Oath to Order 2

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#7 of Digital Rescue Squad

Oath to Order 2

#7 of Digimon Rescue Squad

By Kendo Kawabata

"Ow. That hurts."

"It has to hurt if it's to heal. Now stop moving unless you want me to poke you in the eye."

"I have to move. You move away from something when it hurts - OW."

"I told you you'd get poked in the eye."

"You did that on purpose."

BG, the BlackGuilmon, was sitting on one of the beds in the infirmary while Gao, the blue and white wolf Gaomon was busy pulling bandages off the black dinosaurs head. BG had been rescued from under the rubble of the barracks, and he had not been in good condition from where the roof had fallen on him. Thankfully, there was no long lasting injuries to him, although he was definitely in the 'hurt' category.

Of course, he was irritated that he was injured and hurt, and that Gaomon pulling the bandages off him was hurting him even more.

"Look, you're healing up fine. Just stop being a baby and take the pain for what it's worth" Gao said as he pulled the last bandages off the dragons chest. The rush stitch job to seal up his wounds seemed to have worked, although Data had pointed out that more people needed to be schooled in medicine then just Lilly. The stitch job looked more like someone had tried cross-stitch on the digimons body.

"I'm not a baby" BG pouted as he crossed his arms over his chest in a huff.

"What do you think the B stands for in the name we gave you?" Gaomon said as he tossed the bandages in the trash.

"It stands for black" BG said in annoyance, looking away in his huff for a moment or two before he changed his gaze to look at Gao sideways. "Doesn't it?" he asked hesitantly.

"I'll let you figure that one out" Gao said as he took some antibacterial wipes and began to wipe down the stitched areas. The stitches were dis-solvable, so he had no reason to remove them yet.

"Now, you're going to stay in here and you're not going to leave until you get told too" Gao said once he had finished applying fresh bandages on the dragon. BG was covered up enough that he could have passed for a mummy.

"But I'm bored" BG protested. "There's nothing to do in here. And I wanna sleep in my bed. Not in a hospital bed. I already slept in a hospital bed." Gao sighed and looked at him.

"You can either rest here awake and read a book, or you can rest in a semi coma from being punched in the head just now" Gao said with a serious look on his face.

"But I didn't get punched......" BG was about to say when he saw Gao raise his big red gloved hand. BG swallowed once and got the message rather quickly.

"I'll be good" he said quickly with a nod.

"Good" Gao said with a nod as he finished up. "Remember, you're bed ridden till further notice. If I see you out of the infirmary for any reason that isn't valid, I'll put you right back in here." Once he made sure that BG was laying back in the bed with an assortment of last years magazines, Gao left him alone.

It had been several very long days since the headquarters had been attacked by Kuzuhamon and her thugs, and most of their squad mates had been captured and enslaved. The headquarters were far too silent for the remaining members to really tolerate, since they were used to it being full of life.

Unfortunately, the communications were still down. The collars had not only knocked around the relay on the roof, but had also shattered them and sent the pieces flying everywhere. Data, the little android digimon, had been working around the clock trying to repair everything, but it was taking its time, and it's toll.

With no way of knowing what was happening out beyond the walls of their compound, the remaining were stuck with only one thing left to do. Clean. But with so much mess around the place and so much in dis-ary, most just felt like they had no idea where to even start with that.

It was up to Shout and Gao to keep the new recruits in line, and most importantly, occupied while they waited for Data to finish up the relay station. Out of all the survivors, only BG was injured, and that was because the barracks had collapsed on-top of him. The others were fine, but they were kind of lost with everyone gone.

Shout and Data were both trying their best to get the communcations relay back up and running, while Gao was keeping the remaining group of recruits occupied enough that they weren't getting in the way. They were currently off cleaning one of the rooms, trying to clean up the mess. Although it wasn't easy.

"Stuck on freaking clean up duty" Strabi said as he pushed a broom along a corridor, broken glass and splintered wood sliding together as he swept. "I didn't join the DRS to push a broom."

B-Gabu grunt as he turned over a ruined chest of drawers, the drawers sliding out and spilling papers and rolled up parchment across the floor. The black and white Gabumon panted a little from how heavy it happened to be.

"Strabi, would you kindly stop whining?" he asked as he looked over at the feline. "That's all you've done since we were locked in the basement. You've just whinned and moaned about everything. It's getting old."

"Well, it's true" Strabi said in annoyance as he pushed the broom again. "All we've done since we joined up is practice punching the air, and then we finally see a bit of action we run and hide and let the bad guys take over."

"We didn't have a choice" B-Gabu said with a huff as he bent over to pick up the drawers and slide them back into place. "Those bad guys were way tougher then we were. and they had those collar things. no-one stood a chance."

"Might have stood a chance if we actually fought back" Strabi said with a growl on hsi face. "Probably would have won if they did make us run away."

"I didn't see you standing back and fighting" B-Gabu said as he pushed a drawer into place. "You ran with the rest of us."

"Hey, I wanted to fight" Strabi said as he pushed the broom to the floor and turned to face B-Gabu with his hands on his thin hips. "I wanted to go and fight them. Maybe if we had all stayed and fought we wouldn't have lost everyone."

"So what stopped you from actually staying behind and fighting?" B-Gabu said as he slammed another drawer into place and turned to face Strabi with a look of annoyance under his fur.

"Well.... we had orders to run, didn't we?" Strabi said slowly. "We're not supposed to disobey a direct order, especially in an emergency situation....."

"You were afraid" B-Gabu said in annoyance. "just like the rest of us."

"I was not afraid" Strabi said, his voice rising with a bite on indignance in it. "I was just following orders."

"Keep telling yourself that" B-Gabu said with a huff and a shake of his head. "Im not listening to you trying to justify yourself about wanting to and what you didn't get to do."

"Hey, I did more then you" Strabi said as the door to the room opened. Rara appeared, the female aquatic digimon was carrying a large box filled with cleaning supplies.

"No you didn't, you just ran faster" B-Gabu said in annoyance as he bent over to pick up another drawer.

"Wh...what are you fighting about?" Rara asked slowly as she found herself walking into the middle of the arguement. It wasn't the first time that it had happened in the last few days, and the girl was starting to feel like she was walking around on eggshells just waiting for the next one to start.

"It's nothing. Just Strabi bitching again" B-Gabu said as he slid the drawer back into place.

"Shut up" Strabi said to Gabu with a look of disgust on his face. "you're just jealous that if we had fought I would have actually beaten one of them. You're not even on my level."

"We're both Rookies you idiot" B-Gabu said without turning aroudn as he began to pick up papers. "And it's easy to brag when the situation is over and done with and you can say anyhting about what if and what could have been."

"Can...can you guys stop fighting? It's ....It's not nice" Rara said as loud as she dared as she pressed her index fingers together, trying not to look either in the face while she spoke.

"You're a damn baby" Strabi snapped at her, with enough nastiness in his voice that Rara jumped back with a gasp.

"That's uncalled for" B-Gabu said.

"She is a damn baby. She didn't do anything" Strabi said. "All she did in the basement was sit in the corner and cry. She was as useless as Gao, considering all he did was just sleep the whole time."

"Strabi, knock it off. you're being unfair and very unkind" B-Gabu said.

"Oh knock it off. You know it's true" Strabi said as he glared angrily at the both of them. "You know what, I'm glad that we didn't end up fighting. Because all she would have done was go running away crying the moment she got hit."

"Strabi, knock it off" B-Gabu said as Rara held her hands against her, her large red eyes starting to brim with tears.

"She can't even handle getting hit in training, she just stands there and cries" Strabi continued as he didn't seem to stop, or care, that he was hurting Raras feelings. "See look. She's gonna start crying now. she's damn useless, just like this whole place is. They can't even put up a damn fight where it counts. how are we supposed to be heros when we're stuck here cleaning up everyone elses mess and all you can do is cry about it?" Strabi said with an accusing finger pointed at Rara.

Raras' eyes brimmed over as she was unable to hold back the tears as she turned and ran from the room, unable to take the abuse from Strabi anymore. tears flooded through her fingers as she covered her face and ran from the room.

"Rara, stop. he didn't mean it" B-Gabu said as he went to chase after her, but he barely made it out of the room before he lost sight of her as she ran aroudn the end of the corridor.

"I hope you're happy now" B-Gabu said angrily to Strabi. "You can be a real jerk, you know that?" he said as he slammed the door closed and went to go find Rara so he could comfort her.

"Whatever" Strabi said in annoyance as he picked up the broom and went back to cleaning. Go figure that they'd both run off and leave him to clean up the mess.

"Oh thank Gennai we finally got through" Shout said as he looked at the screen. The bars representing Banchous voice had never looked or sounded more sweeter. The screen was glitching and there was enough static to put it on a movie about channelling spirits through radio white noise,

"Shout, tell me exactly what happened. I lost contact with you three days ago, and it seems like the island is starting to become a ghost town. This is the third settlement I've visited and it's completely deserted."

"First off, where are you? We used up most of the power already and the location services are still unresponsive" Shout said as he fiddled with some dials to try and up the power to make the channel more stable.

"I'm in the northeast, up at Snowdrift Town."

"How is the situation there?" Shout asked. "Is it that bad?"

Banchou looked around the town square of the snow covered town. Just two days ago, it had been quite busy and full of people. Banchou had been there to oversee installation of a communications array for the town, as well as an EDT loading point to make their emergency data transfer transportation more effective.

Now he was back and the whole town was a ghost town.

"Something attacked the village here" Banchou said, the big bara lion was speaking into his bracelet as he looked around, his heavy black coat blowing in the cold breeze. "Something came through and just tore through the place. All the doors are broken in and all of the windows are smashed. Like some kind of swarm just came in and took everyone away.

"If you're thinking the collectors you're wrong."

"You know who did this?" Banchou asked as he walked into the main building of the village, the inn. The door was hanging off its hinges, and the inside was dark. He didn't want to admit it, but he had sort of considered that idea. Since it did match the attack.

"Kuzuhamon. From the digital worlds most wanted list" Shouts voice accompanied Banchou as he walked into the hallway. The room had a sunken firepit in the middle surrounded by tatami matts and several trays of food and drinks. But the fire was out and there was snow drifting in through the windows in the high ceiling. Most of the room was covered in a soft layer of snow.

"She attacked the headquarters with two minions. A Piddomon and a Kazemon. She captured B-W and used him to turn on the squad. Vaj and some of the others tried to stop the attack but they got captured as well. The whole place got infested and just about everyone was taken away by them."

"Let me guess, she used some kind of black collar to capture everyone?" Banchou asked as he knelt down by the pit and touched it. It was stone cold.

"How did you know that?"

"Because I saw them here" Banchou said simply. "When I came back into the village a small swarm spotted me and rushed at me. They didn't last long" he said as he picked up one of the bottles of drink. It was half empty and stone cold as well. So was the food on the tray beside it. They had been attacked in the middle of a meal. The whole town must have been completely unaware.

"Why didn't you tell me that when you called in?"

"Because I wanted to see if they were happening elsewhere" Banchou said simply. "An attack on this village, quite literally the day after our headquarters go dark, it can't be two separate events happening" he said as he stood up.

"We think it was Vaj that attacked the village, or maybe B-W as well."

"What makes you say that?" Banchou asked as he walked up to the front counter where the register was. The huge book was laying beside a cash register. With a push of a button the register went DING and the tray ejected.

"We put a tracker on him. Kuzuhamon made them all remove their bracelets, so Data shot him with a tracker before he left. He's been walking from what looks like village to village. He was in Snowdrift Town the same day you said it went dark. But we had no idea it went dark."

"Because they couldn't contact you" Banchou said as he inspected the register. It was still full of Digi-dollars, and quite a lot of it. His theory was right. Whoever was doing this, was only interested in the inhabitants o the village, and not for money or anything else.

"Right. He must be walking to each village and bringing the collars along with him. This is like the Digimon Emperor all over again, if the legends are to be believed. Which, honestly, I'm inclined not to believe. How could someone created a digimon out of twelve other digimon and have it the size of an Azoolongmon? That has to be grape vine exaggerated stuff right there."

"lets hope its not like that" Banchou said as he picked up a broken collar from the counter. There were more of them laying around, broken and deactivated. There had been more of them lying around, proof that the inhabitants had tried fighting back as best they could. "What makes you think that he's taking B-W along with them?" he asked.

"Because of this" Shout said as he fiddled with a few more dials and prayed that the image he was going to send would come through. Banchou waited as he looked down at his communicator and the circular screen lit up, and a small holographic image appeard floating above his wrist.

Banchou looked down with narrowed eyes. It looked like someone had taken a picture with a camera and had managed to upload it through a communication array. The picture was of a clearing outside a group of buildings, and in the sky was a black cloud, recognisable as a swarm of black collars.

And under it, still in the distance but still able to be seen, were two digimon. Vaj, and to his side, the dark figure of BW. Banchou shook his head as the image crackled and faded. There was no way anyone would be able to fight back against those two.

"What can you tell me about Kuzuhamon?" Banchou asked.

"Umm, aside from being on the digital worlds most wanted list? Not a whole lot. She is a self proclaimed sex queen, and has been known to collect male and female digimon and indenture them through sex to become her followers. Lets see......student of Succubimon.....like that helps. Big fan of disney and their princess'....somehow I'm not surprised. Favourite food are foot long hot dogs, well that's kinda obvious.... Um.....She can be quite the twisted individual it seems" Shout said as he read off a list that had appeared on his screen.

"One of her crimes was that she had a whole family of digimon perform various acts of incest with each other for the better part of a week. Every female in the family became pregnant after that.

"Oh, this is interesting. She was captured under the Royal Warrant last year. She tried to use her followers to disrupt a street parade with a giant orgy so she should watch. Something about converting an Octomon so that his tentacles became.....well, that's just ugly to see. She was captured and sentenced for life, but she got out after she seduced the guard watching her and left him tied up in her cell naked and covered in sex juice. He just kept muttering "Mommy" when he was found."

"So, we're dealing with a perverted nymphomaniac" Banchou asked as he continued to look around the inn.

"A perverted nymphomaniac with no shame, discretion or tact. No known list of anyone she works with, or anyone else associated with her. The system didn't reveal much about the Piddomon or Kazemon that joined her. As far as we can tell, she's working alone. And if there is anymore information about her, we can't access it because the stupid system keeps severing the connections" Shout said in annoyance.

"Do we know where she's hiding?" Banchou asked. Shout recognised the tone in his voice, and he had an idea on what triggered that very serious tone that he had taken on.

"You're going to go after her, aren't you?"

"She has escaped justice before. She needs to be taken down and taken care of. I can't just sit back and let her do this to my squad or to any-more innocent digimon" Banchou said firmly. "And if she's capable of impregnating a family and changing digimon around like that, Gennai knows what she'll end up doing to our friends."

"Ok look, I get that I can't change your mind once you've set it, so I know it's useless to try. But can you at least wait until you've got help?" Shout asked as he gave up on the console as one of the screens suddenly tried to think it was a toaster and threw the DVD in the slot so it embedded itself halfway through the wall.

"You think I can't do this on my own?" Banchou asked, sounding mildly amused. "You do realise who you are talking to here."

"Of course I do. But you got lucky against a bunch of collars. If she has a lair set up, it's probably swarming with those things. And swarming with digimon who will probably attack you on sight. I know you're mighty and all that, but eventually you would be taken. And we can't risk you getting taken, especially if she may come after us again."

Banchou said nothing as he stepped out of the inn and looked down the deserted streets. He considered the situation for a moment as he contemplated what Shout said. Of course, if he was going to go by instinct, then he would have told him to shut up and keep his opinions to himself while he went out and finished things himself.

But, you don't train for years on end, an incredibly high number of very, very long years, to become a Banchou titled digimon just to make rash decisions based on your ego. You made your decisions based on what was right for the situation. It was true that Banchou was a highly overpowered lion who could crush almost anything with his fist alone, but that didn't mean he could save everyone just by himself. As much as it hurt his pride and his ego to admit it, he would end up needing help.

"How many of you are left?" he asked finally.

"On the active roster list, just me and Gao. Data is not a fighter, and the new recruits Mono, Rara, Strabi, B-G and B-Gabu. It's all we have left" Shout said as he turned his back to the console and went to try and remove the dvd from where it was stuck in the wall.

"Alright" Banchou said with a nod. "Do we have any convertible resources to put towards the digivolution option?" he asked. "And what about the EDT?"

"EDT is out. We don't have enough power to transfer you some lunch, let alone send you anywhere. And it's possible that we can convert the remaining power to enduce digivolution. But maybe only to a couple of us. And only me and Gao are authorised for digivolution anyway" he said as he grabbed the dvd in his claws and tried pulling.

"Leave Data behind. Bring everyone else" Banchou said. "They are all officially on the active roster for now. And you and Gao have authority to prepare for Digivolution. As high as you two are authorised, for as long as possible."

"Are you sure about this? You take us all to fight, we'll have no-one left" Shout said as the dvd refused to budge, as he placed a foot on the wall and pulled hard.

"We'll have no-one left if they come back with a bigger army" Banchou said. "We either go after her now, or we just wait and be sitting ducks till she decides to come after us."

"Understood" Shout grunted as he had to put both feet on the wall as he pulled hard.

"Where is she?" Banchou asked.

"Sandsea gorge, south of Desert Motel. That's where Vajs signal stayed for a few hours before he left. And there was some kind of interference there, something massive on the charts. Like a huge download or an installation happening" Shout said as he tugged hard, pushing with his feet and pulling with his arms.

"Alright. I'll begin heading there at once" Banchou said. "Keep in contact. Let me know immediately if anything changes."

"Understood" Shout said as he tugged hard again, but only succeeeded in lauching himself off the wall as his fingers slipped and he ended up crashing into his chair. And with a soft 'POP' the dvd slid from its spot in the wall.

Banchou turned off his bracelet once the call was made as he took one last look around the deserted town before he turned and began to walk away. His face was grim and focused. He was not in a good mood, and anyone standing in his way would soon find out just how bad of a mood he had.

The front doors to Kuzuhamons castle were guarded by two large BlueMeramon, tall muscled humanoid digimon that looked like they were made out of living flames. It wasn't usual to see them, it was however, a little unusual to see them wearing thick leather harness' that covered their bodies and seem to accentuate the fact that they were both well hung.

Arukennimon shook her head as she walked up the castle steps, seeing how blatantly extravagant and decadent the castle that Kuzuhamon had created ended up. Nor was she entirely surprised to find that all the captive digimon from the island were now her personal playthings and or servants. Although at this stage, it was hard to tell which was which.

There were many captive digimon in the front gardens and courtyard, all naked and exposed as they did their duties. Trimming the gardens, pushing mowers and waxing up the fountain statues and cleaning windows. All naked and subservient. For someone like Kuzuhamon, it fitted her perfectly.

For Arukennimon, it was just wrong on a lot of levels.

The two BlueMeramon opened the castle doors for her as she walked through the entrance, with her own bodyguards coming up behind her. One was a Flymon. An oversized giant fly with huge ratty wings, giant pincers at its mouth and very lethal looking talons on its claws and the end of its abdomen.

The other, was possibly even more lethal then the giant bug. A TigerVespamon. A big cyborg tiger striped bug with dual energy blades and a pointyness across its humanoid body. The two bugs were firmly under Arukenimons control, under her actual control. There was no little bug controlling them, it was all her. They were as loyal as the Kudamon that was wrapped around her neck, and controlled until she decided otherwise.

"Oh dear Gennai, what sweet hell is this?" Arukenimon said as she saw the scene that greeted her eyes, one enough to make her remove her glasses and pinch the bridge of her nose in frustration, and more then a small amount of disgust.

Along the walls of the long carpeted castle hallway, were more naked digimon, standing on podiums and striking various poses. And all either quite hard, if they were male, or obviously over stimulated, if female. They were all hypnotised into place, their bodies perfectly still as they lived and breathed as the perfect statues to admire. And they weren't all just on pedastals. some were hanging from the ceiling, like large ornate displays of lewdless suspended by ropes and leather straps.

In front of the actual throne was a large circular platform with two naked digimon on it. She recognised the Blackwargreymon and the Flamedramon from the DRS, although it took her a moment to actually recognise them in the current state they were in.

The Blackwargreymon, or B-W as he was supposedly known, had the other, the one called Flame, up in his arms, the blue dragons legs wrapped around his waist and holding on with his arms around the bigger males thick neck. Both of them were stark naked, and although not quite as hard as all the other digimon, they were certainly getting there as their arousal hung out in the open.

The two of them were kissing long and deep, hands rubbing and caressing whatever they could get a hold of. Their tongues were dancing between each others mouths as they made out like lovers in the deepest of love.

What made them somewhat unrecognisable was the fact that, above them was a very large ornate cauldron that was dribbling over with some kind of bright pink thick liquid that was dripping onto the two males like honey. It was dripping over their combined bodies and slowly dribbling down, leaving thin gooey trails over them.

She couldn't help but watch as the two made out together, under the hypnotic influence of their collars as the liquid dribbled over them. It only seemed to highlight the flamedramons slender built body, showing off the creases between his muscles that were otherwise not noticeable. The way that liquid was smeared across his flesh from the bigger males much bigger hands as they squeezed, cupped and groped whatever muscle they could come across.

Of course, that didn't mean that B-W was missing out. His muscles were ripped and bulging out, no longer hidden behind his broken armour. They seemed to move like ferrets under his skin with each move he made, each large muscle flexing and bouncing as he swayed on the spot, holding the smaller male against him.

The liquid didn't just drip over his muscles, it rolled and slathered down, being smeared by the flamedramons smaller hands, making those muscles glisten under the light of the many, many candles lighting the throne room. Although, her eyes did trail over the many scars that covered his body, some of which looked incredibly nasty and made her wince just looking at them.

The eager sucking of their mouths on one another, as well as the noises that were also being made by the throne, were only serving to start amplifying her already existing headache as she forced herself to look away from the rather hot and enticing display before her.

"Please tell me, that is not what I think it is, coloured pink" Arukenimon said as she found herself rubbing her eyes with her fingers in frustration.

"Actually, it's melted chocolate. I plan on giving them one hell of a tongue bath later."

Arukenimon turned her attention to the actual throne, and found an even more sordid scene before her. The dildo throne had been replaced with something, in her opinion, was something far more wrong on many levels.

It was a throne, comprised of digimon that were bound together so that they resembled a large throne for Kuzuhamon to sit her butt on and lounge herself. The base was comprised of two large Ogremons, who were on all fours with their heads bowed in submission, their arms and legs spread out to support them and firmly tied down in place. Both ogres were wearing bondage masks with ballgags.

The back of the throne was a very large Centauromon, a huge centaur digimon crossed with a cyborg. He was standing on his hind legs, his forelegs on another digimons shoulders as he held his arms up with his hands at the back of his neck, his wrists cuffed to a leather bondage hood to secure him in place.

The digimon who served as the seat, with the centaurs legs over his shoudlers, was Anubismon. The royal egpytian jackal was leaning back, his legs spraed over the ogremon as he had his arms cuffed to the centuars forelegs, his large golden wings spread out and held in place with more restraints, the digimon all creating quite the spectacle of a literal bondage throne. He was also gagged and blindfolded, a harness crisscrossing over his slender body.

Kuzuhamon was lounging on said throne, reclined back like a royal ruler that had no worry or care in the world for what was happening at that time. At her feet, lay Kazemon, the leather bound fairy digimon, and the Aquarismon from the DRS. The Kazemon was licking at her mistress' feet, giving her long and slow and almost loving laps with her tongue to the large furry digits.

Aqua was kneeling at the other side, slowly moving up and down as she rode a clear rubber dildo that was positioned on the floor under her. She was panting softly, her breasts enlarged from her arousal and heaving gently with her movements. From her crotch, just above her stuffed cunny jutted a thick black cock that looked very similar in size and shape to that of the Flamedramon that she now believed was her brother.

"This... is just beyond wrong on so many levels" Arukennimon said with a shake of her head. "Do you literally have no concept of shame? Or restraint?"

"Oh, I have plenty of restraints. In both rope and leather" Kuzuhamon said with a smirk as she seemed completely at ease. "And what is the point of shame? It's just some mind game to make you feel guilty about the things you indulge yourself in. It's like empathy, who the hell wants that?" she said.

"Why do you have the blackwargreymon here? I thought he was out with that Vajramon taking over the island?" Arukennimon asked as she rubbed the side of her head with a gloved finger.

"I've pretty much taken over everything at this point. I only need one digimon slave to seek out the rest. I don't need both. Besides, once you get past the fact he's a broken toy, he's kinda sexy. Well, I wouldn't personally do him, but he's fun to watch being knocked down a few pegs while bent over in a puppy collar" Kuzuhamon said with a smirk.

"We need to talk" Arukennimon said as she stepped up in front of Kuzuhamon, trying her best to ignore the sounds of all the moaning and wet sliding and slurping and everything else that was making her head ache. Her two large followers stood on either side of her, her little pet Kudamon hiding its head under her coat collar to hide from all the lewd noises.

"You can move first. You're blocking my view" Kuzuhamon said as she waved her hand irritably. "You might enjoy this. With a snap of my fingers I'll have the big guy take that little dragon boy hard and deep without hesitation to the point he can't walk. And I'll make his sister get get off from the sight. She just loves watching her brother get abused, don't you sweetheart?"

"Yes my queen" Aqua panted out with such sincerity in her voice, as she seemed to move her body a little faster and a little more eagerly at the thought, that Arukennimon had no trouble believing her. Although, she was getting past her tolerance for what was going on.

"Can you kindly stop the fucking for a moment so we can have a civilised conversation?" Arukennimon asked as she adjusted her glasses with her middle finger, keeping it pointed firmly at kuzuhamon.

"How about a drink instead?" Kuzuhamon suggested. "DRINKS!" She shrieked so suddenly and loudly that it actually startled Arukennimon and made her step back a few steps, along with her group of startled followers. Not one other digimon in the castle lobby seemed even remotely aware of the shriek.

A few moments later two digimon appeared carrying a tray each with several large crystal goblets filled with red wine on it. Arukennimon recognised the Panjyamon on the left, and on the right was an Agunimon, a rather wild looking fire element warrior. Both were stark naked with ball gags in their mouths, mitts on their hands and their hands cuffed behind their backs. Their exposed chests had large golden rings pierced through their nipples, and those rings were attached to chains, which were in turn chained to the trays supported around their waists.

Kuzuhamon took a wine glass from Pans tray and settled back on her throne with a smirk.

"Oh come on. I know you're impressed. Give me some feedback sweetie. Tell me what a good job I'm doing" she said with a smirk as she took a drink.

Arukennimon shook her head as she replaced her glasses back on her nose and sighed a little. The bitch wasn't going to give this up until she said something so she decided to indulge for a moment or two as she looked them over.

"I think the lion would look better in chaps" she admitted. "leather chaps and a leather thong."

"Is that all?" Kuzuhamon said, almost sounding disappointed that that was all she had to offer.

"Sometimes, sexy is what you can't see over what you can see" Arukennimon said as she folded her arms over her stomach. "Cover him up a bit, and leave what does cover him to be more revealing then what it should be. I guarantee he'll look better" she said.

Kuzuhamon thought for a moment on what she said as a smirk appeared across her painted lips as she beckoned the lion over. he wordlessly walked over, his naked length bouncing softly between his thick htighs. Kuzuhamon licked her index finger rather lewdly and then pushed it against Pans navel.

A soft glow appeared around his lower half as a set of black leather chaps wrapped themselves around his legs, so tight they could have passed for an extra layer of skin. They hung low around his hips, revealing more then what they should have been covering. A leather thong covered his crotch as well, blatantly showing the outline of his thick length and large balls, the string in the back disappearing between his two bubble cheeks.

"You know, I think you may have taste after all" Kuzuhamon said with a smirk as she took a sip of her wine. "I think I might make this permanent for him. It really does suit him like this. Plus, now I can paddle his ass anytime I like" she added.

"Well, that's all well and good but can we please just talk now?" Arukennimon asked in exasperation.

Kuzuhamon rolled her eyes as she reluctantly sat up from her bound digimon throne, and settled herself into a more regal position with her legs crossed. Kazemon didn't stop her licking of her mistress' feet, she just got on all fours with her naked rear in the air and continued licking, since she hadn't been ordered to stop. Pan and the Agunimon just stood to the side.

"You can talk freely. And I'm not stopping my entertainment" Kuzuhamon said with a smirk on her face. "I won them fair and square and I enjoy watching them have their own fun. For my benefit of course. If you don't like that, you can take your own little toys with you and leave."

"So have them stop and do it later" Arukennimon said in annoyance. "We need to talk now."

"I think you're just jealous that they're getting laid and you aren't" Kuzuhamon said with a smirk. Arukennimon sighed and shook her head slightly. The naked and aroused digimon on the pedestals around the hall hard was really starting to do her head in, and she was getting irritated.

"I care as much about sex, as you do for wearing panties with a crotch on them" Arukennimon said firmly. "Now kindly stop them fucking so we can talk. Lord Daemon requires an update on what's going on, and I can either give him one that's favourable to you, or I can tell him the truth and tell him you're just wasting his time with sex."

"Oh, is the sound getting to you? Well, sorry. But this is my jam, and my mixtape is running hot right now. It's not stopping" Kuzuhamon said with a smirk. "Anyway, what can you do about it?"

"I can have my Parasimon bite them and take over them" Arukennimon said firmly, her eyes narrowing behind her purple glasses. "And I could do that to every single digimon under your control here, and. Make. Them. Soft." she said, saying each word very clearly and loudly.

"You wouldn't dare" Kuzuhamon said as she sat up, her eyes narrowing in anger at the mere thought as she actually crushed the goblet in her hand from her sudden anger.

"Try me" was all Arukennimon said as her eyes were equally narrowed. If both females were able to kill with their eyes, it was hard pressed to say exactly which of them would be dead first. There were several very long moments, filled only with the sound of the sex going on around them before Kuzuhamon was the one who relented first.

Kuzuhamon angrily snarled under her breath as she stood up and dismissed the digimon. Kazemon got up immediately and wandered away without hesitation as Aqua pulled herself from her position on the floor, and B-W and Flame disentangled themselves. Pan and the Agunimon simply walked off now that they were no longer needed.

"Take your brother upstairs to my bedroom" Kuzuhamon said in annoyance. "give him a good thorough tongue bath and clean him up. Then fuck him till you're shooting blanks" she said. "take out my frustration on him."

"Yes my queen" Aqua said obediently as she walked up and grabbed Flames hand and lead him towards the stairs, both of them hard as their lengths wagged between their legs with each step. She let B-W wander away as she had no more use for him, giving a wave of her hand as she made the chocolate basin disappear from up above. Without a real order he'd probably just wander the halls naked and dripping chocolate.

"Now what is so damn important that you have to go and ruin my afternoon fun?" Kuzuhamon said in annoyance once the two of them were somewhat alone. If you could count indentured naked digimon standing on pedestals fully hard and aroused and unable to hear them. And the ones on the throne too.

"I've come to collect the samples that you owe me" Arukennimon said firmly. "You do remember that you opted to do that favour for me. So I'm here to collect. You better have them for me, because I am very quickly running out of patience here."

"Is that what you've come to bother me for? Those stupid samples?" Kuzuhamon asked in annoyance as she stepped off the thrones podium. "I still don't see why you couldn't get them yourself" she said.

"I don't want the full scope of my plans to be known by anyone, including Lord Daemon" Arukennimon said firmly. "I need to keep some aces up my sleeve after all. And this is one of them. Now do you have them or not?" she asked.

Kuzuhamon sighed in annoyance as she reached into the cleavage of her breastplate and withdrew two small bottles of a thick white liquid. Both had a label, although the writing was far too small to be read without being up-close.

"Really?" Arukennimon said as she held her hand out. Kuzuhamon dumped the two bottles into her hand as if they were tainted. "Are they pure? Exactly as I asked?"

"I made them climax straight into the bottle, it was not touched by anything but the glass and the stopper. It's as pure as if I used a syringe to get it out. And I would have if you had let me" Kuzuhamon said in annoyance. "I still don't see why you need something like that."

"Because I'm taking this as seriously as I can, and I am not leaving any stone unturned" Arukennimon said as she placed the bottles in her coat pocket. "I'm making plans within plans, because I'm making sure, that I do not fail."

"Sweetie, you're not going to fail because I've won" Kuzuhamon said with a smirk. "I've captured practically the whole island, including the DRS in less then a week. I have more of my captives arriving every day, and my castle is only going to get bigger and more beautiful. We have the whole gorge to spread my castle through. And any stragglers will eventually be caught and enslaved as well.

"I will have total control over the whole island, and I won't have to leave my bedroom at all to be queen of this island. And Lord Daemon will have to acknowledge that out of all his little generals, I'm the one that succeeded" Kuzuhamon said with a smirk. "So why don't you back to playing with your little bugs, you Princess Agitha wannabe" she said as she turned and started to walk away, swinging her hips in a deliberate manner.

"You cannot be taking this seriously, if you left some of the DRS behind unnacounted for" Arukennimon said as she crossed her arms over her chest. "If it wasn't for the fact that Lord Daemon forbid interference, I would have dealt with them for you. You should be out there taking control of whats left, it is literally within your grasp and yet you're in here, sitting on a throne of tied up digimon watching your incestuous twins fuck. You cannot have forgotten what is at stake here" she said in exasperation.

Kuzuhamon stopped walking away as Arukennimon spoke, but for once she didn't argue back with her, and instead listened.

"You know perfectly well that the only three plans worth backing were Ebemons, mine and yours" Arukennimon said in annoyance. "And Ebemon is dead. We both know that Stingmons plan is just some revenge seeking ploy that's been done a hundred times before, and has failed a hundred times before. You and me are the only ones left with a plan hat actually works, and you have a way to make it foolproof, if you only took this more seriously."

"I am taking this seriously" Kuzuhamon said as she slowly turned around, but she didn't sound like she was angry with her. In fact, she was rather calm. "I'm taking this as seriously as I can. Because trust me, I have not forgotten what is at stake here.

"I know what will happen if we both fall. Stingmon might as well not even have a plan with how bad his is. If both of us go, well, I just don't even like to think about it" Kuzuhamon admitted, with an actual shudder. 'And I know that there will be a chance that my plan will fail. But I also know, that you'll succeed where I won't" she added.

"I get it. You're smart. You're smarter then you give yourself credit for" Kuzuhamon said to her. "You make plans within plans, you try and think of everything. And that's what you're doing right now. A contingency plan, in case your other plans fail."

"If I fail here, fine. Then I do. But I will fail knowing that you will succeed and get your master plan done and dusted" she said. "And perhaps, just between you and me, and I will deny this if I'm asked about it, I think Lord Daemon should have just chosen you from the start. We would have succeeded long ago."

"Well, thank you for the vote of confidence" Arukennimon said as she adjusted her glasses again. "And thank you for the samples. If I need anymore, I will ask for them. And if we are being honest here, I don't want to see you fail just so I can get my shot in."

"Oh please, we both know you hate me" Kuzuhamon said with a smirk across her painted lips. "And like I said, I don't really plan on failing anyway. They can come for us if they want. I'm protected by my dark collars. They can't come anywhere near here without being detected by them. And I control the only way to turn them off. Plus, there is that whole army of digimon inhabitants I have enslaved, so they're not going to go very far" she said.

"And once we have total control of this island, we're going to rebuild the harbour" Kuzuhamon said. "There are so many more cities and islands out there ripe for the taking. Our entire realm will be ours. A sea of naked sluts at my feet, and me sitting above them all. It will be glorious" she said with a smile. The vision just made Arukennimon shudder.

"Then I hope for your sake, you really are taking this seriously" Arukennimon said firmly, the Kudamon around her neck watching Kuzuhamon carefully. As if the little digimon did not trust her at all. In which he didn't.

"Now, unless you need more samples, I'm off to enjoy my toys some more. You could probably go see someone about getting that stick out of your ass" Kuzuhamon said with a flick of her wrist. "Are we done here?" she asked.

"Oh yes, we're done here" Arukennimon said as she turned around and began to walk away, followed closely by her own two digimon slaves. Kuzuhamon watched her walk away, her eyes narrowed at the other general as she contemplated everything that she had been told, before she decided to follow after B-W.

She still had that tongue bath she needed to give him. She was in the mood for chocolate. And after that, she was going to go to her favourite pair of twins, and show them who was boss.

If there was any part of Aqua that was still her after being reconditioned by the dark collars, it was the part that she would follow her orders loyally and willingly. She had been told to fuck her brother, and this was the kind of order she would follow willingly and loyally. Just the thought made her new found cock throb with a readiness to fuck.

She had barely gotten Flame into Kuzuhamons room before she grabbed him by the arm and launched him over onto the bed, letting him land with a thud ontop of the assorted fluffy pillows and disney princess sheets.

He landed with a slight oomph, and then a slightly louder meep as Aqua all but jumped ontop of him, pinning the submissive male down by his chocolate covered shoulders as she looked down at him with a hungry expression in her bright eyes. He gazed right back with a soft longing in his bright red eyes.

Aqua leant down and forced her tongue into his mouth, eliciting a moaning from her brother as she began to furiously and hungrily make out with him, her tongue sliding and squirming dominantly against his within his mouth. Flame couldn't help but moan and pant against her as she easily dominated him just from her tongue in his mouth.

He was left panting when she finally stopped her forceful tongue wrestling and pulled out of his mouth, his mouth actually aching from being forced open. He let out another gasp as he felt her tongue slide over the skin of his neck as she started to lick up the dripped chocolate from across his body.

She took her time with her actions, making sure that each lick took as much chocolate into her mouth before she swallowed and resumed the actions. It was all he could do to just lie there and pant from her actions as he felt her tongue go into places that it never should have been. But then again the chocolate had dripped over almost all of him.

There was something almost sensual about the way she licked, making sure that she didn't waste a single morsel. She danced her tongue around his nipples and suckled on them till they were hard while he gasped and moaned. She held onto his waist as she tongued around his navel, making him squirm and shift in place.

She took his hand and held it up as she gently kissed and licked at his digits, licking over his palm and then wrapping her lips around each finger. He was moaning softly with each movement of her mouth as she sucked his fingers clean one by one.

Aqua did the same to his feet, lifting them up and taking her time to drag her tongue up the sole of his large foot to his clawed toes, the action making him lightly giggle from how ticklish it made him. She showed the same attention as she worked her tongue between his toes and wrapped her lips around each one, making him moan some more.

Flame eeped lightly as he was suddenly flipped over onto his stomach, his fingers clutching at the sheets with a tight grip. He was pushed face down into a fluffy pillow with some princess on the front as he felt a weight over him. He looked over his shoulder as he saw Aqua hover over him, her arms sliding past his shoulders as she planted her hands on either side against his head, her fingers digging into the sheets as she leant in against him.

He felt her tongue tickle against his ear, making his skin visibly break out in goosebumps as she dragged her warn tongue down from his ear and across his cheek. He felt her shift her weight as he felt her hard cock press against his rump and her breasts press against his back as she began to clean up the back of his neck.

He moaned and shifted under her as he felt her tongue glide over the back of his neck as she cleaned him off the hardening chocolate. He shivered and found himself panting again as he felt her tongue move down his spine in one long slow lick, gathering as much of the pink chocolate into her mouth before she swallowed and moved back for more.

Slowly she moved down more, her licks taking her down his softly muscled back. There was very little definition in his undermuscled body, not that it was off putting to her, even if she was aware of it. It just made him look all the more cuter, and helpless, a notion that made her fingers dig into the sheets enough to almost cut them open.

Aqua reached the base of his tail, and sat back on her knees as she held his tail in her hands and slowly ran her fingers up it, supporting it in her grip as she held it erect in front of her. She let out a noise in her throat that sounded like purring as she brought the chocolatey tip of his tail against her lips and started to suck.

Flame had never had his tail played with before, although even if he had at some point his mind was too muddled in his servitude to think properly on if he had. But it turned out that the tip of his tail was surprisingly sensitive and it sent shivers down his spine and made his twin cocks throb hard. He whimpered again, a submissive sound that made Aquas blood warm and flood her crotch as she nommed on the tip of his tail, dragging her tongue around it and suckling her mouth around it as she listened to the sounds he was making.

He felt her cock throb jhust against the crevice of his ass as he stayed bent over on all fours, feeling that thick cockhead prod against his cheeks and cleft as she continued to lick his tail. He might have had two cocks, but she was bigger then both of them. Not by much, but she was bigger then he was. And he found himself moving his hips in circles to try and entice her to put it in him where it belonged.

Once she had finished cleaning his tail as he let it fall over his back, letting it hit him with a dull thud as she grabbed his hips with her hands and pulled him back, her cock wedging up between his cheeks like a hotdog in a bun. He let out a soft yelp as he was pulled back, but offered no resistance to his sister.

She humped her hips back and forth, her cock sliding up and down the crevice of his rump, her length starting to leak once more from her arousal. Those thick dribbles of pre dripped down the cleft of his rump like dribbling honey as it ran down the inside of his thighs.

He panted as he grabbed the nearest pillow and pulled under him, wrapping his arms around it as he hugged it agaist his chest and closed his eyes, feeling that humping from her warm cock against his vulnerable ass. He licked his lips as he whimpered, feeling how in control she was with him just by being in the same room as him, not to mention when she got her hands on him.

She finally tired of humping his cheeks as she hooked her thumbs into his crevice and slowly pried them apart, exposing the most vulnerable part of his body to her. Although it was a part of his body that she had come to be very familiar with. His tailhole was slightly open, still glistening with lubricant from their last session that morning.

She had no trouble pushing her cock up against that wet hole, and it was even easier to push into him. They both let out a long heated moan as they felt her enter him, his ring spreading aroudn her cockhead as it gripped her like a heated glove. She gripped his hips in her fingers, digging her tips into his skin as she thrust forward.

Flame let out a gasping cry as his sister penetrated him once more, feeling that thick length of hers push its way easily into his ass as she hilted in one thrust. A warm wonderful full feeling spread through his body as he sighed in contentment to the wonderfull feeling. The only other feeling that came close was when he obeyed his mistress and completed her orders, even they did range from licking her muff out to being tied to a cross and cummed over till he couldn't see the colour of his skin anymore.

But this, getting fucked by his sister, it was the close second.

And Aqua felt the same way as she hilted in her brother, feeling his ass grip her like a warm heated glove that rippled and squeezed around her cock. She too craved the praise and pleasure she received from following her mistress' orders, and the close second was the feeling she had when she was fucking her brother into his rightfull place under her.

And now that she was hilted inside him, she didn't waste time as she started to thrust hard and fast into him. She was done with the foreplay, and her mistress gave her an order to fuck him till she was shooting blanks. And that would take a while.

She began to build up a steady rhythm, her hips smacking against his rump as each contact made his cheeks jiggle and ripple as she plunged her cock into him. She grunted and panted as she held him down in place, feelign him push back to meet her thrusts.

Flame panted and moaned as he hugged the pillow to his chest, feeling how hard she was taking him. She speared that big cock of hers into his ass, pulling out till just the head remained, tugging at his ring before she plugned her shaft in till her hips were flush with his ass. And then she'd repeat the motiosn over and over again.

He whimpered and moaned as he was bounced back and forth on her, feeling his body rock on the soft silky sheets as his ass was spanked by her hips. His twin dragon cocks were bumping against one other as they bounced back and forth, flinging thin strings of dragon pre in soft splashes against his thighs and over the sheets under him.

Aqua huffed and grunted as she took her brother hard, her hips moving back and forth as her tail whipped around behind her. Her own opening was dripping with her arousal, leaking trails down her inner thighs and pooling around her knees as she took her brother hard. When she was done filling him with her seed she was going to flip him over and ride him till he could only pass air.

The two of them were soon moaning in unison as Aqua continued to take him, pumping her occk into his ass as Flame took it without complaint or resistance. She leant over him and grabbed his shoulders, pinning him down harder onto the sheets as she manouvred herself up over him and started to really bounce ontop of him.

This new position sent more waves of pleasure through his body and caused his cocks to shoot pre harder, a constant dribbling from their pointed tips as the puddle underneath him began to get larger. He was getting pushed further and further forward, his head starting to disapear under the other pillows as his face was ground into the sheets.

Aqua was panting, sweat forming across her body as she kept bouncing herself on his ass, drilling her cock deep into him. Her cunny was leaking her arousal down his ass cheeks and his crevice, dribbling hot juices onto his twin danglers as she kept up her assault on his backside. She was getting closer with each thrust, and she intended on putting all of it inside him where it belonged.

Flame moaned and whimpered as he was almost punded into the mattress, hugging the pillow to his chest for support as he cried out, feeling her cock ram itself relentlessly against his prostate, sending shudders down his body as his knees buckled and his cocks throbbed. He wasn't going to last long at this rate, and both of them knew it.

Aqua kept pounding him, burying her cock into his ass repeatedly, feeling the gushes of pre she was secreting filling his insides and making her thrusts become wet and sloppy each time she hilted into him. She huffed and moaned, her vocals rising as her cock throbbed and pulsed, her orgasm quickly boiling over and erupting in a flood of heated passion inside him.

Flames eyes rolled into the back of his head as he felt his insides heat up. It was like someone had turned a hot water tap on full blast inside of him for several quick short bursts, his innards gurgling as he quickly felt bloated from being filled so much.

Aqua held herslf steady, keeping him pinned by his shoudlers as she poured her orgasm into him, gasping and quivering with each heated burst as she filled her brother. He felt his ass tighten and convulse around her cock and felt his body shuder as he made some kind of choking moaning noise as he came hands free. Ribbons of pearly dragon cum, coloured red and steaming from the heat they created spurted onto the pre covered sheets in thick ropes.

She held him down, feeling his ass flood with her cum. Her cum was more liquid then gooey, so she was able to create more of it. It began to leak around his stretched open hole and around her cock, dribbling down his crevice in bright creamy blue dribbles.

Flame panted as he managed to come back to his senses and released his grip on the pillow under his chest as he attempted to pull himself from under the pile of pillows he had been buried in. He was panting, his eyes unfocused as he looked over his shoulder at his sister and managed, through ragged breathing, to say only one word.


She grinned a wide grin, one that was more predatory then anything as she said only one word to him before she started doing him without a shred of mercy.


"Ok people. Please assemble accordingly" Data said as he addressed the group in the front courtyard. The new recruits didn't immediately assemble quickly enough for his liking, it seemed like they were too busy once again arguing amongst each other and more then likely didn't hear him. Data shook his head as he held his hand up in the air and fired off a few small blasts to get their attention through the tips of his fingers.

"ASSEMBLE" he said in a louder voice. Mono, Rara, Strabi, B-Gabu, Gao and Shout all lined in a row in front of him. Well, Gao and Shout managed to get into positio and stand at attnetion. The newer recruits attempted to line up but couldn't stand in a straight line, as they all wanted to avoid standing next to Strabi. Data just shook his head again before he lowered his hand, placing both his hands behind his back and began to address the group.

Everyone was standing out in the front courtyard, now that it was mostly cleaned up, to the best that they were able to do so. There were still big pieces of shrapnel and debris laying around, including a large pile of furniture broken beyond repair, large piles of swept up glass and rubble, and large chunks of brickwork that they had been unable to move, but the yard was as least looking better. Or at least neater.

"Banchou is not here. Leadership has fallen. So it falls to me to lead. Am not a fighter. Better thinker. So I will instruct you all in the upcoming fight. All of you will be fighting to free our friends and citizens of the island" Data said rather calmly as he addressed the group.

"But....but we don't know how to fight properly" Rara said slowly as she held her hands in front of her, looking rather scared of the prospect. "we haven't .....we haven't been trained properly" she said. Shout and Gao nodded in agreement, the new recruits were far too green for something like this. But they really didn't have much a choice, although they did mirror her concerns.

"Wait, we actually get the chance to fight, and you're backing out? What did you even sign up for anyway?" Strabi said in annoyance as he gave her a disgusted look. "Why are you even here if you're going to back out of everything?"

"I....I signed up because I wanted to fight the bad guys....and stop them from taking us again" Rara said in a small voice as she seemed to shrink away from Strabis angry look. "And....and to help my friends...."

"You're too much of a wmip to be a fighter" Strabi said in annoyance with an arrogant huff in his voice.

"Hey knock it off" B-Gabu said as he stepped between Rara and Strabi and gave the mon an annoyed look. "We're all scared. You see what they did? They took everyone and destroyed this place and made it look easy. Of course she's scared. Heck, iIm scared too. Doesn't mean you can make her feel bad for feeling that way" he said.

"Shove off fat ass" Strabi said. "This doesn't concern you."

"Who are you calling fat you goth pussy?"

"You're the fat one you chubby little gabumon wannabe."

"That's enough, out of the both of you" Shout said as he turned on them both. "Quit your arguing. We have bigger things to worry about then this. And we don't need to be fighting among ourselves. "

"Oh knock it off you stupid dragon" Strabi said as he raised his voice at Shout. "you were the one watching the cameras and did nothing to stop what was going on" he said, his voice rising with each word. "all you did was throw B-W at them and then hid behind a safety door while the others were captured.

"You want to act all team friendly all of a sudden, then start blaming yourself for the fact you let all this happen" Strabi said, practically shouting in Shouts face at this point. Shout however, seemed to just let him shout all he wanted as he stood there silently. When Strabi was done saying what he had to say, Shout simply took a deep and rather calm breath.


Everyone had to cover their ears, even Data did the action to block out the impossibly loud shout that made the walls of the headquarters visibly shudder, the ground tremble and even the loos rocks and rubble around them lift up off the ground from just how many decibels Shout was using to yell. If anyone had any doubt as to why he was banned from joining in the karaoke nights, this was simple enough proof.

It took shout approximately ten seconds to stop shouting the word 'Mouth' and it took twice as long for the echo to die down. Although everyone still had a ringing in their ears that was slightly painful to listen to, and it took more then a few minutes for it to fade from their hearing. Once it had actually died down and everything stopped shaking, Shout took a calming breath nice and slowly.

"If you think you can out yell me, then you better think again" he said slowly and clearly, to make sure that they were all listening. "So stop arguing with your superiors" he said, giving Strabi a glare. "I might just be the guy who watches the monitors, but myself, Gao and Data are all ranked above you. So shut your mouth, get back in line and LISTEN" he said, putting enough force on the word Listen to actually knock Strabi backwards onto his little cat ass. Strabi actually shut up for once and looked afraid of the small red dragon as he quickly scrambled to his feet and got back in line with the others.

"Thank you shout. Must need to replace audio circuits now ahead of self service schedule" Data said in annoyance as he rubbed the sides of his dome. "No cracks thankfully. No need to check for outer damage" he added.

"You were saying that you had a plan?" Gao asked patiently as he folded his arms and gloved hands over his chest and patiently waited to hear what Data had to say.

Data nodded as he withdrew a small black circle disc from somewhere on his person and placed it on the ground before them. It shimmered slightly before a small blue dot appeared on the surface and streams of data began to fly out, creating a model of the Sandsea Gorge out of light above it that they were all able to see.

"Plan is, to go to gorge and take positions here" Data said as he moved through the light model and touched parts of it with a light on his fingers, leaving markers where he touched them. "Shout, Gao and Strabi meet here with Banchou at entrance to gorge. You will form frontal attack. Shout will break through first and create a big distraction. Draw out enemy into the open."

"I've been waiting to put on a show for a long time" Shout said with a grin, looking quite eager at the opportunity. "Finally gonna show everyone what I'm made of."

"Rara and B-Gabu will go to high points here, with best shot towards targets out in the open here" Data said as he pointed ot the wide open expanse of the gorge. "Unfortunately, no idea what kind of base is there. But, vantage points here and here, provide best view and scope. Ready for anything " Data said as he pointed out the spot. "You will have clear shots with provided weapons."

"Provided what?" B-Gabu asked. "We get...we get weapons?" he asks.

"This is for you, and you" Data said as he gestured to the pile of equipment that had been brought out earlier and stacked together in a large pile. There were what looked like two large violin cases, and several backpacks that seemed to be bulging with inventory. Data walked over and grabbed the two cases and handed one each to Rara and B-Gabu. They both looked slightly confused as they took them.

"You want us to play the violin for them?" Rara asked in confusion.

"No. Although Violin is nice, this is nicer. Prototpye weapons to help in fight" Data said as he touched the locks and they clicked open. Both were surprised to see they each contained two very different looking long range guns.

"What do we do with these?" Rara asked as she looked hers over. It looked like a standard sci-fi style of gun, but she had no idea what kind of gun it was. It didn't look like the conventional shooter that she saw from Destiny.

"Point and shoot" Data said as he looked over at B-Gabu. "Yours is special. Does not fire bullets. Fires neutralizing shockwaves that effect collars and knock them out for brief period of time. So point and shoot at allies. Will not hurt. At least theoretically. "

"It does what?" B-Gabu asked, having not understood what Data had meant.

"Some collars not fully broken. Able to test on them. Fun tests. Lots of sparks and minor explosions" Data said with a smile on his face. "Gun fires special energy blasts. Able to disable collars for period up to and including five minutes, although not guaranteed. " he said. "Not perfect, but able to knock out collars and have our friends on our side again briefly. More collars you shock, more allies we have."

"How did you manage that?" Gao asked. "And so quickly?"

"I could hear you using some very explicit language down in the lab, so I know they couldn't have been that easy to crack open" Shout said as he crossed his arms at Data, giving him an accusatory look. Data did not flinch.

"Message on encrypted channel came through last night" Data said simply. "Contained information on collars and their functions. Information checks out, was pivotal in research. Able to move much faster with information. Able to crack collars temporarily. Temporary is all we have right now. Best chance we got."

"Is that the same channel we got information about Ebemons compound location?" Shout asked.

"Very same. We have ally somewhere willing to help. Do not know who. Do know information checks out. We have weapon to fight back with' he said before he turned to speak to Rara, who was looking at her gun as if it was about to fall apart just from looking at it. "If see Lio in crowd, shoot him first. Disable his collar. Then you use your gun" he said as he pointed to her gun.

"What...what does my gun do?" she asked, looking down at her gun. Was there something special about it that she didn't know about? Did that make it more important? More dangerous? The very thought made her nervous.

"Nothing until Lio comes free. When he does, point and shoot at targets. Rest will follow. Results will most likely be highly entertaining and effective" Data said with a grin. "Also added GoPro Cameras to your guns. Able to see action when you return. Should post in video lounge. Make popcorn.

Rara and B-Gabu didn't look too sure about what they were hearing, but they didn't question him. Mostly because he seemed to be talking to himself and rather rapidly, as he was quite prone to do.

"How come I don't get a gun?" Strabi asked, feeling annoyed at being the only one without a new weapon.

"Because you're short tempered, hot headed, quick to anger, and also, bully" Data said simply. "Also because I say no." Strabi did not like the answer that he had been given, but he didn't dare question him. He didn't want to be yelled at again. Shout might have looked cute, but he was more powerful then he let on.

"So, do we EDT there?" Gao asked. Data shook his head.

"EDT is fried. System needs replacing. Whole system useless. Will have to go by foot to location. About three days walking, give or take" Data said.

"Three days?" Strabi said, looking angry again.

"Enough outburst and you will stay home. Grounded. Or locked in your bedroom with no reading material. Either way. Stop interupting with foolish outbursts" Data said firmly as he turned to address the group again. "Enough energy for EDT. But unable to EDT. So energy shall be diverted into resource that can help us win" Data said. "Energy must be conserved for valid digivolution for both Gao and Shout."

"How come they get to evolve and we don't?" B-Gabu asked, just as Strabi opened his mouth to get angry again. "I know you were gonna say something, but we can't we evolve too? Is there a reason why just those two, or is there not enough energy to spare?"

"You are not authorized" Data said. "Bracelets not just communication tools. Also act as minor digivices. Digivolving easy with partner human and digivice. Not easy without. Requires great levels of training to go from rookie to champion level. Also requires great stress on body to hold evolution for extended periods of time."

"But...you're an ultimate" Rara pointed out.

"Yes. Took much much training and many life cycles to get this far" Data said. "Some digimon go many cycles without seeing life beyond rookie. First time digivolved to ultimate, made it last five seconds. Then devolved back and threw up for an hour into toilet. Second time, lasted six seconds. Gets easier" Data said.

The others all had similar looks on their faces as they tried to comprehend just how Data was able to throw up anything, since none of them had seen him eat or drink anything at all. So what exactly was there to make him throw up? And was it even possible?

"Digivolution through bracelets though, can only be used for those who reach that level. Helps digivolving to next stage easier and quicker, but also costs double energy to keep form" data said. "Hence, only allowed to digivolve for brief periods of time with authorization. Authorization allowed for Shout and Gao as they have reached champion level status before."

"What about ultimate?" Gao asked. "we bot have reached that stage before."

"Once" Shout reminded him. "And we lasted about thirty seconds. We only got one high five in."

"Not enough experience in ultimate level to be authorized" Data said firmly. "also, not enough energy left to convert. Either have champion form for ten minutes for both, or ultimate for one for five minutes. Or both ultimates for thirty seconds."

"noted" Shout said with a nod. He'd have to make do with what he was given. Not that it was necessarily a bad thing. He was gonna have some fun.

"Now, if all follow plan, rescue should be successful" Data said. "need to get inside base and find machine controlling collars. Destroy it, all collars dead. People freed. Will be easier with more allies then enemies. And with whole team freed, Kuzuhamon has greater chance of failure."

"Does Banchou know about this plan?" B-Gabu asked. He couldn't help but think that this plan was somewhat risky, and could have just ended with all them enslaved. If Banchou didn't know what the plan was, were they really supposed to go along with it?

"He's already got his sights set on what he wants to do. He's not going to question this plan much. Besides, Data came up with this. And he's pretty smart" Gao said. "See, when a banchou level digimon sees that someone deserves justice or punishment for their actions, they will basically single mindedly go after them, regardless of who's in the way. Banchou might hear our plan, but he won't listen to it if he's made up his mind about taking down Kuzuhamon himself. And he'll knock us out of the way if he thinks we will be."

"so, we're providing back up?" Rara asked. "We don't actually have to do any actual fighting?" she asked. Shout nodded.

"Pretty much yeah" he said with a nod. "We'll be doing the fighting. You'll just be shooting up on the cliff. Think of it as target practice. It'll be easier."

"Then best get going. B-G and myself will stay back. Will monitor situation as it progresses" Data said. 'Rather, I will monitor. B-g will be tied to bed to stop him annoying me."

They all nodded as they went ot the pile of backpacks and each of them grabbed one, hoisting it around their backs and strapping them firmly into place. It was time to get ready for a long march. And then, the big battle.

Suffice to say, all of them were nervous. And were trying hard not to show it.

At Kuzuhamon castle, Piddomon was enjoying his own little world and his own little show. He had finally gotten Pan back from Kuzuhamon, and had found B-W wandering the halls naked and half covered in chocolate, looking like a lost child. And he had Ren in his clutches already, so now he was going to have even more fun.

Said fox was suspended from the ceiling, his wrists and ankles tied together as he hung down, his slender muscled frame showing the extensive use under the hands of Piddomon. Ren was dripping with cum, multiple layers and dribbles of multi coloured cum dripped off his body and onto the floor beneath him, collecting into a huge puddle of what could only be described as melted neopolitan ice cream.

His furry rump was being skwered by Pan, the bigger muscled lion grunting with each thrust forward as he plunged himself balls deep over and over again. His huge cock and balls had practically spilled out of the laced up thong he was wearing, his ass flexing in the tight leather chaps as he held onto Rens thighs for his support, pounding his cock back and forth.

Thick splurts of cum dribbled and squelched from Rens stretched open hole, his stomach bigger then normal. An almost endless parade of digimon had visited Piddomons room earlier, practically lining up in a line that stretched out the door and into the long hallways, all waiting patiently for a turn at the foxes well used ass. Rens stomach gurgled and sloshes audibly like a water balloon as he was bounced back and forth against Pans thrusting.

Cum oozed and dribbled out of Rens mouth as he hung his head down, unable to say anything as his eyes had rolled back into his head as he was swung back and forth. His cock flopped against his bloated stomach, hard only because Piddomon had commanded it. The fox had orgasm so much that his balls no longer had anyhting left to give, and each orgasm was painfull. But then, Pans cold-as-ice-to-the-touch cock had been pumping his hole for so long that his entire hind quarters had gone numb and he wasn't really feeling any pleasure from it. Just a long drawn out series of thumps against his numb cheeks.

Piddomon sat on his bed, watching the display with a bored expression on his face. He sight was definitely fun to watch, but he wasn't getting pleasure out of it. He had stopped dishing out his brand of abuse earlier, and now he was regarding the scene in front of him as if he was watching a mildly interesting tv show.

He was jolted slightly from his staring when he heard the soft dinging noise that came from somewhere in his room. He knew what that was, and he had been eagerly awaiting it for some time. The evil angel quickly got up with a look of eagerness on his face as he knelt on the floor and threw his arm under his bed, feeling around for the hidden panel he had carved out for himself.

With a look of glee on his face he pulled out small black square the size of a drinks coaster. There was a small mail icon flashing around the glassed surface and he pressed a finger on it. The little white envelope folded over and a message appeared on the screen.

They have the message. They are coming.

A wide grin spread over Piddomons face as he bent back under the bed and slipped the little device back into its hidden recess. He stood back up and dusted his knees off before he turned away from the still fucking lion and fox and turned to his other little piece of entertainment.

B-W was shackled to the wall, secured with heavy cuffs around his ankles and wrists. He was completely naked and simply stood there exposed. The cuffs wouldnt' have been able to hold him back if he had chosen to escape. But he had no will to do anything without having been given an order.

Piddomon smirked as he picked up his staff and looked over the bound male. The black dragon digimons body was covered in scars that had long ago healed, but were still visible from an attack that had occurred who knew how long ago. Without his armour, or the chocolate, covering him up, it was obvious just how battle scarred he really was. His face must have been quite manly and handsome once. Now, not so much.

And if he hadn't been black, he would have been showing the bruising around his body. Bruises that would have shown around his sides, across his chest, down his thighs and over his stomach. Impact bruises from a pair of fists and a rod that had used his body as a punching bag.

"You know what's funny, you big black bitch?" Piddomon said with a smirk. "I'm gonna beat your ass black and blue, till you can't move any part of your body without feeling pain. I'm going to violate your body in ways you haven't experienced before. And then, you're friends are going to come here and try and save you."

B-W didn't say anything as the words registered, but they didn't mean anything to him. They weren't a command. They were just words.

"And I'm going to send you out there to kill them. You're going to break them in half and kill them. And then you'll come back here, your body writhing and screaming in pain, your hands covered in the blood of your friends, and you will get down on your knees, and kiss my feet and tell me, that you loved it" Piddomon said with a twisted smile.

"Now, how about we resume?" Piddomon said with that same twisted smile, as Pan let out another roar as he claimed Rens backside once more.

Oath to Order 3

Oath to Order 3 #8 of Digital Rescue Squad By Kendo Kawabata "About time you made it" Banchou said without turning around from his position at the edge of the Sandsea gorge. The big bara lion had taken up position by one of the many...

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Fucking with the Orc boss

Orctober Entry Fucking with the Orc Boss By Kendo Kawabata. Mr Glass had to adjust his tie as he felt the heat rise up aroudn his neck again, tugging the bright red cord aroudn his neck till it was loose enough that he could undo the top button...

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Oath to Order 1

Oath to Order 1 6 of Digital Rescue Squad By Kendo Kawabata "Observation number one. Collars have not found me. No data available as to why they have not. More study is needed." Datamon carefully opened the door to the cupboard in which...

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