Slavery Legalized - Chapter 2: Abused Wolf, Compassionate Lion

Story by Draugr on SoFurry

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#2 of Slavery Legalized

Slavery Legalized

by Draugr & Element

Chapter 2: Abused Wolf, Compassionate Lion


This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C)

After the two guards helped get the cage in his car, he drove away quite content but concerned for the poor creature he was taking home. He read from the papers he had on him that his history was rattled with abuse and pain and hoped he could help soften such pain from his past. After a quiet hour and a half drive home he pulled up to his driveway and turned off the car.

Georgio carted the cage out of the car and up to his front door. As he did that he noticed a slave police cruiser pulled up in front of his house and only smiled and waved knowing why they were there. Since all he wanted to do now was go back in with his new slave, he fiddled with his keys to open he door. The building was two stories and quite nice, but a bit lonely for just one, which was another reason he wanted a slave. He unlocked the door and rolled him into the main entrance. Before him was a staircase leading upstairs.

After he shut the door, before the wolf gained consciousness he set a small device over his door, just in case he tried to run. If he did try running again the poor thing would surely be put down and he didn't want that at all. The lion finally knelt down and unlocked the cage, moved back to sit on the staircase, looking at him, watching to see if he would wake up.

"Hello...? wakie wakie eggs and bakie...."

The wolf slowly opened his eyes, finally waking back up. His entire body felt like it was on fire, and even worse (at least in his opinion) he was filthy. He got out of the cage, and mustered up everything he had just to stand on two feet, turned around, and defiantly raised his head up, and looked his new owner straight in the eyes, even with his bruised and swollen one. His ears were placed dominantly forward, his front lips raised slightly to display his long fangs. He didn't say a word - this was enough of an effort as it was. He certainly didn't have the energy to lunge forward, attack, and try and make a run for it, which the wolf would have tried otherwise. Or maybe not...the slaver's words still ran pretty clearly in his mind.

I'm not going to start this off as some sort of subservient bitch. I'll never submit. At least, to start with, he thought, frowning, remembering how his defiance had ended up being beaten out of him, as of late.

The lion watched carefully as the wolf crawled out. He watched, concerned, as he seemed to stagger to stand. When he bared his fangs and looked him in the eyes he could only smile at him with eyes bright open not showing a hint of fear.

"Look at you....god, your file was right you are a scrapper aren't you, heh? Beaten, raped and abused beyond all belief...probably worse than what's written in your file....and you still have the strength to stand up and fight back...the wolf in you runs deep doesn't it? Heh, all alpha it seems, in fact." Georgio slapped his knee and chuckled. "By god, if you had the strength to tear me to shreds you would already, huh? Poor thing...things have been hard for you, haven't they?"

The lion stood up and walked straight to his left and came back less then a moment later holding an apple and tossed it at his feet as he sat back down.

"You must be hungry....go ahead, its alright, I won't do anything to you, I'll sit right here, and if you want, after, go ahead and tear me to shreds. But even if you did want to, you can't, can you? You're far too exhausted and dirty." He leaned back on his elbows and smirked. "And if you want to run, wait until tomorrow, they had a slave police cruiser follow us and stake out the night in case you run. What's your name anyways wuffie? You didn't have a name in your file...and would you like a bath or something cuz you stink to high heaven."

The wolf tried to be angry; he really did. He hated pity, even though he couldn't deny that in his current state, he couldn't help but elicit it from anyone who wasn't completely morally bankrupt. But he just couldn't muster up anything. He was spent.

He looked the lion in the eye for a long time after he'd asked the questions and tossed him the apple, refusing to give in...but he was already hungry and weak, and soon he gave up, dropping to the floor, promising himself that he'd make up for this display of weakness later on. He grabbed the apple and practically downed it in two large bites, hardly stopping to chew.

He wasn't going to say anything at all, but then something the lion had said struck him. He'd actually given him a heads up about the best time to take off and run...well, that was a pretty generous display of trust, especially after his new master had dropped five thousand on him, and he knew he probably wasn't worth much more than half that.

The wolf growled a bit. Not an aggressive growl, just an irritated one.


That's the first time I've heard that years, he thought.

"And...and I can't really help that, can I!" he said, finally getting a little bit mad. His fur coat was his pride, and the lion had pressed a button there.

He could only half chuckle in response to what the wolf had said about his stench and merely nodded and leaned down a bit.

"It's a nice name, I think it suits, Randall, I did buy you a little over two hours ago...if you're going to run away again, I think at the very least you need to look presentable. I'm offering you a legitimate chance to bathe and clean up, I can't have you getting the floor dirty anymore then you already have alright?" Georgio stood up and carefully knelt by the wolf. He could tell he was defensive but gently and carefully let his paw come to his ear and scratched him behind it gently. "How about I take you up stairs and get you into a hot bath and clean out your fur, okay? Then how about I get you some more food."

Randall's ear flinched suddenly, as the lion laid his paw behind his ears, but then eased up. It was an odd feeling, having someone else touch him, and not only have it not hurt, but feel good. As his body enjoyed the sensation his mind only thought one word: Bath.

But, oh gods, he didn't want to. He really didn't want to. It must be some sort of trick right? How could he let himself fall for another now? But the thought of a hot bath, and getting all the filth out of his fur...he couldn't say no to that. He couldn't even remember what a bath actually felt like.

Randall didn't know what game was being played here...was he just being led on in some kind of sick game, so that the lion could laugh when he let him down, later? He didn't care. Five years of being treated worse than a feral pet dog had worn him thin. Any chance of an improvement on that, he was willing to take at this point, even if it could lead to disappointment. Disappointment he was used to. He stood up, leaning into his master a bit for physical support, and nodded his head, indicating that he did indeed want to be clean. He curled his tail up around in front of him a bit, still modest despite having a social position slightly higher than a cockroach.

The lion could only smile as he helped him to his feet. Georgio looked at him as he kept one paw on the small of his back and could feel all the horrible filth in his fur, and that was just the top coat. Randall just looked away as soon as his master met his eyes, he was already starting to accept his situation to a point, and the severe submission training he'd gone under made it difficult to meet the eyes of someone he recognized as a legitimate master. It was almost an automatic reaction for him. But he wasn't completely gone. They couldn't take everything from him.

Georgio's other paw lead his arm around his shoulder and held his paw firmly. He looked him in the eyes as he led him up the stairs. "You don't trust think im a think im just gonna be someone else that beats you and tries to break that fiery spirit if yours? Well im not...I don't believe in putting out that fire...I believe in taming it, willingly..."

"There's no such thing as a tame wolf..." he muttered, under his breath, " matter how much you try." The wolf gulped, hoping the lion hadn't heard him...he was in no shape to resist right now. And he might just make him stay filthy, for that matter...

Seemingly oblivious to the wolf's quiet remark, the lion continued. "I'm a caring Master, I'm kind, but I'm no pushover. I'll punish you if need be, but no more then the crime justifies, alright?" He continued down the hall and turned into a large beautiful bedroom, with a king sized bed. Randall tensed up when they hit the bedroom, his fight-or-flight instincts suddenly kicking into overdrive. The first night with a new master was almost always the worst...they overcompensated, doing whatever they could to break him in...and breaking him is usually exactly what happened. His ears drew back against his head in fear, and he started struggling a bit as his masters paw suddenly tightened up, thinking for sure that meant he was going to get raped again...

When his paw tightened his grip Georgio spoke into his ear to try to calm his obvious fear. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna rape you, alright? My tub is the largest in the house, come on...." The lion lead him to the bathroom. The room itself was huge, it had a large tub big enough for three easily and had a stand up shower as well. Randall allowed himself to relax a little now that they were past the bed. He hadn't found himself forcibly bent over the edge, or tied up...just as his master promised. Odd. Was this someone he could actually trust? The lion led him to the shower, turned it on, and smiled. "Here, rinse down all that muck and I'll prep the tub for you."

Randall grabbed hold of the railing in the shower as his master left him so he could have some support, and turned on the water. It wasn't hot yet, but he didn't care. It was water, and it was washing away his horrible past...all the smells and substances in his fur reminding him of past injustices. He could still smell everything...but after only a couple minutes, it was less intense. It didn't sting so bad. At least he couldn't smell the chewing tobacco from that stupid hadn't had time to set in like all the other crud. Blood...mostly his. Piss, semen, mud, alcohol...all manner of other vile substances that should never find their way into one's fur.

If this guy actually turns out to be for real...damn, if I'd have landed with him first...I'd never have gotten the shit beat out of me for the past...who knows how many years.

The lion started the tub running, smiling as he could see the wolf through the clear shower door. He smiled bigger as he could just see how happy he was to just rinse all the crap from his fur. Georgio made sure the water was nice and hot as he went into a small cabinet and grabbed out a pair of towels and some body fur soap. He made sure to grab a brush, and checked that the bottle was brand new. The punishment section of his file had mentioned he'd not been allowed to bathe for quite some time, so he figured he would need a lot.

"Alright, its ready Randall." He made his way over to the shower, opened the door and turned off the water. "Alright wuffie, into the tub, you're too weak to bathe yourself so I'm gonna help scrub you down."

Georgio guided him out and over to the tub, making sure he got in and sat him down. The lion took off his pants, putting them aside, though he left his boxers on. He sat on the edge of the tub and smiled down at his new slave.

"You're scared I'm gonna hurt's okay Randall, I promise I wouldn't take advantage of you or beat you...short of doing something to deserve a punishment....but I want your permission to touch you and clean you up, okay?"

Randall blinked several times.

It is amazing how something so small, commonplace, and barely noticed by most furs becomes a huge deal after years of absence. The wolf wasn't even really sure how to react, right away. The lion had just asked his permission to do something. This was confusing. A master did as he pleased with his slave, whether the slave wanted it or not, at least in his experience. What was he supposed to say? He blinked a few more times and was briefly distracted by the comfort the hot water provided to his aching body. Realizing he had not answered, he suddenly spoke.

"" he said - almost more of a question than an answer. Was that the right answer? Even if it meant smothering his pride...he was willing to submit for a short time, if the result was being clean again.

The lion smiled and pet his head softly. "Alright then, you just lay back and relax your scars and injuries. And here's an added relaxant." He leaned over and pressed a small silver button, causing the water jets to start up. "There we go, like that, Randall?" His paws reached into the water and gently shifted him so his feet was by his own. Georgio leaned down and took his foot paw into his paws.

Randall let out a long, deep-toned sigh as the jets hit him. If he closed his eyes...and tried to block out the pain...and just let himself be elsewhere...he could just almost pretend he was royalty, being attended to by others...

"I'll start at the bottom with your legs and then your head and torso alright? You relax, I believe my slaves should look nice and presentable, you represent your master after all, heh." He took the body shampoo and started to massage some into his fur. The lion started to rub his foot a bit as he worked in the shampoo.

"So, what color is your fur? I'm not even sure with all this crap in it..."

The wolf broke out of his royalty daydreams, perking up when the lion said he should look presentable. Vanity was perhaps his deadly sin, but it didn't bother him. He thought everyone should have something to be proud of, and he took a lot of pride in his unique appearance. So when asked about his fur, the wolf opened right up and began speaking.

"Um...well, my undercoat is mostly white, but my overcoat is more silver-gray. I've got a couple tan marks around my shoulders and the top of my muzzle. The fur on my chin and throat and chest is supposed to be whiter than it is...and everything past my elbows and knees is a bit darker, instead of lighter, like most wolves...but I'm still a wolf! Oh, and these two little black marks up here!" he said, bringing his paws up out of the water to scrub at the sides of his muzzle, and accidentally splashing quite a bit of water onto his master.

Georgio was surprised when the wolf opened up immediately at the mention of his fur. He kept quiet and didn't comment in the slightest, he liked how the wolf opened up instantly. It was like letting open the floor gates all of the sudden. As he was splashed suddenly, he paused for a second, hoping Randall wouldn't interpret that negatively.

Unfortunately, Randall instantly grew quiet, his ears flatting back against his head, and looking down into the bathwater, preparing to be hit...or half-drowned, that had always been absolutely nightmarish for the poor creature, and would certainly fit (at least he thought so) with what his master had been talking about - the whole "punishment fits the crime" deal. The wolf tensed up a bit, getting ready to try and run if things got too scary.

Georgio meeped and looked at his shirt. The lion looked at the wolf as he immediately receded all that personality - expecting a punishment, he gathered.

"Hey calm down....heh, it's alright Randall, it was an accident in your little explanation there, please continue, anything else you want to talk about, ask me?"

The lion took off his shirt and tossed it aside and chuckled "If you're gonna splash I may as well stay in just my boxers, hahaha." He went back to washing his feet paws and finished, starting on his calves.

"Talk to me Randall, it's alright, don't be scared, its your first night here, and unless you do something awful, I won't punish you tonight, so talk freely...still hate my guts? Hahaha."

The wolf slowly looked back up, but stopped just short of meeting the lions eyes. His ears remained lowered.

Randall wasn't sure what to do here. He was becoming a bit more comfortable, but he'd had a long history and an even longer list of reasons built up as to why he should trust nobody. The wolf decided to be as honest as he could...if it resulted in a beating, at least he was the one with the better quality...truthfulness.

"No...not really, I guess. I don't hate you. I don't trust you at all, though. I can't."

Suddenly his ears popped back up, his alpha heritage re-appearing. It was unlikely any amount of training could ever completely eliminate that.

"So, what the hell is wrong with you, anyway? I've been here like what? An hour? And you haven't hit me once, you've barely even mentioned sex, much less tried to fuck me, you're actually cleaning me, I'm not chained up outside or anything...what if I actually start thinking I'm worth something? Or run away? That's a ton of cash all down the drain. You're kind of a shitty master. You couldn't have failed slave mastering classes, nobody is that stupid. So what gives?"

Oops. He shut his muzzle, realizing it had run off ahead of his brain. But he didn't back down this time, and met the lion's eyes again, managing (for once) to beat past the years of "re-education" he'd gone through. Of course, he had no real standards to judge a good master by...his training and experience had told him he ought to be regularly beat and mistreated...and although he hated it, that was what a "good master" was to him.

Georgio looked down as the wolf suddenly stopped badgering him. He hadn't expected him to be so blunt and open so quickly, but he kind of liked it. He thought he could be alpha slave material, once his wolven heart was carefully tamed, and he was broken of his awful mistrust. After he went quiet, he smirked and looked up.

"So, that's it, huh? You're a worthless piece of genetic material? You should be beaten to a pulp daily and treated like a fuckin' punchin' bag?! Is that it? Treated like trash?! And then what, you run away and get a worse beatin'?!"

The lion looked seriously at him and put his leg down. He leaned in closely and flicked his nose as he sat back up.

"You are not worthless, got it? If you have thoughts and a mind you have value, the fact that you're a slave don't change that in my eyes. Slaves have value and can be valued and can be treated well - in fact, in my experience, slaves who are happy and healthy and cared for are happier to be slaves and happy to serve their masters." He picked his other leg up and went back to washing him.

"I don't fuck you and I don't beat you because I don't believe in a mindless automaton. Your submission to me is a gift, a gift I intend to earn from you and in turn tame your heart so you love your life as a slave and servant to me. If we end up in bed together then so be it, but that's up to you if you raise your tail to me." He growled at him, letting his own alpha instincts kick in.

"I don't get pissed at much except two things. One! Slaves mistreated and undervalued by their owners. Two! SLAVES THAT UNDERMINE THEMSELVES AND SEE THEMSELVES AS NOTHING BUT GARBAGE!" The lion sighed and tilted his head back, never really ever getting angry like that, but what the wolf had said really upset him. Georgio looked at him and smiled again, calming down.

"I'm sorry, I promise I'm not the angry sort but I don't like when you devalue yourself...."

Randall whimpered, and covered his head the moment his master began to yell at him loudly, expecting blows to come.

"S-sorry." he meeped.

This would take a lot of adjustment for the wolf. As far as he knew...he was worthless. He'd been told nothing but, and treated as nothing but for years and years. But he'd do what he could...his master was obviously disappointed in him, and that was almost worse than a beating. A beating was just physical, and something he could easily shrug off, having grown quite used to it. A wolf is a social creature - it's as much a need and a necessity as air to breathe and water to drink. Disappointment wasn't something he could bear as easily as a beating - that just reaffirmed his current social status. Disappointment meant he was supposed to change something.

Randall stayed very quite for a long time. He felt a bit guilty. This, too, was odd. He found it very difficult to be defiant to the lion. If he was abusing him like his previous masters were...that made it easy. But something about this guy was very different. For some reason, he found himself wanting to please least to an extent. He'd already been here a whole hour or so, and other than some verbal backlash and other minor behavior problems, he hadn't tried to run, he hadn't tried to strike him...that was a big change.

After awhile, when his master was nearly done, he said in a very quiet voice "W-what should I call you?"

Maybe I will stay here for awhile...

The lion looked at him and smiled as he scooted over. He sat behind him and started to put some shampoo into his head fur. Georgio chuckled.

"It's okay, don't be scared...I really am sorry I blew up like that...I promise I'm not like that. You can call me Master or Sir, which ever you find appropriate or want to use in a situation, alright, Randall?" He could tell he really struck the wolf in a way the slave had never experienced before. "I don't believe in excessive beatings or instilling fear in a slave to make them obey, I believe in a firm and loving hand to a slave is all that is needed." He scratched him behind his ears and smiled, humming a bit as he worked hard into his scalp, which was the worst so far.

"You've been taught this to the point that it's second nature, I'm not surprised they drill this into you so much but don't you worry, I'm willing to take time and help you with this. I just hope you grow to care about me as your Master and enjoy being a slave someday. You're a good boy, so far you just have trust issues and that'll take time to fix, but I'm happy to help you with it." He kept at it and smiled.

Randall was glad to hear he wasn't one of the do-gooders that buy slaves just to set them free. As much as he hated being a slave, the thought of freedom absolutely terrified him - almost paralyzed him. He had no idea how to handle that situation. As poorly as he'd been treated...he'd still always had someone else in charge, looking out for his well-being - for better or for worse. Being in charge of himself was scary.

Randall didn't know about the whole business of enjoying his position. He'd never be happy with who he was, or so he thought. But he'd try, for his new master, at least. So far he'd been remarkably...humane.

"Randall.....tell old were you when you were enslaved....what's your history like...but only if you're willing to talk."

At this point it was still difficult for the wolf to understand a request...anything his master asked of him was still interpreted as an order. So he began to talk.

"I don't remember much...I think I wasn't much over ten when the slavers captured me. At first it wasn't so bad, I lived with a family of foxes, and mostly did housework. My master there beat me a lot, but at least he didn't rape me like the others. I was in charge of raising his kids...if they did any back talking or misbehaved, I got punished for it, since I wasn't teaching them right. And I'm not the greatest with kids... I hated living seventeen I ran away, with the help of the oldest son. I think he had a soft spot for me. A month after that...that was when...," here he spoke a name very quietly - he was obviously afraid of the man to the point where he hated even using his name, "...Trent captured me. I've gone through two others owners and three escapes since then, not including you, master. Please don't make me talk about them...I don't like remembering them."

The lion looked down at him and frowned. As he listened he worked on his arms trying to clean into them. From his job he knew many young slaves that were processed and shipped to all sorts of places. He usually took the extra time to arrange a good home for them if possible before they even went to auction. When he heard him hesitate to continue, and ask not to talk about it, he nodded.

Randall drew his legs up in the water and hugged them, as he often did when he needed comforting from all the physical, verbal, mental, and sexual abuse he'd endured under those owners. Abused slaves often developed habits like these, since they didn't have any possessions like a blanket or even clothing to hold onto.

Georgio just leaned in and hugged him gently from behind. "Shhh, there, there, Randall, it's don't ever have to talk about it ever, alright? It's all gonna be okay now, you have a good Master, I promise." He sat back up and looked at his own arms. They had a lot of the crap from the wolfs fur in them.

"Heh looks like the filth is just dying to stay leeched on...hahaha, it's staying on me, heh, I guess I'll have to bathe after you or maybe a quick shower since you're hungry, I gather."

"Pretty hungry, sir, yes."

Slavery Legalized - Chapter 3: Unexpected Fright

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 3: Unexpected Fright * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 1: The Rocky Road Home

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 1: The Rocky Road Home * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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