressing room. The motions of that toothbrush grew more rapid, almost as if Judy's laughter was fueling the fire of her tenacious tickler. The bristles started to swirl up and down the length of her long soles, and the scrubbing motions seemed to be more than enough to prove why they were called 'GiggleM@ker' in their private chats.

"Ooh! Hooh! Mnnnnghhhh!!~" Judy's breathing was turning more rapid, and she needed to pull one of her hands away so she could try to clasp her chest and keep herself still. Nevertheless, the teasing scrubs of that tiny toothbrush kept her muscles rigidly tense, and helped to keep her in place while she struggled not to crack up. "Aaaahhh! Nnnnnghhhhhhhehehehehehehehe! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!~"

Judy had to resort to biting down on her fist to keep her laughter subdued, not that it seemed to matter much to the empty shop outside her door. It wasn't affecting her tickler's actions either, as they pressed those titillating bristles even harder against her aching soles. The bottoms of her feet were beginning to show signs of redness from how much the toothbrush was rubbing against them, but that only helped to make the soles more sensitive than before. Before Judy could even realize it, that little toothbrush was proving to be far more effective than she would've anticipated. Her back arched inward as she threw her head back, and tears were beginning to bead at the corners of her clenched eyes. "Hahahahahahaha!! Hehehehehehe!!~"

Even though it was a fairly taboo term for non-lagomorphic species to use, to call Judy Hopps' uncontrollable giggling 'Cute' would've been a bit of an understatement. Heck, even Nick Wilde would've called her adorable by how badly she was laughing from the titillation of her tormentor's tickling. But even with how wide her smile was getting across her clenched and blushing expression, one of her hands eventually pulled away from her mouth to venture downward. She was still able to somewhat muffle her laughter to keep from getting caught, but her other hand was more preoccupied with nestling beneath the waistband of her dampening pants.

"Hnnnghhh!!~" Judy moaned out softly around the hand covering her mouth, and she shivered in lustful elation as the digits on her other hand sunk in between the lips of her drooling slit. The bunny's plump, fuzzy fingers brushed up against her sensitive folds, and her grey fur immediately started to dampen while soaking up her arousal. Fortunately for the horny bunny, her pussy could only grow wetter as she schlicked herself as silently as she could, while also writhing from how hard her tickler was grinding those bristles against her feet. "Aaahh~ Mnnnghhh... He he he he he he he hehehehehehehe!!~"

It may have only been a cheap toothbrush that was likely purchased at a dollar store, but it seemed to be more than enough to make the hero cop of Zootopia cackle like a supervillain whose plans were coming to fruition. Her helpless giggles were coming out rapidly like a machine gun, and her body was reeling in tormented pleasure as the toothbrush's bristles became more sensitive against her feet. She may have tried her hardest to clutch her mouth shut with her free hand, but her laughter was still coming out rather audibly from outside the closed dressing room doors. But even as tears began to stream down her blushing cheeks, the bunny was dripping far more notably between her writhing legs as she fingered herself as diligently as she could.

"Nnnnghhhh... Hehehehehehe... Aaaahhhh!!~" Judy's head reeled back as she let out a whimpering moan between her giggling breaths, and she became less perceptive of her surroundings with every grinding motion of those bristles. She may have been lucky to be in the back of a basically abandoned store, but it was doubtful she'd be able to stop snickering if Chief Bogo was right outside of her dressing room. But at the same time, given how vigorously her digits were wriggling inside of her drooling slit, there's a good chance that she wouldn't want to stop as well. Instead, the helpless tickle victim continued to squirm and giggle like mad, and wasn't given any reprieve until the bottoms of her soles were thoroughly reddened and exposed by her tormentor's first tool.

"Mmmph! Nnnnghhhhh... Aaaahhhhh~" Judy nearly collapsed on her bench by the time those bristles finally pulled away from her feet, and the tickling finally ended long enough for her to catch her breath. The bunny was panting like she had just ran a marathon, and her feet were oversensitized to the point where her legs were continuing to writhe against the grip of whomever was holding them in the other stall. Even though the torment was temporarily paused, Judy continued to finger her pussy to leave the inside of her pants as drenched as her sweating brow. And while she tried her hardest to maintain her buckling resolve, her lustful moans could still be heard while she was biting down on her bottom lip. "Hah... Hahhhh... Hahhhhhhhh~"

When she was finally able to breathe properly, Judy smiled weakly while staring down at that open gap between herself and the ticklish tormentor on the other side of the wall. Since the toothbrush was no longer being used, she had no idea what they were doing while keeping a tight hold of her ankles. She wasn't sure if she needed to speak up for another round, but she kept her mouth shut in an attempt to avoid any further embarrassment. Unfortunately though, the bunny's arousal was already reaching points she never thought she'd reach in a public space, and the idea of asking for another tickling didn't sound too illogical in her lust-addled mind...

After what felt like an absurdly long moment of silence, Judy closed her eyes to take a breath before attempting to speak clearly. "Uhhhh... Could... C-Could you--EEEP!!!~"

Before she could finish her sheepish request, Judy's tormentor provided the perfect answer to make her gasp in elated shock. But instead of another vigorous scrubbing by that toothbrush, it was now the thick plastic bristles of that hairbrush that grinded down the length of her long and fidgety feet. Due to how badly her soles were scrubbed-down just moments prior, those hard bristles felt like dozens of sanded-down needles were prodding against her feet to further agitate them. But for the bound and overwhelmed bunny enduring the wrath of GiggleM@ker's brush, each coarse and rough motion of the bristles were leaving her fur standing on end in titillation. And despite how tightly she tried to bite down on her fist, her giggling moans deepened quite a bit while she dug her digits deeper in her hungry pussy. "MNNNGHHH!! NnnngggghhhhHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMMMM!!~"

If anybody else was in that shop to browse around, they likely could've heard Judy's lustful laughter from the front door. But for the yak at the front counter, all he could hear was the mainstream pop that was blasting through the earbuds he was wearing. Even if he was able to overhear the tickle-victim behind him, it was doubtful he would assume anything inappropriate or sexual was occurring behind those doors. If anything, he may have just assumed that she was watching a funny video on her phone or something.

"Hee!! Heeee!! HEEEEE!!! HEHEHEHEHEHE!!!~" Judy was absolutely reeling in titillated pleasure as she struggled to stay upright on her bench, and cackled like a hyena with more tears pouring down her cheeks. She wasn't sure what she was expecting when she made these arrangements with GiggleM@ker, but it was clear from the arousal dripping through her pants that it was far better than she ever would've expected. Even when those stiff bristles started scratching the bottoms of her feet even harder, all it did was intensify the sensitivity to the point where her knuckles were furiously grinding against her needy clit. Meanwhile, her feet were continuously squirming with her toes wriggling like mad, and her poor soles becoming increasingly red the more that hairbrush scratched across them without mercy.

By the time Judy could hear her laughter echoing off the walls in her confined space, she groaned intensely with her eyes clenched shut. Even though she was absolutely loving the treatment she was receiving from her relentless tickler, she knew that the fun was only going to last for as long as she could keep her mouth shut. So despite how badly she was laughing between her hoarse and heavy breaths, Judy was able to undo her top in less than a couple seconds. She may have not been wearing a bra, but her isolation left her unable to care about her small and perky breasts being exposed in the dressing room. Instead, the bunny took advantage of how thin the fabric of her shirt was, and stuffed it into her mouth as an impromptu gag so her giggling wouldn't result in a visit by mall security. "Mmmmphhhhh... Nnnnnfffff!!~"

With that, Judy was able to continue with her enjoyment while her bare back was resting against the wall, and her soaked digits were still kneading inside of her tight and dripping cunny. Since her shirt-gag was able to muffle her lustful moans and laughter throughout her tickling, Judy used her free hand to start tightly pinching her nipples. The combination of pain, arousal, and overstimulation morphed into a cocktail of blissful pleasure that Judy would've never been able to recreate through chat conversations or text-based roleplay. Despite how dangerously risky this endeavor may have been, the bunny couldn't think of any better way to get herself off as she reeled from the furious grindings of those tenacious bristles.

Meanwhile on the other side of the thin wall, Judy's feet were starting to show the slightest hints of scratches down the lengths of both of her tormented soles. Even though the brush's bristles were fairly rounded-down, that didn't mean much when they were scratching her feet so hard within GiggleM@ker's grip. Each time the dozens of plastic prongs scraped up and down those poor footsies, the tickler could hear how badly her laughter was struggling to break through her makeshift gag. And even if they weren't able to hear the suggestive inflection in her muffled moans, the smell of her arousal was becoming thick enough to waft into the other stall and let them know how badly she was wanting more.

"Nnnnnghhhhhh... MrrrrrHmhmhmhmhmhmhmmmmmmm~" The half-nude bunny was becoming lost in pleasure the longer her feet were being tickled so brutally, and she couldn't stop flicking her bean while laughing through her shirt. She continued to pinch both of her nipples back-to-back to further tantalize herself, which caused those perky little nubs to stand out prominently against her bare chest. If any pervert was able to record her in such a titillated state, they'd likely make a fortune selling it to the paparazzi or PreyHub. But aside from the still-oblivious clerk in the vacant shop, the only person able to appreciate Judy Hopps' moaning laughter was the mysterious being who was torturing her feet; but even then, they could only grind those soles with the hairbrush for so long before eventually pulling away once more.

"NnnnnnnnNNNNNGGGHHHH!!" Judy's eyes clenched shut as she writhed impatiently on the other side of the wall, and her nerves began to tense up tremendously the moment her tickling was put on pause again. Her feet tried to squirm as hard they could in GiggleM@ker's grasp, but their grip on her ankles ensured she couldn't slip out of the dressing room just yet. But at the same time, it was obvious that the bunny was needing more while her body was reeling intensely on the bench, and her yoga pants were practically soaked to the knees from her dripping arousal. Her shirt remained firmly-lodged inside of her drooling maw, but her needy groans were still coming out audibly enough for her tormentor to hear her pleas in the other stall. "Mmmphh... Mmmmmmm... Rrrrffff-Frrrrrnnnghhh~"

Even though it was impossible to discern what she was trying to say, it was still clear that she was wanting her tickler to continue on with the final tool. As she closed her eyes to prepare herself, her nerves were tingling excitedly from the thought of feeling that thick plume of feathers dancing across her feet to really drive her arousal home. Her digits were continuing to fidget and swirl between her puffy lips, but she was trying her hardest to withhold on really indulging while her feet were left untouched. But at the same time, each second that passed with her footsies left oversensitized and untouched was becoming nearly unbearable, and her fur was standing on end while waiting in eager anticipation.

Part of her wanted to pull her shirt out of her mouth, just so she could belt out a dire plea for GiggleM@ker to finish the job they started so amazingly well. But at the same time, Judy didn't want to get caught in such a tantalized state, or for such an obscure kink being fulfilled to an absurdly lewd degree. She knew that if her partner Nick saw her like this, he would never let her live it down until one of them died. But despite how mortifying that thought may have been, all that Judy could think about was getting herself to completion with the aid of those waiting feathers on the other side of that wall.

"Nnnnfffffff~" She was growing desperate, and quickly snatched up her phone from the bench to frantically type a message to GiggleM@ker. But as soon as she opened the screen, her eyes widened in surprise when she realized a message had already been sent to her. Since she hadn't noticed her phone's buzzing during all that tickle torture, the bunny was quick to read the message left by her tormentor:

  • Send me a pic of your pussy, and I'll tickle you until you cum~ -

Aside from a panicked gasp that escaped through her gag, Judy wasn't able to hesitate too much when that text gave her the instructions clear as day. Even though she badly wanted them to use that final tool, the bunny was too riled-up to care about her composure any longer. With her shirt still tightly stuffed in her mouth, she groaned a little as she readjusted herself and slipped her yoga pants down her hips. Since GiggleM@ker was still holding onto her ankles, Judy had to pull them down halfway until her soaking-wet pussy was fully exposed between her quivering legs. The idea of taking a selfie of her flower felt more than a little unnerving, but the promise of feeling that duster prompted her to open her camera app without apprehension. After setting it so the camera was facing herself, the bunny bit down on her makeshift gag as she leaned herself forward, and placed her phone between her dampened thighs.

It took a few seconds for her to get into the right position, while also keeping from showing too much of her face or any other distinct features. By the time she got a good frame of her dripping pussy, all that could be seen through the app was an alluring sliver of pink that went down a wall of dark grey and matted fur. She shivered to herself as she used two of her digits to slip inside of her, and pried apart her lips just enough to expose the soft pink folds inside. She shivered with a muffled moan upon seeing her winking cunt in such vivid detail through the phone screen, and hoped it was enough as she snapped several personal pics.

Clk! Clk! Clk!

"Mmmnnnghhhh...~" By the time she finished with her little photo session, Judy had to look away while seeing the multiple pictures of her hungry pussy in her photo gallery. Fortunately though, the bunny wasn't too overwhelmed to attach those selected photos to the right folder, which she triple-checked before sending them to GiggleM@ker's contact. She could hear the faintest notification noise from the other side of the wall, which made her sigh silently in relief that it was sent to the right individual. And after several more seconds of silence, a new message was sent to Judy beneath her lustful pics:

  • My goodness! :O -

  • I wasn't expecting more than one~ -

Judy winced with a painful scowl the moment she read that second text, and silently cursed herself for going so overboard. But before she could feel too remorseful about her overzealous photoshoot, her brows raised up when a third message came in beneath the others:

  • Wanna count down for me?~ -

As her cheeks grew a deeper shade of red, Judy squirmed with a muffled moan while wriggling her toes underneath the stall. Since her pants were still wrapped around her knees, she was starting to leave a puddle underneath her while seated on the bench. She knew that GiggleM@ker was teasing her, and was probably loving the amount of torment they were giving to the tickle-hungry bunny. And despite how fun it was to play around like this, her dripping pussy prompted her to stop beating around the bush.

"Nnnffff!" Judy used the hand that wasn't coated in her juices to pull the shirt out of her mouth, and she took a deep breath before blurting out, "ThreeTwoOne, DO IT!!~"

"Hmm?" The yak finally overheard something from his earbuds, and pried them from his ears to glance back at the dressing room doors. However, after only a moment of silence, the clerk shrugged before shoving his buds back in to continue with his music. He may have known that some customers were back there, but he clearly wasn't being paid enough to give a shit.

As she clenched her eyes shut to avoid her cringe, Judy quickly stuffed her shirt back in her mouth while overhearing some muffled chuckling from the other dressing room. She was sure that they were wanting her to do the countdown their way, but she hoped that her earlier pics would be enough to suffice. Fortunately, just as she was about to anticipate a response, her phone buzzed to reveal two last messages from GiggleM@ker:

-Oooooooohhhhhhh... -

  • You're gonna get it now~ >:3 -

Her pupils shrunk in a mixture of dread and excitement, just as she felt the grip around her ankles tightening immensely. She tried to take a deep breath to prepare herself, but it instantly turned to a heavy gasp through her nostrils the moment she felt the briefest brush of something faint and soft gliding against her feet. Due to how badly the toothbrush and hairbrush rubbed down her soles until they were at their most sensitive, that first feeling of those feathers sent an electric surge of intensity that shot up her legs and struck her nerves. The bunny's body froze up as she reeled back like a demonic possession, but even the shirt stuffed inside of her mouth wasn't enough to quell the booming moan that belted out of her throat. "MmmmnnnnnNNNNNNNNGHHHHHH!!!~"

As soon as they heard that overzealous response, GiggleM@ker lived up to their name as they went to give those bunny feet some proper dusting. The red soles of her feet were ripe for the taking, and they didn't hesitate to bring the duster back in and really agitate the nerves with that plume of poofy feathers. Just a single feather would've been enough to send Judy over the edge, but the dozens upon dozens of feathers in that bundle just made the tantalizing experience that much better. The light, nearly airless strands only barely brushed against her feet with every vigorous motion of the handle; but despite how soft and brief those motions may have been, the constant flickering of those feathers were more than enough to send Judy into an absolute frenzy on the other side of the wall.

"NNNNNNNNNNNN!!! RRRRRGHHHHHHHmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmmmmm!!!~" Judy was splayed out across the bench as she endured the titillation of that feather duster, and was moaning out rapturously between the involuntary giggles that were muffled through her shirt. She was already teetering at the peak of climax, but the intense stimulation of those feathers were causing her to dig her digits back inside of her pussy needily. Meanwhile with her other hand, Judy was groaning out while pinching her nipples as tightly as she could, hoping to give her incoming orgasm some serious 'Oomf' with the combination of pain and pleasure she was experiencing. And despite how clearly she knew what she was doing was wrong, the nearly-nude bunny couldn't have cared less while enjoying every second spent bound before those teasingly diligent feathers.

"Mmmmmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmmmmm... HRHRHRHRHRHRHRHRRRRRR!!~" Even as she was drooling from the girth of her balled-up shirt keeping her lips partially parted, Judy's muffled laughter was still coming out clear as day for the chuckling tickler in the other stall. Her body was continuously writhing as she moaned out intensely, and her knuckles soon slipped past her lips so she could finger herself even deeper than before. The constant stimulation to her feet was becoming nearly unbearable, as the rapid dancing of those feathers struck her nerves with a consistency that left her unable to breathe. She struggled to suck in some deep breaths through her nostrils, but every forced inhale was interrupted from the constant gasps and guffaws she made in response to her merciless torment. Her lungs were crying out for her to relent, but her feet and pussy were begging for her to keep going until the deed was done.

Meanwhile on the other side of the dressing room wall, Judy's poor feet were continuing to be dusted relentlessly with the aid of that poofy feather duster. The constant brushing of those feathers against her soles were agitating them to no end, and her toes were constantly clenching in to help her endure the experience. GiggleM@ker could hear how deeply she was moaning through her gag, and already knew from the photos she sent that she was close to fruition. And just as they could hear her muffled moans becoming shakier, that was when they decided to lean in close to the wall, and spoke with a deep and lustful tone of voice:

"Tickle, Tickle~"

"MMMMMMGHHHHHHH!!!~" As soon as she heard GiggleM@ker say that teasing statement, it was accompanied with a barrage of rapidly flinging feathers against her feet to really set her off. Her body squirmed like crazy on the bench, and droplets of her arousal were dribbling off the side of the bench to drip onto the cold floor. But for Judy, she was too busy pinching and fingering herself to care about how thick her dressing room became with her heady musk. Instead, all that mattered was the elation she felt as she clenched her eyes shut, and focused on alllllllll of those titillating feathers tickling her feet to no end while her pussy was clenching hard around her digits.

"Nnnnnnn!!!~ Mnnnnnnghhhhhh!!! NNNNNNFFFFFFFFF!!!~"

Just as she felt herself clenching around her fingers as tightly as a vice, her body locked up and shuddered from the immense orgasm that was finally able to sweep across her body. As her feet continued to be tickled like mad, Judy moaned out heavily through her shirt while her hips spasmed in response to the waves of pleasure that struck her fraying nerves. With every strong pulsation of her muscles that caused her to bite down hard on her gag, Judy felt herself squirting out heavily through her wriggling fingers. Even though she wished she brought a towel, that blissful moment of completion left her mind utterly blank as she giggled between hefty squirts onto the floor.

"Nnnnghhhh!! Mmmmmmmmmmm..." Judy was reeling contentedly by the time she was able to succumb to her climax, until she finally slumped her head back against the wall and panted heavily through her shirt. She eventually stopped pinching her nipples, and shivered tiredly by the time she finally pulled her soaked digits from her loose and winking slit. Meanwhile on the other side of the wall, it seemed the GiggleM@ker overheard enough of her orgasm to know she was done. And as soon as they let go of her ankles and placed her feet back down, they were met with a deeply relieved sigh the moment she pressed her soles back on the cold ground.

"Nnnnfffffff!!~" Judy shuddered from that relieving sensation that instantly cooled down her aching soles, and she couldn't resist dragging them back into her own stall without pulling them up from the floor. Her feet and legs were twitching incessantly while she sat back upright on the bench, but it was hard for her to think about that while sitting mostly nude in the dressing room. She may have been more than happy with how well things went, but the bunny was quick to redon her clothing before anyone outside could get suspicious. After slipping back on her saliva-soaked shirt, which she covered with her hoodie after pulling up her pants, Judy waited until she was fully clothed before returning her attention back to her phone.

When she opened up the text screen, she smiled with a blush upon reading the message GiggleM@ker sent:

  • Okay, NGL. I fucking LOVED that! :D -

Judy covered her mouth with her dry hand as she giggled softly, and then jotted back a quick response:

  • That was amazing~ -

  • Thank you soooooooo much -

  • Hey, no prob! :D -

  • I really hope we can do this again sometime ;) -

Judy may have been surprised to see such a quick invitation from the person she didn't even know. But as she felt how heavily the fur across the inside of her legs had gotten, she breathed out with a lustful shudder as she typed vigorously on her phone.

  • Absolutely! :D :D :D -

  • But next time, I pick the place we do it~ -

  • OK, that's cool :) -

  • Anyway, I need to get some errands done, so I'll leave you to clean up ;) -

Judy overheard someone getting up from their bench in the other stall, but wasn't able to see any discernible features or shadows from the gap between the wall and the floor. However, the bunny's eyes widened in surprise when a clean white towel was plopped down on the ground, and pushed into her stall without GiggleM@ker saying a word. She may have been blushing heavily from that silent gesture, but she quickly snatched it up before muttering a brief "Thank you" to whomever was there. The tickler didn't say anything, and merely left the changing room so Judy could dry herself up in peace.

As the hero cop went to work vigorously cleaning up her mess, she didn't know who was walking back up to the front of the store. The yak behind the register barely paid any notice, and only gave a brief glance as the chubby cheetah strided out with a hefty grin. Even though he wasn't in uniform, Officer Ben Clawhauser was still donning a Zootopia PD t-shirt that clung to his robust form like a layer of cellophane against his multiple folds. And just beneath his bulging gut, Clawhauser's baggy sweatpants were sporting a very prominent tent that he tried to keep concealed while waddling away from the store.

As his heavy boots clomped audibly against the floor, Ben made sure to stuff his gloves back in his pocket before they could be seen. Much like Judy earlier, the pervy cop couldn't stop giggling as he walked by himself down the spacious mall, and admired the multiple pictures of that hot bunny pussy he was lucky enough to obtain. Even though he preferred his own team most of the time, the cheetah couldn't deny how nice Judy's anatomy looked with the aid of her phone's camera. And after making a brief glance back at the storefront, which was still empty sans the clerk, Ben made sure he was far enough away before opening up a new text log with one of the other coworkers.

  • Hey Nicky, wanna see what I found today?~ -

Ben didn't wait for the cocky fox to give a reply, and sent one of the pics of Judy's pussy to him while sporting a gloating grin. In less than two seconds, the presence of that bunny snatch in the text screen prompted an immediate response from Nick.

  • WTF?!? -

  • IS THAT JUDY??? -


  • Wait a minute, aren't you gay?! -


The chubby cop giggled with a blush, and narrowed his eyes on the phone with confidence as he typed down his reply:

  • Heh~ I told you I could get nudes of her before you can. ;) -

  • HOW?!? -

  • A bet's a bet, Nicky boy -

  • Pay me on PreyPal, and then I'll tell -

  • Ughhhhhh... -

  • You're a mean little shit, you know that? -

After all the juvenile jokes he had to endure from that fox, Ben couldn't help giggling cockily from how much his texts got to him. But despite the plans he already made with Judy, Clawhauser smirked with a notable blush as he typed a teasing response to Nick:

  • Don't worry, Nicky Nick. I know how to make you smile if you need it~ ;) -

Chief Bogo's Formal Flustering

The sun had only recently set over the western horizon, but the vast metropolis of Zootopia was already shimmering brightly underneath the night's sky. Even though there were several sections of the city with various climates and nature scapes, nothing...

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A Fox Overeasy

"MMMFFFF! Ughhh... Me and my s-stupid ideas..." Nick Wilde's fangs were tightly clenched shut, the fox had to try his hardest to keep his lips pursed so nobody could misinterpret his strained expression. Fortunately for him, it didn't seem like too...

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Mikey's Late Night Visit

"Oh, man... I really hope I'm thinking this through..." Even though it was the middle of the night, and the hallway was as barren as it could be, the lone turtle still looked around anxiously as his bare feet made light smacks against the cold...

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