Guardian Beasts Day off - Commission

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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Guardian Beasts Day off

By Kendo Kawabata

For Kamikaze Tiger

"Goodbye Sakura" Kero shouted from the upstairs window as the small, winged creature waved goodbye to his friend. He watched the car drive down the street, turn a corner and disappear from sight. Sakura and her family had left for a weekend getaway.

"Finally, I have the house to myself" Kero said happily as he jumped from the windowsill and cannon-balled himself onto the big child bed, his small body bouncing around a few times before he landed. He sighed and stretched himself out like a cat on the fluffy quilt.

"The cards are all sealed, no disturbances, no distortions, no homework. No nothing" he exclaimed happily as he rested his hands behind his head and looked up at the ceiling. "For a whole weekend. Boy, do I need some Me time" he said.

His head swam with thoughts on what to do, now that he wasn't going to be interrupted for anything. He could actually do things and get them done, he was so happy to think about it. After a few minutes of thinking in the quiet space of the room, he sat up and proudly shouted his idea out loud.

"Video Games" he shouted in triumph as he pumped his fist in the air. "Time to set a new high score' he proudly exclaimed, his face brimming with delight.

"Is that all you think about?"

Kero fell backwards with a loud startled cry as Suppi apparently appeared out of thin air across from him on the bed. The two of them were almost mirror copies of one another, whereas Kero looked like a little yellow winged teddy bear, Suppi looked like a little winged black kitten. The two of them were the same size though.

"Wha...How did you get in?" Kero demanded as he stood up and shook his fist at Suppi in anger. He considered Suppi his mortal enemy at all costs, and always became angry when he was around. Probably because Suppi was so calm and in control of his emotions.

"The window was open" Suppi said with a shrug as he pointed to the open window, as if it as the most obvious thing in the world.

"Grrr. Did your master send you here to spy on me?" Kero demanded as he stood up and took a defiant pose, expecting a fight from the calm cat.

"No. He's gone away. I became bored and decided to come over and stay if you were doing anything interesting" Suppi said as he pointed to a small travelling bag on the floor that he had brought over with him.

Kero looked at him dumbfounded, partly at the thought of such a small creature flying a bag like that out in public, and somehow hadn't been noticed.

"Well, I was going to play a new video game" Kero said as he stood up and puffed his chest out with confidence. "And I'm great at video games. And you know it, since you're too afraid to play with me all the time."

"Are you?" Suppi asked with a tile of his head, like he didn't believe him. "I just thought you sucked."

"Yes I am. Don't you go doubting me" Kero said firmly as he thumped his hand on his outstretched chest. "I'm the best there is."

"Well, if you're good at them, then I suppose anyone can be average at them" Suppi said with a shrug. Kero glared at him in anger.

"You want a bet?" Kero said, his eyes ablaze in anger at his gaming abilities being questioned so casually. "I bet I can beat you before you know what you're doing."

"Alright. I'm willing to try" Suppi said calmly as Kero jumped off the bed and fluttered his way over to the TV cabinet, pulling one of the doors open and puling out the game system and the controllers. He grumbled as he set things up, more out t rash talking under his breath then anything.

"Here" he said as Suppi flew down to the floor and Kero handed him one of the controllers. "That one's yours" he said as Suppi looked down at the controller with a puzzled curiosity. He was more used to a keyboard, but he hadn't seen this type of controller before.

"How do you use this?" Suppi asked as the turned the controller upside down and pressed a few buttons, expecting something to happen. Kero found himself grinning evilly as he turned on the TV, a devious grin spread across his face like an evil genius finding his nemesis in a compromising position.

"Oh, I am going to enjoy kicking your ass" he thought with a wicked delight.

One hour later....

"How are YOU kicking MY ass?"

Kero stared at the screen in complete disbelief as his favourite character, a big bulky man in pants and a tiger head, was taken down by, of all things, a cheerleader half his size. And it was as least the fifteenth time in a row. A straight winning streak.

"I guess I'm just better then you" Suppi said with a calm shrug as Kero whimpered, his wings and ears drooping in disbelief about the situation. "Care for another round? I'll let you win this time" Suppi said.

"I don't want your pity victory" Kero suddenly shouted as he rounded on Suppi with literal flames in his eyes and fury in his voice.

"Well, perhaps we could play something that could provide an actual challenge. You don't seem to be doing that" Suppi with a shrug, which only infuriated Kero more.

"You want a challenge? Here's one" Kero said as he pounced suddenly and for once caught Suppi off guard as he tackled the other creature and knocked him over. The two of them began to roll around on the floor as each one tried to out-wrestle the other as quickly as they were able too.

The two of them even took it up in the air as they took flight against one another, trying their best to knock the other one down so they could keep the other down.

"You cheating clone" Kero shouted as he tackle Suppi in mid air and aimed to knock him into the wall.

"You below average original" Suppi shouted as he reversed Keros hold and grabbed him by the foot and began to swing him around like a pendulum. He swung him around a few times before he let him go and sent him flying.

Kero let out a shout of panic and shock as he collided with Suppis suitcase and sent it flying through the air, sending the bag crashing into the wall where it burst open, sending its contents scattering as Kero was sent rocketing straight into a standing drawer cabinet.

Kero landed with a thud against the cabinet and the force of the impact knocked the whole thing over. It topped over and landed with a heavy and loud bang onto the floor as the drawers spilled over and sent the contents spilling out.

"AAGH. My room" Kero cried out as he pulled himself up on his feet and ran over to the spilled drawer, pulling it fully open as the contents spilled out. All the special hand made miniature furniture had fallen out and spilled over the floor like an upended dollhouse.

" room. It's ...trashed" Kero cried out in sadness and disbelief as he looked over the only place in the bedroom that he had been able to call all his own, now spilled all over the floor. He clenched his fist and his face contorted in anger as he turned to face Suppi

"You are going to help me put my room back together in order, or so help me....' he started to shout, before he noticed that Suppi was completely ignoring him. And the winged cat had flown and landed beside the base of the nightstand and was .....

"NO TOUCHY" Kero almost screamed in an utter panic as the grabbed the slim book from Suppis paws and slammed it down on the pile that had been hidden under the bottom drawer of the cabinet, hidden in the recess within. Kero then promptly sat himself on the pile and crossed his arms over his chest as he looked down at Suppi

" shouldn't be looking at those. They're private" Kero said as he mustered up whatever bravery he was able to so he could speak to Suppi with bravado and confidence. Suppi just looked at him and tilted his head in confusion.

"Why do you have books about sex under your room?" Suppi asked curiously.

Kero found himself stammering as he tried to come up with a response to what he had just been asked. Kero had been able to keep these books a secret from Sakura, since she never really held an interest in sneaking around in his private life, and she thankfully didn't rearrange her room, if at all. However, he never thought that he would have to actually explain himself on it.

" see....." Kero said as he rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment and tried to form a coherent sentence. However, he was given a slight reprieve as something fluttered down onto his face and he suddenly found himself staring at ...

"YOU BROUGHT PORN TO MY ROOM?" Kero shouted as he grabbed the piece of paper and ripped it from his face and shouted out his shock and disbelief.

"W-what?" Suppi shouted back, his normally calm and controlled face now a face of shock and terror as he literally froze in place like a cat in headlight. "I ...I did no such thing. That....that must be yours!"

"I don't look at Yaoi you pervert" Kero snapped at him as he blinked in disbelief as he suddenly looked around and took stock to the room. There were papers now covering a good majority of the floor, some just fluttering down from where they had exploded out of Suppis suitcase.

"You did. You brought yaoi porn to my room" Kero said in disbelief as he saw just how many papers of drawings and stacks of small comics had come spilling out of such a small suitcase.

"I-I didn't. This... this is just a mistake" Suppi said as the normally calm cat was now completely frazzled as he darted about the room, grabbing the pictures and papers as fast as he could. "I must have grabbed the wrong suitcase. Like I, a majestic Guardian Beast would bring yaoi to a sleepover" He said with nervous laughter as sweat drops rolled down the side of his head.

"You did. You pervert" Kero said with narrowed eyes.

"I do not look at porn. I'm far more regal and sophisticated then that. I could never lower myself to those kind of standards like you" Suppi said in annoyance, his eyebrow twitching slightly.

"You brought porn to my room. You're suitcase has nothing but porn in it" Kero said as he pointed to the suitcase, which quite obviously had nothing but papers and books in it and nothing else. "You pervert."

"You're the pervert here. Yours are more dirtier then mine" Suppi said as he grabbed one of Keros books and shoved it in his face. "Sweet Loli-kun runs in Red hood with majestic beast-san" Suppi said with a smug look on his face. "Bestiality and Loli, rolled into one. You're the pervert here" he said.

"If you don't look at porn, how do you know about those kind of topics?" Kero asked matter of factly.

Suppi dropped in the book in stunned belief, his face a look of shock as he had no comeback to something like that.

"Lets just put everything back together and pretend this never happened" Kero said with a sigh. "I'm not going to go blabbing to Sakura about this, and you can rest assured your master would never hear about this, so lets just pack it all away and never tell anyone" he suggested.

"Thank you Kero" Suppi said as he clapped his hands together and bowed his head in gratitude. Desperate gratitude, it looked like. Kero just smirked, glad that he finally had something on the smug black cat.

For several minutes nothing was said about anything as the two of them started to clean up the many, many scattered porn from around the room. Only the sounds of rustling papers were heard as they picked up everything and put them back where they belonged.

"How can someone like this kind of thing?" Kero wondered to himself as he couldn't help but look over the various imagery as he picked them up. "Two guys going at it? How does that work anyway?" He wondered to himself as he turned one image over and around, trying to make sense of it.

He shrugged it off and picked up his stack of papers and dropped them back into the suitcase, again marvelling about how much Suppi had brought with him.

"Why though? Why bring all this?" Kero said as he stood up and looked over to where Suppi was standing hunched over a bunch of papers. "Oi, Suppi Why did you bring all this over anyway?" he asked. He didn't get an answer as Suppi just stood there, shaking slightly.

"Um mm. I can't talk right now" Suppi said as he trembled a bit.

"Look if you're going to try and make me do all the work here, its' not my fault you brought over a literal trunk of .....HOLY MOTHER OF ALL HOLY THINGS HOLY" Kero shouted as he had walked over to Suppi and had to jump back in surprise.

Suppis cheeks burned so bright red that his entire face almost lit up like a Christmas tree light as he stood there, trembling with a hard boner between his legs.

"'re hard? Here? Now?" Kero said in disbelief.

"'s my porn. It....always happens...when I look at it...."Suppi whimpered out. "I'm sorry....I didn't mean for this to happen...."

"You actually apologised for something" Kero said in surprise, then shook his head. "Guess we are kinda the same after all. Happens to me when I look at mine" he said.

Suppi just stood there trembling in embarrassment, his hard cock still bobbing between his legs. Kero suddenly couldn't help but feel sorry for him, especially to be caught in such a condition like that. However, he also couldn't help but stare at Suppis cock. For some reason, he wasn't really able to look away.

"Hey, how about we take care of that" Kero said as he stepped up close and gently pulled the papers away from Suppis hands. "Can't have you standing there like that all day."

"We?" Suppi asked in surprise.

"Well, I can't have you masturbate in my room, that's not fair" Kero said. "And it's not fair that you got to do it in the open and I can't since you're my guest and I have to be nice and all that, so why don't we just do it together and call it even?" Kero asked with a shaky but friendly smile on his face.

"None of that made sense" Suppi said.

"Look, you're horny. I'm ...starting to get that way" Kero admitted. "So instead of just trying to hide it from each other, lets just take care of it and then forget it ever happened" he said.

Suppi said nothing as he tried to come up with an answer before his eyes wandered down to Keros legs, where he noticed a rather sizeable bulge between his legs. The other guardian beast wasn't lying.

"Well....OK" Suppi said in agreement as Kero come in closer till they were close enough they could almost press against each other. "I think mines bigger" he said with a sly smile.

Kero smirked as he grabbed Suppis cock and squeezed it. Suppi let out a moan and fell forward onto Kero as his body trembled. He let out a whimper as Kero started stroking him off.

"Nope. You're the same size as me. Same shape too" Kero said smugly, then let out a moan of his own as Suppis hand found his crotch and started to stroke it. He murred and felt his own cock slip out as Suppis hand wrapped around it.

The two of them stood there, in a position neither would have ever really dreamed of as they mutually masturbated each other, hands sliding up and down their hard cocks. Suppis moans sounded rather cute against Keros ears and Kero moaned as well.

"Mmm, you like that?" Kero said with a murr as he felt Suppis pre flow from his pointed tip , collecting it in his paw and lubing up his shaft with it.

"Yes" Suppi moaned out as he did the same, greasing up Keros hard cock with his own pre as the two of them worked together to bring the other pleasure. Kero closed his eyes and humped his hips forward as Suppi stroked him off.

Suppi whimpered and buried his face into Keros neck as he started to stroke Keros cock faster, humping his hips a bit more as his balls swung back and forth. The two of them were about the same size, in both length and shape, so Kero found it much like stroking himself off. In a weird way.

Their tails fluttered behind them both as they humped into each others hands, pre flowing over their hands as they worked each other over, starting to get lost in the pleasure they were receiving.

Suppi clutched at Kero and whimpered into his neck as he starts to give short thrusts with his hips as he humped Keros hand, his whimpers getting louder before he suddenly shuddered and let out a muffled cry.

Keros eyes went wide as he felt the cock of his rival suddenly pulse in his fingers as he felt that first spurt shoot out, splattering against his stomach. Suppis hand clenched hard around Keros cock as thick ropes of pearly beast cum splattered over Keros stomach.

With his knees getting weak and his own orgasm approaching, Kero didn't stop his pawing of Suppis cock as he milked him through his orgasm, gasping out as Suppis hand suddenly went as hard and as fast as he could, working his cock like he was using a Shake-Weight machine.

Kero clenched his eyes shut and let out a long moan as he felt his orgasm boil over as Suppi milked it out of him, his own ropes of thick beast cum splattering over Suppis stomach like someone was flicking cream everywhere.

The two of them moaned through their orgasms as they supported one another, holding each other up as they panted and shook, their cocks calming down as they finished coating each others stomachs.

"Wow....I have to admit, that was ...." Kero began before he was pushed off suddenly and fell back on his ass.

"AAARGH. I HATE THIS PART" Suppi shouted as he suddenly took to the air and looked around the room with a rather feverish look on his face. "BATHROOM. WHERE'S THE BATHROOM. I NEED A TOWEL" He shouted in panic before he flew out of the bedroom rather fast.

Kero barely had time to register hat had happened before something came flying through the door and smacked him in the face. It took him a moment to realise he had been smacked in the face with a hand towel as Suppi landed on the floor in front of him.

"Ew ew ew. I have to get this off me before it congeals. Ugh, its like slime" Suppi panicked as he started to furiously wipe himself down, rubbing his own towel over himself like was using sandpaper.

"It's just cum" Kero said as he sat up and began to wipe himself down. "No need to freak out about it" he said.

"It's your cum. And it's all over me. How pent up are you?" Suppi said as he bent over and rubbed himself over.

"No more then usual" Kero said as he dabbed himself. "Never thought I would have done that with you of all people, but I can't deny that I needed it" he said as he looked over, seeing Suppi bent over.

His eyes were drawn over to Suppi as the feline was bent over, his legs splayed and his tail raised up as he dabbed the towel between his legs. Kero blinked a few times as he noticed that Suppi had a rather nice looking ass.

Suppi always had a little extra chub on him, although it wasn't much noticeable. Despite claiming he was Keros superior, Suppi enjoyed a rather lavish lifestyle with his master, which included indulgent sweets. Something he was always bragging about. And all that extra food had made him a little more chubby, specially down in the legs.

And bent over, his butt was a big more prominent, definitely a nice round bubble fixture. And very inviting.

"An hour ago I was thinking of playing games. Now I've jacked off my lifetime rival and i'm staring at his ass" he thought to himself as he cleaned himself up. "I don't even like Yaoi, at least I think I don't" he thought to himself.

"Was it just me or did Suppi seem a bit....too willing?" he thought as he suddenly looked up. He looked back over at Suppi, who was still bent over with his cute round ass on display and his tail lifted almost like he was presenting himself.

Kero felt a wicked grin spread over his face, and even wickeder thoughts appear in his head.

"Ugh, it always takes forever to clean this off. I should really soak in the tub" Suppi said as he stood up and turned around. "Kero, is there a ....." He blinked a few times as he saw that Kero was staring rather intently at him. "Did I get some on my face or something? Why are you looking at me like that?"

He let out a bit of a squeal mixed with surprise as Kero suddenly launched at him and pinned him up against the wall. Suppi was about to protest the sudden pinning when he saw the look on Keros face.

"You know, I've been alive for hundreds of years" Kero said. "You seem to forget that, a lot. Yet, I've never really been able to enjoy myself fully, since I'm the only one of myself. Yue doesn't count, he's just too uptight to have fun. But you, you're the same as me" Kero said with a grin.

"What are you talking about? We're not the same. I'm better then you" Suppi said as he squirmed a bit as Kero leaned in closer.

"Welll, you're right. We're not completely the same. But, we're close enough" Kero said with a grin. "And we both have similar needs, and we know what we like. So, how about it, Suppi?" he asked with a grin. "Shall we have some fun and take care of our needs?"

"You're not making any ....." Suppi said before he suddenly found Keros mouth planted on his own in a rather forceful kiss. Suppi tried to protest before he felt his legs go weak and his body shuddered as he found himself panting.

Kero closed his eyes as he kissed Suppi, pressing his body close as he rubbed the felines shoulders, helping him ease into it as he parted his lips and licked his tongue against his rivals mouth. Suppi whimpered as he felt that probing tongue against his lips as he opened his mouth and let that invading member in.

They both moaned against each other as Keros tongue slurped around in Suppis mouth, his hands moving down to Suppis hips ash e rubbed and squeezed his body, feeling that warm plush fur against his hands as his tongue did its exploring.

'K...Kero" Suppi moaned as Kero pulled away, the feline had a flushed look on his face as Kero smirked.

"So, how about we start as friends with benefits?" Kero suggested with a grin. "That's how most porn starts off. At least the ones I know of. And then, we can move to the juicier stuff?" he asked. "like sex?"

"S-sex?" Suppi whimpered out softly as he felt his cock harden back to life at the mere word.

"Ugh, do you only look at the pictures in your books? Those stories can be instructional as well you know" Kero said with snigger. "So, lets be beneficial. You take care of me, and I'll take care of you" he said as he took Suppis hand and placed it against his own hard cock.

"T-take care of you? But I did that already" Suppi tried to protest, but it took moment for him to realise that Kero wasn't holding his hand there and that he was gripping Keros cock of his own free will.

"Oh come on, you've read those comics, all those dirty little stories" Kero said with a smirk on his face as he rubbed his soft hand up and down Suppis throbbing length. "And look at that, so hard and eager. Such a dirty, naughty little guardian" he said with a smirk on his face as he saw Suppi blush very visibly.

"I bet you're more of a little pervert then you let on, you lewd guardian you" he teased as he could see how easily Suppi was starting to submit, if he hadn't already begun. "I bet you got all sorts of naughty little ideas in that big head of yours about what we could do" Kero said as he pressed closer. Close enough that their cocks touched and he was able to wrap his hand around both of them at the same time. Not fully around, but enough to make the other guardian whimper and squirm.

"You-you're hard too" Suppi protested as he squirmed, then let out an obviously held up pant that he couldn't stop himself from continuing as Kero stroked them both off at the same time. Kero grinned. He had the bitch.

"I know I am. And so are you. Why don't you tell me what you want, hmm? You want me to keep going?" he asked teasingly as he pressed up against his rival so that their bodies were pushed up together. He could feel Suppies heated breath panting onto him and he could see the flushed look in his eyes from up close now.

"You want me to take care of you?" Kero said with a grin as he saw a very weak but still there nod from Suppi. "Oh no, this won't do. You have to tell me what to do to you, my little Suppi" he said with a grin on his face.

"P-please" Suppi whimpered as he tried to keep what dignity he could, but the arousal and the pleasure he was feeling was making it harder for him to stay in whatever control he had. Keros soft plush hand on his cock, the feeling of his soft fur against his, that beating throbbing leaking cock against his, he was definitely loosing the battle. "Please...s-s-suck me" he whimpered out in a small voice.

"Oh, what was that?" Kero asked with a smirk on his face. "I didn't hear you. Didn't your master Errol teach you to ask nicely?" he said as he took his hand away, getting a disappointed whine from Suppi who failed to stop himself from making. "I can't do anything if you don't tell me what you ....." he wanted to keep going but he was immediately cut off.

"SUCK ME KERO" Suppi practically shouted in his face with a look of desperation on his face. "SUCK MY COCK. MAKE ME CUM IN YOUR MOUTH. I NEED IT BADLY. PLEASE, TAKE OVER AND MAKE ME YOUR DIRTY LITTLE KITTY AND MAKE ME CUM PLEASE" he shouted.

Almost immediately there was a dead silence in the room as Suppis face heated up like a lava lamp as he realised what he had just done and asked. The kind of language he had just used, it was humiliating for a dignified feline like himself to have to lower himself too and use. To his rival, of all things.

"Oh gods, what have I done? He's going to be angry and kick me out now. I've really done it now" Suppi thought to himself as he whimpered in humiliation. "He's never going to play online games with me anymore. I don't want to lose my combat buddy over this" he thought.

"Dirty little kitty huh?"

Suppis eyes went wide as he saw the smirk on Keros face and that Kero had not backed off nor had he even seem turned off by what was said. Hell, if truth be told, he seemed even harder then before.

"Well, I guess I should be a good friend and give you what you want, you dirty kitty" Kero said with a smirk as he slowly knelt down in front of Suppi, coming eye level to the black felines hanging balls and hard dripping cock. "looks tasty. I might just help myself to a little snack" he said as he opened his mouth and took him in.

Suppi immediately whimpered and trembled as he felt a warm wet mouth envelope him for the first time in his life. His hands gripped the wall behind him as he felt Kero hum and purr around his length as he slowly drew his mouth up and down his hard length.

"Hmm, not bad" Kero thought as he closed his eyes and began to suckle. "Kind of like those long lollipops Sakura gets from her friend" he thought as he bobbed his head up and down on Suppis length.

The black feline whimpered and moaned as he felt Kero bob his head up and down a few times, those warm wet lips gliding over his length before they were pulled off softly. He gritted his teeth and sucked in air as he felt that warm tongue lap its way over his cock and down his length. Up and down, up and down, lick-licking like he was a sweet treat.

"This is ...kind of fun' Kero thought as he slurped and lapped, not minding the taste of Suppis pre as it came out in soft spurts, coating his tongue or his cheeks as he worked that hard shaft. "Guess this is why people do this" he thought as he brought his hand up and cupped Supppis hanging balls. "Crap, they're just as big as mine. Can't I beat him anywhere? Oh well, I guess I can settle for him begging for me" he thought wickedly as he continued to slurp.

"Kero" Suppi whimpered as he felt his balls being cupped and his pleasure grew. Even though he had shot off not that long ago, he could feel his arousal grow rather quickly and he felt the need to squirt again. It must have been instinct for him to grab Keros big round ears and pull him forward to slam his whole cock into Keros mouth.

"Wha-the" Kero mumbled around the cock in his mouth as he felt Suppis hips start to work overtime against him as that hard dick was suddenly pistoning into his mouth. He was so surprised and taken aback by this display that he found himself frozen in place, unable to move or do anything as his mouth was repeatedly violated over and over.

"Oh gods...oh gods..." Suppi moaned over and over as his hips humped at Keros face, his black balls smacking gently against Keros chin. The yellow gaurdiens saliva built up in his mouth, creating an audible wet splurching sound as his cheeks were filled with spit and pre from his throbbing cock. It even began to dribble from the corners of Keros mouth as the feline was held in place, his eyes wide in surprise as his mouth was used.

Kero just let the drool and pre leak from his mouth as he felt that hard cock throb against his tongue as it was sawed back and forth, still finding himself frozen in place to do anything to resist. He was only really painfully aware of how hard his own cock was, but he found himself unable to touch it as he stayed still in position. He couldn't really think about his situation as his vision was just black fur in front of him.

"GYARGH" Suppi suddenly shouted out, a somewhat half strangled gargle of a pleasured cry as his hips began to shake and his whole body trembled. Keros eyes went wide as that cock rested on his cock and just started spurting hard. His cheeks grew round and fuller as he felt and tasted that thick load of guardian spunk flood his mouth like someone hand turned a hose on in his mouth.

"K..kero" Suppi whimpered as he held onto Keros ears like they were handles, gripping tightly as he bit his lip and shuddered visibly, feeling his cock spurt several times as he flooded rivals mouth. His legs trembled and went weak in the knees as he couldn't hold himself up after a few moments and ended up falling backwards.

"GAH" Kero gasped out as Suppis cock slid out of his pursed lips, a few errant spurts of cum and saliva spurt out as well before he closed his mouth and began to swallow as best he could, drinking down his overfull mouth. The taste...wasn't that bad, he had to admit to himself as he ran his tongue along his teeth and gums, tasting up the errant globs of spunk that was still in his mouth. He wiped his face with the back of his hand and licked up the mess, finding the taste to be a bit like a malt mikshake.

"Guess that's his favourite snack" he thought to himself as he looked up and saw Supi was sitting on his plush backside and panting, his cock softening and just laying limp between his legs as he panted with his mouth open.

"I...could use a nap now" Suppi said with a smile on his face as he regained his breath.

"Oh hell no" Kero thought as he stood himself up. He looked down and saw that his cock was still hard, leaking a constant stream of pre down from his tip as he moved forward and stood himself in front of Suppi and crossed his arms.

"You're not napping until you repay the favour, you dirty little kitty" Kero said with a smirk as he moved his hips and wobbled his cock in front of Suppis surprised face. "I sucked you off, so it's your turn."

"Uhhhh..." Suppi said in surprise. His first immediate thought was that Kero was probably just as big, if not slightly bigger then his own, and he felt a pang of annoyance that Kero might have actually beat him at something. He just kind of sat there on his butt, his mouth open and staring almost dumbly at it, not entirely sure of what to do.

"Don't just stare at it" Kero said as he reached down and took his cock and lightly smacked it against Suppis cheek. Suppi flushed and winced slightly, but made no effort to move out of the way. "Come on, open your mouth, and take it in, you dirty little pussy bitch" he growled. His cock was hard and he needed relief. It wasn't fair that Suppi got to get off twice and and he didn't.

"I...I'm not a..." Suppi said quietly as Kero smacked his cock across his face a few times, not enough to hurt but enough for him to feel the wet smacks against his cheeks. Kero obviously thought differently as he just shoved his length into Suppis open mouth and stopped him from talking.

He just grabbed Suppis ears in the same manner that his had been grabbed and started to pump. He needed to get off and he needed it no, and he wasn't going to hold back just because his rival might have been a little uneasy about it.

Kero immediately started to pant as he held Suppi in place, letting his balls smack against the felines chin as he plunged into his wet mouth. Whether it was because he was painfully hard and in need of release, or because Suppis mouth just felt that good, Kero didn't care. He needed to blow, and he needed to do it now.

He panted and moaned out, gripping Suppis ears and holding onto them as he pumped his hips back and forth, his cock spurting pre and filling up Suppis cheeks as he kept at it.

"Oh gods, not gonna last. Fuck, this feels so good" Kero grunted out, not above using language like that as he pushed Suppis head down further, practically mashing the guardians face into his crotch, going balls deep as he held him in place. Suppi flailed a little, but grabbed onto Keros thighs and held on for support as he felt that cock squelch into his mouth over and over.

"Nyaargh" Kero cried out as he gripped the back of Suppis head and held him down, keeping him firmly pressed between his legs as his cock started to fire a rather pent up load right into his rivals mouth. Suppis cheeks ballooned out and he hastily started to swallow loudly, the sweet slurping and gulping noise like music to his ears.

"Oh gods... no wonder people get blow jobs....feels better then giving them" he moaned out as he slips out of Suppis full mouth, hearing a small splatter of cum escape from the males panting mouth as he fell backwards, gasping a bit for breath as his cock tingled and balls ached from such a strong release.

"oh man....that was good" he said as he regained his breath and looked over at Suppi, who was still sitting there, head bowed and a few strands of cum drooling from his mouth. "mm, we should really do that again sometime. Maybe wager it on who wins in the next game. Winners gets to ....hey, suppi?" Kero asked.

Suppi wasn't answering back, as he just sat there with his head bowed. For a moment, kero felt a slight panic that maybe he had choked him and knocked him out due to lack of air. Or maybe his rival was in such awe of how big his dick was, that he was unable to process it and function properly.

"Uh..Suppi? You ok?" Kero asked as he slowly crawled over on all fours and gave Suppis forehead a quick tap.


Suppi literally launched into the air, a fist raised in triumph as he literally screamed the word at the top of his lungs, his eyes literally ablaze and mouth wide open in a crazy smile that showed off surprisingly sharp teeth.

"Wha?" Kero said, having been knocked back by Suppis surprisingly loud and slightly hysterical screaming as he felt his body tremble slightly in fear. "Hey...Suppi, are you sure you're ok?" he asked, nervously.

"SWEET. SO SWEET. SO SWEEEEET!" Suppi exclaimed loudly as he landed back on the bed, his eyes wide open and his mouth stretched wide in a crazy smile. "Your seed is so sweet. All those sweets you eat, it made it so SWEEEET" he shouted as he pointed a finger at Kero, almost accusingly as he exclaimed in a rather happy hysteria.

"Umm... Suppi....are .... you....." Kero nervously asked as he felt himself backing up slightly.

"Gotta have more. GOTTA HAVE MORE HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA" Suppi squealed with a rather hysterical and maddening laughter as he gleefully trembled and shook, like his body was slowly charging up with energy. "GIVE ME MORE. GIVE ME MORE NOW" He shouted as he suddenly pounced.

"FUCK" Kero shouted as he quickly jumped out of the way, Suppi hitting the floor with enough force that he slid over the carpet several inches and knocked over a few errant comic books. However, he just jumped back up with that same maddening grin on his face.

"MORE. GIVE ME MORE" He shouted as he quickly took flight and began to bear down on Kero.

"Suppi, calm down" Kero shouted as he took flight as well and tried to fly aay from the now crazed feline, but Suppi seemed to be on a mission to grab him at any cost. Kero, in his current form, wasn't much of an aerial fighter, and it took all he could to dodge Suppi as the black feline tried to tackle him over and over again .

"MORE MORE MORE' Suppi squealed in delight as he turned around in midair and tried to tackle Kero, his arms outstretched and his hands making grabby motions that would have been all the more terrifying if he actually had his claws out. "I NEED SWEET MILK. GIVE IT TO ME" he squealed out over and over again.

"Get away from me you psycho pervert" Kero shouted as he tried to keep dodging as he flew around the room, but whatever sugar high Suppi was riding was strong. However, he did notice that it was starting t slow him down. Maybe he was burning through it quicker then he was realising.

"Just have to dodge till he crashes. Then I can put him in his suitcase and throw him out the window" Kero thought as he dodged again, hearing Suppis crazed laughter fly past his ears as he dodged again and again. "Come on, crash, please crash. Just fall out of the sky already' he thought as he turned over to dodge again.

Then he felt something grab his tail.

"GIVE ME MILK NOW" Suppi shouted as he grabbed Kero tail and swung him around in the air like he was a windmill. Kero cried out in panic as the room suddenly spun around and went into a blur before Suppi let go and Kero was launched towards the bed with an unstoppable force.

"GIMME" Suppi shouted as he torpedoed himself right after the screaming feline. Kero landed in the middle of the bed, creating a dent that made the edges of the bed actually lift up slightly as he sunk down halfway into the mattress. He bounced back up and the bed settled slightly as he still cried out in panic.

Then Suppi hit him and he was slammed back down into the mattress, the whole thing suddenly bending up in half and slamming itself together before folding back down, sending cushions and plush toys flying around as the whole bed shook from the impact and the mattress bounced a few times before it settled.

Kero wasn't sure what was worse. The fact that he could hear Suppi giggling like a madman behind him as he as pinned to the mattress, feeling his hardness against his backside, or the fact that he was rock hard and already dripping.

"I got you now" Suppi grinned as he held Kero down. "I got you right where I want you. I'm gonna get your milk, and you're gonna give it up. I'm gonna drain those balls till you're shooting blanks and you're begging me to stop" he said as he reached down and caressed said balls while he grinned like an evil villain.

"Oh gods' Kero whipmered as he suddenly felt a tight grip on his balls and he suddenly froze up, a shiver running up his entire body as his cock seemed to throb hard from the grab.

"Come on now, don't be scared" Suppi said, a newfound confidence and a dominance entering his voice as he grinned like a Cheshire cat. "Spread those legs for me. Show me that ass like a ....what did you call it? A pussy bitch? A pussy bitch in heat? Isn't that in one of your books?" he growled as he squeezed again.

"Aagh...yes....yes it is" Kero squealed out as he felt the grip on his balls. He felt his body start to obey as he found himself pulling himself up onto all fours, a heat and a blush spreading over his face as he got himself up and spread his legs as wide as he was able, standing up on his knees with his tail raised like he saw them do in the comics.

"Oh, you are a little bitch in heat, aren't you?" Suppi said as he let go of Keros shoulders and slowly moved back, standing behind him as he saw Keros ass sticking out at him, his balls hanging and his cock hard and throbbing, leaking rather heavily. "I think I might forgo sucking you off again. I think I might claim that ass instead and take you like a bitch."

Suppi grabbed Keros supple butt-cheeks and forcibly pried them apart, his eyes lighting up as he saw the now unguarded entrance of his rival. That tight little ring twitched visibly as he looked at it, licking his lips as that tight little vulnerable pink ring of flesh became more tasty looking to him by the minute.

Kero let out a rather high pitched squeal as he felt Suppi plant his face into his butt and then felt that hot, slobbering tongue rather feverishly start to slurp at him. It felt like Suppi as trying to eat him as a dessert as he felt that tongue dance across his ring and drool slobber down onto his balls.

"Oh fuck" Kero whimpered as he bit his lip as Suppis audible slurping reached his ears, hearing the heated slurps and laps, and the felines happy purring. His hole felt like it had an itch on it, a very pleasant, happy itch that sent shock waves through his body of pleasure that made his muscles quiver and his cock spurt thick ropes of pre so hard they reached his chin.

And every hot, slurping messy lick just made that itch worse, made it grow stronger with a bigger desire to be scratched and slurped at to soothe it. But the burning need to have his ass eaten out just grew stronger and Kero found himself submitting to the pleasure without much fight.

He let out another squeal as Suppi seemed to grow impatient and just shoved his tongue in, forcing his wet organ into that tight stretchy ring and started to lick at his insides, plunging his tongue in as deep as it was possible to reach.

"Oh fuck...oh fuck...oh fuck..." Kero whimpered out as he felt himself unable to do anything but just lie there in the breeding position with Suppis face buried in his ass, tongue in his hole and a burning submissive need for that itch to the scratched.

Kero whimpered as he buried his face into the mattress in shame. He wasn't too sure where this sudden submissiveness came from, but it wasn't like he hadn't thought about it. Plenty of times when he had to relieve himself of his urges, his fantasies would change and he would imagine himself in different situations. And sometimes those situations would include him being on the bottom and rutted like a bitch in heat.

He had no desire to reveal this to suppi of all people, but once, home alone, he had watched the nature channel alone at night, where the documentary had been about lions. And their breeding. After watching the dominant alpha lion claim his lioness and rut her over and over, Kero had found himself on all fours, rump high in the air, fingers deep inside him and probing at his button as he stroked himself off to a climax hard enough that his cum spurted and bounced off the carpet under him.

To be the lioness in heat, pinned down and dominated by a big lion, had been a one time fantasy that he had been too ashamed to admit to himself that he had liked. After all, a guardian beast as dignified as himself couldn't possibly be the bitch on the bottom. And yet, here he was, about to have it happen.

And he wanted it.

"Y-yes" Kero said as he lifted his ass up as high as he could and pressed himself forwards into the position of a willing lioness. His arousal was doing the thinking for him as he felt his face grow hot in embarrassment as he wiggled his butt back and forth slowly." Yes. I'm a bitch in heat. I need it Suppi. Please, give me your superior cock. Fuck me like the alpha you are' he whimpered out as he felt his cock throb harder with each word he spoke.

Suppi grinned out as he pulled his tongue out of Keros now spit soaked ring, admiring his handiwork as that tight hole glisten with its saliva lubrication, thick strands of spit having run down his taint and dripping off his hanging balls. It was a good sight, and he was eager to test out just how lubricated it was.

"Oh, i'm going to claim this ass for myself" Suppi giggled as he moved up behind Kero and rubbed his length against his hole, HE was leaking enough that each spurt coated his tight little pucker with a thick layer of pre, making it glisten as he rubbed it back and froth. "You gonna be my little bitch lioness?" he asked evilly.

"Yes...yes please" Kero whimpered as he wagged his tail back and froth, feeling that cock prod against his hole. "Please..t.ake me like a lioness" he whimpered.

"Oh, you're gonna get it now" Suppi said as he pushed forward. There was a little resistance thanks to the feverish tongue work he had put it through. And he pushed forward, feeling that tight ring bend inwards as he gripped his hips and pulled back, a look of determination on his face.

And then he was suddenly in.

Kero let out a gasping cry as he felt Suppis cock suddenly just shove its way into him, feeling his ring stretch out even further then it had before. He felt every long inch of that feline cock push into him, a fullness filling him up that he had never felt before. It was surreal, odd, uncomfortable, pleasurable, and amazing at the same time.

Suppi soon hilted into Kero, feeling his hips press flush with that plush round ass as he rubbed his hands over Keros hips, feeling his soft fur as he felt their balls press against each other.

"Mm,m that's a good lioness. You took my whole cock' he purred in pleasure. He could feel Keros innards squeeze around him like a warm, heated glove as he grabbed those hips like a pair of handles and began to pull out.

"Oh shit" Kero whimpered out as he felt that cock slide out of him, pulling on his ring as he pulled out till just the tip was hovering against his entrance. He bit his bottom lip as Suppi suddenly lurched forward and pushed himself right back in, burying himself to the base.

Suppi didn't speak as he started to work himself in and out of Keros butt, feeling that warm love tunnel grip his dick and squeeze it as he plunged himself back and forth, his hips starting to work as he set up a good rhythm. He was kind of beyond words as he gasped and panted to the intense pleasure surrounding his cock.

Kero moaned as he balled up a bit of the sheet under him and stuffed it into his mouth. He didn't want Suppi to hear his pleasured moans and whimpers as that cock pistoned into him, feeling the smack of this hips against his butt. He also needed something to bite down onto and he didn't trust himself to not bite his fingers off.

The steady slapping of flesh of flesh soon filled their ears as well as the grunts and huffs of pleasure from Suppi, and the muffled whimpers and moans from Kero as Suppi humped above him, his hips smacking hard as they ground back and forth against his rump, the black feline putting all his energy into pinning Kero down with his thrusts.

Keros cock throbbed hard, and Kero let out a muffled squeal as Suppis dick poked something inside him and made his cock suddenly spurt a hard thick jet of pre, his whole body trembling from the intense pleasure of that single jab.

"Huff ....huff...did...i ....make you feel good?" Suppi asked as he heard the squeal, muffled as it was as he keep pumping steadily into him. ""You like being my lioness?" he managed to get out as he kept humping away, his tail flailing behind him.

Kero whimpered into his ball gag as Suppi used the next several thrusts to angle his cock around in his backside, each thrust a good hard firm push to find that secret spot inside of him that made him quiver and shake all over. Using the other felines moans to gauge what he was doing, Suppi managed to find the right angle to start prodding Keros hot-spot with each firm thrust inwards.

"OH GODS YES! ! ! " Kero ripped the makeshift gag out of his mouth as Suppi started to hammer into his ass, each smack of his hips against his butt, each bounce of balls on balls, each firm hard thrust against that special spot inside of him was making him start to see stars in his eyes as his vision blurred and he saw fireworks burning in his vision.

Suppi kept up his thrusting, grunting as his tongue hung from his mouth as he panted, his hips working to drill that sweet spot in his dirty little lioness. Each loud wailing moan of pleasure was rising in tempo as he hunched over Kero, slapping his hips against that plush ass.

"Oh gods, you dirty little bitch.....oh fuck you feel so good" Suppi moaned out as he panted hard, his heart racing as he felt his balls start to boil over as they repeatedly collided with Keros own swinging balls. "Oh fuck...i dont think....oh fuck..not much longer..."

"Oh it...cum in me....cum in your lioness" Kero found himself whimpering out as he didn't stop himself from begging. "Please, do it. Give it to me. Breed MEEEE" He shouted out loud as he pushed back against those firm thrusts, wanting that cock to flood him and spill its load into him.

"Oh gods it comes...get lioness BITCH" Suppi shouted out loud as he slammed himself into Keros backside with a loud and sharp slapping noise, hips smacking against butt as his cock throbbed and his balls boiled over. Suppi let out a high pleasured moaning wail of a climax roar as he erupted, flooding everything he had into Keros ass.

Kero gasped as that hard thrust slammed itself into his button, his face falling into twisted, goofy wide eyed expression as he suddenly started to cum hands free, his painfully hard cock suddenly twitching and spasming left right and centre as it fired spurt after spurt of cum all over the sheets under his spread legs.

Suppi let out several quick, shallow gasps and intakes of air as his orgasm hit him and his balls just emptied out, his cock shooting and spasming in that warm cozy love tunnel as Keros insides were whitewashed. He sent so much cum into the feline below him he could have sworn he flooded him to capacity and beyond.

Both of their bodies seemed to give out at the same time as their legs wobbled, barely having enough strength to stay propped up. Suppi panted as he found himself falling backwards, his cock popping out of Keros hole, letting it gape open as the black feline welcomed his fall. He landed on his back, panting as he stared up at a spinning ceiling.

Kero grunted as he felt that cock pop out of his butt, his legs trembling as he gave up trying to keep himself steady as he just allowed his body to collapse, his hind quarters landing with an oomph on the bed as he regained his breath while he simply lay there and drooled.

The two of them lay on the bed for several moments or maybe it was minutes, neither of them were keeping count. They just laid there, both just gasping and attempting to regain their breath as they managed to recover enough to slowly get up. Kero gingerly reached back and rubbed his divirginised hole, feeling how tender it was and just how much spunk was drooling out of his butt.

" full are you? You gotta be empty by now" Kero said as he slowly stood up on slightyl wobbly legs. He could feel small rivers of spunk running down the back of his thighs as he clenched as hard as he could to keep the rest in him. He swore he could actually hear his stomach slosh.

"I don't know" Suppi said as he got up as well, face flushed as he looked a bit on the drowsy side. "I've never fucked anyone before' he admitted. "It felt amazing though" he said with a smile that slowly grew into a smirk. "You make a good lioness after all."

When he didn't get an immediate answer from Kero, who was trying to steady himself, he smirked.

"What, no comeback? Did I fuck the poor little guardian so good that he can't speak? Guess I can add sex to the list of other things I'm already better at then you" he said with a triumphant chuckle as Kero turned out.

And he promptly stopped talking as he saw that Kero was still plenty hard.

"My turn" Kero demanded with a fiery look in his eyes. Suppi could actually feel himself pale at the sight, and the realisation of just what those two little words meant.

"K-kero, wait a sec" he said as he put his hands up in defence. "I...I'm sorry. I got carried away. I didn't really mean to do all that, I was just so horny, and ....well, you did look soo good bent over and presenting yourself like that...I mean come on, who wouldn't want an ass as fine as yours" he said as he tried to explain himself. "But...but lets not be too hasty about...."

"That's bullshit and you know it" Kero said as he stood his ground. "You're not sorry. You're never sorry, you high and mighty jerk. You weren't sorry when you 'disconnected' right when we were on Deathwings back, and you KNOW I can't do that solo and you got me instakilled. And you're not sorry that you just went and fucked me like that."

" are you suggesting?" Suppi asked as Kero started walking towards him, hard cock swaying between his legs rather openly.

"It's. My. Turn. To. Fuck." Kero said very clearly as he kept walking forward. Suppi backed himself up as he tried to think of a way out of this. He did not want to get fucked by Kero and have his rival lord it over him for the next week.

"Ummm.....I ...I guess you have a right to be angry... Suppi said as he suddenly felt his back press against the wall. " can't be all that angry...if you liked it" he said rather weakly. "I did like it, right?" he asked with a nervous smile.

Keros face suddenly went bright red as he stopped in his tracks and he had the sudden urge to cover his face and hide.

"Ugh, of course I liked it" he said, partly in frustration and partly out of embarrassment. "It was...different...and not what I thought it would feel like, but at the same time it kind of did, and I can't deny that it really was good. And I think I liked it more because you were the one doing it and ....WHAT THE HELL AM I SAYING?" He shouted when he saw the smirking look on Suppis face. "GET OFF YOUR DAMN HIGH HORSE AND TURN AROUND. IT'S YOUR DAMN TURN!"

"Oh, so he liked it after all" Suppi thought to himself with a slight grin. "Maybe if he can like getting bred, I'll enjoy it too" he thought to himself. "Wonder if I'm one of those power bottom things, that's still dominant while being taken. That can give me something to brag about" he thought.

"Alright Kero, I suppose fairs fair" he said with a lighthearted shrug as he turned himself around and pressed himself against the wall. He moved his legs back and spread them apart, lifting up his slender tail as he presented his velvet furred backside to his rival. "Make sure you're prep me first" he reminded him.

Kero found himself smirking as he brought his hand back and landed a firm smack to that plump black ass, causing Suppi to jump and gasp out from the sudden smack. He landed another one to the other cheek, getting Suppi to gasp out again as he saw the cute way those cheeks jiggled from the impact.

"You didn't ask nicely, now did you?" Kero said with a smirk as he felt himself grow back in his confidence and dominance as he positioned himself behind Suppi. "Forgot already? Did hearing me cry like a lioness make you forget who submitted first?" he asked as he grabbed those cheeks and spread them apart.

"Oh come on, really?" Suppi asked as he heard Kero spit on something and he gasped out and arched his back as he felt two fingers suddenly push against his hole and start to rub around. He found his tail rising up high as he pushed his ass back against that rubbing as he felt a whimper leave hi slips.

"Yes, really. You have to ask nicely, my dirty little pussy" Kero said as he gave a firm shove with his hand and sunk his two fingers up to the base inside Suppi, making his rival gasp out and moan as he saw the males cock suddenly spring back up to full hardness. "You have to ask nicely, or I'll stop right now and leave you blue balled" he said with a smirk .

"'d be blue balled t....TOO" Suppi gasped out as those fingers wiggled around inside of him, causing him to tremble.

"Yeah, but I can live with blue balls, knowing you're not getting off" he said with a smirk. "So, beg for it, you dirty little pussy. Tell me what to do to you, to make you moan and squeal like a little bitch" he said with a grin as he pulled his fingers out and then shoved them back in.

Suppi tried to hold back his next moan, but Keros fingers just kept up their probing, expecting him to beg for it. Suppi hung his head in embarrassment and closed his eyes as he submitted rather easily, almost as easily as Kero had, and did what he was told.

" to me what I did to you....rim me out....please....' he whimpered out.

"That's a good little pussy, asking nicely" Kero said as he pulled his fingers out of Suppis hole, letting him get a sigh of relief out before Kero knelt down and spread those soft rump cheeks apart. The view was very tempting, those plump round butt cheeks spread so deliciously open and that tight ring just begging for some attention. So Kero didn't hesitate to bury his face in that ass and start rimming him out.

Kero found himself purring as he pressed his nose under Suppis tail and stuck his tongue out, slurping on that tight little black ring like it was a pretty little chocolate donut. He could feel that ring twitch and spasm against his licks, slurping wetly against it as his hands dug into those thick plump cheeks.

Suppi felt his eyes roll back and his tongue hang out as Kero slurped on him like he was a sweet treat. He had no idea his ring could be that sensitive, nor could he imagine a tongue against it could make him feel soo good. The fingers that had pried into him had felt a little odd, but they had felt good at the same time. And this slurping was making his knees shake a bit.

Imagine what a dick could make him feel like.

"Oh fuck...please, don't tease me" Suppi whimpered as he wiggled his hips back and forth a bit against Keros face. "Please, don't make me wait. Please put it in me. Fuck my ass" he whimpered out.

"Already? That was quick" kero said as he pulled his tongue off Suppis hole and smirked, hearing his rival beg. "Well, since you asked me so nicely, I suppose I can give my dirty little pussy what he wants" he said as he smacked his cock up against that tight ring.

"D-don't tease me" Suppi whimpered as he felt that cock prod against his backside.

"Tease you? Never" Kero said with a smirk as he grabbed Suppi by his hips, feeling his fingers sink into those larger hips of his rival as he lined his cock up with that wet hole. He let out a soft purring noise as he pushed forward, feeling his tip push into that ring and start spreading it open.

Suppi moaned out as he arched his back, feeling his butt get penetrated as Kero pushed himself in. It felt odd at first, a foreign feeling indeed but he started to moan out more as the pleasurable feeling of his ring stretching out. And that full feeling of a cock penetrating his ass and spreading his tunnel wide and filling it up, the pleasure was indescribable.

Kero gave another push and quickly sunk the rest of his cock into that warm snug hole, pressing flush up against Suppis backside as those plush globes spread over his lap and covered up all the available space. He lent forward, purring as he nuzzled his face into the back of Suppis neck and wrapped his arms around his waist, hunched over him and keeping him in place.

"Mmm, you feel good around my cock" he purred as he started to hump him, hunched over and using his hips to pump himself upwards. The soft feeling of Suppis lush back fur rubbing against his front was very pleasurable, holding onto his waist and pulling him down to meet his thrusts.

"Oh gods" Suppi moaned out as he felt Kero hump him, feeling his body start to rock back and forth against those firm thrusts. Keros warm hard cock pumped it way in and out of his hole, stretching him open with every thrust inwards. He found himself panting loudly as his head started to bump against the wall.

Keros hands started to rub around Suppis belly, feeling that soft warmth, the stroking starting to make them both purr from the pleasure, interrupted by soft gasps and moans as the yellow feline humped, using his hips to pump Suppi forward and then pulling him back onto his cock to meet those thrusts.

The soft smacking, plapping sounds of flesh on flesh reached their ears as Keros hips collided with Suppis black rear, making those round soft cheeks jiggle from the impact over and over. Their balls collided as they bounced between their spread legs, jostling around in their furry sacks as they bred.

"Mmm, such a good pussy" Kero murred into Suppis neck, slowly dragging his tongue into his fur as he groomed the side of his neck.

"Oh gods, please don't stop. Fuck me" Suppi moaned out loud as he panted, his head tilted back to expose his neck to Keros grooming as he held onto the wall for support as best he could. Was this how Kero had felt to be fucked, did it feel this good to him?

"Oh, I wont stop" Kero said with grunt as he kissed the side of Suppis neck and then did exactly what he said he wouldn't. He stopped. He kissed Suppis neck again and then very slowly began to pull himself out of his butt.

Suppi let out a gasps as he felt that dick exit his butt, a confused and embarrassed look on his face as he realised his whole was gaping open and very vulnerable, which Kero would probably be able to see with his tail hiked up.

"Come with me" Kero said as he grabbed Suppi by the tail and quickly flew upwards. Suppi let out a soft squeal as he was pulled upwards, then found himself grabbed under his arms and turned around as they both floated in the air. Kero grinned and, using his wings to keep them both up in the air, moved Suppi into position.

Suppi wrapped his arms around Keros neck and held on his legs were wrapped around the other felines waist, feeling his butt get prodded by Kerso still hard cock. He felt Keros hands grab his butt and spread his cheeks apart as he lined his cock back up with his hole.

He let out a loud moan as his butt was penetrated, but he was quickly silenced as Kero pressed his mouth against his and started to kiss him firmly. Suppi felt Kero beat his wings hard and they rose upwards, feeling himself lift up slightly on keros cock before they started to fall down. Then there was another hard beat and the upwards force made him collide rather hard on Keros lap, as he was bounced in mid air.

He whimpered and moaned into Keros mouth as the feline bounced him up and down using his wings to generate the force and movement, Suppi feeling like a love doll in Keros embrace as the two made out while they fucked each other.

Kero pushed his tongue into Suppis mouth and was met with his rivals organ as they started to rather sloppily make out with one another the two moaning into each others mouths as they swapped spit. Kero hung onto Suppis ass, feeling those cheeks bounce and shake with the impact of his upwards thrusts as he buried his cock into that hot tight warm hole.

Suppi whimpered as his own cock was pressed up between them both, rubbing against Keros stomach and chest, leaking trails of pre against his fur as spittle leaked out of their mouths and drooled down between them.

"Mmmph, such a hot piece of ass, you dirty pussy" Kero growled into Suppis mouth. "Mmmph, can't hold on for much longer. Gonna flood that bitch ass" he grunted as he kept it up, starting to flap his wings harder to build up the pace.

"Do it" Suppi moaned out as he felt himself get bounced up and down. That was all he managed to get out as Keros cock started to pound against a sweet spot in his ass that made him shudder and hold onto Kero for dear life. His whole body shook as that rapid pounding became a pleasure overload for him and his cock began to throb hard and angry.

Kero growled as he shoved his tongue back into Supis mouth and started to tongue wrestle with him again as he bounced his rival on his cock as hard as he could, feeling his own pleasure build up as his orgasm was imminent. He bounced suppi up and down several more times before he finally just thrust upwards and let himself go.

Suppi whimpered and his eyes rolled back into his head and he let out a shuddering wail as he felt a sudden rush of heat spurt up into his backside and start filling up his depths. Keros cock just mashed itself against that sweet spot inside of him and he couldn't help himself as his cock started to fire. A thick amount of hot warm spunk seeped into the minuscule space between their bodies and spread out as he shuddered and wailed through his orgasm.

Kero pulled off of Suppis mouth as he felt his wings start to give as he floated them both back down onto the bed, landing on his back with a slight bounce as Suppi fell off of him, both of their bodies a well sticky mess as they fell onto their backs, both panting hard.

"God...d.amn...." Kero panted out as he looked up the ceiling, feeling his body grow heavy with weariness as he was unable to really keep his eyes open.

"" Suppi panted out as well, just as worn out as he laid out on his back, his eyes closing and his body heavy. Cum seeped from his open hole as his stomach gurgled lwedly, not even able to twitch his tail.

"You...loved it....dirty...pussy" Kero managed to get out before he felt himself just pass out.

"You...did ....too....bitch..." Suppi mumbled as he was unable to stay awake any longer and passed out as well beside his rival.

Kero was the first to wake up after a while, rubbing head a bit to the headache he was feeling. He hated sleeping during the day, he always felt overtired after. As he lay there rubbing his head, he felt Suppi wake up beside him.

"Ugh, I feel sore" Suppi said as he groaned in discomfort.

"Yeah, me too" Kero admitted. "Feels like my legs ran a marathon" he added as he didn't feel like getting up just yet. It took a few minutes of silence between them, as they both regained themselves without having to move too much, before Suppi broke the silence.

" since I was planning on staying the night...." he said as Kero turned to look at him. Suppis cheeks were flushed in embarrassment as he was avoiding looking at Kero. "Tomorrow....can we some more?" he asked, almost quietly.

Kero smirked as he couldn't help himself.

"Oh, you mean play some more games? Fine. You owe me for the last time you didn't join me in that death match" he said with a smirk. "I suppose I could take it easy on you and just carry you through the .....

"NOT THOSE TYPE OF GAMES YOU IDIOT" Suppi almost shouted, his face still red in embarrassment and seemed to almost glow after his little outburst. He shrank back and fiddled with his fingers a bit, looking like he wanted to die in shame.

"Suppi, just say it" Kero said as he turned a little and looked at him. "After what we did today, there's no shame between us now. We fucked each other, and we both liked giving and receiving" he pointed out to him. "I don't want to start another argument with you because you're too embarrassed to ask for another go."

Suppi said nothing for a few rather long moments before he moved closer and pressed his head into Keros chest and grabbed the feline around his waist and squeezed him tight.

"I...I want to do it again..with you" He said softly as he again avoided looking at him. "But....I'll...I'll understand if you don't want too...since you don't like me that much..." he added. "I just...have a hard time being nice...cause I think you enjoy fighting with me all the time."

Kero had never even thought that Suppi would speak to him like this, or even admit something like that. Was that why Suppi was always a jerk to him? Because he just wanted to be friends, but thought Kero only liked fighting with him? Suppi was a complicated little thing indeed. But, then again, Kero had to admit to himself that he hadn't exactly done much about it himself to make things better.

"I would love to do this again with you" Kero said as he lent down and nuzzled his nose between Suppis ears and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him against his sweat damped fur. "And I hope you mean that, cause I want to do this a lot. And tomorrow, we've got all day to fill with with your sweet, little moans" he chuckled.

"And yours" Suppi said with a light smirk in his voice as he felt himself purring to the nuzzling from above. "You make sweet sounds, almost as sweet as your cum" he said, feeling himself blush.

"If you think my cum is sweet now, maybe I ought to go natural and plug your muzzle with my big hard throbbing beast cock" Kero said with a grin of his own. Suppi let out a bit of a whimper as he imagined the two of them as their big winged beastly forms, going at it like a pair of wild lions. He could actually feel himself get a little aroused at the thought of submitting to such a big powerful lion.

"Only if submit to me as well, you naughty thing" Suppi said with a grin, as Kero shivered a bit at the thought of presenting himself to a big studly panther with a cock ready to put him in his place.

"We'll take turns, like good friends" Kero said with a grin as he kissed the top of Suppis head as he held his rival close.


"Do we have to do it right now?"

"Yes, and you're helping me. You started it, so you're helping."

"Me? You're the one that was practically all over me from the beginning."

"You're the who cheated on that game and got me riled up."

"You're just jealous of my awesomeness."

"Like hell I am."

It ended up being a long afternoon, for many reasons.

The end.

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