Slavery Legalized - Chapter 5: Pancakes and Punishment

Story by Draugr on SoFurry

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#5 of Slavery Legalized

Slavery Legalized

by Draugr & Element

Chapter 5: Pancakes and Punishment


This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C)

Randall woke up when the morning sunlight streamed in through one of the upper levels, and raked across his eyes. He slowly blinked his eyes, and struggled to pull himself out of sleep. Randall wasn't a morning fur.

His heart raced a moment when he realized he couldn't get up, something was around him. He froze solid...he'd fallen asleep on some fur, and was held fast by his arms! He began shaking a little, thinking for sure he was about to get slung over a piece of furniture and mercilessly raped...then he realized that the strange fur was really his new master, and his new master was yet asleep, his breathing even and slow.

Good, that wasn't all a dream, he thought, remembering the events of last night. Randall wondered how to get up without waking the sleeping lion. The wolf didn't want to wake him unnecessarily, but he was awake, and he wanted to get up. Although he was beginning to really like the lion, such close proximity to another fur still made him a bit uncomfortable. He tried moving forward, scooching himself up over the lion's head. Nope - that would never work. He scooted backwards a bit...that did the tri--

The wolf barked aloud as his world suddenly turned head over heels. The afghan was firmly underneath the lion, and he'd caught his paw in the blanket, flipping him around. He landed belly-first on the ground.

"Oof," he exclaimed, the wind knocked out of him.

Georgio was suddenly awoken when he was rolled off the couch and right on top of the wolf. He groaned for a moment as he looked down, then saw he was on top of his slave. Randall yelped as his master landed on him, thankfully the lion had braced his fall a little so it didn't hurt him any. He hunkered down submissively and whimpered, a bit apprehensive about what his master was trying to do... But pretty quickly he realized his master wasn't trying to force him to do anything he wasn't ready for (He's said that plenty of times, anyway...), and that he didn't have any reason to remain fearful.

"Geez, what a wake up call....ugh...were you that scared when you woke up on me?" If this was going to be something regular, he would have put the wolf to bed, he couldn't be having this happen every morning. He gave Randall's ear a soft lick to let him know he wasn't upset.

"No, I wasn't scared...well, maybe just a little, but I was trying to get up without waking you, Master," he answered.

A pause.

"It didn't work," he said, grinning, tail wagging a bit.

", how did you sleep?" Georgio got up then sat back on the couch, rubbing his sore chest. "Ow, heh, well, maybe I should have just put you to bed instead..." Randall stood up, stretching a bit. His limbs were a bit sore from sleeping in an unusual position, but nothing terrible.

"I slept OK, I guess. I hope I didn't keep you from sleeping." The wolf had had a few nightmares about his past life, but mercifully, they were almost completely forgotten by now, as is often the case with dreams. He suddenly caught something the lion had said - he got a bed? Heck, even if it was just some rags on the floor, it would be way better than anything else. Most times he just slept on cold ground, or chained up to some horrible piece of furniture. He was about to hop up on the couch next to his master, but then he realized that was a stupid thing to do. A slave never sat at the same table or on the same furniture as his master unless invited. Instead, he asked:

"What are we doing today?" He tilted his head to the side and drooped one ear, giving him a comically quizzical look.

The lion saw him act hesitant, like he was going to sit with him but thought better of it. He only sighed and leaned over to grab his waist and pulled him to his lap, both arms around his waist as he licked his ear lovingly and chuckled.

"That's very sweet of you to try and not wake me, but short of you having something important thing that I've told you to do, or you have to use the bathroom, I prefer to wake up holding my slave...well, as long as you want to willingly sleep at my side, that is."

Georgio looked him in the eyes and pecked his nose, he wanted to test how far his usual affection would go and where was a good place to stop...though he wasn't planning on kissing him on the muzzle, nor did he have any plans of taking his tail. He had dashed that idea to the side the moment he found out a little of his history, and wanted nothing more then to fix him back up. If nothing else he would like him as a nice servant and cuddle pet.

"Yerf!" the wolf grunted, as he was picked up by his waist. He didn't struggle though, which was quite a surprise to Randall. He hoped most his inhibitions would be this easy to get over, but he had his doubts still. His eyes went crossed and he wiggled his nose a bit after his master had given him a quick peck. Even though Randall was enjoying all the positive attention, he still wasn't very used to it, so new things would almost always seem unusual, if not frightening.

"As for what we're doing today...hmm...frankly, I need to shower and have something to eat, I don't know about you, but I'm hungry, and, well, I guess I'll have to think about this, but maybe some chores for you...but we need to go shopping for you, going out naked is somewhat okay, but if you're my slave, I want you to have something to look decent for certain occasions."

The wolf wasn't too hungry. He'd lived on scraps for years, so he had grown used to living on little food. The single meal that the lion had given him last night was more than he usually got in an entire day - sometimes more. Although it sounded like his master planned to keep him pretty busy, so he would need to eat more to keep up his energy.

Randall also wasn't too sure about going out in public. It wasn't too bad now, since his fur was clean (he self-consciously smoothed out a few patches of fur as he thought this). Nobody would even blink twice at him, but still...but Master was right, he needed some things to look presentable. And how could he pick something out if he wasn't there to try it on?

"I'll go make you something!" he said, taking the initiative - a trait that had previously gotten him into a lot of trouble. But Randall was doing his own testing - no matter what kind of wolf he might be, alpha or not, he still had way more independence and rebellion than was healthy in a slave, especially a lifer. He started walking over to the kitchen, wondering if his master would have anything to say about that - to see just how much he would be able to get away with.

"Hold on there!" the lion chuckled. "I see what you're doing, if you're gonna be up, you may as well make me something. I like a smart slave that does the thing I want, even when not told, shows I've trained you to accurately anticipate my wants. But since you're just grabbing at straws, go ahead and make some pancakes, enough for us both, and make sure to toss some chocolate chips in as well, there's a bag in the upper cabinet."

He stood up and yawned as he scratched his sides.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower, if you need anything at all, holler for me."

Georgio went up the stairs smiling. This was typical slave behavior, he had learned at school. Masters who are a touch looser then others tend to get slaves that test their limits. Randall was doing that quite a bit since last night, but so far he hadn't done anything over the bar. The lion walked up the stairs and into his shower. He turned on the water and sighed contently as he tossed his things in the hamper and started scrubbing himself. His sheath was filling quite quickly under the hot water and he quickly decided to rub one out quick. His shower took a few minutes longer then usual, but he had to make sure to scrub out any sign of any sexual urges form his little venture for fear of scaring his slave. All that would be smelled was the delicious vanilla smell of the shampoo. He headed down stairs after he dressed to see what his slave was up to.

While Georgio had been showering, Randall was up to his own shenanigans. He immediately darted off to the kitchen to gather up the supplies he needed. Suddenly it dawned on him that he had no idea how to make pancakes. After a quick search though, he found a cookbook that gave the ingredients to make some basic pancakes. Adding the chocolate in should be easy enough.

"Lets see...flour...baking powder...sugar...salt...butter...eggs, and milk, all here! And the chocolate chips!"

"Hmm." Not quite sure how the ingredients were to be combined, he just threw them all in together. It seemed to work well enough, and he had some batter ready within moments. He grabbed a big skillet and set it on the stove top. It heated up pretty quickly, and he poured all the batter in at once.

And that's where things started to head downhill. At first, he couldn't figure out how to flip it over to cook the opposite side. He ended up burning his paw once, since none of the spatulas were big enough to use. He nursed the burned appendage in his mouth while he decided to chop it up a little to make it easier to flip over. That worked, except everything had adhered to the bottom of the skillet. He was practically chiseling it away, dicing it into smaller and smaller pieces as he went.

As his master walked in, the pancake suddenly gave from the bottom of the skillet, and the spatula went flying underneath it, launching a torrential spray of tiny pancake pieces against the wall behind the oven, some ricocheting back at him and the area behind him.

Not knowing his master had entered the room yet, he let out a very frustrated growl, and hurled the spatula to the floor. He slammed the pan down on another burner that was not on, and angrily turned the one he had been using off. He wrinkled his nose in disgust at what was left in the pan. It was probably edible, and probably tasted like chocolate chip pancakes, but it definitely didn't look anything like a pancake. At least it smelled OK, if you ignored a few burnt pieces stuck to the skillet.

"Shit," he pouted, still unaware that his master had seen his temper tantrum.

The lion looked in slight horror at what he saw. He couldn't believe it. He put his paw over his maw after it fell gaping open. The moment the wolf said "shit" he couldn't help but laugh loudly and hysterically, leaning on the doorway for support. Georgio didn't want to humiliate him but he didn't realize the possibility until he saw it - the wolf didn't know how to make pancakes, no idea at all, he may have not even known what they were.

Randall had been trying to figure out how to clean up this mess before his master showed up, when he heard laughter behind him and realized it was much too late. He turned around and looked down at the floor, ashamed of himself. His ears drew back against his head and his tail went between his legs. He had no idea that the laughter wasn't malicious in nature, it was entirely innocent - resulting from the surprise of seeing a funny situation. Of course, from the wolf's perspective, it wasn't very funny, but it was hard if not impossible for him to see something from the viewpoint of a master, instead of that of a slave.

After a minute or two of hysterics, Georgio wiped the tear from his eye and looked at him. The lion walked over to the wolf and just hugged him as he kissed his forehead.

"Poor thing, why didn't you come to me and tell me you didn't know how to make them?" He looked at him as he let the hug go and pet him to relax his tension a little.

"Oh, I see, you wanted to really try to make an effort to be a good slave to me, and not make me beat you and hurt you like all the others did, huh? You were really trying, I can tell." He couldn't help but smile seeing the wolf really did try his hardest to please him, and that meant more to him then getting upset over this comical mess. He looked down, and seeing his paw burned a little, dragged it to the sink. Randall fought a little bit as his master grabbed his paw, thinking he was going to rub salt in the burn, or something even worse.

"No, I'm sorry, I won't do it again!!!" he yelped. But instead, he ran cold water over it - it felt pretty good, actually. He perked up a little bit more after that.

"Now, whats wrong with you? Why didn't you run that under some cold water? I know you were trying to impress me but I don't want you mutilated over breakfast, your safety comes first, alright?" He knew his slave was probably confused about getting scolded over the little harmless burn but not for the mess he made.

The wolf realized his master must have not been too angry with him, but he couldn't figure out why he hadn't said anything about the mess. All he seemed to care about was the burn he'd gotten, which really wasn't that bad in the grand scheme of things, he'd had much worse go untreated and come out fine on the other end. The concept of treating his own injuries didn't come naturally to him, either. Well, if he had a gaping wound or a large bleed, sure, but the little nicks and scrapes and burns one got just by being alive - you just dealt with those, didn't you? If the injury got any worse, that was a lesson to teach you not to do it again.

After the lion was done running water over his paw, he told him why he hadn't said anything. "I thought you'd be mad that you'd bought a slave who couldn't even cook." He hugged him for comfort, and as a way of apologizing. That seemed like the right thing to do with this master, he thought. The top of his head didn't quite reach the bottom of the lion's neck. He'd always hated being small - it was the one thing he hated about those vulpine genes all the way back in his family history. But now it didn't seem so bad.

Georgio smiled at him when he hugged him, but was taken aback by it as well. His surprise expression turned quickly to a smile when he hugged him back gently.

"Well you've either spent your time being tormented or trying to escape, I figured you didn't know all too much else but this, hehehe, this was a surprise, I'll admit..." Georgio looked down at him and pet his cheek softly with is paw. "Now, don't you worry, I'm not mad that you can't cook, though in the future please ask." He kissed his nose and looked at the mess again. "I really hope you weren't pushing limits when you did this, heh, because if you did this on purpose I'd be a bit miffed...but I can see it was an accident, so it's fine, and by gods was it ever funny, from my view."

He let go of him and grabbed a rag from a drawer, put some water on it and knelt down, starting to wipe up the floor before anything set. "Go grab a rag and clean the other spots up there, alright? And clean out the pan and bowl, we'll make it together this time, and I'll help you, alright Randall? Also I think I'll have to add washing the kitchen floor to the list of chores for today, hehehe..."

"I wasn't ever...used...for household chores. Mostly." Randall said as explanation. He'd been made to clean up a little, but for the most part, he was chained up and used by his masters and their friends to vent their darker urges.

He got down on the floor to start cleaning up the mess, feeling a bit awkward that his master was doing a slave's work - but he didn't say anything. Out of curiosity he picked up one of the resultant pieces of his disastrous foray into cooking. He popped it into his mouth, and instantly spit it back out, trying to get the taste out of his mouth.

"Blech!" Whatever he'd done, he'd definitely done it wrong.

Georgio continued to clean up the floor along side his slave and smirked as he thought of making a mean joke...but tried to sound as sarcastic as possible.

"My my, such a messy thing you are, coming in all dirty and making messes, hehehe, you're a dirty little wuffie arn't you? Heh, dirty cute slave boy!"

The wolf started getting a bit angry when his master talked about him being dirty, just like he did the previous night, not understanding that the lion was joking around with him. Dammit, it wasn't his fault, now was it? Randall liked being clean, and it was a real sore spot after spending the past several years of his life absolutely filthy, treated far worse than a family pet. A button had been pushed. He stood back up, ears straight up, fire in his eyes.

"I'm not dirty, dammit! It was an accident, and you know it! But fine, if you want me to be filthy, I will!"

He went over and knocked the flour, sugar, and salt containers all on the floor, and dumped the milk for good measure too. "How's THAT for filthy!!!" he screamed, running from the room.

Randall charged up the stairs, and hid under his master's bed, and started to silently cry, still angry. He hadn't meant to get that angry, he really hadn't. Why did he let such a little thing set him off? As his head began to clear, he suddenly realized just what he had done, and anger quickly gave way to fear. He got back as far against the wall under the bed as he could, curling up into a tight ball, hoping his master couldn't get back under the bed at him.

Oh gods, what have I done? He's gonna sell me back...or hand me over to the cops...shit, shit, shit!, he screamed in his mind.

Georgio watched when his slave started throwing things on the floor, but didn't even react. He stayed there, stunned. As he looked at the mess after he ran off he felt very angry. He started to growl softly as he looked at it. Geoegio stood up and headed straight for the stairs, but half way up he caught himself an put his paws up. "Alright alright calm down...this is all your fault you had to tease him.....he's sensitive about his appearance after all you knew that...the worst thing you can do is blow up at him, now curb the anger..."

He kept ascending the stairs, at a slower pace, then stopped in the hall when he saw a mirror, continuing to talk to himself in his head. "Alright, he's scared and probably hiding somewhere up here...." Georgio took three heavy deep breaths and looked at himself trying to smile, but still clearly very upset...though not angry as he was before. "Alright, hes probably scared shitless. Now, what he did clearly shows he's too sensitive and reactive, and he's also clearly got a bit of a temper with that wolf in what do I do? Beating him or whipping him is the worst thing for his trust in me...but he does need to be punished, that's a fact, something stern and firm that gets the message across..."

The lion turned away and thought for a moment to what to do. His slave was a wolf and somewhat dominative by virtue of his species...but also extremely submissive deep down, he thought. He kept taking deep breaths trying to calm down, yelling at him was something he shouldn't do, what if he ran away because of it? If he got in the hands of the slave police with his record he could be beaten in an inch of his life...neutered, or even be put down....he didn't want that. As his Master it was his duty to control him and train him proper but it was also his duty to protect him.. His ears popped up when he thought he heard crying and went into his room hearing a sniffle and looked around, not seeing a thing.

He got on his knees and looked under the bed seeing the terrified thing. The sheer fear in the wolfs eyes would have been enough to quell his anger if he came up here in a fury.

"Hey there,, I want you to come out here alright? It's okay I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise...but you're gonna be punished after you clean up that mess, alright? Now come on out, I won't hit you....I'm sorry I teased fun at you, I knew you were sensitive about your looks and I pushed you, it's too soon, I see that now, but your reaction does deserve a punishment.....come on..."

The wolf covered his face with his paws, too ashamed and too afraid to look the lion in the face.

"Y-you aren't going me back?" he managed, after ten minutes or so, when he had calmed down.

He slowly crawled back out from under the bed, knowing he'd have to come out sooner or later. He couldn't stay under there forever. He didn't crawl out the end though, but rather one of the sides. Randall sat there with his back against the bed and hugged his knees in the fetal position, face buried in his fur.

Randall finally looked over at his master, but he didn't dare lift his gaze enough to meet the lion's eyes. He hadn't yelled at him or struck him. If that came later...well, he deserved it. Whatever was coming. The wolf wasn't too horribly afraid, though, not like he would have been yesterday. If this had been anyone else, he'd be lying on the cold earth outside, bleeding.

"I'm sorry, Master." It seemed he had to say that a lot recently...

The lion smiled softly as he crawled out. He went around to the other side of the bed and sat beside him, putting his arm around him.

"I'm sorry as well, you're really sensitive at how you look and I was wrong to be mean to you like that...but sell you back? Are you kidding me? With your record you'd probably be ground up as slave meat or something, and didn't I say it was my duty to protect you?" He kissed his ear and gave it a soft lick. "Now, my tease to you doesn't justify that response here's what's gonna're going to go downstairs...clean up your mess, and then be punished for what you did, because you know it was wrong, don't you?" The lion stood up and gently pulled the wolf to his feet and kissed his head "I'm going to try something different with you then what I bet you're used to as a punishment, and we're going to see if you will learn from it to control that temper." He pet the wolf on the cheek and smiled "I'm very disappointed in your response but I know you'll be a good slave and make me proud by taking your punishment. Now hurry up, and report to the main hall when you're done."

Randall nodded his head up and down in response. He knew his reaction had been way out of line. He felt absolutely terrible for having disappointed his master.

The remorseful wolf made his way down the stairs and to the kitchen, where he spent the better part of forty minutes scrubbing down every last bit of the mess he had made, until he could detect not a single trace of it. He did this as much for his need to be clean as he did to prolong the administering of his punishment. He used this task to try and keep his mind from dwelling on what was to come. If he had a job to focus on, he could keep everything else out of his head.

But as is the case with jobs of this nature, it eventually came to an end, and he very reluctantly made his way out to the main hall, as he had been commanded. His ears were held back, his head was lowered, looking at the floor, his tail was between his legs, and he grasped it with both paws. The wolf didn't know what to expect at this venture. His master had proven plenty of times already that he was not like the others. But still...he'd done something horrible.

Randall got down on his knees and apprehensively waited for whatever was coming to him.

Georgio veered off down the hall, and through a door, descending a set of stairs after his slave headed down to the kitchen.. He was in there for about thirty minutes, and then came up to wait another ten for the wolf. He peaked in to see what was going on, and could tell he felt awful about what he did. The lion signed loudly...but tinged with a happy note at seeing his slave working so hard. He felt like he had tamed him already in a way...but not completely, not yet. When the wolf walked in and knelt down he pet his head.

"Come with me and do as you are told, ask no questions and trust in me that you will be fine." The lion led him down the hall to the doorway and down a large, dark staircase. He was led into the basement. Inside was all manner of bondage gear and devices for any kind of punishment. He even had an isolation tank to use...sometimes even sometimes for himself, for relaxation.

In the middle of the room was table with some holes in it. Each hole looked like a part his anatomy could fit through. There was a hole for his balls, another for his sheath, and two small ones for his nipples. When Randall saw what he was supposed to get into, he moved in, clinging at his master's clothes, pleading with his eyes not to make him do this...But he knew he had been bad, and he had to be punished, or else he might make the same mistake again.

He patted it and looked at him. "Lay here, balls and cock through those holes there...." When he laid down he strapped his body down to it and his head so he couldn't get away. He made sure his limbs were all secured and that his thighs and biceps were as well as his waist, upper chest, ankles and wrists. Georgio reached underneath and suddenly his balls, cock and nipples felt as if they were being pleasured by a mouth with an impeccably skilled tongue to match. Randall grew a bit frantic as he was strapped in, struggling against the bonds. But as more of them were fastened, he was unable to move any longer.

"This is your have been bad and you will be tortured for eighty'll be teased and kept from orgasm for forty minutes, then you will cum once...then again and again and again every three minutes, even if you don't have any cum left...." He pulled out a butt plug that seemed to be connected to the machine underneath. The lion lubed it extremely well, then lubed the wolf's tailhole before gently sliding it in, eliciting a yelp from the poor lupine as something he couldn't see was pushed into his butt. He didn't think for a moment his master was raping him, the thought never entered his head - he knew it was a part of this machine. The plug was designed to press against the prostate and would instantly stimulate it when the time came...every three minutes, forcing him to cum.

"This will be painful, I won't'll hate this punishment I think...usually I would do only sixty minutes...but eighty seemed better for your first punishment, you need to be left with an impression. I hope you thank me for this when this is over." He stroked the wolf's head in assurance that he would be okay, only to lean in and whisper:

"Please....forgive me..." Georgio walked up the stairs, shutting the door behind him, leaving the machine to do its work. He put his paw to his face and shook it.

"God, I hate doing this to him, I could have left him alone for half that time, and just leaving him alone would have been enough probably...maybe I should have put him in that isolation room for an hour...dammit..." Georgio knew what was done was done and the wolf had to be good and learn to control himself. It was the only way the wolf would truely see who was in charge. Both lions and wolves have similar hierarchies and doing this to him was the best thing to help him establish his place at the top for him.

Back downstairs...Randall was scared. Scared at his master's description of what was to come, scared that he wasn't able to move or run or get away at all. But he was absolutely terrified when his master left him alone in the room. He thought he would at least be there with him. Suddenly he felt very, very alone. There wasn't anybody around to protect him if he needed it. He whimpered for a little bit, the sound echoing around the underground room, pointing out just how alone he was...but the machine quickly drew in his attention.

As the punishment began, his eyes rolled back up in his head, and his tongue lolled out of his mouth. It felt pretty good to begin with, and was a relatively new sensation - being pleasured, instead of being used for pleasure. His pink cock slowly emerged from its sheath, and also began to be stimulated, along with his nipples and balls. But after only a few minutes, he was getting very frustrated. Right as he needed release, the machine would ease back. He tried to hump the table, but he was tied too tightly against it to do anything. The device didn't even get close to his knot. What felt like agonizing hours later, the plug in his ass suddenly gave off a small electric current, vibrated a bit, and he sighed in relief, as he was finally able to orgasm.

But it kept going...three minutes later, the plug did the same thing. And again, and again...before long, the machine underneath him was covered in doggy cum. His little furry balls had long since been emptied, and his cock ached horribly. He just wanted it to stop...but again, he was forced to a dry orgasm.

By the time the punishment was done, the poor creature was glistening and soaked with sweat, panting profusely. His entire body was in agony. His tailhole was sore, his cock was sore, his balls were sore...arms, legs, chest, neck...every three minutes all his muscles had tensed up, then released. He was too exhausted to move, even if he hadn't been strapped down. All he wanted right now was his master to come take him away and make everything better again.

During forty minutes the lion ended up cleaning the pan off and prepping all the ingredients in little dishes ahead of time for the pancakes. He knew how hard the wolf tried to make them for him and didn't want to take that little joy away from him. He also prepped a shower for him, for when he finished his punishment, figuring he might be up for a meal when he had finished cleaning up. Georgio finally went down after the eighty minutes, and saw his wolf on the table. He walked over as the machine turned itself off and looked underneath. All the wolf's cum dripped down into a little storage chamber and kept fresh, for other means of punishment...but Randall was done being punished, for now.

Georgio unbuckled the wolf from the machine, thinking he would get the shit beat out of him, or at least that the wolf would hate him and try to run away now. Georgio tried not to cry, but couldn't help it - a small tear welled up in his eye. He hated more then anything to punish his slave. Chris, his slave from college was easier to punish. He just didn't cuddle with him, or made him sleep on the floor for the night, it was typically enough to correct anything for him...but the wolf he knew would not see that as punishment enough. Maybe in time, but not right now.

Randall tried getting up to go over to his master, but he couldn't get his arms and legs to move. The best he could do was feebly raise his paws up in the air a little bit. His punishment had really exhausted him - not just sexually, but physically and mentally too.

The wolf wished that his master would not have chosen something so harsh...but if he was honest with himself, anything much less than what he'd gotten he would have taken advantage of, and pushed limits even more. Unless something really crazy happened...he didn't think he'd be trying anything again soon. He knew deep down (somewhere very deep down) that he needed a firm hand to keep him in line, and this moment was one of the few times in his life where he could admit that.

He didn't know if he was in for a beating now or not, but he was too tired to really do anything about it. It would take a little bit to recover from that torturous ordeal. The wolf let out another whine as he tried to get up to go to his master, and couldn't again. Years of having so little to eat meant he didn't have much energy reserves to draw upon, and this punishment took more out of him than it would have otherwise.

"I'm very proud of you, Randall." The lion turned him over and pet his cheek gently. He smiled softly at him and leaned down to kiss him. When he whined, he gently picked the wolf up, holding him close. "There, there, I know you're exhausted, you did very well, now just let Master take care of you."

Randall barely reacted when his master picked him up, other than whimpering a bit in pain. The plug had been left in his tailhole, and it hurt as he was shifted around. He didn't even try to say anything, figuring that was part of his punishment. He felt absolutely awful. He stunk, drenched in his own sweat, and his fur was stuck together in ugly-looking clumps, giving him a very scrappy appearance. He felt ashamed, for a short time he'd managed to get looking nice again, and now that he screwed up, that was gone.

"Is it over?" he finally managed to croak on the stairway, dreading what might be awaiting upstairs for him. His throat was dry - he was a bit dehydrated after that ordeal. He gripped the lion with his paws a little bit tighter, worried about what might be coming. But it didn't take him long to realize that it really was all over. Georgio kissed his head as they went up the stairs, nuzzling his head a bit. He kept whispering in his ear how proud he was that he took his punishment. When he got to the bathroom and the already prepared hot shower, he sat him down in it, and stripped off his own clothes.

He didn't know if the wolf would freak out or not but knew he didn't have the energy to fight back at the moment anyway. Georgio stepped in and helped him to stand as he let the water cascade over him.

As his master stood him up in the shower, the wolf grabbed ahold of the railing for support. He had to spread his legs a decent amount, and lift his tail a bit to avoid feeling the plug in his ass. His knees shook a bit, but he was able to keep standing. He was slightly erect from all the movement going on, and the plug hitting his prostate. Noticing his wolf was struggling to keep standing, he held onto him, giving him a strong arm to rest on. While he was holding him, Georgio noticed the wolf stood a bit funny...then realized he still had the plug in his rear, so he gently took it out. Randall let out a high pitch whine as the butt plug was removed, and the insides of his ears flushed red. It hurt a little as his sphincter was pulled over the wider part of the device...but not too badly. Even though the wolf had been..."well used" down there, he healed up quite nicely, almost virgin-tight. "A good quality in a bitch," he'd been told more times than he cared to remember.

"There we go....good boy, just let the water run over you and I'll clean you up." He kissed his head and gently helped work the water in his fur and clean out all the sweat.

As the water ran over him, he felt a bit better. He turned his head up towards the shower head and started lapping up some of the water coming down towards him. When he had hydrated himself enough, and thought he could speak again without hurting his throat, he said:

"Sorry I made you have to punish me, Master."

The lion smiled as he helped him wash out all the sweat, using a little fur shampoo to clean up him. He lifted his tail, checking his tailhole, smiling to see that it had healed up significantly from when he had brought him home. When Randall apologized, he chuckled and held him, the two of them naked in the shower felt really good for the lion but he resisted any naughty urges.

"It's alright, all is forgiven and forgotten, as I said you made me proud with that punishment, and I'll be more conscious of any comments, especially sarcastic ones, to your appearance." Georgio kissed his head and got out of the shower with him as he tossed him a towel. Finally the shower was done, and he was already feeling better, having regained some of his strength, and being clean once more. Randall didn't legally even own the fur on his own hide, but it was at least something that was with him at all times, and the only thing he could take pride in keeping nice.

"Now I don't know about you, but how about those pancakes now? I'll make them for you and you can watch and relax a bit, and recover."

Slavery Legalized - Chapter 6: Finally, Breakfast!

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 6: Finally, Breakfast! * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 4: A Choice

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 4: A Choice * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * Georgio...

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 3: Unexpected Fright

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 3: Unexpected Fright * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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