Slavery Legalized - Chapter 3: Unexpected Fright

Story by Draugr on SoFurry

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#3 of Slavery Legalized

Slavery Legalized

by Draugr & Element

Chapter 3: Unexpected Fright


This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C)

Randall stood up, and shook himself dry, much in the way that canines are famous (or infamous) for, getting water everywhere. The lion smiled and meeped, guarding himself with his paws while the wolf shook. He spat the bits from his muzzle and looked at him, chuckling. "Hehee, I'm glad you're feeling better, but even though I don't mind, don't go outright soaking me, you goofball."

The wolf didn't get defensive afterwards, either, having observed his master's previous reaction to getting splashed. Randall caught a reflection of himself in the mirror, and grinned. He felt as though a piece of him that had been lost for ages had suddenly been restored. He was clean! The image in the mirror caused him to suddenly remember something, so he turned around to face the lion. He bowed his head, his chin nearly touching his chest.

"Thank you, master. I can't explain very well how much being clean matters to me, but...thank you." He really did mean it...he really did. He loved being clean. However, he hated having to use the term 'master'...but if it meant the lion might drop his guard or loosen up his watch so that he could escape...well, hopefully that could come tonight. Randall felt a bit guilty about escaping...his new master seemed pretty nice, but he didn't want to be a slave. He never asked for that life. And he didn't trust the lion...he didn't trust anybody. What if his new master turned into the same ugly nightmares of his past? Now that he was cleaned up he might be able to bullshit his way past some cops, if he got stopped. He tried not to look guilty as he thought of this, and didn't do too good a job. He didn't want his master to think he'd just manipulated him for a bath so he could run off right after. Randall rubbed his neck a bit in an odd fashion, only subconsciously aware that he didn't have a collar on. He'd worn one for just over ten years now, but with all that had happened lately, he hadn't consciously noted the lack of it yet. The slaver had removed it, probably to use it on some other poor unfortunate soul. Randall turned around again, away from his master, curling his now-clean tail up in front of him, just to look at it, running his fingers through the fur, as though this appendage was something brand new that had just sprouted from his backside.

I'll try later tonight...while he's sleeping, he thought, his guilty look hidden from the lion.

When the wolf turned, Georgio chuckled again, noticing he missed one part of him.

"Uh oh, looks like I missed your ass, since you had been sitting..." He lathered his paws and started to gently rub his rump. Since the wolf had already given him permission earlier, he didn't hesitate. Randall blushed a bit, but allowed his master to continue. The wolf was tense the entire time - that was a hard thing to overcome. It had been years since anybody had touched him around there in a nonsexual manner, or without intent to cause harm. Even though there was nothing malicious about what his master was doing, the reaction had almost been coded into him at this point. Georgio had to part his cheek for a moment and frowned at what he saw. His tailhole looked swollen and quite abused. He didn't even try to run a soapy finger over it to sooth it. The lion looked up at him as he finished

"Randall, your ass looks really many times you were...taken in the last week? I have some aloe in the cabinet for such problems, how about you dry off, then go lay belly down on the bed, alright? I promise to just walk in, and I won't apply anything without your say - you can keep your claws to my neck if you like, if that makes you feel better." The wolf nodded without word when his master sent him to the bedroom. He was blushing and his ears were firmly held against his skull. Having the lion see how he'd been degraded felt awful...but as a slave, there were few things you could keep secret. He dried off further with a towel, whining softly as the soft fabric moved across his ass. He dropped it on the floor before heading out, muttering "I lost count around twenty."

The lion nodded solemnly as his slave headed toward the bedroom. Georgio decided to clean his arms off quickly and redressed, thinking it would make it easier for the wolf. He knelt down and got the aloe from the cabinet. As he turned to leave he saw the towel on the floor and shook his head slowly.

"Talking and having ideas is one thing, but I wont have a messy slave..." he muttered. He then spoke up, hollering out the bedroom: "I did buy you to do things like keep the house tidy...cluttered and disorganized is one thing but I won't have a slob of a slave!"

The wolf heard him call from the bathroom about leaving the towel on the floor as he made his way. He couldn't help but grin a little. Goodness, the thought of getting away with something like that under his previous master...he was testing Georgio in little ways, to see how far he could push without getting bitten back. Randall gingerly walked on over to the bedroom as commanded - he was indeed pretty sore. Even if sex was mostly what he'd been used for in the past five years, no fur is built to take that kind of abuse. Randall hopped up on the bed, and couldn't help but go completely under the covers. He was a bit cold, and it was at least some small manner of regaining control of himself - he was on the bed, sure, but not in the way his master had ordered. As he found less and less reasons to hate his new master, any display of defiance was increasingly being limited to little passive-aggressive acts.

Georgio walked out, surprised at the sight before him. He could only lean against the door frame and smirked as he saw him.

"Aww, how cute...comfy in there, I hope, look snug as a bug. I'm temped to crawl under there and snug YOU, heh." Randall popped out pretty quickly after he had threatened to crawl in after him...of course, that was only perceived as a threat. He didn't have any innocent ideas about just being with someone in bed, and not have anything sexual going on. Georgio walked over and set the cream on the bed.

"Now, if you would please get on all fours, tail raised...or I can sit backwards on your back, so there's no way I could fuck you, if that makes you feel better...this has to be applied to your pucker and to your long as you're alright with that?" Randall blinked when the lion mentioned sitting on him. Master was so much bigger than he was!

"Y-you don't have to do that...master." he said. Truth be told, if he were pinned like that, he couldn't run at all, and he needed to be able to have the option to run, even if he wouldn't use it. However, Randall hesitated a bit. He didn't like the idea of being on all fours, or belly-down, or anything like that. Too scary. But he didn't have much choice...for now; he'd just have to trust his master. Reluctantly, he flipped over, and got on his hands and knees, burying his head under the pillows in shame, his furry rump pointed up into the air. He wanted to hide from all this...but having something to soothe the pain in his butt would be nice. He'd been trying to ignore it all afternoon, but that could only last for so long. His tail was tucked pretty firmly between his legs though, and he couldn't seem to consciously move it. He was too scared at what might happen in a position like this. In training and when previous masters were trying to break him, when made to be in this position, it always meant he was about to get raped, or have something very unpleasant stuck up his ass. He knew the lion had promised not to do any harm, and he didn't think he would...well, he probably wouldn't...but he far more unpleasant memories than good ones. Georgio crawled over and knelt on the bed by the slave. One paw held his tail away while the other paw popped the cap off and squeezed the cold aloe onto his tailhole. The wolf yelped once as his tail was pulled up from between his legs, but kept quiet after that. He knew this needed to be done...he just wanted it to be all over with. Georgio put the bottle aside and gently caressed his thigh.

"Shhhhh...there, there, I know this must strum up bad memories but it's alright....Master is here for you and he's gonna take good care of you, alright? I'll be gentle. You can pull away and even fight back, teeth and all if I hurt you or try anything you don't like." Georgio lubed a finger with the aloe and rubbed a little of it into his tailhole. He then put some more on his hole and gently pressed his digit onto to his tailhole and eased in gently, as slowly as possible. Randall started whimpering and whining as the cold finger started probing around his tailhole. The physical pain it brought he could deal with (and he knew it would get better quickly, now that it was being treated), but the emotional pain was worse. His master's finger was impeccably gentle and loving, making sure to coat every inch he could get in, and relax and ease his slave's pain. He took his paw off his tail, using the other to continue working the aloe into his rectum. The lion used his now-free paw to gently rub the wolf's back.

"I know it hurts Randall, just breath deep, it'll be over in another minute I's okay to cry if this is strumming up a lot of memories for you." Randall's only response to that was taking a few deep, ragged breaths from under the pillows, trying not to cry. He was strong, and even if he was a tail-raiser, he was still an alpha (he thought so; at least), crying was something that omegas did. And you could only be an omega if you accepted it, it didn't matter what people forced you to do...Nevertheless, despite all this mental berating, several tears were shed. He'd been able to ignore this for awhile, block it out, but the attention to his butt now was bringing up all the unpleasant memories he'd bottled up.

Maybe I should just try being me...instead of what my parents wanted me to be, and what the slavers want me to be.

He was trying to think about anything else than the invading digit, even if it was starting to soothe the fire. He wondered if he should rethink his plans to escape...this place might not be so bad. The wolf was starting to enjoy the gentle touches already, even if it was difficult to not flinch away at times. He was relearning that a Master's paw didn't exist solely to inflict pain.

No! You can't give up, you have to at least try to be free...but then...just what the hell would you do? You have no idea how to take care of yourself...and if Trent catches you again...

He was quickly drawn back out of that train of thought as his master hit a particularly sore spot, causing Randall to yelp aloud again. The lion finally pulled his digit out and cleaned it off. He looked at him and pat his back softly.

"Good boy, the pain should be gone in a moment or so...oh..." Georgio saw the tears that had stained his muzzle and scooted over as he was still on all fours. He sat up by the beds headboard and pulled him over to his chest. Randall let the lion draw him in, and hug him, with only minimal resistance. It felt so good, and he could almost remember times when he was a pup...gods, had it really been that long since anyone had actually treated him decently? Letting his guard down just for a moment, he nuzzled his master's chest, letting his actions say that it was OK that he'd been hurt; he understood why it had to happen. Georgio's paw gently caressed and rubbed his back softly as he rocked him a little hoping to make him feel better.

"I'm sorry I did that; forgive me if I hurt you at all, alright? I know that must have drudged up some awful nightmares but it's alright now...I'm gonna help you and build you up to the kind of slave you really should be..." He looked down at him smiling for a moment, not sure what to say. "You've had it hard...I understand that... I'm sorry...I know what your world can be like..." His paw gently scratched him behind his ear as he kept smiling. "If you were once free you must have a family...would you like me to see if I can find a way to get in contact with them? Or do you still plan to run?" He looked over to his dresser. "If that's the case maybe I shouldn't put on your permanent collar then, it would be easier to hide without that on, right?" Randall froze when asked about the collar. He'd have to make a real decision now. A collar would make it a lot harder to be on the run. His eyes showed his confusion, and almost terror. This was as big a choice as he'd had to make in a long time. If he said no to the collar...there would certainly be no chance of escape, as he'd be watched mercilessly to make sure he didn't take off running...maybe this was just an illusion of choice. He wiped the tears off his muzzle with his paw.

That must be it...he isn't really giving me a choice, he's just trying to make me feel a little better.

Having that thought in his head, the decision was a bit easier for him. Collar or not, escape wouldn't be an easy option. And maybe if he were collared, his master wouldn't be so watchful.

"N-No, go ahead and collar me, master." He lowered his head so that his master could get it on easier. A collar was a symbol of submission and subservience, but it was something a slave could feel like he owned. The better behaved slaves even got little tidbits to accentuate them. Randall knew this was just a simple psychological trick designed to keep slaves in line...but still, when you didn't own anything and were considered property yourself, you clung to anything you could.

"And my parents...I don't know where they are. I wouldn't know where to even begin. And...I just don't ever want them to see me like this. Dad wanted me to take over his business when I got old enough...but I just...just..." he found it hard to admit this out loud - he was as much admitting this to himself as he was to his master, "...just never felt like I was supposed to do that. Be in charge." He took a deep breath. "They'd try and get me out of the system...and I don't know what I'd do if I was free. I have no idea how to take care of myself." Randall was a bit surprised that he'd said that - he wasn't quite ready to admit to himself, much less anybody else - that he actually liked being taken care of by someone else. The lion pet his head gently and kissed it.

"I's alright." Georgio nuzzled him softly as he listened to his story. He didn't realize the wolf was collared at such a young age and didn't want to believe it, but still stayed silent. His paw never once stopped petting his back, and his smile never stopped either. Looking over to the dresser, Georgio debated whether to do as his wolf requested, because he knew he only half desired it. He could easily see the indecision in the wolf's eyes, knowing that the wolf wanted to run. However, he also could tell his heart was broken in twain - between freedom and slavery. Understanding the wolf's troubles, he pet his head gently and looked at him.

"I'm going to wait until the morning to collar you, alright....I feel like you need on it, and take it all in, you know? How about something to eat then? Fill you out a bit more...ever had steak, I have some leftovers, if you want." Randall was quite surprised. Now that, he had not expected - normally the collar was the first thing to go on with a new master. A few shudders ran down his back as he was petted, just reflexive muscle actions from feeling so good. Randall was a little bit irked as well, to be honest. If he ran away now, he'd really feel like shit. He was actually starting to like being with the lion, and he'd probably be disappointed if the wolf took off. Why couldn't he be cruel, evil, and sadistic like all the others? That would make this decision so much easier. He couldn't decide if the lion was letting him ease into things, or somehow manipulating him into being more submissive. All this was confusing. So much change within only a few hours.

"Any food you think is fit for someone like me sounds good, Master," he said. The more subservient he sounded, the more his master would be off-guard, he thought. Randall wasn't really terribly hungry right now, but he knew his master was right. He was built lean to begin with, but he was still way too skinny. Georgio smiled and nodded, giving his head a light peck.

"Alright then, follow me." He sat up off the bed and out into the hallway. "This is a lot for you to take in, so we'll start with the rules and basics of the house tomorrow, alright?" As they descended the stairs, he saw the cage, and the nearby mess on the floor, from the wolf. "Heh, I guess I'll have to take care of the cage in the morning, but the mess you'll be cleaning up." The wolf was still a little weak, so he had to use the walls on occasion for support as he walked down. Randall didn't mind that he'd have to clean up the mess (that is, if he was still there by then, he hadn't decided yet). He'd spent years cleaning up after his various masters, that was to be expected. Hopefully his master wouldn't make him use his tongue this time. The two made their way into a huge spacious kitchen. Georgio immediately went to the fridge.

"You can sit at the table if you want for now, since I haven't established the rules...sitting there isn't a huge thing for me anyway." Georgio grabbed out a container of steak and potatoes and went for a plate. Randall bit his lip as his master told him to sit at the table. It would be so nice...but...but that was where his master ate. That was one of the big rules of the specific program he went through - a slave should never eat at the same table as his master.

"I'm um...I'm...more comfortable on the floor, master....if that's OK with you." he said, softly. Old habits die hard, it seemed. The lion looked at him and smiled.

"Good boy, that's a house rule, though I may be kind, I cant let you ever forget your position. I thought today was going to be a treat, but that's fine, we'll let you get right to that. Now, as for your parents, Randall....your file has a lot of your personal information from when you were free, and I have a lot of friends that could find them if you wanted...hell, maybe they can free you if its what you want...though, legally speaking, if you're a lifer, I'm the only one who can free you...but even then, there's so many stipulations..."

The wolf laid down on the floor, much like a feral animal would (however, he first inspected it to make sure it was free of dirt), and patiently waited for his meal. Randall didn't know what he wanted with the whole parents issue. They'd never really been happy with him. The more they pushed for him to be an alpha, the more he'd backed down the social ladder...they'd really hate him for having lived as a slave. No, he definitely didn't want anything to do with them anymore. They were part of a past so distant he could barely recognize it anymore. Georgio walked over with a plate mashed potatoes, a large steak, and a fork.

"Go ahead, eat with utensils, you're not a feral after all, you have thumbs, so use them." The lion sat in the chair watching him, smirking softly.

Wow, that's a lot of food... was the only thing running through Randall's mind at the moment. Randall had been forced to survive on scraps and what he could manage to steal without getting caught (and sometimes did get caught...) from his last master.

Watching the wolf, Georgio saw he'd clearly been engraved with this slave life. Though he'd seen hundreds of thousands of slaves before, this one seemed most....natural in this state, though Randall may have thought otherwise.

"So, your parents Randall? What's the word? Look them up or no?" His paw reached down to pet him, thinking Randall might enjoy it.

"No." he said, shaking his head. "My life as a slave hasn't been great...but my parents weren't something to brag about, either. I'd rather move forward, not backward, Master."

Randall grabbed the fork and took a few bites, slowly, so as to not get any on the floor or on him. He wasn't going to risk his master's wrath. He flinched away once reflexively as the paw came near him, but then allowed the attention. Randall thought it was a little degrading, being treated like a pet in this manner...but at least it felt good. And really, it was hardly degrading compared to other things he'd been forced to do and endure. Compared to those things...this was positively great. However, his master saw him flinch back at the petting, and pouted a little.

"You hate this don't you...? I'm sorry, I promise I'm trying my best to ease you into this Randall, but each slave needs a different bit of care and a bit different way to go about disciplining him, alright?"

Randall frowned a little when his master stopped petting him...yeah...being petted trampled on his alpha pride...but it felt good in a nice, different way. Furs didn't touch Randall to be nice to him, they did it to beat him or punish him for misbehaving or doing something wrong. He shook his head and continued eating, leaning up into the hand a little, letting his master know it was okay. Georgio couldn't help but smile, he could see that wolf thought this was somewhat degrading but deep down thought he liked this life. Randall really did seem like this was his natural intended state but figured he just needed to be eased into it in a different way then beating him. The lion always had a different kind of style then most, he found kindness and a gentle but firm nudge here and there was all it took.

Pretty quickly Randall had all the food cleaned up - he was hungrier than he had imagined. Well, not anymore - that had been a big meal for him. He didn't stand back up yet, as his master was still sitting at the table. Georgio took his plate and brought it to the sink.

"Alright, while I do this, can you go down the hall, second door on the right and get out that broom and dust pan to clean up that mess you made? Get some of that wood cleaner too if it's still dirty looking afterward, Randall." The wolf slinked on out to the hallway, doing as he was told without a word. He had long ago learned that being silent meant remaining unnoticed, and being unnoticed meant less beatings. It would take time for him learn that it was okay to speak up on occasion.

When Georgio finished in the kitchen, he came back into the main hall to check on Randall's progress. Turning the corner, he spoke up.

"Are you finished yet? When you're done, would you like to have a little talk about all this? I'm sure by now your curiosity and mind is running in a circle with all that has gone on..."

Randall had just emptied the dust pan, when he heard his master come out into the hall. He thought the floor looked pretty good, and he should know - after all, cleanliness was something he was a bit picky about, especially after being all cleaned up.

Oh no! He thought when his master mentioned wanting to talk.

How does he know I'm going to try and escape already...I've only thought about it! This is my last chance!

Randall paused a moment, before bolting to the front door, panicked, and opening it. Unfortunately he hadn't known about the device set above the door before he awoke. The high pitched screeching hurt his ears Upon seeing the slave police rush to the door, he retreated back to the house instantly. He shot over to a corner, huddling down, and clamped his paws over his sensitive canine ears, whimpering, just wanting the noise to stop.

The lion saw him bolt and sighed, knowing this was coming. He saw him run back in, surprisingly, instead of taking his chances with the slave police outside. Georgio pulled out a small remote from his pocket and hit a button as the alarm turned off. A moment later there were two slave policemen at the door - two large and huge looking rhinos. They were both dressed in leather pants and a normal looking police shirt, with a pair of big leather boots on to match. They also head leather gloves and hats, and their belts that bore several devices on them. One was a large bull whip. Slave police were expertly trained - they could slice the tip of your ear at twenty paces. Also on the utility belt were small tasers. The slave police carried a few other things to assist them such as a big gag, cuffs, even some old fashioned mace, and various other things to fit a wide variety of siuations.

"Is there a problem here, Sir...we heard the burglar alarm go off and we know you just bought this little mongrel...shall we take him out side and whip him for you in the yard?" The lion came up and shook his head as he looked back seeing the wolf hug himself in the corner, looking terrified of the alarm, and more importantly, the slave police.

"No, no, officers, he's fine, just got a bit startled when I dropped a plate is all, he thought it was a whip. I assure you we're just fine, he's behaved himself thus far. Frankly, I think you boys are working too hard, I can handle things here, so please go home to your kids. You'd enjoy yourself a lot more in a nice warm house than a cold cruiser. The officers looked at one another, surprised at the request.

"Are you sure, Sir?! He's highly likely to escape, or at least try, and-"

"Don't you worry, I already put out an invisible fence and already put the chip in his ass so he can't leave the property without frying his innards, alright?" They nodded and agreed, returning to the cruiser, and leaving the lion's property as requested.

The lion sighed as he closed the door, happy his lie worked. Everything he just told them was a total crock, though he was sure his wolf was worried about the chip he'd mentioned. He started to walk back over to him, then knelt down and pet his head.

"Heh, you alright, now Randall? By the way, what I said about that chip? A total crock, I promise. I can see you tried to run off, but I just protected you from the whipping of a life, what did I say that scared you so much?"

He thought for sure his master would hand him over to them, since he had just tried to escape. His trainers were brutal, his masters worse, but the cops were a nightmare. Trainers and especially masters grew tired with beatings after awhile, and they'd eventually get less severe. They also wanted to keep you in working condition, since they either had just bought you or were trying to sell you. If you behaved for either, they tended to lax up as well - but the slave police had no qualms about beating and sometimes raping a slave to within an inch of his life for practically no reason at all. Each time they beat a slave, it was a new experience for them.

Randall slowly unfolded himself from the tight ball he'd put himself in on the corner, crawled over and hugged his master's leg, sniffling. He tried not to cry, but he'd been so terrified at the sight of the two officers...well, the flood of emotions was impossible to keep back. He didn't want to show weakness, but he couldn't help it. The lion was taken aback when he hugged his leg and started crying. He hugged him gently as he cried, as best he could from that position and just pet him and rubbed his back.

"Shhh, there, there, those awful slave police are gone's okay, you don't have to worry about them, I sent them home for the night, they're gone now."

"I'm sorry," replied Randall. He didn't offer any other explanation for a long time, until his tears finally stopped flowing.

When he had finally calmed down a bit, and his breathing wasn't so ragged, he finally said a little bit more, but he wouldn't meet his master's eye.

"I thought you knew I was going to try and escape later tonight...when you said you wanted to talk to me." As he offered his explanation Georgio smirked and chuckled.

"Honestly? I didn't want to talk about that, I knew you were keeping that a secret. I'm not stupid, I figured you were planning to run as it is, that's why I didn't collar you yet...." His paw came to his chin and made him look him in the eyes.

"If you hadn't been collared you could have gone undetected easier, now couldn't you? Though your anal ID chip would have been hard to get around, if you'd gotten scanned, but I thought you could have done it if you really tried..." He gently pet his cheek with the back of his paw and smirked.

"As for that alarm, I figured you might try that before I got to talk to you about this, so I set up a dog whistle alarm, you were the only one that heard it, that's why it hurt so much..." The lion smiled at him and laughed a little. "I wanted to talk to you about all this, and if you wanted to escape, I'd try my best to make it look like I wasn't helping you. But, frankly, if you run, you will get caught and brought back, so it wouldn't hurt me any to just help you out." He looked back at the door, smirking.

"Those two slave policemen, actually are my neighbor's John and Tom. John was the big scary one doing all the talking, they're lovers you know, they have a pair of sweet cubs and they live next door so our neighborhood is really I don't think I need any kind of alarm system, personally." The lion could tell the idea of slave policemen, two of them in fact, seemed terrifying.

"Don't mind them, John and Tom are good guys, I promise, out of uniform they're sweet as lambs...maybe not as sweet and gentle to a slave as I am, but not nearly as cruel as they could be when they're on duty"

The wolf listened to everything his master said. He felt a bit better after that explanation, though he was still pretty scared of John and Tom. They were slave police, and slave police were evil.

"I don't know why I try and run. I," he tried to explain. Running had never worked out for him before in the past. He didn't mention Trent's threat against his life - if he had actually managed to take off and been caught by him, he wouldn't have been sent back...his dead fur hide would be warming the floor of Trent's house.

As far as the chip in his ass, the one lifers got...well, most cops still carried probes to check that, and as long as he looked freeborn, it was unlikely he would be detected (since freeborn furs would certainly not subject themselves to having things shoved up their ass to see if they were a slave or not), as long as he stayed away from newer parts of cities, that were equipped with the automatic scanners. His master was right, that limitation was easily worked around.

He sat with his master a bit longer, not sure what to say at all. He was trying to make a decision. A decision for himself, one that might impact the rest of his life for better or for worse. His master had just saved him from the slave police, even lied for him. He'd given him a bath, and even been trying to help him escape. He'd even refrained from putting the collar on him - effectively, he was as close to obtaining freedom now as he ever could be. But...right now, here was a warm home, and a master who had been nothing but kind to him so far...he wanted this to be real. He decided to risk it. Lying to the slave police had cinched the deal for him.

Randall bit his lip nervously. "I...I want to stay here with you. I think I'm ready for the collar." That was a tough thing for the wolf to say. To willingly submit to somebody else on that big of an wasn't in his nature. Or was it? Randall was still confused over that one. His new master had made him realize all sorts of things about himself, and he realized he wasn't the fur he once thought he was.

Before his master could go get his collar, he asked him something else:

"Are you going to punish me?"

Slavery Legalized - Chapter 4: A Choice

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 4: A Choice * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * Georgio...

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 2: Abused Wolf, Compassionate Lion

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 2: Abused Wolf, Compassionate Lion * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * *...

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 1: The Rocky Road Home

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 1: The Rocky Road Home * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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