Slavery Legalized - Chapter 7: Shopping for Trouble

Story by Draugr on SoFurry

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#7 of Slavery Legalized

Slavery Legalized

by Draugr & Element

Chapter 7: Shopping for Trouble


This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C)

Georgio smiled as he saw the wolf getting more comfortable as they went along. If he wasn't okay alone or out in the fresh air, he had no idea how he was going to be when he went to work tomorrow. He thought he could take another day off and work from home; that was why he had the fax put in his home office anyway. He pet Randall's head as they walked and laughed to himself. "You're doing well so far. I'm glad, when we get to the store you can stay closer to me if you want - besides, I'm going to need you close when we buy you your clothes."

After a few more minutes of walking, they arrived at a large set of stores, all right next to one another. Randall drew in much closer. There were a lot more furs and slaves in this area and he didn't want to get separated from his master, even though he realized the leash kept them together. The crowd made him a bit nervous, but he took a deep breath, and tried to focus on the lion.

One of the many stores had a big sign that said "Slave Space". It was the most popular slave outlet in the country. Although the name suggested they sell slaves, none could be found here - just all sorts of slave accessories, such as leashes, better collars, clothing, various other tools a master could use. Many furs even went in and bought things for more kinky bedroom adventures. As the lion walked his slave in, he smiled, seeing the vast, open area with all sorts of signs hanging from the ceiling showing different departments. "Well, what do you think?"

Randall was momentarily speechless - for him, it was information overload. He could hardly focus on any single thing. Bright signs, loud music, what seemed like an endless sea of furs and their slaves.

"Wow..." was the only thing the wolf managed to say.

Someone else had noticed the lion and the wolf walk in, and one particular Trent couldn't believe his eyes. The large dragon slaver's jaw dropped to the floor.

How in the hell did he get that animal to submit in a single fucking day?

The lion mindlessly looked around for the clothing section, unsure where it was. It had been a while since he had been in here. Randall, however, saw him, and in a rather unusual act of bravery for him, gave Trent an incredibly rude hand gesture, thinking he wouldn't dare approach him while his master was present. That was a stupid thing to assume, of course, and Trent started walking over, fuming, passing under a large neon sign that read "Whips!" and had a little animation of a whip cracking, back and forth.

Apparently he didn't beat all the shit out of that fuckbag...

Randall saw him heading their way. He tried to dart back out of the store in fear, and nearly ripped the leash out of Georgio's hand. As his arm was suddenly flung back he almost went with it but held it firmly and his place instead. It caught on Randall's neck, and swept his feet out from under him, landing him on his back.

He turned and saw the wolf on his back "Randall are you al-" He broke off as he saw the wolf was seemingly unhurt by this. The slave jumped back up, darted over to Georgio, and dropped to his knees behind him, burying his face in his pants leg so that he wouldn't have to see the walking nightmare headed towards him. "Huh?! What's wrong?"

Suddenly he turned to see the huge dragon before him, gasping at his huge size. Wait a minute..this guy looks familiar...isn't he one of the guys that helps be unload the slave shipments when I bring them in....I think he's also a trainer for unruly....oh! So this is what's got Randall scared, I don't blame him, looks like he knows how to use a whip...

"'re the guy who bought that mongrel? You know what that little shit just did to me?" Trent had no qualms about being incredibly coarse in public. "I was about to ask how you'd managed to beat that animal into submission, but apparently you missed a bit. I had a whole week with your bitch there, and couldn't manage to change anything."

Randall was hugging his master's leg so tight he threatened to cut off circulation to his foot.

"This mongrel's name is Randall, thank you, he's my loyal slave and I prefer you don't treat him in such a derogatory manner, thank you. As for how I trained him all I had to do was show him who the real one in charge was and prove to him who the real Master is. Since you clearly didn't get anywhere with him in a week, then maybe you're not qualified to train slaves." He smirked and felt his leg being strangled by the wolf the whole time but endured it.

"Hey, fuck you, buddy." the dragon said angrily, insinuated at the idea he wasn't any good at training slaves. Well, the truth was, he wasn't qualified to train slaves. He just captured them and kept them in temporary holding until they went to auction or back to their original owners if they still wanted them. But he thought the process was pretty simple - beat them and fuck them enough and they'll listen to you.

"I'm a tracker. Don't got time nor the interest to train these animals." he said, in an attempt to save face.

Georgio continued on, ignoring what Trent had said. "As for what he did, I didn't see it but he will humbly apologize and I'll punish him myself when I get home for his rudeness." He turned his head and pried the wolf off and leaned down looking at him and spoke quietly when he looked him in the eyes "You are going to crawl over and kiss his feet and apologize..don't worry, I'm not upset, just play along..." He stood back up and pushed the wolf down to his side with is foot and winked at him "Slave, apologize to this man right now, or do you want me to buy a whip and show you what's what, right now?"

Randall just listened and believed what his master said, but he did not want to get near that dragon, at all. The lion was being rough with him, rougher than usual, but Randall knew it was to put on a show, not because he was angry or anything. He crawled over with tiny, jerky muscle movements. The wolf realized that was the only way to get out of this situation. And he had caused it, after all. Sort of. He gritted his teeth and said sorry in a rather forced tone of voice, a little bit of courage returning to him as he realized his master had control of this situation, and not the dragon.

He leaned down to give Trent's feet a quick lick - wrinkling his nose in disgust...the reptile clearly didn't bathe more than once a week, or maybe even longer - he could smell every place he'd been in that time. The dragon gave him a quick kick in the chin as he hesitated, eliciting a high pitched yelp from the slave.

"Ugh. I don't want that fucking thing to touch me."

Trent paused again. What he had just done was a legally gray area - the slave had approached him, but he belonged to someone else. He'd gotten off for things like that before, though, and he'd get off again. People made a lot of money off of his side business, and they had very strong interest in keeping him out of the penal system.

"Look, you seem like the decent sort, not one of those damn care bears. Just give him a solid beating for me, will you?" The dragon stormed out of the store, leaving the master and slave behind, before they could say anything about him lashing out. The lion only watched and saw him walk away right out the store.

Randall almost instantly relaxed when he was gone. "He's one of the worst, Master." he said. "Sorry about that...I flipped him off." He looked at the wolf with his eyes half closed with a look that just said 'fucking duh...' on his muzzle.

"Yeah, well, it was your fault, and you need to learn self control, or I'll have to punish you again, Randall." Randall's ears fell back against his head submissively at the mention of punishment, and his eyes got as big as dinner plates when he thought of enduring anymore time in that machine. That would surely kill him! Georgio just pet his head seeing the gears of Randall's brain turning, clearly dreading any idea of punishment again. It hurt him to see him so scared of the idea of him being punished but it was good to know he got the message across the first time and hopefully he wouldn't have to do it again.

"But, I can see why you did that. I've seen him before, and he really is as bad as you think, worse I'd say, he's helped me unload in the slave warehouse sometimes between when he's beating resistant slaves..."

"He doesn't just beat us..." Randall replied, too quiet to be heard.

Georgio smiled and lightly tugged the leash and grabbed a basket, handing it to the wolf. "You can make it up to me by carrying the things I'm going to buy, so come on, let's get you some clothes." He perked back up pretty quickly though when his master made him carry around the basket instead and pet him. He knew what he had done was out of line for a slave, and he was glad that his master was putting him to good use.

Georgio led him down the isles and eventually found an area for adult sized canines. "Okay, hmm....we should get you something casual around the house, and for the seasons, as well as a couple dress things....I think full-out clothes are no good for you, we'll get you some different styles of slave loincloths that will suit you better I think, off that nice body of yours, too..."

His tail wagged a bit, the wolf was excited to be getting something new - something that would be his. He looked up and down the aisle. It would have taken the wolf all day just to look at everything. It was unbelievable how much this place had. Randall felt more at ease being naked...he'd not worn so much as a scrap other than his collar for almost ten years now. But he realized the need to "cover up" among mixed company.

"Anything you think would look nice, Master?" he asked, trying to be pleasant to make up for his earlier behavior.

The lion chuckled at him and nodded. "Well of course...let's see what would go well with your gray fur...hmm....oh!" He walked over and they had several styles of loincloths mass produced and packaged for slaves and grabbed about five packs of three, each in a different style. "Loincloths are the sexiest things you know...though I'm not buying them for you because of that, I swear, I know you're still wary about that." The wolf just blinked a bit, counting all the loincloths, not having heard much of what his master had said.

Wow...that's like...fifteen....I guess Master just wants a lot of choice.

Georgio held up one to show him. There was a dog of some indeterminate breed on it wearing a simple loincloth that had a front and black flap to it over a brief shaped for holding for the sheath. "See, isn't that dog pretty hot looking like that?" Randall's ears flushed red and he nervously looked away, saying nothing. His master just laughed a little, but stopped teasing him, seeing it was making the wolf uncomfortable.

He smiled as he wandered around the aisles more, and actually found the dress clothing section. He gazed at the selections a bit more before spotting something of interest. "Oh wow, this white and gold heavy trim would look great on you...I think you may have to try this on..." The outfit the lion was looking at was made of a very silky-like cloth that had bands that stretched over about half his forearms, another pair of bands that covered about half his calves, with the edges in nice gold trim. The main part came over his head like a shirt till it got to his waist and then made two flaps in front and behind him with a small hole for his tail. Under the back flap was a smaller, thinner flap that snapped under to the front flap to help shield his tenders and kept them down, should he become "indecent" down there. There was even a strip of cloth that matched that went around his collar. "What do you think? Shall we have you try it on?"

Randall looked at the outfit his master had picked up, confused at all the different parts. "I...I can't even figure out how to put that on!" he said. There seemed to be holes for appendages everywhere.

"It's okay, I'll dress you if you like, come on - there's changing rooms over here." He walked him in and entered a stall, unclipping the leash. "Okay, just let me do all the work Randall." The wolf loosened and relaxed his muscles so his master could move him how he needed to, in order to try the outfit on. He put the hanger up on a hook, and grabbed the arm bands. They easily stretched and spanned from his wrist to about halfway up his forearm. The lion then sat him down and kneeled to slip the ankle bands on - stretching them over his foot paws so that they laid from the ankle, to halfway up the calf. "Good, you're looking dashing already, just need the main piece."

Georgio took the main piece and stood the wolf up. "Arms up high." He slipped it over his head as it fit him loosely enough so that he didn't think it would be uncomfortable. "Now, hold still." He reached under the wolf's legs and grabbed the strip that came under and snapped it to the backside of the front flap. Randall let out a small whimper, a bit nervous about his master's paws being that close to his privates, but forced himself to breath heavily, and just reminded himself that he knew his master wouldn't ever take advantage of him. The lion then took the part that went over the collar and set it before he turned him into the mirror and smiled "See?! What do you think? I think you look so handsome." The wolf's outfit was all white and had gold strip all around every hole and along the edges of the loincloth/flap part.

"It's pretty fancy...what's it for? The wedding or something?" he wondered. It might be said that Randall, having spent most of the past ten years naked, had poor taste in clothing, but that wasn't really the case - there was just simply nothing for him to base his opinion on. "It feels constricting..." he said, scratching at some of the edges. Of course, there was absolutely nothing wrong with the garment itself, he just wasn't used to having anything cover him.

"Yeah, clothes are a pain, frankly, I'm like you and prefer naked as a fur can be...there's actually a small beach that has a 'clothing optional' area if you'd like to go sometime, can you swim?"

When Georgio mentioned swimming, Randall furiously nodded his head no, a few small whimpers escaping his throat.

"I can swim...a little...but I don't like it." One of his previous master's had been fond of half-drowning the wolf in a tub of filthy ditch water.

Georgio could only frown in response. "Oh, that's okay, Randall, we can always swim in my tub, that's damn big, hehe." The wolf gulped, but he thought as long as the water wasn't too deep he could handle it.

The lion hugged him from behind and smiled hoping to comfort him a little, seeing his unease. "The wedding is exactly what this outfit is for, it's a very high ranking slave outfit and very fancy and expensive compared to normal slave clothes, which are dirt cheap." He kissed his cheek and smiled "The white shows purity and loyalty and the gold shows high status for a slave, it means you're my most trusted servant and shows I have full faith and trust in you. You won't be on a leash, probably, for most of the evening." He rubbed is tummy through the cloth and smiled.

Randall's ears blushed a bit at the compliments and the nice feeling, he loved having his stomach rubbed. He would have to work extra hard not to betray that trust. And he'd be out in the open...and not on a leash or chain? He remembered when Master had first bought him, and he'd have bolted in a second in that kind of situation. Now, not much more than a day later, that idea seemed odd to him. There was no reason for him to want to leave.

Master must really like me if he's willing to spend all that money on me...

At once, with that thought in his head, the wolf turned around and gave him a hug.

"If you like it, then I love it."

The lion smiled and kissed his nose and nuzzled him "I'm glad you love it, now strip out of that and put it back on the hanger, I don't want it getting wrinkled, okay?" He smiled at the wolf and just thought how proud he was of him. Randall struggled a bit to get out of the outfit, but after having seen it go on, he didn't have too bad a time. He hung it back up, and gave it to his master, who promptly folded it up nicely and put it in the bags the wolf was carrying. Once that was done, Georgio re-clipped the leash and they both walked out of the changing rooms.

"Let's see, anything else you think we need for you Randall...or anything you want? It's a special day anything you see you like or are curious about, or desire we can get, they have all kind of accessories and slave items here."

The wolf thought for an agonizingly long time after his master asked him if he thought he needed or wanted anything. The concept of wanting something material, a luxury, was bizarre. What the wolf wanted was...well, this new life, with his lion master. The idea of wanting actual physical possessions wasn't easy to think about. It hurt his head a little bit. He had everything he wanted, didn't he? Someone who cared about him -- punished him when he deserved it -- and loved him the rest of the time...

"I can't decide." he said, biting his nails.

The lion pat his back and chuckled, "It's okay, no need to blow a gasket, hehe, how about we give the place a once over and if you see something that catches your eye or your fancy...regardless of what it is, I'll get it for you if you ask. Don't be afraid to ask, like I said, if you're good, you get spoiled, and you have been good." Georgio took him and walked him down the aisles and stopped at the leather gear area, and actually grabbed a small harness he had his eye on for a while for himself, then continued walking through the other departments. "See anything at all?"

Randall, surprisingly, found his way over to the bondage section. This was a bizarre change in pace, since so far he had shown not much else but fear at the thought of sex.

He pointed at some ankle/wrist cuffs, and a spreader bar, and a device that could attach to his collar to hold his tail in place. There was also a red ball gag in the package, which could be swapped out and turned into a cock gag. There were a few different "species" in the package. Some optional, adjustable chains were included too, if one wanted more mobility between the cuffs.

"For when...I'm ready," he said, sheepishly, hiding his face. His ears felt like they were about to burst into flame with all the hot blood rushing to them.

The lion grabbed a smaller package that had only the gag with attachments, and smirked. "I have the rest at home in my basement, it's not just a punishment room, it's also Master's playroom when he feels kinky, hehe. The bit gag I don't have, maybe I should make you wear it home so you don't mouth off to any other people...just kidding!" He pet the wolf and smiled at him, then looked at him curiously, remembering exactly what he'd said. "Wait? Ready for what Randall?"

Randall bit his lip a bit, clearly nervous. He spoke up in a tiny voice. "When I'm ready...ready to raise my tail for you." Randall's ears blushed bright red again. Even though he was a total sub, wolves all still have that little bit of genetic alpha code in their genes, and that made him a bit embarrassed about the whole situation. Being forced was one thing - that, a proud alpha could rationalize away, as he had no say in the matter. But submitting willingly? That was another thing entirely. Randall didn't know if he would ever be ready for that day, but he hoped he would. He was already trusting his master, and he'd never expected to do that.

The lion blushed softly and just pet Randall's head. "I see...well, I don't expect you to ever raise your tail for me, if you ever did I would want you to do it out of a love of serving me, a love for being a slave and a love for me." He kissed his forehead softly and smiled gently at him "I never expected you to ever have sex with me, most I thought I would get from you is a servant and a snuggle pet," he said, wanting Randall to know for sure that he was under no pressure.

"I want to...I really, really do...eventually." He nuzzled his head against his master a bit. "I just need a little more time." Physical scars healed quickly and could be forgotten - but the emotional scars took longer to heal, and could never be completely forgotten. "I do love you, and I do love being your slave...but, thanks for not pushing me." He then gave his master a tight hug. Knowing that his master didn't expect that out of him was helping him to heal more quickly, to move past his fears.

The lion smiled and hugged him tightly and kissed his ear. "And I love you too, Randall, you're by far the best slave I've had and I'm very proud of you." He pulled back and looked at him. "But you still don't ever have to if you don't want to, alright? I'll never pressure or force that on you, ever."

He tugged the leash lightly. "Okay, lets check out and head home Randall, and you've been so good, maybe we should watch another movie, or even look at some of the other stores around here if you like. Maybe visit John and Tom today, even."

Randall followed his master up to the front of the store, his paw still holding his end of the leash. The thought of visiting the slave policemen from yesterday was a bit paralyzing...but master had said they were good furs. He would trust him on that. But right now, something else was bothering him, so he spoke up.

"So, what exactly keeps me from...mmrph. Urgh. What..." Randall had just tried to unclip the leash, and found himself unable to do so. He looked up at Georgio with a curious look in his eye.

Georgio just looked at him struggling with the leash for a moment. "Hm? Oh, that, heh...well, that's because you're wearing the collar, the collar and leash are linked when they are attached, I don't know the exact science behind it...I think it has to do with blood pressure or something. But if you're wearing the collar you can't remove the leash." He scratched him behind the ear. "If you want it off, just ask, but we're in public so you need it on at the moment, you know?"

"I don't mind it, I was just curious." the wolf replied.

They walked up to the counter and Georgio took the basket from the wolf, setting it down. The checkout girl ran all the items through and smiled. The total came to about two hundred dollars. The wedding outfit alone was $152. Georgio handed her his credit card and smiled as she ran the card, bagged everything up, and returned the card. "Grab the bags, would you, Randall?"

Randall picked up the bags on command, and followed his master out of the store. He didn't like doing this very much since the bags took up both hands and he couldn't grab the leash, so he stuck extra close to the lion to compensate. On the way to the car, Randall let out a big yawn. All the food he had eaten earlier was finally catching up to him and he was getting a bit sleepy, even though it was only the afternoon. He shook his head, trying to stay awake.

The lion looked at him and smiled "Aww, someone getting sleepy? How about when we get back we take a nice little nap, would you enjoy that?" He could only chuckle at the cute display from Randall. He knew he didn't probably have a lot of energy because of the life he had before, and thought a nap would be good for him.

"That sounds nice, Master," he said. A lot had happened today, a lot of new experiences, and he was properly fed for the first time in years - so it wore the poor slave out pretty quickly.

As they walked across the parking lot, a badger couple walked by with their equine slave. Randall didn't try to hide this time. Georgio noticed this, and smirked. "So how do you feel about being in public, wuffie? Still nervous?"

"It's not as bad as I thought it would be," the wolf said, although he drew in closer to his master as he said this. On occasion he'd spot a slave or normal cop, or somebody would look at him for too long, and Randall would get so close to Georgio he'd almost trip him. Clearly there were a few things that would continue to cause little problems for Randall in public. The lion smiled and chuckled as he almost tripped him once or twice during their walk, finally saying something about it. "Hey, least you're not hiding anymore, I suppose."

Randall sighed in relief when they got back to the house, and gently set the bags down in the entry hallway, unsure what to do with them. Georgio poked his side, and reprimanded him. "Hey, don't put them down, put your clothes away in your room and make sure you hang that outfit for the wedding in the closet. How about after we snuggle in my bed if you like, before dinner?" Georgio unclipped the leash and pointed up the stairs. "Come on."

Randall picked the bags back up and went upstairs, but then realized he had no idea where his room was. Poking around a bit though, he found it in a room just down and to the right from his Master's room. It was pretty sparse, by any normal fur's standards, but to a slave, and to Randall in particular, it was absolutely lavish. A small bed, almost at the same level as the floor was in the corner, with a thin mattress atop it, complete with actual bedding - way back when as a child, as young as he could remember, and first captured and sold into slavery, he'd actually had a mattress to sleep on, but certainly no bedsheets or blankets or pillows or anything so nice as that.

There was a small alcove in the wall covered by a piece of simple white cloth that could be pulled aside to reveal a (currently) empty wardrobe. He hung the wedding outfit with care. He didn't know if $152 was cheap or expensive, not having a good concept of money, but he knew Master expected him to treat it with special care. The rest of the items he neatly stacked on some small shelves below, before discarding the shopping bags in a small trash can. He tip-toed down the hallway, and slowly peeked around the edge of the door frame to the lion's bedroom.

Master's bed. Those words had previously meant nothing to Randall other than a long, incredibly unpleasant night of abuse. He gulped a bit, nervously, and didn't move in any further. Even though now he knew that his master wouldn't try anything with him - there was still the emotional trauma that he had to get over. Randall wondered wearily if he'd always be like this, unable to do the things he wanted to.

Georgio was already laying on the bed, arms behind his head. As he saw Randall's head peek out around the corner, he chuckled. "Come on...oh! don't think I would...." Georgio sat up and scooted to the edge of the bed and patted it softly. "Come on, it's okay Randall, come and sit beside me, we can take this slow, it'll be okay."

Randall let out an angry frustrated growl as his body wouldn't respond to his mind. If he hadn't been frozen in place, one might think he was about to tear someone's throat out. His claws contracted into fists, accidentally digging little furrows into the wood door frame.

Go! Just...fucking go! But, he still couldn't seem to move any further into the room.

"I...I need you to come get me." he said, finally. He looked clearly upset. "I can't move."

The lion saw him clearly realizing his struggle and nodded as he asked. "I know this is hard for you, maybe we should try somewhere else..." He stood up and walked over gently taking his paw into his own, his thumb rubbing his paw a little bit. Georgio's other paw pet his cheek softly. "We'll give it a try and if you can't you can't, it'll just take time...." That helped. Although there was nothing malicious about how Georgio had looked at Randall on the bed, he could not help but see the lustful gazes and wicked grins of evil furs there, instead. At least he could breathe normally again.

Georgio kissed his ear and smiled as he gently took him each step by step. Not once did the lion pull him farther then the wolf's feet would move, he wanted him to help take these steps. "Just breath and one step at a time..." Randall finally loosened up and was able to walk at a normal pace over the bed, and jumped on it first. He laid belly-down, looking up apologetically with his ears folded back, hoping his master would understand - he knew he shouldn't have gone up first, but if the lion was already on there, he wasn't sure he could have made himself get up there.

The lion grinned as he saw his wolf look up at him. "Aww aren't you cute, hehe." He crawled over and hugged him and sat on his back. "Hehe, I got you." Randall whimpered just a tiny bit as his master sat on his back and hovered over him, momentarily terrified. This was suddenly moving way too fast for him. But Georgio seemed to realize what he had done. The lion leaned down and nibbled on his ear, licking it softly as he slid off and hugged him from behind making sure the wolf's arms were free to move around. He nuzzled him gently and smiled. "Am I making you apprehensive at all, are you nervous? Anything I can do to help, a back rub maybe?"

Randall took a few deep breaths - now that he didn't feel so restrained, it was easier to relax. He was having problems separating the emotions dredged up by being in his master's bed - this was the first time he'd ever experienced something positive in this location. The wolf furrowed his brows. Maybe he should do something nice for his master, instead.

"Hmm...Well, what about you Master? I'm supposed to be serving you..." The intent of his odd remark was made clear as he wiggled his way free, turned around and laid sideways on the bed. He grabbed the lion's left foot paw, and began kneading it with his paws, working out all the cramps and aches a fur gets from a day of walking around.

The lion purred for a moment and pulled his foot back. Randall was a bit confused when Georgio pulled his foot back. He wasn't sure whether his master was mad or disappointed with him, or if there was something he wasn't telling him. At any rate, he thought he had done something wrong. But the lion didn't punish him at all, so it must have not been too bad.

"No, no, you're tired and frankly I can still see it in you, you're nervous and probably still a bit scared deep down." He laid back and spread his legs, patting his chest. "Come on over and cuddle with master." His muzzle just had a bright smile on it as he looked at the wolf. "I know deep down this is still scary for you, let me help you ease your troubles and let master hold you for a bit to relax."

The wolf moved further up on the bed with his master, shaking a bit. He was mad at himself, mad that he couldn't stop being afraid. He knew his master was a good master, and that he wouldn't try and push him into anything he wasn't comfortable with. Randall nuzzled his head underneath the lion's arm, and laid by his side, using his arm as a way to blindfold himself from the whole situation.

The lion smiled and gently pulled the wolf in. His arm wrapped around him and his paw pet his cheek "This is very hard for you, I see that, and you're very scared even though you know you don't have to be." He thought to himself for a moment and smiled "How about we do something so you are in more control over all this? Like..." Georgio flipped to his side away from him and smiled. "Spoon me from behind so you are in all control, and you can see where my paws are, and my sheath is front of you so you don't have to be scared of me, alright?"

Randall blushed so badly that it was visible even under his fur. "Umm...okay..." he said, tentatively. He wasn't used to having that much control.

The wolf moved himself into position, and reached his arms over around the lion. It felt really, really weird to him. It was like he could fall away, and never get back to his master...whereas in the opposite position, his master could hold him, and he'd never have to worry about getting separated. Master was right, this wasn't nearly as nerve-wracking - in fact, and it wasn't nerve-wracking at all. But it didn't feel right to him to have this much power, especially over his master - not that he would ever make use of that. But the odd sensations overwhelmed him, and the wolf's brain starting going on autopilot, trying to compensate for his nerves by doing what a master's bed was for - something much more 'adult' than just simple cuddling.

Randall licked his master's ear, and ran his paw down his master's arm, and then over to his belly. The wolf ran a single claw around in a circle a few times to try and get a little tickling sensation. Then he moved down and brushed across his master's sheath through his pants, teasing him, and then started nibbling gently on his ear a bit. Although none of his sexual encounters had been consensual, he had "played around" with other slaves before, though no penetration had ever taken place.

He smiled at him as he grabbed his arm and helped him drape it around him. He giggled at the lick and at the little tickling sensation squirming a bit and meeped as his sheath was run over his jeans. "Hey now, like I said I wouldn't pressure you but don't send me any sort of signals like that unless you're already ready for that." Georgio grabbed his paw and held it to his belly, their fingers interwoven.The wolf stayed a few minutes longer, like that, just laying with the lion, before he moved.

Randall crawled over top of his master, and laid on top of his chest, his weight moving his master back on his back. He was a bit more comfortable in this position. He felt like Master was back in control, even though he knew that was always the case. He was almost muzzle-to-muzzle, and looked him in the eyes, licking his chin once.

"I might not be ready for some things...but...others...," the wolf said, leaving the sentence unfinished. The wolf moved down a bit, and lifted his shirt to lick his belly once. Randall moved down even more and placed his paws on the waist of his jeans, looking up at his master to see if it was okay to continue. He was still having problems figuring out that it was okay to be in his master's bed and just relax, and have completely innocent fun.

The lion chuckled as the wolf smiled at him as he stared at him. As he felt a paw on his waist he looked at him blushing but shook his head no. "No, no, not yet..." He grabbed his paw and pulled him back up against his chest and held him close as he rubbed his back gently. "I think you want to be ready for that, but you may be pushing it a little, plus, ever think I may not be ready?" he asked, laughing. The lion licked his ear softly and pet the wolfs cheek. "Besides, we came up here to take a little nap didn't we? How about we sleep it off a bit, okay?"

Randall wondered if he had done something wrong as he was pulled back up. "Did I do something wrong?" he asked, looking at Georgio apologetically.

He smirked and chuckled "No, you didn't do anything wrong, I just think your pushing yourself a bit too hard, and frankly I don't want you to do that unless its for the right reasons, that means more to me then the act itself." Georgio started rubbing his back, trying to relax him, and get his mind on other things.

He laid his head down on his master, and relaxed all his muscles - much easier to do since last night, although it took him a couple minutes - and realized Master was right - he was pretty tired. He was about to say something...but sleep seemed like such a nice idea right now. As the lion rubbed his back, it lulled him to sleep, and the wolf quickly dropped into a light slumber.

Georgio kissed his head and held him firmly continuing to rub his back for him, purring gently into his ear until he felt the wolf's breathing slow, and his muscles relax, signaling that his slave had fallen asleep. The lion yawned once and started to fall asleep himself, it had been an interesting day, so a good nap wouldn't hurt him, either.

Slavery Legalized - Chapter 8: Slave Police Aren't That Bad

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 8: Slave Police Aren't That Bad * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 6: Finally, Breakfast!

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 6: Finally, Breakfast! * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 5: Pancakes and Punishment

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 5: Pancakes and Punishment * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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