Oath to Order 1

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#6 of Digital Rescue Squad

Oath to Order 1

6 of Digital Rescue Squad

By Kendo Kawabata

"Observation number one. Collars have not found me. No data available as to why they have not. More study is needed."

Datamon carefully opened the door to the cupboard in which he was hiding. Thankfully for being so small, the diminutive ultimate was small enough to slip into one of the wine cupboards down in the main kitchen of the headquarters, even with all the extra bottles of 'Monte Cherubimon' and 'Chateau le Lillithmon' that had been stored within.

Datamons greatest strength was his mind and his intelligence, which basically meant that his fighting prowess, was next to nothing. He was not an active member of the mission team, and hardly ever left the headquarters unless he had too.

So, when the alarm sounded, he did exactly what the situation called for. Run and hide and let those who actually fight do the fighting. He didn't have the time to rush to the safe room like the others, so he hid in the nearest place. A cupboard.

"Hiding in plain sight. Often best tactic" he said to himself as he eased himself out and took a quick look around. The large kitchen area was empty, and there was a heavy silence in the air that hadn't been there before.

Data very carefully made his way across the kitchen floor towards the main stairwell. There was definitely more signs of attack in this area. The floor and the walls were covered in water splotches that had soaked through everything, there were burn marks here and there and shattered glass on just about everything else.

"Obviously a battle. Anyone left would be in the safe room. Should head there now. Although sealed off at this stage. Perhaps need to look around. Study more" he said to himself as he began to make his way up the stairs one at a time.

He slowly made his way down the hall way towards the front door, when he had to stop. Floating ahead of him, suspending and slowly spinning, were several of the dark collars. Data was actually momentarily speechless as he couldn't help but stare at them in surprise.

"Observation two. Collars are still here. Danger is imminent" he said before the top half of his body rotated a full 180 degree turn and his tentacle like legs began to scurry back down the hallway.

He quickly ducked behind a toppled cabinet and retracted his arms and legs into his body till he resembled a large metallic pill shaped tube. He looked pretty inconspicuous unless you counted the large organic eye that kept a look out.

But the collars didn't follow him. When he was undisturbed for several minutes, Data slowly let out his limbs and peeked out from behind the cabinet.

The collars were still there in the air, spinning and rotating, but they hadn't actually moved.

"Puzzling. I don't like puzzling. Confusing not so good either" he muttered to himself as he took a chance and waved a hand at them, as if trying to actually get their attention. The waving didn't get their attention. And not waving with two hands either.

Even when he walked into plain view and did himself a little Irish river-dance, complete with jazz hands and a hearty 'TA DA' within plain view, none of the collars did anything to show that they had noticed him.

"Observation number three. Perhaps, they do not notice me" Data said as he slowly walked forward. There was no way that they couldn't not notice or detect him when he was literally underneath them, but they still did nothing even when they had fully passed him. For collars that had just successfully taken down the DRS in one fell swoop, they seemed to be rather flawed.

"Observation number 4. They are blind, to me" he muttered under his breath as he ran several computations through his head. They didn't really seem to make sense to him, which was starting to annoy him. He was the smartest Digimon in the whole group, and indeed the whole area, and if something didn't make sense to him, it annoyed him.

"Need further analysis on this predicament. More data needed. Must head to security room. Recorded footage will provide further information to be used" he said as he turned his body around and began to walk.

There were a separate set of stairs away from the main central staircase that lead up to the security room. And Data was not surprised to find the door closed, locked and glowing with the special seals that kept many Digimon out. As long as the person on the inside would keep it locked of course.

Data walked over to a small panel next to the door and placed a hand on it. The panel glowed for a moment before it flashed twice and then an image of Shout from inside the security room appeared.

"Data? Is that you?" Shout asked as his image appeared to zoom in as the red and white dragon was looking closely at the screen.

"Confirmed. Please open the door. Need access to security footage for analysis" Data said promptly. "Immediate threat over. Safe and sound for now."

"No" Shout said firmly. "Those collar things are still everywhere. The only thing keeping them out is the door. I'm not opening it" he said with a huff in his voice. And folding his arms across his chest for emphasis.

"The collars seem to not notice me. Or perhaps they are in stasis mode awaiting further orders" Data said just as firmly. "Collars are presently no danger. Please open the door. That is an order from your superior."

"I said no" Shout said. "Those collars could be playing dead for all I know. And I also don't know if you're wearing one. You could be one of the captured like the rest" he pointed out. "You know, trying to trick your way in. Well, I'm not falling for it."

"I do not currently wear a collar" Data said as he proceeded to spin his body around in various directions to show that there was no collar anywhere. "I am safe. Please open the door. Again, order from your superior."

Shout seemed to hesitate for a few moments, the Digimon obviously looking rather nervous at the prospect at putting himself in danger.

"I...I don't know if I should. How do I even know it's the real you anyway?" He pointed out. Datas eyes did narrow in a minor case of frustration to the situation, but Shout did have a point. He had a right to be suspicious. "I'm not taking that chance. At least not until all the collars are gone" Shout said firmly with his arms crossed over his chest.

"List of the Top Ten Songs Shoutmon sings when he thinks no-one is watching" Data said as he planted his feet on the ground and began to speak in a much louder voice, the kind of tone that suggested he wanted anyone nearby to hear him.

"Number One. Barbie Girl, by Aqua." Shouts eyes went wide and his image suddenly vanished from the screen. Followed by the sound of a chair tipping over and a crash. And several rather obvious expletives.

"Number Two. Hello by Adele." There was the sound of someone running across the room and colliding with the door. And a few more expletives.

"Number Three. Mmmbop by Hanson." Someone was very quickly trying to unlock the door from the other side, with fingers scrabbling to input the code correctly. And a few more choice expletives.

"Number Four. Let it Go by Demi Lovado." Data managed to finish before the door was heavily swung open and he was now facing a very angry and, much more, red faced Shoutmon.

"ARE YOU TRYING TO EMBARESS ME?" He shouted in Datas face with enough force that the small android was almost knocked off his feet. Data could actually feel the air rush past him and feel the full force of the dragons voice, which was proof he was rather pissed off at that moment.

"You wanted to know it was really me. Possibility that collars have access to brain functions and memory banks. Information like that could possibly be known to collar wearers, but most likely forgotten as labelled 'unimportant' in the scheme of things" Data said rather calmly. "Also, breath mint would be appropriate."

"You can't just say those things about me out in the open" Shout protested as he looked back and forth along the hallway, as if he was expecting someone to be standing within earshot of them both.

"No other squad members present. Headquarters currently deserted in immediate area" Data said simply.

"It is not deserted" Shout protested. "It's still full of those collars. I've seen them everywhere and all over the place. And Vaj is out in the courtyard just waiting for us to get spotted. We are seriously screwed here. You think either of us can stand up to the guy who beats us into submission every week?"

"Collars are not a problem. They are ignoring me. Possibly leads to stasis mode. Should be safe to talk out in the open. But would prefer to head inside and look at security footage" Data said as he made a shooing motion with his hands towards Shout.

But before Shout could protest further, both of them heard a whirring noise coming from down the hallway. They both turned their heads to see the aforementioned collars were not in-fact dormant, they were, in fact, now heading their way.

"Observation Number 5. Collars can detect you and are not in stasis" Datamon said. "Advise heading inside and locking door."

Shoutmon did not need to be told twice as he grabbed Data rather quickly and hauled him into the room, slamming his fist on the emergency button and watched as the doors slammed shut tightly once more. The room was once more on lock-down, and both of them heard several bangs on the door as the collars tried to force their way in. But, the triple strength chrome digizoid doors wouldn't even get scratched, and the collars stopped colliding eventually.

"That was too close" Shout said as he leant his back against the door and sighed in relief. "You almost let them get me. You do realise if they did, they'd probably make me open the safe room so they can get the others."

"Wrong observation. Can't be right all the time" Data said simply. "Speaking of left, how many remaining? Easier to ask who is remaining then to ask who was taken. List will be shorter" he added. Shout simply narrowed his eyes at Data, and not for the first time wondered if there was something wrong with him.

"The ones that are left are you and me, Gao, Strabi, B-Gabu, Rana and Mono. They're the only ones left. Gao got them inside before the collars could capture them. Everyone else was taken by Kuzuhamon" Shout said as he listed off the remaining members. "They're down in the security room. I think they're playing mah-jong to pass the time" he added. "And the collars knocked down the relay stations on the roof. We don't have communication, or locators, the EDT is out and so is just about everything else. And that Kuzuhamon made everyone remove their bracelets before they left, so even if we had location services back up and running we can't track them."

"Thank you for information. Forces rather crippled. Must start fixing this" Data said as he wandered his way over to the security consoles and let himself up on the chair. His long hands and fingers immediately became longer and took on a blur as they began to tap over almost every key on the multiple keyboards in rapid succession.

Shout just took a seat on the floor and propped his head in his hands as he watched. There was no point in talking with Data while he worked. He considered it an interruption, and a very rude one. And if Shout or anyone made too much noise around him, Data was not afraid to stun them with a shock to the spine to knock them out so he could work in peace.

Shout pulled out his music player and hooked up his headphones to it and sat back with his head against the wall, listening to the music as it played. He closed his eyes and tried to relax while he waited for Data to finish whatever he was looking for.

"All the things she said, all the things she said.....running through my head, running through my head, running through my head. All the things she said, all the things she said.....running through my head, running through my head, running through my head. All the things she said....

"This is not enough....." he sang along under his breath as he listened to the music. There wasn't much else to actually do, and he had to pass the time somehow.

The minutes slowly ticked by as Data watched what happened on the monitors before him. He viewed the attack and the subsequent failed retreat of the rescue squad members from various different angles, several of the monitors repeatedly running loops of various moments that he found interesting. If he was worried about the plight of his fellow digimons, he didn't show it. He was excellent at keeping his feelings at bay while he worked.

Assuming he had them.

Shout yawned a little as he found himself increasingly bored, even with his favourite play-list singing in his ears. There was enough supplies in the cupboards of both the security room and the safe room to keep whoever was inside it comfortable and well fed for several weeks, but little in the way of entertainment.

"Observation number 7" Data said so suddenly and loudly that Shout actually fell over from his sitting position in shock. "Collars are flawed. They are unable to pick up Digimon listed as machine."

"Say what with the what now?" Shout asked as he picked himself up and pulled his headphones from his ears as he walked over to look at whatever Data was looking at.

He found himself looking at three screens on each side. One showed a looped footage of Data in the hallway minutes ago, trying to get the attention of the collars. The second monitor showed one that was timestamped a few hours ago, when Data hid himself in the cupboard in the kitchen, while it was swarming with collars passing by. And the third screen showed another loop from a few minutes ago, of when Shout opened the door and the collars came in.

"Wait, in those two, the collars should have seen you. They broke through windows like they were nothing" Shout pointed out. "So, why didn't they break open the cupboard door to catch you?" he asked. "Why did they only come after you and me when I opened the door?"

"Observe" Data said as he pressed a few keys on the keyboard and the third monitor changed it's viewing angle. This time, instead of just outside the door, it showed the loop from further down the hallway. The collars were stationary until the door opened.

"So, they only noticed when you opened the door?" Shout asked, feeling a little confused. Data often did this, expecting someone to notice whatever he had noticed without getting it wrong.

"No. Rings only move when you emerge from the door" Data said as he pointed at the screen. Shout leaned in closer and squinted his eyes at the image. The collars were waiting as they had been, until Shout saw himself emerge through the door at the other end of the hallway. That was when the rings began to move.

"They didn't know I was there" Shout said as realisation slowly dawned on him. "How?" he asked. "They tried to get in before, and then they kinda just stopped."

"Perhaps warding on door shielded you from their range, but not from Lilly" Data said as he resumed his tapping on the keyboard. "Rings do not seem to have sight. Perhaps echo location like bats. Or can only sense living Digimon within range" he said.

"Living Digimon?" Shout asked.

"You. You are a living Digimon" Data said without looking at him. "I am not. I am considered living thing. Sentient android. Not exactly living. Perhaps they cannot identify anything but flesh and bone constructs. Interesting theory. Must put into practice more. Cannot know for sure without specimen to study."

"How?" Shout asked. "I'm sure you could go out there and blast down a collar, but I doubt you'd get a live one to go anywhere without destroying it. And if you try and bring it in here or down to the safe room to study it, then it'll just go after the rest of us. And I also doubt that while the collars seemingly can't 'sense' you" he said, while making the air quotes with his big fingers. "Vaj certainly can. And he's gonna come after you like the time he caught Lio in his room messing around with his stuffed Lopunny doll."

"Point taken. Observation number 8. Risky situation on many counts" Data observed as he continued to tap on the keyboard. "Realisation that base is woefully under-prepared for an attack such as this one. Also under equipped for specimen study and analysis. Need to do upgrades sooner rather then later."

"You know very well why our base sucks" Shout said with irritation. "and why it's taken so long to get even this up and running" he said, gesturing to the security station, which chose at that point to have a monitor suddenly spark several times and then fall off the wall. "and you know why we don't like talking about it" he added as the irritation left his voice and he actually looked sad.

"Perfectly understood. Just pointing out" Data said. "Upgrades need to happen. Recent events prove upgrades need too happen sooner. Can't afford this again. Must talk to Banchou at latest possible moment."

"That won't happen until the communications are back up. The collars broke through just about everything. We're cut off, and he's somewhere south and well out of the way. He probably has no idea what's going on" Shout said as he crossed his arms in a huff. "This sucks."

"Indeed. But not hopeless- Oh look" he suddenly exclaimed as he pointed to a monitor on the side. A few taps of the keyboard and an image of the outside courtyard appeared, the camera zooming in on Vaj.

The huge bull-taur Digimon had been pacing around in circles, his eyes and ears focused to listen in and find anyone who might have been left behind that was foolish enough to come into his vicinity. And with his dual blades out at the ready, he looked just as intimidating and angry as he normally did. However, he had stopped what he was doing and seemed to just simply stand there, stationary and staring off into space.

"Hmmm. Interesting" Data said as he zoomed in closer. It looked like Vaj was .... listening to something. "Perhaps collars take orders through radio transmission. Would indicate many things, including how smart creator is."

Suddenly Vaj turned and began to walk towards the ruined gate of the compound. He placed his huge blades back in their holsters on his back as his angry expression seemed to vanish back into the glazed vacant expression he had had before. As he neared the ruined arch that once held the doors, a dark blood red portal appeared in the gap.

Data suddenly jumped off the chair and ran to the door, his fingers easily hitting the keyboard and typing in the rapid sequence to allow him out through the opening door without breaking his stride.

"WAIT" Shout yelled as Data ran through the open door and disappeared down the hall, leaving Shout completely exposed with a horrified expression on his face. And then he heard several small explosions and saw pieces of the dark collars landing in clusters of debris on the floor. "Oh" was all he said.

Data ran to the nearest window and latched himself onto the sill, pulling himself up into the gap as he saw Vaj draw closer to the portal. Data quickly aimed his hand at Vaj like a gun, and pulled his finger back. There was a soft puffing noise and something very small flew out of his hollowed finger and through the air towards his target.

A small little circle, no bigger then a penny landed on the back of Vajs armour plate, just as he entered the portal with his huge body. He disappeared within the dark swirling black and red depths before the portal closed.

"Target acquired" Data said as he hopped off the window sill rather calmly and made his way back to the security room, where he found Shout still standing there with a shocked expression on his face. Data just strolled past him as the door began to close again.

"Please tell me you didn't forget the collars were right out there" Shout said in a small voice as he watched Data calmly pull himself back onto the seat and began typing away as if nothing had really interrupted him.

"Did not slip my mind. Just needed to hurry. Tracking bug now on Vaj. Should be able to find out where he goes" Data said as he pulled up a map that covered four of the multiple monitors. "Able to pull enough power to briefly restore location services. Thank you google."

"How did he know the portal thing was gonna be there?" Shout asked as he regained himself. "I didn't see anyone else down there."

"Possible communication through collars. Theory needs to be proved" Data said as a targeting sequence appeared on the map and began to scan over the various landmarks and towns across the monitors. "Although, most portal technology, does not look so....evil."

Several of the monitors fizzled and another one fell off the wall as Data rerouted power and resources to get the tracking service back on. The program crashed with a blue screen multiple times before it seemed to stabilise itself. It only took a few seconds for the targeting sequence to find where Vaj had gone, when the marker landed in the desert expanse to the north-west area of the map of Tapioca Island.

"I know that place" Shout said as he pointed at it. "That's the Desert Motel to the north. And south of that is the gorge. It's called Sandsea Gorge, because the desert sands make constant sand waterfalls over the sides" he explained.

"Very accurate. As if I did not know that myself. Possibly because map is labelled and I have no ability to read English" Data said with a bite of annoyance in his voice.

"Well excuse me" Shout said in equal annoyance that his helpful information was not that helpful.

"No I will not" Data said. "Tracker has located Vaj at the bottom of the gorge. Nothing should be there except for rocks and sand. This will require investigating. Once we get the others out of the safe room" he said.

Shout was busy looking at the monitor and thinking to himself, so he didn't notice when Data suddenly went silent and it took him a few moments to realise that Data was looking at him.

"What?" he asked, not sure right there and then why Data was looking at him so expectantly. And then after a few moments he realised. "Oh no. I'm not going out there by myself. Not with the whole base flooded with collars."

"Orders from a superior."

"In case you don't remember what you said, I'll be detected when I'm within their target range thingy" Shout said. "Which means I'll be captured before I even go ten feet out of here. What we really need, is someone who can walk through the hallways practically undetected.....because the collar don't register him as a living digimon" he said as a sly smile appeared on his face.

This time, it took Data a few moments to get what the dragon digimon was talking about.

"Observation number 9. Dammit."

"So, tell me why you decided to bring the bull back? He's only been there a couple of hours, I doubt those that are still there could wait that long to get out. And why have we just been sitting around here in a cave since we left?"

"Because I have better plans for him then letting him do guard duty any-more. I'm thinking of making him swim so I watch those big hard muscles glisten in the water. Or just stroll around naked. Now stop pestering me until I finish this."

Piddomon was not in a good mood as he sat with the other captured members of the DRS and with Kazemon, in the middle of a hollowed out cave down in the depths of the Sandsea Gorge. The front of the cave was covered by a sweeping billowing sheet of flowing sand that ran like water into the collected sands at the bottom of the vast crevasse.

Kuzuhamon had been sitting on a rock near the entrance, fiddling with some kind of small rubics cube looking device, withdrawing and adding small blocks to it as she spun the various combinations together like a puzzle. She hadn't said a word since they left, and Piddomon was growing bored.

The portal had opened nearby and Vaj had stepped through. Without a word he had wandered over to join the others, settling himself into the sand with the same glazed over expression on his face, void of all emotions and recognition.

"I thought that once we got the go ahead to actually go ahead and start attacking we would have done more. I mean, if the DRS put up that much of a fight and still lost, I doubt the Motel up north or the other towns and villages would put up any better of a fight" Piddomon said with a huff.

Kuzuhamon seemed to ignore him as she seemingly played with the obscure puzzle box, humming a song to herself as she spun the combinations through her fingers.

Piddomon huffed again as he looked over to the group of digimon that were lined in a neat row along the edge of the cave. Every member of the DRS was sitting in a kneeling position, hands on their knees and their heads bowed in submission. They were no longer clothed. Kuzuhamon had made them remove their garments after they had arrived. None of them had said a word, not that they were capable of starting a conversation without him asking something.

Except for the Blackwargreymon. He was standing outside in the desert, guarding the entrance of the cave. Kuzuhamon didn't seem all that interested in him, and had sent him out the moment they had arrived. Piddomon wasn't sure why. Something that big and towering, ought to have the equipment to match. A blackwargreymon was supposed to be many a digimons fantasy. Which she should have been interested in.

"Mistress, I'm bored. Can I play with one of them?" Piddomon asked, his tone taking on that of a bored child. "Or at least draw a circle in the sand and make them fight?"

"Fine. You may play with your new toys" Kazuhamon said without looking up for a moment or two before she looked over at the assortment of Digimon that were sitting lined up. "You" she said, pointing straight at Aqua. "What do they call you in that little group of yours?"

"Aqua" she replied in a flat, emotionless tone of voice that matched the vacant expression that was on her face.

"Come over here dearie. And give my poor feet a good licking. They're sore from standing around all day" Kuzuhamon said with a smirk on her face as she made a show of stretching her long legs. "On your hands and knees" she said when she saw Aqua start to stand.

Aqua didn't even understand the concept of saying no as she slid onto her hands and knees and literally crawled her way through the sandy covered ground towards her mistress, her rather supple and toned backside moving backwards and forward with each movement. From where he was sitting, Piddomon had a perfect view of her nethers, although there was nothing to really look at.

Not that he cared as he watched Aqua kneel at Kuzuhamons feet and began to remove her large purple and black boots. Kuzuhamons feet were large and bipedal, ending in three black white-tipped pawpads with a black claw on the end. Kuzuhamon went back to her puzzle box, a smirk on her face as she spread her feet out before her as Aqua leant in and began to lick her feet with a long loving caress of her tongue.

"That gives me an idea" Piddomon said with a smirk as he looked over at Ren for a moment. The fox boy was sitting still, still covered in the thick sticky honey from BBs' attack. He thought for a moment and made his choice as he pointed a finger at both Flame and Pan.

"You two. Get together and start licking that Renamon clean. I want you two to lick every drop of honey off his body" he ordered with a smirk as the angel digimon leant back on his rock, his hand running down his rather well toned midsection to his covered crotch.

Flame and Pan got up from their sitting positions and made their way to Ren. The two of them both leant in together and began to run their tongues across different sections of the renamons body. Pan started at his chest while Flame started on his leg.

"Get your tongues good and wet boys" Piddomon said with a grin as his hand began to rub his covered crotch, a bulge starting to form under the bright pink cloth of his uniform. "Get his fur clean all over. Don't miss a spot."

Ren closed his eyes and started to moan softly as his body reacted to the tongue licking he was receiving. His nipples began to harden and poke out through his chest fur, as his soft cock began to harden and slide out through the patch of fur covering his crotch.

Piddomon grinned as he watched the fox get aroused. The collars were specially designed, at Kuzuhamons insistence, to heighten a Digimons arousal from any kind of sexual act. The two Digimon licking his body would more then likely get him to climax hands free just from the licking, if he let them go that long enough. Well, only if he gave Ren permission.

He felt his own cock throbbing against his covering so he pulled his hand away and began to undo his pants. He pulled his length out with a sigh, his thick fat length throbbing hotly with need. It was long, black and thick, covered in a variety of bumps and ridges that looked almost painful to try and take. He might have been an angel, but his cock was not holy.

Pan and Flame continued to lick and slurp the honey from Rens fur, their mouths getting wetter and dripping saliva with each lick, causing Rens fur to get damp and slick. They licked with an almost hunger in their actions, the fox getting more and more aroused as he began to whimper and moan from the pleasure he was seeking.

"Why don't you boys get aroused too? Show me how much you love this" Piddomon said as he wrapped his hand around his cock and began to slowly stroke it up and down. Pan panted as his own thickly large length began to swell with life and dangle between his legs, while Flame moaned as his own twin cocks emerged from his slit. The big bara lion and the slender dragon boy conitnued their tonguing as their lengths bobbed and dangled between their legs.

"Hey look at that. The flamedramon has double cocks" Piddomon said with a grin. Kuzuhamon perked an ear to that as a grin spread across her features, while she wiggled her toes in Aquas mouth. She pushed her foot further into Aquas mouth, filling a second toe into her mouth and starting to make her choke a little. Drool and spittle began to leak from her mouth as Aqua didn't stop.

"How very interesting. I'll have to try him out later" she said as she let Aqua continue to bathe her feet in her saliva, feeling how good of a job the girl digimon was doing. She smirked down at her, meeting Aquas eyes, who had gone from a blank vacant look to one that almost begged for her mistress' praise.

"Awww, how could I resist such a cute little expression" Kuzuhamon said with a smile as she looked over at Kazemon, who had been standing stationary and silent the whole time. "Be a sweetie and show this little future slut some attention of her own" she ordered.

Kazemon nodded as the bondage wrapped fairy walked over and knelt behind Aqua, grabbing the girls tail and hoisting it out of the way. Even though the features of Aquas gender were more resembling a doll, much like every other digimon till they got aroused enough to show it, did not mean that they weren't there.

Kazemon didn't waste any time as she planted her face into Aquas hindquarters and started to lick at her almost invisible slit as if she hadn't eaten for days.

Aquas eyes went wide and round as her mouth opened, a gasping pleasure filled cry echoing out of her throat as her cunny was savagely licked hard. Her whole body began to tremble and shake, her arms and legs almost threatening to collapse underneath her as her slit became more and more prominent with each firm lick.

"Good girls. You play nice" Kuzuhamon said as she put the puzzle box down, deciding to finish it up later. She needed a break anyway. She had taught Kazemon well, even if all the girl had was very primitive thoughts on sex, with no real finesse to it. She just attacked with her tongue with a hunger that was hard and rough and ever so good to feel. And right now, Aqua was getting the receiving end of it.

Aqua began to pant hard, her moans getting louder and almost mewling like a cat as a flush spread across her face from the treatment she was receiving. As her arousal grew, her body began to develop as well, her breast mounds starting to get larger as they swelled into a proper pair of breasts, while her nethers flushed red and began to drip her arousal juices down the inside of her thighs.

Piddomon turned his attention back to the three males before him, watching as they continued to give Ren a firm and thorough tongue bath. Their cocks were hard and throbbing leaking an almost constant stream of pre onto the sand between their knees. Ren was panting hard, flushed across his face as his body was attacked by the two hungry males next to him.

Up and down went Piddos hand as he watched, stroking himself as the two Digimon made quick work of their meal, lapping up every drop of that thick sticky attack honey. But they didn't stop licking Rens body, since they were not ordered too. They continued to lick slurp as they covered his whole body in a sheen of their saliva.

More then once the tongues of Flame and Pan met and for a few moments they'd tongue wrestle against one another in a sloppy, open mouth frenching. Their tongues seemed to dance in a slimy wrestle, Pans thick meaty looking tongue against Flames slender and long tongue, making lewd schlurking noises into each others mouths before they continued their licking elsewhere.

"That's enough" Piddomon said as he decided that he had enough waiting. "You, flamedramon. Lay on your back. You, Renamon" he said, pointing at them both. "start sucking him off" he ordered.

Flame immediately laid himself down on the sand, spreading his body out on the ground. The bruises from his earlier tumbles were showing and more obvious now that he was spread out, but Piddomon made no comment. Not that he cared wether his new toys were in good condition or not. Besides, wounds healed.

Ren knelt between Flames legs and took a cock in each of his bare hands. His gloves were gone, so the soft fluffy fur of his thick fingers felt like heaven on Flames throbbing hard lengths. Ren gave them both a few good squeezes and rubs up and down before he pushed them together and guided them both to his mouth.

A gasp and a moan escaped from Flames mouth as his cocks were both enveloped by Rens hot moist muzzle. Rens lips stretched and bulged around those two throbbing lengths as he pushed his mouth down, feeling those cocks slide along his tongue. He didn't stop till he had both of those cocks buried up his muzzle, his cheeks and lips bulging out as the cock tips tickled against the back of his throat.

Drool and spittle began to leak from his mouth as Ren began to bob up and down between Flames legs. Those two throbbing hard cocks in his mouth began to glisten with a mixture of saliva and pre as Rena did his best to gulp and swallow what Flame was offering. Each bob helped coat those two cocks in a layer of lubricant and soon Ren was effortlessly bobbing his head up and down.

"By Gennai, what a slut" Piddo said with a smirk as he stood up, holding his thick cock in his hand as he squeezed a string of pre from the tip. "He must be practising to be that good at taking two cocks at once and not even gagging" he said as he walked over to Pan, his cock bobbing and wagging as he walked up to the waiting lion and pushed him on the back of his head.

"Lube the fox up" he ordered as he pushed again, pushing the lion forward onto his hands and knees with a rough shove. Pan fell behind Ren, the foxes taught fluffy rear end with his tail raised filling the lions vision as he didn't hesitate to grab onto those furry hips and push his face into that ass.

"You're gonna fuck him good" Piddomon said as he stroked his cock, watching and hearing as Pan slurped loudly at Rens ass, his thick tongue slurping and sliding around that tight pucker nestled between those soft round mounds. Ren moaned and whimpered as h continued to bob his mouth up and down on those twin dragon cocks. "So you better get him good and wet."

Pan hooked his thumbs between Rens cheeks and spread them apart as far as he was able to, his thumbtips pushing against the edges of his tight ring and pulling the ring of muscle slowly open, prying it apart. He pushed his nose under the base of Rens tail and opened his mouth wide, his drooling saliva coated tongue pushing up against that ring and starting to fight it for entry.

Ren gasped out loud as that thick cold tongue pushed up against his insides, making his skin prickle with goosebumps against the warm air of the sandy cave. His gasp made more spittle and saliva spurt from his mouth around Flames twin cocks as he continued to suck them both off at the same time, while Pan thrust his tongue up his butt as hard and as deep as he could.

"So, how does she taste?" Kuzuhamon asked as she rubbed a hand down on the inside of her armor, feeling her own moistness as she watched Aquas trembling body shake and quake from Kazemons primitive licking.

"like a virgin" Kazemon said once she had pulled her mouth from Aquas heated pussy. Aqua moaned and whimpered as she felt htat licking stop, feeling her body need more of it as she had been getting closer with each lick. Kuzuhamon raised an eyebrow.

"A virgin? Really? Since when is any digimon around here ever a virgin" she said as she pulled her figners from her own pussy and stood up, shooing Kazemon away from behind Aqua as she leant in to inspect her for herself.

The girls nethers were dripping with thick juices, dribbling down the inside of her thighs and making a puddle between her knees. Her cunt lips were puffed and red from their constant hard tongue lashing, proof of how good Kazemons actions where.

Kuzuhamon simply pushed two of her fingers in good and deep without prepping her, making Aqua gasp and moan loudly from the pentration. Kuzuhamon smiled under her helmet as she twisted and wriggled her fingers around, making those pussy lips squelch with each movement.

Once her fingers were thoroughly covered in Aquas juices, Kuzuhamon pulled her fingers out and brought htem to her lips, suckling loudly on her soaked digits. A pleased smile spread around mouth and her eyes twinkled behind the helmet as she felt a certain resistence deep within those dripping folds.

"only a virgin girl could taste this decadent and sweet" she said with a grin as she stood up, licking her fingers clean. "you're right my dear, she is indeed a virgin. How she could possibly be one I have no clue. But i'm sure that we can remedy that soon enough" she said with an evil smile on her face. "I think a girl deserves a proper first time, a fine and thorough breaking in. I'll have to think good and hard on this" she said.

"Kazemon my dear, you can leave her alone now. No more licking. But feel free to tease her and keep her occupied. Doesn't matter how hard you go. She can't get off until I give permission anyway" she said with a grin. Kazemon nodded as she slipped her arms behind Aqua and pulled her up into a standing position, keeping her standing with her arms holding her in place.

Aqua was panting hard, her face and body flushed as she had been on the brink of her orgasm. Her legs quivered as her pussy conitnued to drip her juices between her legs, her breasts heaving slightly with each panted breath. Her nipples were hard and taught as Kazemon blatantly felt them up, making her moan even more.

Kuzuhamon grined and flicked her tongue between her fingers again nice and slow as she watched the display. She quite enjoyed watching the virgin girl whimper and moan as she was blatantly manhandled. One of kazemons hands on her breasts and the other reaching down to grope and finger at her moist entrance. But she wouldn't bring aqua to the brink and let her get off for some time. Build up was always a reward.

And by then the poor female digimon would be nothing but a quivering mess of herself, desperate to get off so badly that if Kuzuhamon turned off the collar while Aqua was standing in a room surrounded by her team mates, she'd more then likely just start plunging her fingers into herself right in front of them without thinking twice. Or she'd grab the nearest male and start riding him like a desperate cowboy.

Kuzuhamon grinned. Now that was a thought.

She leant back, her hand down the front of her armoured pants as she watched Aqua be tortured by Kazemons hungry tongue, knowing the girl would be on edge for quite some time as the vixen digimon began making plans as she watched the show.

Piddomon smirked as he took a step over, moving closer to the three sex driven digimon that were under his control. Ren was still sucking off those twin cocks in his mouth, alhtough his lips were starting to puff up and swell from how hard he was going at it, the flamedramons crotch thoroughly soaked in spit and leaking pre.

Pan was still slurping away, his saliva dripping down the back of Rens dangling balls and down his thighs as he coated that ring over and over again with his cold saliva. Rens fox hole quivered against that invading tongue as it was forced open over and over again as Pans fingers helped keep it open as his togue sunk to new depths.

"none of you cum until I do" Piddomon said with an evil grin on his face as he gripped the base of his cock and wagged it back and forth, sending a few thick strands of pre into the sand between his feet as he watched the three sluts go at it. "Renamon, don't stop sucking. I like hearing oyu gag. Panjyamon, fuck that ass hard" he ordered.

Pan pulled his tongue from Rens backside, panting slightly with a flushed face as several long strings of saliva connected his tongue to the quivering fox hole, which was utterly drenched in mouth slime. He slowly pulled himself up onto his knees, his huge ice blue cock throbbing hard, its thick veins pulsing with the lions heartbeat.

He grabbed Rens tail by the base and hoisted it up out of the way, his other hand grabbing his thick fat cock and, with one swift unceremonious movement, shoved that thick fuck stick up the foxes hole with one hard unforgiving thrust.

That thrust pushed Ren forwards, forcing him down to the hilt on Flames cocks, the fox gagging and splurting pre and saliva from the corners of his stretched mouth. Slime dripped messily from his mouth as he gripped Flames thighs tightly, steadying himself as he tried to pull off.

But Pan started to thrust hard, slamming his huge cock from tip to base deep into the foxes ass. He had been given the order to fuck hard, and he was proceeding to fuck hard. The very steady slap slap slap of his hips against the foxes backside were loud and sharp, almost a spanking slapping as he ploughed forward.

Flame just lay on his back with his legs spread, his fingers digging into the sand around him as he was unaware of Rens discomfort, only staring at the caves ceiling as he felt that warm wet mouth slide around his cocks. All the felt was the pleasure and that's all he could do.

Ren was being shoved forward, Pans thrusting keeping him from pulling back too far. The entirety of Flames cocks were in his mouth, the tips tickling against the back of his throat over and over again, only able to slide a few centimeters out of his mouth before each hard thrust behind him pushed him back down. The tickling was not enough to make him throw up, but it was enough to make him gag and choke.

Piddomon grinned as he stepped forward, his cock leaking as it bobbed between his legs while he walked. He stepped over Ren, with a leg on either side of the foxes slender hips. He reached forward and grabbed Pans head, gripping his man roughly with his hand as he began to slap the lions face with his cock.

The three fucking digimon under him continued their actions as they moaned, choked and fucked under the order of Piddomon. Pans mouth and lips were starting to puff and swell further, his lips becoming tender as they were tenderised, but he didn't stop his actions as he was deeply fucked through his mouth.

Pans face was forcibly slapped by that big fat black holy cock, the slaps enough of a force to knock his head to the side if Piddomons hand wasn't gripping his mane tight enough to pull hairs out. He continued to pant with a flushed face that was starting to be streaked with thick ropes of pre as he pounded his hips back and forth into the foxes ass.

The angel digimon continued to slap his cock around on Pans face a few more times, making each hit nice and hard. The sounds of the fucking digimon underneath him and the hard whacking of his cock on that studs face were turning him on something fierce, and he wasn't going to last for too much longer.

"Open up" he ordered. Pan opened his mouth obediantly with his tongue hanging out, but it wasn't empty for long as Piddomon slammed his fat cock into the lions mouth without mercy. Pan was already gagging as Piddomon grabbed his ears roughly in his hands and began to use them as handles. His hips started ramming back and forth as he drilled his cock into that new whores mouth.

"Oh fuck yeah, take it you slut" Piddomon growled as he used Pans mouth like a fleshlight, ramming his cock into that chocking mouth as those cool wet mouth muscles twitched and throbbed against his cock. "Mmmm, such ag ood mouth. Oh fuck...yeah so good" he growled and grunted as he continued to pound away.

He huffed and grunted, feeling his balls swing and smack Pan under his chin over and over again, the lions cool wet mouth drooling and dripping with spittle and saliva as he plunged his cock into that mouth over and over again. His pleasure was rising, and he wanted to release. And he planned on doing it right in that mighty lions mouth.

"Oh fuck bitch....I'm getting close....oh yeah...just a little.....oh yeah...FUCK...FUCK" Piddomon cried out as he squeezed Pans ears tight enough that they were definitely going to bruise badly as he slammed his cock right into the lions mouth, the head of his cock stretching the back of his throat wide open as his cock throbbed hard and began to spew.

Pan did indeed begin to choke as his mouth was loaded with a flood that he wasn't able to keep up with. His cheeks ballooned out rapidly as he found it hard to breath, but he was unable to pull away or stop his humping.

Several thick ribbons of strangely bright white cum spewed from the corners of his mouth and rained down on Rens back, sloppily spurting over the renamons bright yellow fur as it seemed to go everywhere.

Piddomons own climax was the trigger that the others needed as Pan came first. He gave a gurgling gagging roar of pleasure into his still full mouth as he thrust his cock in to the base, his balls pulling up as he began cumming hard. A surge of ice cold panjyamon cum burst into Rens insides and rapidly began to swell up his stomach.

Flame came almost at the same time, arching his back as his fingers dug into the sands at his side as his twin cocks suddenly began to spurt. Ren gagged and gurgled as his mouth and cheeks ballooned around the incoming flood. A soft whisper of steam began to emanate from the dripping cum that leaked as Ren tried to swallow what he could.

Rens eyes went crossed-eyed as he came next, his cock starting to spurt into the sand between his legs as a leaking thick foamy slush leaked from around Pans cock lodged deep inside of him. His cum was tinged a pale green, thanks to his nature element, and a sizeable pool emerged on the ground under him as the fox quivered and shook.

"Not too bad I guess" Piddomon sighed as he let go of Pans ears and gave him a slight push backwards. Pan was pushed off that fat ebony cock and immediately a small flood of cum poured from his mouth, his sore cheeks finally retracting as the pressure in his mouth was relieved. The cum from Piddomon was practically glowing from his holy elemant, and it splattered over Rens back, looking like someone had just thrown a bottle of cream over the fox.

Pans cock dislodged from inside Rens body and it slurped out with a rather lewd sound, a thick spurt or two of foamy ice slush both gushing from Rens over stretched hole, and from the tip of Pans cock that streaked over his reddened backside. Rens stomach hung, bloated and stretched from the amount of cum it was now holding.

Ren slowly pulled off of Flames twin cocks, those two pointed spires slurping from his mouth with a small burst of cum as well. Rens breath was steaming from the surprisingly warm load he had just ingested, and his mouth was practically glwoing from how hot it was. Piddomon took a step away from the three panting digimon and started to rub his fingers over his cock, getting a few good coatings of his seed on his fingers as he looked back over at the three used toys. They were still in their positions, their cocks softening and their bodies heaving and panting.

"Climax" he ordered them with a smirk. Flame, Pan and Ren all arched their backs and cried out in a sudden orgasmic pleasure as their cocks throbbed and pulsed, surging back to a full throbbing hardness before all three climaxed at the same time.

The puddle under Ren grew bigger and soaked into the sand underneath him as his cock spurted, just as he was splattered with two more loads from his fellow DRS members. His backside was suddenly streaked and coated in a thick layer of ice cold slush that seepedi nto the fur on his backside and against the back of his thighs.

Flames climax spurted in two places at once, one cock spraying his load directly onto Rens face, giving him a hard and very wet facial that dripped from him like cream. The other cock spurted straight into Rens still open mouth. There was a quick filling of cum straight up Rens open maw before it simply began to drip back out.

Piddomon smirked as he looked over to the other DRS members, who hadn't moved or said a word during the slutty sex show he had just given right in front of them. He pointed a finger at Anub and beckoned the royal jackal over.

"Get over here and clean my cock up with your tongue. Make sure you get every drop slut" he ordered. Anub slowly stood up, his toned slender body on display as he walked over, his wings tucked in behind him as the royal jackal knelt before the holy angel and didn't hesitate to take that cock into his mouth.

"Are you done over there?" Kuzuhamon asked after several minutes of watching Kaze torture Aqua further. Aqua was moaning and whining, her face thoroughly flushed from the pelasure as she was denied her orgasm over and over again from Kazemons relentless tongue. She looked over to where Piddomon was standing, having Anub clean his cock off with his tongue. Ren was still on his hands and knees, coated in the combination of Pan, Flames and Piddomons cum, his fur streaked with colours as Flame and Pan were still at either end of him.

"Almost. I'm nearly clean" Piddomon said as he allowed Anub to clean him with his tongue at his leisure. Even soft his cock was a good mouthfull for the jackals slender framed muzzle, but his soft tongue felt like warm velvet, a feeling that Piddomon could very well get used to in the coming days.

"You can stop now. We have work to do" Kuzuhamon said as she left Kazemon to continue her molestation of Aqua as she sat back down on her rock to slip her boots back on. Piddomon grunted with annoyance as he gave Anub an unceremonious shove away and tucked his cock back into his pants.

"If you treat your toys like that, I'll have to take them away from you and ground you" Kuzuhamon said as she picked up her puzzle box and began to twist and turn it again in her hands. Piddomon huffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

"That is not fair" he pouted.

"Sweetie, let me put it another way" she said as she looked over at him with a smile across her features. "Shut up, and do what I say, bitch." He pouted again but he didn't say a word in rebuttal. He didn't have the guts too. With a satisfied smirk she went back to her puzzle box and continued to hum to herself.

He had to wait at least another half an hour, just standing there watching Kaze molest and torment Aqua, getting the dragon girl more and more hot and bothered with her constant teasing, before Kuzuhamon squealed with joy and jumped off her rock, holding the puzzle box in her hand like a small trophy.

"It's finally finished" she said with a happy squeal. "Oh, I'm so proud of myself. I can't wait to activate this and get it going" she said.

"What does it do? Sing a little song and then open up and hook chains into you?" Piddomon asked with a slight sneer in his face. He actually found himself hoping that would happen.

"No. Different box" Kuzuhamon said with an equal sneer on her lipsticked lips. "This is a much better box, as you will soon see" she said as she held it in her hand before her. Piddomon watched curiously as the box began to glow softly in a white light, then it began to hover above her hand and start to rotate as if it was trying to solve itself.

"So what does it do?" Piddomon asked, not feeling all that impressed.

"This is called a 'Nexxus Mod Manager'" Kuzuhamon said. "Or 'NMM' for short. It's basically a program for installing modifications to games and whatnot. You simply insert the mods that you want to use, and it installs them for you, ready to play and cheat your way through" she said with a smirk. "I'm just going to abuse it for my own gain."

"See, Ebemon wasted a lot of time making his little lair from the ground up. Well, from the underground up anyway" she said. "He had all his little cult members do all the manual work to expand on his little base of operations, when he could have had this program to make things that much more smoother for him" she said with a grin. "You know very well I'm not against physical or manual operations, just not that kind."

"So, this is a program that mods a game, I guess in this case, the digital world, to do what exactly?" Piddomon asked. "does it help to make taking over the world a lot easier or something?" he asked.

"Not exactly. But this will build us a base and give me everything I need to keep myself comfortable" Kuzuhamon said with a smirk as she turned and walked towards the entrance of the cave, stepping out through the curtain of sand that was constantly flowing down over the entrance.

Kuzuhamon then tossed the glowing cube through the air, where it landing in the middle of the sandy base of the gorge, and rolled a few times and even bounced once or twice before it stopped and simply fell still.

Then there was a pulse of light that emanated from around it, creating an enormous circle of white light in a wide area around it. And then the ground and the chasm walls began to shake as something began to emerge from the wide circle of light.

What emerged was a 3d green mesh, completely see through to the other side. But it didn't stay see-through for very long. As the mesh rose upwards, it began to flicker as squares of data began to attach itself to the mesh, solidifying it and making it exist as it was formed.

Kuzuhamon grinned as she stood, hands on her hips as she watched proudly as her towering castle rose out of the ground in the middle of the gorge. Towering parapets and towards topped with pointed roofs, battlements and balconies, sweeping paths and courtyards. The gorge itself was deep, very deep into the ground. And the castle was impressively big enough to reach almost a third of the way up the high walls. The gorge itself was huge, but it did not diminish the size of the castle at all.

"It's looks like something out of a Disney film" Piddomon said as he made his way through the curtain of sand, ignoring the pleasured tormented moans of Aqua. "You sure this is right for you?"

"All girls are princess' at heart" Kuzuhamon said sweetly as she gave a wave of her hand, as if the statement was a very obvious one. "Except for me. I'm going to be the bloody queen.

"You" she said, turning to the standing and stoic B-W, as if noticing him for the first time. "You and that pony boy can go up north to the Desert Motel. When you get there, the collars will release and capture everyone. Don't let anyone escape. And bring them all back here" she said as she gave her order.

B-W nodded almost dumbly, his expression vacant behind his helmet. Vaj walked through the curtain of sand, not even bothering to cover himself as he and B-W began to walk away without hesitation or a second thought.

"Now, lets go into my lovely new home. I'm in need of a bit of fun with my toys" Kuzuhamon said as she began to lead them all through the sand towards her new castle. Kazemon had to stop her molesting of Aqua, who was forced to walk along on shaking legs with the others, all forming a single line in the sand as they followed obediently. Both Aqua and Ren were dripping as they walked with shakey legs, but both for very different reasons.

The front of her new castle was dominated by a pair of ancient looking wrought iron gates, that opened to the inside of the main frontal courtyard. The courtyard itself was paved with smooth stones and flanked by garden beds that were overflowing with brightly coloured flowers of all shapes and sizes.

The walls of the perimeter, the guard towers and indeed most of the castle was covered in a thick growth of vines, covered in deep purple flowers that seemed to bloom every-time they were gazed on.

Kuzuhamon looked like she was on top of the world. Piddomon wanted to throw up.

In the middle of the courtyard was a very impressive fountain in a huge pool in the shape of a giant heart. In the middle of the shallow pool were two podiums with two large statues that looked like they were hand carved out of granite. Both of them were two rather identical looking Wargreymons, facing each other with their legs spread, arms pumped hard and immense fat erections pointing at the other. Their heads were drawn back in post orgasmic roar, with their huge cocks pouring water onto the chest of the other.

"Of course she would" Piddomon thought as they walked past the rather perverted looking fountain and up to the castles main doors at the other side of the front courtyard. Kuzuhamon placed her hands on the castle doors and quickly threw them open, revealing the immense throne room ahead of them.

"Oh THAT is going to go."

Despite the fact that she was walking on a bright red carpet covered in purple hearts that lead up to the actual throne of the room, despite the high ceilings with the immensely intricate candled chandeliers, despite the statues lining the hall on either side that were modelled to look like her standing to attention with her staff clasped between her hands in worship, and despite the fact that between each statue was a beautifully rendered portrait of herself in various, 'tasteful' poses, both clothed and nude, she focused down on the one thing that was wrong.

The throne itself.

"And what exactly is wrong with it?" Piddomon asked as he and the group of enslaved digimon followed her down the long carpeted hall to the actual throne.

"Just look at it. It's just....wrong" Kuzuhamon said as she stomped her boot in a huff and crossed her arms unhappily. Piddomon had no idea what was wrong with it. It was a replica of the Iron Throne from the television show.

Except made out of dildos.

"I think it suits you" Piddomon admitted, although he didn't really care. Kuzuhamon shook her head and gave him a narrow eyed glare.

"It's....just not me. This whole hall, everything, is ruined by this....this....EYESORE" Kuzuhamon shouted as as she grasped her staff and thrust the ornate end towards the dildo throne. There was a crackle of black and purple sparks around the end of her staff before the entire throne suddenly erupted in a burst of bright neon blue ones and zeros, and was then suddenly gone.

"I am going to have to fix this. This whole castle needs to be perfect" Kuzuhamon said with a very annoyed huff. "Ugh, now I have to design a new throne to go with my lovely new castle. It has to be perfect. I am the bloody queen here, it has to be perfect for me" she said, stamping her boot once more.

She huffed again as she looked like she was trying to control a rather severe temper tantrum that was threatening to erupt, and it took several long minutes before she stopped moving and seemed to calm down.

"Oh well. Just means I have the fun of designing a new throne" she said as a happy smile plastered itself across the open section of her face. She clapped her hands together with a gleeful smile as she turned around.

"Kazemon sweetie, take that sweet virgin up to my room" Kazuhamon said with a smile as she pointed at Aqua, who, like the others, were simply standing around and slightly swaying on the spot as they awaited orders. Except Aquas body hadn't cooled itself down and she was still high on the pleasure that Kazemon had given her. Kuzuhamon quite liked the flushed expression on her face and the juice dripping down her legs. Perhaps she'd make that state permanent on her.

"I want you to tie her up on the bed for me. And bring the Flamedramon boy too. I want him on his knees beside my bed ready to serve me" she said with a smile that seemed more sickly then sweet. "Just go upstairs and find the biggest prettiest bedroom. That one is mine."

Kazemon nodded once as she turned and began to walk away through one of the arched doors on the sides of the huge hall. Aqua and Flame obediently followed her without a word or any kind of hesitation or struggle.

Kuzuhamon smirked as she watched the two naked mons walk off, then she noticed the sandy footprints that were left in the carpet. Her eyes followed the trail back to the group of Digimon in the hall, and her eyes narrowed behind her helmet when she saw the amount of sand and dirt that had been tracked into the hall from outside. Not to mention the amount of cum that had dripped from Ren across the carpet as well.

Pans face was slightly bruised from the amount of hard cock slaps that he had endured, and his ears were red and swollen from how hard Piddomon had gripped him. Rens face was swollen under the mask of cum he was wearing, his lips and cheeks puffed out and reddened from their forced fucking. But she either didn't notice, or she didn't care.

"As for the rest of you" she said as she raised her voice, not sounding rather happy. "I want you all to grab cleaning supplies, and start scrubbing. I want every speck of dust, sand, dirt and anything else remotely gross removed from my lovely new castle. The queen of the Digimon slaves needs a clean castle. NOW GET TO IT" she shouted.

The rest of the digital rescue squad nodded rather dumbly at her, their eyes and expressions vacant and void of any kind of emotion or even life. They all began to walk off towards the doors that lead away from the hall.

"Just look for the doors marked "Janitor" and hurry up" Kuzuhamon said in a huff as she watched them all leave. "Ugh, if anyone had told me being in charge was this much work I would have punched them in the throat."

She turned around after a few moments to see that Piddomon was still standing there with his hands on his hips as he seemed to be just idling for the moment.

"Piddomon, my sexy and sweet angel" she says with a sexy and sweet smile on her face. "can you do me a little favour?"

"You want me to scrub the toilets?"

"No. I'd like you to go back to Lord Daemons residence and inform him of the success in capturing and enslaving the Digital Rescue Squad" Kuzuhamon said with a smile as she walked over to her best servant. She slowly ran a finger down his chest and across his abs as she smiled at him. "And then I want you to bring back any of the Digimon there who wish to also serve me during my reign."

"You want me, to go back, to HIM?" Piddomon asked as he suddenly looked rather nervous. He visibly flinched as she touched him,as if the very idea of even thinking about Daemon was enough to make him want to retch and hurl.

"Either you do it because I asked you nicely" Kuzuhamon said with a smile. "Or, I slap a collar on your bitch ass, and send you there anyway. And then you scrub the toilets" she said, this time without a smile on her face.

Piddomon swallowed rather visibly as he seemed to consider his options. Going to Daemon and being in his presence was not something Piddomon wanted to even consider. But going there forced as her indentured slave, that had to be worse, right?

"I'll be back as soon as I can" Piddomon said with an obedient nod. Kuzuhamon smiled as she moved her hand down and patted him firmly on the crotch.

"Take as long as you like. I have some new toys to keep me company till you get back" she said with a smile, and a rather firm squeeze on his bulge that made him gasp out loud. "And if you bring enough of them back, I'll let you have first choice in the next batch of slaves we bring in" she said with a grin.

Piddomon smiled, his crotch bulge throbbing rather obviously in her hand from the thought of being able to choose the next toys he'd get to play with. With a dark smile at the thought, the holy angel Digimon then turned and hurried, with eagerness, out of the hall and through the castles main doors.

Kuzuhamon then made her way, albeit slowly, through her castles halls and up the curving staircases. The modding application had done a fantastic job at rendering her castle the way she wanted it too, every inch of the place was a testament to how much she wanted to be a queen, and to live like one in the best luxury possible.

It would have been a step too far to have everything plastered in gold though. She wasn't tacky like that.

The doors to her bedroom were two large hand carved wooden doors, with a rather intricate and beautiful carving of a cherry blossom tree, with petals blowing in the wind. Kuzuhamon took a moment or two to enjoy the carvings beauty before she pushed on the doors and walked in.

Her bedroom did look like something out of a Disney princess dream. The floor was a deep pink coloured carpet border-lining on red. There were more elaborate pictures of herself across the rooms walls, each one a little more explicit this time around, showing Kuzuhamon with different partners, and each partner was trussed up in leather bindings like a Christmas turkey.

The room held a large balcony at the far end, with wide doors opening out and giving a full view of the frontal courtyard, the wargreymons fountain easily able to be heard with the doors open. Against the wall on the left was a large array of shelves and drawers, containing many items. Ranging from panties that were full coverage all the way to a piece of string and a label, to a worthy collection of bondage gear and equipment that could have been borrowed from a hardcore bondage porn set.

And she couldn't forget about her previous toy collection. A very surprisingly large collection of dildos, vibrators and masturbators, ranging in sizes from the tiniest little things to something she'd probably die from if inserted. They were made of every kind of material known to digi-kind, and every shape that could have been invented.

Of course, none of that mattered when she smirked over to her bed. A huge canopy four poster bed, covered with sheets of deep purple velvet for the curtains. The sheets were a bright pink, covered with images of Disney princess' that smiled back up at you when you looked. The bed was expansive enough that Kuzuhamon could have had several partners of various sizes on it and still have room for a football team.

And Aqua was laying on top of those sheets, tied up and spread eagled on the bed, with her wrists and ankles tied with leather towards the posts of the bed. Aqua was panting hard, writhing against the restraints as she tried to pull herself free. She was itching to get at her crotch, which Kuzuhamon was delighted to see had been plugged with a small vibrator that was keeping the girl on edge.

"Kazemon must have a little more thought then I give her credit for" Kuzuhamon said with a smirk to herself. Flame was on the floor at the foot of the bed, sitting on his knees facing towards the bed, like an obedient slave should have been.

The whole scene, felt so familiar with its sordidness. It reminded Kuzuhamon of herself in a previous time in her past. She could almost imagine herself in that position, laying at the mercy of her teacher, and what a mercy it was to be experiencing.

She walked up with deliberate slowness, enjoying the moans and whimpers that Aqua was emitting. The girl was definitely a virgin, and with the way she was writhing and squirming, she must have been hooked near the edge of her orgasm. But she couldn't, at least not until Kuzuhamon gave permission.

Her collars were designed that way, that her slaves couldn't achieve orgasm until she or Piddomon or anyone else sharing her control permitted them too. Her teacher had taught her all about the dark collars, and Kuzuhamon was only really using the tip of the iceberg with how they could work. She was going to have a lot more fun exploring them with her live test subjects.

She reached over and grabbed the vibrator and slowly pulled it out. Kazemon had picked a good one, a small slender purple one that was covered with a mixture of small spikes and ridges. Aqua panted and whined as it was pulled out, a large trickle of her aroused juices leaking from her lips once it was out.

Kuzuhamon grinned as she brought the toy up to her mouth and began to suck on it like it was a lollipop. The juice of a virgin was incredibly sweet, and Kuzuhamon savoured every drop she got from that toy as Aqua continued to moan and writhe, while Flame simply sat there and watched without watching.

"You know, Succubimon was such a good teacher to me" Kuzuhamon said with a grin as she watched Aqua writhe on her back on the bed. Kazemon had done a good job, tying her out spread eagled on the enormous four poster bed, with nothing to do but writhe and whimper. There was something so erotically wrong about having that virgin girl writhing in desperate need, tied up ontop of those bright pink disney princess sheets.

"She taught me so many things, so many wonderfull things. She could make me climax just from touching the right parts of my body" Kuzuhamon said as she rubbed her hand on Flames head, as the boy remained kneeling at the foot of her bed, his vacant gaze directed at Aquas quivering crotch. She dropped the vibrator on the floor and promptly forgot about it.

"And that tongue of hers... oh god I miss it" She continued to speak, almost fondly as she remembered being at the mercy of her previous teacher. "She taught me everything, from the time I was a little Nyaromon, all through my Renamon, Silver-Kyubimon and Silver-Taomon stages. I was at her mercy, and her blessing. All at the same time."

She placed her hand on the back of Flames head and pushed forward a little. He obliged as he moved with her, letting her guide him as she pushed him up onto the bed. He crawled up on it, gathering himself between Aquas squirming legs as the girl panted and moaned more.

"I was so disappointed when she left. She never even said why. Just said she had a big opportunity to spread her gift elsewhere, and she left. Last I heard, she was defeated. Such a shame, the world is worse off without her decadent brand of pleasure" she said.

Her hand left Flames head, and he was still, sitting on all fours with his head just a few inches away from Aquas crotch. Kuzuhamon then rubbed her fingers over Aquas snatch, then sunk them in deep, masturbating the quivering girl right in front of Flame.

"I think a girls first time should be one hell of a time, don't you agree?" she asked as she pumped her fingers steadily in and out of that dripping snatch, feeling her fingers get soaked rather thoroughly. "and I think she needs a special someone to help her with that" she said as she pulled her fingers out.

With Aqua only able to really moan in desperation and need, Kuzuhamon slid her soaked fingers between Flames lips. He immediately began to suckle and nurse on them, closing his eyes and almost purring to the sweet taste of the juices.

"You like that?" Kuzuhamon said with a grin. "You like the taste....of your sister?"

"Yes...mistress" Flame panted as he looked up at her, his mouth open as he slowly licked his lips.

"Do you want some more of her?" Kuzuhamon asked with a sweet smile.

"Yes..please mistress" Flame panted as he looked up at her, his expression changing to one of need as he sought her permission.

"Then show your sister just how much you love her" Kuzuhamon said with a smirk as she patted Flame on his head. "Show her how much you care" she said as she took a step back.

Flame didn't hesitate as he leant forward, his head going between Aquas legs as he began to slowly, and lovingly, lick his tongue against her quivering nethers. Aqua pulled at the restraints, gasping loudly as her toes curled, feeling his long slender tongue affectionately touch her.

"Get your sister nice and wet" Kuzuhamon said with a smirk as she began to undo her armour, stripping herself down as she watched the two in front of her. The moans that Aqua was making, those virgin moans of pleasure was like music to Kuzuhamons ears. She could record those moans and make a record of it, creating a symphonic fantasia of those for her to have her fun to.

Kuzuhamons body slowly reveal itself as she worked her armour off, letting it fall to the ground without worry. She was always in an aroused enough state that her body was always fully formed. Her breasts were full and round, her nipples hard and enlarged. Her own nether lips were dripping down the middle of her thighs, pulsing slightly now that they were out in the open air.

She left her helmet on, but the rest of her body was fully exposed. Her own long black hair was let out, cascading down her shoulders and past her waist, ending against her thighs. She looked like the kind of woman that any male or female would die to have in bed with them. And sometimes they actually did.

Flame took his time in licking Aquas snatch, closing his eyes as he savoured the taste of her. His mind was already working around Kuzuhamons orders, forming the order into the idea that Aqua really was his sister, and he intended to show her the love that Kuzuhamon said that he had for her.

For Aqua, she had never felt such a thing. The tonguing and molestation that she had received from Kazemon had been primal, almost bestial and full of purpose. But this, this loving caress of a tongue, was creating entirely new sensations for her that she couldn't help but submit herself too.

"You love your brother, don't you?" Kuzuhamon asked wit ha sweet smile as she moved closer to the bed, reaching down to caress Aquas face, seeing her flushed expression. Her fingers gently travelled through Aquas long hair as she looked down at her expression.

"Y--Yes" Aqua panted as the order was received into her mind, and the order began to work itself into the idea that Kuzuhamon wanted. Whatever thoughts Aqua may have had about Flame, any that remained while under the control of the dark collar, reworked themselves until both she and flame believed that they really were brother and sister together.

"Who do you love?" Kuzuhamon asked as she rubbed her fingers from Aquas hair across her face, an against her quivering lips.

"My...my brother...." Aqua panted and moaned as she arched her back as Flames tongue went in rather deeply.

"You love each other, don't you?" Kuzuhamon asked with a grin as she watched Aqua get eaten out, enjoying the way her toned slender body arched and writhed.

"Yes mistress" they both said loudly as they answered her in unison.

"Good children" Kuzuhamon said with a grin as she moved her hand from Aquas head to Flames. "Now, mount your sister. Give her her first time. Break her virgin pussy in" she ordered rather firmly.

Flame nodded as he panted, feeling his lust rise higher from the order as he was unable to help himself, his twin cocks surging from hard to fully hard as he climbed his way up on top of his sister and straddled her.

Aqua gasped and panted as she looked down, seeing Flame reached between them both and grab his twin lengths in his hands. Both of those hard cocks throbbed and pulsed, leaking steady streams of pre over her moist and wet cunt. She hissed and moaned as those strings of pre felt like liquid burning heat against her already hot folds.

Kuzuhamon grinned as she watched Flame guide his cocks to his sisters opening and push forward, closing her eyes to the joined moaning of them both as they joined each other. For a while she just stood there, her hands touching and caressing her own body as she listened to the twin set of moans and groans that emanated from the two, hearing the soft slapping of warm flesh hitting flesh as the newly crowned brother and sister joined in unison.

"Succubimon taught me everything I know. And more then a few secrets" Kuzuhamon said with a grin as she looked down at them. "Perhaps afters this, how about I christen you a new cock and you can fuck your brother into submission? And then you can both do me in return."

She didn't need their permission. She liked that idea enough anyway.

Oath to Order 2

Oath to Order 2 #7 of Digimon Rescue Squad By Kendo Kawabata "Ow. That hurts." "It has to hurt if it's to heal. Now stop moving unless you want me to poke you in the eye." "I have to move. You move away from something when it hurts -...

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Prelude of Light Chapter 2

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The Fallout : Chapter 5

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