Oath to Order 3

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#8 of Digital Rescue Squad

Oath to Order 3

#8 of Digital Rescue Squad

By Kendo Kawabata

"About time you made it" Banchou said without turning around from his position at the edge of the Sandsea gorge. The big bara lion had taken up position by one of the many sand-falls, perched on a rock and looking down into the gorge with a pair of binoculars.

"We've been walking nonstop for days" Gao said as he dropped two bags of equipment on the ground as everyone else walked up behind him. The group of digimon did not look very happy and they all look rather weary and worn out.

"Then you should have gotten here sooner if you were walking nonstop" Banchou pointed out as he continued his observations. Gao and Shout rolled their eyes at him, safely from behind his back. Although he gave a grunt as if he knew they did that.

The other digimon groaned as they set their packs down and collapsed onto their butts with relief as they all in turn rubbed their aching feet. Three days of, almost, non stop walking and sleeping in sleeping bags, no tents, and limited supplies had not been, in their opinion, all that fun.

"So, how long have you been here then?" Shout asked as he dropped to his butt and began rubbing his feet as well.

"Two days" Banchou said with a shrug as he continued to look through. "I didn't sleep and I didn't stop walking till I got here" he added, before Shout could open his mouth and object to that. He wisely kept his mouth shut, which was a first.

"What's the situation down there?" Gao asked as he rubbed his sore feet.

"I can't see any of our members down there, but the place is crawling with digimon" Banchou said as he removed his binoculars. "They are all either naked or dressed in some kind of lewd looking gear that shouldn't be appropriate. She must have gotten access to some of that fan art that humans do" he added.

"That stuff makes me shudder in ways I didn't think possible" Shout admitted.

"How many are down there?" Gao asked.

"I'm thinking the whole population. Or near enough" Banchou said. "They've been arriving in large groups, and the castle seems to be expanding with each group that came in. It's grown at least another wing since I've been here."

"There's a castle down there? and it's growing?" Shout asked as he took the binoculars and took a look. Although he didn't need to use them to actually see the castle, since it was already huge enough.

It didn't look like one castle anymore, it looked like three had been lined up and connected like a puzzle next to each other. The gorge was indeed huge, but the castle was filling up almost a third of the area by now, and it possibly was slowly growing bigger. Shout was sure that that tower wasn't there when he swept his gaze around again.

"Damn" was all Shout could say in surprise. "No wonder our system thought something huge had happened. I thought it was just cause we reached our data cap again."

"So, Kuzuhamon has the whole island down there in a giant castle?" B-Gabu asked as he rubbed his aching ankles with a sigh. "is such a thing possible?"

"That would be my guess, and yes. It looks like it is possible. And if she does have our members down there, they're probably still inside" Banchou said simply as he stood up and walked over to the group. "So, I'm guessing Data came up with a plan?" he asked, seeing the equipment bags that they had brought.

"Rara and B-Gabu are going to provide cover fire up here" Gao said as he stood up. "B-Gabu has a gun that can fire neutralizing agents to knock the collars offline on whoever it hits, although it won't be for long. He thinks five minutes at best or so" he said. "So they should remove the collars as soon as possible to avoid getting captured again."

"That seems reasonable. anything else?" he asked.

"My gun....he said it works if we free Lio" Rara said quietly. Banchou looked over at her and she couldn't help but tremble from the intimidating lion looking at her. However, Banchou merely nodded at what she said and didn't question it further.

"Also, we have this" Gao said as he unzipped one of the bags and pulled out what looked like a metal cylinder. With a twist of each end it twisted open in the middle and a section of lights and beeping things appeared.

"This is a jammer. he said if we activate it and get it close to the castle, then it should stop the collars from coming towards us" Gao said. "in theory" he added.

"When did he explain that? We were all there and we didn't hear him tell you that" Strabi pointed out with a rather accusing glare at Gao. The blue wolf just shrugged off the glare as if it meant nothing.

"He hadn't had it working when he sent us off. He had to use up some of the conserved energy to send it to us after rewiring some of the modems" Gao explained. "We won't be able to get access to the cable for a few good months. The set top box fried during the transit."

"Dammit, now I wont know who won the model competition" Shout said in disappointment.

"If you mean that Americas next top thing, we're better off without it. I still can't understand how that series keeps getting renewed" Gao said with an annoyed frown.

"Yeah, like Hells Kitchen is any better."

"That's enough of that" Banchou said with a firm look and the two stopped their minor bickering. "Even if it works in theory, theory is the first step towards action" Banchou said with a nod. "And right now, it's the only step we have. We don't have much else to go on."

"We also have parachutes to help us get down there. Apparently an aerial assault is not something they'll expect from us" Gao added as he unpacked several parachute packs from one of the equipment bags. "Data packed everything and gave us more detailed instructions that he couldn't give us in the departure speech" he said as he hauled out a book the size of an oxford dictionary.

"Is that the reading material you brought along?" Rara asked him.

"These are the instructions" Gao said with a grunt as he dropped the book on the ground with a dull thud. "He doesn't explain anything in lay-mans terms. Ever."

"So, what are the rest of us going to do?" Shout asked as he walked away from the cliff edge.

"You are going to digivolve and make an entrance" Banchou said as he easily picked up the big book and flipped through it fast enough that the pages not only looked like a blur, but he was able to get the gist of it. The pictures helped. "Then, while Rara and B-Gabu provide cover fire, we're going to go down there and tear the place up" Banchou said simply with a serious look on his face.

"We are?" Strabi asked, looking up with glee in his eyes.

"Yes. You will be fighting along with us" Banchou said simply.

"AWESOME" Strabi said with a victory punch up into the air and a happy grin on his face. However, his happy demeanor didn't look too happy for long as his happiness drained under an incredibly disapproving look from Banchou.

"What, exactly, about this, says this is a game?" he asked slowly. Strabi almost wilted under the lions heavy glare and he found himself unable to really speak back.

"There is an island of digimon down there, being held captive and presumably being violated in ways we shouldn't be allowed to imagine. If we don't save them, this this island falls to them. And there is no stopping them from heading anywhere else. So, I have to ask, what part of this makes you believe we're playing a game here?" he demanded.

Strabi was unable to answer back, the tough looking cat not looking quite so tough anymore.

"I didn't think so" Banchou said with a firm glare of his eyes as he slid the tig in his mouth and from one side of his mouth to the other before he looked at the others.

"Thirty minutes. Then we move" he said as he walked back to his rock and sat back on it, taking up his binoculars again.

"You heard him. Thirty minutes is all we get" Shout said as he sat back down and laid out on his back, looking up at the sky with his hands behind his head. Gao sat down and crossed his legs as he slipped rather easily into his meditation.

Both Rara and B-Gabu tried very hard not to show their pleasure at Strabi getting a talking to like that, although they secretly enjoyed the fact that he was currently sulking. They had both been getting sick of his superior attitude.

It was perhaps the longest thirty minutes they had to endure, as the time just seemed to drag by. Although most of them weren't showing it, they were all nervous on the inside. They were literally all they had left of the Digital Rescue Squad. And the only ones that could end up stopping her. This was going to be one long thirty minutes.


Kuzuhamon opened the doors to her private bathroom with a wide grin on her face, the ornate glass wired doors opening slowly as she walked into the very spacious room. Like the rest of her castle, it was completely tailored to her personal desires, and the room was no less twisted to suit her.

The room was laid out with a single short walk forward, benches and shelving covered in fluffy pink and purple towels and bathrobes hanging up. The bath itself was wide enough to be a pool on its own, lining flush up with the walls. It was a perfect white shade of porcelain, lined with gilded edges.

Lining the outer walls of the pool bath, were multiple alcoves made of carved stone and lit with pale blue glowing shards of crystal. And inside each of those alcoves was a captive digimon.

They were all strung up, shackled by their wrists and ankles and bound with leather straps that ran across their bodies, muzzles clamped shut and blindfolds across their eyes. They were all male digimon, and all were hard in their bindings. All of their hard cocks were contained in a clear plastic casing, with a long rubber tube linking their encased cocks to a large circular disk in the middle of the domed ceiling above the huge bathtub.

Kuzuhamon smirked under her helmet, her painted red lips curling up on the right side of her mouth as she walked across the thickly carpeted floor to the edge of the tub. The bound digimon were all silent and made no noise or movement as their mistress sat herself at the edge of the tub.

Humming slightly to herself, she lent over and ran her finger slowly over a pair of inlaid silver buttons against the side of the tub, which did not look unlike a pair of miniature boobs. She ran her finger over one slowly, before pressing down.

Almost immediately the digimon bound in the alcoves started writhing and moaning into their gags as their hard cocks were suddenly worked over by the milking tubes secured around their hard shafts. The rubber tubing began bouncing in the air like long dancing snakes as the digimons hard cocks bounced from the hard stimulation.

Kuzuhamon paid them no mind as she began to undo the clips on her boots and pulled her feet from them, setting her boots aside as she stood up to remove her armor. She hummed to herself as the digimon behind her were ignored, as she removed her gear piece by piece.

She revealed the wide round hips and generous breasts that adorned her body, a rear that was heart shaped as she bent over. A rear that had seen many a tongue and cock from that morning alone, and would continue to see more before the day was done. Breasts that were large and full, the kind that had seen many a pair of lips wrapped around her nipples and had seen many a face buried between them.

Her body was built for pleasure, to both give it and take it. And every part of her was able to bring that pleasure to whoever she wanted. Each movement she made, made her breasts and ass jiggle slightly, giving enough bounce to make digimon stare and grow hard.

Several of the digimon behind her started thrashing against their bounds as they suddenly climaxed from the hard working machine that worked their cocks. The plastic casings suddenly flooded with thick jets of colored cum that traveled up the tubing like a hose had been turned on.

The collected cum traveled up the tubes to the circular disc at the top, before it started pouring over the edge like a small waterfall of colors. As more digimon began to cum from their forced climaxes and the tubes lit up like carnival lights, the flood of colored cum grew larger and more powerful as it cascaded into the bath and began to fill it.

Kuzuhamon had altered those captive digimon just enough to make their orgasms become a constant spurting, lasting up to thirty minutes. The bath would be well full by then, and she would have plenty of time to enjoy herself in their offerings.

She reached up with her black nailed fingers and slowly removed her helmet from her head, her black hair flowing more freely now that it was no longer tied back. Her face was mysteriously beautiful, with skin like porcelain and her features almost perfectly symmetrical. Her eyes were large and gently slanted upwards at the end corners, slanting up gently with her face. They were a deep amethyst color, with lashes that could charm anyone.

Kuzuhamon was a thing of beauty. And she knew it.

She brushed her long hair past her shoulders as she sat on the end of the tub and swung her long legs over, dipping her feet into the growing collection of multicolored cum. She slowly walked forward, the liquid reaching up to her ankles as she brought her arms up above herself and slipped herself into the outpouring of rushing seeds.

She would enjoy the shower until they had nothing left to shoot, by then the bath would be full of hot liquid male cream, and she would rest in it, listening to the echoing moans of the males around her as she lost herself in the end product of her slaves pleasure.

Milk was good for your skin. And male milk, was the best milk. She would take her time to enjoy it as she felt that rush of cum wash over her body as she arched her back to the hot cascade as it ran down her body like melting wax, coating her curves and dripping down her limbs as she sighed in her pleasure, amongst the moans and groans of the forced pleasure around her.


"Times up" Banchou said suddenly, knocking the group from their rest. He didn't tell them, but he had let them rest for longer then the planned thirty minutes, because he knew they would have needed more time. He let them nap as they had all ended up passing out gently from their exhausted trips, but he didn't let them full on sleep. They still had work to do.

It was slightly comical for them all to suddenly jump up and panic a little as they scrambled to get up and get themselves in order. Well, the newer ones did. Gao just opened his eyes and stood up without comment, while Shout picked himself up off his back and leapt up to his feet in a skill that made many jealous.

"If everyone is well rested, we can take our places and begin" Banchou said as he got them to gather around him. "Remember to stay calm. To think about what you are doing. And to watch each others backs. We need to free our friends and push back against this horde, to give us enough time to get inside and find some way to disrupt the collars. And in the event that we do fail, we don't make it easy for them to win" he said firmly. "Do your best out there. That's all any of us can do."

"Shout, you know what to do" Banchou said as he looked down at the little red dragon. "Go down there and put a show. Warm up the audience for us" he said, pointing over to the top of the sand-fall. Shouts face broke out into a big overjoyed smile as he looked like he was gonna explode in happiness. He was literally twitching with energy as he looked like he was gonna just go run off the cliff.

Shout then pushed a few buttons on his bracelet and it glowed brightly, letting out the same colored glow as the internal data of digimon, and the interface suddenly rose up like a small pillar. With a big smile he gave the interface of his bracelet a whack with his palm.

"Digivolution Executed : Level : Champion" said a voice from the bracelet, just as Shout was enveloped in a bright white light that was almost bright enough to hurt the vision of those around him. Most of them brought their hands up to cover their eyes, although Banchou didn't flinch.

"Shoutmon, digivolve to.................. StageShoutmon"

The bright light vanished as Shouts Champion level was revealed to the group. The dragon had grown taller and thinner, while still retaining his pointed head and bright red and white colouring on his body. Although his face was covered in white face paint, with a big black star covering his right eye and most of the right side of his face. And a black mow-hawk that stuck out over his head like a blade.

He also had on black leather pants and heavy leather boots that swung with chains on the sides, a big heavy belt wrapped around his slender waist.

A sleeveless leather vest covered his slender torso, with a large furry collar and big white spikes on his shoulders. Fingerless gloves were on his hands that reached up to his elbows, each studded out on the knuckles to look like lethal weapons.

To top off the look, was a huge microphone in his hand that resembled more of a heavy mace then an actual instrument to speak into. He tossed it into the air and caught it as it spun back down towards him, almost as if it weighed nothing to him.

"AWWW YEAH" Shout said happily as he struck a pose, holding his fingers out in the V shape as an explosion of smoke and brightly colored confetti occurred behind him.

Several long seconds passed as the whole group just stared at him, the newer members of the group looking at him in shock and surprise, while Gao and Banchou just looked bored. They had seen this display countless times before, and this was no different then all the other times he had done it.

"Are you planning on just standing there?" Banchou asked flatly as he crossed his arms over his thick pectorals and chewed his twig from one side of his mouth to the other. A large sweat-drop appeared on the side of Shouts face and he gave a bashful grin on his face.

"Uh.....right" Shout said as his cheeks suddenly glowed red in embarrassment, even through the makeup. "I should um...probably get to it right?" he asked.

"How much time do you have?" Banchou asked flatly. Shout quickly looked at his bracket, where the screen had turned into a timer that was slowly and steadily ticking down.

"Twelve minutes, forty two seconds, wow. Data must have been off on his calculations" Shout said with a grin on his face. "Right, I'm off then. Gonna put on one hell of a show" he said as he grabbed one of the backpacks from the bag of equipment that they had brought and quickly strapped it on, before he ran to the edge of the cliff and jumped off over the sand waterfall. The others watched him jump off before they went to the edge of the sand-fall to watch.

Gao picked up the disrupt-er tube that Data had sent them and twisted it a few times, the tube suddenly flickering with multiple lights to show that it was working. Once he was it was on and fully transmitting, he strapped it to his belt keep it in place.

Shout fell for about three seconds before he pulled a cord on the backpack and the pack burst open, a huge parachute immediately deploying as he bounced back and hung in the air as he started to float down to the castle below.

"ARE YOU READY TO MAKE SOME NOISE?" Shout shouted into the macerophone, and the group up above winced as they could hear the power from his voice and almost see the vibrations in the air when he spoke.

"This is why we don't let him do Karaoke" Banchou muttered to himself as he dug a finger into his ear.

Below, the digimon in the courtyard of the castle heard the disturbance and looked up, stopping their duties in mid movement. They had been told to keep a lookout if anything unusual happened, and in their brainwashed minds, this counted as they saw the StageShoutmon circling above.

Kuzuhamon had by now returned to her room, fully refreshed and slightly glistening from her perverted bathtime. It had put her in a very good mood as she stood in the middle of her room, getting Flame to shine her armor before putting it back on her body as she had Aqua behind her, brushing her long black hair.

"You two did hear that, right?" Kuzuhamon asked as she looked from one to the other before she slipped her helmet back on her head and strode across the room, leaving the two behind as she walked out onto her balcony courtyard. Even though she was half dressed, she didn't care. Not like they hadn't seen her tits out before.

"What in the digital hell is that?" she said in annoyance as she gazed down at her still servants down in the courtyard. She noticed they were all looking upwards so she turned her attention that way, and snarled. She saw the StageShoutmon circling above with a parachute, giving her a wide grin and a rude gesture with his free hand. She quickly realized what was going on and her blood boiled as she clenched her fists in anger.

"Get him" she said under her breath as she made her staff appear in her hands and the rest of her armor appeared over her, creating a pale purple cloud for a brief moment as they appeared out of thin air, and she pointed the end of her staff at the intruder. The black collars blinked into existence around the end of her staff............and then fizzled and fell uselessly to the ground.

"What the fuck?" Kuzuhamon said as she shook her staff angrily. "This...what the....this can't....DAMMIT" she shouted as she banged the staff on the floor several times and gave it another good hard shaking. When that didn't work, she started hitting it with her palm to try and force it to start working. The rings on the end of her staff jangled and jostled about, but no more collars appeared.

"Work damn you work" she shouted, frustrated as she tried to knock the collars into working, unable to understand why they weren't responding. She looked up in anger as she saw the StageShoutmon land on the ground in the middle of the courtyard, as he struck another star pose, complete with explosions and confetti.

"ARE YOU READY TO ROCK? I CAN'T HEAR YOU" He shouted in his macerophone, his voice able to be heard all the way up on the cliffs of the gorge. "LETS GET THIS SHOW STARTED WITH A LITTLE NUMBER I CALL....HEAVY METAL."

Then he started to play air guitar. No actual guitar, his hands and fingers flew up and down in the air as he rocked against himself. From the fast frenzied pace his fingers were moving, he would have made the highest mode on Guitar Hero look like childs-play.

But everyone in the castle had to hold their airs as they bent over, the air guitar movements making actual noise, noise so loud and heavy it was making the very veins in the back of their heads throb angrily, their ears almost ready to burst and the walls of the castle and courtyard were vibrating so hard they were threatening to collapse.

Every captive digimon in the courtyard and the castle were bent over, or curled up on the floor with their fingers in their ears, screaming from the intense pain they were feeling. Almost every slave had no idea what was happening, all they knew was that they were hurting and they were unable to understand why.

"Get into position" Gao shouted. Even so high up they were aware of how dangerous the noise levels were, Gaos shouting almost unable to be heard,even with the group in close proximity. Rara and B-Gabu quickly ran to their spot on the cliff and pulled their respective guns from their cases. Gao, Strabi and Banchou then grabbed the remaining backpacks and quickly strapped them on as they prepared to jump.

Shouts fingers flew up and down as he rocked out to an incredibly heavy number that could have sent the whole building tumbling if he had wanted. However, this attack didn't last long as he quickly finished his solo and struck the last few notes with a screaming "YEEEEAAHHH!!!!"

A last vibrating shock-wave erupted from his feet as he hit the last notes and it exploded outwards, knocking the digimon in the courtyard off their feet and sending them into the bushes, the shock-wave also breaking the windows on the castle and knocking paintings off the walls and toppling over anything that wasn't nailed down.

Kuzuhamon slowly stood up as she felt a rush of vertigo hit her, taking her several moments to pull herself up. Aqua and Flame both got up as well, both of them looking queasy and off balance. Kuzuhamon managed to walk to the balcony and lean over it, gripping her gloved hands on the wrought iron as she took several deep breaths.

"KILL HIM!!!" she screamed.

"Seems like we woke her up" Strabi said as he, Banchou and Gao sailed downwards towards the courtyard.

Kuzuhamons words didn't need to be actually heard with her captives ears, as the collars around every-ones necks heard the commands easily enough. They all dropped what they were doing, and dropped who they were doing, and those that weren't tied up on display felt an uncontrollable urge to run out and kill those that weren't collared.

BW ran through the front doors of the castle, the first one out, his nakedness vanishing as his armor digitised itself around him, his lethal blade bladed claws looking ready to take them out. Banchou stepped forward, shrugging off his parachute backpack as he slowly withdrew his blade and advanced forward without changing his expression. The rest of the digimon on the ground had also turned their attention on the intruders and were now running their way.

"Digivolution Authorised : Gaomon digivolve to Gaogaomon"

Gaomon was enveloped in a bright light similar to that of Shout when he digivolved. When he stepped out of the light, he was no longer the short stout wolf with a pair of boxing gloves. He was a large vicious looking wolf on all fours that looked ready to attack and rip enemies apart. With white tape around his fore-paws and a long flowing red scarf wrapped around his largely fluffy neck, he licked his large chops with an eager look on his face for the battle ahead.

The hulking black digimon roared forward with a murderous intent in his eyes as he brought his huge bladed claws back to slash at Banchou. However, Banchou stopped walking forward and brought his empty hand up and clenched it into a fist as it glowed with a bright orange light.


He didn't attack BW as the digimon charged at him, but rather he slammed his fist, the glowing energy taking on the form of a vicious looking snarling lions head, straight into the ground at BWS feet. It didn't just impact on the ground, it impacted the entire castle.

Everyone inside the castle felt the impact of the lions attack as the castles flooring shook rather violently. Those in the courtyard were not so lucky. The impact left the immaculately tiled pathway shattered beyond repair, and a crate at least a foot deep in the ground. And the shock-wave that had emitted from the impact was enough to knock not just BW off his feet and blow him back several feet away, but it was enough to blow back the gang of digimon behind him.

They were blown backwards as if they were like chaff in the wind, getting tossed into the immaculate bushes and flowers, and slammed into statues and walls. Most of them did not manage to get back up from the impact and just lay where they fell. BW though, shook off the attack like it was nothing and continued to his advance forward.

"See what happens when you piss the boss off?" Gao said with a smirk around his enlarged fangs, grinning to the shocked look on Strabis face. Although he didn't smirk for long as there was a sudden flash of red light from within the castle doors, and then more digimon began to emerge.

Although it took them a moment to realize that these new digimon that had walked out, were not wearing collars, and they looked ready for a fight.

"Come on big guy, show me what you're really capable of" Banchou said as BW charged at him. Banchou leapt out of the way as BW slashed his huge claws at him and backed up several dozen feet, bringing the huge black digimon out of the way of the others as he rather easily avoided the towering digimons slashing.

"You ready for this?" Gao said as he stepped forward.

"I was born ready. Come on, I'm practically itching here" Shout said with a grin as he swung his macerophone in a long arc on its long chain.

"I'm ready" Strabi said as the purple cat digimon licked his black claws in eagerness.

The three of them charged at the emerging horde of digimon that were coming their way, the uncollared supporters leading the collared slaves as they attacked at the members of the DRS.

"There's BW" B-Gabu said as he looked through the scope of his rifle, seeing that Banchou and the black mega level were already starting to go at it. Although from how high they were up on the cliff side, all they could see from that point was a black streak and multiple flashes from Banchous blade.

"Well, try and hit him" Rara said as she looked through the barrel of her gun. With all the new digimon running out of the castle, she wasn't sure how she was going to actually spot Lio. B-Gabu nodded as he aimed his gun at the rushing black blur down in the courtyard and fired. Multiple times for good measure.

It was a good thing that he managed to fire multiple times as most of the shots missed, striking the ground around BW as he clashed with the groups leader. But one shot did manage to strike him and he fell over as if he had been tripped, electricity crackling around his body for a moment before the collar crackled and fizzled as it lost power.

Banchou walked over as BW picked himself up slowly, a look of shock and confusion in his pale yellow eyes as he saw his boss standing before him.

"Get up and make them pay" Banchou said firmly. BWs' eyes narrowed as fury flashed across them as he picked himself up, reaching up to snatch the collar from his around his neck and break it into several pieces, just as the large group of newly arrived digimon forces rushed at him.

"Tear them apart" Piddomon shouted as he pointed his staff at the intruders as the group of loyalists around him rushed forward, launching their attacks through the air from all directions. Pan and Ren were among them, wasting no time in going after their former friends.

Sparks flew as Banchous blade clashed with Pans, father and son taking on each other in a display of brute strength as they pushed at each other. Strabi went fist to fist with Ren, the cat and the fox trying to outpunch the other as they went on with a very physical clashing against each other.

The collared digimon fought with fists and feet, having been told to attack and that was all they did. Flailing with limbs and gnashing with teeth as they fought the only way there were permitted. The loyalists that appeared were not under limitations, and powers were flying left right and center, elements of all strength and attacks of all powers were erupting like fireworks in the courtyard as it swiftly became a battlefield.

"You and you" Kuzuhamon said as she pointed at Aqua and at Flame in turn, and then pointed at the spot in front of her. Aqua and Flame both stood up and obediently walked over as they stood in front of their mistress.

"Get your armor on, go down there and tear them apart" Kuzuhamon said in anger. "you will not let them get anywhere near me, got it?" she said angrily. Both of them nodded at the same time as they understood their order.

Aqua closed her eyes and there was a brief flash of ones and zeros floating around her as her blue patterned armor suddenly covered her body as she prepared herself for battle. However, nothing happened with Flame. He just simply stood there on the spot with nothing happening.

"The hell is wrong with you? You can't disobey a direct order" Kuzuhamon said in anger as she gave Flame a jab to his chest with her fingers. "I said suite up. So get the hell suited up. Do it" she shouted in his face.

"Unable" was all he said as he simply stood there and let her push him around.

"Ugh. I knew you were broken goods when I captured you. I should have just left you behind you useless idiot" Kuzuhamon said angrily.

B-Gabu fired off another round, watching the bolt of energy zap into a digimon down in the courtyard, making her crumple to the ground as the collar was deactivated. He looked down the sights of his gun and moved it across the courtyard, his scope coming to rest on the window to Kuzuhamons room.

"There's aqua" he said out loud as he realized who was standing there. And he had a clear shot at her. He lined her up with the scope of his gun, pointing the cross hairs right at her. He took a breath and fired.

The bolt didn't hit her. Kuzuhamon gave Flame another shove as she continued to berate him, and her shove inadvertently pushed him into the path of the shot. It struck him on the side and he was knocked off his feet, crumpling to the floor as the collar sparked and smoked as he ended up in a heap on the ground.

"Oh for the love of" Kuzuhamon said in annoyance as didn't even bother checking it he was ok. "You" she said, pointing at Aqua. "Get down there and kill those defenders. I don't care how you do it. Beat them. Drown them for all I care. I don't care how you kill those frickin beasts, just do it and do it now" she ordered.

Aqua nodded once as her eyes suddenly hardened, still blank but now with a determined hardness in them that looked like she meant business. She then ran out of the door and down the stairs, ready to join the fight and defend her mistress to the death.

Banchou managed to knock Pan back and off his feet with a rather vicious uppercut to his stomach. The ice lion was knocked off his feet and crashed into several digimon behind him, his sword getting knocked from his hand and disappearing under the feet of several loyalists. Bruises were starting to appear through his pale blue fur from how hard he had been getting beaten.

The father lion didn't have time to reflect on that as he looked up and saw Kazemon flying straight towards him, the fairy type digimons mouth pulled back into a vicious snarl as green ribbons of concentrated wind flowed around her as she flew straight for the mega levelled lion.

The moment she got close enough, Banchou slapped her. With a backhand so hard that she was knocked through the air and straight through two statues, a large tree and into the border wall around the gardens. It was like swatting a really annoying fly.

"Well, there's a challenge" Banchou said as he forgot all about Kazemon as he saw Aqua running up to him, her bladed gauntlets at the ready as she headed straight towards him. He held his blade out as a small smile appeared on his face as he let her run towards him.

"Show me what you got" he ordered her.

"Finally, there's Lio" B-Gabu said as he spotted the little lion digimon among the crowd. He took aim with his gun and quickly fired once he had the lion in his cross-hairs. Lio was zapped and crumpled as the collar deactivated. He was up after a few moments though as he looked about confusingly at everything that was going on around him.

"Rara, go for it" B-bagu said as he keep his cross hairs on Lio. Both and Rara were interested to know just what kind of gun Rara had and why it was so useful with Lio. Rara looked down her cross-hairs and aimed the gun at a spot near Lio. She had no idea what the gun was gonna do, so she didn't want to hit him accidentally.

"It....this isn't a gun" Rara said in a confused moment of surprise. "This...this isn't a weapon" she said in shock.

"Why, what is it?" B-Gabu asked as he looked over at her.

"It....it's a giant laser pointer" Rara said in despair. "This thing...it's just useless" she said. She was about to throw the thing away in disgust, mostly because she was still unable to help her new friends at all, when they saw a flash of bright light down in the courtyard of the castle.

"Digivolution Authorised : Level : Champion"


Shout let out a cry as his body suddenly glowed a bright shining light as he felt like he was being pulled into a vacuum from behind. His entire body reverted back to his previous form as his champion level ran out of power. He chanced a look at his bracelet and saw on the interface that he had several minutes left of his digivolution.

"Dammit" he said in annoyance as he had to duck the tail of a huge digmon that was bearing down on him. "My digivolution power got sucked out of me" he said loudly in annoyance.

Not far away, the same thing had happened to Gao. The over-sized wolf let out a cry as his body was forcibly reverted back, his energy being zapped from him as he was pulled from his champion level back to his rookie stage.

"What just happened?" he asked no-one in particular, before he had to duck an incoming attack and reinsert himself into the fight.

The small cute and adorable looking kitten lion digimon suddenly evolved in a bright white cloud, into a huge massive wild looking feral lion. Huge claws on all four of his paws, twin tails that were flicking about, and a wild looking braided mane made him look fearsome. His look was completed with two huge silver hoop rings in both ears.

There was a very murderous look in his eyes, and through their cross-hairs, they could see exactly what he was looking at, and they could make out exactly what he roared next.


Raras pointer was pointing at a nearby statue of Kuzuhamon in the courtyard, and Lio ran towards it, roaring a deep hated roar as he leapt into the air.

"CRITICAL STRIKE" he roared out loud as he slashed the air with his claws, and the statue was sliced up like an onion. The lion wasn't finished as he ferociously pounced on the red dot amongst the rubble and started to pound his huge fists and claws into ground.

"This isn't so useless after all" Rara said, a grin spreading across her face as she suddenly realized just how powerful her new weapon was. She was still grinning as she looked back through the cross-hairs and began to direct Lio towards another digimon in Kuzuhamons army.

"Just try not to let him kill them" B-Gabu said as he took another shot. "Might be better off keeping him chasing his tail or something so he doesn't hurt anyone too badly."

"That's a good idea" Rara said with a nod as she realized that the power she now had in her hands wasn't meant to be misused. But then again, if Lio was now going to destroy everything in his path to get to the red dot....

Rara smiled to herself as she trailed the red dot straight towards Strabi. Truth be told, she could start to understand why he had been so eager to get into the fight in the frist place. For a rookie level digimon, he was surprisingly good at fighting. He had shrugged off Ren, one of the more seasoned and skilled fighters, as if he was nothing.

His body moved and contorted to dodge every attack that came his way, and he landed every attack himself with precision. He was definitely one of the more naturally talented recruits, so it was kind of understandable he was so eager to get out and fight and put his skills to good use.

It still didn't excuse him from being a dick about it, which was why Rara was all too happy ot lead the hulking murderous lion straight towards him.

Strabi had just taken down a champion level Woodmon, which loked like a walking talking tree strump, as if it was nothing, when he noticed a glowing red dot right at his feet. He took his attention off the fight for a few moments to look down at it in surprise, and then see it trail up to rest on his chest.


Strabi looked up in shock as he saw the hulking lion bearing down on him and he didn't have the chance to fight back as Lio grabbed him in one of his over-sized clawed paws and started to slam him into the ground like he was using the digimon to swat a fly.

Up and down into the ground he was pounded, flopped around like a rag doll as the lion went on his rampage, causing craters in the groundwork and bushes around him to fly about as they were shredded to pieces. He finally stopped his attack after several surprisingly long moments only when he realized that he couldn't find the red dot.

"COME BACK HERE" He shouted as he lunged at a group of digimon and began to throw them out of his way. Strabi was left in a small crater in the ground, the cat digimon rather torn up and severely beaten.

"....oh crap" Rara said as she had to turn off the red dot when she saw just how viciously Strabi had been beaten around by Lio. She actually had a fleeting sense of shame and regret for doing to that to him. But then again, it was fleeting when she remembered how easily he had made her cry.

"Look out" B-Gabu shouted as Rara snapped out of her thoughts as a shadow was suddenly cast over them. She looked up to see Piddomon hovering in front of them, a smirk on his face as he had caught them where they had camped.

"Shining Laser" He shouted as he spread his arms and wings.

"RUN" B-Gabu shouted as the ground around them suddenly glowed with bright golden circles and began to shake. They both dropped their guns and turned and ran as fast as they could as the ground underneath them began to erupt. Pillars of golden light erupted from the ground like geysers and tore the cliff-side apart. Both rookies managed to run to safety with the ground collapsing at their heels, taking their weapons with them.

Piddomon smirked as he watched the two rookies run for cover into some large bushes as the ground stopped collapsing in their wake. With a flap of his wings he turned and flew back down into the battlefield below, one threat taken out.

Kuzuhamon took several deep breathes to calm herself down as she found her world slowly crashing around her. Now that several more of the DRS were free from under her control, she was going to lose. Even with the army of loyal that were serving faithfully or under the enslavement, she was bound to lose.

She looked down at her staff as she waved her hand over it. Somehow, they had managed to block her collars from seeking them out and finding them. But that wasn't going to last long. The programming in her staff was already starting to apply a patch to fix the problem, and soon it would overwrite whatever signal they had sent. And then her collars would come back online.

"You pieces of trash haven't won yet" she said in annoyance as she slammed her fist on the door of the balcony. "I am not going to let you ruin everything that I have fought so hard for" she threatened.

It was then she noticed that Flame was standing by the bed, holding onto one of the posts as he looked like he was about to pass out. The collar had fallen off with its deactivation, and she knew the panicked, sickened look on his face. He was coming to terms with a huge amount of information in the span of a few moments.

"What....what happened........sister...what....where am I?" he asked in a panicked voice as he looked around the unfamiliar bedroom.

Kuzuhamon turned to face him, her hands on her hips as she ignored the battle outside in the courtyard and focused on him. Flame panted as he looked up at her, suddenly recognizing who she was as he found himself whimpering.

"Stay....stay back.....don't...don't come near me" he said as he let go of the post and ended up falling backwards onto the floor. He scrambled backwards as she slowly took several steps forward, her high heeled boots treading on the carpet as he moved away from her.

"No...no please.....don't...don't hurt me...." Flame whimpered as he backed up against the edge of the bed and the wall, feeling his back press up against the lined wood as he ran out of space to move.

"Or what? What will you do, little boy?" Kuzuhamon asked with a flat tone of voice, her eyes narrowed behind her helmet and her mouth set in a grim expression. "Are you going to fight me off?" she asked. "Are you going to fight me?"

Flame panted, out of fear as his heart hammered in his chest as he found himself completely vulnerable and exposed.

"You know, there is a little myth about the armor digivolved, among all the legends that exist around here. Most are complete garbage, but this one is rather interesting" Kuzuhamon said as she continued to walk forwards. "They say, only the ones partnered with the Digi-destined were the ones capable of armor evolving. Which meant, only that species was capable of doing it."

"But it also goes, that only those that continued the bloodline, as in only the family line could possibly armor evolve. So, if that little piece of information was true, then you would have to be a descended of the original Flamedramon evolving Veemon" she said as she placed her feet between Flames shaking legs.

Flame flinched as she began to kneel down till she was facing him, his whole body trembling in the fear he felt from being close to someone so powerful.

"So, there are only two real possibilities here" Kuzuhamon said slowly, as if she was talking to an idiot. "Either, that Veemon got very busy and ended up having a lot of children. Which would account for the many different forms out there" she said, as she reached forward and grabbed Flames chin between her thumb and finger. He found himself whimpering as she forced him to look at her.

"Or, it's completely false, and any piece of worthless trash can pick up the mantle and be one" she said as she then cupped her fingers around his jaw and began to squeeze, hard. Flame whimpered in pain from how hard those metal covered fingers were squeezing on his face. He found himself scrunching his eyes shut so he wasn't looking at her as he whimpered more.

"Look at you. A Flamedramon, the fire of courage" she said as her voice dripped with a hurtful sarcasm. "And yet, here you are, whimpering naked, about to piss yourself in my presence. That whole descendant thing, has to be false. How else could someone so worthless end up with such a good evolution?"

She let go of his chin, but Flame didn't get a chance to move before she backhanded him across the side of the face with enough force to knock him on the floor. He landed hard as he grabbed the side of his face, curling himself up into a ball as best he could as he simply whimpered in fear.

"Trash. That's all you are. You were something of a good fuck, I will admit" Kuzuhamon said as she stood up. "But other then that, you are a shame to your whole species. That bitch I manipulated you into believing was your sister, she's more then you can possibly be. And that's saying something, considering she was probably once drawn up as someones fan-art."

Flame just closed his eyes as he began to sob as Kuzuhamon walked away from him and resumed her position back at the window. The battle was still going on down below, with the DRS slowly getting pushed back. As soon as the collars would come back online, she'd throw them all at them from behind, and they'd lose instantly.

"I might just put you back under the influence" Kuzuhmaon said without looking at Flame. "I might make you brother and sister again. Although, maybe this time, I might not just make you both my exclusive little sluts."

Flame slowly opened his eyes as he heard her. His cheek still stung from where she had slapped him as he found himself looking directly under the huge four poster bed. It took him a few moments to focus and realize, that there was something under the bed. He swallowed a few times and wiped the tears from his eyes as he looked back at Kuzuhamon.

"I wonder if I should set up a few stocks in the throne hall. I might just tie her up in it and turn up her lust levels to maximum till getting laid is all she can think about, and all she'll want" Kuzuhamon said with a smirk beginning to cross her features.

"Maybe I'll make you aware enough to see what's happening to her when I make all the others line up to take their turns at her" she continued as she watched the fight. "I have to wonder just how hard and eagerly you will beg, for them to fuck you instead of your darling little sweet sister" she said, her smile becoming broad. "So you don't have to watch her have all the fun."

The DRS were slowly getting pushed back, and it was only a matter of time before the collars came back online. She didn't feel worried in the slightest any-more. In fact, she felt annoyed that she was taking the attack personally before when she didn't have a reason to.

She heard footsteps rushing up behind her, and she looked over her shoulder. It was just in time to see the end of a huge horse cock shaped dildo to collide with the side of her head, the huge rubber flared tip smacking her in the face as it was swung like a baseball bat.

Kuzuhamon was taken completely off guard as she was struck with the huge toy, and it was enough to knock her off balance to the point she was literally knocked off the railing. The armored vixen let out a squealing shriek as she toppled off the balcony and fell down into the courtyard below.

She landed with a heavy impact, the ground cracking underneath her and forming a slight crater around her. A dust cloud covered her from view for several moments before it began to clear, showing the lusty vixen was spread out face down on the ground, her eyes literally spinning from the impact.

Flame was panting hard, his arms and legs shaking as he let go of the monstrously large dildo, unable to hold it up with his shaking fingers anymore. He didn't know where he had gotten the courage to get up and knock her off the balcony, but he couldn't just sit there and let her talk about Aqua like she was.

He was still trembling hard as he turned and ran back to the bed, panting loudly in fear as his heart was hammering hard in his chest and against his ears as he threw the coverings back from the side of the bed and reached under, grasping as deep around as he could until he found what he had seen.

It was a large ornate wooden box, about the size of a footlocker. And written across the front space were the words "Collar Control Box. Don't Even Think Of Touching This." He pulled it out from under the bed and quickly scrabbled at the lid to try and open it with his shaking fingers.

Kuzuhamon slowly began to regain consciousness as she began to pick herself up. Her armor was cracked from the impact and she was covered in dust, but she was able to pick herself up.

"OH YOU IDIOT" She shrieked loudly as she managed to get up to her feet. "How could you to that to ME? Oh you are so going to PAY for this" she said, shrieking out every other word as she picked herself up fully. "You know what..doesn't matter......because when I'm done with your sorry ass you won't even be matter" she said, panting as she wiped a trickle of blood from the corner of her mouth.

Flame managed to get the lid open and he found himself staring at some kind of control panel fill the box. Covered in switches and gauges and LED panels and all kinds of weird looking computery fiddle things that he couldn't make heads or tails on. All he knew was that if this was the control thing for the collars, he had to do something.

He did the only thing he could do. He went and grabbed that huge dildo again and started to lay into the control box as best and as hard as he could. He struck it over and over again, the huge flared tip bouncing off the box as he kept hitting at it. Several hard hits later and it started to dent and a few switches broke off.

A few more hard whacks and several lights stopped flashing and started to spark. Whisps of smoke began to emanate from the panel as even the box began to buckle and crack from the repeated impacts.

Flame lifted the dildo up above his head and swung it downwards with all the strength that he was able to muster, and the whole box panel let out a huge burst of smoke and several sparking jets of fire as the whole box imploded.

Kuzuhamon had just finished dusting herself off when she heard the explosion from above, and she looked up at her bedroom balcony with horror on her face as she realized what the explosion was. There was a big gust of black smoke that poured from the window, and she let out a scream as all her plans began to unfold around her.

The collars were starting to shatter one by one as they were now rendered useless, and those controlled by Kuzuhamon felt as if they had been smacked in the back of the head and given one hell of a hangover, concussion, headache and migraine all at the same time.

It was a heavy rush of information that caused the pain. To them, their last moments that they could recall were the moments just before the collars had snapped around their necks and put them under the control of Kuzuhamon. The heavy rush of information being surged into their minds was everything that had happened to them under the endenturement.

Banchous fight with Aqua stopped when her collar shattered from around her neck. The big lion sheathed his sword quickly and held out his arms as she collapsed against him, her whole body shaking and trembling as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Many of the digimon recovered quickly, while those who had been through much more had to take longer to recover.

"Aqua, speak to me" Banchou said as he held her in his arms as he watched her tremble. It took several very long minutes before she fell still and her eyes fluttered as she struggled to open them.

"B...brother..." she mumbled as Banchou helped her to stand up, being careful as she swayed on the spot. "Where ... is he.....what .....what happened....."

There was an angry roar from nearby as Bancho held his arms around Aqua and he turned to see B-W had cornered a small horde of Kuzuhamons loyals, and the big black digimon was clearly furious. The digimon that he had cornered were cowering in fear under several large rose bush trees and a statue of Kuzuhamon in a japanese kimono.

B-W lifted his arms up in the air and a ball of energy appeared between them. the dark red ball of energy quickly expanded past the size of a basketball till it was bigger then the blackwargreymon. And the power radiating from that ball of energy was enough to make those cowering digimon get on the brink of wetting themselves through fear.

"I wouldn't move if I were you guys" Ren said as he dusted himself off, the fox looking like he had taken a beating. "That'll wipe you out back to digi eggs if it hits you" he pointed out. "Ugh, I'm gonna be sore tomorrow."

"You know, I could help you relax and make you feel better" BB said with a giggle as she fluttered her wings rather seductively at him as she stood amongst a crowd of digimon slathered in thick honey and unable to move. Clearly she hadn't lost a step since her time under. Which was hard to know if it was a bad or good thing.

"Not the time" Ren said with a disapproving look to her as he rubbed the back of his aching neck. "Ugh, I feel like I deep-throated a soda bottle full of ice."

"Um...that might be might fault" Pan said with a rather sheepish look on his face as he clutched his sore stomach.

"DIE ASSHOLE" Piddomon shouted as he launched himself at Banchou and Aqua, wielding his golden staff like a sword as he flew towards them. He flipped himself over in the air as he aimed a heavy boot at Banchous head.

Banchou just reached to the side and grabbed the angel by his ankle, stopping the kick just inches from his head. With a furious glare in his eyes and a snarl on his face, he held the surprised angel by his foot as he brought his other hand back, made a fist, and punched him in his crotch.

Piddomon didn't have to react to the incredible amount of pain he had just been victimised to as Banchou hurled him face first into the ground, causing the ground to quake and crack udner him from the impact. Although the angel was frothing at the mouth from the fact his balls were probably crushed like a pair of oranges under a brick.

"Are you alright?" Banchou asked as he left the angel to choke on his own mouth froth as he turned back to Aqua, who was looking over herself in disbelief.

"She....she did.....things to me .... she took my.....she gave me a ...."Aqua said in disbelief as she saw the new bulge in her shorts that hadn't existed before she was captured. "She.....did ......things ......to .....me" she said as she was coming to terms with everything that had happened to her.

"Aqua" Banchou said with a low warning in his voice, but even he didn't dare stop her when she saw Kuzuhamon having a fit over by where she had fallen. Aquas eyes grew cold as she focused her building anger and began walking with determination over to the enraged vixen.

Banchou shook his head as he let her walk off, not wanting to be on the receiving end of her in that mood, before he noticed Piddomon was starting to struggle to get up. He simply walked over and planted his size eighteen foot down on the angels back and gave him a low growl that suggested he stay put.

"You freaking idiots. how dare you do this to me. do you have any idea who you are dealing with here?" Kuzuhamon was shrieking as she stomped her boot on the ground over and over again as she conducted her hissy fit like a spoilt rich child not getting the goose that laid the giant chocolate eggs.

"HEY!" Kuzuhamon stopped her hissy fit when she heard the shouting and turned to see Aqua pulling her arm back. Her gauntlet vanished from her hand as she clenched a fist and punched Kuzuhamon in the face.

The vixen stumbled backwards, a hand clutching her aching jaw as she came to realize that she had been punched. A sneer appeared on her face as her eyes narrowed behind her helmet as she focused her anger on the blue dragoness.

"You want to dance bitch?" she said as she made her staff appear in her hands. "Lets dance."

"Bubble Barrage."

Aqua sliced the air in front of her as she ran forward, hundreds of bright blue water bubbles appearing where she had sliced. And then they surged forward towards Kuzuhamon like a barrage of stones from a sling.

"Amethyst Mandela."

Kuzuhamon slammed her staff into the ground as a large ornate seal appeared on the ground around her, before a purple hazy dome of energy covered her like a snow globe. The barrage of bubbles struck the shield, impacting with small explosions. But the shield held as Kuzuhamon smirked as she thrust her hand forward.

The shield blasted forward with a surge of energy that Aqua barely managed to dodge, she was able to feel it passing her and even the air around the attack seemed to burn. She performed a one handed handstand to avoid the attack as it burned past her, spun her legs around in mid air and landed back on her feet as she raised her gauntlets.

"Water Rocket."

A wave of water flowed around her as she launched herself forward, fast as a rocket as she collided with Kuzuhamon. Her flowing water was as hard and dense as flowing steel, and although Kuzuhamon blocked the attack wit hher staff, it didn't stop her from being pushed backwards from the heavy impact that, if not blocked, would have blasted her away.

Once the water faded, they both resorted to using physical means, and whatever weapons they happened to have in their hands or on their bodies.

A slash from Aquas blades sliced through the air, severing a few strands of Kuzuhamons long black hair.

A leg sweep from Kuzuhamons boots forced Aqua into a backflip to avoid it.

An upwards knee from Aqua made Kuzuhamon use her staff to block, and almost have it broken in half.

A suplex from Kuzuhamon sent them both crashing into the ground and causing a small impact crater. It was enough to knock them both off balance, as Kuzuhamon was not used to getting her body in the thick of things like that.

Aqua went to slug the vixen again, now that she was caught off balance, but Kuzuhamon was ready for her as she grabbed Aqua by her arm, sinking her claws into that soft scaled flesh as she pulled hard, yanking Aqua off balance.

The blue dragoness was pulled off her feet as Kuzuhamon managed to twist herself around, wrapping an arm around Aquas throat and pulled her bakc, her other hand grabbing Aquas right wrist and yanking it back up behind her back, twisting it into place that made the girl cry out in pain.

"Thought you could take me on, little girl?" Kuzuhamon said with a smirk as she pressed Aquas arm up against her side in a contorted way so that Aqua couldn't struggle properly without further hurting herself. "Thought you could take on your mistress?"

"Screw....screw you..." Aqua gasped out as she felt Kuzuhamons hand leave her arm and squeeze itself lewdly around her backside just under her tail. She couldn't help but shiver as she was touched as those fingertips pushed against her crevice through her shorts.

"oh, I plan on doing more then that" Kuzuhamon said with a smirk as she dragged her tongue against Aquas long pointed ear, making the girl groan out in disgust as that tongue touched her so lewdly.

"You know what I'm gonna do to you?" Kuzuhamon said as she kept her arm around Aquas throat, holding her as she ran her free hand down Aquas stomach as the girl struggled against her. "I gave you pleasure before, but when I win this fight I'm going to flat out violate you."

"You think getting a cock was bad? I can give you more then that. I can give you four if I wanted, all big and fat, I can even give you tentacle cocks if I wanted" she said as she licked her tongue against Aquas ear. "I'm going to have you writhing in a self orgy with your own octopus crotch and you're going to love every minute of it.

"You're going to make japanese octopus sex look like childs-AAAGGGHHH"

Kuzuhamons eyes almost bugged out of her helmet as Aqua drove her elbow straight into the vixens crotch. It was a dirty enough low blow for Kuzuhamon to double over and let go of her as her hands went straight to crotch to try and ease the pain.

Aqua turned around, fury in her eyes as she drove her arm back, her gauntlet vanishing from her hands as she wanted to actually feel it this time, before she slammed her fist into the vixens face.

Then another blow, and another blow. Aqua rained down several good hard punches on Kuzuhamons face and chest, hitting her as hard as she could, pushing Kuzuhamon backwards with each punch.

Kuzuhamon cried out when she hit the edge of the fountain and toppled over, falling into the water with a splash as she was submerged for a moment before she pulled herself to the surface, gasping for air.

And then Aqua jumped ontop of her.

Kuzuhamon didn't get a chance to fight back as Aqua grabbed her by her hair and shoved her head underwater. The vixen struggled and flailed as she was held underwater, bubbles erupting around her head as she screamed.

No-one was going to rush to her rescue, not with B-W holding up a huge Terra Destroyer bomb of energy that he was threatening to attack Kuzuhamons forces with. And all the other endentured digimon were too busy trying to hide and stay out of the fight to even think of stopping it. Piddomon was still trapped by Banchous boot and he was in too much pain to do more then just squirm.

Aqua pulled her up from under the water and held her back, letting her gasp for air for a few moments.

"Give up" she shouted in her face.

"Get-get fucked" Kuzuhamon sputtered out before Aqua shoved her head back into the water. She held it there longer this time, watching the bubbles slowly stop coming to the surface before she pulled her back up.

"GIVE UP" she shouted again.

"I'm....I'm gonna .....gonna kill you...." Kuzuhamon sputtered with several mouth-fulls of water. All she got for her troubles was Aqua shoving her face back under. This time, she didn't pull her up until she was sure that Kuzuhamon was on the verge of passing out as the bubbles were stopping and her struggling was almost over.

"GIVE UP BITCH" Aqua shouted again as she pulled Kuzuhamon up from under the water, shouting into her face as the vixen sputtered and choked out for breath.

"I....I GIVE....I GIVE...." Kuzuhamon shouted as loudly as she was able to, gasping and heaving for breath as she no longer had the strength to fight back. Aqua didn't let go so much as she gave her a shove back into the water and promptly turned her back on her as she got out of the fountain.

Aqua didn't look back as she crossed the courtyard, a number of digimon around her doing their best to avoid her as she walked up to Banchou, who still had Piddomon under his foot.

"Tie that bitch up before I change my mind" Aqua said to him firmly.

"Consider it done" Banchou said with a nod as he unsheathed his sword and then planted it into the ground at his feet, the edge of the blade just managing to leave a very slight scratch mark against Piddomons cheek.

"Don't even think about trying to run away" Banchou warned him. Piddomon just gulped as he didn't dare move, just keeping himself lay spread out on the ground as Banchou walked calmly over to the fountain. He didn't even dare try and grab his injured balls.

"You...you bastard" Kuzuhamon snarled as she saw the big lion walking up to her. "How could you? My castle, my plans, my lovely little slaves....how could you just ruin it all like this" she said as she laid her torso over the edge of the fountain, one arm over the edge and breathing heavily as she was too worn out to fight back.

"If I had a week I wouldn't even begin to explain to you why it was all so wrong" Banchou said as he grabbed her by the arm and hauled her, rather easily to her feet. The vixen digimon was completely soaked through, copious amounts of water pouring from between the gaps in her filled armor.

She grunted and panted a little as she was forced to her feet, her legs shaking as she struggled to stand up as Banchou grabbed her arms and forced them behind her back.

"Oh, playing rough are you? You know, you only had to ask" Kuzuhamon managed to get out as she felt her arms get held in place.

"Be quiet" Banchou said as he produced a large long rope of white plastic from behind his expansive coat. He wrapped it around Kuzuhamons wrists several times before snapping the ends against each other. The ends fused together as the rope glowed and shrank down as it tightened around her wrists.

"Oh, if you wanted to tie me up, you definitely didn't have to ask" Kuzuhamon said with a weak smile as she bent forwards slightly, pushing her ample backside up against Banchous crotch. "Oh please tell me that is not an over-sized gun you have in your pants" she said with a tired but lewd grin on her face.

"You have the right to remain silent. I wish to Gennai that you'd use it" Banchou said with disgust as he gave her a push that sent to her to her knees on the ground.

"Oh now you're talking" Kuzuhamon said as she was pushed into that position with a weak smile under her helmet. "So, do you like being called Sir, or should I get straight to the point, Big Daddy?" she said.

"You just don't know when to stop do you?" Banchou said in disgust. "You're beaten. You've lost. You're going to face punishment for your crimes, which include forced endenturement of an entire islands population, violence against the digimon population, destruction of multiple properties, and explicit sexual crimes against my people" he said firmly.

"Oh, anything sounds bad when you say it like that" Kuzuhamon said with a weary smirk.

"You have no idea how much trouble you're in do you?" Banchou asked as he crossed his bulging arms over his chest.

"Oh trust me, I do" Kuzuhamon said with a weak and unfunny chuckle. "I have every idea of how much 'trouble' I'm in" she said as she looked up at Banchou. "You' just don't realize how much you are going to be in."

"What are you talking about? You've lost. you've been defeated" the big lion said, not looking impressed with her.

"Oh, I've been defeated, that's true" Kuzuhamon said with a smirk. "You just don't know what's coming after me. I am not supposed to be defeated. I can't be defeated. You have no idea what you've done by beating me" she said, her smile slowly turning into a snarl.

"We've saved everyone, that's what we've done" Banchou said.

"For now" Kuzuhamon said with a smirk. "Nobody wins for long, especially you do gooders."

"I'm not listening to you anymore. There's no way that you can justify any of this" Banchou said as he uncrossed his arms. "We're taking you into custody. and you will be punished for all that you have done."

"Oohh, when do we start? Please tell me you're going to start by spanking me with those big strong hands?" Kuzuhamon asked with a lewd grin on her face.

"Can I please punch the bitch in the throat?" Aqua said from where she was standing on the other side of the fountain. She couldn't go anywhere from that position as she felt that she was just going to ignore everything she had been taught and just outright kill her.

But neither Banchou nor Kuzuhamon had a remark, smart or calm, as they were interrupted by the sudden tearing through space of a large portal. Those of the DRS that had been in Ebemons underground compound recognized the portal instantly. Everyone else got to see the blood red misted swirling circular portal hanging in the air for the first time.

And it wasn't the only one. They began to appear all over the castles courtyard, startling everyone as they appeared out of nowhere and without warning. The DRS who were holding Kuzuhamons willing forces hostage stopped what they were doing as they turned their attention from one threat to another.

The moment that Piddomon saw that the DRS' attention was no longer on him, he immediately leapt into the air, spreading his wings and heading straight for one of the portals. With a flap of his wings he disappeared quickly, and it gave everyone else a chance to do the same.

The captive forces quickly got up and made a run for it as the DRS quickly scattered as well, trying to chase them down before they could get away. But it became even more chaotic when the civilian digimon who had been enslaved, saw it as their opportunity to run like mad and get away.

Banchou turned his attention back to Kuzuhamon, who had remained on her knees without moving. She was however, smirking at him, like she knew something he didn't.

"You have no idea what you've done by beating me. You should have let us win" She said firmly to him, just as a blood misted portal opened up behind her. A dozen dismembered limbs, gaunt and black skinned and tipped with sharp claws, reached out through the shifting mist and grabbed Kuzuhamon from behind.

Banchou ran forward, but he wasn't fast enough as she was yanked back through the portal, pulled back through the bloodied mist before the portal closed behind her.

The big lion stopped running when he saw that she had escaped him. the other portals immediately closed as well once the loyal digimon had managed to get their way through. They cut off before the DRS could try and do anything about them, including jumping in after them.

The majority of the captive digimon had ended up running out through the courtyard front gate, although a good number had ended up staying behind. They were all cowering behind bushes and statues as they kept out of the way of the DRS.

"She got away" Banchou seethed slowly as he clenched his fists at his sides, his teeth and jaw clenched tightly against one another.

With a sudden and unexpected burst of anger, Banchou slammed his fist into the ground with an angry lions roar, and everyone felt the ground shake underneath them from the impact. several deep looking cracks appeared in the stone groundwork at the point of impact.

"Umm...boss?" Gao asked as he slowly walked up to him. An angry banchou level digimon was not someone you just walked up to when they were angry. They were known to lash out at anyone. However, their Banchou was more level headed as he slowly stood up and shook his head a few times.

"Start clearing out the castle. Get everyone out and make sure none of our group is left behind" Banchou said slowly and firmly. "I don't want anyone left in this horrible place when we leave" he said.

Gao nodded as he quickly left the lions side and headed over to the others to tell them what was happening. Although most were disgusted with the fact that so many of their tormentors had managed to get away, they understood that they had their job to do still. and there were a lot of digimon there that needed their help.

Ren, Gao and B-W headed into the castle to start searching it for survivors, while the others stayed outside to tend to those that had been wounded in the attacks. Thankfully Lilly wasn't too badly hurt so that she was able to start using her healing abilities to good use.

It looked like all the digimon that had been turned into motionless displays had managed to become motion enabled again and had run off. only the digimon that were still bound into their perverted displays were the ones left over.

"Is that.....oh by gennais holy name" Gao said with a surprised look on his face as he and the others came across Anub bound to Kuzuhamons perverted throne. He actualy had a smile spread across his face as he saw the royal jackal bound in such a humiliating position.

Even Ren and B-W had to hide their smiles when they saw it, especially with Anub fuming at them from behind his ballgag. Although B-Ws smile was hidden behind his helmet, Ren had to turn away to stifle his giggling.

"Please tell me you got a camera in that bag" Gao said with a grin as Anub struggled a little against his bounds, the other digimon attached to the throne struggling as well, all humiliated to be found in such a position.

"I don't think I do" Ren said between his fingers, as he tried to calm himself down. "We should untie him. he looks pretty angry."

"Actually, he looks kinda turned on. It's no secret our royal jackal is into a bit of submission and humiliation" Gao commented, as he noted that the jackal was indeed starting to get hard under his restraints. B-W shook his head and walked over, slipping the tip of his huge clawed blade into the ball gags straps and slicing it off.

"If you don't let me go, I swear that I will manipulate your mind into believing that you are six year old girl " Anub said once he had spat out the gag.

"Wait, you can do that?" Ren said in surprise.

"I'll have Aqua braid your hair and buy you dresses to match" Anub said, his face slightly red from both his anger and his humiliation.

"First, admit this is a turn on for you" Gao said with a smirk on his face.

"I'll make you believe your Vajs' stuffed lopunny first" Anub said with enough venom in his voice that no-one there had any problem believing that the threat was real.

"You can untie him" Ren said with a smirk as he patted Gao on the head. "We'll go start searching for the others" Ren said with an evil grin on his muzzle as he and B-W left the furry wolf pup to untie a rather annoyed jackal.

It didn't take them long to find their way up to Kuzuhamons bedroom, finding the doors wide open. Now that they had their senses back and were able to think for themselves, both were not surprised to find that they both thought that the room was utterly hideous and something nauseating, with all the Disney princess pink decorations and sex toys strewn about.

"Well, this room is enough to give someone reasons to have lifetime therapy" REn said as he and B-W walked into the room, the bigger digimon having to stoop to get through the doorway.

"P..Please....don't hurt me" they heard from the other side of the bed.

B-W immediately walked forward, almost pushing REn out of the way as he moved to the side of the bed and the two of them found Flame huddled in the corner next to the large bed, trying to hide himself under a sheet so he wouldn't be found.

Ren didn't say anything as he saw B-W carefully pick him up, keeping the blue dragon wrapped up in the sheet. Flame looked scared, and his face was streaked with dried tears, as if he had been crying for a good while. He didn't look relieved to be in the presence of digimon he knew though.

Ren shook his head, wondering what Kuzuhamon had done to him to make him seem worse then normal before he noticed the broken control box on the floor, next to a huge horse cock dildo that had looked like it had been battered about. Ren was pretty smart himself, and it didn't take him long to figure out what had happened.

"You knocked her off the balcony, and then destroyed the control device thing, with a big horse cock dildo?" he asked as he raised an eyebrow at Flame.

The blue dragon nodded as B-W held him tightly against his battered chest armor, the hold was surprisingly warm and tender for such a lethal looking digimon. Ren smiled up at him.

"I think you're gonna fit in just fine."

Oath to Order 2

Oath to Order 2 #7 of Digimon Rescue Squad By Kendo Kawabata "Ow. That hurts." "It has to hurt if it's to heal. Now stop moving unless you want me to poke you in the eye." "I have to move. You move away from something when it hurts -...

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Fucking with the Orc boss

Orctober Entry Fucking with the Orc Boss By Kendo Kawabata. Mr Glass had to adjust his tie as he felt the heat rise up aroudn his neck again, tugging the bright red cord aroudn his neck till it was loose enough that he could undo the top button...

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Oath to Order 1

Oath to Order 1 6 of Digital Rescue Squad By Kendo Kawabata "Observation number one. Collars have not found me. No data available as to why they have not. More study is needed." Datamon carefully opened the door to the cupboard in which...

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