scars new friend

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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After being beaten by simba scar has found a new place to live but has only just enough food to live on can't hunt in the day and can't go to pride rock, he does and gets chased by simba's new young adults, one however keeps on following scar to his lair as scar's lack of sex has lead him to have very big lion balls which the new cub or young adult is very interested in

kinda my first real good story on the disney line, unlike i'm hungry mother this was thought though and written not bad huh? and no this has nothing to do with the new lion king cartoon, nothing to do with the films its pritty much shortly after the first one thanks for reading

It had now been a good few years since the rein of scar at pride rock the wild life started to come back trees and rain fell instead of making it a vast wasteland.

Simba and narla were now in charge along with others that were to leave scar and join simba's pride.

Scar had been thrown to the dogs or more the hyena's who after he said they were just drooling dogs that listened to him as he was the next feed for them turned on him and he escaped but only just killing a few as he fought and fled far away but not too far.

After that he was left to mull over his thoughts one was to lick his new scars mostly cuts from teeth and claws, the other from the fact he was now an out cast.

Hunting became hard he could only just feed himself, mostly eating the left overs from other pride rock kills and the ones that hadn't been picked clean by the vultures and other wild life.

Scar was now thin and frail he was skin and bones as he licked a bone that was pretty much licked clean ages ago he thought about home and simba, maybe he had grown up enough to forgive him plus if he saw his uncle like this he might give him some food.

Putting the bone to one side he crawled out from under the rocks were he had been living and made his way to pride rock the long walk.

In the mean time simba had been busy and by that I mean making the pride bigger, not only had he had sex with narla but a few other lioness there in the pride he was top lion roaring out loudly and eating the odd bug here and there.

His friends had moved back to there own place as they were now protected any lion that came into there area would have to face simba as his father said all the light touches is ours and now it was his.

Three new cubs had been born they were now in that age of teen, so playful but also exploring there was t-bone named after the fact he liked to eat t-bones as in eat them.

Next was a girl called Kimmy she took after her mother being very careful to play with the boys but also was getting to that age were she wanted to mate by her father simba would stop her which was most annoying.

Last there was simba JR, simba's heir to pride rock once he was too old or passed away from old age and not how his father had gone.

Scar saw the light and the rock he sighed and walked there he was then stopped by another lioness who roared out simba knew this as danger he ran over his three teenager cubs following him to learn from there father.

When he got there he saw scar thin and weak looking but that was forgotten from what he had done.

"Scar? What the hell are you doing here? Get out of here before I tear you apart and use you as a rug"

Simba said growling the hate still running though his blood from the fact scar had killed his father (spoilers!)

"ah well I'm here to well to be forgiven I'm just a waste of skin and bones, surely even you can see it in your heart to let me back in besides I'm not as young as I used to be and I'm weak so no need to watch me just let me eat and"

He said as simba roared and scar looked away in fear

"You killed my father, took over pride rock, killed everything around it and then you have the nerve to turn up here and ask to rejoin"

He said with claws drawn and moving closer his muscles rippling for a fight making some of the lioness purr out he was such a lion really taking after his father

"Well that was the idea after all simba your poor uncle scar is just thin no match for you I could be a cub sitter"

He said as simba smiled and stopped thinking back to his cub days

"hmm yeah take a new cub and let history go back you kill me he sees it then you tell him what you told me, well seeing as I'm in a good mood scar, I'll give you head start, hay kids, ever wanted to chase another lion? Well now is your chance"

He said as all three leaped up and then growled looking at scar with teeth drawn ready to bite and kill

"Um about that head start"

Scar said roaring and turning only to run as fast as he could

"3, 2, 1, go get him kids"

Simba said as they ran after him

All three chased after him as he ran simba laughing and licking the lioness that he knew very well and had warned him.

Scar ran gasping panting looking back cost him seconds he could feel the claws on his rear leg when looking back snapping jaws made him go faster.

Soon though Kimmy and t-bone got board and stopped chasing him once he was out of sight.

"Well that was good; think I'll go talk to the other males see if I can get my own cubs going so long as father doesn't disturb us again"

She said huffing some hair from her eye to see

"you and boys, you should just ask one of us to fuck you, after all keep it in the family that or ask dad to fuck you I don't see anything wrong with that do you simba JR, hay where'd he go?"

T-bone said as his sister pounced him and paw swiped at him for saying that

Scar gasped as he got to his hide away he flopped onto the floor and gasped as a mouse ran past him biting his tongue that mouse was the one he caught but never ate years ago or was a family from that one mouse.

He gasped and panted in the shade of the old dead coconut tree he then sighed hoping that a sick weak zebra or gazelle might walk by and die in front of him.

It was then he heard a light growl then a roar and there was simba JR he gasped and tried to fight back but failed.

"Ha! Got you scar dad will be happy"

He said as scar slide or more got under his rocks looking out just as a pair of eyes

"oh your his new kid well let me tell you this kid your not your father, only in body your never be cough like him you may of found me but I'm a lion and your alone I bet you can even catch prey on your own"

He said as he came out as simba JR growled

"I can too watch and learn old lion scar"

He said as he paced out to the main field then saw a few zebra's playing

he carefully crawled long they had no idea until one of the mothers saw him and raised the alarm all went into run mode he leaped up and then tried to catch one but failed it was then scar made his move leaping up he bite hard into one of the younger zebra's neck and took him down just.

The zebra went down but stayed up now holding on for dear life scar was thrown off the zebra bleeding badly went down simba JR then made the kill.

He then pulled it towards were scar had been scar fell to the ground his leg hurt from that fall he then saw simba JR eating the meat.

"You only got that thanks to me young cub"

He said as he bit into the leg for the first time in years and getting a good feed instead of left overs

"hay I had it just that one of the mother saw me not that skilled but at least your getting a meal I could just drag this away back to pride rock but I'll let you off"

He said as he ate some of the organs looking at scar as he ate the leg

"True, why don't you?"

He said as he pulled on it pulling it away from him making him growl pulling it back

"your hungry I'll see this as an even thing for you not to return to pride rock, you really fucked my father up okay, he will not forgive you besides he gave you a chance, if it had been him you'd be our new play rug or maybe cub toilet training rug"

He said with a smirk as he ate the last of the meat getting his fill

scar just made a huff noise and watched as simba JR finished his part then licked the blood from his paws and face, scar grabbed the carcass and pulled it into his hole as he did so he lifted up his tail trying to get the now slightly bloated and opened up animal into his lair that's when simba JR saw scar's large balls his cock poking out from his sheath he blushed and lay down which hurt he then looked at them so round and full of seed he shock his head and sighed.

He got up and left scar saw him going but also noted the young teens cock out from its sheath something lions only do when ready to mate or are horny.

Back at pride rock he flopped into his rock or area and sighed as he was then cleaned by his brother and sister as they liked the taste of blood.

His father then walked in seeing the blood he smiled hoping it was scar's.

"Hay you caught and killed him well done my son, you've made your father pride"

He said licking him making him gasp and groan out belly full of meat

"Ack dad! I didn't kill scar I got board so took one of the zebra's for a snack I'm sorry okay I let him go, besides he um went into the darker area's and you know that going there is not allowed I'm a good boy unlike Kimmy who once again was after the boys"

He said looking at her as she gasped looking at him then her father

"You tell tail! I'm going to bite you hard come here!"

She said leaping and biting hard on his tail which he roared at they the two play fight

simba laughed and watched them play narla wanted to get involved but he said let them besides Kimmy wasn't in season yet but she would be which is why he'd need to find another male for her to maybe start her own pride.

As the two fought in the back of simba JR mind was scar's balls sack he couldn't stop thinking of it.

A few months ago one early morning his father got up and he yawned waking up no one if they did wake they just grunted and rolled over or went back to sleep.

Simba JR saw his father stretch and he saw his fathers large ball sack it made him feel strange, for the first time in his life he was turned on, it was meant to be other lioness that turn him on his seeing his fathers balls and big sheath and lovely soft butt fuck he was now hard.

Waiting for him to exit he came out side and walked to the side were he licked himself until orgasm.

Lions can do that like normal cats they groom themselves but also like to be groomed but sometimes they can groom there sheaths and cocks to orgasm.

Another morning came and simba woke up and roared a yawn he then saw a shadow he walked out and saw his son watching the sun rise over the land.

He sat next to him as he lay down and sighed simba knew something was up but not what.

"Hay kiddo what's up? Angry about yesterday don't I'm very glad you let him go, you did the right thing I'm not unhappy or sad I'm just glad you returned"

He said giving him a nuzzle making him groan

"It's not that dad it's just ugh, I caught some food for him, I felt sorry for him okay?! I caught it and had my share then let him have the rest"

He said making simba laugh

"Is that all? Well its okay son, just be sure you won't help him again or in this case go visit him"

he said as they both laughed simba heading down tail swaying side to side showing off those round balls making simba JR feel odd again

It was now mid day and simba JR had walked off making sure that his two other siblings didn't follow him.

He walked to where scar was and looked around sniffing he was here scar swiped out as he made the other animal there go away he then looked out and saw simba JR.

He came out and bleached loudly from eating the meal his gut now less skin n bones.

He then cleaned himself as living under there got rather dusty he then spoke to the teen lion cub.

"So why the return? Come to kill me for real?"

He said looking at the cub whose tail swished back and fourth as he rubbed his paw in the dirt

"Well um no, yesterday when you where taking that dead animal into your cave? I kinda saw your parts and um I felt strange like I wanted to view them again and maybe...clean them with my tongue?"

He said as scar's eyes went wide from that he smiled and then lay next to the teen lion

"I see, so you liked what you saw back there huh? Not into girls parts but boys? Well now that is a turn up, who would of thought it simba's next of kin or son is a homosexual"

Scar said smiling as simba JR ears perked up from that

"Homo what?"

He said as scar smiled getting up

"Follow me"

He said as simba JR did scar making sure you swish his tail to really get the teen to look at his balls from back there which he did,

They walked out into the open area but shaded there was a bunch of zebra's all males some left but two stayed.

Scar had to stop the teen lion from pouncing and killing them he then pointed to them.

The two then moved and one lifted there tail up like a mare in season would the other male then mounted the male that had lifted its tail up and simba JR saw the zebra's cock all black and long thin like poke at the others rear there was no pussy there though just his arsehole.

The other male spread his legs and the male mounting him pushed it into his rear simba JR watched as his own cock came out and he was enjoying watching these two males mate.

The first zebra then pulled out a long thick creamy rope of seed sprayed onto the dusty floor which the two then covered up with dust.

Then just like that they both exited as if nothing had happened, scar smiled and spoke;

"That is being gay, or homosexual you liked it didn't you lad? Your horny and keep replying that image or sight in your mind"

Scar said as he moved to the lion's rear then gave it a long lick making him moan out

"Ah yes! Oh that feels weird but good keep going scar"

He said purring almost from these licks scar stopped

scar then walked back to his area simba JR following from behind looking at the older males ball sack so big and full he thought scar then lay down and lifted up his rear like a lioness in heat would do,

"Go ahead young lion lick me like I did you and if you please me I might just let you mate me"

He said as he left the young lion's nose nudge his sack then give it a lick

Scar felt that tongue on his sack and sheath as his cock coiled out from his sheath he then felt the younger lion lick and really clean those big balls of his he let out soft pants fuck this kid knew how to lick another's ball sack.

Scar then lay down as simba was still licking air he then woke up and saw scar lifting his tail up inviting simba JR to mount him like a lioness.

Simba JR blushed but knew what to do or so he thought he got on top of scar then moved his cock over his butt and thrusted his cock just slide all over the place scar letting out displeased growls then simba JR his sack with his hard cock that was it for scar he got up and started to fight but simba JR swiped and hit him hard the two then growled and looked at each other then lay down.

"I see your aim is quite off, maybe watch your father pick up some hints or ask him to mate in front of you so you know what to do next time"

Scar said lifting up his rear and then placing it onto the kid's face which he licked and then lightly cleaned getting a taste of scar's pre seed

"Can't you um show me scar? You seem to know what you're doing"

He said as scar gave his sack a light nibble with his front teeth

"oh yes and then get your father to hunt me down for fucking his son, the best pay back I could do turn his son gay not kill him but turn him gay my scent would be all over you"

He said as simba JR sighed and got up scar falling to the side

He went home but just couldn't stop thinking about that word gay, he might have to tell his father and that might not go down well, getting home he ate his dinner and sighed after dinner simba took him to the side for a father son chat.

"Kid your not yourself I should know you look more sadder then when my father died what's on your mind"

He said as he licked another female in the pride to clean the blood from her face

"Dad, I saw two zebra's mating today and I felt odd you know down there"

He said blushing his father just chuckling under his mane

"Its okay son you at that age were you need to mate, here let me show you"

He said getting on top of the female he had just been cleaning much to her surprise but also was very happy to let him

simba got behind her as simba JR watched his fathers large sack dangle behind the female then he thrusted into her pussy she let out a growl of pain simba biting on her neck.

He then thrusted into her and she roared and swiped simba also swiped at her the two then stopped and forgave each other.

Simba cleaning himself looked at his son who had a shocked face on.

"That's mating?! No wonder I fucked up"

He said making his father look at him confused

"Huh? Did you try mating who with?"

He said now curios to see who the lucky girl was

"Oh um some lioness that I found while out she wasn't from our pride I swear"

He said covering up his tracks and hard on from seeing his father cock and balls do there job and twitch lightly

"hay son its fine, so long as you don't over rule me you can mate with any lioness you want, you see lions have this thing called incest beater, which stops thing like new born's being born with webbed paws as in the webbing is more all over the paw then on the small paw parts,

"It also stops others coming into here and grabbing one of my females for themselves you can't even do it with your sister if you want"

He said coughing as he got the EW dad thing

"Gross, um what about other lions, you know males on er males?"

He said as his father growled at him

"You don't do that, no son of mine is a gay fucking lion your be thrown out of pride rock"

He said in an angry dad voice

"Well then good thing I like females I'm going off to bang one right now but um maybe in the morning heh yeah"

He said running away as simba sighed

the next day simba JR went out to see scar he made sure he wasn't followed getting to scar's area he wasn't there walking out he saw scar who was hunting but failed.

He turned only to see simba JR there he smiled and they walked back to the area.

"So what did you learn?"

He said as he lifted up his tail again this time simba JR got behind him more confident then before

"I learned to mate...."

He said biting hard into scar's neck then thrusting found his pussy and went in

Scar let out a growl it had been a while since he'd had a cock in him; he used to be mated by others for food that was until he wanted more.

Simba JR felt the soft warm insides of scar he then thrusted and scar let out a roar but stayed in place simba JR let his cock thrust he then came letting out a deep roar as his small 4 inch lion cock with barbs on the end shoot seed into scar's rear he then pulled out leaving quite a mess.

Scar sighed as he could feel the cub's warm seed inside he had forgotten just how good that felt.

"Hmm much better then yesterday now then my turn, this will hurt but if you are gay your enjoy it just as I did"

He said as he mounted the younger lion

Scar thrusted and found his spot simba JR growled out feeling that cock poke his hole scar was 5 inches long but it was that sack, thrusting in he felt it rest on his rear fuck this felt so good.

Scar thrusted into him the barbs hurting the insides of simba's JR ass but he then lifted up his rear and scar thrusted and unloaded into the cub letting out a roar of pleasure.

Year's worth of seed shoot out into the cub's ass he then pulled out only a small drip was there on simba JR rear.

Both gasped and simba JR felt much better after that he knew the risk but dam it felt good.

Scar then cleaned his area letting simba JR clean his the two licked each others cocks and balls until both orgasmed both purred as there faces got covered in seed.

Licking it clean simba JR then went off hunting and brought back a dead monkey one that wasn't quick enough.

He left it for scar as he went home tail raised up like a lioness in heat.

However that day his father had followed him and saw the whole thing scar mounting him and him mounting scar but not for pay back but for fun! They had both enjoyed it.

He ran home and played it cool that was until night time when he sat outside looking at the moon.

He then walked to the wise monkey in the tree; the monkey swung down and looked at the sad bigger lion.

"Hello there simba you are here for a visit yes?"

He said coming down from the tree with some fruit

"Yeah, can you do that thing were I talk to my father, I need to ask him for advice"

A bonk from the monkey's stick made him go ow and growl

"No, he is gone, besides you have me wise old monkey to help what is the problem? I can cure it"

He said mixing up fruits and spices

"Can you cure being gay"

The monkey stopped and looked at him

"But your not that you have girl lion were you hiding it? You should not hide it if you are gay come out tell others it's nothing to be shamed about"

The monkey said petting him making him enjoy that

"not me its my son simba JR, he's gay, worse of all he mated with scar, I don't know what do, if I throw him out he might come back and over power me sigh where did I go wrong?"

Another swing but this time it missed hitting the tree making the monkey grumble

"You aren't wrong, if son wants to be gay let him, besides one gay lion isn't that bad, after all you can maybe mate with him rather then that pile of walking carpet scar"

He said going back into the tree

"Yeah your right thanks"

Simba said going off back to pride rock

Another morning and simba was there watching his son wake up he was right over him crouch wise simba JR woke yawned and saw those orbs and blushed.

He looked and saw his father smiling not a good sign.

"Like what you see son?"

He said giving them a wiggle making him blush but also get horny

"Um no I like girls you trying to get me to be gay dad? It won't work"

He said getting up then there was a lick at his rear making him gasp as his own father gave his small sack and long lick

"oh I know your gay son, I saw you and scar and I know you liked it besides I can tell your horny already breath deeper, cock out slightly, your just begging to lick these aren't you"

Simba said lifting his tail and wagging his sack at his son

Simba JR blushed but then went to them and gave them love and affection licking them and enjoying there musky smell much better then scar's.

Simba smiled as he rolled his son over then sat on him his cock close to his son's hole he then thrusted it in simba JR growling out as his neck was grabbed by his father he was trapped.

Small thrusts he let out moans of please as his own father mated him his cock 6 inches the biggest here was inside him.

Thrusts and those barbs made him moan out as he came from this simba then ended it.

He thrusted and let out a growl and came ropes of alpha lion seed male seed filled simba's JR ass making him cry out in pain pleasure as his ass was coated in seed his fathers seed.

Simba then pulled out and looked at his son he then put his cock in front of him.

"Lick it clean bitch"

He said making him blush he then roared it out so that everyone heard it


He said as his son licked and cleaned him not crying but now knew his place

After licking his cock and fathers balls he was left he then was licked and then pee'd on by his father.

"You are now my bitch, no one else's if you are mated by anyone they will know your my lioness you hear me son?"

He said as his son was licking his ass and ball sack worshipping them

"Yes father I'm your bitch not scar's you're much better then him"

Simba JR said as he was once again mounted and fucked crying out in pleasure lions also have sex for fun

After this simba and his son became very close, everyone knew that father and son were fucking narla felt left out but when she was in heat hoe boy did simba fuck her and give her another few cubs to look after.

Simba JR was more like a female lioness then lion any time his father wanted sex he would go to him and get fucked a good few times until his father was happy.

Scar was not seen again and years later when a flood washed away the rocks they found lion bones under it scar had died from old age.

Simba JR went on to breed a few lionesses just to give him a son to fuck but sadly he was the only gay one in the family.

It just shows that even in prides there might be one gay lion in the group.

~the end~

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