DRS Character Biographies

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#9 of Digital Rescue Squad

Digital Rescue Squad Character Profiles

By Kendo Kawabata

Base Defender - Blackwargreymon - Mega Level - Virus - Called BW Serious and intimidating, although he cannoy speak. Communicates mostly through nods and gestures with his hand. (Thumbs up means yes, thumbs down means no, middle finger self explanatory.) Although he will kill without hesitation to protect the base, he has a kind and considerate soul underneath. His armour is in a permanent state of damage, although at this stage its unknown why. Does not usually engage in sexual activities with the others, so mostly unknown at this stage what his type is. Cock size is sixteen inches. Cum looks like thick black ink, and doesn't clean off easily. Main attacks - Terra Destroyer - summons a huge dark red energy ball to destroy a wide area. Black Tornado - Spins rapidly, becoming a directed tornado attack while slashing his bladed claws.

Base Leader - Banchouleomon - Mega Level - Vaccine - Called Banchou Tough but also fair, he cares deeply for his subordinates as much as he cares deeply for taking down digimon that have gone rogue. Considerate, but failur is not an option to him. As with all Banchou types, once he sets his mind on delivering justice, nothing will stop him, so it's best to stay out of his way. Is a dominate top in the bedroom, but versatile with positions. Has a foot fetish, specifically for paws, the softer and fluffier the better. Cock is fourteen inchees long. His cum is thick and creamy, almost like liquid vanilla ice cream. Main attacks - Flashy Banchou Punch - Summons a roaring energy lion head after punching towards his vicim. Kings Slashing Sword - Uses his blade to slash at his enemy, slicing through anything in its path.

Team Trainer - Vajramon - Ultimate Level - Vaccine - Called Vaj. A drill seargent type of digimon, he is tough and demanding, but not a sadist. He pushes his students to their limits, as he hates cowardice in the face of a fight. And he hates disapointment. He has a Lopunny plush in his bedroom that he sleeps with at night, its common knowldege among the base, but something no-one will survive to joke about. Has the biggest cock in the whole base, but will not engage in sex as no-one can handle him without being seriously hurt. Uses a typcial equine mounting frame and a custom made fleshlight to get himself off. Cock is twenty inches long, and is able to cum in hard jets that can hurt a lot. Cum is earthy brown and feels like warm mud. Main attacks - Deva Blade - Crosses his huge blades before him and fires an energy beam at his opponents. Terra Blade - Plants both his blades in the ground and creates fissures that run towards his oppenents and erupt underneath them.

Tech Master - Datamon - Ultimate Level - Virus - Called Data The smarest in the whole group, and talks fast, usually without taking a breath. And can talk, a lot. usually the number one cause of headaches around the place. Has helped create all the equipement in the DRS, including the data transfer network and communication bracelets. Sometimes displays a mixture of OCD and Autism. and will often speak to himself when discussing or observing things. He is capable of having sex, but often decides not to. Seeing it as more of a distraction then anything. Cock is eight inches long, big for his body. Cum resembles liquid metal, and his orgasm can shock whoever he is with. Main attacks - Plug Bomb - Sends multiple miniature but high powered rockets from his fingers, shaped like little piranhas. Nano Crash - Sends one big piranha that bursts on impact into a cloud of nanites that start destroying the target by breaking it down.

Nurse - Lillymon - Ultimate Level - Data Type - Called Lilly. Kind and considerate, she will always put her work first, even before herself. She does come across as too kind for her own good, but if she has to fight, she will do it effectively, thanks to her knowledge of the digital body. She can be seductive and isn't afraid to turn on the charm, specially with her seductive eyes. As with most females, she has both sets, and enjoys being the one on top. Her cock is twelce inches long, and has the texture of a plant vine. her cum is green, and her juices smell like strawberries. Main Attacks - FLower Cannon - Her hands form a glowing sphere and shoots a huge ball of burning solar energy at her opponent. Floral Wreath - uses a flowered vine like a whip to tie up her opponents. has a chance to make them obey her.

Tactics - Anubismon - Mega Level - Vaccine - Called Anub. Cool headed, calm and rational, Anub plans most of the attacks for missions. He is also the squads therapist, able to listen to their problems and assist them without judging them. Anub also enjoys, hoping its secret, but everyone knows it, submission and humiliation in the bedroom. Although there are very few he trusts this with. And listening to others talk about their various sexcapades down get him hot under the collar, and has been known to hypnotise them to help him out. His cock is twelve inches long, and black. His cum is quite hot and resembles liquid gold, although it doesn't burn. Main Attacks - Ammits Light - Creates a beam of golden sunlight that fires from the heavens to blast his opponent. Pyramid of Giza - Channels sacred light and symbols to create pyramid cage that no digimon can get out of without his permission.

Communications - Shoutmon - Rookie Level - Data - Called Shout Data is a living jukebox, knowing every song lyric to every song ever made. And constantly sings them. even when on duty. Although he hates mainstream music. He can be argumentative at times. Being a dragon and enthusiastic, he can be rough and quick in the bedroom, whether bottoming or topping, he likes to ride hard and ride fast. And he has the stamina to outlast most people. He has two cocks, both eight inches long and red. Both can cum independently from each other, and his cum is bright red and spicy, like salsa. Main attacks - Rock and Roller - Uses his mic stand as a hammer, smashing into opponents as if he was breaking boulders. Spotlight Solo - Uses his mic to amplify the burning emotions hidden within his favorite songs to send out an energy wave at his opponents.

Team Leader - Aquarismon - Champion Level - Free - Called Aqua She thinks of the mission first, and can be a bit prudish, often getting exasperated when everyone else indulges in sex. She is always training in her spare time, only stopping to relax and sleep. Before the attack by Kuzuhamon ,she was a virgin, and was all female. however, she was altered to have a cock as well. Furious at first, she got over it and put it behind her, focusing on the task at hand instead of what's in her hand. Her cock is ten inches long, and her cum is a soft pearly blue. Her juices smell like fragrant bubble bath liquid. She considers herself a switch, but prefers being in charge. Main attacks - Bubble Blast - Fires a blizzard of bubbles at her opponent, able to cover a wide area, or attack like a hose stream. Water Rocket - Surrounds herself with a dense sphere of water and launches herself at her opponent, hitting them with the force of a wave.

Active Team Roster - Renamon - Rookie Level - Data - Called Ren Ren is laid back, casual and soft spoken, taking most things in his stride. he has a good grip on his emotions. Looks more like a femboy, even when wearing his adventuring leather straps. Uses various gadgets while on missions, and specializes in infiltration and covert operations. does not joke around when the situation turns serious. Considers himself versatile and doesn't enjoy topping or bottoming more then the other. Often, somehow, ends up being taken by Pan, or enslaved by BB. Cock is nine inches, and is slow to knot when dominating. doesn't knot when submitting. Cum is a soft green and smell like a forest. Main Attacks - Diamond Storm - Summons an arc of diamond shards that fly like darts at his opponents, able to attack one or multiple targets. Diamond Ring - Summons an energy ring that wraps around a single opponent and hardens into a diamond to trap them.

Panjyamon - Ultimate Level - Vaccine - Called Pan. The son of Banchouleomon, Pan takes after his father by being stoic, calm and in pursuit of justice. Although he has a more kinder and softer approach, he can still be firm. He is happy to follow orders and be part of the team, not quite ready to be a leader yet. Pan one day hopes to be a banchou like his father, but the intensive training that he has to endure to reach those levels is not something he will shie away from, he's just not looking forward to it. Pan is versatile, although he likes to bottom more. And somehow seems to end up with Ren in various situations. His cock is 12 inches long, and his cum is very cold, acting like melting wax and freezing on contact with whatever it touches. Main Attacks - Fist of the Frozen King - Summons an ice energy roaring lions head that flies at his opponents and freezes them from the inside out, or knocks them back. Cold Rip Slash - Slashes enemies with his sword, sending a frozen shock wave to them that can cut through them.

Gaomon - Rookie Level - Data - Called Gao Loyal, serious and stoic. He is a small talker, and doesn't really joke around. He speaks seriously about everything, and usually matter of factly. it takes something very unusual or unique to make him laugh. He meditates, a lot. and has the ability to turn his mind off, or move it elsewhere, to avoid feeling anything that's going on. particularly useful for if he's captured by the enemy or if he's in a painful situation. He's a snuggler. He's a bottom through and through, and likes affection more then anything. Likes to be used like a sexual teddy bear in the bedroom, and doesn't mind the odd bit of rope being used. His cock is nine inches long and has a double knot, which he uses like a pair of anal beads, the top knot smaller then the bottom knot. His cum is a pale white, almost grey color and has a sedative element to it to help relax those who come into contact with it. Main attacks - Double Back Hand - He holds his fists out and spins around like a dreidal, knocking back opponents and sending them flying with spinning punches. Gao Rush - He rushes through his opponent, turning into spirit energy on contact to damage through them and come out on the other side.

Butterflamon - Rookie Level - Vaccine - Called BB BB is a fun loving fighter, who enjoys pummeling enemies as much as she loves seducing them. She will put business first and pleasure second, although the line can be blurred at times. A self confessed sex addict and nympho, and very flirty, she enjoys her sex and will seek it out when she can. either taking it willingly, or taking it by force. although almost all taken by force end up enjoying it so much they hardly complain. She is a natural born herm, born with both sets. Her cock is ten inches and spurts honey flavored seed that's very sticky, and so do her juices. and they are very sweet and sugary too. Main attacks - Honey Wave - uses her wings to blast multiple huge strands of sticky honey that splatter onto her opponents and glue them in place. Sweet Pheromone - hits a wave of thick pheromone goop onto her enemies or targets that fog their mind and induces a heavy lusty state on them, making them very susceptible to sex.

Liomon - Rookie Level - Vaccine - Called Lio Consider a toddler on Red Bull. Happy and playful, Lio runs around like he just drank a case of 5 hour energy shots and they haven't worn off. Also easily distractable with a laser pointer or any shiny object, or a closed container. Naturally curious. Considers missions fun and fighting a happy hobby. Often considers them a game he can fight and beat. Unusually very hardy, able to survive getting routinely beaten up, or kicked into a wall. Cock is six inches long and softly barbed. His cum is bubblegum pink and tastes and smells like cotton candy. Main attacks - Leo Claw - Slashes at his enemies with his razor sharp claws, able to slice through metal like a hot knife through butter. Cute Roar - Lets out a surprisingly loud and feral roar that has the power to knock back opponents and sends them flying.

New Recruits - Flamedramon - Champion Level - Free - Named Flame Unable to recall his armor at all, he's mostly naked all the time. Heavily amnesiac and unable to remember anything before his time before the cult of Ebemon, he has little to no self confidence and is a bundle of twigs most of the time. He is a very kind and gentle person though, unwilling to make a fuss about anything in case it annoys people. Keeps wondering who he is and where he comes from, and what his recurring dreams could possibly mean. He has twin cocks, both ebony coloured and pointed and ridged. They both cum at the same time, and his cum is a heated red color and very warm to the touch, although it doesn't sear. Main attacks - Flame Barrage - Summons a barrage of fireballs from his gauntlets that explode on impact in a wide area. Fire Rocket - summons a cone of fire around his body and hurls himself at his enemies to explode in a fiery blast.

Guilmon - Rookie Level - Virus - Called Guil. Becomes BLackGuilmon, renamed BG. Later decides to become B-Guil. A digimon that Flame helped to rescue from the cult of Ebemon, and ended up forming a bond between each other. B-Guil is very loyal to Flame, and Flame to him as well. B-Guil is very childish, and can come across as adorably annoying. He says what's on his mind rather bluntly, and can be a bit simple at times. But he is lovable and means no harm, becoming rather upset if he realizes that he actually hurt someones feelings. He has a thirteen inch dark red cock. And he's a heavy cummer, thick and goopy like congealed tomato soup. Main Attacks - Rock Smasher - Slashes his claws at the enemy, hitting them and breaking the ground under them, blasting them with small rocks. Wolkenapalm - Emits a burst of dense fiery flames from his mouth and sprays his enemies with it.

BLackGabumon - Rookie Level - Virus - Called B-Gabu New to the group, he's rather shy and nervous, often bashful. Also a bit of a worried, but he's also determined. Cares about everyone else and wants to look out for them. He's a fast learner and eager to prove himself, wanting to get back to his ultimate level that was partly destroyed thanks to the actions of the Cult of Ebemon. He's a bit of a power bottom, thanks in part to having a larger then normal rear end. It takes a good while for him to climax, and he likes ot bounce as hard as he can to make his partner climax till they are drained dry. His cock is eight inches long, and his cum is a mixture of blue and white, and tends to freeze like sludge on contact. Main attacks - Little Horn - His horn glows blue and he rushes the target, hitting them hard and knocking them back. Black Blaster - sends a spray of black ice cold fire from his mouth that freezes enemies on contact.

Strabimon - Rookie Level - Vaccine - Called Strabi Seen as both a douche, a jerk and an asshole, he's rather selfish and irritable. Constantly making arguments with other people and having a superiority complex, he's antisocial to the point that he openly admits to hating being around people. Although his boasting abilities are backed up with the fact that he's a very capable fighter. He's very skilled and thorough when it comes to fighting enemies, although he still prefers doing it himself. Strabi has a ten inch cock that is pierced with multiple silver bars. His cum is grey and very watery. Main Attacks - Light Claws - A rapid series of strikes that attack the enemy or enemies with a barrage of slashes from his sharp bladed claws. Light Beam - Crosses his claws together and sends multiple sharp energy blades at his opponent.

Raramon - Rookie Level - Data - Called Rara Putting on a brave face is what she does on a daily basis. She's easily frightened and can be pretty emotional at times, often ending up in tears if her feelings are too hurt. But, she is a sweet girl and will fight if she's backed into a corner. In the bedroom she prefers a more loving approach, not really wiling to have one night stands or just a hump and leave. She's willing to serve her partner, as long as they serve her in turn. She's fully female, one of the few without a cock. She's naturally tight, and being a water type, naturally lubed up. her juices taste like blueberries, and often people want more of them. Main attacks - Aqua Needle - Summons several globes of water that thin out into spikes to attack her opponents and pin them in place. Rain Stream - summons a rainstorm that pelts the area with rain that saps their strength and knocks them down.

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