having a whale of a time

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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An orca whale cross (father whale mother orca) hasn't been swimming for years as her life style or job was very demanding now that she has a less hectic job she has time to swim again, she is an orca whale with both sexes.

One day at the pool there is a doe that catches her attention mostly for the slightly bulge in her swimming clothes but also she rather cute,

another herm one or more she male? eh herm hope you enjoy

As another day dawned I woke up and groaned licking my lips and feeling a slight after taste of seed had I taken someone home or had I done another self blow job? Looking down I see it was the latter as there was a stain on my bed and my cock semi out of it slit.

Getting up I sighed and flipped the mattress over and took the sheets off I was in need of a good fuck I needed to unload into someone and maybe the other condoms were okay but you try disposing of a whale sized orgasm load.

Yes I'm a whale 12ft tall I tower over everyone but at first glance I look like an orca as I have the classic white and black colours well my mother was an orca and my father a whale one night they hooked up as a date to see other friends and one thing led to another mostly sex and I was made as my mother was in season or so she thought but it turns out my father's load of seed was so much it made my mother pregnant even while not being in season, there not married but are a couple.

I'm 23 years old and have a very busy life I work in a retail shop mostly running it as I started as do must furs at the age of 17 a shop helper I then got to till operator that would also mean looking after the money and then at 23 I got sub boss as in if the boss isn't there I run the shop.

Getting dressed I sighed I needed a job change maybe go back to being till person but the money it was nice my boss was in work today so I thought about asking for less hours, as I put my shirt on a button burst on my gut I groaned.

"Fuck why today? Sigh stupid belly and foods I need to get back into swimming"

I said as I tucked it into my skirt and made lunch

going to work I didn't walk but too the train I would stand up in the part were you put your bikes it was the only tall part were I didn't have cramps in my back for a few hours after.

Oh my name Elaine by the way and yes as you've guessed I'm a girl that has both sexes male and female.

When I was born doctors did some tests and found out I had the rare double sex gene I was into boys and girls clothes toys and shows.

By my teenager age I was taken to the doctor and had my condition explained to me at first it was hard to understand but then I knew what it meant.

My first boy friend was a nice horse he liked the odd ball furs and we dated but one day we walked to a part of the school he took me to the side and kissed me deeply.

I moaned and held him however though I had nice round breasts my cock decided it was time to show itself and at first it was kissing then look and then shock then he left and pretty much said that I was too odd and that he wasn't gay.

Next came my first sleep over I was at a friends house just me and her a nice lioness who I'd been friends with for ages it was her fifteenth birthday and I was invited over for the sleep over I had a slight crush on her as you know mixed genes.

Getting to her house I was also semi hard but kept it down that was until bed time.

Getting dressed she went fully nude in front of me her round breasts not as big as mine but nice as well as her four other nipples under her breasts made me blush.

I then took my top off and she hugged me and purred at me and then started to kiss me it was at that point my cock only in panties came out and started to poke on her butt she blushed thinking it was my hand but then she looked.

It was a shock to her but not that much she then started to lick and suck it I cried out and came she then pushed her pussy into my face and I licked her as she rubbed my cock and fingered my pussy lips though the slit another orgasm hit me cumming from both sexes her own orgasm hit her and we cuddled in her bed.

She never told anyone and I think she is in porn now or is running a porn show no idea but it was fun.

College came and went I had sex with a guy that knew about my cock he took my cherry and I took his as well he wanted to know what males cocks feel like such a nice horse he was I fucked him in the disabled toilets after college had ended as my father would pick me up from work him his mother.

And so here I am with the bikes on my way to work in a busy big clothes shop.

Getting to the shop I looked in the other shops they were all opening up for other staff members I walked in and put on my name badge and went to the back.

My job as sub boss is to make sure everything is going to plan today our paper work girl is off sick and so are a few others I guess the flu can't reach up high.

Once open the shop was busy furs buying clothes and the bargain's then others trying stuff on I then saw my boss walk in.

"Excuse me sir, can I have a word?"

I said he smiled he was a nice old lizard dragon thing he walked into his office and drank his coffee licking it with his tongue to see if it was too hot or right,

"My dear Elaine how can I help you please sit"

He said going into his office and opening up his laptop ready to check on the sales and other boss things,

"Well sir, can I have a different job? Only this one is so demanding plus I need to have some time to myself as I'm getting larger and yes all the running around was good but now I'm mostly in an office doing papers and hardly moving"

I said he just put his scaly paw up to stop me

"Elaine, you should know by now what this job had going for it, but I guess I could lower you, hmm shop floor is open that would be you doing less paper work and being more a supervisor to the others that do you? Same pay but fewer hours"

He said getting out some papers from his filing desk

"What would be the times?"

I asked looking though the contract he slide to me with a pen

"Mostly whenever we need you, unlike sub manager you'd be mostly here but not all the time um you'd be given days to come in and off days if that make scene"

He said rubbing his head

"Yes it does thank you sir; I'll start next week so you can find a replacement sub manager"

I said signing the contract

We shock hands and I went to my desk to finish up paper work as well as go down to the floor and make sure the back area was still active it was.

A week went by and my job came to an end I'd be paid a little less but I'd have more freedom to get into better shape they had also found a replacement for me and I started my work.

Being on the shop floor walking around helping out customers and letting them into the changing rooms and keeping an eye on furs that walked in then walked out not buying anything, it was good this went on for three days then I had days off.

Waking up on a morning I wasn't in work was odd I lay there waiting for my phone to go off with the wake up call but it stayed quite I yawned and got up and showered my house is custom made for those furs that are either very chubby, very hyper be it as in active or just big in places, ware wolfs or other ware furs, tall furs and disabled furs.

My building was 15 ft high floor to ceiling I loved it over places I'd either be crawling or my neck would be down all the time, I smiled as I cooked my breakfast then ate it and looked though the local papers for gyms.

There were so many but looking at them on my phone they were either one of these shout get thin you fat fuck places, or the gym that you can buy this and get this free but that's not all you get this and this and things and this, ugh other gyms were way too pricey all I wanted was to go into a gym and use equipment but no you had to sign up or get some trainer.

I sighed then I saw swimming classes all ages sizes all furs welcome and the price was good too.

I booked an appointment and the next day I went there I sadly had no swimming outfit but they did there was a shop inside the pool that sold stuff swim toys and outfits, I brought a nice large bikini in blue with dolphins on I know but it was too cute to pass up.

There was four types of changing rooms or locker rooms, males only, females only, family only and the last one was other I guess this is for those trans or not sure on there gender furs, I walked into the other locker room.

It had large lockers and large booths for getting dressed in, there was a few older furs there they came in here as it also had high and low adjustable seats for there age.

Going into the booth I took my top off and my clothes there was a mirror there I smiled and held my blubber that was my gut and said goodbye to it no more popping buttons for you I put on my new bikini and walked out my butt hugged my new bikini my breasts only just fit in them they almost spilled out at the sides but I didn't care you want a look go ahead pervert.

I saw one booth shut up as the older bears and furs walked into the pool area I just thought it was a fur that wasn't happy about her body.

Getting my towel I put it on the rail my clothes in the locker arm band with key now on a hanger that had a code to make the magnet stop and let the key off.

I saw the big pool and the kids pool then there was the small but adjustable pool they had it at 8 ft I got in and it was warm I sat down and there was our teacher she dived in and swam to the surface we all clapped as she sat on the side a nice mare in her Olympic swim gear.

We lined up and she looked at us saying how good it was to be here and that we had a mixed bunch she then noted one fur was missing.

I looked and there I saw a nice doe still with her towel around her waste looking shy as most doe's do.

"Hi there sweetie c'mon join us the waters nice and warm unlike the main pool all cold until you get in you can't swim with your towel on you know"

The mare said swimming over to her as she covered her self up more making me look at her

"It's um okay I'll join in when I um feel like it okay? It's not a rush unlike other pools"

She said very softly but as I had great hearing I felt sorry for her,

"Well okay then but don't worry there's nothing to be ashamed about were all different even me look"

She lifted her arm up to show one hell of a scar were the fur hadn't come back

She then swam back into the water and started the lesion, it was simple swimming swim from one end the other in whatever way you want.

The older bears and the older turtle did this it was great for the joints and was better then someone shouting at you to feel the burn, I was swimming I even did a whale I came up and sprayed everyone with my water jet hole on the top.

Going over the doe was still not in the water her towel was now resting next to her I swam over and came up slowly I towered over her but she just kicked the water with her feet I then shock my hair and looked at her she blushed at me putting the towel back in her lap.

"Hay what's wrong? The waters nice if you're scared from a childhood thing or you've seen those old danger water adverts from the 70's don't worry this is safe"

I said holding out my hand to her which made her blush she had on a full bikini swim top,

"It's not that, it's just um, I don't want to get excited and have to exit the pool with everyone looking at me and my um accident"

She said rubbing her towel more and looking more worried as there were a lot of furs there

"You mean wet yourself? Please I bet these old furs have already done that I know I have c'mon if not then I'll splash you"

I said going under and to the deepest part then starting to rise up only stopping before I came up with tons of water going all over her and anyone else around

"Okay I'll come in; I guess no one here is um sexy enough for me to have an accident"

She put her towel to the side her wrist had a key loop on it if you didn't want the code you could use the strap on the band with the key attached

getting in I saw a slight bulge down there I thought it might be a flap for if you need to pee but it looked more like my bulge I get sometimes I just ignored it.

She swam around a bit splashing me and I splashed her we then dived under to get black blocks and to put them in a basket, it was all fun, that was until one of the older ladies got out of the pool, we looked as she got up and then jumped in holding her nose when she came up she laughed as did we but then there it was, flouting past us was her top she looked and there were her saggy breasts she covered them up.

Her friends laughed and thought of the film were that happened but at a camping site (bonus points if you know what film that is reader)

I laughed but then I saw the doe exit and grabbing her towel tears in her eyes she was running like she had pooped herself her legs wide and towel covering up her body.

The bear grunted and put her top back on the mare was also laughing and said that it was okay but then noted the doe had gone, I got up and dried myself off we then all walked back to the lockers in there I could hear crying soft cry's and other words.

I went next to the booth were the crying was coming from and sat on the bench there.

The cry stopped only to be sniffles here and there as well as stupid why did you think it was a good idea to go here?

"Hay are you okay in there miss doe?"

I asked making her gasp and cover up though the walls of the booth were very tall on the sides

"No but I'll be okay in a moment please don't come in or look over the walls"

She said as she held her bag with clothes in

"Hay its okay I'm a very out going fur um fish um whale you can tell me besides I can hear you I have good hearing"

I said to her though the wall gap by the bottom

"Really? Well if there gone you can stand in the door way to block others as your big and they won't be able to see my horror"

She said getting up and walking to the door

I got up and looked over the older furs had gone still laughing over the one losing her top I then exited still in my bikini I then stood over the door and it made a click noise.

The door opened and there was the doe I stepped inside the door and yes I filled the door way out nicely, I then looked and she looked around me seeing that only a small gap was there but only if you got up close to me could you see though.

"Well as long as your not going to go all shock horror or shame me here is why I ran and have accidents"

She said taking her towel away she looked normal but then I saw it,

"Oh that explains a lot"

I said to her looking back to make sure no one was there

there in her one piece swimming outfit was quite the bulge it went right up to the base of her breasts there was also quite a large set of stag balls that bulge it out too I looked then entered and closed the door she started to cry.

"This is from seeing those breasts, even if there old my stag side just kicks in and gets hard and being a girl its bad really bad please don't tell anyone"

She said crying into her towel I just smiled

"Hay its okay I know what you're going though; it's happened to me years ago in school after that I was the last to change so no one saw my thing"

I said to her as she looked up at me

"What do you mean? You've got no idea what I've been though this thing ruining dates and jobs and as for sex I've not had anything for years I'm still a virgin"

She said crying again I just put my arm on her and sighed

"Well I know what you've been though as I've been though it too"

I said as I stepped back and took off my bikini bottoms and rubbed my slit moaning making her look shyer but then she saw the pink tip come out of my slit and get bigger

"Oh your a"

She said as my cock came out fully hard and on show

"Yes, a herm, I have both male and female sexes, so I know what you're going though"

I said taking my top off now fully nude

I looked as her cock throbbed hard her eyes looking all over my body her cock now starting to throb hard as she was almost drooling she then looked at me blush in her face as she put her hand out to touch I moved into the cubical and let her touch it.

She rubbed it and stroked it feeling its soft thick sticky shaft; I let out moans she then got up and stood there her own cock out and dripping pre.

I lightly touched it, it was hard and was like a true stag or buck cock, thin but thick ish I pumped it and felt her balls they were full quite round they were very fuzzy she started to moan out from this quickly covering her mouth.

"Its okay, let it out, besides I like to moan out loudly too when I'm touching another"

I said as she rubbed my cock my own cock throbbing and twitching around like whale cock's do,

"Are you sure? Were in a public place I might get banned"

She said shying away her cock getting soft from that comment

"If anyone says anything they'll have to deal with my friends, you should join us, in our little group were always welcome to new furs she male full blown herm or futa"

I said her ears perking up at this looking at me now her blush more gone our cocks lightly rubbing on each other

we stood there until we had both calmed and gotten used to each others bodies, she then started to get dressed all the while I was there she bent over showing off her cute white doe butt making me throb slightly.

I then opened the door and walked into my cubical getting dressed my cock still out from meeting another girl with cock, I then walked out and there she was sitting on the bench waiting her face smiling until she saw the bulge in my pants I just shrugged my shoulders if furs and people wanted to look go ahead I can't help being hung.

We exited and she walked to her home it was quite the walk but worth it, she opened the door and she thanked me,

"So um, when do you meet? I mean you know"

She said looking around making sure no one was looking or listening

"Oh we meet up every Sunday at the end of the month, it'll be here"

I gave her a card it said girls with dicks unite she took it and blushed at the name

"I'll be there um thanks Elaine, um I'm Sam, it's a basic name as my parents gave it to me as well the doctor told them even though they thought I was a boy I had girl parts in me mostly breasts and hips"

She said blushing and looking around nervous then deer's are when hunting seasons on in the wild

"Well nice to meet you I'll see you this Sunday I hope"

I said as I walked away the door shutting very fast I felt sorry for her I guess some furs aren't that open or have been ousted or driven away by others,

The next few days went by nice and easy then came out meeting, the hall was empty I set up the tables and the chairs.

It was now 6 in the evening as the first furs and humans started to come in and take there seats.

I looked out but saw no sign of our new doe member I sighed the address wasn't on the card but it did say village hall.

I went inside and started the meeting.

I went over the topics like using the bathrooms and that some places had taken into the fact that there were herms or she males around so they had put up signs in there rest rooms saying a fur that has a male part might be in here please do not complain we all cheered.

Next was the issue raised about bulges how much it too much? We talked then I saw the door open and a doe look around she took a seat at the back and was still shy as soon as the topic was over I spoke,

"Well tonight we have a new member joining us, her name is Sam and she is a she male, welcome Sam come tell us your story"

I said as everyone turned around and looked at her making her go red and very shy

"Um no I'm okay"

She said hiding away and covering herself up as she was semi hard

"Hay its okay, your with friends here, here furs people let's show her how open minded we are"

I took my pants off and that was followed by others there skirts dropping to the floor there bulges and semi hard on all there in front of her,

"Oh wow you really don't mind showing yourself to others?"

She said blushing and getting up slipping off the long skirt she had on showing that bulge and tip poking up from the top of her panties

"There now everyone has seen yours and you've seen them come up here and let's talk"

She walked up and talked about her life and her bad times others comforted her on it,

After that we all talked and chatted over tea and cake, Sam was now a lot better her bulge out in the open as she saw others her face still slightly red but no one seemed to care.

After the meeting was over we tidied up and went home it was now nine at night, yes our meetings would vary sometimes going on until late sometimes over quick.

As I put the tables away I saw Sam taking some notes from another well hung she male horse telling her were to buy clothes for her large sack, all the while my mind was set on her I wanted to fuck her maybe even let her get the first fuck my cock started to get hard from that.

I walked over and waved by to the horse that walked out her ball sack bulge from behind quite large.

"So how was it? Meeting others in the area? Were all local well local to a point only two come from another town"

I said as same smiled brightly

"It's great, I never knew furs were this open minded over others with the same thing, I guess I'm stuck in the past were if you weren't normal you were an out cast"

She said as she started to cry I hugged her tightly her face going right in-between my boobs her horns only slightly jabbing me

"its quite alright Sam, some furs have moved on but others haven't that's why I made this group so that we can meet and be safe as were all the same well same as in you know different sexed"

I said as I felt her head move in-between my breasts she loved this

"Mhm yeah same"

Was all she said as I felt her doe hands touch my butt and her face rub my breasts

"Enjoying your self? Heh I think you are I can tell"

I said as I felt her cock rub in-between my legs my own cock started to get hard

"Huh oh sorry, it's just, no ones hugged me like that, it's always been the awkward side hug or shoulder hug you know to stop this from touching them"

She said as I pulled her deeper into my body making her blush and gasp

"You can hug me like this any time Sam; just remember I might have the same reaction as you"

I said as my cock wormed its way over my pants and though my top poking out though

"Well I'm okay with that, um I guess we should get going only well they might need this hall in the morning"

She said to me blushing as her cock was still hard but she wanted something else

"They might but were all alone here, no one around we could have some fun"

I said stroking Sam's back and lightly cupping her butt making her moan out deep softly almost a mating cry but as a whisper

"Well I mean no sex but I wouldn't mind jerking you off and you doing the same"

She said blushing as her cock throbbed and dripped pre

I smiled and let go I then went into my hand bag it was quite large I pulled out two condoms making her blush; I then got out a matt they have for the yoga classes and set it out on the floor.

I then took my lower half clothes off Sam doing the same; she could now see my monster cock.

There it was all 15 inches, thin at the top but thick at the base like a true whale's cock.

Her own cock was small and thin but long like a stags I'd say about 9 inches with a nice fuzzy set of balls round and full of her seed.

She blushed and took her dress off and panties then sat next to me on the other yoga matt, I rolled the condom over my cock and put it as far as it could go on me.

Sam did the same we then both started to jerk our cocks up and down in there rubber seal.

She then leaned over and started to rub my cock her hands soft and she went hard gripping hard and pumping my meat pole with her soft paws.

I let out moans as I leaned over and rubbed hers making her cry out in pleasure as I pumped her cock with my hand.

Both the rubbers were holding I had extra thick ones as when I cum it is a lot thank you father for your seed loads, I had no idea how much she would come.

As she rubbed me I lay back letting her rub my cock with both hands I then lay on my back I then felt her pumping it with both hands my body was on fire it needed this I then felt her mouth I looked and there she was sucking the tip while pumping my cock I let out a whale moan which was deep and powerful I then picked her up turning her around almost 69 but she was on top of me I then rubbed my breasts on her cock as she pumped and sucked my cock tip.

We both moaned as our bodies got the attention they needed she then broke the sounds or rubber being pumped and wet sexual sounds of fore play? Or not quite sex.

"Fuck Elaine that feels great don't stop please!"

She said moaning as she went a little deeper on my cock

"You're not so bad yourself Sam for your first time"

I said as I rubbed my breasts over her cock my hand cupped her ball sack lightly to feel it with all that seed in it

We both moaned sucking rubbing and pumping each other until Sam could no longer hold back.

Pumping her hips she let out a bellow of a stag and came her load filling the condom it would of shoot all over the floor it filled up a lot it started to pour over my breasts all the while she was still pumping my cock.

I let out a deep moan and I came thick waves of my seed filled the condom and her paws as the condom ballooned out with my seed thick and creamy Sam rubbing it more to get it out.

I came a good few times as did Sam soon though our orgasms died down she lay on me as she panted and gasped her cock going soft in-between my breasts my also going soft.

I pulled the rubber off me and quickly tied a knot in it, there was a good garbage bag sized load I then pulled Sam's off and she was quite full I'd say enough to fill a good few does with twins.

She laid there her cock slowly going back in as I got up and put the two loaded condoms in the dumpster outside I then returned to see Sam laying there still completely worn out.

"fuck Elaine, I needed that, I've never cum that much, normally enough to fill a condom up or um like about 8 ropes of but not that much I guess I was pent up"

Sam said as I put my clothes on

"well that was a normal load, well might be a tad bigger as its been a while since I've um had fun with another"

Sam got up and put her clothes back on but she was yawning and quite tried

"Really? Well if all your meetings end like that I'd be happy to yawn become a member"

She said putting her clothes on and heading to the door

"they don't end up like that, but we do sometimes do have a jerk off to get it over with, you know to let that pent up rage or not getting any sex for a while it can lead to sex but we only jerk off in here no sex as the room might still stink in the morning sweat is fine as I can just put the fans on and let it out"

I said as I turned a fan on and the smell of our sex gone I then put the mats away

I locked up the building and put the code in then put the key though the letter box for the keys once you've locked up, I only hired out the hall there were others that had keys as they used it all the time.

Sam walked home and lay on her bed feeling happy I did the same knowing that we had a new member and best of all I'd made a new friend maybe even sex friend.

Morning came and I yawned my morning wood only semi hard I got up and went to work, it was a busy morning as there was a sale on, each few months to shift older stock we have a sale like a lot off the retail price.

I was pricing bring out new stuff this went on until it was my day off when I went swimming, I was tried but I needed to swim as I wanted to not because I'm fat but because I want to.

Getting dressed I made sure my bulge was not there I then walked out and there already in the pool was Sam she was swimming and her bulge on show.

I sat by the pool my legs in the water as I kicked them waiting for her to see me she came up and she saw me.

"Well look at you all fearless after one meeting"

I said sliding into the pool standing next to her as she blushed and her bulge got a bit bigger

"Well it helps to have a group to go to were I'm not an out cast or different in there as I'm the one with a cock"

We laughed and I smiled we then started to swim the older bears joining us as well as a horse that had knee problems

swimming with Sam was great it was nice to have someone to talk to about our parts and not have to do it with someone who only saw it as an kink or sexy or was just asking to get me to say sexual things.

As we got out of the pool her bulge was on show a few furs noticed she just waved and I did the same as my bulge was out I let it out a bit to not make it cramped in there.

In the locker room I went into my cubical and started to get undressed at that point I felt something on my leg looking down I saw Sam watching me I blushed.

"Want to watch me get dressed hun?"

I asked her hearing her opened the door and then open mine as I left it unlocked well your not going to open it with my thick tail on it are you?

"Thanks Elaine, um this might be a bit odd but can I fuck you?"

Sam said as she took her swimming custom off her cock rock hard

"In a public place? You're really coming out of your shell or rock isn't you"

I kissed her softly and sat on the bench and spread my legs letting her see my slit and cock as it started to coil outwards

"Thank you"

Was all she said as she kneeled down and started to eat my sex

She spread my folds and buried her soft black nose into my slit and started to eat me out her tongue starting around licking each inch of my pussy insides making me moan.

Outside you could hear the moans and light slurps to my pussy but no one seemed to care.

Sam then fingered me and found my g spot she then attacked it with her tongue and then started to finger my other hole well not finger but poke it to bring a odd feeling to my body.

Her tongue and nose on clit felt great I could feel my orgasm building I pushed on her head slightly with my hand I then let out a cry and squirted my juices at her getting her face very wet with sexual juices my cock also squirted out some seed all over my breasts and her.

Sam licked her lips then licked my cock getting a taste of my whale seed it was salty but also full of protein as well I'm a fish well related to.

"That was good now for my first fuck thank you for this Elaine I'll be sure to let you fuck me"

Sam said as she push her cock to my slit and pushed in,

my inner walls clenched and she let out a rutting moan as she went in all the way to her balls they rested on my slit she then started to thrust and fuck me hard.

All the while her face was buried in my breasts her hands grouping them and making me moan fuck at this rate I'll be cumming a load like I did on Sunday.

Her thrusts kept hitting my cervix and g spot, the sounds of sex now were quite loud coming from that cubical not that Sam or I cared.

She thrusted and then bellowing into my breasts came, her thick warm load filled me up well I felt it, she thrusted a few times and squirted out a good load into me, not enough to fill me but you know enough to make me feel full.

I had another orgasm my pussy walls clamping onto her cock for dear life it took a lot not to cum right there flooding the cubical, after I had calmed she pulled out and turned around.

"Your turn, I want to be your condom fill me up Elaine like you did to that condom on Saturday"

Sam said out loud not in a soft doe voice but in her normal talking voice

"I can't, I might break you! Or pop you you've seen how much I cum tell you what, I'll fuck you at your house that way I won't feel bad about the mess"

I said as Sam looked sad but then cheered up as we got dressed

coming out of the cubical I saw a few furs looking at other things and coughing they had heard us but I didn't care, I had often had some self fun in there so another girl coming out with me wasn't unheard of.

We walked to the front but were meat by the swimming girl who said that sex was not allowed in there, Sam said that she hadn't had a fuck ever because of her condition and that she had enjoyed it and was willing to go with her if she wanted to.

Wow I had really woken this stag doe up, she was now walking out semi hard and not caring about furs or humans looking at her she then spoke to them I had really brought her out of her shell or rock or just made her more happy to be in her body.

That night I got dressed up and knew that tonight I'd either be getting another great fuck and orgasms or I'd be cleaning up the popped remains of a friend I hoped not.

We meet at the restaurant and we took our seats, I then saw a friend from the group working there she was more then happy to serve us, Sam smiled and wondered if she would like to join us afterwards for some fun.

The girl blushed and then showed off her ring the doe saying sorry but the waitress smiled and said it happened often at the group her mate would let her go and would come.

She was a normal girl but enjoyed she males as they were much better at sex then men.

We had our food and chatted about our lives, she had jobs mostly mixed ones as well when someone found out about her she would quit and exit before everyone knew.

She was now in a car washing place mostly doing the hovering not washing.

As we ate and drank the lovely wine I told her about my family life and how my father and mother had hooked up she laughed and said that's how her father meet her mother a drunken party, we both laughed and enjoyed our night.

Getting up she paid the bill which was a lot but she said that certain company's had paid her off to keep quite about her so she had a nice amount stored away.

Walking home we stopped by a shop that had shut up for the night but had loads of items in the window, I pointed out the ship I wanted to buy it for my father as it was his as in the bottle was a mouldy old jelly bean I put in there to act like a rock.

Going back to Sam's she kissed me and opened the door now more open she shut it and I was stunned.

Her house was big, it had a living room big enough to host our meetings, a kitchen that was small but opened up onto a porch that lead to a nice garden, her bathroom was small but had a bath shower and toilet, her bedroom was huge too and she had three, the house was hers from a relation that had passed it was all paid for and she got it for free.

"Sam this living rooms so big we could have our meetings in here, that hall costs a lot and we all put in to use it here though it would be great"

I said looking at her as she blushed at the thought

"oh well I mean I guess but I like the hall its open and here if we um have sex or you know there are a lot jerking off it might annoy the neighbours"

Sam said as she turned the lights off and walked to me,

"That's true, sorry it was just an idea"

I said as she hugged me her face going in-between my breasts her hands on my butt I could feel her hard cock in-between my legs

"Enough talk I want to be filled by you Elaine now"

She said getting on a chair and kissing me deeply,

I lifted her up and kissed her as I walked into the bedroom my hands cupping her butt as I placed her on the bed, she got nude in seconds then turned around and lifted that doe tail and showed off her white butt to me.

My cock went hard almost as fast as she had gotten undressed, I looked at her as I too my dress off and then got on the floor and started to lick her hole.

She let out a stag doe moan as my thick tongue pushed inside of her, she wasn't a virgin but hadn't had anything as big as me in her before.

"Stand up"

I said Sam did so I then pushed my cock though her legs

"What are you going to do?"

She said rubbing it with her hands as well as on her cock

"Fuck you standing up it's the only way this bed will break if I fuck you like you want me to this way if you do drip your only have to replace the sheet and not the whole bed"

I said to her as I kissed her from the top I then put my tip to her hole feeling it clench

I pushed in and as we kissed I felt her moan out as I sank my length into her.

Like most whale and orca cocks they start off thin but they get thicker.

As I eased myself into her I spread her wider with each inch, at about 7 inches my cock started to get thicker, she just took it moaning out like a stag.

She then took it to 10 inches her hole now spread quite wide my pre lubing her insides up I then felt her rub her gut and there was my cock tip and a few inches making her moan.

She then pushed down as I was now standing up I then thrusted the last few inches into her she now had 15 inches of whale orca cock inside her.

Her flat ish gut bulged out lightly from my cock inside her, I stopped as I let her get used to this her inner muscles tightening up and milking my cock I was in heaven as for her? Cloud nine her face was all gaga and in pure bliss.

"Ready to ride this monster?"

I said to her only getting a baby speech reply

I pulled out then thrusted right back into her bulging her gut out with my length her body was now in bliss as I held her using her like a cock sleeve just thrusting and pumping pre seed lubing her insides up her own cock and large round breasts bounced her own cock shooting pre all over the wall and bed.

I thrusted slowly but then got up to speed my cock was in need of this I kinda wished I'd put a condom on but I had not.

Thrusting and rubbing her cock she came shooting a good few ropes all over herself and the bed and wall.

I felt her inner muscles tighten I could feel my orgasm building I had tomorrow off so I could easy just sleep with her.

My thrusts now got quick and fast I then felt it my pussy dripped me to a point were my legs and thighs were shiny from my juices flowing down them.

I then let out a loud whale noise and some water from my blow hole soaking the chair behind me that she used for watching stuff on her computer.

I came inside her, the first wave made her gut swell out I moved forwards so that her body was on the bed mine only just on it but it should catch everything.

My cock came my inner balls emptied into her, filling her up her gut and belly started to swell up she now looked a few months pregnant.

Another thick wave sent into her my cock base so thick and buried in her that the seed had no where to go some of it leaked out dripping down her legs and mine mixing with my pussy juices as I came another huge wave.

By now Sam looked to be very heavy pregnant as I came for the forth time her mouth then opened and out shoot a wave of seed pushed up and she sprayed the wall with it.

Her body now in bliss as I came again and held her my cock then started to pull out and a thick gush of seed went down my legs and hers onto the bed and floor.

I then gasped and held her as my cock softening slide from her more seed gushed out her belly and gut only slightly going down as she swallowed the load in her mouth tasting it and swallowing the lot.

My cock then sloped from her used hole it was now well and truly spread open you could shove a rolled up magazine in there that's how open it was.

My seed gushed out I grabbed a bucket and it soon filled up she then lay on the bed now soaked in my seed as she lay there she then started to roll around in it, still horny I rubbed my cock and came another wave all over her body she was now a white doe stag instead of a normal coloured stag doe.

Covered in seed full of seed she looked at me and smiled she then got up and kissed me deeply.

"that was the best fuck I've had ever, I want this to be a thing any time your pent up Elaine come fill me up"

She said before passing out and shooting a lot of seed out from her cock her balls now a lot smaller then they were when we first started

"I will my sweet doe, sleep well"

I said as I covered her up in the still dripped wet sheet the mattress under the bed was soaked though so to was the floor,

I closed the door and let her sleep as I went into another bedroom and found a mattress on the floor I got in and slept she was right that was a good fuck and one I had needed for a while.

Morning came and I woke up yawning I went to the bathroom and had a long pee I then heard the door opened and there stood still dripping whale seed was Sam.

She hugged me and rubbed my semi hard still peeing cock she then got into the shower and washed herself her gut still full of seed she looked a few weeks pregnant.

We had breakfast and then she went shopping we brought a mop and vacuum thing to clean up the mess, it took it well, the mattress also went in the trash it was soaked though and though and my seed isn't very good on metal as it rusts it.

After that our lives went on as normal.

Sam meets us at the local hall with her own keys we talk and she locked the place up she isn't in control but does own the building and pays a yearly rent on it.

We both still swim and both jerk each other off afterwards in the privet showers they have there our seed going down the drain, after that I take her back to our house yep I moved in with her and we fuck until both full who knew that stag doe's are very good at fucking you and filling you up to a point were you are tried out.

I love her and its great to know that she has invited friends over who are like her they even asked to make a world wide group which we did.

It just goes to show that you don't have to be self conscious you just have to come out to the right people.

~the end~

sperm donner

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