finding daddy's old porn

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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a young teenager horse gets into trouble so has to clean/tidy the attic as he does so he finds a load of dad's old items clothes, books, and music he then finds a box marked do not open mum, the tape is dried out when opening up the box finds loads of old porn while looking though he finds one that is worn out and on one page is full of this one mare which he knows from school or thinks he knows from school.

its bound to happen but what happens when that old porn star is still going thanks to the wonder of the digital age enjoy

"stupid Kenny, how the fuck was I to know that drones and green houses don't mix, not my fault he should of made sure the battery's were charged"

Said a horse wiping his brow as he moved boxes around in the attic,

this was Kyle, a nice brown horse with a white side on his face and on his back from his mother and fathers DNA mixing, his mother being a nice grey mare his father brown horse in that light orange colour.

Kyle was up in the attic cleaning it as punishment for breaking a green house well not breaking it but damaging it.

He Kenny and another friend were all out side,

"Dude sweet drone! Can it zoom in on the girls in the pool?"

Kyle said looking at the on board camera as Kenny made it zoom,

"You bet dude, it'll even zoom in and not go fuzzy like our phones do no auto focus"

Kenny the horse said he too was a horse but in black with some brown in his fur,

"I hope it doesn't crash you know how many drone fails are out there on youtube? Over 34,000 all with views of over a million"

Stand the horse said he was a grey with white or lighter grey on his butt and lower back,

Kenny started it up and it buzzed then flew up he then used the camera to look into the local pool were there was a girls only swim meet going on.

All the boys were aged 16 so looking at girls was normal they zoomed in and saw the girls getting dressed in the open changing room parts they were quite high up.

All were getting hard looking at the girls of all ages from there age up to slightly older to mum age all nude all that mattered was boobs and butts.

Soon though the life guard there spotted this drone over and that it hadn't moved from its spot or was only moving a little.

"So someone is spying on us huh? Well boys or who ever is looking two can play at that game"

he said getting out the drone bigger then the boys one it had a base ball bat on it and did swing,

"Dude zooms in on that hottie!"

"No that one there with the massive boobs!"

"No this one hay wait I'm driving I get to chose as I'm taking pictures too"

He said pushing a button on the screen and taking a picture stand and Kyle high fived each other

they were then smacked by something lightly they turned the camera and there was another drone before they could react it hit then hard sending there drone out of control it then started to have battery errors turns out Kenny had left whatever charge was left from the factory in there.

The drone whizzed and bobbed up and down then there was a loud crash and a scream from down the block.


"That's not"

"Good FLEE!"

All three said at once but all the words before flee were said but each horse

Back at the house Kenny got told off for having his father's drone which was to be used to look at the ground that wasn't safe to walk on but to build on fine.

Stan got told off for breaking the green house as did Kyle when the life guard came around with his drone telling them that he'd seen it over his pool area when the girls were swimming, that got all three into even more trouble deeper.

Back up in the hot attic Kyle was moving boxes around pretty much busy work just to teach him a lesion, Kenny was mowing the lawn and Stand was helping clean up the mess the drone had done to the green house.

Kyle sighed he was hot and had been up there for what seemed like hours it had only been a few minutes he sighed cleaning up his baby toys he then found boxes with his dad's lettering on.

"Huh, what's this? I thought dad stored all his stuff in the garage"

Kyle said pulling out the boxes the old tape falling to dust as he moved the box,

The first box had an old game system in it all with a note book on codes and cheats and other info like how to use it and what each plug cable was for.

He then found his fathers clothes from years ago ones that had old bands on from the 70's and 80's books on the band too as well as magazines, he then found right at the back buried with letters on saying "mum don't open" on them his mum? But she died ages ago, he looked at it, it was heavy.

The tape had been put on fairly recently as it wasn't as old as the other but it was dried out.

Opening it Kyle saw boobs and tits it was his fathers porn he covered his eyes but then thought it was porn old porn.

Getting one out it was ratty and very well looked though, he looked at the age 1977, and there was more old tapes with just a title that said "naughty school girls volume one to four" Kyle had hit a gold mine.

Putting the box aside he moved the rest back he found some boxes that could be got rid of as they mostly had junk in them like the old badge making kit he got, as well as the jigsaw puzzles that no one had done that were still sealed opened up but not done.

He then looked though the porn there was lots of tits and boobs as well as tips and sexual things adverts of guns and booze and smoking items.

He then found a really bad one it was falling apart Kyle then saw on the cover a very sexy zebra he turned to the middle page and there she was fold out and spread wide all on display Kyle's cock got hard and he almost fainted from blood lose.

He then looked at the name, her last name was zebra, checking his phone in his classroom or school was pictures of the past and there she was!

Putting the porn away he knew he had to tell his friends this was a great find.

The next day Kyle got on the bus and sat next to Kenny and Stand he then got out his phone and showed them the porn pic they too got hard from it there tents very easy to see.

"Dude! Whose the girl?!"

Kenny asked looking at it and rubbing his bulge

"She fucking hot I'd love to eat her out!"

Stan said as he rubbed his cock

"I know right! But I'd not as she's in her 40's or 50's"

Kyle said as they both looked to almost throw up there cocks going soft but not Kyle's

"Dude sick you mean she's a granny or like older then our mothers?"

Stan said looking at the picture and feeling sick Kenny the same

"She was in our school look"

Kyle said getting out the history on the school and there was her picture

All the boys looked and they went to the hallway of past students they looked it up 1976 there she was, they looked at the names and there she was, all the pictures had a number and under it was there names.

Kyle then looked her up and got nothing, but then saw a few years ago her daughter was here they went to her but she wasn't that happy to see them.

She told them to fuck off and that her mother was a bitch and had not been seen for the last few years of her life since she was 8 years old she was now 20.

Stan and Kenny looked un-happy Kyle still looking it up on his phone.

"Dude let it go, she might have died you know what horses are like if you see your 60th b-day your lucky"

Stan said as they went to class

"No I bet she still out there I'm going to find her and I'm going to fuck her"

He said making them stop and do a double take

"Why dude?!"

They both said

"Why not? Think about it she was in porn that's a sweet pay day plus she might be some rich devoiced widow just throwing her money on the fire"

He said as he got into the classroom the other two just shaking there heads,

In the class Kyle was looking though his phone for all these names but they had nothing, they were either not from the town or were not the right fur.

It was then he thought about the porn he looked it up on his phone and looked up older porn sites he then found her but that point his teacher found him.

"Well Kyle if you think your phone is more important then this subject maybe you would like to answer the sum on the board?"

The teacher said as Kyle looked at the hard sums on the board

"Um 42?"

He said only looking at the board hiding his phone

"Wrong, now you are to do extra homework to make up for this, after all if you want a good job and not a dead end one you need to wake up"

She said hitting him lightly on the head with her stick

Everyone laughed but not Kyle he had found her and had an address he put it in his phones memory and then got on with his work.

That night after doing twice as much homework as the rest of the class he looked up the address on the website and it came up with a porn site.

It had her on every page she was the founder, she wrote and stared in most of the films or shorts or just porn clips you get.

Kyle sat there and rubbed his cock watching her take a very hung hyper fur up her arse making him rub harder until he came grunting his load went over his shirt he sighed and panted he then saw the hung fur pop that knot into her arse making her cry out and squirt juices.

Looking at the site he found were they filmed it was near an old factory site were it used to be busy but now was just dead mostly used for scrapers or graffiti artist but some of it was still in use.

Kyle sighed would she like him?

Kyle had a thing for older girls as in his life his mother had been walking around in almost nothing and getting fucked by all the other dad's all the while paying him to keep quite which he did until one day his father walked in and found her being fucked by his best friend from college.

A fight brought out and the police were called they took both dads away my mother then ran and that was the last I saw of her, this was when he was 10.

Laying in his bed he tossed and turned thinking about her would he be too small, would she just sign that old porn magazine he had? All these would be spinning around in his mind.

His school work was normal but all the time he kept thinking of her.

That was until lunch when his friends saw him watching the porn on his phone.

"Dude, look your not big enough for her, it'll be like a truck going though a ditch nothing there no tightness nothing"

Stan said to Kyle eating his meat loaf

"yeah, plus you only 16 you might get thrown off the set plus even if you do find her its not like your going to fuck her, you might see her in action but that's it"

Kenny said as he counted out the paper work he had done in the last class

"Screw you two! I bet I can have sex with her and even bring her into class!"

Kyle said the other two then laughed

"Okay Kyle if you do that I'll pay you 40 bucks Kenny you in too?"

Stan said and Kenny nodded

"If you lose though you have to, um do our lawns for the whole summer"

Kenny said Stan nodding all three shock hoofs and then Kenny wrote down on some paper the thought they had come up with all three signing it in there name at the bottom,

That night Kyle went up into the attic and got out the magazine and put it in his bag he then grabbed some food and looked up the address once again.

In the morning he'd go there and bring her to them he'd show them he wasn't going to mow there lawns throughout summer.

Morning came and he left his father passed out on the couch hung over from drinking the night before and crying over old pictures of him and her.

Kyle grabbed his bike and went though the fields then over the bridge he then went on the main road only just being missed by big trucks and cars.

He then turned down a side ally way and there he was in the old factory area.

Most of it was being demo'd but there was still some of it left, he saw some very nice new cars and some older cars there by the factory, it had no sign up other then a small one that read "zebra inc" that was it.

Putting his bike on a pillar he locked it up and pushed on the door it opened he walked in there was the main area.

It had nothing but porn on it all of the zebra in different posses there was a cabinet full of golden cocks and pussies for best porn all dating back to the 80's.

There was a desk no one was there also two doors, one read kitchen bathroom the other said set, he went to it but there was a lock on it, at that point a meercat came from the kitchen eating some meal worms.

"Can I help you?"

She said sitting at the desk

"Um yeah I'm here to see miss zebra?"

Kyle said as the fur looked at him standing up on her chair

"Well we don't do tours but we do visit's you from the health place again?"

She said putting out a book

"Um yes, I'm here to see if your keep up with um regulation 45, and um 99"

Kyle had no idea but if it got him in he was willing to lie

"Very well, give me a moment"

She said exited though a door behind the desk that had nothing on it

Kyle waited then out came a horse a big horse hung and only in a very tight fitting thong he looked at Kyle who blushed and gulped he then got handed a visitor card.

"Welcome to zebra Inc, were we make porn, this way please"

He said putting a code in the door and it opened

Kyle saw the sets there was a bedroom kitchen bathroom all in pieces there was a red set with a rail of costumes and a photo area, there was a set with a classroom in it Kyle looked and was amazed.

"Right well as you can see were all safe here, condoms are here all sealed and in date, the set gets cleaned each item is washed and cleaned we also have a shower area to wash off sweat and sex if we cum on the body"

the horse said Kyle looking around more at the stars there were a lot of busty furs and humans and scaly there his cock hard there was also very well hung furs of all sizes and a few feral furs too.

"Right well this all looks good, but what about on set safety like trip hazards and disposing of used condoms"

Kyle said trying to sound all experts but really he sounded like a horny teenager

"We have a bin that we put them in and they get disposed of at the local hospital as for trips and other things were always safe making sure items are very brightly coloured"

He said pointing out the cables wrapped up in yellow and black safety tape

Kyle walked around and looked he then saw a few small rooms locker rooms or star rooms, he walked over to them and looked at them

"Oh those are the main stars, I'm one of them I'm hung horse, you can look in my dressing room"

He said smiling as he nodded to another fur

"oh yes I have to check just in case this set is clean but your rooms aren't you can't be all clean here but not in here"

Kyle said going in he was then pushed and the door locked

"Ha-ha! Oh man you stupid kid do you really think were that stupid? Yeah right you're from the health place"

He said making sure the door was locked Kyle banging on it

Fuck Kyle said he was trapped what would they do to him; he sighed and sat on the bed there.

This had gone wrong but at least he got to see the set and the stars but he knew the bet, guess he'd be mowing lawns throughout summer he sighed but then had an idea.

He looked and then saw a big old hamper basket he opened it and got in then as soon as the door was opened he looked.

"Alright kid fun's over huh?! Oh fuck where'd he go?!"

The horse said looking Kyle then very quickly got out and shut the door locking it making the horse bang on the door

"Not nice is it dummy?"

Kyle said he then was spotted by others they went after him

Kyle ran towards an exit but it was blocked by a large fur not as hung as horse but big he turned and slide under the extras or crew there.

He then got on the set were a girl was giving head to a zebra but the girl wasn't able to take him fully until Kyle stepped on her and sank her deeper making her gag and orgasm the zebra letting out a cry and cumming down her throat.

A shout of cut was called as the girl was now in bliss from this as the others ran after him.

At that point miss zebra walked out from her room as Kyle ran right passed her into her room they all stopped as she stood there not looking happy.

"If I wanted a zoo or a sports place I'd of hired others get back to work you furs unless you want to be fired!"

She said the others all in fear went back to there work

she turned closing the door and seeing Kyle there gasping and standing in the corner trying to get out by the roof he pushed up the fake roof but his leg was grabbed by a powerful arm he was pulled back in and thrown on the bed.


He said he was then pinned by his gut by her

"Okay you little shit; you've got a few moments to explain your actions before I get horse to throw you out without your clothes"

She said lighting up a ciggy

"Get off me your too heavy can't show you why I'm here!"

Kyle said as the zebra's thick thighs held him in place she just smiled and got up

Kyle groaned and then sat up he then pulled out the magazine making her eyes go wide.

"Were did you get this?! You're far too young to have this"

She said grabbing it but failing

"It was in my dad's stuff, he must have been a fan gasp, he had a lot more stuff of you including the video's from the magazine"

Kyle said as she took it from him and opened it up it went right to the page with her spread fully in it

"Very well, why are you here? This was before sigh, before the porn got me"

She said sitting on the bed

Miss zebra had only on a set of red panties and bra her body was thick thighs legs breasts and belly.

Kyle got up and dusted himself off he then saw her looking at old pictures in the magazine.

"Sigh, this used to be the good me, I had a kid and needed money, she found out and I had to leave, I was only 27 at the time it was the 70's too I needed the money, but porn seemed to be right for me"

She said starting to cry

"Well why are you still in it? And all those awards out there? Aren't they yours? Plus you went to my school"

Kyle said sitting on a chair next to a big mirror

"Those are for the porn's I wrote, I was a great writer but could only do smut, you know the lonely house wife meeting the sexy stud next door and fucking her,

"later on I was noted for this and wrote my first script for porn I then got my picture taken with my boobs out as I was the star all the girls were either too shy or not into the role like I was, and yes I went to your school to do English writing"

She said getting up and putting on a dressing grown covering herself up

"So why are you sad?"

Kyle said his cock still hard in his pants

"Porn is dying, anyone with a web camera can make porn, plus the internet has everything we still do a magazine but it's now ended as were losing money,

"Plus my writing has dried up, its all the same big hung wolf meets girl and fucks her,

"That sold but now I'm lucky to pay my staff from one film or clip show or pictures"

She said opening the door Kyle following her as they went to a set were the zebra was getting a blow job in a school classroom for not getting good grades

"This is fucking hot to me! I'd buy it or watch it"

Kyle said as miss zebra rubbed his head

"your a horny teenager you'd buy anything to do with boobs or sex, no I need to re-tyre, end this era what I started in the mid 80's when porno was at a high"

She said Kyle grabbed her arm

"No you can't if you do me a favour I'll put my mind to it and come up with me ideas, like gay porn or girl on girl stuff that sells!"

Kyle said as miss zebra puffed away on her ciggy

"We do that but its not popular well not that much but it gets some likes what is this favour?"

She said stubbing the ciggy out on the floor picking it up and putting it in the bin

"I need you to come to the school you went to, I made a dare that I couldn't get you there plus there's 80 bucks in it"

Kyle said looking at her he was 6'0 her being 7'3 she smiled

"Eh why not, not been to the old dump in a while might re-spark my mind going down memory lane, I'll do it kid I mean"

She said looking at him

"Kyle; and I'll be sure to get your ratings up higher"

He said as he went out the door miss zebra waving to him

Monday came and Kyle got on the school bus and had a big smile on his face Kenny and Stan looking worried, when they got to school there was a nice new car and sitting on the bonnet smoking a ciggy was the zebra from the picture.



"Oh yeah way! Pay up boys!"

Kyle said the two boys grumbling and handing him the 80 bucks

Getting off they walked over to her she was in jeans and a top that said real porn star they looked at her but then laughed

"This is miss zebra? Wow nice try Kyle if this is her then you win an A for effort this isn't her"

Stan said to Kyle

"Yeah if it was then I want to see her in that pose from the magazine"

Kenny said looking at the old zebra

"I might be old boys but I still got it you want to see huh? Okay follow"

She took them over to some bushes out of the view of everyone

In the bushes she took off her jeans and red panties, then spread her legs and was in the same position she then spread her lips and the boys all got hard she then got up and put her jeans back on she then got in her car handing Kyle an ID badge for the set.

"See I told you, now how do you want to spend this?"

He said smiling as he waved to the zebra as she exited

in the class Kenny and Stan were still annoyed at Kyle but had noted he was doing more writing then normal, at the bell Kyle went into the English class and there was an old dragoness they all took there seats and listened to the lesion but Kyle was still writing, he then finished but needed help to make sure it was good, as the last bell went he sighed and walked to the teacher

"Miss Watson, can you help me"

He said sweaty and unsure what her reaction would be

"Sure Kyle what is it you need help with?"

She said sitting behind her desk sipping some coffee from the staff room

"Do you remember a zebra that did English here and might be um in porn now"

He said blushing and then showing her the sexual picture from the magazine making Miss Watson blush

"indeed, I remember her, she was like most girls horny and always passing notes to the boys all of the boys, she would also write smut, her first time calling her parents in they were shocked at what she had wrote"

She got up and went to an old rusty cabinet and pulled out a file she then showed it to Kyle

There was miss zebra's work; it was hot making Kyle get hard

"Wow this is good"

He said as it was taken away and put back in the cabinet

"indeed, she was such a good student but she wanted to do porn in fact she was expelled from here for having sex with the boys and teachers, but that was only in her last week when she got sloppy and was having sex in the hall way"

She said sighing into her coffee

"Wow, no wonder she's sad was it forced or?"

Kyle said to her

"No I think daddy might have had his way with her at a young age and well that made her think sex with others at that age was fine"

She said as Kyle handed her the paper

"So do you think this is okay? Only I promised her I'd get her back on top or at least back in the mood or something"

He said blushing as Miss Watson read though the paper

"It's a bit sloppy but good I'll make and edit it for you but shh on it as this kind of thing is no loner allowed"

She said getting out her red pen for making

"Thanks miss I hope it's finished by the end of the week"

Kyle said going off to his next lesion,

The next few days Kyle waited until he was in the English class at the end of it he was handed it and it had been checked and edited he thanked the teacher and put it in his bag.

The next day he rode to the factory and putting his bike to the side locking it up he walked in just as they were finishing a set, miss zebra was being pounded by hung horse while jerking off two other studs that looked to be hung horse's sons.

As soon as cut was said Kyle saw her nude walking over putting a dressing grown on her self they walked into her office her dressing room.

Kyle handed his script to her and she flicked though it then looked it over again and again.

"You think this will boost our production? This is just poor but I'll let you run it"

She said letting him be in charge

"Thank you and it will"

He said going out and telling the furs doing sets to make a back seat of a car and a woods and an old cabin

A few hours later they were done they set up the scene Kyle watching he had selected three furs.

Hung horse, and another mare a grey mare with blue eyes, hung horse was all black other then his cock that had a pink spot on it, they sat in the back of the car as Kyle yelled action!

"Wow this is hot were here in the sexy area, but what about that made sex crazed wolf?"

The mare said as she had her tits licked and grouped by the horse

"He's dead, besides if anything happens I'll fuck him up in both ways speaking of which my pants are getting tight and yours are too"

He said pulling her skirt off a zoom in showed it happening as she pulled the zipper to his jeans down letting out his cock as it throbbed and flexed

they started to suck each other then came a wolf cry making them both gasp then the rear window was smashed by a large wolf cock dripping pre.

"Ah! It's him horse do something!"

The mare said as she was smacked in the face by it her mouth kissing it as she rubbed herself

"Not likely I'm out of here!"

He said getting out and running but the wolf spotted him and then ran after him into the forest

the mare running after him nude until she found the cabin, getting inside she shivered her nipples rock hard she sat on the bed and started to rub herself as she was horny from that wolf then the door opened and there was the wolf he had horse hog tied he was then thrown on the bed with his cum dripping from his ass.

The wolf then looked at the mare who gasped frozen in terror but also looking at the wolf's cock.

She then saw him come over and then pull out an axe from the side.

"You please me and I'll let you both go alive!"

He said as he pointed his cock at the mare who started to suck him off

The horse was then set free and he got behind the wolf and started to rim him, the mare then lay on her back and got her pussy fucked by the wolf.

The horse now hard started to fuck the wolf zooming in on his cock going into the wolf's hole then cutting back to the mare moaning as her tits bounced up and down the wolf's knot popping in and out of her now widen but it had been used before, they were both wearing condoms you could see it but only just.

The horse then started to mate the wolf as the mare cried out in pleasure rubbing her clit and his balls as the wolf fucked her he then came crying out as he shot her load into her he then pulled out and now without a condom made her pussy all creamy with his seed, the wolf then got onto the bed and the horse came inside him, the mare then pulled out a strap on and started to face fuck the wolf.

The mare pulled on the wolf's head as they zoomed in on her pussy winking.

The horse then pulled out and started to suck the wolf's cock his own cock throbbing as he rubbed it all three then had one hell of an orgasm as the sun started to come up, as the sun shone on them they looked and saw a human with wolf fur on him.

He slept as they exited there juices leaving a trail as they got into there car and exited it then ended.

"And cut"

Kyle said as they all got up and turned the lights on for the set the wolf getting up and taking off the human suit

All the while miss zebra had been there watching her own pussy dripping wet from that.

They all then went into the editing part of the factory and started to come pile the pictures and bits Kyle looking and picking stuff then they had pictures taking all three in one shot then all three from behind there arse's and pussy dripping seed fake or real it wasn't easy to tell.

Kyle sighed this was just one porno but it felt like his millionth he then went to see miss zebra who was looking over the script he had written.

"This is very good Kyle but do you think it'll sell? I mean horror sex, is that a thing?"

She said looking worried as she smoked a ciggy

"Thrust me, it'll sell plus it's fucking hot"

He said as the main guy who uploaded the final product said it was about to go live

Gathering around the big computer screen he pushed the button and it went live on a varying range of websites, it was quite at first but then ping's and money to buy the whole thing started pouring in as did comments saying I was shocked but at the same time wanted more this was scary sex.

Others were giving it 5 stars the money started to pour in miss zebra got back her gold rating on a porn site.

She hugged Kyle who got mostly a load of boob in his face the other cheered and thanked him.

"Well Kyle you saved me and the company welcome to zebra Inc, what your next one going to be?"

She said making him gulp

"Um next one?"

He said looking worried

"Well yeah you need more you can't just be a one hit wonder in porn that's like inviting something then not copy righting it and someone improving your device or inviting something better and well you know"

Miss zebra and the cast said

"Um that was it; I thought it was just one sorry"

The room went very dark towards him but miss zebra clapped

"Its fine people get on with the other things I'm sure Kyle here needs some more inspiration to bring us the next master piece"

Miss zebra said smiling

that night Kyle sat down on his bed and wrote but it was all crap old ideas or what he'd already seen just made up or looked better, then there was a knock on his door he opened it and there was his father sober and behind him was miss zebra,

"Kyle you want to explain why she is here? And why she says you've written porn?"

He said making Kyle gasp and blush

"Um well"

He sighed and told his father who took it all in he then exited then returned

"Just don't fuck up like I did son, look after her my work got the better of me and now I'm just a drunk"

He said exiting and leaving Kyle with miss zebra

"Your dad seems nice might be the booze has made him forget me oh well how's the new porn coming?"

Miss zebra said looking at the papers on the floor

"How the fuck do you do it? All I think of is well porn but its ones I've seen from my phone nothing like what I had argh my head"

He said grabbing a can and drinking it in one go throwing it away

"Now you know how I feel I was like that later on but now I just wrote stuff until the money dried up we could all go onto better things in fact most stars I've had on my sets go on to do bigger porn"

She said lighting a ciggy and looking at the papers that were no good

"I guess I know about sex being a horny teen but as for sex I have no idea"

Kyle said laying back on his bed sighing

Miss zebra then turned and closed his door she then got on the bed and kissed him deeply she was now on top of him breaking the kiss she spoke

"Maybe you need to fuck to think clearly it made me think much better after a fuck"

She said rubbing her large butt on the growing tent on Kyle's pants

"But your so used and"

Kyle said but before he could speak she had slide down taking his pants and starting to lick and suck his rod

"Shh, just let mommy do it all for you"

She said as she took her top off her round breasts now around his cock

she started by licking his shaft up and down slowly making him moan and pre start to come out she then moved her breasts up and down on his shaft all the while one hand was rolling his balls around in there sack her other hand rubbing the shaft her body moving up and down all the while her mouth wrapped around his cock.

Kyle moaned and started to hump her face he then came cock head flared up and he came shooting quite a load into her mouth she swallowed it and took her lips off his shaft making him moan his back and pink shaft still hard.

She then got up and stood there lowering her panties and dress Kyle got behind her and his cock went right into her pussy now bent over on the bed her was fucking her.

Her pussy lips took his cock with ease all 7 inches his body would plap into her butt as he thrusted into her.

He moaned out as she would take it moaning his name his cock pushing on her g spot Kyle then flipped her over and started to fuck her with her legs up in the air at that point his father walked in seeing them in that position he just stared then got in front of her and he pulled out his cock she started to take it all of it in her mouth all the while Kyle was fucking her pussy.

Kyle came a few times before he was out, his father now starting to remember who this zebra was started to call her by her name from the porn magazine.

She took him to his balls in the mean time Kyle had grabbed some paper and was writing a new script his father then came down miss zebra's throat making her take all the seed she did so.

Kyle then fell asleep on top of her his cock still in her until it coiled back into him.

She smiled holding him and stroking his back the father then sat with them and they chatted the night away.

The next morning Kyle found no miss zebra but did find her and his father fucking in the shower he then joined in she took them both in her pussy moaning out.

Kyle then had an idea he exited after cumming into her and wrote it down.

He then had more ideas just from fucking her.


Kyle went on to work for miss zebra, he has now got his own awards for writing in porn his father works there too mostly as clean up but that because he'd married to miss zebra.

All three have sex but Kyle writes the sex stuff, they have had an orgy in a zombie world, space sex with monsters with odd cocks and his golden penis award for I fucked your dad in which miss zebra get fucked by another father only to find her husband fucking the other husbands wife.

Stan and Kenny got to go on the set too both going home having seen how porn is made sadly not staring in it but saying that Kyle was a lucky bustard to be in this.

Kyle enjoys the porn and has even started with buying up other company's writing for them and even staring in some now that he is older.

~the end~

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