Minuet of Forest

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#11 of Digital Rescue Squad

Minuet of Forest Chapter 1 By Kendo Kawabata

"This system is AWESOME!"

"Dammit Shout, you could have burst my eardrums" Aqua said in annoyance as she winced from Shouts high pitched squeal of joy through the new communication set she was wearing. "Dial it back a bit for Gennais sake" she ordered as she willed the high pitched ringing away. "I better not be bleeding out of my ears because of you."

"Sorry, but I'm just so happy with our new setup. All these new screens are so realistic, I can see just about everything from every angle. I can see all of you and everything around you. And it's all in real time. There's ZERO lag. It's even better then our original system" Shout said over the communications. "It's like an overhead tabletop arcade game, and you are my pawns. Now, where's the button that makes you all dance?" he said as he looked over his four new keyboard configurations.

"Shout. Let me say this only once. Shut up, and focus" Aqua said in annoyance as she peered around the tree she was using for cover. "You're supposed to be our eyes and ears, not the mouth. Especially not the mouth."

"Sorry, sorry. I'll get back to focusing. Should I put on a playlist or something to set the mood?" he asked. "Should Ramstein be ok for this? Or a little Nightwish? Maybe some of those Dethklok songs I haven't assigned yet...."

"Don't you bloody well dare" Ren said from his position a dozen feet away, the fox crouching amongst the overhead branches of a tree. "Just tell us what's going on up ahead so we can get this job done."

"Right, right, sorry" Shout said, which came with a collective sigh of relief from everyone as Shout stopped talking. "Ok, I'll focus on the mission. You people are such killjoys" he muttered to himself as he went back to exploring the various functions of his new system.

"Everyone in position?" Aqua asked as she peered around the tree again. "Everyone but Shout respond."

"Roger that" Ren said as he peered through the leaves from his hiding place.

"Roger that" Gao said from his place behind several rocks.

"Roger that" BB said as she kept herself hidden in another tree.

"Who's roger?" Lio asked as he peeked out from his position in a nearby bush.

"Alright, everyone advance slowly. And keep quiet" Aqua said firmly. Everyone confirmed as they started to move towards the encampment, keeping themselves low and under as much cover as they could manage.

There were many small encampments spread across the isle, smaller groups of digimon who had made makeshift camps and villages outside of the official areas of living. They were harder to manage, as they weren't officially set up to call for help if need be, but sometimes they did get distress calls from the odd one or two when they needed assistance. Or were called up on behalf of someone in need of help.

This was one of those times. And the groups first official mission with their new operative system and communication devices. A speaker bud inserted in their ears and a sticky patch microphone on their throats meant they could communicate hands free, and within the group or to a private channel just with a press of a button on their bracelets.

"Ok, looks like your clear to go ahead. got several civilians in view, but they're not moving" Shout said as he looked at the screen, seeing an aerial view of the encampment. Multiple large tents and make shift fences, and a large central cooking fire. "I count about eight in view."

"Roger that" Aqua said as the group kept moving forward. They broke from their cover as they approached closer. Although there was nothing openly dangerous looking in view ,that didn't mean that they had to lower their guard. The digital world was full of dangers, and dangers were everywhere.

Ren and BB broke cover first as they were closest, Ren moving to one of the large makeshift tents and lifting the flap cautiously. Inside was a small pale purple dragon, a Monodromon laying on a camping bed.

"Got one civilian" Ren said as he quickly moved over and pressed his fingers against the dragons neck. "She's asleep. Doens't look like foul play" he said as he did a quick inspection, seeing no sign of physical trauma on her.

"Got another one here" Gao said as he reached a sleeping Gotsumon, checking the rock digimons pulse as he lay asleep amongst a basket of overturned apples. "Fast asleep. No sign of trauma."

"Another one here" BB said as she fluttered down to inspect another digimon using a backpack for a pillow. "Asleep as well" she said as she checked the sleeping Agumon. "Oh, he's definitely cute. Wonder if I can wake him up with a special kiss..."

"BB, focus. I know it's hard for you, but don't you dare" Shout said to her with a warning tone of voice.

"Spoilsport" BB said in annoyance as she huffed.

"They're all asleep" Aqua said as she and Lio made their way over as well, the small lion quickly inspecting something shiney that had caught his eye. "Every single one of them. How could this have happened? And they all look like they just dropped asleep at the same time."

"Sleeping status attack most likely" Ren said as he stood up and emerged from the tent. "But normally they only affect one target. Not a whole area at once. They are one of those line of sight attacks, not good for groups" he said as he crossed his arms in contemplation.

"So, someone came here and sleep status'd an encampment, so how did they get the whole area?" Shout asked as he looked at the screen. "I'm not seeing anything nearby, no signs of a struggle or any area damage. BAH, the screen just went infra bluish. How the hell did I do that?" he muttered. "Where's the damn manual?" he said as he looked under the desk.

"I found something" Lio shouted as he quickly leapt up from where he was rummaging through several camping bags and ran up to Aqua holding a sleek metal tube in his hands. "Do I get points for finding this?" he asked with a big smile on his little face.

"If it's important, maybe" Aqua said as she made her gauntlets disappear so she could hold the object properly in her hands. "Shout, can you see this?" she asked as she held her bracelet up, and a pale green light shone through it and began to scan the object.

"Awesome. Fifty more points and I get a free bucket of ice cream" Lio said happily, wagging his tail and looking highly proud of himself.

"Why did we introduce a point system to him?" Gao though woefully.

"Scanning now" Shout said as he emerged from under his desk with a manual the size of three telephone books stacked together. He turned to one screen and began to watch as the data was being uploaded to his console. "Hmmm. Looks like a gas dispersal unit" he said as the date was finished scanning and the results came in rather quickly.

"Gas dispersal?" Ren asked as he came over and took a look at the unit himself. "We're the only ones that use something like that. But not with this design" he said as he looked over the cylinder and looked at the few much smaller units sitting on his belt. Same sort of thing, but the designs were different.

"From the data scans, it looks like it did contain some kind of sleeping agent" Shout said as he looked over a list of data that had appeared on his screen. "Looks like standard gas you can get on the regular markets. Nothing you can track though. But it should wear off in a few hours. Probably just give them a headache" he said.

"So, that's an interesting puzzle" Gao said as he walked up with BB and the group stood around together. "Why would someone come all the way into the forests to gas a small group of digimon in an out of the way place?"

"Because I didn't want to fight with people in the way."


They had already heard the calm voice behind them before they heard Shouts warning as the group turned around as one, quickly spreading out and getting themselves into position as they faced whoever had appeared behind them.

Standing before them, several paces away, was a black digimon with red armor and large moth wings on his back, calmly staring them down without fear in his dark eyes. The group took a few steps back as they regarded him warily.

"Shout, what is that?" Ren asked. He couldn't help but get an odd feeling about the digimon before him. Something told him that this digimon was not here just to simply fight.

"No idea. the database has nothing on him" Shout said, sounding more then a little unnerved. He looked at one of the screens showing a scan in progress of the new digimon, but the database didn't even know its name.

"What do you mean the database has nothing?" Gao said, sounding surprised. "I thought we had our own wikipedia in our systems."

"I mean, the database has information on every digimon either known, or encountered. Whatever he is, we either have no information, or we haven't encountered him yet" Shout said over the comms. "Keep your bracelets to scan, they'll grab data as they go until I can get the aerial scanner going."

"Who are you?" Aqua demanded as her gauntlets reappeared in a small cloud of digital numbers. She brought her blades up, ready for a fight as she regarded him in the same way the others were.

"I came alone, in case you were wondering" the digimon said as he took a step forward. His voice was very calm, but there was definately a firm intent in his tone of voice that said he wasn't kidding around.

"Who are you?" Aqua demanded again as she raised her gauntlets up, as the others got into position to get ready to strike if they needed too. "Answer us, under the authority of the Digital Rescue Squad" she ordered.

"My name is Shadramon" the digimon said as he took another step forward. "And I will be killing you now" he said as he leapt forward into the air.

The group looked up and pulled themselves into a defensive position, but the bug digimon was too fast as he pulled out his first attack.


The digimons gauntlets lit up with such an intense bright red light that they had to shield their eyes, before the glaring red light blasted from his gauntlets and into the ground at their feet. The ground erupted as they were all blasted backwards into the air, but they recovered quickly and all landed on their feet.

"Move away from the civilians. Draw him into the forest" Aqua said as she quickly got up. The blast hadn't affected the encampment, but it had come close. The others nodded as they all began to split up and run into the forest in different directions.

"Crap, I can't see where your going" Shout said as he watched them disapear into the forest. "Dammit, how do I switch filters?" he said as he opened up the manual.

Shadramon just turned around from where he had landed and went after them himself, rushing through the woods at a faster speed then the others. Even though they had run in different directions, he had no problem chasing after them to catch up rather quickly.

He caught up to Lio first, who was trying to lose him by running over the branches of the trees up ahead like a small monkey. He looked down and saw Shadramon running along the ground under him and leapt into the air, turning around and pulling down his eyelid while sticking his tongue out down at the running digimon.

However, he wasn't smiling when Shadramon ran to the tree that the little lion was was about to land on and slammed his gauntlet into the trunk. His gauntlets didn't end in blades or spikes, but rather were jagged like a meat tenderiser. And the blow just shattered the tree trunk like it was made of glass.

The whole tree splintered and shattered apart under the small lions feet, the lion in question giving a squeal of shock as the branch he landed on shattered and he fell through a barrage of broken wood and leaves to land on the ground on his back, getting the wind knocked out of him.


Shadramon looked up as a small spinning blue and white tornado rushed at him. Gao almost made contact with his spinning punches before Shadramon jumped back and easily managed to avoid the attack at the last moment. He could actually feel the air of the spinning punches pass by his side as he dodged easily and slid backwards.

Gao stopped spinning and launched himself at the digimon as he began to punch hard and fast, treating his opponent like it was a punching bag. Attack hard, fast, even paced and don't stop till it falls off the hook. Even with padded boxing gloves on, his punches were enough to splinter bones and break limbs if he wanted to.

But Gaos fast punches all missed the mark. Shadramons lean muscled body simply dodged and moved out of the way in a way that made it look easy. Gao did not manage to land a single punch as he kept up the assault, finding himself only punching air as he kept the two of them moving.

Shadramon brought his leg up and landed a kick to the side of Gao, the impact making the smaller wolf gasp as the heavy kick knocked the air from his lungs as he was launched upwards. Shadramon quickly spun around and landed another kick, this one knocking Gao through the air and into a nearby tree with enough force to crack the tree trunk. He felt like his ribs were cracked.


Shadramon looked up as Ren jumped from the top of a nearby tree and spread his arms in the air, large shards of diamonds appearing before him before they were launched at the digimon like small missiles.

Shadramons thick moth wings quickly wrapped around his body like a protective coccoon as the shards slammed into him. The sharp shards pierced through his wings like pencils poking through tissue paper as Ren landed on the ground.

Shadramons wings unfurled, exposing the digimon who was cut all over his black body, bright blue blood oozing from the wounds. His eyes had narrowed into dark slits as his wings flapped back against his body, small pieces falling off in digital dust clouds as he leapt forward and ran at the fox.


Shadramons body twisted as he spun through the air, the wind slicing aroudn his body like a giant screw made of slicing air blades. Ren tried to retreat but he was unable to avoid it completely as the attack struck him in the arm and along his side.

He cried out as the slicing wind cut through him like a knife through butter as he landed on the ground, grabbing at his arm as he felt and saw the blood start leaking through his figners as he clutched at his wounds. It looked like some psycho blind butcher had tried slicing him up, with long cuts and scratches covering his side. Although the worst was on his arm.

Shadramon stopped his spinning as he landed on the ground and stood himself up, ignoring the wounds across his body as he turned to face Ren. Ren tried to move backwards while shielding his arm as the black digimon walked foward, seemingly unconcerned about the amount of blood on his body.


Shadramon looked over his shoulder as he saw Aqua behind him as she swiped her gauntlet before her, a heavy cloud of bubbles appearing before her. The bubbles shimmered for a moment before they launched forward like a cloud of missiles.

Shadramon brought his gaunlets up as he protected his torso from the impact as those hundreds of bubbles slammed into him with the impact of rocks hurled like baseballs. He snarled as he felt the impact striking him all over as heavy bruises began to appear over his body. Even with his body bruised heavily from the impacts he managed to stand up amongst the barrage.


The barrage had barely stopped striking him before he was blasted from behind by a heavy wave of thick sticky golden honey soaked over him from the back, forcing his wings to stick to his body as it spread over his arms and legs.

The wounds on his body were more deep then he had anticipated as he felt that he didn't have the strength to move as the honey quickly hardened across his body and prevented him from moving. He felt like he was covered in hard wax that smelt sweet, honey covering his whole body and preventing him from doing anything beyond blinking and breathing.

BB landed next to Aqua, looking quite pleased with herself that she had trapped the criminal as Gao and Lio began to pick themselves up, the two groaning with the pain they were feeling.

"I think my ribs are bruised" Gao said as he rubbed his side. They didn't feel broken, but he knew he wouldn't be lying on his side that night.

"I got a splinter" Lio said as he held up a finger.

"Shout, prepare an EDT immediately. Get Lilly on standby. Rens down" Aqua said as she approached the stuck digimon. "You, are coming with us. We will patch you up, and then you will be processed for the crimes you have committed" she said. "And the first thing you will do, is confess why you attacked us."

However, she didn't get too close when a wind began to pick up rather violently around them. It was enough to pick up the dust and leaves on the forest floor and make them shield their eyes. A strange noise was suddenly heard, like a flute being played that was suddenly shrill against their ears, making them close their eyes as they cringed.

The wind suddenly died down and the noise stopped as they opened their eyes and were astonished to find that the Shadramon had vanised. Even the honey that had pooled around his feet to keep him stuck on the ground had vanished, as if he had been plucked and carried away from in front of them.


"Well, this was unexpected" Banchou said as he looked across at the group as they all stood around the infmary, all milling about Rens bed as Lilly continued to look him over, her hand glowing a soft green as she held it above his injured arm. "Not often that we allow someone to simply slip away from us" he said.

"We have no idea what happened to this Shadramon that appeared" Aqua said to the much taller lion. "We think it was a set up. He gassed the encampment and then lured us there for an ambush" she said. "He did say he wanted to kill us. Although we don't know why. We've never seen him before."

"And even though you managed to snag him, he got away" Banchou said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Pretty much" BB said with a nod.

"But none of the civilians were hurt in any way. They were surprised they had fallen asleep, after we managed to wake them up. They didn't even know they had fallen asleep" Aqua explained. "And they had no idea who he was either" she added.

"So, this Shadramon" Banchou said. "None of us have ever seen him before? Not a single clue about him? "he asked.

"According to Shout, he wasn't identified in the system" Ren said as he sat up slwoly, cradling his arm. It had thankfully stopped bleeding, but he was going to need bandages for a while. He had already warned them about the mummy jokes. "And he hit hard. It was like getting hit by a Locomon. And that's like getting hit by a literal train" he said.

"I could see stars. They were really pretty, but i couldn't count them all. I think i got up to one hundred and forty six seven before I lost count" Lio said as he thought about it.

"I couldn't hit him" Gao said simply. "None of my punches hit him at all."

"Well, clearly whoever he is, he is formidable" Banchou said with a nod. "Aqua, we will debrief in my office. Ren, your on bedrest till you're fully healed. Everyone else, back to your normal duties" Banchou said as he turned and left the infirmary.

"Well, you heard him" Aqua said as she patted Ren on his shoulder. "We'll send up some grapes later" she said with a smile.

"Not the seedless ones again" he said, slightly grumpily as the others chuckled and quickly left the infirmary. "I don't need to stay in here to rest up do I? Can I just rest in my room?"

"You may" Lilly said with a smile. "Just let me get a sling for your arm. Keep pressure off it and don't sleep on that side" she said as she picked up an arm sling from a nearby cupboard and wrapped it around his arm.

"Thanks lilly. I don't know what we 'd do without you" he said as he got himself out of the bed and left the infirmary, seeing the tall and regal Anub heading his way as well. and headed to his room.

"Can't believe he got away, and that he was able to do it right in front of us" he thought ot himself as he walked through the corridors. "Thought that Banchou was going to go off his rocker about letting him get way" he thought. "He normally hates it when that happens. He just grumbles about it for a week and gets annoyed when we ask him about it" he thought with a slight chuckle.

"Actually, that's kind of odd that he didn't get annoyed with us" he thought. "And its a little odd that Shout didn't see what happened either" he thought. "Ugh, I'm starting to get a headache. Must be more banged up then I thought" he thought to himself as he continued towards his bedroom.

"Ugh, I should have asked Lilly for something for the pain" he said, mentally smacking himself for forgetting as he turned around and headed back to the infirmary. "I must really have a lot on my mind to be forgetting something like......OH!!!" he said in his throat as he found himself standing in the doorway to the infirmary and saw what was going on.

"I'm going to my room now and turning on my tv loudly" he thought to himself as he quickly turned and walked away from what he had just seen.

"Comfortable?" Lilly asked with a grin as she made the vines tighten around Anub as he was laid sprawled out on the bed. The jackal was unable to answer as a thick vine had wrapped itself around his muzzle and was keeping him from answering.

The jackal was spread out on his back, naked and exposed with his arms and legs spread out and attached to the bed posts. The vines were sturdy and firm, but not enough to hurt him. He had little give, so he was unable to do more then squirm under his bondage. "Yes, your definitely comfortable" Lilly said with a smirk on her face as the vine wrapped itself around his head and forced him to look at her as she strode up to his side, her body's arousal becoming more apparent.

He couldn't help but blush as her petal dress seemed to shrink, becoming smaller to expose her body till it became a bodice that left her enlarged breasts exposed, and her throbbing green cock that jutted straight out of her crotch. He could smell the faint aroma of strawberries in the air and all it did was make him throb.

She wrapped a hand around his length and began to pump it up and down, moaning out to him as she cupped a breast in her hand and squeezed it, her fingers rubbing her nipple as she felt the black cock pulse between her digits.

"You've been a very naughty boy" she said with a smile as she squeezed his cock, watching a dribble of silver precum drool from his black cock and run down his shaft, dribbling over her fingers as the canine blushed harder. "A very naughty boy indeed" she said.

"I bet you've been with a lot of cute girls" Lilly said with a smile as she made a vine slither from her wrist and slide down Anubs body to wrap around his neck like a collar as she gave it a tug. "But I bet none of them can compare to me, can they?" She asked, before giving that collar a hard tug.

Anub felt the tug around his neck and his blush grew brighter as he found himself whimpering, his erection only getting harder and beginning to dribble more pre as he found himself at Lillys mercy.

She smirked as she slid over him, straddling his lap easily as she made the vines tighten around his arms and legs. He could feel them pull tight as what little give he had was gone for several moments, making him strain against his bondage before they relaxed. Then they tightened again, and again, as he felt his body pull and strain, while his cock drooled silver.

"Now, unless you'd like me to be gentle" Lilly said with a grin as she dug her knees into his sides as she pressed her ample backside up against his drooling erection, feeling it splatter pre onto her cheeks and over her bodice as she leant forwards, cupping her breasts together with one arm as she gave a firm yank with the vine leash. "In that case, I could stop" she mused as she ran a finger over her lips seductively.

Anub shook his head as best as he was able to, with the vines constricting his movements so all he could do was really wobble his head. Lilly smirked and made the vines retract slowly, so he was able to move his head and talk at least.

"If you want me to continue and keep going, your going to have to say "Fuck me mistress lilly"" She said with a smirk as she leant forward, enough to dangle her breasts in his face. He could feel her erection pressing against his toned abs and leaking into the grooves on his stomach as his face burned with both arousal and embarrassment.

"P-please...Fuck me Mistress Lilly" he found himself whimpering. Lilly smirked as she ran her fingers over his lips, then pushed them in. He held himself still as he let her finger his mouth for a few moments, before she pulled her dripping fingers from her mouth and then dug her heels into his side as she hoisted herself up.

"Now, be a good boy and hold still for Mistress" Lilly said with a smirk as she ran her dripping fingers into her folds and moved them around, giving out soft moans as she fingered herself with his provided lubricant.

The smell of strawberries grew stronger as she slid her exposed cunny lips over his cockhead, both giving out a moan as she was spread tightly around him as she began to sink down, her juices and his pre adding more lubricant to help her slide down easily. By the time she felt him hilt all the way inside her, her crotch was pressed firmly against his lap and her erection bounce against his abs as she dug her knees into his side again.

"Now, don't you dare cum till I tell you too" she said as she moved her leg and pressed her boot against his chest, pushing down as she lifted herself up and began to slowly bounce on his hard rod. He groaned from the slight pain of her boot digging into his chest but he didn't struggle as she dominated him.

She started to bounce up and down on his shaft, squelching his cock into her opening as she rode him like a personal dildo. His balls jostled with each movement as he strained against the vines keeping him place, her heel digging into his chest as she rode him.

"Oh my, such an eager boy arne't you?" Lilly said with a grin as she tugged on the leash, hearing the vine strain with how hard she was tugging. "Bet you can't wait to blow in me can you?" she asked as she kept up her bouncing, keeping her big jiggling breasts in his view.

He could only whimper and nod, as he was ridden like a toy. And he felt like one too as she kept digging her heel into his chest, using him for leverage as she rode his length. Her hard throbbing cock bobbed and slapped against his abs and sprayed her pre over his chest in thick ropes that glistened in the light.

"You're not gonna be able to think of any other cute girl without me popping into your head and whipping my vines around you" she moaned out as her generous breasts jiggled and bounced as she rode up and down on his drooling throbbing cock.

He panted and moaned as she continued to ride him, her rump slapping onto his crotch over and over as she took him like a pro, her cock slapping his abs and spraying his chest with her pre as his pre flooded her insides with a thick rich silvery goo as she moaned and panted above him.

"Please..." he whimpered as he felt himself getting closer to the edge as she didn't stop her onslaught of his senses and his arousal as he strained against the pulling restraints. His whimper made her dig her heel more firmly into his chest as she didn't stop bouncing.

"Please what? You want permission?" she cooed with a grin on her face as she rocked her hips back and forth, feeling his cock throb and pulse harder inside her as his juices leaked around her stretched open lips.

"Please...mistress....let me cum" he whined as she tugged on his leash again, with enough force to actually make him lift up off the bed for a moment as he whined in aroused pleasure.

"Then you better give me everything you have" she growled as she squeezed her cunt around his throbbing cock, causing him to groan out louder as she resumed her riding. "Give it to me" she ordered as she dug her heel into his chest and pulled on his collar.

Anub gave out a sharp cry as he climaxed hard as he was ordered to cum, stars erupting in his vision as his body convulsed and shook from the intensity of his climax. His heavy black cock pulsed and throbbed as it spurted hot pulsing cum deep into her body.

She moaned out loud as she squeezed her inner walls around his lenght as thick golden cum drooled from around her outstretched lips and down over his slightly deflated balls. She arched her back as her peak was reached and her thick viney cock began to throb and pulse with a rapidly growing arousal.

Anub felt the splatter of thick ribbons of plant cum land over his chest, splashing green goo over his pectorals and up over his face. It was like getting splashed with a hose as the thick goo splattered over and covered his face, forcing him to close his eyes and keep them closed as he recieved quite the facial from her.

"Oh, i sorely needed that" she purred as she ground herself down on his cock slowly, feeling it pulse and throb as he whimpered from how sensitive his arousal was while trapped inside her. "And I know you needed it" she said with a smile on her face as she ran a hand over her own throbbing length, a few more spurts soaring over his head to land on the wall behind him.

"But you know the type of girl I am" she said with a grin as she wiggled her hips ontop of him. "I'm not satisfied with just the one round. I'm going to have you whimpering all night long" she giggled as she gripped the vine leash tight in her hand and began to ride again.

It was going to be a long night.


"Alright, we got another emergency call. Seems like its another gas attack, this time on the meat farm" Shout said over the comms once the group had materialised out of the EDT. There was a flash of light as the teleportation ended and the group found themselves able to move.

"Remind me again why the meat farm has its own connected distress signal?" Pan asked as he stretched his arms out. "Aren't they usually reserved for the towns?" the big muscled white lion asked as his shoulders cracked as he stretched his arms above his head.

"The meat farm supplies us with all the meat we eat. Oh, and it also supplies most of hte towns too. So it's a big target that needs an alarm bell. In case something like this happens to it" Shout said as he looked over his screen. "You know, like now? Trust me, if the meat farm goes down, we're all eating vegan untill the new crops come in."

"Nobody is eating vegan on our watch" Aqua said as the group began to make their way towards the farm in the distance. They had managed to teleport a good way out, just off the main road that ran past the plantation.

"So, why didn't we teleport straight into the farm? why are we walking there?" Strabi asked, the striped cat said in a rather open display of annoyance. "Seems stupid we can't just teleport straight in."

"If you have to ask that question, then you weren't paying attention to the lessons we were teahcing you" Ren said as the four of them headed towards the farm. "Shout, you see anything?" he asked.

"Seems to be deserted at this stage. Can't see anyone in the fields" Shout said as he peered at his screen. "Your the only ones I can see on screen. Wait, hold on, let me see" he said as he pressed a few buttons. "Ah, there were. Heat signature mode. Oh sweet, this is awesome" he said.

"Can you see anything with that?" Aqua asked as they reached the property line. Before them lay several expansive fields of well maintained lines of harvest. Except the harvest was long lines of heavy meat drumsticks of thick beef cuts. Just the sight of those big juicy cuts of beef were enough to make all their mouths water a little.

"Looks like....about an eight count in the main farmhouse" Shout said as he peered at the screen. "Seven workers, one owner listed here, so that must be all of them" he said. "Gotta love touch screen" the red dragon said with a smile as he picked up his onigiri ball and began to munch on it with his eyes glued to the screen.

"Any other signatures?" Pan asked as they hopped the fence, each one managing to jump the tall fence with one bound and all land on their feet.

"One in the barn. None of them are moving" Shout said. "Can't see who it is. better proceed with caution" he said as he tapped his fingers on the screen to enlarge. Then he cursed himself for getting rice stuck on the screen. "Dammit, where's that napkin?"

"Copy that" Aqua said. "Alright, spread out, surround the farmhouse and the barn. No conflict unless necessary" she said firmly. They all nodded as they spread out quickly, each one taking a different route to the farmhouse.

"Do I have to come with you? I could do this myself, I'm not a child" Strabi said in annoyance as he had to follow Aqua to the farmhouse as they crept as low as possible to keep out of sight. The farmhouse slowly came into better view as they crept closer.

"Strabi, one more complaint out of you, and you fail your field test right now and you get transported back to base" she said without looking back at him. The farmhouse was large, at least two levels large and rather wide with a wrap around porch. They couldn't hear anything coming from inside as they got closer.

"You suck" Strabi muttered under his breath. Even while creeping low they managed to make it to the farmhouse without too much trouble, as Pan and Ren managed to make it to the barn and scout out the large structure themselves.

"I heard that" Aqua said as she slowly pushed open the door to the farmhouse. The door opened to reveal what looked like a huge open area dining room and kitchen, with a long table in the middle. And around it, eight flopped over digimon who looked like they had fallen asleep during lunch. Which was probably the case as they had all face planted into the food they had been eating.

"They dead?" Strabi asked as he stood in the doorway as Aqua walked over. She pressed her hand against the throat of a Palmon and found a pulse. And a rather loud snore as she burbled into her meat stew.

"No. Asleep. Just like last time" She said as she looked around. The place looked rather well kept and tidy, and nothing seemed to have been messed with. It didn't look like the group had been robbed. She moved out of the way as Strabi walked past her and ducked himself easily under the table.

"Think it has something to do with this?" Strabi said, matter of factly as he pulled a small metal cylinder from under the table. Aqua took it and held her bracelet up as the scanner did its job.

'Looks like the same one from the last attack" Shout said to her as he tossed multiple dirty napkins in the trash bin beside his desk. "Only smaller. Probably was only enough to gas the farmhouse and that's it" he said. "Someone has a thing for gassing. That's twice in the same week."

"Wait, he said there was one in the barn, didn't he?" Pan asked through the channel. "Another heat signature? The barns locked up pretty tight though, from the outside" he added.

"Yeah, there is one heat signature in the barn" Shout confirmed as he pulled out another onigiri from the box and began to eat it. "It hasn't moved. Probably a farmhand or something. Although, there isn't any extra help posted on the info here" he said as he looked down at the virtual list on his screen. "Huh. Last working farmhand was in yesterday. Looks like no-one is rostered on for today cept for the main eight in the house."

"But the gas only covered the farmhouse...."Aqua said slowly, before she and Strabi quickly ran out of the door, just as the barn doors exploded from the inside and were sent flying with a heavy cloud of smoke.

Pan and Ren were blown backwards as a dark red energy blast blew the doors open and shattered the heavy wooden doors to pieces, spraying the air with splinters and stakes of broken wood as they were thrown into a nearby meat patch.

"Dammit, splinters" Pan growls as he held his thigh, seeing multiple large shards of wood sticking out of his leg. There was already a spread of red blood soaking through his material.

"And I didn't bring the tweezers" Ren said as he stood himself off, several pieces of wood sticking out of his chest fluff. A quick check of himself saw that he had nothing more then a few minor scratches and splinters, so he was in no immediate danger. They both looked up as they saw the smoke clear from the aroudn the doors as a figure calmly walked out.

"Shit, it's him again" Ren said as he saw Shadramon walk out of the smoke. He quickly ran to Pans side and helped the larger lion up as they saw the smoke clear.

"I'm here to kill you" was all Shadramonsaid, his mandibles barely moving around his mouth as he spoke very calmly, as if he was simply stating a fact.

"Yeah, didn't work last time did it" Ren said as Pan got up beside him and drew his sword. "We beat you, if you have trouble remembering."

"I remember" Shadramon said calmly as he continued to walk forward. Ren felt himself slightly puzzled. There was something familiar about the way he was walking, the way he was carrying himself. He was sure that he had seen it before.


Shadramon barely flinched as he heard Aqua shout her attack and create a wave of bubbles before her. He didn't move as he brought his large moth wings aroudn him as the bubbles launched and blasted at him.

And they exploded on his wings, creating a large smoke cloud around him before the last bubble burst on him. The heavy impacts of the bright blue bubbles could be heard from how hard they were slamming into those wings. He should have been knocked down from the impact alone. And then the smoke cleared, and they were surprised to see that he merely shook his wings and there appeared to be no damage done to them.


Ren brought up his cloud of diamond shards as he outstretched his arms and threw them at Shadramon. He expected them to pierce through his moth wings and slice him up, just like last time and leave him a bloodied mess.

But he was horrified to see that the shards simply impaled in the moth wings and didn't go further as he was stuck like a pin cushion. And then one by one they fell out, bouncing on the ground like glass, his wings leaving no notable hole or damage at all. Shadramon unfurled his wings as Pan rushed forward, bringing his sword up and starting to slash away at him. The bug digimon twisted and turned, easily dodging the attacks as the sword sliced through the air just out of contact.

There was a small blur of purple and black as Strabi quickly leapt into the fold and started to swipe with his claws. The added attacks from Strabis fast swiping claws however, did nothing to add to any danger that Shadramon might have encountered.

Aqua and Ren rushed forward as well, attacking Shadramon on all four sides with blades, claws, fists and kicks. But nothing seemed to hit him. The black bug digimon seemed too lithe and flexible as he simply did nothing more then just twist his body around to dodge the attacks without moving from his position.

In fact, he was barely moving from his position, only moving his feet to adjust his position as the blows dodged past him over and over again.

Suddenly, Shadramons heavy boot flew up and landed a heavy kick to Strabis gut, launching the feline rabbit into the air and getting him to land in a nearby meat patch. At the same time, he landed an uppercut under Aquas jaw with enough force to knock her back several feet and knock her helmet off.


Ren jumped back as far as he was able as Pan brought his first back, his whole hand glowing with white energy before he launched it forward, a snarling energy lions head was visible for a split second before it struck Shadramon square in the chest. At that close range, there was no way for Shadramon to dodge the attack.

The impact exploded on his chest and sent him flying into the back of the farmhouse, crashing him through one side of the house to the other and then into the field behind it. There was a clear visible hole through the farmhouse in the shape of a figure that could be seen clear through to the other side, and a trail in the long grass from the impact.

"Dodge that" Pan said as he sheathed his sword. "Damn my leg hurts" he grunted as he remembered just how much pain he had been trying to tolerate during the fight.

"We need to go after him. Draw him away from the farmhouse" Aqua said as she adjusted her jaw. it was starting to bruise rather heavily and there was blood in her mouth. Strabi slowly picked himself up as well, looking annoyed that Shadramon had managed to get the better of him.

"I think the bastard broke some of my claws" Strabi said as he brought his hands up to investigate. "No, they only feel broken" he muttered as he checked them over for damage.

"Didn't you seee that? Our attacks worked before, but they bounced off him this time. We couldn't even land a hit on him" Ren said to Aqua. "Is this even the same guy?" he asked.

"I think it is" Shout said as he looked over a scanning of the bug digimon on his screen. "According to the system, its a 75% chance that it's the same guy you fought earlier. And his stats....they're all over the place. None of this is making sense."

"Well then, we better go grab him and bring him in for questioning" Aqua said. "I wouldn't mind giving him some physical persuasion to answer a few questions."



The attack came from above, Shadramon having flown above them and then launched his slicing whirlwind of an attack, striking straight into the middle of the group. They didn't have any time to block the attack as they were all launched backwards, feeling the whirling slicing wind cut through their skin.

They all landed with a heavy crash to the ground, finding themselves cut open in various parts of their exposed bodies. They felt pain blossom over their bodies as they were laid out flat on their backs, seeing stars in their blurred visions as they struggled to upright themselves.

"Dammit, my outfit" Strabi moand in disgust as he saw his leather jacket and pants were sliced open like someone had put him in a match with Freddy Krueger. His head swam and he felt a rush of vertigo as he she struggled to upright himself. He could see blood weeping through his cuts, and he knew the others were faring no better then he was.

He had barely managed to pull himself up before a heavy red boot slammed into his chest and knocked him back into the ground with enough force to make him sink into the dirt a few inches. The air wasn't so much as knocked out of his lungs as it was kicked in the nuts out of his lungs as he saw the black insect looking down from above him.

"You're first" Shadramon said as he brought up his jagged gauntlet up. Strabi struggled, but he was pinned down too hard to move more then his arms. He actually felt panic as he saw where that gauntlet was going.


Shadramon was jolted as he felt something hard quickly wrap around his torso as his arms were suddenly pinned to his sides by what looked like a glowing encircling rope made out of diamonds. It glistened and hardened quickly into a solid ring of diamonds.

"You're not kiling him" Ren said as he struggled to stand up, blood drooling from the cuts on his legs and arms as he felt his limbs shake. "You're not gonna break that easily, you freak" he said as he pulled himself up, ignoring the ribbons of blood detailing his body.

His eyes went wide in horror as Shadramon strained his arms and the diamond ring suddenly shattered to pieces. The diamond ring was shattered like it was made out of tissue paper as Shadramon flexed his arms rather casually.

"You're second" Shadramon said, then let out a shocked gasp as a blade tip suddenly speared from the inside of his stomach. He looked down to see that white tip suddenly disapear as it was pulled out, replaced by bright blue blood.

"No, you're first" Aqua said as Shadramon fell over onto his side, his gauntlets disappearing in a small burst of cloud data as he clutched at his stomach, panting and choking as he brought up blood in his throat.

"Thanks. I guess" Strabi said as he quickly got himself up. "I could have handled that you know" he said with a groan as he clutched at his injured chest. Everyone could see the heavy bruise that was appearing under his fur.

"Don't be overconfident" Pan said as he stood himself up, groaning as he remembered how injured he was in his leg. "Overconfidence means you make mistakes. And we've all made mistakes today" he said as he inspected his leg, seeing the blood had soaked down all the way to his ankles. Thankfully none of them had the tell tale sparks of digital coding that meant the injuries were life threatening.

"You.... almost killed him" Ren said in surprise. Shadramon was laying still on the gorund, still clutching his stomach, but he wasn't openly crying or giving any indication that he was suffering. Even on the ground though, they did not dare go near him.

"He could have killed Strabi. Either way, we get him back" Aqua said to him. "Shout, EDT. now. Get lilly to prep for emergency. we're all banged up."

"You are killing him" Ren said in surprise as he suddenly noticed a few twinkles of light appearing around the wonded digimons stomach. Neon green ones and zeroes were starting to appear around his wound, blinking in and out of existence as his code as was starting to fade away. But he didn't say a thing as he simply glared at them all as he clutched at his bleeding stomach.

"Got it. EDT in thirty.....wait....somethings happening" Shout said as he peered at his screen. "Energy signal incoming. It's a big one. Get ready and brace for impact" Shout said as he saw the energy signal on the radar monitor head straight towards the group.

"From what?" Aqua said, before they all heard the sound of the flute again. And felt the wind pick up.

"Aroudn him, now. We're not losing him again" Aqua said as the group quickly surrounded the downed digimon and readied themselves. The each braced themselves as they got into a defensive position, ready to take on whatever was coming to take the insect digimon away.

But the wind seemed to pick up even faster and the dust rose up, blasting straight into their eyes. They couldn't help but wince and cover their eyes and mouths as the flute became shrill enough to hurt their ears and their vision clouded with the dust.

And then just as suddenly the flute stopped playing and the noise died down as the wind faded out, the dust settling as they were able to come out from behind their hands to see what was going on.

And Shadramon was gone.


THankfully, this time Banchou refrained from his usual end of mission report untill all the members had been checked out by Lilly and were able to meet him in his office. They all looked a little pitiful, covered in squared bandages and gauze, while Pan had his whole leg bandaged.

"Bandage much?" Strabi had asked. which had ended up with his mouth stuffed with cotton balls and medically bandaged shut with surgical tape.

"So, it was this Shadramon again, and he managed to not only evade you all, he's apparently stronger?" Banchou asked from behind his desk. Sitting on the surface of the desk were several reports that Shout had printed out to back up all the data they had examined during the fight. Including several satellite images of him that Shout had managed to capture.

"Our attacks just bounced off him" Aqua said with a shrug of her shoulders. "And the way he took the melee hits, it was like he was made of rubber. Or had a spine of rubber or something. I've never seen a digimon move so...fluid before" she said.

"He didn't say why he did attacked the farmhouse, did he?" Banchou asked. "Any indication as to why he's doing these random attacks?"

"Didn't say anything really. Just said he wanted to kill us" Pan said with a shrug. "He didn't seem much like your typical villain. He wasn't a talker." Banchou nodded to him and sat back in his chair.

"I think he has someone else working with him, if he was able to get away so easily from us" Ren said. "I think it was the same Shadramon though."

"What makes you say that?" Banchou asked as he lent forward and picked up a picture of the Shadramon and held it up. "They seem like two different types to me, considering one was stronger then the other apparently."

"Well, the first time he attacked us, our attacks worked. This time around, they bounced off. It's like....like the first time was a test so he could learn our attacks" Ren explained. "He felt familiar somehow, and it was like he learned from our fight before. He knew what to expect from me and Aqua, but not when we used different attacks on him." Ren said.

"And even Shouts scans said there was a 75% chance it was the same one. Somehow, he must have learned or adapted to our attacks and came back for another round" Ren explained.

"That doesn't sound plausible to me. there's no way a digimon can become immune to signature attacks like that" Banchou said as he put the picture down. "Although, I can't deny that it does seem plausible in some aspect. We'll continue to monitor the situation as it develops. Aqua, we'll continue our debrief. The rest of you are dismissed. Recover and report for trianing in he morning" he said as he gestured for them all to leave.

Aqua nodded and took her seat in front of the desk as the rest were made to leave the office. The door slid shut tight behind them once they had passed the threshold.

"That...was weird" Ren said once they had left the office. Strabi walked off in his own direction as he tried to peel the tape off his face without pulling his fur out. He didn't get too far before they could hear audible muffled screaming as he ended up on his back while throwing a temper tantrum.

"Why was it weird?" Pan asked him. "You mean Strabi throwing a fit? I think that's kinda funny, not weird."

"No not that. The meeting has never been that short. I don't think Banchou was all that interested in what happened. And he didn't even berate us for trying to kill the target. He never wants us to kill the target if we can bring him in" Ren said.

"Plus, no-one seemed all that surprised that it could have very well been the same Shadramon. Something about that digimon, it just feels off. Like I've seen him somewhere before. I just don't know where" he said.

"I think he's just got a lot of things on his mind. It has been a hell of a month, what with everything that happened with Kuzuhamon and getting this place up and running. I mean, I only just finally got my pants to reset so I'm not walking around like some calender model" Pan said to him as he patted Ren on the shoulder. "We've all had a rough time. Don't worry about it. Banchous doing the best job he can. We should all do that" he said with a smile.

"Go and get yourself some rest. Vaj will probably kill us with the training tomorrow" Pan said before he walked off, leaving Ren alone with his thoughts. Ren waited till Pan was out of earshot before he allowed himself to speak .

"When have you never called him dad? or sir?" He said to himself. If he had been feeling confused before, he was definitely feeling confused now. He shook his head as he began to walk down the hallway towards his room. His legs were aching and he felt like flopping onto his bed.

He passed by one of the windows that oversaw the courtyards below, and he stooped when he saw Flame and B-Guil down below on the grassy area. He stood at the window and watched as he saw B-Guil running around in circles, jumping up and down and rolling over.

He couldn't help but smile to himself to see how energetic B-Guil was, the little black dinosaur just so full of life. Sometimes in a very annoying way. Like the other night in the food hall when he asked a million questions on why carrot cake wasn't healthy even though it had carrots in it.

Ren sat up a little and peered below as he watched Flame walk over to a tree and pick up a frisbee from beneath it and then throw it. B-Guil chased after it and caught it in the air with his mouth and then threw it back.

"What was that?" Ren asked himself as he lent in. He thought he had seen something, something that gave him a sense of deja-vu, even if it was slight. What was it that he had seen? He watched as Flame missed catching the frisbee and the blue dragon walked over to where it had landed to pick it up. Ren had that feeling again as he watched them throw back and forth again, untill Flame had to walk to pick up the frisbee.

"That walk..." Ren said to himself as he stood up. "I've seen that walk before" he said as he looked down at the two below. "Shadramon. He has the same walk as Flame. The exact same walk." Now he felt more confused then ever.

"What the digital-hell is going on around here?"


"Please....make it stop hurting."

"I know it hurts sweetie. I know."

Shadramon whined as he was laid down on the black stone table, feeling the cold surface come into contact with his body as Arukennimon gently laid him down. Blood was still seeping from his mouth, and his figners clutched at the open wound on his stomach. The data cloud was getting bigger, and it had spread from around the wound in his stomach to up to his chest.

He gasped and tensed as he was laid out, blood seeping out of the wound on his back, both of his hands covered in his own blood as he tried to lay still.

"Please mother...it....it hurts so much" he panted as he coughed up blood. The short black fur on his body was starting to grey out, losing its luster and colour around the wound as the damage was spreading.

"Shhh sweetie, I know" Arukennimon said as she removed her long purple gloves and gently cradled his face. "I know this hurts. It always hurts. But it will be over soon, you know it will" she said. "Now, your mothers brave little boy, aren't you?" She asked gently as she stroked the side of his face.

"Yes....yes mother" Shadramon gasped as he tried his best to stay still. "I.....I am" he panted out.

She nodded as she stroked his face rather tenderly as she left him lying on the table as she approached her work bench. The kudamon around her neck peeked over the collar of her coat and looked over at Shadramon as he laid out, trying his best not to cry out openly from the pain he was feeling.

Her area was more like a mad scientists laboratory, covered in shelves full of equipment and various devices lying around in on shelves and propped up on tables. The walls and floor were made out of metallic steel, the light sources just bright light-bulbs that were stuck in the wall at intervals.

At her desk, lay an old Apple Mac, connected to what looked like a small crane with a large magnet attached to it. There were dozens of cables attached to the computer and the crane, all swirling around behind the desk and snaking over the walls to various strange hybrid equipment laid around the room.

Shadramon watched as his mother typed several commands on the keyboard and the crane swung over slowly, hanging the magnet above him. His eyes trailed down the thick cable attached to the magnet where ended up on what looked like a re-purposed oven that was glowing a bright neon green in the middle.

She typed in a few more commands before she walked back over to him and stood at his head, the magnet starting to hum.

"I ....I don't.... I don't like this part" he whimpered as he reached up with his bloodied hand towards her. "Please..."

"Shhhh its ok" Arrukenimon said as she lent down, taking his hand in hers as she gave it a reassuring squeeze. "Mother is here. I'm not going anywhere" she said as the magnet began to hum even louder.

"What.....what if it doesn't......it doesn't work...this time....." he whimpered as he held onto her hand. "Please mother.....I'm ......I'm scared......"

"It will work. It will always work. I will never lose you, not as long as I'm alive" Arukennimon said softly as she held his hand. "I know you don't like this, but it has to happen. I won't let anything happen to you, that I promise" she said softly.

She took his hand in hers and placed it back on his chest, giving it a firm squeeze before she cupped his head in her hands, gently caressing his jawline as she looked down at him. He looked back up, his eyes filled with the tears he had been holding back, seeing her and the Kudamon looking back down at him.

"I love you mother" he whimpered as the tears began to run freely.

"Mother loves you too, my sweet little boy" she said softly, as she blinked her own tears away as she gently held his head in her hands. "Now close your eyes sweetie" she said, as Shadramon closed his eyes and grimaced against the pain he was feeling. She gently held his head in her hands.

"Over the hills and far away...

"I pray you will return one day....

"As sure as the river meets the seas....

"Back in your arms I swear I'll be...." she sang softly as she cradled his head, seeing him settle down just a little. To settle just enough.

And then she snapped his neck.

His body jerked for a moment before it went still, his limbs going limp as an arm flopped off the side of the table. The only sound that was heard was the humming of the magnet.

A moment later and his body began to dissolve into a large cloud of ones and zeros, the insect digimon disappearing into the data cloud. Arrukenimon stood back as she grabbed a handkerchief from her pocket and began to wipe her hands as she watched the data cloud rise up.

"You cried again" Kudamon said softly as he looked up at her, watching her blink away her tears.

"I know I did" she said as she adjusted her glasses. "I thought it would get easier. But it doesn't. Now don't mention it again" she said, giving him a stern look that made him hide his head under the collar of her coat.

The magnet hummed and glowed with a black light as the data particles flowed upwards and spun around the magnet as they were absorbed rather quickly, the magnet glowing brighter as the data particles were absorbed.

She walked over to her computer and typed in a few more commands as she brought up the data from the previous encounter with the D.R.S. members. She had watched, observing from a distance as her son had fought, and lost. They fought harder then Lord Daemons assorted minions, and thus were proving better with her research.

The augments she had placed in his body had recorded everything that was thrown at him, and now the data was uploaded. All it would take was a few updates to his very cores programming, and her son would be stronger. More resistant. And more deadly.

The glowing magnet flashed once and then the glow quickly traveled down the cable to the neon green glowing over, and the data swarmed inside, twisting and turning like a small storm before it began to fuse together again.

Arukennimon tapped the enter key as the new updated patches were applied, bursts of new data being sprayed straight onto the forming mass. Once the spray was absorbed, the mass began to harden as it formed a red and black digiegg.

She opened the door and pulled the large egg from the inside and carefully placed it on the stone table, on a spot that wasn't coated in blood. The egg shook a few times before it began to crack apart and almost instantly it hatched, the eggshell disapearing into data particles.

Before her sat a rookie digimon, looking like a small Veemon. Only he was black, with a red moth wing pattern over his back, and mandibles where his mouth should be. He looked up at her from where he was sitting and stretched his arms out to her, his eyes big and innocent as he recognized her.

"Welcome back, Vaemon" she said with a smile as she picked him up and brought him into her arms and hugged him tight, feeling him clutch at her. "Lets put you to bed. You've had such a busy, busy day."

"Mommy" he said softly as he cradled his head against her shoulder, closing his eyes as he clutched at her coat with his small hands. She gently stroked his back as she carried him through the metal hallways of her personal quarters at Daemons cathedral, hidden away in the labyrinth below.

"Time to go to bed sweetie. And when you wake up, you'll be my big strong boy again. And when you're ready to fight again, I'll let you hurt them some more" she said as she hugged him against her body rather protectively.

"Over the hills and far away.......

I swore you would return one day....

Far from the mountains and the seas....

Back in my arms is where you'll be...."

Prelude of Light - Chapter 3

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DRS Character Biographies

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