Slavery Legalized - Chapter 10: The Scary Slave Next Door

Story by Draugr on SoFurry

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#10 of Slavery Legalized

Slavery Legalized

by Draugr & Element

Chapter 10: The Scary Slave Next Door


This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C)

Close to morning, Georgio had suddenly awoken, needing to piss. He looked over at the clock, and saw that it was still three hours before he had to get up. He looked down and sighed, afraid that the wolf would freak out again. He couldn't piss the bed, of course, so he took his chances, gently laying Randall on his back, and slipped out of the sheets. He rolled his eyes as he looked down, thinking of Randall's freaked reaction if he saw his master with a bit of morning wood...he knew he had to take care of this, so he groggily made it over to the toilet.

Randall slowly stirred out of his sleep as he was moved. He groaned, feeling like he hadn't been sleeping nearly long enough. He looked at the clock and saw that Master still had a few hours before he needed to wake up for work...and then he noticed Master was gone.

He popped up, looking around the room, almost instantly awake.

What happened? Where did he go?

He heard a noise from the bathroom so he went to investigate. Master must have gone there, he thought. He knocked on the door since it was closed.

"Master?" he asked, hoping he was in there.

"Yes, Randall?" Georgio called back, flushing the toilet. He washed his paws and made sure everything was "tucked away" as he went back to the door and opened it.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, I had to piss, are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Randall said, quickly climbing back into bed. "You disappeared on me," he said, giving him a disapproving look that quickly morphed into a big yawn. Georgio sighed and pet his wolf's head, laying back down with him. He wrapped his arm around him, laying on his side, nuzzling the wolf.

"Alright, from now, I'll...," Georgio trailed off momentarily to let out a big yawn, "..wake you up when I have to pee." The both drifted quickly off to sleep again, master holding his slave closely.

Georgio woke up once again before the alarm went off - looking over at the clock he saw he had about five minutes. He sighed, wishing he had more time, but at least he got to hold his wolf. He looked down at him, sleeping like a log, and smirked.

"You are so definitely tamed..." he whispered to himself.

Randall slowly woke up as well. His muscles jerked reflexively as he realized something was holding him, preventing him from getting away...Georgio gasped as the wolf wiggled in his arms, continuing to hold him tight.

"Hey, hey, it's okay," he cooed. Randall's senses came back to him upon hearing his master's voice, realizing who it was that was holding him. Everything was fine. He yawned, settled down now, looking up at the lion.

"Do you really have to go today...?" he asked, apprehension in his eyes. Georgio pouted a little, petting his wolf's head, and kissing his nose, letting out a long sigh.

"Yeah, I do, I'm really sorry Randall. I don't really want to leave you either but I promise Kana will take good care of you. I actually gave myself an extra half about I shower and get ready and make us a nice breakfast?" he said, kissing his nose again.

"Okay..." Randall replied, looking a little dejected but enjoying the attention nonetheless. As his master got up and went off to the bathroom, he stared intently at the bed sheets. He wanted to put them like Master had the night before. With a little difficulty, and taking a considerably longer time, he finally managed to do a decent job of it, even if it wasn't as nice as when Master did it.

He went over by the bathroom door, and sat down next to it, waiting for his Master to be done, feeling alone even though the lion was only in the next room. When Georgio finished up, and returned to the bedroom, his eyes immediately drifted to the bed.

"Hm? Aww, Randall, did you make the bed?" He knelt down to where the wolf was sitting on the floor, hugging him, and kissing his ear. "What a good boy, I didn't even ask you to, and it looks like you did a great job, about you run downstairs and set up your seat and table and some silverware for the both of us. I'll be down in a minute to make breakfast."

Randall's eye's lit up at the praise, wagging his tail, feeling great that he'd some something to warrant praise from his master. He darted downstairs as he was ordered, quickly setting up everything that he was supposed to. He sat down, and without anything further to distract him, his worries returned.

This will be such a long time to be without Master... he thought, nervously biting his lip.

Georgio soon descended the stairs as well, wearing a pair of slacks and a polo shirt with the words "slave-port" written on the breast. He had his cell phone in his paw, pressed to his ear, as he entered the kitchen.

"Yep, we're just going to have breakfast, and I'll lay down a list of chores and what-not, Kana...uh huh...I'll see you in a bit...don't worry, he's sweet, you'll like him..." He looked down at the wolf and chuckled. "...even though he's a savage untameable beast, hehehe...yeah....bye." He returned the cell phone to his pocket, making his way to the frige to pull out a couple eggs and some bacon, and setting a skillet on the stove. He started it up and laid the bacon on one side, and the eggs on another, beginning to scramble them as soon as they were ready.

"That was Kana, Randall. I called her and let her know we're up, and that she can come when she likes. She's just getting the kids ready to get on the bus for school, so she'll be here soon." The wolf splayed his ears out to the sides of his head, and went over to grab his Master's paw.

"Are you gonna be here when she comes?" he asked, nervously biting the claw on his other paw. Georgio held onto his paw firmly, and kissed his cheek.

"Of course I'll be here when she comes, that's why I got up early to have a nice breakfast then take a couple minutes to go over a few things...then I'll leave you both be, okay?" Randall nodded, although he was still nervous.

The lion flipped the bacon over, then popped a couple pieces of bread into the toaster. "I hope you like your eggs scrambled because that's the only way I know how to make them," he said, laughing.

"I've only ever had them raw." he stated plainly. "They don't taste very good..." he said, wrinkling his nose. "My second master liked to play 'Throw Food At the Slave' and usually that involved eggs..." he explained, a little bitterly.

"Well, these are cooked, and I won't be throwing them at you...if you want, grab the bottle of ketchup in the fridge and put it on the table, alright?" While Randall did that, Georgio grabbed a couple of plates and set the now-finished food on it - buttered toast, bacon, and scrambled eggs. He set everything down on the table, then looked at his wolf. "So, do you like it?"

Randall tentatively took a very small bite of the eggs..and was rather surprised.

"I don't think eggs are supposed to be eaten raw," he decided aloud. He ate with his usual vigor, not remembering that his master expected him to eat like a civilized fur.

He looked down and chuckled. "Yes, I think you're right, Rand-" Georgio suddenly swatted him on the nose, looking at him sternly. Randall yelped and grabbed his nose, whimpering a bit. It hadn't hurt much, but he was expecting to be beaten. He ducked down low, paws held over his head.

"Randall, if you're going to eat like that, I'll put that food in a bowl and you can eat out of it like a feral, alright? Now eat like a civilized fur and not an animal, I'm not going to take the food away from you, I promise." He put his paw to his face. "I think I need to invest in a spray bottle, or...something..." he muttered.

"Imsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorry!" Randall quickly apologized, expecting to be hit.

Georgio once again put his paw over his eyes, realizing what he had done. "No, no, calm down, I should be sorry..." He knelt down and held his slave's face in his paws, petting his cheek with his thumb. "I shouldn't have swatted you on the nose like that, I didn't mean to hurt just need to learn to calm down when you eat. I'd forgotten the kind of reaction you get from something just so small...when I get home I'll have thought up something different to curb that misbehavior, alright?" He kissed the wolf's forehead. "Forgive me?" he asked.

The wolf sat back up, his momentary panic fading away rather rapidly.

"It's okay." Randall said, hugging his master and quickly forgiving him. He sat down and stared at his empty plate.

"I guess I knew you weren't going to beat me...but for some reason I can't stop reacting like that." The poor wolf looked really depressed. Randall didn't want his master to think that he thought of him only as another abuser.

"It'll be alright, I just need to find a new way to curb that eating problem of yours, something less physical, too many bad memories associated with something like that."

"When's Kana coming?" he added, once he was feeling a little better. Georgio smiled and set his plate on the wolf's.

"Go clean up, Kana should be-" Georgio was interrupted as the doorbell rang. "Oh! That's her now, I'll let her in and you do that." The lion stood up and made his way to the door and opened it. A beautiful German shepherd walked in, bowing softly. She was wearing a simple top that went around her breasts, holding them in place and out of sight, and a slave's loincloth, a front and back flap, and a strip of cloth coming underneath, and an elastic waistband - exactly like what Georgio had bought for Randall - though obviously designed for the female shape.

"Good morning, Master Georgio, Sir..."

"Hi, Kana, come on in, did you get the kids to the bus alright?"

"Yes, Sir, though they were a little loud this morning...I was afraid they would wake their fathers, they're in bed from their night shift work."

"Heh, well, we can't have those brutes waking up, can we?" He walked her into the kitchen and smiled.

"Randall, this is Kana," he introduced her.

The wolf by this point had already begun cleaning up, worried about meeting someone new. He couldn't figure out a rational reason for all that fear. By all accounts, Kana was a slave, just like him, and nice...Master had even vouched for her. He was bringing two plates over to the sink when he realized the object of his worries - Kana - was right there watching him.

"Ahhh!" he yelped, sucking in a sharp breath of shock, dropping both plates, shattering the bottom one and cracking the top. He darted around behind one of the counters, out of view. He slowly peeked back around the edge as he got his breath back, looking at his temporary Alpha while his master was gone at work. Even though he was a tail-raiser, he couldn't help but think that Kana looked very pretty.

_I thought Master was taking me to see her..._he thought, still frightened.

Georgio sighed, once again putting his face in his paw. "Okay, officially, no breakable plates or cups for us until we get those jitters out of you..." He looked over at Kana, seeing her surprise at what had happened.

"Oh my, are you alright?" she asked, scurrying over to him. "Did you hurt yourself? I didn't mean to startle you..."

Randall hunched down into a little ball, his tail tucked firmly between his legs, and his paws nervously wringing it back and forth as Kana approached him and doted over him.

"I-I-I'm f-fine," he managed to stutter.

"Here, let me help you clean that up..." Kana said, kneeling down. As she started picking up the pieces, Georgio looked at Randall, wondering why he wasn't helping yet.

"Well? Are you going to let her clean up all your mess by herself?"

Randall replied first with a pained whining sound from behind his cover.

"I-I'm not d-decent!" he said. Being out in public was one thing, where nudity was expected, or being alone in the house with master, but Kana was a guest in Master's house, a female guest. For reasons unknown to the wolf or anybody else, that thought had not crossed his mind until Kana had appeared right in the kitchen.

Georgio looked at him, trying to hold back laughter, then looked over at Kana.

"Kana, sweetie, please close your eyes for a second and wait before you clean that up, I had completely forgot about dressing him, come on, Randall..." He led his wolf upstairs and into his bedroom, pulling out one of the loincloth packs he'd bought for him at the store. He ripped it open, handing one of them to Randall.

"You walked to the store yesterday naked, you know. The teller was even a woman, heh...

"Yeaaahhhh," Randall whined, "but that was normal...and, and you where there...but Kana is a house guest..." He quickly put on the loincloth, feeling a bit better now that he was decent for his...well, his temporary alpha for a few hours.

"By God you're a wreck, have you ever been in the same room with a female before, Randall?" Georgio teased.

The wolf thought a moment as the two left to go back downstairs.

"Ummm...not that I can remember...but my past two masters didn't usually allow me in the house unless they and their friends were horny."

When they got back to the kitchen, Randall grabbed his master's paw tightly, before apologizing to the shepherd.

"Sorry, Kana." he said, without the stammering from before, though he still didn't make eye contact.

Kana smiled at him, giggling. "It's okay, you were shy, but you seem much more relaxed, now...come give me a hand, okay?"

"Go on and give her a hand, Randall, I'm not leaving just yet..." Georgio whispered, kissing Randall's ear. He sat back down, but turned the chair to them, and pointed to his foot paws. Randall went over to help Kana finish cleaning up his mess. He felt a bit more relaxed. He just had to keep repeating to himself that Kana was okay to be around. Master had said so, and that made it true. When they finished, Kana went and knelt by the lion's feet, looking up and smiling happily. Randall wasn't sure what was going on, but he decided to emulate Kana, so he went and knelt by his master's other foot...though he kept his gaze down rather than up. It was difficult for him to make prolonged eye contact with anyone - just glimpses were hard enough.

Georgio smiled, petting the wolf's head. "Okay, I have a little list here of chores that need to be done...I don't expect them all done but Kana, I would like you to teach him what you can, help him through the day..." Georgio handed her a post-it note and looked at the wolf, handing him a different one. Randall tried to memorize them as quickly as he could.

"This is my cell and my office phone...I'll call every hour on the hour. You call me if you need something or just need to hear my voice Randall, okay?" He pet the wolf's cheek, looking him in the eyes as best he could. "Kana is a good girl and she'll take care of you, I'd trust her with my life, I'll be home by five, okay? I promise."

He stood up, trying to think if there was anything else he'd forgotten. "Emergency numbers are by the phone, Kana...if you need anything, let me know, you should know where everything else is by now, you've been here enough." She nodded and looked over at Randall.

"Don't worry, Sir, I'll take good care of him, he's a little jumpy, though..." Georgio chuckled and pet Randall a bit more. "Yeah, he's just shy, clung to me for dear life, heh...but he'll relax, just don't surprise him...or make fun of his appearance. Now, behave and be a good boy, okay? Are you going to be alright without me until five?"

Randall jumped up after his master as he moved toward the door, grabbing his paw. He really didn't want him to leave...but he knew he had to, so he didn't say anything about that, although he didn't release his grip. He wanted to say that no, of course not, how could he be fine that long without his master? But he needed to try to do this, for his master...

"I'll try..." he said, already wishing it were five in the afternoon.

Georgio hugged him tightly, and kissed his cheek. "How about this? You try your best to fight the good fight and learn your chores and things from Kana, and when I get home we can do whatever you like, okay? We can have whatever you like for dinner, we can play a board game, movie, cards, whatever you want to do tonight when I get home is up to you, alright?" He stroked along his wolf's cheek. "I'll miss you but I promise I'll call every hour, okay? So do we have a deal?"

Randall nodded. That sounded okay to him...but he was just as happy doing whatever his master wanted to do. He took a deep breath, and walked over to Kana. He was shaking a little bit, but nowhere near as bad as on the couch two nights ago, and in the bed last night.

"I'll be okay, I think..." he said timidly. He looked over at Kana, but only high enough that his eyes met her chin. "Wh-what are we doing first?" The wolf wanted his master to see that he was trying to be 'okay' with all of this.

Georgio walked over and gave him one last hug. "Thank you, it means a lot to me that you're trying, Randall." He held his slave's head in his paws, then looked at him, a light blush appearing on his cheeks as he gave him a light peck right on the muzzle, then headed for the door.

"Be good and I'll call you in an hour, Randall." Georgio closed the door behind him and headed to the car. The wolf tried to be quiet as his master left but he couldn't completely stifle a few whimpers. He moved up to the window along with Kana, who followed him, and pressed his nose up against the glass, staying there long after his car had disappeared from sound and sight.

"You're in love with Master Georgio, aren't you? Because I think he might be with you," she said.

The insides of Randall's ears flushed very red at Kana's question.

"Yeah...he's the first fur who's ever treated me like I'm worth something."

"So...have you told him? I mean, really really told him about your feelings for him? He did kiss you on the maw just now, was that the first, or do you two casually kiss like that..." she giggled. "Because I think that was the first with the way he reacted," she continued, giggling some more. "I'm sorry, am I prying too much?" she asked, seeing the wolf's ears turn bright red.

"It's okay...I'm just not used to talking about things like this. I'm not used to talking much at all, in fact."

Randall paused a moment, trying to figure out what to say. Kana was pretty easy-going and that helped him loosen up a lot around her.

"That was his first time on the muzzle...but he does that a lot on my head. I like it...I didn't know muzzles could be used for anything but biting." He liked his gums a little bit after he said this, before pausing another few seconds.

"I've sort of mentioned how I feel about him a couple times in passing...but I think he gets almost as embarrassed as I do," he said, giving a sort of nervous laugh.

Kana chuckled and looked at him, seeing he was still a bit antsy around her. "It's okay, honey, you don't have to be scared of me, I should be scared of you, hehe..." She looked into his eye sand smiled. "Yeah, my masters told me about your life so far...I'm so sorry...but you know what you should do? You should tell your master how you feel, like, really tell him, I bet he wants to but I bet he's scared he thinks you might think he's just saying it to get your tailhole...or has he gotten it already, hehe...I'm sorry, I'm such a naughty masters scold me for it sometimes when I speak with them." Kana blushed and giggled a bit, hoping their conversation would calm him down and open him up a bit, she always giggled when she was a bit nervous. Even though she was sure Randall wouldn't hurt her, his nerves sort of leaked off to her.

Randall did laugh, then - he didn't know why, but he was feeling a little more at ease around Kana, even if he did feel like he had a gaping hole in his chest with Master gone.

"No, he hasn't...I really want him to...but...I just lock up every time I think about it." The wolf laughed as a memory came back to him. "I was in a bit of evening and went after his..." Randall blushed furiously, unable to vocalize 'naughty' words around 'mixed company.' Instead he licked his muzzle and looked downward in an exaggerated fashion, hoping Kana got the point.

"He was as red as I am now," he added shyly.

"Yeah, I get the idea," she giggled, "an, well, I know your Master has said to me that when he yiffs with a slave, it has to be out of mutual attraction, love, and belonging to another...he wants it to be a sort of submission thing to him from his slave, but it has to be out'm sorry I kind of forget the rest..." Kana chuckled and looked at him. "See, I'm not so scary now am I? And if you lock up like just have to give it more time is all, don't force it."

Randall smiled. "No...I guess you aren't."

She smiled, then decided it was time to get to work. "Well, how about you do the dishes and we'll look at the list and see what you need to learn to do, okay?"

He moved forward and gave her a quick hug. "Thanks for staying here with me..." he said, biting his lower lip. "I don't think I could have made it alone."

The wolf darted off to the kitchen before Kana could say anything, a little bit embarassed. He started washing the dishes, thinking about much later tonight. Maybe then...but Kana was right, he shouldn't push himself. Master had said that plenty of times, and if he kept locking up every time he thought about lifting his tail...he wasn't ready.

I'm getting less and less nervous about Master, though...I just gotta keep that thought in my mind, that he'll never hurt me...and it won't be an issue at all when the time comes, when I'm finally ready...

Kana followed him into the kitchen, laughing still at what he'd said. "Well, from what I've seen, any little creak in this house and you would have been hiding under the sofa...but it's okay, I'm happy to help, your master is a kind fur and I'd do anything for him." Seeing the two post-it notes on the counter, she set Randall's by the phone, since it had phone numbers, then took hers. "Let's see...your master says for chores...clean kitchen floor, dust, vacuum, laundry, make the bed, even though he did a great job, it just needs fine-tuning...clean toilets, and teach Randall to cook for himself so he doesn't starve. The shep couldn't help but giggle at that last one. "Well, which one would you like to start first, Randall?"

"Umm...I guess let's just start at the beginning of the list, and work to the end," Randall said, scratching the back of his neck, finishing the last of the dishes. He set them over in the drying rack as they were still dripping.

Kana smiled and got underneath a cabinet, bringing out a bucket with a couple rags in it. "Fill this with warm water and then...," she trailed off, grabbing a bit of soap and putting it in the bucket, "...we can clean the floor with some soapy water." She looked down at the floor curiously. "It doesn't look that bad, did something get all over it for Master Georgio to want it washed?"

Randall filled the bucket with water and let Kana put the soap in, and got to work on the floor. His ears splayed out to the sides as he heard Kana's question, as some unpleasant memories were brought up.

"Yeah...I kinda cleaned it before but I sort of made a mess yesterday when I got mad and got punished for he probably wants to drive the point home to me so I don't misbehave again."

"Sugar...flour...salt...milk...." he elaborated.

Kana looked at him curiously, not getting the entire story, but not wanting to pry further, either. "Well, it's better the lesson is given this way than with a whip, am I right?"

Randall nodded. "I don't like whips." he said plainly.

"Well, I don't either, it's been years since I've felt one though...Master Tom and John have never whipped me before. I'm very lucky, like you are now."

She grabbed the other rag and ran over to a corner. "Randall, start over here in the corner so we can work our way backwards and let it sit and dry." He started working on the corner of the floor, and worked his way over to Kana's section. As they were finishing up, he heard the phone ring, his ears perking up.

"It's only been a half-hour, but it is on the I think it's your master, so go answer it."

Randall didn't need to be told that at all, as he had already shot over to the telephone to pick it up before she'd even had a real chance to give him permission. His tail was wagging furiously.

"Master?" he said, excited.

Georgio was sitting back at his desk, having gotten a moment to chat. "Hello, Randall, I see Kana hasn't gotten to basic phone manners yet...I knew I should have added that to the list...ah well, I made it to work and I'm fine, I promise...are you doing okay so far, Randall? What are you both up to?"

"We're doing okay. I'm doing fine with Kana. I thought she'd be a lot scarier without you around but I guess I was wrong. I finished up the dishes and then we cleaned the kitchen floor. When are you coming home?" Randall said all this in nearly a single breath.

The lion covered the mouthpiece on the phone, laughing and rolling his eyes. "Oh boy..." he said, then put the phone back to his maw.

"Randall, I said I'd be home by five, okay? I get out at four-thirty, and I'll be home by five about, I promise...I just started work and I know this is hard but when you get your chores done I should be home by then...but have fun, and enjoy yourself." He watched a tiger bring in a jaguar slave, but turned away quickly, wanting to keep his mind on Randall and not on work while he was on the phone. "Look, how about this, if you don't have all the chores done by the time the kids are home, go over to Kana's with her and hang out there, I bet the kids would love having another playmate for an afternoon, they can teach you to play video games and stuff."

Randall gulped audibly over the phone, then cast a nervous glance back at Kana.

"But that's a completely different house..." he whimpered.

Georgio sighed. "Well, I'm not twisting your arm on this Randall, you can do this or stay home alone for awhile or have the kids over there, I'm just telling you the options, it's up to you what you decide. But Tom and John are home today because of the night shift they pulled last night, so you're totally safe in every way, I promise, I mean...ask Kana all you like about them and I know she'll be one hundred percent honest with you, okay? You're doing great so far, you don't have to push yourself if you don't want to go right next door, baby steps, are you going to be okay, still?"

"I'll try, Master," he said. "I'll see you at five..."

He definitely didn't want to be alone. If he had to go over with Kana to a different house, he would.

The lion smiled at his wolf's response. "Alright then, good boy, I'll see you later...bye." Georgio hung up and turned to the Jaguar slave, continuing his business.

Randall felt a little twinge of fear as his Master hung up the phone, but it barely registered with him. He hung it up with reluctance though, long after his master had hung up.

Kana looked over at him, as she'd just finished up with the floor. "Are you alright, Randall? Did something happen? I thought I heard something about my masters."

"Um...I'm s'posed to go with you to your house if we finish up here before my master gets home. Well, I mean, I can stay here too but I don't wanna be alone."

Kana chuckled and nodded. "That's fine, we can do that if you can meet Master John and Tom's kids if you like." She gave him a curious look, realizing his problems with strangers. "But my masters are home and didn't really expect me home until Master Georgio was. We can stay here if you like, but you can think about it a bit since we still have plenty of chores left."

Kana pulled the list out from where she had stored it in the elastic band of her loincloth, giving it a quick look-over. "Okay, we need to dust, that's not too hard at all, that stuff I think is in the closet..." She set the bucket by the entry way to the kitchen while they waited for the floor to dry, then went to the closet and pulled out a rag and some wood cleaner. "Okay, this is simple, whatever is wood like the end tables and coffee tables, you just spray them and wipe them down."

"That seems easy," Randall said. He went around the house and hit all the wood surfaces he could find. Some of the end tables had books and things on them, so he simply moved them out of the way. About halfway through this chore he realized he should probably put those things back, so he retraced his steps and did just that.

While he did this he thought about what would happen after the chores were done. If Kana was able to stay here with him. That would be best...he was afraid he'd turn into a nervous wreck over at her house.

Slavery Legalized - Chapter 11: Laundry and Lamentations

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 11: Laundry and Lamentations * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 9: Pizza and Penance

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 9: Pizza and Penance * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 8: Slave Police Aren't That Bad

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 8: Slave Police Aren't That Bad * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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