Slavery Legalized - Chapter 9: Pizza and Penance

Story by Draugr on SoFurry

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#9 of Slavery Legalized

Slavery Legalized

by Draugr & Element

Chapter 9: Pizza and Penance


This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C)

Once the rhinos had gone, and Georgio had returned to the room, resting in a chair, Randall finally spoke up about what had been on his mind; which part of the reason why he'd been unable to concentrate for such a long time. He looked down at the floor and folded his ears back, his tail coming between his legs a bit. The wolf maintained a rather unusual distance from his master.

"A-am I gonna be punished for trying to hurt them?" he asked, timidly.

Georgio looked at his slave, a bit confused at the distance he was maintaining. He'd been quite clingy recently, so the sudden space was quite noticeable.

"Well, I'm thinking you still have that pounding headache, so I think that will be enough - but you need to learn to curb that anger, and you need to learn to judge situations better. If they had taken offense at that kind of assault, you could be on your way to being put down...I don't want that, do you?" Georgio stood up and walked over, hugging him close, and kissed his head. "I love you very much, Randall, I don't want to lose you. You're a sweet slave...and frankly, more a slave at heart than you realize, I think. I'm willing to help bring that out of you, if you want to."

Randall crossed his arms and pouted. This evening had seen his small (very small) dominant side re-surge, which had been put away since the hours after Georgio had first bought him. It was probably made worse by him being cranky from his headache and the over-stimulation from his shopping experience.

"I'm not a slave at heart..." he whined, although this obviously wasn't true in the least. His curiosity was piqued, though, and, and he looked up at his master with an accusing glare, as though he had suggested something absolutely outlandish.

"What do you mean, bring it out of me?"

Georgio just looked at him and chuckled, sitting back down. He patted his lap, indicating that the wolf was to sit with him. Randall did so, yawning, and laying his head down in the lion's lap.

"I have helped several slaves train to be better slaves...and there's something I've witnessed, something called a slave's heart. Some free furs that come into this life have it...I have shown them this deep natural urge, an instinct to surrender and serve...and, well, they say they are so much happier as slaves than when they are free. Some, after their sentence was up, even signed up willingly to remain with their masters for life. Some were even more dominant and territorial than you...but they served happily, and love to be their Master's property. It takes a lot of time, commitment, and an honest desire to see these feelings bloom."

"Hmph. I don't know about all that..." The wolf really did love being with Georgio...and he wanted to make him happy. And yeah, sure...that was kind of slavish behavior...but that was just because Georgio was nice, wasn't it? But then again...he had taken that punishment sort of semi-willingly...

Randall shuddered a bit as he thought of that, it was clear from his body language and facial expressions that a lot was running through his head at the moment.

"I like being with you...but..." the wolf trailed off, completely unsure of how to vocalize his feelings on the matter. The wolf yawned again, still confused about what his place in life should be.

The lion pet his head gently, smiling down at him. He could see how busy his mind was.

"You don't have to answer that. Being my slave is enough for you at the moment, maybe things will even develop on their own without any help from me. You're a good boy and your Master does love you, and loves having you at his side, so I don't want you to answer because it's something that will either just happen, or not." He stroked his chest, purring a bit. "Now, Randall, I have to go to work tomorrow. That means you have two options - you can come to work with me, or stay here, and Tom and John's slave, Kana, will come over and keep you company, and give you a bit of a training course in house chores."

Well, this one was a no-brainer for the slave. He almost instantly replied, leaping up from his position on the couch and wrapping his arms around Georgio's neck.

"I wanna stay with you." Randall knew work meant his master would be gone for hours at a time. In his previous life, that meant eight or so hours of peace, where he could almost pretend his life didn't suck. Now eight hours of being alone without his master seemed terrifying. When Master was around, everything was okay again, and if bad people showed up, Master took care of them. All sorts of things could happen in eight hours... and anyway, that option was a bit scary. He'd be alone with a stranger, and strangers could be bad people.

Georgio chuckled and kissed his nose. "Alright, if you really want...but, you know what I do for a living? What things I see and work with daily?" He pet his cheek and looked at him curiously. "Hold on to your decision for a moment, okay? Tomorrow, if you stay, Kana will come over and help you do housework, alright? She's a lifer, just like you, and she's very sweet and kind...she's also got some spunk like you as well, heh, I think working with her could help you with your social skills, and you can learn how to take care of a household, like cleaning...I know you like to clean and make things tidy."

Randall obediently waited to answer until his master was finished talking. He paused, thinking a moment. What could Master do that I wouldn't like?

"What do you do, then, Master?"

Randall brought his knees up, making himself appear smaller, and before waiting for a reply, added one more thing. He could tell his Master really wanted him to stay home and spend some time with Kana.

"But I...I guess if Master wants me to, I could stay here tomorrow...I'll try and be brave for you..." If Kana was a slave like him, she couldn't be too bad. He'd only ever met a couple other slaves that weren't nice furs at all.

Georgio put his arm around Randall, and put his paw to his muzzle. "Now, listen to me fully, and listen to everything I have to say before you react, alright?" He held Randall's paw, looking into his eyes. "My job is kind of similar to Tom and John's...I work with slaves, though I don't discipline them like they do, or hurt them...I work with transferring them, and only that. I don't acquire or register them to me or anything like that. I work with shipping them to places like the auction houses from the processing factories." Georgio gave him a longing look, hoping his slave wasn't upset with him. "I always try to make a point to find good slaves a good home; slaves like you, ones that just need and want love...that's how John and Tom came across Kana. I always try to find the young ones good homes before they hit the block, lots of unfortunate sickos which I know you are aware of. I met Kana when she was first being transferred, and I ended up offering her a good home. She wanted one, and she's never been happier with her loving Master's, and their great kids, in fact they see her as if she was their own. So if you came to work you would see a lot of other slaves scared and miserable. I don't know if you are ready for that is all...but I'm letting it be your choice."

The wolf thought a moment, having obeyed his master and waited to hear everything before making any judgements. He wanted so badly to stay with his master, but he remembered very clearly the times he had been in transfer - it was a horribly miserable process, and he knew it would be hard for him to behave as he should if he went with his master. Just seeing that would be hard for him.

"I wanna be with you..." he said, rubbing his head against Georgio's tummy, "...but you're right, I don't think I could handle that."

Randall took a deep breath. "I'll try to be okay here..." The wolf bit his lip, worrying about tomorrow already.

Georgio laughed and kissed his head. "Hey, it's okay, Randall. How about this...I'll leave my office number and cell, you call me if you need me, and I'll call you every hour on the hour to make sure you're alright, okay?" He pet his head and purred, nuzzling him. "I'm glad you decided to stay here, I think it's for the best, you don't hate me for what I do?"

"You said you help find slaves like me good homes...why would I hate you for that?" he asked, genuinely incredulous. "If did bad things, you'd be a bad fur, and you aren't."

Georgio smiled, relieved that his slave wasn't upset with him. "So, is there anything you think we can do that might help?"

The wolf thought a moment if there was anything else that would help him make it through the day easier. He didn't want to be a burden to his Master, but neither did he like the prospects of being alone.

"I think...I think as long as I can talk to you it won't be so bad...just get home fast when you're done, please." Georgio chuckled and kissed his nose. He loved his honest eagerness and naïve little wolf so.

"Then I'll make sure to call every hour and get home as soon as I can for you."

Randall thought that sounded good, but he had another question. "Is Kana gonna be in charge of me while you're gone?"

Georgio had to think a moment before answering that one. "Well, she knows everything you don't know how to do. She has no authority to punish you, so if you're bad, I'd punish you, not her...but she is your alpha by comparison so yeah, she would be in charge. She's a smart and rational girl, so don't think she'll make you do anything that will hurt you or take advantage of you. You have full rights to say no to her in that regard."

"Well, that sounds like she's in charge, to me," Randall giggled, being contradictory just for the sake of being contradictory. He yawned again, but didn't want to get up, he was happy sitting in his master's lap, leaning up against him. The rhythm of his breathing and the sound of his heartbeat was lulling him to sleep, and he could almost forget that his master was going to be gone for several hours the next day.

Georgio laughed, nipping his ear. "Hey, wake up, it's going to be dinner soon, you know." He thought for a moment, scratching his belly. "Ever had pizza? We can celebrate tonight about what a good boy you have been."

"That sounds good," Randall replied. He simply laid there a bit, acting much like a non-sentient dog would upon getting his belly scratched - this from a wolf who supposedly wasn't tame in any manner. Georgio kissed his head as he pulled out his cell phone.

"Alright then pizza it is, have you ever had it before?" The lion dialed for a pizza place and ordered a BBQ chicken pizza, continuing to pet the wolf as he ordered. "Have you ever had pizza before, Randall?" he asked again for the third time. He didn't like repeating himself but he knew his little slave was so lost in thought as he was against him, he let it slide.

Randall shook his head no. "Well...I managed to steal table scraps a couple times...and one of my old masters had a friend who would sneak food to me sometimes under the table, but nothing besides that."

Georgio nodded, though he was upset at hearing that. The more he heard of his wolf's past the more he felt terrible for him. "Well, what I eat, you eat, so don't you worry, no table scraps for you ever, my wuffie only gets the best." Georgio 'nommed' on him and hugged him tight. "Hehe, as long as you're good, Randall, I plan on spoiling you rotten."

Randall was happy to hear he'd be eating well and treated nice. Well, that was something he already knew, but it was nice hearing it from his master anyway. As Georgio lay there with Randall, though, something crossed his mind, something he'd forgotten to tell his slave. He figured he had best mention it now, with this wolf, any unknowns would probably not turn out for the best.

"I forgot to mention, you'll also be meeting Tom and John's kids too. They'll be home before I get back, so be prepared for that, alright?"

He thought a moment - kids were news. "Is Kana good with kids?" Randall wasn't the best with them - their loud voices and quick movements could be frustrating to handle. He'd be a hopeless babysitter. His first master had made him take care of his kids anyway and would beat him when they misbehaved. Luckily those kids had tender hearts, and didn't like seeing their parental figure beaten, so even without him being a good guardian; they still tried to behave for him to keep him out of trouble.

"Well, like I said, she's sweet, but she won't take guff, and can be firm. But don't you worry, she'll take care of the kids, and they're well behaved anyway, so don't worry. Have you ever worked with pups before, Randall?"

"My first master had kids, and I was supposed to take care of them. I guess that kind of thing isn't really natural to me, I just didn't know what to do. He beat me a lot whenever they acted up."

Georgio nuzzled him, frowning. "Well, they're in Kana's care, so you don't have to help watch them, and Kana's strict enough with them that they listen to her. They love and respect her a lot, so no worries there. Even if they do cause problems John and Tom gave her authority to punish them if needed, so don't worry about it. If they bug you, tell Kana, and she'll scold them."

"They don't bug me...I'm just uncomfortable, I guess. I get nervous. I'm as hopeless around kids as I am in the kitchen." he added, making a joke at his own expense.

"Well, you used to be hopeless - remember I showed you how to make breakfast? So you can learn not to be helpless. I mean, let's face it - you are my sweet little untame wolf slave...I think you'd look adorable every morning, looking all nice in a very masculine apron, making Master his breakfast, and keeping the house clean and orderly. I know you'd enjoy that, so I'd let you have domain over that stuff, and I'd be happy to give you a couple cook books so you can try to experiment with things, though I'm sure you can call Kana over if you are having trouble with something...she might even teach you to cook if you ask nicely..." Georgio speculated, thinking into the future, encouraged by the wolf's progress. Randall was a bit worried about all that, especially as his last kitchen adventure had netted him a nasty punishment - but if someone was there to help, maybe things would be okay.

The lion realized he'd gotten off track a bit. "But, as I said, I bet you spend more time around Kana, and you'll pick things up."

Georgio started scratching at his belly again, causing Randall to lay back again, his tongue flopping out of his open muzzle. This felt very good to the slave.

"And you say you're not tame, hehehe, my cute little "un-tame' wolf."

"Nope...wolves aren't tame..." he mumbled.

Georgio nibbled on his ear, licking it softly. "No, you're not tame at all, you're practically feral still, hehe, but you're still my sweet little savage and wild wolf, that any beter?" The lion nibbled him playfully, tickling his sides a bit.

Randall suddenly spasmed and wriggled around as Georgio tickled his sides, trying to get away from his paws. He giggled quite loudly.

"Mmm--uuuch!" he managed to get out between breaths.

Georgio laughed back, but stopped, grabbing him firmly around the waist and kissing his cheek. "You really think you're this big bad wild feral thing? Hehe, come on, be honest with me, I won't tell anyone, I swear. I know you love sitting by my feet with me petting you...or being held in my arms, it feels wonderful and right to you I bet, huh?" He let go of his slave and turned him so they were chest to chest, and he just looked into his eyes, gently stroking his cheek.

"Yeah...I really do like all that..." Randall said, avoiding eye contact but enjoying being held nonetheless. "I feel safe. But I can be mean if I want to!" he insisted, crossing his arms across his chest and scrunching up his nose.

"Well, you can only be mean when it comes to protecting me, like when I protect you, but if your temper goes off like when I made that joke about your fur...that's not acceptable, and as much as I care for you I won't tolerate that as your master nor anything else, understand, mister?" He poked his scrunched-up nose and looked into his eyes again. "But I also bet...feelings like that...are hard to accept, since you've had to be the opposite for so long. It's hard to drop those feelings, and your trust issues..."

"I can trust!" he insisted. "I trust you." he added, placing special emphasis on the last word. "Just not anybody else..." How am I supposed to help it if I get mad? Sometimes I just do... he thought, not wanting to speak that aloud.

"Well, I'm glad you trust me, but I promise you can trust those I trust as well, like Kana - I wouldn't leave you in any other's care unless I trusted them and their ability completely, okay?"

Suddenly the doorbell rang as Randall was busy being grumpy. He looked back up at his master, wondering if he was supposed to get the delivery.

"Looks like that's the pizza about you get it?" Georgio said, answering his unasked question. The lion handed him a twenty dollar bill. "The pizza was nine dollars, so when he gives you back eleven, give him three dollars back, and take it into the kitchen, alright?"

Randall looked at the bill, and tried to keep the numbers Master had mentioned in his head, so that he would get everything right. He got off the couch and rounded the corner, then realized his master wasn't following him. He turned around, peeked around the corner, and looked at him with his head cocked to the side, as if he were saying "Why aren't you coming with me?"

Georgio saw him peek around the corner, and sighed. "You're going to have to learn to be a few feet away from me, you know, Randall...if you can't, how can you expect to be away tomorrow?" The lion stood up and walked over, standing just behind where the door would open. The wolf whimpered a bit at that thought - tomorrow was going to be rough on him. But it sounded like Kana was an okay fur.

If Master trusts her, then I...well, I don't know about trust...but...maybe things won't be so bad.

The pizza guy, however, was a total stranger - not the same thing at all.

"Alright now, pretend I'm not here...remember, give him twelve total, no more, no less." Georgio said, breaking him out of his thoughts.

The wolf went to the door and slowly opened it a crack. He ducked his head down a bit, half expecting the dog whistle alarm to go off, but it didn't. He wondered how Master turned that on and off as needed. Georgio sighed again, thinking that every time he had this slave do something, he realized that there was just that much more work to do.

He thrust the $20 bill out through the door that was cracked open just enough to slip his arm through.

"Heh, you're a shy one, aren't you? Don't worry, I don't bite. Let's see here...there's eleven bucks for pup, you're gonna have to open that door just a bit more..."

Randall nervously opened the door a bit further, hiding as best he could just to the left. He took the pizza box in his arms. "Y-you can have...three, sir."

"Oh, well thank ya, that's awful nice. You keep your nose clean then, ya hear?" he chuckled, as he walked back to his car. Randall quickly shut the door and then - carefully - darted back over to his master to give him the money and the food.

Georgio pocketed the money, but didn't take the pizza. "No, don't give it to me, put it back on the table." He followed Randall in, grabbing out a couple cups and some soda, pouring them into a pair of glasses. When he turned around to do so, Randall snuck his paw into the pizza box, ripping off a small piece very fast, stuffing it down his muzzle.

Supposedly unaware of the wolf's actions, Georgio began to lecture his wolf on how to answer the door. "Okay, first off, when you answer the door, you open it all the way, and address them as 'Hello, Sir, can I help you?' or if you knew they were coming, you welcome them in and direct them to the living room, unless directed otherwise, alright? You shouldn't be so timid, that guy was a mouse, you could have literally ripped him to shreds if he hurt you."

"What if he had a whip...or a gun...and you said I couldn't hurt anybody, besides!" he argued, having just finished swallowing the pizza, hoping as he said this that his master hadn't seen anything.

"Well, typically, they don't carry those kinds of things, and we were expecting him, so it wasn't anything odd at all...if we didn't call, and he showed up, then sure, be suspicious." Georgio sat at the table and pointed to the cabinet.

"Go get your seat and table and put them by my feet, Randall." As he opened the box and saw a piece missing, he gave a gasp of feigned shock. "Damn, that pizza guy bit off a piece, oh, I am so calling the place and getting that damn guy's ass fired." He pulled out his cell phone and pretended to start a call, turning away so the wolf couldn't see his face - he was trying to keep it serious, but not managing very well.

Having set up his eating place, Randall bit his lip, hearing his master planning to get the mouse fired. It was actually him, but...ohh, now his head hurt. If he said anything he'd get in big trouble, and if he didn't say anything, a free fur would lose his job...and he'd been pretty nice...

Why did I do something so stupid? Master was going to share with me anyway, what was I thinking?

He kept quiet, though, feeling absolutely miserable for doing so, but fearing punishment too much to do otherwise. He stared down at the floor, and wouldn't look up.

Georgio risked sneeking a peek, smirking at his wolf's behavior, but he was going to keep up with the act until Randall admitted what he had done. "Yeah, hey, I need to complain, I just got a pizza and there's a bite in it, and I demand you fire that damned pizza boy...what? You're begging me not to make a complaint because if he gets fired, he'll be poor and taken into slavery? Well, he shouldn't have stolen my pizza, put me on the phone with your manager...yeah, hey, I need to complain, your pizza guy just stole food...yeah, I want him fired! Well, my slave got the pizza, but he didn't eat it, he would have said something instead of getting some prick pizza boy fired! You don't think my slave would be honest with me!?" he said, laying the guilt on pretty thick. This was mean to do to Randall, he knew it, but Randall needed to learn he can be honest with him, as he should be.

That did it. Randall really felt horrible now. It was one thing to get a free fur fired (he would have felt shitty enough for that), but quite another to be the one responsible for getting a free fur enslaved. That was something he could empathize with, and as far as he knew, there weren't any other nice masters like Georgio, and he didn't want to see anybody beaten or raped like he had been.

He jumped up and ran over to his master, embracing him in a hug.

"Don't, Master, don't...I did it...I lied."

Georgio shut his phone, smirking, and hugged him back. "I know you did...and let that be a lesson to you for keeping secrets and not being honest with me at all times, especially when you did something wrong. Admitting it makes a punishment less than if you had tried to keep it from me." Georgio pulled him back a little, so he could pet his cheek. "I faked the call, thinking it was you, I can hear a box open from a foot away anyway, you know..." The lion pointed to the seat on the floor. "Now, take a couple slices and long as you have learned your lesson, alright?"

Randall nodded. That had been a very important object lesson. He would have spent a very long time feeling absolutely terrible if he had kept the secret. By being honest, he had...well, sort of...saved a free fur's job, and his conscience was clear.

"I've learned my lesson, Master," he said truthfully.

He sat down after grabbing a couple pieces, and finished them off rather quickly. Randall didn't mess around with food, if it was not in his stomach, it could be taken away from him. It was pretty good, much like he remembered pizza being from the scraps he'd gotten.

He scratched behind his ears as he ate away. "Hey now, don't scarf it down, what have I told you? Enjoy it, taste it...I'm glad you learned your lesson, at any rate, and I won't ever starve you, not ever, I promise, I would never do that to you."

"I could taste it...and I enjoyed it too!" Randall pouted. The wolf had been exceedingly grumpy and argumentative this evening. After the pancake incident, the subsequent punishment, the shopping ordeal, and the slave cops visiting (John and Tom he reminded himself), he was pretty worn out, even if he wouldn't admit it. Randall tried unsuccessfully to stifle a yawn. Georgio just chuckled at the answer, the wolf had been talking back quite a lot today. He figured it was just an over-stimulating day, and it wasn't as if he could curb Randall's attitude so quickly, so he was cutting him a little slack.

Georgio hesitated a moment before continuing, watching his wolf eat. "Is there anything you'd like to do before bed in a bit, wuffy? I didn't have anything particular planned this evening.

"Ummm...." Randall thought aloud, not really having an answer. He let out another big yawn.

"You're exhausted...well, how about we hit the sack early. You want to sleep in your room tonight or with me? I'll warn you though, I sleep naked. I have a slave bed if you want, though, or you can sleep at the foot of my bed if you would be more comfy with that."

Randall thought a moment before replying. He really would prefer to sleep with Master, but he wasn't sure which option would make his Master the happiest. He finally decided he just didn't care right now, it was getting late, and besides, Master would be gone all day tomorrow, so it wasn't too selfish to want him all for himself right now, was it?

"I wanna sleep with you." he said, plainly.

Georgio smiled, then leaned down and kissed his nose. "Alright, then, but I'm sleeping completely naked, and I'm gonna cuddle you tight to me, alright?" he warned him, grinning. The lion stood up and pushed the chair in. "Put everything away and toss out the pizza box, alright? I expect my wuffie upstairs in a couple minutes. I'll lock up downstairs first and meet you there." Georgio walked out and locked all the doors and ended up waiting for the wolf to go up first, despite what he'd said earlier - he wanted to make sure he was there in case anything set Randall off. After the wolf was down, they went up to the bedroom. Upon seeing his bedsheets in a pile, he exclaimed:

"Oh, I am so making Kana show you how to make a bed properly, this is unacceptable..."

"It looks fine to me..." Randall mumbled. "...I'd sleep in it."

Georgio smirked at his slave's comment. "Well, as a slave, your standards aren't important legally speaking...but you should hold yourself to my standards, I mean, look...I giant ball of sheets, it looks very messy and disorganized, doesn't it Randall?" he said, trying to play it up as something the wolf would understand - he knew his slave liked order. He quickly spread the sheets out so that they looked more proper. "See, doesn't that look better?"

"Yeah, I guess so, Master..." Randall replied. He did appreciate organization, so he had understood quite well what the lion was getting at.

Walking over to the dresser, Georgio emptied his pockets, placing everything atop it. He pulled his shirt off, showing off a well-muscled torso and arms. He then undid his jeans, placing them aside as well. "I hope sleeping naked with me won't make you uncomfortable, Randall..." he mused aloud. The wolf nodded his head to indicate that it would not bother him.

"I trust you." At this point he finally and very firmly believed that his master wouldn't harm him - it was everyone else he had to worry about, or so he believed.

Next and last to go were the lion's boxers, revealing a full but soft sheath, and a large, hanging pair. Even though Randall had seen him naked before in the shower after his punishment, he didn't think he had really "seen" him.

" I look okay? Or am I hideous and gross-looking?" he asked, hoping to put Randall at ease with a bit of self-depreciation.

"Y-you aren't ugly!!!" Randall exclaimed, looking shocked that his Master would even suggest such a thing. He did blush a little bit though, and despite his new-found trust, he started to tremble again.

Georgio saw him tremble, so he moved forward, wrapping his arms around the wolf, embracing him, rubbing his back in a soothing manner. "Shhh, I know you said you're okay, but clearly you are still scared deep down somewhere...but Master loves you, and doesn't want to hurt you, and only wants to protect you from harm and keep you safe in my arms..." he purred into his ear.

When his master came up and embraced him, he tensed up again like he had so many times before. There was nothing different about this time than others...well, sure Master wasn't wearing any clothes...but he had even more reasons to trust the lion than he had before. Randall was frustrated that his body seemed to be so disconnected with his mind. Maybe he was still scared somewhere deep down - all these scenarios would run through his head, horrible ones, and he knew none would ever happen - he was safe with Master, but five years couldn't disappear in a day.

"And by the way, Randall, I think you are very good looking yourself, I wouldn't lie to you ever, you're very handsome." The wolf's flushed red, and his fur fluffed out a bit in embarassment.

"Thank you, Master," he said timidly. Nobody had ever told him that he looked nice before - of course, it had been a long time since he actually did look nice, too.

"You're still's okay to be tense about this, even if your mind knows you shouldn't be. Your body is scared I'm gonna push you on the bed and hurt you, take advantage of you...not everything is going to come at once, steps, okay?"

Randall looked downward, a bit ashamed. "Yeah...I mean, I know you won't do that at all...but...that's all that ever has happened to me in 'Master's Bed.'"

He kissed his cheek and looked down at him. "I can't promise I won't have a woody in the morning, heh, and I don't want you to be about we just lay down in bed, and you find a position that makes you the most comfortable and the least nervous, alright?" The lion got up, crawling under the sheets, then looked back at his slave. "Alright, you can move me around as you like, okay? How we sleep is all up to you, Randall."

Randall jumped up in bed, and darted up under the covers right by his Master's side, forcing himself to do this as quickly as possible so that he couldn't freeze up at any point. He turned around, messing up the sheets a little bit, and stuck his head underneath the pillows. The wolf hoped his shuddering would stop, or at least not keep his master awake. And hopefully he'd be able to sleep, too.

The wolf had done this all during the time it had taken Georgio to lean up and set the alarm, and when he looked back, he saw the canine shuddering under the covers and pillows. He chuckled to himself, then shut the lights off, scooting over to him, and pulled the pillow off.

"It's okay, sweetie, just deep breaths, and relax..." He wrapped his arms around him as he laid on his side, and pulled the wolf to his chest. One arm was on his back, and the other gently held his head, petting it softly. He whispered into his ear and hummed softly, singing his innocent wolf to sleep. Randall dozed off pretty quickly with this, the loving, safe embrace of his master allowing him to calm down a degree. Even though he'd had an hour-long nap before, he was still very tired - and didn't move a muscle the entire night.

Slavery Legalized - Chapter 10: The Scary Slave Next Door

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 10: The Scary Slave Next Door * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 8: Slave Police Aren't That Bad

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 8: Slave Police Aren't That Bad * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 7: Shopping for Trouble

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 7: Shopping for Trouble * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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