Commission - To Survive the Night

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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To Survive the Night -

By Kendo Kawabata

A Commission for KamikazeTiger

The schoolhouse bell rang to signal the end of yet another day. The teacher picked up her eraser and with a few well practised strokes the blackboard was cleaned from the days lesson. The female raven turned around and addressed her students as they all started packing up their books.

"Make sure you all walk home safe" she reminded them rather sternly. "This might be the last class for the winter, but I expect to see each and every one of you when the term resumes. So please be careful on the way home."

All the students nodded and agreed with their teacher as they rushed to pull on their winter coats. The school house had a fire place that had been roaring during the day, but the students had all felt the cold chilling fingers of Jack Frost hanging in the air. Even with a fire going, there was no way to ignore the fact that winter had finally hit the village.

The doors opened as the students began to trudge out slowly, finding the path had been covered over with a new sheet of snow. With a few grunts and complaints, the students began to trudge their way through as they followed the well worn trail back to their village.

Guskou was one of those students, along with his twin sister Neri. Both of them were slender, lithe tabby cats, although Guskou was blue, while his sister was pink. It was the only real way to tell them apart, since they looked identical every other way.

Guskou was not thinking about the snow, or the fact that they were on holiday. Or even the warnings about Jack Frost that all the village adults were talking about. He was more concerned about his sister. Ever since Winter had started coming their way, she had started acting....odd.

"Neri, are you ok?" he asked as he walked along side her. Neri didn't answer right away as she walked, keeping her gaze on the ground before her. Usually, Guskou had a hard time keeping her mouth shut, and to keep her on the pathway without running off after something. She was usually so full of life and energy.

And now, she was quiet and withdrawn. She hardly talked, even when asked questions. And she had started spending time away from everyone, including her brother. Guskou seemed to be the only one that was really worried about her. Everyone else just shrugged their shoulders and made an excuse when he approached them about her.

"She's just going through her womanhood" his mother had said just last night, when Guskou had asked her just last night if anything was wrong with his sister. "All children go through it, and you will as well. It's nothing to worry about" she had said, before the elder cat had waved him off while she finished doing the dishes.

Guskou had just so many questions to ask though, but neither of his parents seemed interested in the questions by their children.

"Hey Guskou."

Guskou reached out and grabbed Neris arm as he heard one of his friends call him. Neri stopped walking and stood there, looking at her brother with a somewhat distant expression before she turned her attention to the nearby woods off the track.

"Guskou" came the voice again as a small fox boy came running up to them, wrapped up in his own thick layers to protect him from the cold as he ran up to the two siblings.

"I heard you the first time" Guskou said as his friend Toddy came running up to him, seeing his friend double over to pant as his breath fogged in the air in front of him.

"Hey" Toddy said as he doubled over to catch his breath. It took him a few cloudy breaths to regain his breathing before he stood up. "You guys hear the blizzard is coming?"

"What blizzard?" Guskou asked with a blink. It was the first he had heard of it.

"I heard my mom and dad talking" Toddy said. "They said that there's a big blizzard coming, real big" he said with a gulp of air. "Dad says its gonna be a big one that'll last weeks."

"We always get a blizzard when winter comes" Guskou pointed out.

"yeah, but not a giant one" toddy said. "dad was saying its gonna last so long we might run out of food before it finishes" he said.

"that's what everyone says" guskou said firmly. "all the adults say that every winter."

"yeah, but not every adult at the same time" Toddy said. "everyone at lunch was saying their parents saying the same thing. That cause the harvest was too small this year and people don't have enough food" he said.

"everyone says that" guskou said. He was starting to get annoyed. Toddy was one of those friends of his that took everything that anyone said rather literally. And worried about just about everything.

"do you guys have enough food? Mom was saying that no-one does. That they have to do this thing that they have to do otherwise there isn't enough to last" Toddy pointed out.

"what thing?" guskou asked as he glanced at Neri. She was still looking off into the woods, almost like she was watching someone. Or something. Probably a deer.

"I don't know. Mom saw I was listening and wouldn't keep talking" Toddy said.

"Then it's nothing" Guskou said. "adults always worry about everything. That's why they're adults" he pointed out. "we survived last winter, and we'll survive this one" he said. "anyway, you should go. Before it starts snowing" he said.

"ok. Maybe we can build snow men after it snows" Toddy said before he turned and ran off back towards the school where his parents were presumably still talking to each other. Guskou shook his head as he adjusted the scarf around his neck and looked back at his sister.

"Come on neri. Time to go home" he said. Neri didn't answer as she continued to look out at the forest beyond. Guskou went to pull her away when he happened to look in the same space that she was.

For a moment, he could have sworn that he saw a figure amongst the trees. He squinted as he tried to get a good look, but the moment he blinked the figure was gone. He could have sworn it was someone in a long flowing cape that covered their body and a big hat on their head.

But he blinked and the figure was gone, with just the trees remaining. Must have been his imagination.

"Come on Neri" he said again as he grabbed his sisters hand. She didn't offer much resistance before she let him lead her away as they walked hand in hand down the path towards the village.

"There you two are. Where have you been?" Their mother, a rather well rounded motherly looking elder cat was waiting for them at the gate to their yard. Their house, a rather comfortable looking building lay beyond the snow covered front yard. Their village was well spaced out, so everyone had enough space for a good yard.

"We were walking home" Guskou said, looking at his mother in surprise. She normally didn't wait at the front gate. She normally waited in the house. It was surprising to see her at the front gate, with two trunks beside her.

"Well, you two should have been home sooner. I've already packed our things. We're moving into another house for a while" she said as she pointed at the two trunks beside her. "I gathered some of your clothes and things while you were at school."

"Why mom?" guskou asked in surprise. He didn't know they were moving.

"The...the roof fell in at the back of the house" his mother said. "and with the blizzard coming in, we can't stay in our house. We'll freeze to death" she said firmly. "now come on. Pick up your trunks and come with me" she said, rather briskly.

Guskou was surprised. So there was a blizzard coming. Not exactly surprising. What was surprising was that they were moving into another house in the village. Did the roof really fall in on the house? He took a look over. It seemed fine from where he was standing.

But then again, his mother wasn't one to lie to him. She punished lies with a whack of her big wooden spoon across the back of your fingers if she caught you lying.

Guskou and Neri both picked up their trunks, easily holding them in front of themselves with a hand on the handles on each side. They weren't that heavy, so they must not have been packed with much. Neri didn't say anything as she walked behind their mother, while Guskou just felt confused by what was going on.

Their mother led them through the middle of the village, past the other houses. Most of the kids were home by now, and they seemed to be helping their parents lock up their homes. Windows were being closed and the shutters nailed in place with planks of wood, and wood was hastily being cut and stacked against door frames.

Guskou was sure that along the way, he was given a few glances as they walked. Most of the adults stopped what they were doing, just for a few moments as they passed. They seemed to give Guskou and his sister looks that seemed sad and pitying. It was making him more confused as they walked along the path.

"here we are" his mother said as she lead them to a cottage that both Guskou and his sister knew rather well, but had never actually been too. It was a cottage at the edge of the village that apparently, no-one was living in, and no-one was permitted to go inside without permission from the villages elder. It looked smaller then their own home, and didn't even have a fence around it. Just a small path leading up to the doorway.

Their mother pushed open the door and the two siblings walked in and dropped their trunks on the floor beside the front door. It was much smaller then their home.

The whole house just seemed to be made out of two rooms. There was a large open area that was the kitchen, with a fireplace in the middle of the house with a couple of large plush chairs and a couch in front of it. Off to the side were two single beds separated by a folding screen. There was a ladder that lead up to what looked like a loft.

There was a small room off past the bedroom that held a large bathing basin, a privy and what looked like a huge amount of firewood stacked up.

"That's where your father and I will be sleeping. You two will have the beds down here. Its warmer" their mother said as she gestured to the ladder and then the beds. "I know the house is old, but we wont be here for long. We have enough fire wood stacked in the bathroom to last for a good while, and the kitchen has our food" she said.

"do we have enough food?" guskou asked as neri walked over to the beds and looked at them while Guskou looked at the kitchen. There was a large wood burning stove, a cabinet and a table. That was basically it. It looked like they'd have to eat by the fireplace. The house really was smaller then theirs.

"We...we have enough food yes" his mother said with a wave of her hand to dismiss his question as she brought the trunks over to the beds and began to unpack them. Neri sat herself up on the bed and watched as her mother unpacked their clothes while Guskou wandered back over.

"do we?" he asked. She hesitated before she nodded and gave him a very familiar look of hers.

"guskou, I already said we do" she said as she pulled out their cloths and began packing them in the dresser. "here, I've packed some of your books and your board-games. You're father will be home soon and we can start dinner" she said. "Guskou, why don't you go start the fire?" she asked.

Guskou shrugged as he wandered over to the fireplace. It didn't take him long to get it started, but it took a while before it was hot enough to start warming up the house. By that time, their father had returned with several packages under his arms wrapped in paper and twine.

"this was all we could get from the butcher" his father said as he handed the packages to his wife. "He doesn't have anything left. It's too cold to slaughter anymore. All the animals have been locked up."

"alright. I'll get dinner started" she said as she took the packages of meat and went into the kitchen. Their father sat on the couch and warmed his hands by the fire. The big older male looked tired.

They indeed did have to eat by the fire, but it was pleasant enough. Their mother had prepared a hot soup for them, and it warmed them up rather considerably. So when their father called for an early bedtime, neither of the kids disagreed.

Guskou woke up sometime in the middle of the night. Something had woken him up. He blinked as he tried to focus his eyes against something bright, and it took him a moment or two to realise what it was. His bed was against the wall with the little window, and there was a gap in the shade outside. A small gap that let in a rather bright beam of moonlight.

But that wasn't what woke him up. He could hear soft noises coming from across the room. He slowly sat up, feeling a chill in the air as the fire had died down during the night and it was now just glowing embers. He looked over to his sisters bed.

Neri was fast asleep, or at least she might have been. He could only see her head against the pillow, the rest of her was covered. She had her mouth open and he could make out the soft moaning noises coming from her.

"Neri?" he asked quietly. She didn't answer him, but instead moaned again. He saw movement under her covers and he wondered what she was doing. She was moving her arm, perhaps, around her midsection, moving it back and forth.

He wasn't sure what she was doing, but whatever it was she was moaning softly enough that it was almost a purring noise. It was....he wasn't sure what it was.

"Neri?" he asked again as he went to get up. Maybe something really was wrong with her and she needed help. But he didn't get far when he realised that something was affecting him as well. He had pulled the sheets back to expose his night garments, and the little hard bulge that protruded from his crotch.

He let out a rather cute but surprised squeaking noise as he pulled the covers back over him as he curled up, facing back against the window. Now that he knew he had a bulge in his pants he suddenly became more aware of his stiff rod poking against the soft mattress.

Behind him, Neri was moaning a little harder now, and it seemed to be picking up. He lay there, wide eyed as he was unable to not hear her, before she let out a gasping noise that seemed to gurgle in her throat. And then she fell silent for a few moments before she resumed a soft steady breathing.

For some reasons, Guskous hardness throbbed even harder but he was unable to understand why. He tried hard not to move, as even the slightest movement made him feel funny and gave him goosebumps.

It took him a while to fall back asleep, but before he did, he was sure that he saw someone out on the path to the house. Some kind of figure in a cape and a big hat.

Guskou woke up the next morning to feel a chill in the house. He could actually see his breath wafting against the blankets he was snuggled into. He rolled over in his bed and tried to look out the window, but to his surprise, the window was almost covered in snow.

"Can you believe it? The whole village was blanketed last night."

"Of course I can believe it. The snows so thick, we can't even go outside. It's like we got a whole weeks worth of snow in one night."

"It's alright honey, we have enough food and wood to last a good while. And so does the village."

"This is just the first night. If it keeps up like this, we won't last longer then the week."

"We will get through this, you know we will. We just have to do what's expected of us and we'll make it through this."

Guskou looked over and saw that Neri was still asleep in her bed, and he got out of his, still wrapped up in his thick night clothes. The floor of the house was cold, even through his socks as he passed the partition of their room.

He found his parents in front of the fireplace, his father working to get the wood ablaze while his mother was kneeling beside him with the stew pot. They both seemed to be talking to each other, at least trying not to be overheard. But both of them were surprised when Guskou walked up to him.

"Oh hey there buddy, we didn't know you were awake" his father said as the flames started flickering to life.

"Guskou, be a good boy and wake your sister up. We need to start getting the house cleaned up" his mother said as she positioned the pot with their breakfast stew.

"What were you guys talking about?" Guskou asked.

"Nothing. Just parent talk" his mother said with a dismissive wave of her hand.

The family spent the day indoors cleaning up the house, which was surprisingly more dusty and grimy then they had given it credit for. It was as if no-one had lived in the house before they had moved in. And Guskou was sure that they had just moved in without properly cleaning it.

Every chance he had, Guskou would look out the windows and check the snow. It was no longer falling, but he could see the whole village and it was covered in snow. He had no idea how much snow had actually fallen, but it was obvious that it was a lot. All he could really see was the chimneys and the roofs, but the base outline of the homes was almost gone.

Neri seemed a little more distant then normal, although their parents still didn't seem to notice. She just didn't even seem to concentrate on her cleaning of the cutlery and plates, as it took her a long time to just wipe down one mug. And it wasn't even that big of a mug.

But if his parents noticed anything, they didn't say. More then once Guskou heard his parents talking in hushed voices to one another, but every time he got close to them, they stopped talking as if they knew he was trying to eavesdrop.

"How come the snow hasn't melted all day?" Guskou asked as they sat around the fireplace, carefully eating their dinner. They had spent the whole day cleaning up the house, but in Guskous opinion, they hadn't actually made much progress.

"Because it's too cold" his father said simply.

"But why is it so cold? It wasn't this cold last year" Guskou said.

"because winters vary" his father said, giving his son a look.

"But..." Guskou went to say, but before he was able to continue speaking his father gave an annoyed vocal at him.

"Guskou, I don't know why, ok?" he said. "so stop asking and finish your meal" he said firmly, giving his son an annoyed look.

Guskou sighed and said nothing as he finished up his food and he was sent to bed with his sister, by his mother. He didn't understand why his parents didn't know what was going on. It was like adults didn't know all the answers, like they were supposed to.

If he thought the next few days were going to be any different, he was sadly mistaking. Each time he woke up in the morning, the first thing he did was check the window. And each morning the sill was piled high with snow. And the village was still covered, with the skies still flooded with dark grey clouds and a few gusts of wind that carried even more snow.

Every morning Neri would seem more distant and uninterested in anything. And Guskou was sure that something was wrong, with the way that Neri would make faces in her sleep and he would end up smelling that strangely pleasant floral sweet smell that seemed to emanate when she made those faces. And he would somehow get hard in his sleepwear.

And every day, things started to seem a little bleaker. He couldn't help but notice that with each passing day, the snow would get a little higher outside. The wood pile, would get a little lower, and the food portions at their meal, would get a little thinner.

He wasn't sure, but he had a notion that maybe their situation was worse then his parents were allowing him to know about.

And he was having trouble sleeping. Guskou woke up each night when the snow seemed to have stopped falling enough to allow the moonlight to stream over his bed and wake him up. The moonlight would be so strong it was light having the sun wake him up, except moonlight was blue.

As guskou looked out across the snow covered village that was bathed in moonlight, the young boy was sure that he kept seeing a figure out there in the snow, standing ontop of the deep snow drifts. Someone who didn't belong in the village.

Guskou was not able to make out who it was. All he could make out was the figure wore a large pointed hat and a cloak that seemed to billow around him in a wind that wasn't even there. Guskou had the feeling that whoever it was, it was watching the house. He would watch the figure outside until a strange gust of billowing snow would obscure him from his vision and then the figure would disappear when the snow had passed.

And Guskou would find himself back under the covers of his bed, a tent in his crotch and a wet patch that strangely smelt like beans. Which he would be grateful for the fact that he ended up waking up before the others did.

It had been a week, maybe more, maybe less. Guskou wasn't sure. Every day seemed to be the same to him, like each day was just on repeat. Then again, he hadn't been outside of the house since they had walked in.

The snow was blowing pretty hard that day, so hard that he could hear the billowing wind passing through the cracks in the ceiling, and the shutters rustling in their settings. The fireplace was already roaring, keeping the centre of the house warm. But Guskou was still able to see his breath before he climbed out of his bed.

His father was by the front door, kneeling down and busy tying his rather large boots to his feet. He was wearing his heavily laden winter coat, and a thick scarf around his neck and face.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Guskou asked as he walked up to him.

"The firewood is running low faster then we thought it would" his father said as he finished tying his laces. "I need to head out into the village and try and get some more from the other villagers."

"but, it's still snowing outside" guskou said, shivering just thinking about it.

"I know it is. But if we want to keep warm, we need more wood" his father pointed out as he stood up. He reached out and rubbed his hand on his sons head before slipping on a pair of thick gloves. "I'll be back as soon as I can. Look after your mother and sister while I'm away" he said as he opened the door.

Guskou let out a squeal as the torrid ice blast of wind hit him full force as his father struggled to get throug the door as he fought against both wind and blowing snow. Even though the door closed less then a minute later, Guskou was shivering pretty hard.

"Mom, dad left" Guskou said as he ran to the fireplace and stood as close to it as he was able to without burning himself as the young boy shivered.

"I know he did" his mother said from the kitchen. "we're running low on everything, so he had to go out."

"But I thought we had enough supplies?" Guskou asked as he looked up. Neri was sitting on the couch, bundled up in several blankets and watching the fire rather aimlessly. She didn't even seem to register that her father had left them.

"So did we" his mother replied with a worried look on her face as she stirred the large pot on the stove. "we're running low on everything."

Guskou wanted to say something about that. He had been shut in through a few winters before, albeit not as bad as this one. But his parents had always managed to get enough supplies to last the winter. It felt strange that this time around, they didn't.

But he decided against an argument with his mother. She seemed to be holding back her emotions, and he had the thought that if he said anything, she might start crying. And his father said to look after them.

Without his father there, the day seemed to move on even more slowly then it normally did. Guskou found himself getting bored again. He had already read every book he had brought, and what few board games there were in the house, they had already gone through them. Being shut in a boring house with a sister who wasn't talking and a mother who looked like she'd burst out crying at any given moment, all the while a blizzard was going on outside, it should not have been boring.

Hence why Guskou was surprised when, after they had had their evening meal, that his mother said she had to go out looking for their father.

"Dads been gone all day. Where could he be?" Guskou asked. "why hasn't he come back yet?" his mother was busy getting on her own coat and trying to light a lantern at the same time. The light outside was going down, and it was getting dark quickly.

"I don't know. That's why I have to go out looking for him" his mother said to him. "he should have been back hours ago, the neighbours aren't that far away. I hope nothing happened to him" she said, although it sounded like she was talking more to herself then anything.

She grabbed the lantern once the light was strong enough and headed to the door.

"Mom, what am I supposed to do?" Guskou asked as his mother forced the door open. Like earlier, a highly cold burst of air blasted through the gap of the door as his mother struggled against he wind.

"just look after your sister. Please" she said, although she said it with such a surprisingly frightened expression on her face that guskou found himself unable to answer her or say anything else to her as she disappeared into the blizzard and forced the door behind her to close.

Guskou ran to the window beside the door, almost slipping on a patch of fresh snow that had blown in and pulled the curtain back. The snow was blowing hard outside, and he could make out his mother as she walked, although the only way he could see her was the lantern. And even that light was hard to make out.

He stood there at the window, watching the figure of his mother fight her way through the blizzard as the light got fainter and fainter as she drew more distance between them. He was still at the window when the light faded and he was unable to see anything else.

With a sigh Guskou drew the curtain back and left the window as he walked back to his sister, finding her still curled up on the couch watching the fire.

"Moms gone" he said to her as he sat beside her. Neri didn't' answer him as she didn't seem to register he was there.

"and so is dad. He hasn't come back" guskou said as he looked at her. She didn't seem to hear him.

"There's a flying spaghetti monster at the window" he said. Still she said nothing. Now he was starting to feel a little worried. Neri seemed to be getting worse at whatever had gotten a hold of her, and both his parents hadn't seemed to do anything about it. And now he had no idea how to look after her, as he had no clue what was wrong with her.

"How about we sleep by the fire tonight?" Guskou asked. There was a decent enough pile of wood stacked by the fire, but it seemed to be the last of the wood that had been stacked in the other room. His father hadn't been kidding. "just you and me?" he asked as he lifted the blanket and slipped in beside her.

She didn't seem to register that he was now cuddling up against her, but she didn't fight him either. Soon the two of them were comfortably snuggled up under the blanket, and Neri soon fell asleep. Guskou stayed up as late as he was able to, keeping an eye on his sister as the wind howled and rattled everything around the house.

A heavy banging on the front door jolted Guskou out of his sleep and he almost fell off the couch in shock as he found himself tangled up in the blankets as he tried to escape them. He landed on the floor, panicking slightly at the foreign sound before he realised what was making it.

Running faster then he had in days, Guskou ran to the front door and heaved it open as fast as he was able to, getting a huge blast of freezing air and sleet gushing through the open door, as a heavy figure fumbled into the doorway and landed on the floor.

"Mom? Dad?" Guskou said as he heaved the door cold, feeling the biting cold of the sleet and air around him as he pushed the door closed, hearing the lock click in place before he ran to the figure. It wasn't his mother or his father, as neither of them owned a deep blue cloak that was ragged around the edges, but whoever it was, needed help.

"Here, let me help you up" Guskou said as he pulled the strangers arm out and helped him up to his feet. He helped him over to one of the spare chairs next to the couch and let the stranger flop into the piece of furniture. He then grabbed another piece of wood and threw it onto the fire before turning his attention to the stranger.

He was strange, Guskou had to admit. He was a jet black cat in a purple scarf, wrapped in the deep blue cloak. His pointed purple boots looked a little strange, and the strange pointed blue hat on his head didn't seem normal either. Guskou had to wonder how the stranger had managed to stay outside in such ragged clothing.

"Are....are you ok?" Guskou asked. The stranger opened his eyes and nodded as he took a few deep breathes.

"I got...lost in the snow" he panted out as he made himself comfortable in the chair, looking very exhausted. "Couldn't....couldn't find my way" he said.

"Why were you out in the snow? It's a blizzard out there" Guskou said as he heard his sister move behind him. She was awake and looking at the stranger with a light interest.

"I was...foolish" he said as he sat himself up. "Just....stupid. Thank you...for letting me in. Who....are you both?"

"I'm Guskou. This is my sister Neri" Guskou explained as he gestured to his sister and to himself. "Our parents aren't here. But they're coming back."

"I didn't see....anyone out there" the stranger said as he got his breath back slowly. "There out in the village. I didn't see anyone."

"Oh" Guskou said with disappointment in his voice. He had hoped that his mother and father would have at least crossed paths. But it sounded like they hadn't.

"I'm sorry to ...intrude" the stranger said as he looked at both of them. "My name is Jack.

"Nice to meet you Jack" Guskou said, as his stomach gave a sudden growl. He realised that it was indeed very late, and neither he nor Neri had eaten anything in a while. And all their stomachs seemed to agree.

Guskou left the stranger by the fireplace and went into the kitchen, getting the pot of stew that had been left behind and brought it over to the fireplace where he placed it amongst the coals to get it heated up. It didn't take long, and soon all three were eating up a hot stew together.

"So, why did your parents leave?" Jack asked as he ate his meal, looking at the two siblings on the couch. He had removed his hat and scarf, keeping the cloak wrapped around his body. He seemed old, but a nice old. Guskou wasn't sure why, but he felt that way about him.

"Yesterday morning" Guskou said as he finished up his meal. They didn't have much to split between three people, but he didn't feel hungry after finishing. "They haven't come back in" he added. Neri had finished her meal and was now getting herself back under the blanket.

"Well, they couldn't have gotten far. This house isn't far from the village" Jack said as he finished his meal and placed the bowl on the floor beside his chair. "I'm sure they're fine. They probably managed to get into someones house and had to bunker down for the night" he said.

Guskou nodded slowly as he sat back on the couch and pulled the blanket around himself. It sounded like Jack was trying to reassure him about his parents, and although what he explained did sound reasonable, he wasn't overly convinced.

"I wish they would come back" Guskou said as he wrapped the blanket around himself.

"I'm sure they'll be back soon" Jack said as he reached under his tattered cloak and withdrew an old book from amongst his person. "They are lucky to have good kids such as yourselves" he said with a smile.

"We haven't done anything good" Guskou admitted. Jack chuckled.

"You just allowed a wandering traveller to come into your home, in the middle of a blizzard. You've given him a warm fire to sit beside, food for his stomach and a chair to relax in. I think you are not just good, I think you are both special" he said with a rather warm smile.

Guskou, against himself, found himself smiling a little as he felt his sister lean against him and rest her head on his shoulder. He suddenly felt tired and found his eyelids drooping.

"Perhaps you two need to sleep?" Jack suggested as he opened up his book and settled himself in for a quiet read. Guskou didn't say anything as he found himself slowly drifting off. The heat of the fire and the warm food was making him fall asleep.

"Yeah, maybe we do" he said as he heard Neri purr in her sleep beside him. He found himself giving a yawn as his eyes began to lid. He tried to concentrate but he found his mind starting to fog as he began to slip into exhaustion. He soon closed his eyes at his head drooped and he slipping into sleep, the last image he saw was Jack turning a page in his book.

It was a strange mewling that woke him up more then anything.

Guskous eyes fluttered open as he heard the mewling noise from quite close nearby. He could make out the fire, it was still going. More wood had been added, quite a lot it would seem. The heat from the fire was enough to make him sweat, even though the blanket was on the floor and he was alone on the couch.

He slowly pulled himself up, feeling his damp nightclothes cling to his body as he rubbed his eyes, the mewling getting rather more clearer as he woke himself up. He wasn't sure how long he had been asleep for, but he was no longer tired at all.

Guskou blinked twice as he saw the blanket spread out on the floor, and he realised that both Jack and his sister were on it. And what he saw made his mouth drop open and his heart start racing in a way that it hadn't done before.

Neri was spread out, naked on her back with her arms outstretched above her head. Her eyes were closed and she was mewling in a way that Guskou had only heard her to under the covers in bed, only this time it was much louder.

The reason for her mewling, was that Jack was laying between her legs, holding her legs up and apart like a pair of handles. He was naked as well, his body much more toned and slender without the ragged clothing hiding it, and he had his face pressed into Neris' nethers.

With the way his face was moving back and forth, his throat contracting and his jaw moving about, and the way his eyes were closed in apparent bliss, he was tasting her. And the way Neri was mewling and squirming, she was enjoying it.

"Neri?" Guskou said as loudly as he dared as he swallowed a growing lump in his throat. He could see her body glisten from the build up of sweat as she writhed on the blanket, gasping out loud as she hunched her hips upwards, eliciting a purring noise from Jack.

Jack slowly pulled his mouth away from Neris nethers, and Guskou could see, from his position on the couch, that her crotch was drenched in liquid. Her slit was gaping slightly as Jack pulled his tongue from within her, and his tongue was very, very long. Longer then Guskou would have gussed.

Jacks tongue pulled back into his mouth like a snake withdrawing into its den as he licked his drenched lips of the honey like juice as he smiled over at Guskou, with teeth that seemed pointed and sharp, like a predators.

"Your sister tastes divine" he said with a wicked grin on his face.

"What...what are you doing to her?" Guskou said as his heart raced and he felt his hands shake . He wanted to jump off the couch and punch Jack in the face, but for some reason, he wasn't able too. His body didn't seem to be responding as he tried to glare at Jack but failed.

"I'm pleasuring her" Jack said with a grin as he lowered Neris legs and kept them spread apart as he ran a finger over her slit, making her gasp softly. He lined up two of his fingers and slowly pushed in, Guskou able to hear the audible wet squelching noise as he pushed his fingers in, slowly. Neri moaned and arched her back a little, letting Jacks fingers slip in.

"Your sister, is in heat" Jack said with a grin as he kept his gaze on Guskou as his fingers hilted into the young girl. "That has been her problem for a while. She entered it days ago, but she hasn't been sated."

"You...your doing this to her?" Guskou asked in a small voice as he swallowed again in his throat. He felt a light pain in his crotch as he spread his legs, his pyjama pants quickly tenting as his length suddenly got painfully hard.

"Yes, I am. I am giving her what she wants" Jack said as he wiggled his fingers back and forth in that girls wet orifice, making her moan more as droplets of juice dripped between his fingers.

" you need to stop" Guskou said firmly as he couldn't help but stare as his sister was so blatantly violated in front of him. He felt a stirring in his loins so he clamped his hands down into his lap as he sat there with a burning red face.

"No, I don't need to stop" Jack said with a smirk as he slowly withdrew his fingers with a wet slurping noise. "I need to give her what she wants, and get what I want" he said with a light smile on his face as he held his fingers up, showing Guskou the glistening juices on his digits.

" you ...." Guskou whimpered as he felt himself harden under his hands to an almost painful degree. He had never been this hard before in his life, and he felt a burning desire to do something, only he didn't know what it was.

"I have an.... arrangement with the village" Jack said as he leant over and hooked his hands under Neris arms and slowly pulled her up as she moaned softly. "When a blizzard of this size comes around, it usually spells the end of most of the people here. So many freeze to death in their homes due to little wood, so many die of hunger due to lack of food. The harvest is always too small, the firewood never enough to around..." he said as he helped neri to stand up and he turned her around.

Guskou whimpered as Neri was faced towards him, standing on shivering legs, but not from the cold. There were shiny streams of juices running down the inside of her thighs, and her nipples were puffy and sticking out like two small hard nubs. She was moaning softly, trying to touch herself but Jack kept her hands out of the way as he stood behind her.

"So, there is... a trade off, you might say" Jack said with a grin. Guskou swallowed as Jacks naked body came into view. His fur was black as ebony, and his body was toned and slender, but still seemed very powerful to the small boy. And his goods, his balls swung between his legs like two goose eggs in a wrap, and his shaft jutted straight out, hard and throbbing. It looked enormous to the small boy.

"The villagers know that a blizzard of this size is coming, when a young girl enters her first heat" Jack said as he ran his fingers down Neris body and gave her nipples a tweak, making her moan. "And the family, must leave her and her siblings in this house, by themselves, when the blizzard is in full swing. I come to collect, and I make the blizzard go away. And the village is spared" Jack said with a grin.

"You're....your jack frost" Guskou said as his eyes went wide in realisation.

"Indeed I am" Jack said with a smirk as his smile suddenly went wider then it should have, and his eyes literally began to sparkle as the taller male wide eyed smiled down at him. He rubbed his hand down to neris slit and wiggled his finger against it, making her squirm. "Now, get out of your clothes" he ordered with that sly smile of his.

Guskou swallowed a lump in his throat as he found himself getting off the couch from jacks words as he stood on the carpet, as he began to remove his damp clothes. Piece by piece his meager pyjamas fell off, revealing his young slim body and his hard nail of a boy cock to the grinning demon sprite. He found himself whimpering as he found himself so exposed.

"oh yes, very good guskou" jack said with a grin. "i told you that you and your sister are very special children. Now, before I make you officially mine, I'm going to give you a choice on what you wish to do first. Suck my cock, or lick your sisters pussy."

"i ....i can't...." guskou whimper as he found himself sinking to his knees.

"Guskou, this is to help your village" jack said with a grin. "you and your sister will be very well looked after, you will want for nothing and spend your lives living in pleasure with me. And the village will be spared and made safe. You can say no, if you want. But that means the deal is off and the blizzard will do what it does best" he said.

" but..." guskou whimpered as he tried to decide what he should be doing.

"brother..." neri whimpered at him. Guskou looked at her, surprised she was speaking after having heard her be silent for so long. "brother...please...." she whimpered as she rubbed her fingers against her moist slit.

Guskou whimpered as he found himself getting onto all fours on the floor and crawling his way over on the carpet. His hard boycock bobbed between his legs as his tail swayed behind him over his naked rump as he crawled to kneel in front of his sister.

"Good boy" Jack said with a smirk as guskou sniffed curiously at his sisters crotch. She smelled like strawberries and vanilla, a sweet aroma that made his little boy nail drool onto the carpet. He closed his eyes as he gave in to the sweet aroma and stuck his tongue out, panting as he started to lick.

Both siblings began to moan as the soft sounds of licking and slurping began to fill the air amongst the crackling sound of the fire. Neri panted as she placed a hand on her brothers head, slipping her fingers into his hair as she whimpered and moaned to feel his tongue slurp and lick around her already juicy cunny.

Guskou had never tasted something quite to unique and forbidden before, as his sisters funny was beyond comprehension. Despite himself and his earlier reservations, he grabbed his sisters hips and started to eat her out like it was his last meal.

Jack grinned as he heard the frantic slurping and slathering of the boys tongue on his sister, as he knew first hand just how tasty she was. He had taken many children in the past, and there was nothing like watching family go at it.

Neri panted and whined as she felt that tongue dance across her folds as her knees quivered from lust. She let out a cute squeal as Guskous tongue suddenly found its way into her and delved in as deep as he could manage.

She gasped as her knees almost gave out as Guskou hungrily slurped his tongue in deep, twisting his tongue in an inexperienced way as he gulped down her leaking juices.

Jack let go of Neri and walked around to behind the young boy as he rubbed his hand over the boys pert rump, giving those cheeks a soft squeeze. That action elicited a moan and a purr from the boy, which made jack smile more.

Guskou gasped into Neris crotch as he felt jacks hand wrap around his boy nail and slowly stroked it back and forth. He found his hips starting to hump against jacks fingers, running more on instinct then intention.

"I think your just about ready boy" jack said as he patted guskous cute butt. " Neri, be a sweet girl and turn around in all fours for your brother"

It was with great reluctance that Neri and guskou parred, juices dripping down guskous chin as he watched, almost glassy eyed as his little sister turned around and got into the same position as he was. The way her backside jiggles softly and the way her funny winked at him was almost mesmerising.

"Now, why don't you take this" jack said, giving the boy nail a squeeze. " and put it in your sister. Take her like a good boy."

Guskou didn't object, his mind cloudy with list and his boyhood leading the way as he got into his knees and shuffled forward, his shaft wagging and dribbling back and forth as he took position behind his sister.

Jack just have senses his hesitation in what to do next, as he felt a welcoming paw in his butt that pushed him forward. Guskou gasped as his cub hoof pressed up against his sisters wet opening, and they both let out a cry of pleasure as he penetrated her easily.

" now fuck her" jack ordered as he knelt behind Guskou and wrapped his arms around the boy. His own hard cock lay pressed up against guskous spine as he held him close and began to slowly hump him.

The action had the intended effect as each time jack humped forward, Guskou humped into his sister. He could feel that hot moist opening clench and throb around his length as she purred and moans as he took her virginity, and she in turn took his.

Guskous hips started to move on his own as he gripped his sisters sides, getting the hint and idea of what to do as he started to thrust into her of his own accord. Soft smacking sounds of flesh on flesh were heard as Guskou took his sister as jack intended.

Jack was grinning as he heard and felt the boy fuck his sister, the moans of their joining were like music to his ears. The two of them were taking to their actions like a duck to water and he was going to enjoy them for a longtime coming.

But, they were children after all, and both siblings were on a hair trigger. As Guskou frantically pumped his hips back and forth into his sister, making her rock back and forth on her hands and knees, he could feel a tingling within his balls as he felt something building up.

He opened his mouth to say something, to warn his sister, when he suddenly felt a hot wet tongue shove itself into his mouth and started to wrestle with his own. It was such a sensation that Guskou lost himself into the lewd act and his orgasm hit him hard as that thick tongue tickled his tonsils.

His first ever climax and it surged into his sister like a hot wave of boy cream. Guskou shuddered and whimpered, seeing stars and explosions in his eyes as his boyhood seemed to never endingly throb.

Neri felt those hot wet splashes inside her and her already worked over opening was driven over the edge after that splash. She cried and quivered, her body shaking as fresh juices splashed out of her opening and onto guskous thighs and crotch.

"Such good children" jack said with a grin as he pulled his tongue from guskous mouth with a long wet slurping noise. "Very nice for your first time. But we have much more in store for you, and your training has only begun" he said as he held the quivering boy against him. His long tongue flicked over Guskous face as he lapped at his little mouth.

The boy moaned and whimpered as he felt that saliva chill against his flesh as it made his body tingle just from the contact. The taste of Jacks saliva seemed to make his boynail throb back to hardness and his cheeks flushed with a renewed arousal that made him light headed.

Guskou barely had time to recover from his first orgasm, and had no energy o resist whatever jack had planned. Jack worked his hips down and back, drawing his hard cock down to the boys supple backside and under his tail.

The grinding and moving worked its way on Neri as well, as she felt every movement behind her. And it in turn kept her stimulated as he gripped the carpet for dear life.

Guskou whimpered as he felt the head of that cock pressing up against his virgin entrance. He could feel jacks pre leaking against his star, lining him up for what was to come. He whimpered, partly in fear to what was going to happen next.

Jack gently pushed him forward, keeping the boy buried in his sister as he got them both to lie down, Neri on her stomach and Guskou laying across her back. Jack gathered the boys legs and pried as them apart, getting a good look at his wet hole.

He didn't waste time as he lined his length back up with the boys exposed rump and held onto his hips, the crackling of the fire accentuating the moans Fromm the siblings underneath him. Guskou was tight, virgin tight. But jack had broken in many a boy and girl before, and tightness could be broken.

Although he was easy, gently adding constant pressure and keeping the pressure on, getting some gorgeous whining from the boy as he slowly worked himself in. Slowly that hole began to spread until, with a wet popping noise, he was in.

Guskou cried out, the unfamiliar feeling of being penetrated hitting him hard as his ring was suddenly expanded. But he felt no pain, no aches or discomfort. There was only the full feeling of having a cock up his ass, and it triggered another orgasm.

Jack closed his eyes and moaned openly as he pushed his cock deep into the boy, feeling inch after inch sink into that spawning hole as he pushes the boy into orgasm. Neri cried out as well, squealing as she felt the splashes of cum soak her insides once more.

Jack didn't stop until he had hilted himself fully into the boy, his entire cock jilted up that back passage. The boys insides were incredibly hot and moist, and he knew, as the boys orgasm died down around his cock, that it would be prime once he was fully trained.

"Be ready, my children" jack growled in a possessive way as he leans down to lick at the expose neck of Neri and then Guskou. "I'm going to claim you both as mine" he growled out loud. "I will not hold back" he added, more as a warning out of care for them as he slid himself up onto his knees as he grabbed guskous hips.

Jack slowly pushed out of that boy rump, feeling that ring clench as if it didn't want it to leave. He purred deep in his chest as he watched his length slide out, inch after inch leaving the boy as he saw that tight little pink ring flex and contract around his cock.

He didn't pull all the way out, just leaving the head of his length tugging at that ring, letting it tug and pull a few times, enjoying the cute moans from his newest little conquest. Another gentle tug, just before the breaking point where it would have pulled out entirely, before he pushed himself back in just as firmly.

Jack slowly teased the younger boy as he pulled and pushed his length in and out slowly, testing the boys rump. Desptire his earlier promise, he knew he couldn't just go full on savage on the children until they had much more experience. This was just a test run before the real fun began.

Guskou felt his eyes roll into the back of his head as he felt that big length slide out of his backside till just the thick head remained inside him, tugging against his ring before it was pushed back in. well rather, shoved back in. Jack was right, he did not hold back as he thrust back into the smaller boy with one hard thrust. A thrust that made Guskou squeal and push into his sister as he held her down.

Jack began to work up a steady rhythm as he held the two siblings down and proceeded to fuck the boy under him, making him jolt and pump against his sister, in turn making the boys length slide in and out of his sisters virgin nethers. In a way, Jack was fucking them both at the same time.

The childrens squeals of pleasure rose over the sound of the crackling fire as they filled the air of the snowed in cottage, jack continuing to pump and thrust hard and deep, breaking in that virgin boy butt.

The grunts and pants of the older male dripped down on Guskou with the help of the males drool, his mouth open in a happy pleasurable O as the took the boy and sister under him. He never got tired of breaking in a virgin, whether it was boy or girl. And the way that tight little ring clenched around his cock, the way it squeezed him on the way out and tried to suck his length back in while he pushed, meant the boy was born for this.

Guskou clung to his sister as he was pumped back and forth, moaning and mewling in his pleasure amongst his sisters mewls of lust. His length was gripped by her wet juicy folds as he was forced in and out of her. He kept his arms wrapped around her, holding on as their faces lay side by side, gasping and panting against one another.

Instinct began to take over as Guskou found his hips working of their own accord, humping forward into his sister and pushing back against Jacks hard thrusts. The way those bigger male hips slapped and spanked against his rump, Guskou was sure he would have visible bruising, as he could already feel his skin burn red from the repeated smacking.

Jack huffed and grunted as he bred the boy under him, steadily worked his length in and out of that now devigrinised hole. There were no pretty words from him, no confirmation of lust. He just let his actions do the talking as he drilled the boy, working his hips in circular motions and adjusting his angle of penetration, making the boy under him moan into a semi frothing mess from the pleasure.

Guskou felt that special spot inside him get pounded, pinched, slapped and squeezed with every new angle that Jack drilled him with, his thighs getting wet from the amount of precum and sweat that was building up and dripping down his legs. Drool was dripping down his mouth and onto his sisters cheek as they both panted from the experience.

Jack suddenly gave a very hard and rough thrust as he buried his entire length into that boy butt. Then he lent over the two children, his hands planted into the carpet on either side of them as he gripped his fingers into the plush rug, and then began to jack hammer his hips as hard as he could.

The slaps were almost constant, the thrusts like a blur, the squeals from the kids almost never ending as he took them as hard as he dared. He only thrust in and out a few inches of his cock, not enough to make it past half way with each pull out, only to shove it back in as he grunted and growled above the two children.

The assault on Guskous ass was too much fro the small boy to handle, as his whole body began to shake uncontrollably. He whimpered and moaned as he started to climax, squirting his load into his sisters nethers as he filled her. Neri squealed as she felt the load sink into her opening as she was claimed by her brother.

Jack grinned around his grunting as he felt that ass spasm around his cock, adding new sensations to his length as he was driven over the edge as well. He slammed his hips against Guskous, ramming every inch he had into that now reddened ass as he started to unload as well. His cock bulged and spasmed inside that ring as his balls drew up, pouring a heavy load straight up into that boy rump that he had just now defiled.

"Oh yeah, I needed that" Jack panted as he kept his length buried in that boy butt, looking down to see the two siblings twitch and moan together. He smiled as he ground his hips against that rump a few more times before he pulled himself out fully. His cock slid out of that ass with a wet slurping noise and a wet popping sound as his cock exited, a few strands of errant cum dribbling from that now gaping hole that struggled to close back up.

Once they were freed of jack pinning them down, Guskou managed to pull out of his sister and fall onto his back, his arms spread to his sides and his little boy nail leaking dribbles of cream against his stomach. He panted hard, his sweat covered chest rising and falling rapidly as he struggled to move his now dead feeling limbs.

His backside felt sore, and stretched out. He could already feel jacks seed leaking from his ring onto the carpet under his abused butt. He could barely lick his lips as he stared up at the ceiling as he felt his head swim from all the pleasure, and slight pain that he was feeling.

He felt a soft warm hand on his stomach and tried to look up as he saw his sister crawl up to him, a glazed look in her eyes as her hand trailed down to his spent length. She brought her face close to his crotch and sniffed gently, wafting her warm breath over his crotch.

"N-Neri..." he whimpered as his tender little length slowly began to spring back to life against his sisters fingers as they wrapped around him. She slowly worked her fingers up and down his shaft, feeling it bulge out as it reached full hardness again as she watched it, almost transfixed by it.

Guskou gasped out loud as Neri suddenly took his length into her mouth and wrapped her lips around it, taking the small length whole into her mouth without problem and began to suckle on him like she was nursing on a bottle.

"That's a good girl" Jack grinned as he stroked his legnth, still hard, against his fingers, working his hand back and forth slowly. Guskou whimpered and gasped as he laid back, twitching and squirming as his sister took his sensitive cock.

"Thanks for getting your sister nice and wet" Jack said as he moved over on his knees, getting behind the girl on all fours as he rubbed a hand over her rump. She whimpered softly as she raised her tail for him, spreading her legs for him as her cunny was exposed to him. "Nothing makes better lube for a girl then the cum of her brother" he said as he hooked a finger into Neris opening.

She moaned around her brothers cock as that finger dug in easily into her, small dribbles of her juice and her brothers cum squirting against Jacks digits as he openly fingered her. He pulled his slimey fingers out of her pussy and then wiped the combined juices over his cock.

Guskou gasped and panted to how hungrily Neri was sucking on his cock. He felt every warm breathe from her nose against his crotch as she nursed on his sensitive length, as Jack slipped in closer behind her and pressed his length against her opening.

His cock squished against her as he pushed his way in, sinking his length into her. Neri moaned and whimpered as she was spread out, her lips opening up against that invading length as it sank into her with ease. She panted and shivered, her tail curling above her body as she pushed herself back on him, impaling her nethers

Jack held her hips in his hands and started to slowly pump into her, feeling her folds squelch around his length as he pumped into her steadily. Her rump was a little bigger then her brothers, and more plush, giving it a soft roundness that jiggled with each pump and smack of his hips against her.

Neri moaned around her brothers cock as she closed her eyes, keeping his length in her mouth as she rested her head against his stomach, purring against his hard shaft as she was impaled on him over and over again, her rump jiggling softly.

Jack began to pick up the pace as the soft slapping of hips against skin began to cover the sound of the fire once more, entwined with the sound of a hungry suckling. Jack grunted loudly, not holding back the noises he was making as the took the girls virginity so soon after her brothers.

Moans came from Guskou as he looked up at the ceiling, his body tingling from the sweat that dripped from his body, the warmth of the fire and the hungry suckling of his sister. As she buried his length into her mouth and slurped her tongue around it, it hit spots on his length that made him gasp and hump upwards, burying his length into her mouth whole as she easily took it.

Neri was far lost in the pleasure she was feeling as she sucked on her big brother, feeling her insides get taken for a ride as Jack steadily worked his length inside her. Dribbles of her juices and her brothers seed continued to trickle down the inside of her legs, as each thrust into her nethers made the combined load inside her spurt outwards around that invading cock.

Jack squeezed his hands around Neris supple hips as he pumped a little faster, now able to work his whole cock into her, able to go balls deep enough that his balls would swing forward and smack into her juice covered thighs. The feeling of the virgin girl wrapped around his cock, so warm, hot and wet, was just as good as her brother had felt.

"Mmmm, you two will make fine additions" Jack mused out loud as he continued to moan as he pumped his hips back and forth. His tail whipped around behind his taut ass as he flexed his cheeks, pushing all of his cock into that girl pussy over and over as he mated her.

"I....I want...." Guskou whimpered as he tried to speak up as he moaned and gave another gasp, his hips jerking upwards again. "I stay...with....Neri" he whimpered out as he gripped his fingers into the rug under him.

"Oh, you two will be together. Just with me. As my horny little children" Jack grinned as he pumped into that round supple ass. "You'll get your turn with me, and your sister, anytime. I promised to take care of you both. And you both will take care of each other. And me" he said with a grin on his face as he didn't stop his motions.

"So why don't you be a good little boy and give your sister that mouthfull of brother seed that she's so desperate to have?" he asked with a smile as he pulled Neri back on his cock, impaling her on his spear enough to make her pull off her brothers cock and moan loudly with a needy whine and an open mouth.

Guskou let out a gasp as a strange tingling overtook him, something making him shiver across his body as he felt his skin prickle. A pleasure washed over him like a wave against a shore, coursing across his whole body and seeming to come crashing down around his nethers.

The pleasure drove him over the edge as Guskou almost screamed with pleasure, stars bursting in his eyes as his whole body shook and convulsed, his legs spasming as his little boy nail suddenly fired off, shooting ribbon after ribbon of pearly boy seed through the air.

Neri felt those ribbons of seed splash over her face as she moaned, the threads of cum splattering onto her face like the most intense warmth that she had ever felt. The ribbons of boy seed splashed over her face and across her open mouth, landing on her tongue and lips and painting her with white streaks.

"Oh, that's it. That's a good boy" Jack murred in approval as he watched the boy spasm through his first ordered orgasm. The child was truly his now, his seed having infected the boy and converting him over to his own control. And soon, so would his sister.

Guskou laid spread out again, panting hard with his sweaty chest rising and falling rapidly as he tried to recover from such a powerfull orgasm. It had knocked the wind right out of him, and whatever fight that might have existed within him as well. He felt content, sated, and most of all, he felt a need. A need to do it all again, just because Jack wanted him too.

Neri let out another cry as she reached her peak as well, her slippery petals suddenly convulsing around jacks cock as she experienced yet another orgasm. Her cunny juices squirted around Jacks cock, splattering his crotch and the carpet under them as she toppled forward, planting her cummy face in Guskous sweaty stomach.

The older male let out a guttural moan as his cock reached its pleasure peak and it began to throb, pulsing hard as his balls drew up and he unloaded another load, this one into the no longer virgin girl underneath him. Thick powerful shots of cum splattered the girls insides and soaked her through, swimming around with what remained of her brothers load and overpowering it rather easily.

Jack let out a contented sigh as he sat back on his heels, his cock sliding from that slippery girl opening with a wet lewd slurping noise, and then finally a wet popping noise. A few spurts of errant cum splattered across her now gaping hole, which began to ooze as it struggled to close up.

"Mmm, I needed that too" Jack mused as he gave his sticky cock a slowly stroking, squeezing out a small lefover glob of his cum onto his fingers. "It's been so very long between visits to this region' he said as he rubbed his cum between his fingers before him. "No, I don't think I should visit more often. Might start setting a bad example" he mused before he stuck his fingers into his mouth and licked them clean.

He lent over and hooked his hands under Neris arms, pulling her off of her panting brother. She licked her lips and smiled up at Jack as she allowed him to move her anywhere he wanted her to be. He gave a smile back to her as he carefully laid her on her back on the carpet.

Guskou managed to look up as he felt Jack pick him up as well, almost lifting the boy to his feet with apparent ease. Jack smiled at him as he suddenly lent forward and pulled Guskou towards him, giving him a firm kiss on the lips.

The boy gasped in surprise, but quickly accepted the kiss as he found jacks tongue invading his mouth like a foreign serpent as the boy wrapped his arms around jacks neck and held on. The audible sounds of lips smacking and tongues swirling were heard as jack slowly lowered them both down.

He pulled Guskou away as he knelt down over Neri, positioning himself with his knees against the girls waist and his tight round backside planted squarely over her face. He laid Guskou down between his sisters legs.

"Such a dirty little boy" Jack said with a grin that spread over his face as he pressed his backside down on Neris face. He felt her inhale sharply and heard her moan from his scent as he felt her little hands grab at his tight rear end. "and a dirty little girl too" he grinned as he placed a hand on the back of Guskous head and gently guided the boy forward.

Guskous mind was too far gone, wrapped up in the lust and perversions that jack was doing to himself and his sister to even think about doing anything against Jacks commands as he pressed his face between his sisters thighs, with his sisters young deflowered and sloppy cunny right in front of him.

Neri squirmed and moaned into jacks butt as she felt Guskou start licking at her juice filled folds, the young boys tongue sliding in without resistance. He could taste jacks potent seed and his sisters juices on his tongue, both of which he was already eager to have more of as he planted his face right in her muff and started to eat her out with a ravenous hunger.

"Such naughty, dirty little children" Jack grinned as he tilted his head back and closed his eyes, letting out a soft sigh of pleasure as he felt Neris instincts take over as she started to lick him out. He felt that little tongue swipe and lap at his tight star as she gripped onto his butt-cheeks with determination.

"Look at you guskou, lapping at your sisters cunny right after she's been deflowered" Jack chuckled as looked down and saw Guskou hungrily eating her out. "bet my cum tastes good, doesn't it? Straight out of your sister and mixed with her tender juices" he teased.

Guskou was able to hear him, and a slight blush did creep across his features to what Jack was saying, but the boy no more had any concept of shame to be embarrassed about. He instead continued to eat out his sister as his tongue slithered about inside her, making her squirm and tremble.

"And you neri, such a naughty little girl, putting your tongue back there" he chuckled as he wiggled his hips back and forth slowly, grinding his round backside onto the girls face. She couldn't really answer him, what with her tongue very occupied where it was. There was nothing really like a virgins first time at pleasuring someone, and Neri would one day be a master with her tongue, just as her brother would.

"I bet you'd just beg for more, wouldn't you little one?" Jack said as he wiggled his hips again. "just like your brother is begging for more' he chuckled as he rubbed Guskous head with a tender fondness. He wasn't expecting Neri to talk, or possibly ever talk again. When the young girls reached their heat, they tended to forget how to communicate aside from just the basic communication. Not that it was a bad thing.

"You both are naughty, dirty little children, playing with an adult and each other, so wantonly and pervertedly" he said as he grabbed the back of Guskous head in his fingers and shoved the boys face firmly into his sisters cum filled snatch, almost shoving the boys entire muzzle between her folds.

"But you are doing it for a good cause, so I guess that makes you good little children. Albeit slutty, perverted, incestuous children" he chuckled as he held Guskou there, seeing the boy start to struggle a bit against his sister.

He let go after a few rather long moments, Guskou pulling his face from his sisters cunny with several spurts of mixed juices splashing out onto his face. He panted and gasped for air as Neri squirmed and moaned into Jacks butt.

"I think you two little children are almost ready to be mine" Jack said as he sat himself up, Neri gasping for breath once Jacks spread backside left her face. Jack calmly got up, his hard cock bobbing in front of him as he made his way to the couch and sat himself down on it, spreading his arms over the back of the piece of furniture and spreading his legs apart. His large balls hung off the edge of the couch and his cock bobbed slowly above them.

"Come children" he said as he gestured to his cock. "Come and accept your position. Receive my gift once more, and fully convert yourselves to me, as my children" eh said. "climb up and commit to me" he said with a rather fatherly tone of voice to hem.

Guskou and Neri slowly picked themselves up as he stood up, both on wobbly legs as they stood. Their spent bodies were starting to show as they walked over on unsteady legs, the two children climbing onto either side of Jack as they knelt down.

He smiled as he cupped their faces with the side of his hand as he gently guided them down to his throbbing length. They soon both got the idea as they opened their eager little mouths and started to suckle on either side of his cock.

"Such good children" Jack grinned as he lent himself back on the couch and watched as the two siblings licked and slurped around his cock. They both seemed quite eager by now, which meant that his magic was working on them both.

Guskou slid his tongue down to the base of Jacks shaft and hungrily lapped at his still full balls as they lay nestled in his sack, while Neri slid her tongue up to jacks leaking cockhead and licked at it like it was her new favourite treat.

Slowly, jacks hands ran down their backs, feeling the gentle crevice that was their spines as he ran his fingers down to the gentle curve of their young rumps. His fingers gently rubbed and caressed at their soft round mounds like spiders running around, as he felt over their soft mounds.

His wandering hands drew small moans from the two children as he blatantly felt them up, getting the two to pant around his cock, exhaling their heated breath over his cock in a rather delicious way as they panted.

Guskou stopped lapping at Jacks fat balls as he dragged his tongue up the thick throbbing shaft, licking up several strings of leaking pre on the way up as he met his sister as she slurped on the thick cock-head.

Jack smiled as he saw Guskou and Neri start to make out over his cock, seeing their cute little tongues dance around around each other and against each other over his cock-head as he drooled his pre against their dripping saliva.

"Such good children" he said with a proud smile as his fingers gently moved under their tails and started to slowly move down their soft warm clefts. Guskous was more slimey and gooey then Neris was as his fingers stopped at the boys hole and gently rubbed back and forth. The boy moaned into his sisters mouth as he felt his loosened hole played with.

Jack easily slipped two fingers in, getting a nice cute gasp from the boy as his digits sank in. Jack could hear the audible squelching as he moved his fingers in and out of that warm gooey boy hole, enjoying the boys moaning and gentle writhing.

Neri moaned softly as he felt Jacks fingers trail down her backside, stopping at her swollen and dripping entrance. His fingers rubbed and teased over her squelchy lips and her hard little clit, making her shudder and mewl cutely against her brothers open mouth.

His fingers found their way into her juicy pussy lips and plunged in slowly, squelching into her cum filled nethers. Dribbles of both her brothers and Jacks cum leaked down her already messy thighs and squirted around his fingers like an overfilled water balloon.

Jack kept his fingers in their respective holes as he closed his eyes and tilted his head back with a sigh and a chilled cloud of his breath that hung in the air like vapour. He inhaled again and exhaled, another thick white cloud of his chilled breath escaping his lips and entering the air.

His fur began to glisten like wet ice as patterns appeared over his body, deep blue-white spirals of ferns and snowflakes appeared over his body like frost on a window. His hair shivered and fell back against the couch, shimmering into a white grey tone as it seemed to shimmer with powdery snow.

Jacks eyes seemed to glow under his eyelids as they shimmered into a soft white glare. His lips curled as fangs elongated past his bottom lip as he smiled.

"Get ready children" he growled as he pulled his fingers from their respective holes and wrapped his clawed fingers around the back of the childrens heads, slipping his cummy fingers through their hair as he held them in place, keeping them against his throbbing cock.

He grunted and huffed as he felt another load boil up in his balls as the siblings continued to make out around his cock, feeling their tongues slather and wriggle around each other and his cock-head, slathering each others open mouths with their pre and saliva mixture.

Jack let out a cry of orgasmic pleasure as his breath escaped as a frosted cloud as his cock started to spurt, throbbing hard as the pressure built up and he climaxed hard. Ribbons of pearly white seed shot up into the air and splattered the childrens faces, landing on their dancing tongues and across their cheeks and even up into the air to land on their heads and mix into their air.

It took a short while for Jack to come down from his orgasmic high to find the two children had stopped their making out and where simply being held up by Jacks hands. He could recognise the tired panting of two children who had reached their limit and he smiled to them both.

"Time for sleep, my little dears" he said as he easily moved them on the couch, laying himself down with Neri and Guskou on either side, letting them use his chest as their pillows as he wrapped his arms around their sweaty sticky bodies and held them close.

He smiled as he gave them both a gentle kiss on their foreheads as the sounds of the blizzard outside began to die down. He smiled, accepting the offering as the sun began to rise up over the horizon as the snow and the winds settled against the village.

"I just didn't believe it would be our children this year. Our family hasn't had to offer anyone up in so long, I thought we'd end up being overlooked again. I guess nobody is able to escape for so long."

Kera looked down at the mug in her hands as she thought about her two children, alone in the house with Jack. Her eyes were red from crying, and even thinking about them now made her want to start weeping all over again. She knew if she did, she wouldn't be able to stop.

Her husband was faring no better. Dorm hadn't slept either, had spent the night pacing and wandering around the neighbours house, just hoping that their children would either be returned, or taken.

"Every family, eventually, has to do an offering. We cannot choose who does it" said the neighbours wife, a rather portly looking horse by the name of Ada. "But trust me when I say, that we're all sorry that it happened."

Kera nodded as she looked down at her mug again. She hadn't drunk all night, just spent most of it watching it get colder and colder.

"You know that Jack is going to treat them well" said Adas husband, a heavy set horse named Clark. "You don't have to worry. We know that its hard, but you can take solace in the fact they won't want for anything. And at least the rest of us have been spared from the blizzard for a few more years" he added.

"That doesn't make it any easier to swallow" Dorm said as he stopped by the window.

"At least the blizzard is dying out" Ada said as she stood up. "You should head home now and get some rest. You two need it" she said as she gently took the mug from Keras hands. "The village is here for you, you know that" she said.

"And what do we tell their friends when they no longer show up for classes?" Kera asked as she wiped her eyes as her husband carefully helped her up from her chair. "How do we explain that to them?"

"They'll forget them" Clark said with a sad sigh. "Eventually they always do" he said as he got up to see them to the door.

Kera and Dorm nodded as Clark opened the door for them and let them leave. Ada picked up the dishes that were on the table and took them to the sink to start washing them, having to avert her gaze from a locked bedroom door on the way. A locked bedroom door that hadn't been touched since the last blizzard.

The two made their way through the thick snow that had covered the village, seeing the white covered landscape as the sun shone its rays over the horizon. It was a very beautiful and serene sight, but neither could find words to describe it, let alone enjoy it.

Dorm unlocked the door to their home and allowed his wife to enter in first, but both of them stopped in their tracks as they saw what awaited them.

The kitchen was full. Multiple birds of exotic species hung from the rafters by their feet, strings of vegetables lined up against the wall hanging from hooks. Sacks of potatoes and rice were stacked over the floor, and crates of bottled drinks were stacked around them.

Loaves of breads covered in waxed paper, and jars filled with preserved fruits filled the cupboards, and the pile of wood for their fire was stacked to overflowing.

Kera wiped her eyes at the sight of such a full kitchen, something neither of them had seen before. A reward, they figured, to say thanks for their children.

Dorm put his arm around his wife and held her close as she started to cry again and he just held her. It was hard, they both knew it. But it was necessary. Jack was the only one that could stop the blizzards from coming in, and they knew that their children, would be fine.

"Lets get you to bed" Dorm said as he held his wife, feeling himself start to finally tear up as well as he clutched at her, afraid to let her go anytime soon.

Later .....

Neri lay spread out on a table made of thick carved ice, bound by leather cuffs and silk bindings, her legs bound over her body and exposing herself to her master, as Jack plunged his length back into her over and over again.

She moaned and writhed as she took his cock without problem, her overfilled nethers squirting mixtures of jack and guskous cum around the plunging cock as she panted and moaned as Jack plunged every inch into her.

Jack huffed, pushing into her as he pushed his backside back onto Guskous eager face, feeling the boys hungry tongue slurp and lap at his tailhole as he flexed his cheeks around the boys face. Guskou had been rimming him the whole time that Neri was being fucked, and the boy hadn't let up once.

Jack kept pumping, his breath creating a haze around him as he huffed and panted, feeling his climax build up again. He pushed his hips forward, plunging his whole length into the girl under him, wrapping his bubble butt cheeks around Guskous muzzle as he let out a cry as he felt his cock shoot straight into Neris pussy.

"Oh yeah, that's my good girl" Jack said with a smile as he lent over her, keeping his throbbing spurting cock buried in her overfilled cunny as he licked her across her face slowly. He felt Guskou pull his face from his butt as he pushed his rump back, flagging his tail up nice and high.

"Go on boy" he ordered as he shifted his hips back and forth, enticing the boy behind him to. "fuck me" he ordered as he flexed his pucker at Guskou.

"Yes master" Guskou said as he couldn't get to his feet quick enough, his hard boy cock throbbing and leaking a steady stream of pre as he had to stand on his toes to reach Jacks hole. He hurriedly pushed his way in, Jack grunting slightly at the forced entry as he felt the boy eagerly start humping hard.

Jack chuckled as he lent down and pushed his tongue into Neris mouth, his hands rubbing across her shoulders and her gorgeous blue leather collar that was wrapped around her neck. Both children had such a collar around their neck, to prove who they belonged to. Neri eagerly slipped her small tongue back to meet his as Jacks cum leaked out of her stuffed cunny and drooled around her butt on the table underneath her.

Guskou didn't last very long in jacks butt as he didn't know how to slow down and take his time, as it was in no time that he was mewling and shuddering all over as he spurted his boy cream into Jacks rump. Jack chuckled as he felt the splash of boy cream being deposited into him as he clenched himself around him.

"You two have so much to learn" he said with a smile as he gave Neri a gentle kiss to the nose. "And I have all the time I want to teach you. But first, I think we need to eat. Can't have my children living off sex alone" he chuckled as he felt Guskou slip out as he stood himself up, pulling out of Neris pussy with a lewd squelching noise and a few spurts of packed in cream.

"And then, we get to meet your brothers and sisters. They have so much to teach you two" he said with a grin.

The end.

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