Slavery Legalized - Chapter 8: Slave Police Aren't That Bad

Story by Draugr on SoFurry

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#8 of Slavery Legalized

Slavery Legalized

by Draugr & Element

Chapter 8: Slave Police Aren't That Bad


This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C)

About an hour after master and slave had fallen asleep, they were awoken by the doorbell ringing. Georgio's eyes groggily opened glancing at the clock to check the time. Then he heard the doorbell ring again. He noticed the wolf asleep so he gently laid him down on the bed thinking he looked so cute all sprawled out and bare and asleep like that...he was temped to kiss him, but didn't - the doorbell rang a third time, so he dashed out of the room, down the stairs, opening the door to see the two rhinos from earlier in more casual attire this time.

"Hey there, Georgio, we thought we would check up on you and make sure you're alright, figured we'd come in casual attire, since we spooked your wolf last night in our work clothes."

As John greeted Georgio, Tom was looking around, and didn't see the lion's slave anywhere. With how tightly he had clung to him last time they were here, Tom thought for sure he'd be nearby.

"You got him locked up in the basement or something?" he asked, wondering if the wolf slave was being punished for something. He'd glanced at copies of the wolf's paperwork while they were sitting outside Georgio's house the other night, so he knew this particular slave had been quite a troublemaker.

Georgio let the two of them in and chuckled, heading into the kitchen "Basement? Come on, you know me better then that, he's sleeping upstairs in my bed. We went down to the slave outlet and got him something for my cousin's wedding. Poor thing was a little overstimulated, you guys want some tea?" He smiled as he filled the kettle and turned it on.

"I'd love some. You make this stuff from scratch or something? I swear I've never found any better." Tom said as he sat down, John following suit. "Sure, we can stay for a bit I think, right Tom? him in bed with you already? Hahahaha!"

The lion's eyes rolled as he looked back at him. "Yeah yeah, shut up, you know me better then that, but on that point - why the visit? Though, you know I never mind."

"Well, to tell the truth, I'm ah...well, we've got a bit of bad news, I'm afraid. I'm sure you know he tore up his previous master pretty bad, his third one, I believe. Well, he did the same to his second...initially he didn't want anything to do with him, and actually gave him a full pardon, which is why he didn't get neutered or put down or anything. Those poor lifer's really get the short end of the stick, don't they? Guess he's lucky to have had greedy masters - care more about money than saving their pride. Anyway, now...he's after blood. God knows why he's mad now, didn't seem like he could care less before from what I can gather.

"He tracked you down and found some technicality in your paperwork...some stupid little detail, thousands of them get made every month and nobody lifts an eyebrow, but now he's claiming your wolf belongs to him. Slave laws, like all the others, are a tangled mess of bureaucratic nonsense, and it's possible he's actually found something to use for his own twisted goals. I can't even make heads nor tails of half 'o them.

"I don't think you really have much to worry about, you know the guys in our judicial district like you pretty well, and we'll do what we can to get the district slave police behind ya if things end up that far, but we figured you should know. John went ahead got Detective Charlie working on this. He's got an in with the county judge, and if his lawyer tries to throw a case at you, judge should hopefully dismiss it."

Georgio furrowed his eyebrows, seemingly confused. "Are you serious!? Oh God, of all people....the guy that actually ships and transfers slaves, the guy that deals with all of that damned paperwork, I of all furs forget to dot a damned "i" or cross a damned "t"....oh jeez....well, Charlie is one of the best so I guess I won't worry much."

The lion poured three cups and grabbed the sugar and cream and set them on the table as he sat down, smiling. " that's the good stuff." said Tom, taking a sip.

"Thank you guys, you're always looking out for me, I appreciate it, though I do have a couple connections here and there too, you know." He looked up toward the stairs and sighed. "Well, best not to worry or scare the poor thing."

John smirked "Of course, but you know we don't mind giving you a hand."

"I don't know how you do it, Georgio. If there's anyone who can cure a troublemaker like that, it's you." said Tom.

The lion chuckled at him and shrugged. "Well, what can I say? I guess I just have a way with slaves, even with the ones I end up shifting and transferring...they do usually thank me for somehow making it all seem a bit better." Georigo sipped his tea and smiled as he chatted with his friends for awhile.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Randall continued to slumber. He had unconsciously flipped himself over in his sleep - he found it difficult to sleep on his back. Every now and then an ear would twitch, or a foot would spasm. He was clearly dreaming about something, but as to what - that was a mystery.

Eventually, though, he began to awaken from his slumber. He heard some voices but couldn't understand what they were saying. The wolf thought they must have been in his dream. As his eyes opened, feeling like he could have used another ten hours, at least, he realized Master was gone.

Wha...wha...what? Did he leave me? no no no....can't be! I actually did do something wrong, and he just didn't tell me!

Randall grabbed all the covers, wrapped them around himself, and ran out of the room. It was the last thing he had seen his master touch, and he didn't want to leave them or else he was sure he'd just fall to pieces. He looked in every single room upstairs before collapsing in the last room. Randall buried himself in the covers, thinking his master had left him for good.

Downstairs, a loud yip, and the sound of bare scurrying feet could be heard. A few slamming doors, and then some silence. One could just barely make out the sound of what might be sobbing if they really listened close.

"Uh oh," said Tom, "What's wrong now? He get loose?" The rhino did not realizing that Randall was attached to Georgio now, and not the idea of being free.

Georgio sighed and stood up. "Stay here for a second, will you guys? I'll be right back, poor thing probably startled that I disappeared."

The lion ran upstairs and looks in each room. He found him huddled on the floor, clutching the sheets and half smiled at the pitiful sight. Georgio walked over and knelt down holding him from behind and kissed his ear. Randall let out a huge sigh of relief when his master showed up, and stopped crying, although his breathing was still a bit ragged.

"Hey, cutie, I'm sorry about that....I didn't mean to leave you like that." His tongue licked his ear as he turned him and hugged him close. "What happened? Didn't you come down to check if I was around?"

"I thought you'd left, wh-when I woke up a-and you weren't th-there."

In some abuse cases concerning slaves where they were placed in more dynamic families, the slave would latch on to a particular member of the household that they viewed as a protector from the abuser. They would grow incredibly anxious or fearful if separated. In a couple cases, the situation was so bad the slave was incapable of functioning if their "protective guardian" was not present. Randall was experiencing a form of this, and it was made all the worse by the sharp contrast between his current and old masters.

The lion pet his cheeks and wiped his tears off. "Shhh, there there, my little wuff...Master's here." He thought he was having some separation anxiety but didn't realize he was so attached this soon. Georgio kissed his head and nuzzled him gently, continuing to hold him close, reassuring the worried canine with his physical presence, rubbing his back gently but firmly. After a couple minutes, when he calmed down, he decided to bring up the rhinos. "I have a surprise, I have some friends I'd like you to about you run to the bathroom and clean up and remake my bed and then come down looking all cute like you do, okay?" Georgio left, making sure the wolf had settled down a bit, then went downstairs to wait.

"Sorry about that, he woke up scared, thinking I left him," he told the two, explaining what happened.

Randall had felt a little twinge of fear as his master disappeared down the staircase, but suppressed it fairly easily. He quickly washed up as his master had commanded, and on top of that, brushed his fur. It was still summer, so he didn't have a terribly long coat, but he wanted to look nice.

Finally he left the bathroom and went back to pick up the covers, and returned to Master's bed. He wasn't really sure what to do with them, though. No matter how much he twisted and turned them, nothing seemed to work right. Eventually he just tossed them in a tangled wad up on top of the bed, figuring it couldn't be that big a deal - the mattress was still there, right?

The wolf practically ran downstairs, almost tripping once, and paused when he got to the kitchen. He didn't recognize the two rhino's out of uniform, but he was a bit shy, since they were strangers, and he tip-toed over to his master's chair, standing next to him. His left paw moved over and grabbed his master's shirt sleeve.

"Aww, he's a cute one," said Tom. "You gotta watch that action there, though. I read that when they grab your clothes like that, they're trying to get control."

"T-that's not it at all!" said Randall, finally finding his voice.

John chuckled and nodded "Awww, heh, seems he's really attached to you."

"He really is, you guys read his file when you watched the house last night I gather, poor thing has only known abuse and just needs some love."

John looked over to the slave, smiling at him, trying to put him at ease. "Hey there, wuff wuff, you look much better then last night, how those bumps and bruises healing? By the way, sorry about the threat last night, was on duty you know, now that I see you, you're way too cute to whip I think, right honey?" he said, looking over at Tom.

"Yeah, the cute ones get a spanking." Tom winked at the wolf, to show that he was just joking.

Randall's eyes, however, grew bigger, and he glanced back and forth from the rhinos to his master as he realized they were the police from last night, confused about what to do. He climbed into his master's lap, twisted his torso a bit, and wrapped his arms around the lion's neck, burying his face into his master's mane. The rhinos didn't seem like they wanted to hurt him, though, and Georgio seemed relaxed with the two there, which must mean they didn't want to hurt him or take him away, but they were slave police, and therefore scary.

Georgio meeped and almost spilled his tea when he jumped on his lap, frightened. He set it down and hugged the wolf chuckling as he looked horrified. "Hey now, that's no way to be around my friends, they are off duty so you can relax, they're very nice and frankly tough as nails when working so just be good for me, alright?" He pet his head and stood him back up. "Now apologize for that rude behavior."

"I'm sorry," he said meekly.

John looked at him smiling. "Nah, we won't hurt you little guy, promise, we may be big and tough but we're teddy bears out of work, ask our slave Kana if you want if you ever visit, we have to stunt the emotions once we work, and this guy right here is the biggest softy of them all outside of work, and frankly a moaner in the sack, heh." He winked at him and chuckled, to which Tom replied with a rough elbow in the side.

"That may be true, but I can still throw you around better than you can me."

"Yeah, if I let you on top, maybe."

Georgio rolled his eyes and sipped his tea. "Don't scare him with your giant rhino dong sex, jeez....we want him to relax." Randall's ears flushed bright red at all this. Seeking an exit from the topic of conversation, he found one - there were no napkins on the table, so he wandered out to the kitchen to grab some.

"Now where's he going..." Tom wondered.

Georgio looked over as Randall's tail disappeared around the doorway. "I have no idea where he's going, with realizing who you are, I'm surprised he's not wrapped around my leg, heh."

The rhino suddenly lowered his voice, to keep it out of earshot of the slave. "Gods, I really hope that moron doesn't have a case. Never seen a slave that attached to his work magic, Georgio. I can't even imagine what that poor thing would do if they tried to take him away."

"Nobody will ever take him from me, court case or no, his old Master will never take him from me."

Randall had returned with a comically large stack of napkins, but only heard the last few words. His jaw dropped - they really were here to take him away! This made him scared...but then that emotion gave way to anger. He was furious. Mad at his master, and mad at the two rhinos. How could Master sit there with them when they wanted to take him away, and act like nothing was wrong? Surely Master was not okay with that!

The wolf hunched down, dropping the stack of napkins, and growled at the two rhinos, baring his teeth, his ears folded back this time not in submission, but anger. Nobody was going to separate him from Master if they wanted to stay in one piece. The fur on his neck, down his back, and tail bristled up and out. This was fight or flight, and one of the few times that Randall's fight reaction came out on top. This wasn't something he could run from.

Georgio looked behind him, hearing the wolf crown, and cocked his head curiously. "What's wrong with you Randall? Oh! Gods, you heard didn't you? No one is taking you away from me Randall, not ever, so stand down, if you try anything against them I'll have to punish you again." He stood up and looked at him seriously. "Calm down, and come here." Georgio spoke sternly and pointed to right beside him.

Randall barely heard anything that was said. He was focused on one thing and one thing alone - nobody was going to separate him from Master. He placed one foot on the paper napkins, and then kicked forward, sending them flying into the air at the table. He launched himself at the rhinos, but unfortunately his diversion made it impossible for him to see, too, and he smacked his head square against the table leg, knocking himself out cold.

"Ooohhh...someone's gonna have a killer headache when he wakes up..." Tom said, batting the napkins away that were still slowly floating down in the air.

Georgio winced as Randall struck his head, looking away. " about we move to the living room then. John, can you give me a hand with him?" John nodded and picked the wolf up, tossing him over his shoulder and headed to the living room, where he laid him on the couch. The lion brought in the cups of tea and set them down. As he sat he grabbed the leash on his way in and clipped it to the wolf's neck. He pulled Randall's head into his lap and pet it gently, hoping the relaxing feeling would keep him from panicking when he awoke.

He could only sign as he looked down at him. "I have got to curb that temper of his, he jumps to conclusions too fast....if he only asked I would have explained, I'm sorry about this guys." His paw tightened its grip on the leash, but he still continued to gently stroke Randall's head.

John sat on the love seat and pulled Tom over beside him putting his arm around him. "It's okay, we'll let it slide, clearly the wolf is in completely in love with you, and just doesn't want to be away from your side."

Georgio blushed and looked down at the unconscious wolf and then back up at them. "I don't know about love, but I know he's really attached to me..."

"Well I can't say I blame him acting how he did, after what he's been through," said Tom, "poor thing must have thought we were here to take him away. Law of averages, I guess, though. Not every one of 'em can fall in the middle. Some slaves just get stuck with horrible furs. Always hate to see that happen, but there ain't much you can do."

Georgio nodded at and looked at them. "Yeah but even if you were, you'd have to be in uniform...but you're right, he's had it so hard, he just knows this is the best thing in his life, and he doesn't want to lose me...and yeah, not all of them can go to good homes, but at least there are some in the system like me that try to get them good placements, like how I got you both Kana, and she's never been happier in her life."

Georgio's company worked as a trader and shipper of slaves for auction houses. It was the largest in the tri-state area and had only grown since he had inherited it. The lion constantly watched over shipments and assisted with them at times, and once in a while he'd fine a poor sweet slave that only wanted to be loved and typically tried to get them a good Master. He especially made sure to help the younger ones go to good families. Kana was only sixteen when he arranged for Tom and john to buy her, and for two years now she's had been treated well and loved very much by her new family.

John nodded and smirked. "Yeah, poor thing was horrified when she found she was gonna have slave police as Masters."

While they were talking, Randall slowly blinked his eyes a bit, wondering what had happened. He was with master though, that was...


As the pain hit him, he groaned and held his paws tightly over his head.

"Hey sleeping beauty," Georgio said, although he looked at him sternly. "That's what you get for jumping to conclusions and trying to assault Master's friends, Randall, now you are going to apologize to them both like you did to the dragon earlier, and then you will sit by my feet here and I'm going to explain what we were discussing about you, alright?" He continued the stern look, not liking to scold him...but he most certainly deserved it now.

Randall looked up at his master, then looked over at the rhinos. His eyes were enlarged with fear. What if they took him and ran...

But, Master had the leash, so he felt a bit safer. He walked over (very slowly), biting his lower lip, and then knelt down, and gave both Tom and John a quick lick to each of their feet. Randall was relieved when they didn't kick him like Trent had. He sat back up on his knees, but kept his head bowed.

"Sorry, Sirs. I was wrong to try and attack Master's friends."

"Well, that's alright, puppy, but you better listen to your Master, or you'll get yourself into trouble," Tom said, unable to help himself from using the childish name. The wolf was just so cute. "I don't want to get a call from my boss telling me to come out here and neuter you." Tom was often more involved in disciplinary actions of his job, including drastic ones for severe behavior cases. He had castrated several slaves in the past - and while it usually worked, calmed them down (int he long run), he hated doing it.

Georgio smiled seeing his slave do as he was told. John even reached down to gently pet him, scratching him behidn the ear. "Yeah, you better be careful little fella, you shouldn't jump the gun especially when your Master's friends are slave police."

Randall darted back over to Georgio about five times as fast, and sat down on the floor, back against the couch, clutching the leash tightly with both hands. He looked up and behind him at his master, his eyes pleading to let him sit up on the couch with his master.

John laughed at the sight. "You really have broken him in less than a day, he's so loyal and...well, mostly obedient...I'm still amazing you got him like this so quickly." Georgio scratched Randall's head and laughed.

"Well, what can I say? I just know how to treat my little wuff slave, heh."

Eventually he looked down, seeing the wolf practically begging to be in his lap. He chuckled.

"Alright, alright, no need to give me the puppy eyes, get up on my lap." His paws came around Randall's waist, firmly holding him to his chest.

"Alright, well, we had better explain this to you. John and Tom here informed me that your former master found some kind of technicality in the paperwork and wants to try and get you back, probably so he can beat you for what you did to him..." He held onto Randall more firmly, rubbing his back with a gentle paw. "Now, you know I'm not going to let that happen, the guys here even say the slave police have my back, I don't think this is anything to worry about. Besides, we can tie him up in court for weeks, if he actually does have some stupid case. It might not even make it that far."

Randall held on tightly to Georgio as he was told all this. Just the thought of being taken away terrified him, but now he realized John and Tom were on his side. "I don't care who they are, I won't let anyone take me away from you." He glanced over at the two rhinos and sheepishly grinned, communicating that he didn't consider them enemies.

"And if that asshole does try to take me away, I'll fucking kill him." This statement was rather comical considering it had come from someone who had just given his master the "puppy dog eyes" so he could sit in his lap - but Randall seemed pretty serious.

Tom gaped. "Wow," he simply said, trying very hard to stifle laughter.

Georgio looked at him, trying to stifle his own laughter, and poked his nose.

"Now, you know better than to use foul language like that in front of guests, so behave yourself, Randall." He licked his ear and smiled at him, to let him know he wasn't too upset. "Even though I understand the killing, killing others out of hate or rage...or assaulting them before you actually know what is going on...," he glared at the wolf in a stern reminder, "...isn't right. But you have my word I'll never let him have you. I'm sure things will be okay."

"But, I'd know exactly what was going on. He'd be taking me away from you," he argued. "I'd tear out his throat."

John addressed Randall as well, trying to dispel that notion from him. "Yeah, and even if we're the ones around, we can't do anything if you try to assault a free fur, let alone kill him. You'd be put down easily, your master doesn't want that. He loves you a lot even if he doesn't say it." He chuckled seeing Georgio blush, turning away.

Randall turned around rather awkwardly in the lion's lap, and hugged his master's arm before looking up and giving his chin a quick lick. "I know he does. I do too." He leaned against his master, content to lay there while his betters talked, mostly ignoring the conversation.

No, that's way too soon to be thinking about something like that going on between us... the lion thought, even though his heart might have been telling him something more was going on.

John smiled at the display from the wolf, which couldn't really be called anything other than "puppy love." "Yeah, Georgio, you'd better curb that temper of his. We're behind you one hundred percent, but there's nothing we, nor anyone else could do if he killed a free fur. With his record, even if he just assaulted, that scumbag could press to have him neutered." Tom added. "And I'm sure you don't want that, do ya pup?" he said, reaching over to scratch Randall between the ears.

Georgio continued petting his slave. "Well, Randall, you still shouldn't assault anyone, I don't want your fluffy white nuts chopped off. They're mine." He licked his ear and held him gently chuckling. "God, you're such a cub, hehehe."

"Hah, Georgio, if he's like this with you now, how is he going to get by when you go back to work tomorrow?"

The wolf didn't even hear the comment about his master and work, but if he had, it wouldn't have bothered him - he didn't realize at this point that meant he would be left alone in the house. He hadn't really been paying much attention to anything that had been going on for awhile.

Georgio nipped his ear to wake him up from his daze. "Randall, pay attention when someone is talking to you. I didn't know you needed work on your people skills so much, Tom was just saying you have to curb that anger and not jump to conclusions or else you end up without any nuts, especially if you attacked a free fur." Randall's ears flattened back against his head though, at the mention of losing his nuts. That didn't sound like a good plan at all. They wouldn't really do that...would they? The wolf gulped nervously.

The lion sighed, realizing he's had to be more stern with him in the last hour than he has in the entire past day. He didn't know the wolf's social skills were so lacking - he was going to need more training than he'd initially thought. Despite his frustration at Randall, he scratched the wolf's belly and smiled at him. "I do love you very much Randall, even if I haven't said it, and I promise I'll keep you always, even if we have to leave the country."

"Well, I don't think that will be the case...this might wind up in court, but it will be alright, we'll help you out all we can. Seeing a roughed up puppy like this all meek and tame just warms my big 'ol heart, hahaha!"

"Hey! I'm twenty-four!" Randall said, pouting at all the nicknames like 'pup' and 'cub'. "...and I'm not tame!" he shouted. "There's no such thing as a tame wolf." Quite contrary to the wolf's statement, he laid there enjoying having his belly scratched, his tongue lolling out of an open mouth, and his left leg twitching a bit. Tom just laughed merrily.

"Pup...errr, I mean, wolf's got quite a mind of his own, don't he?" Randall's attention soon started drifting off yet again, his mind elsewhere, only paying half-attention to the conversation. It was his way of coping with the situation of having two slave cops in the house, and being unable to escape due to being on the leash - he just ignored that it was happening at all.

"Twenty-four? I didn't realize you were a little older then me, Randall," Georgio said. He kissed his head, nuzzling him close as he zoned out.

"Yeah, John, he's not a bit of that cute spunk you like, huh? He's a sweet thing, needs a little discipline and a firm, loving paw, but he's a good boy." He unclipped the leash and smiled, guiding his slave's head to his chest, holding him close. "He's still skittish...and besides his temper, his social skills need a bit of work, though he'll get some of that at the wedding."

"Wait, you're actually taking him to the wedding so soon? Are you sure about that? I thought you would leave him at our place for the weekend," John said, a little disappointed.

"John, he's terrified of you both even though I'm still here, you think he'd be good with that? I think not...he'll be with me. I may have to take him to work if he doesn't like spending the day alone."

Although Randall wasn't paying much attention, he did grip his master just a little bit more tightly at the mention of staying at John and Tom's. He knew Master wouldn't let them in the house if they were bad people, but being around them in Master's arms, and being around them completely alone were two very different things.

Tom was a bit disappointed too, he was looking forward to getting to spend some time with Georgio's new slave, but he didn't say anything, instead checking his watch.

"Well, dear, you think it's about time to get going? We're on night shift again - starts in an hour, and I wanna get some lovin' in before then." he said, teasing.

"Yeah, it'll be a bit less tense if we get one out now..."

Tom looked back over to Georgio. "If you want, we can drop by here sometime tomorrow while you're out to make sure he's okay. Better make sure he knows how to hold down the fort first, though."

"Yeah, we can drop by if you leave him here, hell, we can even have Kana over. She can forego her chores for a day, she doesn't have anything major until the kids come home...and even then, he can come over to our place if he doesn't want to be lonely."

Georgio nodded, liking the idea. "I think that's a great idea. I don't think he's ready to see my job...frankly, I don't know if he even understands what I do." He ran his paw along Randall's face, petting his cheeks, scratching his eye ridges, and rubbing under his chin. "He's too scared to be alone, so I think Kana visiting would be a sweet gesture and help him with his social skills and house training as well."

As John and Tom said their farewells and left the house, Randall relaxed once again. He'd been at much better ease around them than was to be expected, but it hadn't been easy. He watched them leave, thinking maybe they weren't such bad furs after all, even if they were slave cops.

Slavery Legalized - Chapter 9: Pizza and Penance

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 9: Pizza and Penance * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 7: Shopping for Trouble

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 7: Shopping for Trouble * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 6: Finally, Breakfast!

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 6: Finally, Breakfast! * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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