sperm donner

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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A wolf goes to a place were if you donate sperm you get money however he is a bit afraid to do so as well as being shy even if he is 40

short n sweet story, thought of it didn't want much time boom enjoy

I sat in the car and sighed I was thankful the car park was free I sighed and breathed turning the radio on to listen to some music to make me get up and go in there.

I looked at the hospital and breathed I then turned the radio off and took the keys out of the barrel and then got out and breathed again I then got back in and growled at myself.

"Stupid no you can do this c'mon! It's not that hard plus money think about the money, once were over we go home guy some booze and drink today away"

I said to myself as I once again got out of the car and locked it breathing,

my name is Howard I'm a wolf single about 6'5 6'6 I work at a office selling things I'm straight not BI or gay, and I'm 40 years old, I'm grey and white furred and quite single minded, today though I was going to do something I had wanted to do for years but always shy away to donate sperm, seed, cum, juices from the male, so that I might some how get to be a father to someone or maybe even have um more kids.

I walked to there in my jeans and a polo top with clean underpants I sighed as I went though the door I knew were to go most of the doctors and nurses there must think I'm odd coming and then exiting.

I try to do it but I can't the furthest I've gotten is to the room with the cup and that's it but not today!

I walked up to the desk and there was male behind the desk oh thank the gods I can't deal with girls as well you know your going in there wank off into a cup and well you have to tell them that plus they must see you or see how much you produce.

I sighed and breathed.

"Hello how can I help you today?"

He said in a doctor way

"Um I um here to um wank I mean um fuck never mind"

I said walking out and into the shop there looking at the bottles and tins of booze

"Odd chap, guess he wasn't that into donating sperm"

The doctor said as he typed away on the computer

I returned with a magazine nothing I read but I just brought to steady my nerves, I don't have stress but I'm shy always have been at school I was the one kid that would play on his own or you know be on his own, in college I was the same solo asking girls out I would either faint from the lack of breathing or run away as I'd tented in my pants and they would laugh, at prom I got a date but though the night all she did was eat and I sat next to her but I did get a fuck from her as she wanted it just as much as I did but I came prematurely she didn't care but I did still it counts I hope.

I waited as there was a few other furs there at the desk I didn't want them to see or hear me saying I'm here to wank off.

As soon as the desk was clear I walked up this time my mind clear I breathed and put my paws on the desk and there he was again he looked at me and I breathed I then said very fast in one worded sentence which word will underline with a red line for being one word so I won't say it reader (stupid thing huh?)

He smiled and handed me a pen and paper to fill in oh fucks I'd forgotten about this part.

"Can't I um just use last times paper? I've um been here not that I'm a pervert or enjoy it but I can you check the files?"

I said as he just smiled like all doctors do when you're nervous about this

"sorry but unless you follow though, sorry bad words, unless you finish fully your papers get destroyed if you finish fully then we keep it and give you a card and number so you can just walk in here and well go right into the room and donate"

He said as I felt like fainting my legs going like jelly my head sweaty and my heart leaping out from the ribs

"I um I er OKAY"

I said taking the paperwork and sitting in the corner some other furs coughed and typed away on there phones

I breathed okay Howard your this far into it now just fill the papers in hay let's go back to the car no one there to judge you and we can drive home and forget about this.

My brain said but I blocked it out I sighed and breathed fuck I must look like a right loony breathing and running away from here.

I filled in the basic skipping over certain things as I wasn't that easy I just filled it in as best as I could I then saw the doctor walking out from the desk oh fuck no were are you going please to the bathroom and back, nope he was gone.

Fuck I said as I got up and put my papers on the desk there was a nice young vixen there a yellow one she looked over my papers as I looked her over fuck if only you could fuck them I'd be putting on a condom and fucking her and donating sperm that way but sadly you can't as you need to jerk off jerking or masturbation sperm live longer then sex sperm.

"Okay Howard there are a few bits you still need to fill in, this part you need to fill in"

She pointed to the part that I'd run away from the fourth time the sperm amount and that box with three hard to tell questions

"Um can't I just leave it to you I mean well you might have my papers I know the doctor said they were destroyed but I'm sure"

She stopped me

"Sorry mister Howard but you have to fill it out, your doing great so far you can do it just fill those in and you can start"

She said how did she know?! Was she a spy? Did other talk about me failing?

I sat back down and breathed I then looked at the paper or the area I had to fill in like a sheet for jobs it had a star next to it and that meant "must be filled in".

I sighed and coughed I was in need of a ciggy but I don't smoke no I needed a drink but if I drink I'll go limp cocked fuck.

Okay you can do this Howard just read it and fill it in like a questionnaire oh gods I hate those too okay right.

"What is your produce out come? As in what amount do you ejaculate when orgasming?"

Oh fuck I don't know! I've never gotten this far I sighed and thought was I small? Large? Hyper large?! Buckets?! I felt faint I put down normal amount and breathed I then saw a water cooler and had a drink much better just hope it doesn't affect my cock,

Next question;

"If you are to be selected by a girl or cunt boy or herm for your seed are there any objections to us giving him/her/other your address on here when they are of legal age to know who there real farther is"

I put none that was easy hay I'm getting good but then I saw the last question of fuck no.

"What will you need to get to orgasm? Toys, your partner/lover/girlfriend, magazines, or just solo/other"

Oh gods what do they mean by toys? And do they provide the lover?

My heart rate went up I started to pant like a wolf looking at something sexy or was hot I drank water the cup steamed up like from my panting.

I then saw one of the nurses coming over I tried to ease my panting but couldn't they asked if I was okay I nodded and they left me.

I put magazines I then got up and ran out the door to my car and hung my head.

Fuck you stupid shy ass cunt get your ass back in there! Do you want to re-fill in those papers?!

I got out and walked back in calmer I guess they were used to furs and people doing this as there were no guards or police there well other then to help out if a fur got out of paw or was hurt and needed medical help.

I walked back in and there was my papers still on the desk I grabbed them and she was there.

"Oh well done okay I'll take those, you can do it good boy"

she said my tail wagged I liked to hear that good boy

She put the paper work though the computer then exited and came back with a white hospital bag that was quite full and a medium sized cup with some off cream in it.

She then handed these to me and led me to a room there was 6 rooms all were sperm jerking off rooms all of them were empty, she opened up the door and put the light on to say in use.

I locked the door as she told me were to put the cup and the magazines.

The room was just a storage closet with a table and sink but one of those like cheap sinks the kind you see in prison just small and no way of drowning/drinking from it.

There was also a very nice seat one of those old grandpa's/ma's chairs to relax in.

I sat in it and felt much better, the light hummed softly I then pulled out from the white paper hospital bag the magazines only to see a guy horse on the first one I groaned and dropped it.

Nope I'm out she thinks I'm gay so has given me that I want out I put my paw on the lock and was about to open it when my brain said stop.

If you go now that's it no nice money to have to buy that item you want its gone you won't see it again, let go of the lock and sit down.

I breathed let go and sat in the chair I then closed my eyes and turned my head as I pulled the horse one out I then put the away from me the next few were on larger girls thin girls and then all kinds of sexes.

I picked one that was dog eared and worn I think it even had deposits on it Yuk.

I opened it up and saw loads of girls this was one of those full on nothing but porn magazines only a few adverts but mostly it was women nude.

I looked though then found a nice wolf girl, she was nude and laying on her side spreading her pussy and cupping her breast oh fuck yes.

I pulled my jeans and clean underpants off and then my top I was now nude my balls and sheath on show.

I wasn't that hung but if I wanted to I could be, my ball sack was the size of a baseball and my cock 7 inches 8 with knot that was the size of an onion.

I sat on the chair and rubbed my cock up and down looking at her I rubbed and stroked panting and sweating I then felt my orgasm cumming I grabbed the cup but as soon as I did my balls put on the breaks and my orgasm came to an end in a small click only a large drizzle of pre shoot out into the cup.

Fuck! I screamed the room was sound proof why my body was like this I had no idea.

I sighed and got dressed I then felt my cock slide slowly back into is grey sheath my balls returning to normal making cum adding to there size.

At the desk I was almost in tears but I kept I guess that nice record collection would be someone else's not mine.

Putting the cup on the desk the girl came out and smiled.

"All done? Okay I'll oh wait you haven't was there a problem? Do you need some medical pills or help getting it out?"

She said I just sighed

"No I got close but as soon as I put my cock to the cup it just stopped sorry to have wasted your time"

I said as I left with no money

"Sir Wait"

I stopped and she took me to the side

"Please don't I'm, I'll not return"

I said almost in tears as I tried to get past her

"Listen, the rules or the sperm can't be taken sex wise but there isn't anything saying about phone sex, you have a camera on you right? We'd um offer our own but viruses and certain porn we don't like to show; if you're willing to go ahead I'll give you a show okay?"

She said to me my cock starting to poke from its sheath

"Um well I mean I can try but how?"

I said looking at her as she took me more to the side getting out her phone

she looked up my phone and we changed numbers she then walked back in as did I, I then got a new pot or cup to orgasm into she then put me in the same room as before.

I noted on the chair was like a cup holder I put my phone into it and it held there quite well.

I waited then my phone pinged and I was now in a chat room with had video chat.

I opened it and there she was I blushed as she was clearly in the bathroom or somewhere like that but I didn't care.

She then turned off sending me a message to get ready.

I took my clothes off and opened the cup up and my cock started to harden then the screen flicked on and I hit the green phone there she was.

She then put the phone in something then I watched.

She started to remove her nurse's outfit, my cock throbbed into life she then took it off and I could see her breasts they were very round she then slide her skirt off holly crap I was now hard and starting to rub myself without even thinking.

She smiled and blew me a kiss she then showed me her ass fuck it was nice she wiggled her tail and then slide her panties down showing off the white and pink of her pussy lips and fur around there my cock now dripping pre.

She then sat down and started to finger her self licking her lips of her juices I was now rubbing a lot more my cock not even caring that I was holding it to a cup.

She then showed me how wet she was just from that holly crap she was dripping I wanted to lick her but she waved a paw at me as I stopped jerking and said I want to lick you right now.

She then lifted her bra and her very round breasts fell out I panted and started to feel close.

She then rubbed her breasts and I rubbed harder I then let out a howl and came.

Thick seed splashed into the cup I rubbed more as she then stopped and disconnected I looked and tried to re-dial but it failed I then saw my cock throbbing and the cup full of my seed.

Holly crap I had done it.

I put my clothes back on and then put the lid on the cup, I then put the magazines back in the bag then exited as a cleaner walked by he then went in.

I blushed but now felt less shy, I breathed as there she was looking a little flushed and a bit messed up like she had just woken up and gotten dressed on the bus or as she was driving to work.

She smiled and put her lips and said shh to me about what she had done.

She then weighs my cup then went to the till and I got money then I got my card.

As I sat in my car I felt much better I also kinda wanted to do it again but this time without her.

I drove home and waited a few more weeks buying that record collection I'd seen online and asking the seller to hold onto it for a few days which he did.

After that I went home had a shower and then jerked off again letting my seed fly out.

I went back there a month later and getting the cup I went into the room sat there and masturbated.

I thought of her and I came my cock all red from the amount I then found out I could cum as much as I wanted.

I came and came it was so easy I almost fainted from a lack of oxygen in my body.

I got more money and I loved it.

One day while there I got out and walked in I then saw a horse looking like I had about a month ago he went up there and asked for it to be done no one had to know but he too had to fill out the star parts.

I put my paw on him and smiled.

"Bud, I was like you once, just let the yellow vixen help you and your be fine"

I said to him as he gulped

"You mean she'll help me though the needle? I'm here to donate blood"

He said as I went red faced

It just shows not everyone is here for sperm donating.

~the end~

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