Slavery Legalized - Chapter 6: Finally, Breakfast!

Story by Draugr on SoFurry

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#6 of Slavery Legalized

Slavery Legalized

by Draugr & Element

Chapter 6: Finally, Breakfast!


This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C)

Randall shook off, like canines always do, then dried off further with the towel, and ran the brush carefully through his fur, smoothing it all out nicely. He could have won a prize at a slave show, as well-groomed as he looked. Or rather, his master could have won a prize. He frowned at the thought of being out and about. Going out in public still sounded scary to him. Even with his master by him...

A thought suddenly struck him. He had been held, in the shower, by his master, and not once had he been scared about being raped or otherwise abused. It had felt good, and comforting. He smiled, and wagged his tail a little. Was this what it was like, to be a normal slave? Not needing to fear every single small action done to him? Randall thought he could grow used to this.

He followed his master down the stairs and into the kitchen, feeling very refreshed, and the horrible experience of his punishment washed down the drain...but not forgotten. He wagged his tail as his master got ready to show him how he should have done it the first time around, eager to learn. He kept one paw clasped to his master's pant leg the entire time.

The lion took out the milk and eggs from the refrigerator and set them next to the other ingredients he had prepared earlier, grabbing a bowl as he did so.

"Okay, read- Hmm?" Georgio looked to see the wolf holing onto his pant leg and chuckled. "Someone's grown attached in less than a day to me, hehehehe..." He pet his slave's head and laughed again. "You're so adorable, you know that?" Randally just smiled back up at his master, and then gave him a quick hug.

"It's because you're a real master." Although the wolf didn't really have a good idea of what a real master was, his ideal master was one that didn't treat him as a disposable fuck toy. The lion had definitely met and greatly exceeded that qualification.

Georgio added the ingredients one by one into the bowl as he started to mix it. "You have to measure things before you can pour them in, see?" As he stirred the mix, it turned into a nice batter. He gave it a little taste and smiled.

"It's perfect, here try it." He lowered his finger to the wolf's muzzle to allow him a taste as well. Randall's eyes went crossed when Georgio fed him a little of the pancake batter. Some got on his nose, and he used his long canine tongue to lap it off. It took a few tries, but he eventually got it. He agreed with his master - it was perfect.

"Okay, here's where you had trouble." Georgio poured a little into the heated pan, setting them into small pancakes and set the bowl down. "See, you have to make them into smaller pancakes and not one giant one, you following so far?"

"Yes, Master, this all makes sense!" he answered excitedly. Randall was completely captivated by this, as he spoke. The instructions sounded like a list...and he liked those, because of his desire for order in his life. To top things off, he was learning, for the first time, a way to be useful. Well, useful for less carnal reasons. His eyes focused on his master's hands, watching what they were doing. The wolf leaned in closely to the pan, as though he could absorb all the cooking skills in the world just by proximity. He jumped back a bit when an air bubble in the batter snapped. The lion gently patted his back, continuing the small touches, helping Randall to realize a Master's paw was supposed to provide comfort and safety, not pain and torture.

"You seem to really like cleanliness and order Randall - I have a cookbook with sections for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It requires some measuring and preciseness and order, would you like to look them over sometime and try a couple recipes?" He grabbed the spatula and flipped a pancake to show a golden brown side. Georgio put the spatula in his paw and held it gently. "Here let me show you...." He helped him flip it and smiled. "See?! It's easy"

Randall was positively giddy. He was actually doing it! He was cooking, and being useful, not just because he had to, but because he wanted to. His tail was wagging back and forth furiously. It was knocking against the lion's leg, but even if Randall had noticed that and wanted to stop, he probably could not have. He thought he might really be able to do this, just maybe. But then he remembered something, as Georgio asked him if he wanted to try it by himself.

"I don't know, Master...I think it would be better if you helped me..." he said, remembering vividly how his last attempt at cooking had landed him a nasty punishment, only an hour or so ago.

The lion nodded and smiled. "Well, I know how to cook quite a few things so I guess I can show you what I know...take mental notes and try it yourself, but at some point I think the kitchen will become your domain, I bet." He put his arm around him and kissed his ear smiling. "You seem to really like to cook, I bet you could be a great personal chef as well as a maid since you work extra hard at cleaning, heh, and maybe a snug pet when you're more comfortable here." He scratched the wolf behind his ear as he helped him flip another pancake and grabbed a plate.

Randall glowed as his master told him all that he'd be able to do some day. He couldn't see that happening right now, but if Master said it, it must be true. All the years of insults being hurled on him had really convinced him that he was worthless, good for nothing, except some tail. But Georgio had chipped away some of that, and now that Randall was starting to believe he really meant it, everything was just falling off, and it was like he was a brand new wolf.

Georgio passed his slave the bowl of batter. "Okay, try pouring pancakes of your own, now remember small ones, only about three in there, or four real small ones, okay? And then you can flip them all on your own." Georgio was really proud of the wolf and liked how he seemed to enjoy to clean and cook. He thought he really had blossomed since he got here not even a full day ago. It hadn't taken much kindness to completely break down all the cruelty that had been heaped on the diminutive canine.

Randall bit his lip, after grabbing the bowl concentrating as hard as he could. He poured the first batter agonizingly slow, trying to match the same size as his master had made. That worked out, so he poured it a bit faster. That one was fine too, so he poured a third amount...oops! Just a little too much.

He furtively sneaked a look back, hoping his master hadn't noticed, and then bit his paw, trying to figure out what to do. He grabbed the spatula again...hesitated...then chopped it away from where it had ran into the others. It was pretty big, but nothing like what he had tried to do before.

The lion observed him pouring and everything else from the corner of his eye and thought he did a good job, even with the last one. He pat his head and smiled. "Good job for your first time pouring, it's okay if they touch a little, so don't worry about it." He watched him try and separate it and smiled softly, amused. Randall kept working, and with his nose, he was able to smell perfectly when they were ready to flip over, and sides came out nice and golden-brown.

"Here, hold on, I'll show you a secret," the lion said. When Randall tried to flip them, Georgio came over and pressed the spatula end between the two as they stiffened and cooked a bit, showing a clear line between them. "There we go."

Randall seemed barely cognizant of his master's helpful and guiding paw, focusing intently on getting the pancakes just right. After having cooked a few, and peeling them off the skillet and placing them on a platter, he brought them over to his master, proud that he was able to do it right this time.

As he brought the platter over to show his master, the lion smiled wide and nodded. "Very good Randall, you're a smart and quick learner, good boy." Randall was happy to hear he had done something right. It was pretty much the first time in his life he'd been told that, but he had something else on his mind.

"I know it might be too late in the day now...because" the wolf trailed off as he tried to avoid mentioning his punishment." said we might go to town today to get me some clothes for special occasions?"

Georgio looked over at the clock, seeing that it was now about 12:30. "Nah, we got plenty of time, it's not that far a drive or walk really. Heh - frankly, I'm temped to take you on a leash and walk you down to show you off, and see how you react in public...but I'm not sure if you feel up to it...but, yeah, I need to get you some nice slave clothes. I actually have my cousin's wedding to attend this weekend, up north. We'll be at a hotel for the night and you can bring a guest and a slave if you want but since I don't have one, you'll be both I suppose...heh, and we can't have you out around the bride with you all naked, can we?"

"I'd be fine with that!" he said. Truth be told, being out in public like this scared him. He'd never been brought out in public by any of his masters, so he wasn't quite sure how people would react to slaves. But everything he had been scared about so far turned out okay...maybe this would too? He was beginning to realize it was okay for him to trust his new master. Randall was also excited to hear about a wedding. He'd only seen one once, from a distance, from inside a cage. It had sounded fun, and he wanted to go to it so badly, but his master then had insisted he was unfit for public display, and locked him in the cage for a week, just for asking about it.

To go with Master, though...he'd get to see one up close.

"I've never seen a wedding up close." he said, musing.

The lion smiled and watched him finishing up and gestured to the plate set on the counter. "Careful, don't let them spill." He let the wolf take them off as he grabbed a little butter and some maple syrup. Georgio set them on the table and smiled. "Well, I'm glad you're excited, we'll get pretty close to it. Typically slaves sit in the far back but if you're dressed very nicely...a slave can probably sit with their masters, and since I don't want to look like a loser by myself, you're sitting right next to me, and you'll just be my little date, heheheh, so I'll have to get you something really nice to make you look great."

He ran over and grabbed something out from under the cabinet, remembering something he had gotten for the slave. "I forgot all about this earlier when we ate, I have a slave pillow and table for you to eat at." The lion set a large pillow on the floor, easy for the wolf to sit himself on comfortably, and he set a small table down that would sit just above his legs so he can eat without hurting his neck. "These are for slaves that eat in the room with their Masters, it'll keep your knees from getting all fucked up, and your neck too."

Randall thanked his master for the pillow and table. Technically they weren't "his," but since they were intended for his use, it felt like he actually owned something, which made it special to him. He dove into his food with a bit more reckless abandon than he had for supper last night. After the 'basement ordeal,' he was very hungry. Randall was already filling back out to his normal, average build with a surprising amount of speed. He ate so quickly he couldn't help but let out a large belch.

"Excuse me..." he said, meekly. He waited patiently for his master to finish. He was both apprehensive and excited about getting to leave the house.

The lion took his time to eat and buttered and put lots of syrup on his pancakes. He smiled as he took the bottle and was about to hand it to the wolf as he saw his plate was already bare. "Did...did you just eat that bare handed? Heh you didn't even grab a fork or knife for yourself." Randall nodded sheepishly, sensing that his master was a little taken aback by his table manners, or lack thereof.

Georgio chuckled and cut his food up, stabbing a nice piece with syrup with his fork. He brought it down to Randall's level. "Here, try a bite, tastes better with this on, huh? You need to learn to appreciate the food you make and enjoy it, not just shovel it in. If you're going to be like an animal I can buy you a bowl and you can eat like a feral." Goergio was a fur that could put up with a lot, and slacked as some might say in the Mastering area, but if the wolf was going to act like an animal, he would be treated like one - he would not have such misbehavior or useless savagery in his home.

Eating out of a bowl or eating on a plate didn't really make much difference to the wolf, but he could tell his master would rather him have some table manners, so he decided to try and eat slowly off the plate, using a knife and fork, even though it wasn't first nature to him. Master was right though, the food actually did taste better when he ate it was just hard not to do that with a ravenous appetite. He stared back at the exit to the kitchen, getting a bit single-minded. Patience would be something of a problem for Randall to learn.

Georgio noticed his slave had finished up his meal, then spoke up. "Alright, how about you clean up and we can go, okay? I'll grab my wallet and your leash and we'll go for a nice walk together." He smiled as he pet his head lightly scratching him behind his ear, then he left the room, heading upstairs. Georgio was planning to buy him some normal slave clothes, even though he definitely liked the wolf naked, he was very cute and filling out in all the right places.

As his Master left the room Randall washed his hands and muzzle up, and brushed out some fur that was lying down oddly. He checked every square inch of his body in the mirror, making sure he was properly groomed. If he was going to go out in public, he wanted to look decent. He had kind of hoped they would go in the car, at least then he wouldn't be out all at once...but he'd be fine this way, he hoped.

Georgio finally came down with his wallet and keys in his pocket, jingling the leash around a little. "Finished, pet?" The lion chuckled as he said that without even thinking, he kind of liked it.


That was a new title, but Randall didn't mind it as much as he would have only a day ago. He wasn't terribly certain, but he kind of liked it. He darted over to his master nonetheless, shoving his misgivings and worries about being in public to the back of his mind. This would be something new for him, and in the context of his current master, "new" was actually becoming a good thing.

The lion smiled at him and clipped the leash on. "Good boy, I know you're nervous, but stay close to me, alright? You can't really hold on to me but if you need to, hold onto your leash, I'll give you all the slack you need." He smiled as he opened the door and let the wolf outside, turning around to lock the door. Randall tried to be brave for his master, but being out somewhere new, in a new situation...he needed Master's comfort and security. He felt too separated as he was, so he grabbed hold of the leash with his left paw, as he was walking to the lion's left. That made him feel a bit better, a bit more connected.

As the lion looked back to the wolf, he could see him tensing up. "See, not so bad, right?" he said, trying to put him at ease. Georgio tugged the leash very lightly since he probably wasn't used to being walked. Randall yipped, surprised at the sudden tug on his neck, but quickly followed his master, close by his side, as they went down to the sidewalk, turning and following the concrete path. Every time somebody would pass them on the way, Randall would move around and hide behind his master, but he couldn't get too close since they were on the move.

There were, of course, plenty of other furs passing by on the street, some of them with slaves. One female fox had passed them by with her naked buffalo slave that was carrying her groceries. Neither of them gave the wolf or the lion a second look as they, passed. He looked at Randall and smiled.

"You okay, Randall? See, that buffalo had no problem with his body; slaves aren't considered equal furs by law...more, so being naked isn't illegal."

After the fox and buffalo pair had passed, Randall started to realize that this was normal, and that nobody was looking at him funny for being a slave. Prior to this, the wolf had no idea that it was considered normal to have slaves out in public. He'd always been locked away in some hellhole of a house. The closest thing he ever got to a "public" experience was being whored out by his master to whomever could cough up the necessary cash.

"I think I'm okay," he said in a quiet voice. It didn't take too long before he allowed himself to drift a little bit further from his master - although his paw never stopped grasping his end of the leash.

Slavery Legalized - Chapter 7: Shopping for Trouble

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 7: Shopping for Trouble * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 5: Pancakes and Punishment

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 5: Pancakes and Punishment * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 4: A Choice

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 4: A Choice * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * Georgio...

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