Gideon: The Luckiest Unlucky Fox

Story by Troius Clawston on SoFurry

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Late one night after a long day of work, Gideon Grey is visited by a couple of bunnies answering his personal ad. The fox had made a secret classified ad, seeking some rather unorthodox services that he wanted to keep anonymous. However, even though he was grateful that a couple of prey were willing to provide for a lonely fox like himself, he was shocked to discover they were two bunnies he personally knew.

One was Judy Hopps, a former victim of his rampant bullying in his younger years. And the other was Judy's Mother Bonnie, who was more than willing to help her daughter out for the night. And given past history, the kinky bunnies were already padded up and ready to make their foxie squirm~

NOTE: This story was a commission for a friend by the name of Jaybird. If you want to see what other stories I have incoming, or want to show your support, feel free to check out my Official Patreon page:


Even though the light was fairly limited from the flickering porch lamp, the bunny was able to read the newspaper text well enough to smirk to herself. Her eyes veered up from the clipping pinched in her paws, scanning across the massive fields that spread across the horizon. She knew that the farm had just been inherited to its newest owner, but it was still hard for her to imagine them as being a genuine farmer nowadays. Of course, considering what she had just been reading, she supposed that their newfound farming conquests were more feasible than their relation to the "anonymous" classified ad.

After a brief huff, Judy's eyes peered back down to re-read the ad circled with a swipe of red marker:

WANTED: Anonymous Fun With Bunny D.L. Dom

EXPERIENCE NECESSARY - I won't explain DL in this ad. I just want a c*te bunny to make me squirm under them as the Dom. Older woman preferred - The bigger the better! Must be open-minded and 'dirty' IYKWIM... Call 555-498-0982

"I, Y, K..." Judy's muzzle skewed a bit while reading through that odd anagram. Fortunately, she only needed a moment before her brows rose up in understanding. "Oh! 'If you know what I mean'... Okay, that's clever."

She folded that tiny piece of paper in her paws, and tucked it back in the pocket of her thick cloak. Judy glanced over at the porch's stairs, and whispered towards the other cloaked figure standing nearby. "You good?" she asked discreetly. "I don't want you getting cold paws this close."

The figure gave a strong shake of their head beneath their hood, before pulling out a paw to be seen from the porch light. The paw was the same shade of grey as Judy's fur, and gave an affirmative thumbs-up. Because of that, Judy sighed before nodding back with a smile of her own. She then closed her eyes, and turned back to the front door while holding her breath.

"Okay then..." After letting out a final exhale, Judy made sure her cloak was fully up before ringing the doorbell.


Judy could overhear some muffled footsteps from behind the door, which prompted her to smirk underneath her hood. She pulled her ad back out from the pocket, and shivered a little in wait. Part of her was hopeful that the homeowner was alone for that night; but unless they ended up mis-labeling the date in their texts, she could only assume that they already prepared to be left undisturbed for the evening. Because of that, she kept her smirk undeterred by the time she heard the locks being undone with metallic clicks.

The door opened up, which helped illuminate the front porch from the kitchen lights inside. Before that beam was a tall, husky fox with a youthful face beneath his light scruff. He had gained a few extra pounds since graduating high school, but he still appeared rather spry for the newest owner of his family farm. He was standing in a white tanktop and some blue boxers, clearly intent on having a night to himself after a long day on the farm. Since Judy's hood was concealing her face, the fox's head tilted with a confused expression. "Uhhh... can I help ya?"

"Gideon Grey?"

Judy's head perked up, which allowed the shadow of her hood to pull back just enough to reveal her smirked muzzle. Gideon's brows rose up upon recognizing the lagomorphic features, and a deep blush instantly arose across his cheeks. Judy wasn't sure if he recognized her voice, but he was quick to nod his head faintly before muttering, "Uhhh... Y-Yes, that's me..."

A more confident smile widened across Judy's face, and she held up the newspaper clipping to make him gasp. Gideon's face grew redder as his eyes widened in shock, but he wasn't able to speak up before the bunny standing before him. "Did you post this advertisement for tonight?" she asked in a stern and unwavering tone. "I would recommend NOT lying to either of us."

"U-Us!?" He blurted with his eyes widening immensely. "Y-You mean you hav--YES!! Y-Yes, I, uhhh... I posted the ad." His smile grew unbelievably nervous-looking, and his eyes darted back and forth while looking across his front porch. Even though he was eager enough to answer that question truthfully, his embarrassed blush was more than understandable. After all, considering what that clipping was an advertisement for, Gideon had to be worried about being outed and humiliated if this bunny had ulterior motives. Fortunately though, by the time the other cloaked figure began to walk up the front porch steps, the first bunny walked past Gideon to enter the home herself.

"Take us to your bedroom," she commanded firmly, stopping in the middle of the living room in wait for Gideon's response. The fox jolted with a heavy blush, but didn't hesitate after the second bunny walked into his home unannounced. He quickly locked the doors behind them. And practically jumped towards the stairs while fidgeting antsily. He groaned a little as he rushed up the stairs, trying his hardest not to grind at the tent growing at the crotch of his boxers. "U-Up here! I mean, ummm... I-If we're actually doing this, I might need to clean up a little."

"Nope!" Judy walked right up those stairs towards Gideon, leaving the fox frozen with his boxers growing tighter. The bunny kept her heavy cloak over her head, but wasn't afraid of letting her grin be seen just barely through the shadow. "Given what you were asking for in that ad, I feel like you don't want to be very... 'clean~'"

The instant she said that highly-inflected word, Gideon shuddered with a heavy moan through his open muzzle. His claws came down to needily grasp at the tip of his tent, but it didn't look like Judy's statement got him to shoot his load so soon. Instead, the fox only needed a second before pulling his head back up, and replying with a headshake, "I-I just meant, uhhh... I didn't want you two to be... uncomfortable..."

The second cloaked bunny was coming up the steps as well, and was soon standing right beside the first in the middle of the stairwell. Gideon gulped nervously, feeling like he was standing before those creepy twins in that movie he never finished. Luckily for the blushing fox, Judy was quick to quell his worries by saying in response, "Oh, you don't have to worry about us, Mister Gideon Grey..."

After the two hooded bunnies gave each other an affirmative nod, they pulled back the cloaks to reveal their identities. Gideon let out a petrified gasp, and stumbled back to fall butt-first on the stairs. Meanwhile, the smirks being sported by Judy and her mother Bonnie were just as wide as they were devilish. Judy's purple eyes narrowed on her former bully, showing pure vindictive joy in her tone as she said, "Given what we have planned for you, I have a feeling you're going to be very uncomfortable regardless~"

Gideon Grey blinked a couple times, his expression looking rather blank while seated in stunned silence. Even though the fox looked unbelievably shocked by the reveal of his hired Dom, the tent from his boxers remained rock-hard and twitched rigidly through the fabric. Despite how confidently Judy was smirking, she and her Mom had to try their hardest not to be distracted by the surprisingly large endowment Gideon was packing, as judged by the thickness of that throbbing bulge. Fortunately for the bunnies, it seemed that their presence alone was enough to leave Gideon too overwhelmed to notice any details like that.

"Ohhhh, don't be like that!" Bonnie, whose voluptuous form was just barely concealed within the confines of her thick cloak, had her hips rocking back and forth with each step she made up the stairs. Her eyes narrowed mischievously on Gideon, which left him shivering worriedly beneath his blush. She pointed a digit at him sternly, and said with great insistence, "Unless you want to just waste our time, you better get your butt to bed this instant, young man! Otherwise, we might just test our padding elsewhere~"

Gideon's eyes were already the size of dinner plates, mostly due to how shocked he was to see Judy and her Mom as the Doms he hired. But as soon as he heard the word 'padding' from Bonnie's lips, his brows flagged up immensely before asking, "W-Wait, you... You guys have..."

Once again, Judy and Bonnie glanced back at each other with wide and devilish smirks, Judy was the first to ask her former bully, "We have what, Gideon? If you're a brave enough boy to ask us like a good foxie, I might let you feel it on your snout."

Her eyes were narrowing on Gideon as she grinned wide, absolutely loving how much that remark got him to spasm with a half-lidded look on his face. His head lurched forward, while his claws direly cupped over his pulsating tent. He knew what he had to do, but his embarrassment prompted him to take a moment and clear his throat nervously. "Ahem, ummm... W-Well, uhhh... Are... Are you two..."

Gideon's ears lowered worriedly, and he glanced between the two bunnies like he was worried one of them was recording his statements. But as his member continued to twitch painfully hard in his boxers, he only needed to close his eyes before asking with a shaky breath, "Uhhh... A-Are you two... wearin' d-diapers right now?"

Judy and Bonnie gave wide, affirming grins to the fox while nodding their heads. Both of them lifted up the bottoms of their cloaks, further confirming Gideon's question as he gawked at the taboo sight. Both of them were wearing thick, ABDL-brand diapers that looked absurdly poofy around their thick waists. The two were also wearing a tight pair of glossy black, latex leggings with the crotches cut off, which didn't obstruct from the view of those padded garments in the slightest. Even though the mother and daughter had plenty of extra pounds between them -- not to mention a fair amount of wrinkles that made Bonnie jiggle from the slightest movements -- their identical white diapers were bulky enough to leave their legs notably spread apart. But despite the limited movement, neither of the bunnies seemed discomforted enough to keep from smirking at the fox's gaped muzzle.

"You better lead us to bed now, foxy boy," jeered Judy with her voice carrying more urgency. "Because the two of us already took some supplements meant to intensify certain... 'open-minded' ideas. If you know what I mean~"

Considering all the perverted ideas Gideon had going through his head when he made that classified ad, his cock couldn't have throbbed any harder in his shirts after hearing that. His body instantly broke free of its stunned state, and he scurried up the stairs while shouting, "I-IT'S UP HERE, IT'S UP HERE!!"

Judy and Bonnie openly giggled while watching the fox rush up the stairs, leaving him even deeper-blushed in response. Bonnie was the first to head up the stairs, with each new step now accompanied with the loud crinkles of her clean diaper. Since the cloak was no longer muffling her movements, Bonnie didn't seem to mind her padded attire as she said back to her daughter, "Are the laxatives kicking in already, dearie? Because I doubt he'd mind seeing that a little early~"

Judy was quick to shake her head, and quickly followed her mom with her own diaper crinkling between steps. "Nnnghh... I'll be fine, I swear..." Despite her insistence, it was obvious that the bunny was holding back while grimacing ever so slightly. Fortunately, the back of her diaper remained just as smooth as it was untarnished and white. Her poofy grey tail wriggled a little through the diaper's tail opening, which tapped rapidly against the padding like the brush of a jazz drum.

By the time the bunnies waddled their way into Gideon's bedroom, the fox had flung all of his leftover clothes and bedding off the bed to leave only the stained sheets over the mattress. He was blushing hard while lying on his back in the middle of the bed, his arms and legs sprawled out like he was awaiting some rope. Judy's brows rose up while smirking at the fox's presented stance, while Bonnie gawked in disappointment from the state of Gideon's messy room. "Well, you seem rather eager," cooed Judy as she walked up along the side of the bed. "Were you wanting this for a while?~"

Gideon winced shamefully with his eyes averting from Judy's gaze. But alas, the fox was able to keep his muzzle unwrinkled while nodding his head silently to that question.

"That's what I thought," she stated confidently for a bunny wearing an adult diaper. "So, Gideon... Are you able to call us by some appropriate names for your requests?"

Gideon sheepishly glanced back at the bunny, and gulped before asking, "Ummm... D-Do you mean, like... M-Mistress or somethin'?"

Judy scoffed with a strong eyeroll. "Seriously?" she asked with a playful smirk. "We were kinda hoping that you'd call us both... 'Mama~'"

Her eyes narrowed with insistence on the fox, prompting Gideon to quickly nod his head in compliance. "Uh, s-sure thing! M... Mama..."

Even though he cringed a little from that first attempt of the name, Gideon was able to shoot a blushed smile up at Judy following his statement. Bonnie huffed with a more satisfied smile as she glanced back at the two, not giving much attention to how unkempt the fox's bedroom may have been. She rested her paws against the sides of her latex-covered and padded hips, and cleared her through to better catch his focus. "So... Is there anything you wanna ask from your Mamas tonight?~"

Gideon's cock twitched hard within the tight confines of his boxers. However, his expression showed much more nervousness while darting his eyes between the two diapered bunnies. "Uhhh.. D-Did y'all want to, like... ask it out-loud?"

"Well, yeah~" jeered Judy with her head tilting in amusement. "How else are we gonna know you're a good enough boy to handle it?"

"Besides," added Bonnie, who made sure to stand at the opposite side of the bed her daughter was at. "Given how you acted in the past, I feel like you deserve a little embarrassment like that... Right?~"

Gideon was quick to cringe with his fangs tightly gritted, not needing any further clarification in regards to Bonnie's question. His eyes veered back at Judy, his expression carrying far more remorse than previously. Judy didn't show any sympathy for the fox's guilty look, and kept her waiting smirk to hear for his response. And even with how shameful Gideon was looking from her stare, it didn't take long for him to nod up at her with a weak, albeit thankful-looking smile on his muzzle. "W-Well, ummm... That seems only fair, I suppose..."

As he breathed out shakily, Gideon had to try his hardest not to look too antsy by himself on the bed. Of course, since he didn't have any blankets to cover himself up, Judy and Bonnie couldn't help snickering from the sight of that thick, bulging tent at the crotch of his boxers. He squirmed a little from their amused reactions, but he tried to keep a nervous smile up at Judy's face instead of her padded crotch. "Ummm... M-May I..."

Gideon stopped himself with a strong grimace, looking rather blushed from what he was about to ask out-loud. But with two sultry bunnies standing over him in clean diapers, the fox knew he shouldn't be getting cold paws now. So after closing his eyes, and taking one final breath to reaffirm himself, Gideon kept his shaky smile up at Judy and asked, "May... M-May I ask for Mama to... tositonmyfaceplease?"

Due to how quickly he blurted such a bold question, Gideon could only wince when he heard Judy and Bonnie's shared laughter. The bunnies shot each other jeering grins, clearly amused by his sheepish request. Bonnie was the first to lean against the bare mattress, eyeing Gideon with a lustful grin. "Oh, come on now... I'm sure you can ask a bit clearer than THAT."

Before Gideon could swallow the excess saliva building up in his muzzle, he gasped when Judy pushed him back against the mattress with a strong paw. The bunny was looming over him with a randy grin, and narrowed her eyes on the fox with a more determined tone of voice. "What was it you wanted again?" she asked rather cheekily, before her smile widened to a devilish degree. "You better ask quickly, because I have a feeling I need to squat very soon~"

Gideon's eyes shot wide-open, not needing any context due to the garment she was proudly wearing around her hips. He shuddered with a heavy blush, and writhed under her grip before giving into his deepest desires. "I... I-I want you to sit on my face, Mama! P-Please!"

Judy huffed with a satisfied smirk, and was quick to hop up on the mattress to join the fox. She scrawled herself on top of Gideon's pudgy body, causing him to clench his eyes shut and keep from shooting his load. Her thick, padded rump was soon hovering above the fox's head, while the bunny herself got in a 69-based stance above his body. She was glancing back at her Mother with a confident smile, while Gideon's rigid cock was struggling to break through the confines of his boxers just beneath her chin. Even as he tried to keep his overwhelmed groans to himself, his squirmish nature was leaving Judy thoroughly entertained before even doing anything yet.

"Well then..." Judy eventually glanced back at Gideon's face, smirking down at him while her diapered rear sat on top of his chest. "You like what you see, dirty boy?~"

Gideon's face was as blank as it was blushing, but his head quickly nodded while keeping his muzzle shut. "... Mmmhmm..."

"Thaaaaaat's right..." judy then leaned herself forward, getting close enough to Gideon's cock that he could feel her hot breath through the tight fabric. As the fox shuddered eagerly beneath her weight, his eyes soon peered back at that thick diaper hovering right before his snout. "And did you want to be the only one who's dirty tonight?"

Judy made sure to give her rump a teasing wiggle, hoping to elicit a stronger response from the naughty fox. Gideon groaned through his gritted fangs, and gripped the bedsheets underneath him while clenching his eyes shut. "N-No!" He tried his hardest not to look too embarrassed while shaking his head firmly. "I... I don't want it clean..."

Judy's grin widened immensely, and she made sure to back herself up so her diaper was even closer to his muzzle. "Oh, is that so?" she jeered with a mocking tone of voice. "Because if you really wanted things to be dirty, you might need to beg for it~"

"That's right, Mister Grey," cooed Bonnie, who pulled herself up on the mattress to join her padded daughter. The older bunny got herself between Gideon's legs, and was less than a foot from her daughter's face by the time she got up close to the fox's tented crotch. Her diapered ass was sticking up proudly from the foot of the bed, the material just as clean and pristine as Judy's. But given how much the younger bunny was blushing, her grimacing muzzle made it clear that wouldn't be the case soon enough. And because of that, Bonnie was quick to tell their eager guest, "So unless you'd rather direct us to where the restroom is, I suggest you make your intentions clear~"

Gideon's shiver swept across his entire body, and his fur was standing on end by the time he looked back up at Judy's waiting diaper. His eyes were half-lidded in shameful pleasure, but he wasn't about to chicken out when the prize was so close within reach. Even though he knew how sick it was to make such a request, the fox could only shudder in anticipation before nodding his head, and opening his muzzle to speak. "M... M-Mama?"

Judy glanced down at him with a cocky smirk, her poofy tail wagging just outside her padding. "Yes, Gideon?~"

He grimaced a little from hearing his former victim addressing him by name. But given the situation, he could only feel a strange sense of karma as he swallowed his pride, and complied with the bunnies' perverted demands. "P... P-Please sit on my face, Mama! I... I've been such a bad foxie, and I... I need you to punish me real bad! Please, Mama! PLEASE!!~"

Judy and Bonnie both chuckled with amused grins, clearly loving how truthful Gideon was being in his advertisement. But before any pushing could commence, Judy made sure to lean herself back so her diaper was less than an inch from the fox's snout. "Well... If that's what you were really wanting, I have one last question to ask..."

Judy took a quick breath, mostly so she could keep herself tensed in such a squatted stance over Gideon's face. But despite the building pressure inside of her, the bunny kept her confident smirk when she asked, "I was needing to go to the bathroom really badly, Gideon... Can you tell me where I could go to relieve myself?~"

Gideon shuddered with an audible moan through his muzzle, and Bonnie could see how badly his cock throbbed in his boxers. Even though he looked rightfully embarrassed, the fox only needed a moment before pulling up his claws from the bed, and pointing them right at his blushing face. "You... You can do it right here, Mama~"

Gideon hoped that his upfront request, as well as his nervous smile while saying it, would be more than enough to sate the perverted bunny's demands. Unfortunately though, Judy just narrowed her eyes on him while grinning even further. "Ask like the dirty widdle baby you are~"

Gideon winced badly, not wanting to be blue-balled while hearing her Mother cackling from between his squirming legs. But due to how pent-up he was getting, the fox wasn't hesitant enough to keep from clenching his eyes shut, and shouting impatiently, "I... I-I want Mama to... t-to make Poopy, pwease! Mama pwease make a big Poopy!"

Judy closed her eyes, and took a moment to shudder from hearing such a thing from her former bully. "Nnnnffff... Oh, I would've loved to have a recording of you saying that back in high school~"

Gideon grimaced in utter shame, but could only shrug his head before muttering, "I... I suppose I can't blame you for feeling that way..."

Judy may have been aware of Gideon's change of heart, and even forgave him when he showed genuine remorse for his actions; but considering what she was about to do to the poor foxie, she wasn't feeling many regrets while perching her diaper right over his face. "Well... if this is what the dirty fox wants... I don't see why Mama can't deliver~"

With that, Judy shot a sultry wink down to the fox before closing her eyes, and tightening her expression with a hard groan. "Nnnnnnghhhhh!!"

The bunny hunched down over Gideon's face, with her padded backside brushing up hard against his snout. Gideon tried not to spasm underneath Judy's weight, while his legs were being held tightly by Bonnie's paws. The older bunny tried to ignore the sounds of her daughter's strained pushing, and instead directed her focus to the fox's tenting boxers. She quickly pulled down the waistband with a couple of digits, and reeled her head back in surprise when she saw the fox's thick, well-endowed length nearly smack her the moment it was released from its tight confines. But even with that meaty cock left unobstructed, Gideon wasn't able to tend to it while his claws were tightly grasping the sides of Judy's hips; instead, all the fox could do was shiver in preparation while muttering under his breath, "Oh god... Oh god..."

"NNNGHHHH!!" Judy may have not been afraid to push while squatting right over her former bully's face, but that didn't mean her bowels were prepared to handle a live audience. Since this was the first time she ever contemplated doing such a thing, Judy had to keep herself focused so she wouldn't chicken out. Even with the amount of laxatives she consumed prior to visiting Gideon's place, she still had to overcome some mental blocks when it came to messing on demand. Fortunately for the bunny -- as well as the blushing fox waiting underneath her -- Judy's continuous pushing quickly elicited some results the moment she felt a muffled blast of gas push against the inside of her diaper. "Nnnnnfffff... UNF!~"


Gideon shuddered the moment he saw the back of Judy's diapers push out a little, like a balloon that had just been given a breath of air to help inflate it. Of course, even with the thick amount of padding separating Judy's rump from his face, the fox's muzzle still wrinkled the moment he caught that unmistakable scent. But considering what was about to come, Gideon wasn't one to grimace while holding her waist firmly in anticipation. Instead, all he could do was push his face in right against that pillowy wall of padding, before moaning out, "P-Pwease, Mama! I've been a bad foxie, so pwease keep pushing!"

"Hmph~" Judy's face may have been tensed up, but she still shot a sultry smirk down to the fox below. "Well, if that's the case..."

Since she could feel the dams about to break, Judy took him by surprise by leaning back just as he had his muzzle opened wide. Her poofy padding prodded right between his quivering lips, and the back of his head was pinned to the mattress while her diaper kept his mouth lodged open. Even though the weight wasn't enough to risk any injury, Gideon was still left wide-eyed while his mouth was crammed open around the girth of her clean padding. He tried to yell out, but the only noises that could be heard were muffled groans that both of the bunnies weren't responding to.

"Mmmmm..." Bonnie may have been a married woman, but she still moaned out sensually while rubbing cheeks along the underside of Gideon's thick, veiny cock. The alluring sensation of her plmp, fuzzy cheeks against his shaft should've been absolutely captivating, and would've caused most foxes to shoot their load right then and there. But considering what was about to happen right up against his face, Gideon couldn't stop moaning while his mouth was crammed open by the smooth padding covering Judy's thick ass.

He also didn't stop moaning when he heard her pushing even harder. "GNNNNGHHHH!!!~"

Gideon's ears twitched upon hearing a sharp, distinct crackling noise just beneath that wall of crinkly padding stuffed between his lips. But just as Judy let out a deeply satisfied moan, his eyes widened when he felt that first surge of warmth that pressed up against his face. From that first push alone, Judy was able to push out her padding to an absurd degree as her knees wobbled against Gideon's shoulders. A thick bulge from the bunny's mess quickly protruded out just beneath her tail, and soon stained the pristine white padding with a faint hue of brown against the glossy plastic. "Aaaahhhh!!~"

"MMMMPHHH!!" Gideon writhed strongly on the mattress, but wasn't able to pull away while Judy's messy diaper was helplessly pressed against his muzzle. He couldn't even squirm his legs out of the way, as Bonnie kept a strong grip on his knees while rubbing up against his needy cock. Her cheeks were notably blushed in titillation, even as she heard her daughter continuing to push out more of her mess right against Gideon's frozen face. Despite knowing that her own diaper would soon meet the same outcome as Judy's, that didn't keep the bunny from drooling between the sensual licks she began to give to Gideon's twitching cock.

"Mmmmmghhhh..." The poor fox didn't seem too upset by his predicament, even as the lumpy mass behind Judy's diaper grew larger with every strained push she made. Those laxatives she took were definitely working their magic, as her continued messing allowed for the padding to swell out heavily over Gideon's muzzle. The garment grew a deeper shade of brown, and the smell was becoming nearly unbearable to Judy as she kept going with a strained grimace. But for the fox she was shamelessly sitting on top of, all she could hear were his muffled moans intensifying while more of her mess suffocated him beneath her fidgeting weight. She could only imagine how horribly her diaper was fraying his senses without any source for fresh air; but at the same time, she could see how badly his cock was throbbing between the teasing licks of her Mother's tongue along the underside of his pulsating head.

"Aaaaahhhhh... You like that, you dirty boy?~" jeered Judy while grinning down at the moaning fox. "You like getting a big poopy from Mama like that?~"

Gideon couldn't belt out an affirmative yes beneath that mountain of soiled padding clasped over his face; but due to her lightweight anatomy, Judy could feel the clear nods of his head underneath her diaper. Even though it was her own mess, she had to struggle not to cringe upon getting a brief sniff of herself. Fortunately, it didn't seem like Bonnie could catch that scent while moaning around the tent of Gideon's crotch. And since the fox was still rock-hard, and was clearly getting close as judged by the damp spot that was growing around the throbbing tip, Judy wasn't too worried whether or not the smell was too much for him.

In fact, Judy couldn't help smirking as she gave another hard grunt, and bore down more weight atop Gideon's face to elicit a messier squish. Bonnie's head perked up when she heard the soggy crinkles her daughter was making, as well as the heavily muffled groans from the fox underneath her. The younger bunny had her eyes as tightly clenched as her teeth, which caused her mother to giggle with a paw over her mouth. However, Bonnie also had to fan herself as she blushed more profusely to the sight before her. "My goodness! I know you learned a lot from those new friends in the city, but I didn't think you would be this open-minded!"

Judy sighed with a roll of her eyes, and paused her messy pushing to glance back at her Mom. "Are you really--Nnnnfff... A-Are you really saying that when you're wearing a diaper too? B-Besides, if you can think of a safer means to make extra income with a police salary, I'm all ears."

Gideon sounded like he was about to make some childish retort, but a hard squish of Judy's diaper ensured he wouldn't intervene. Meanwhile, Bonnie just shrugged her shoulders with an accepting smirk. "Well, just as long as you're not doing pornography, I won't judge."

"Psh, with this face?" asked Judy while grinning back at her. "I'm already oggled by half the city's perverts as a cop. What do you think'll happen if I put a video on Preyhub?"

Bonnie didn't show a smidge of hesitancy when she answered, "You would be richer than Gazelle, that's what would happen~"

Judy shot Bonnie a flat glare, which wasn't helped when she felt a strong nod of Gideon's head beneath her messy diaper. The bunny huffed to herself bitterly, before shooting a warning glance down at the fox. "Hey, don't give her any ideas!"

Without thinking, Judy used one of her paws to mindlessly smack Gideon's erection like a stress toy. Just as she gasped in horror of her involuntary response, she cringed hard upon hearing the jolted yelp beneath her padding. Even Bonnie gasped from her daughter's action, which prompted Judy to shout out, "Ohmigosh, I'm so sorry! That was an accident, I swear, Gideon!"

"An accident?" asked Bonnie snidely with a raised brow on her. "You were aiming at it!"

"I was not!" Judy lifted herself up from Gideon's muzzle, which caused her to wince when she felt that warm mess caked so tightly against her rump. A visible imprint of the fox's muzzle could be seen pressed into the sofy, mushy padding that was left brown and uneven. Meanwhile, Gideon could only gasp while his eyes were strained open, and his cheeks were burning with a heavy blush. He wasn't even able to speak between gasped breaths before hearing Judy say, "Gideon, are you alright? I swear, I didn't mean to hit your dick like that. It was total--"

"It, it, it, it... I-It's alright..." Gideon kept his eyes tightly closed, and he waved his claw to keep Judy from finishing her apology. Much to the bunny's surprise, it didn't take long for Gideon to point his blushed muzzle away from her, which showed his cheeks remaining a deep shade of crimson. "I, uhhh... I didn't specify it in that ad, but... B-But I don't mind a little... C.B.T. if possible..."

Judy's eyes shot wide-open, and her head reeled back with an especially shocked expression. Meanwhile, Bonnie blinked a few times with a more confused look. "Uhhh... What does that stand for?"

Before Gideon could answer, Judy leaned in close to her mother's ear and whispered the answer. Bonnie was frozen for a few seconds after her daughter pulled back, and her eyes slowly widened before she gasped a second time. "OH!!"

Gideon didn't see the older bunny's reaction, but he heard enough of it to wince with his head turned away from the two. Even though his current predicament was taboo in multiple ways, he was aware that certain kinks were far past most limits. Fortunately for the kinky fox, his silent shame only lasted for another moment or so. That was when he felt Judy's paw press up against his cheek, before she pulled his muzzle back towards her.

Gideon's brows rose up when he saw the warm, non-judgmental smile she was sporting. "Gideon?" she asked with a rather curious sounding voice. "Is that something you were wanting for tonight?"

Her smirk grew cheekier, which caused Gideon's eyes to widen in blushed realization. "Uhhh... Are ya... Are ya serious right now?"

"That's a question I'd prefer to ask you," retorted Judy, who turned herself around so she could press her warm, messy diaper on top of the fox's chest. Gideon grimaced a little due to how closely that soggy padding was to his snout; but given how devilishly the bunny was staring down at him, he felt too intimidated to really react while hearing her ask, "Gideon Grey, if I were to agree to such a bold addition, I need to be absolutely certain it's something you consent to us doing. So with that being said... Would you like some C.B.T. involved?~"

Judy's brows perked up with each enunciated letter she recited, all while narrowing her eyes on Gideon in lustful intrigue. The fox looked too stunned to really speak, most likely because of how surprised he must've been to see Judy so compliant with his wishes. Even though the bunny certainly had enough reasons to go along with the kink, Gideon needed a moment to really process her suggestion before gulping nervously. But despite how overwhelmed he may have felt, he didn't try to stop himself when he felt his head nodding affirmatively to her question.

Nor did he try to keep his muzzle from closing in that moment, even when he heard himself say meekly, "I... I would like that very much, officer..."

Gideon tried to give the bunny a wide and assuring smile, emphasizing how much he wanted such a bold addition to their fun. But even with how worried his smile actually looked from her perspective, Judy's grin couldn't have grown wider in satisfied glee. Meanwhile, Bonnie had to keep from snickering as she shot her daughter a mischievous smirk. "Jeeze, Judy! It's like your fantasies as a kid are coming to fruition~"

"M-Mom!" she shouted back at her with a heavy blush. "Do you really have to word it like that?!"

"What? I'm just saying the preteen you would've killed to have Gideon like this." Bonnie made sure to lean to the side so she could give an apologetic look towards the fox. "Uhhh... no offense."

"None taken," he replied in an instant while looking away from both of them. "Believe me, I'm fully aware of the circumstances."

Due to how much Gideon was blushing in guilt, Judy was able to accept that statement with a cheeky smile. And after motioning for her Mother to get closer between Gideon's legs, the bunny's tone of voice became much more confident. "Well, that's good to hear, Mister Gideon Grey... Because she's honestly not wrong~"

Gideon's eyes widened quite a bit, and his pupils started to shrink when he looked down at the two bunnies getting right up to his erect cock. Even though he was shuddering with anticipation, his lips were tightly bitten from the looming fears of what was going to happen next. Unfortunately, before he could get a good look at Judy or Bonnie's buck-teeth when they opened their mouths, his line of vision was promptly cut when the younger bunny positioned herself closer to his face. That saggy, messy diaper got right back up against Gideon's snout, which caused the fox to moan out shakily before clenching his eyes shut.

"Hmmmm..." Judy shot some serious bedroom eyes back at her Mother, while her digits teasingly glided up Gideon's shaft to make it twitch. But even when a couple thick globs of pre began to seep from the tip, neither of the bunnies tried to get a taste just yet. Instead, Judy tilted her head to the side, and loomed in towards the fox's cock when she said, "In fact... I always wanted to have you like this, Gideon... That way, I can be able to do this~"


"NNNGHHHH!!!" Gideon groaned painfully through his gritted fangs, and writhed on the bed the moment he felt those tiny teeth pressing into the side of his shaft. Meanwhile, Bonnie pulled her head back with widened eyes while watching her daughter bite the side of Gideon's cock like an ear of corn. Her teeth may have not been sharp enough to puncture the skin, but Gideon was still shrieking out in discomfort due to how viciously they were stinging his sensitive flesh. However, even with how hard the bunny may have bit, the fox's cockhead was still pulsating in perverted delight while spurting out more of his creamy pre.

"Ooh, nicely done~" purred Bonnie with a smirk. When Judy finally pulled back from that cock, the older bunny was able to see the tiny marks of those buck teeth right against the underside of his cock. Bonnie couldn't help giggling with her mouth covered. "Hehehe~ Well, it seems like I'll have to--NNFFF!!"

The bunny jolted up like she was just prodded in the back with something sharp. Her cheeks blushed out furiously, and her eyes remained as wide as could be in her frozen stance. Before Judy could ask what was wrong, her ears perked up when she heard the distinct sounds of muffled growling between them. Bonnie grunted sharply before her eyes clenched shut, and she clenched her stomach with an all-too-familiar look of constipation. "Nnnnghhh!! Oh, cheese and crackers..."

Gideon heard enough of Bonnie's groans to leave him wide-eyed on the bed, and his cock to twitch hard between her and Judy. The younger bunny didn't seem too worried about her Mom's discomfort, and merely grinned with a devilish gleam in her eyes. She was quick to pull herself off of Gideon's chest, with her heavy diaper hanging sloppily against her rump. "Mom, take my position before it's too late!"

She made sure to look back down at Gideon with an even wider smirk, and said without a shred of remorse, "I think Gideon needs another mudslide~"

The fox shuddered with an especially hearty moan, his half-lidded gaze on Judy making it look like he just fell in love. Of course, Judy just scoffed with a strong eye-roll, and went towards Gideon's crotch to switch places with Bonnie. The older gunny kept groaning worriedly, and practically jumped on top of Gideon's chest to get in position. "Aaahhh!! I... I can't hold it much longer!"

Gideon reeled his head back while shuddering beneath her weight, his nostrils already flaring when he caught the scent of baby powder wafting from Bonnie's padded bottom. The bunny was blushing as red as a cherry tomato, and was grimacing badly when she finally mounted herself atop Gideon. Her thick, poofy diaper was right up against the fox's face, and pressed down before he could let out his first muffled moan. Judy looked surprised to see her Mother getting into position so soon; however, Bonnie's distressed expression made it clear that her warning wasn't just for show.

"Ohmigosh!" Bonnie clenched her eyes shut, and squatted down lower as her poofy tail wriggled wildly. Gideon's twitching cock quickly regained Judy's focus, and she got herself between his legs before her Mom could start pushing. Right as Judy was about to get her teeth back on that throbbing shaft, she could hear Gideon moaning out deeply through Bonnie's diaper. "AAHHH!!" The older bunny's face scrunched in, and she groaned out hoarsely, "I can't keep it in--"


Much like Judy, who felt the full force of those laxatives like a freight-train, Bonnie Hopps didn't even need to push before an explosive blast erupted just beneath her tail. The older bunny groveled on top of Gideon's chest, and could only shudder while her diaper tried its best to hold the massive messing she gave. The back of her formerly pristine padding pushed out an absurd degree, and was quick to sag heavily across Gideon's head. The fox could be heard groaning in unbridled pleasure, but it was hard to hear him over the audible expulsions Bonnie was giving from above. Of course, even if Gideon's lustful cries weren't being covered by a severely filled diaper, it was doubtful he would keep going when Judy got her mouth around his shaft again.


"MMMNNNNGHHH!!~" Gideon's hips reeled up from the bed while that tenacious bunny was still biting his cock; however, due to how hard Bonnie was pinning his face down with her deeply-browned diaper, it was doubtful he'd be able to pry Judy off his dick. Because of that, the fox was left nearly suffocated under that fresh pile of filth, and writhing in a perverted combination of agony and guilty pleasure. And as Bonnie moaned out weakly, using the warm mush caked to her backside to ride Gideon's face even harder, Judy handled his bucking motions as best as she could while nibbling her tiny teeth across his shaft.

Gideon couldn't stop moaning direly underneath the two bunnies, but it seemed that his predicament wasn't something he wanted to stop anytime soon. Even when Bonnie began to squish the bask of her soiled diaper across his face, she and Judy were able to hear the boisterous moans he was trying to belt out through her padding. Meanwhile, the younger bunny was constantly pressing her teeth into more sensitive regions of the fox's endowment, which caused it to twitch and spasm hard between her lips. She personally wasn't sure how "sexual" most of this would be for herself, since it was obvious that Gideon was getting more from the experience than her or her Mom; however, after all the years she used to spend under Gideon's specist torment, being able to make him squirm this badly in pain and humiliation was far more satisfying than a night alone with Preyhub and a hitachi wand.

"Mmmmm~ You like that, dirty boy?~" Judy was grinning with delight as she dug her teeth harder against the sides of his shaft, eliciting heavy moans from the fox while he reeled beneath Bonnie's diaper. Even though he was breathing in pure manure, and his cock was being put through quite an arduous session of torment from Judy's buck-teeth, his cockhead could still be seen throbbing elatedly while more of his thick pre gushed out from the tip. Several of the gooey strands clung to the fur on Judy's face, but she didn't seem to mind that messiness considering what she was still wearing around her waist; so even when her cheeks became slathered in the fox's syrupy secretions, it didn't detract from her smirk as she went down to nibble on his balls.


"MMMMMPHHHH!!!~" Judy may have tried to be careful, and only nibbled on the loose skin of Gideon's sac to keep him reeling beneath her Mom's diaper. But even with her efforts, she still managed to bite a region sensitive enough to make his toes curl up tightly at the foot of the bed. Gideon tried to reel his head up while howling in arousal in torment; but due to how firmly Bonnie's messy diaper was draped over his head, all that the fox did was push his snout even deeper within the cushy brown confines of her padding. The stench was intense enough to nearly singe the hairs in Gideon's nostrils, but the poor fox couldn't stop breathing in through that diaper between his pained yelps.


"NNNNNN!!!" Judy continued to bite all over that spasming fox cock, making sure to keep him from cumming while pinned under the padded bunnies. But alas, despite how hard Judy tried to stop the incoming climax, she was able to see how much his shaft was pulsating up-close. She could also see the various teeth marks she left all over his cock, as well as around a couple parts of his plump balls. Even though she felt rather satisfied by the end result, her mischievous smile veered up at Bonnie while she was moaning between grinds. "Hey, Mom?" Judy made sure that her Mother's eyes reopened, before she gave a brief motion of her head downward. "You wanna get in on this? I think the dirty little foxie is about to shoot~"

Both of them could hear the muffled groan that weakly stemmed out from under Bonnie's diaper. Even though the older bunny looked a little skeptical, she was quick to smirk upon seeing what her daughter had already done. "Oh, you want me to add some marks too?" After glancing back at Gideon for a moment, Bonnie grinned even wider before giving a hard grind of her padding against his face. And as the fox shuddered eagerly in response, she turned back towards his cock and said, "Well, hopefully this won't be too much for Mama to dish out!~"


"MMMMMMFFFFFFFFF!!!~" Unlike Judy, who used her teasing nibbles to bite across the "safer" parts of Gideon's anatomy, Bonnie's buck-teeth went in to dig right at the base of his cockhead. The intense pain of her teeth biting his sensitive flesh, combined with the nauseous stench she continued to push against his snout and muzzle, proved to be far too much for the poor fox to endure. His body was rocking uncontrollably beneath the two bunnies, even when he felt Judy's teeth biting down on one of his balls. She didn't sink her teeth in hard enough to pierce the skin, but the overwhelming sensation was more than enough to send Gideon into an absolute frenzy of an orgasm. "NNNN! NNNNNNN!! NNNNNNNNNGHHHHHH!!!~"

Just as Gideon's hips pulled up from the bed with a reverberating moan, Bonnie head quickly pulled off his cock when she felt a heavy spurt of his load shoot to the back of her throat. Bonnie may have been just as kinky as her daughter, but her faithful marriage caused her to reel away from Gideon's cock and cough out his cum. Meanwhile, Judy got bug-eyed the instant she saw how badly Gideon's cock was throbbing, even while covered from base to head in multiple bunny bite-marks. The last ones that she and her Mom gave left very deep-red welts on his head and ballsack; but at the same time, those flesh wounds seemed to do nothing to keep thick ropes of his cum from shooting all over his waist and stomach.

"MMMMMM!!~ Nnnn! Nnnn! Nnnnnnnnn...." Even when Gideon slumped back in the bed with tired-sounding breaths, his cock continued to shoot out more strings of cum that left his fur slathered in the milky-white fluids. Judy and Bonnie grunted in unison as they pulled themselves off of him, allowing the fox to finally breathe heavy gasps of fresh air. The bedroom still smelled like a septic tank, but Gideon didn't seem to mind while reeling in bed with a glowing blush. When his orgasm finally did come to a close, and his cock was left twitching and coated in cum, Gideon was left with the dopiest grin on his face while staring up at the ceiling.

"Ummm..." Judy, who was now standing at the side of the bed beside her Mom, tried her hardest not to sound too awkward. However, given how both of them were still wearing their soiled diapers, Judy couldn't help wincing when she asked Gideon, "You alright there? Do... Do you need anything?"

Gideon's blissful expression didn't change a bit, but he made sure to shake his head weakly in response. "N... No, I'm good... T-Thank you, Judy..."

"Ummm... No problem." Judy smiled more naturally, and stared at the fox with a strangely peaceful look on her face. Bonnie seemed to notice her daughter's expression, and nudged her silently from the side. After her Mom motioned for her to say something else, Judy shrugged before deciding to add, "Hey, ummm... Just so you know, you and I are totally cool."

Gideon grinned a little wider, and finally tilted his head back at them while chuckling weakly. "Is... Is it weird I was hoping for you to say somethin' like that?"

While Judy scoffed with an embarrassed blush, Bonnie made sure to say, "Well, considering what you let us do, I can't say I blame you. However..."

Bonnie's suddenly inflected tone caught Judy and Gideon's focus in an instant. When both of them ended up staring at her, their eyes widened upon seeing the devilish grin that came across her face. "Even though we didn't specify payment, I feel like something has to be done to keep things fair for all parties~"

Gideon's eyes widened more worriedly, already feeling the post-orgasm regret he usually experienced after jacking it to diaper porn. But as he laid on the bed by himself covered in cum, he ended up feeling pretty helpless when Bonnie whispered something into Judy's ear. And much to his horror, it didn't take long for Judy to sport a grin just as wide as her Mother's. "Oooohhhh..."

Judy shot an eager stare right back at the fox and growled out, "I like that idea a lot~"


"Nnnnghhhh... Is... I-Is this really necessary?! I promise I won't say nuthin'!"

Despite Gideon's flustered pleas, the pudgy fox found himself perched on all fours on his bedroom floor. Bonnie was holding a camcorder in her hands, and had it expertly aimed right at Gideon's backside from behind. Both she and her daughter had gotten themselves cleaned up, as did Gideon due to how much he came over himself; but unlike the two bunnies, who were back in their civilian clothing, it was now the fox who was seen wearing one of those poofy diapers over his rump.

Judy made sure her Mom wasn't recording them before addressing her former bully. "I know that you wouldn't tattle on either of us," she made sure to say insistently while seated atop the fox's bed. "But the fact of the matter is that you did see us using them. I can't have that kind of blackmail going back to Zootopia, and I certainly don't want my Mom to deal with any rumors because of you."

"Ugh!" Gideon rolled his eyes, looking downright offended by such an accusation. "Oh, come on! You think I'm stupid or somethin'!? You're a goddamn COP! I would have to get a lobotomy before considering something that dumb!"

"And I really appreciate hearing you speaking with logic nowadays," retorted Judy, whose smirk widened just a little bit. "But at the same time, Mom and I still need collateral in case anything happens. So just fill up that diaper like your Mamas have, and we'll be on our way~"

Gideon may have not been erect anymore, but that cheeky statement got him blushing while he hung his head. His legs tried to clench in, but the poofy padding kept his thighs from touching. He could feel his gut twisting knots, but he struggled to keep his expression from showing any visible discomfort to alert the bunnies. Unfortunately, just as he tried to take a shaky breath, his eyes widened when he felt his tail instinctively flag up through the hole in his waistband.

"Ooh! It's happening!" Judy was grinning more excitedly when she pointed at Bonnie. "Mom! Start recording! I think he's gonna burst!"

"Oh, come on!" griped Gideon, who cringed painfully when he overheard the distinct beep of the camcorder being activated. He didn't want to be watched shitting in a diaper, but he knew he couldn't say much after Judy and her Mom did the same. And even with the camera being able to pick up audio, Gideon couldn't help muttering under his breath, "For crying out loud, I'm not even into doing this myself. I just watch girls do it on the internet..."

Judy wanted to say something about how she wasn't a huge DL enthusiast, but the recording camera ensured her lips would remain tightly shut. Bonnie kept herself silent as well, even though she was still grinning from ear-to-ear. Her eyes were narrowed in focus on the flip-out screen from her camcorder, which was framed to get a perfect view of Gideon in his temporarily clean diaper. However, as soon as the camera got a good shot of the fox's blushing face, his eyes clenched as tightly shut as his wrinkled muzzle. "Nnnnnnghhhh!!!"

His tail stood up high enough to start shaking rigidly, and his bare toes could be seen curling inward from the strain. Judy laid herself at the foot of Gideon's bed, and watched with a schadenfreude-esque grin of her own. Gideon's head leered down, until his snout was nearly touching the floor. Meanwhile, his rear remained raised up while his knees were buckling, making it clear what was about to occur in his squatted stance. "MMMMGHHH!!!~"

Judy and Bonnie were able to hear the audible bouts of gas poofing out the back of Gideon's padding, while the fox continued to groan with a deeper strain in his voice. However, those muffled poofs were immediately followed by a nasty-sounding gurgle, which was accompanied by the back of his diaper swelling out in an instant. Gideon's muzzle finally opened as he let out a weak moan, but Bonnie's camera caught more of the audio from his diaper being flooded with his hot, steamy mess. And just like the two bunnies, Gideon couldn't stop going the moment those laxatives gave their desired effect; instead, all that the fox could do was shiver on all-fours while shitting himself on camera. "Aaaahhhhh!!~"


Gideon's recorded messing lasted about two minutes at most, which is fairly quick considering how much he had to push out. By the time he was finally able to breathe between his pained groans, the back of his diaper was filled heavily enough so the sag was nearly touching the floor. The padded backside was stained with a very deep shade of brown, while the glossy plastic also boasted several large lumps due to how exuberant his messing was. When he finally gave his last pushes, Gideon slumped forward so his face and chest were resting on the floor. Meanwhile, his shitty diaper remained raised up high between his wobbling legs, all to be recorded through Bonnie's camcorder.

"Well, that seems sufficient enough~" Bonnie smirked in satisfaction before turning off the recording, and tucking the camera back in her purse. Gideon was still moaning out tiredly while hunched in a fetal position on the ground; however, that pathetic-looking stance wasn't enough to keep Judy present for much longer. The bunny hopped off his bed, and walked right past him with her Mother in tow.

"Thanks for the fun night, shit-britches~" she said jeeringly back at the fox with a mischievous smile. While Bonnie walked past her daughter towards the door, all while smirking to herself just as contentedly, Judy made sure to add, "I'm not gonna lie, this was a very fun experience. Who knows? If you're willing to do another messing om camera, maybe we'll come back another time~"

"W-Wait, what?!" Gideon tried to pull himself up after hearing that remark. Unfortunately, his swollen diaper caused him to stumble back to the floor with a very unpleasant-sounding squish from his padding. "UGH! Judy, what the fuck!? You could at least help me clean up!"

"You didn't help change our diapers, so I don't think it would be fair to do the same with you~" Despite her earlier claims of forgiveness, Judy's smile looked rather vengeful as she narrowed her eyes down at the messy fox. "Besides, if you wanna be treated like a real baby, you need to ask your Mamas in advance~"

With that, Judy left the bedroom with a strut in her step, and shouted out, "Ciao! See you later, Gideon Grey~"

Gideon couldn't even get back on his paws before hearing the front door closing; he could also hear the engine of an engine outside running, before Judy and her Mom drove away from his farm. Because of that, Gideon was left standing alone in his bedroom with a very pissed-off scowl on his face. He looked down at his heavily soiled diaper, and grimaced before leering away in disgust. "Gah! No wonder it took me so long to get a taker for that ad..."

The End

Pierced Pleasure - Chapter One

Even though the sun had only just set about twenty minutes prior, the neon lights around the shop's windows were already shining brighter than the streetlamps outside. Just above the eye-catchingly bright purple lights, the name Kupigwa juu ya Ink was...

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Judy Gets Tickled Off-Duty

- Are you there yet? :P - - ... - - Hello? - - Sorry, traffic was really hectic. I just walked into the mall - -Okay cool. :D - - I hope you're ready~ \>:3 - - \>\_\< - - Hehehehehe~ - "Nnnfff~" The very moment that response...

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Chief Bogo's Formal Flustering

The sun had only recently set over the western horizon, but the vast metropolis of Zootopia was already shimmering brightly underneath the night's sky. Even though there were several sections of the city with various climates and nature scapes, nothing...

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