Prelude of Light - Chapter 3

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#10 of Digital Rescue Squad

Prelude of Light - Chapter 3

By Kendo Kawbata

"So, I just toss it on the ground and it does something, does it?" Banchou asked as he looked over the strange rubix cube device in his hand.

The big muscles lion stood in the training yard of the DRS headquarters with the recovered nexus mod manager program sitting in his open palm.

"Affirmative" said Data, the small Android said from beside the large lion, looking very small and barely coming up to the halfway mark of Banchous shin. "Toss on ground. Program will run itself. Takes care of everything" he said, looking as pleased with himself as he could be.

With Kuzuhamon having being defeated, although still at large, the DRS had done what they could to help restore some semblance of order. Which was mostly trying to get an entire islands population of digimon to leave and go home.

The castle had been scouted from top to bottom by every active member, but aside from a lot of statues and artwork devoted to the kink queen, there was nothing to help them shed light on why she had done such a thjng. They had eventually discovered the NMM device, and once removed, the castle had disappeared back into its programming. Which has been a sight to behold, especially when a huge towering structure had simply disapeared with people still in it, and said people suddenly falling head first into sand.

"Can you please hurry up?" BB said. "I am in so need of a bath" the insect girl said rather grumpily and more then a little tired. Which was basically the mood of just about everyone.

"You just want to sneak off and start fuxking again " GAO said with a roll of his eyes as, like most of the others, he cradled his aching feet. The EDT network was still down, and they had been forced, again, to walk their way back home.

"Well, there is that" B.B. said with a sly grin.

"I hope that thing knows how to make a better medical wing" Lilly said as she stood up from her position next to a kneeling Vaj, a soft green glow fading from her hands. "No-one is doing anything untill I've looked over them and made sure you're all fine after what happened."

Nobody was inclined to disagree with her. Everyone was absolutely exhausted, with minimal sleep and rest on the walk home. But nobody had it worse then Vaj did. The hulking bull taur had been forced to walk around the entirety of the island under Kuzuhamons control, and enslave the whole population. His hoofs were badly injured and bleeding, and Lillymons healing abilities could only go so far on the road.

"Nobody is doing anything untill we get this....thing doing whatever it is supposed to be doing" Banchou said firmly. "We wouldn't have had to use it if we had been better prepared in the first place" he added. Although he was merely stating a fact, one that just happened to be true.

He gave a look at their headquarters from where they stood in the ruined open courtyard. The huge building was still together, although it was in very bad shape. THe black collars had smashed through everything, and the subsequent fighting had rendered the barracks and the training ground useless. And all the equipement inside was broken and barely holding together.

Data had taken the NMM device the moment they had gotten back, and within five minutes had discovered what it was and its many, many, many uses. The majority of which, were not to be spoken about upon pain of death by anyone.

"Well, no time like the present" Banchou said as he tossed the rubix cube device into the middle of the courtyard. "Everyone, just be on guard in case" he added as the cube device bounced a few times across the ground and then laid still.

The cube suddenly began clicking and spinning differents parts as it seemed to try and solve itself, rolling around on the ground a few times as several of the 'bricks' slid themselves into place and then the cube fell still as the last one clicked into place, and then the device went still.

"Well that was worth the wait" Strabi said with a roll of his eyes as he cradled his bandaged shoulder. "Should we build a campfire and make smores while we wait for the puzzle box to summon a demon with nails in his eyes?" he asked.

obody got a chance to say anything to him as a bright green transparent green grid erupted on the ground under the device and spread rapidly, moving along the ground and under their feet as it reached the compounds walls and spread further outwards.

They all braced themselves as the ground began to shake, not violently but enough to make them wobble unsteady on their feet as the entire compound, the main building, the rubble, the walls, even the trees and gardens began to sink into the ground, dissolving into the grid to never be seen again.

Within a matter of moments the entire complex had been deconstructed and all that remained was a huge neon grid on the ground, almost twice the space of the original compound. And the shaking still hadn't stopped.

And then the new project began to rise.

First came the perimeter walls, tall stone walls well over ten feet tall surrounding the entire perimeter, joining together with a set of large wrought iron gates that looked too heavy to open by one person. Once the walls had stopped moving, the ground came along next. dark brown earth appeared under their feet, and a moment later, dark green grass sprung upwards like a heavy shag carpet.

A brick pathway began to emerge, brick by brick by the gates and snaked along the ground, creating a wide brick patchwork pattern along the ground untill it came to a stop. Where it stopped, a heavy set of large dark wooden appearing out of the ground at the end.

From those heavy wooden doors, more bricks appeared next to them and began to spread outwards as the main building began to build itself. THe bricks swept along the ground, sprouting windows along the way. The building itself spread along like a giant sweeping bat, spreading from one side of the area to the other, and taking up more then half of the area by itself.

As the building grew into its third story, gardens began to rise up through the ground like strange unearthly plants. Large garden beds sprouted along the ground, giving birth flowers and shrubbery they hadn't seen before. Two huge japanese rock gardens sprung up and snaked their way along the main path.

Paved training areas sprung up in front of the main building, complete with scarecrow styled training dummies and large mounted targets. A running track dissolved itself into the grass that snaked around the entire perimeter of the compound.

The building stopped after the third floor, completing itself with a tall clocktower in the center of the sweeping wings. Once the tower was done, thick leafy vines spread themselves across the building, giving the brand new building an aged look by several decades.

"So, is this our new home, or a school?" Pan asked as he scratched at the back of his head through his thick white mane. "I can't decide what it looks like."

"Data, you've outdone yourself" Banchou said with an approving nod and a chew of the twig in his mouth.

"New facilities everywhere. including new library, meeting room, file room and indoor swimming pool" Data said with a proud smile on his face.

"Do we get a spa?" Rara asked, shyly as if she was nervous about asking. Data smiled at her.

"And wet and dry saunas. all basic amenities. And new rooms for everyone. Able to have privacy and not sleep in barracks anymore" Data said. this sinlge revelation was met with multiple approving happy cries from everyone.

"Alright, as much as we want to all start exploring our new base together, no-one is going to go far" Banchou said as he turned to them all. "Lilly, i want everyone to have a thorough checkup by the end of the day, if possible. I want everyone to have a clean bill of health" he said. Lilly nodded without question.

"Anub, everyone has a meeting with you" he said as the turned to the elegant jackal. "I want to make sure everyone is of sound mind after what they've all been through. So everyone has a check up and do what you need to do" he said. Anub nodded firmly to that.

"No-one goes back into training untill we are all ready and back in full health, both physically and mentally. We have a lot of work ahead of us, there are villages that need repairing and other digimon who need help getting their lives back on track. So untill you are cleared for work, i suggest you rest up. cause once your back on, your working" he said firmly.

"Come on BG. I bet i can find my room before you do" Lio said as the small lion quickly darted off down the main path towards the building.

"Hey, no fair. that's a head start" the black dinosaur digimon shouted as he ran after him. "And it's not BG. It's B-Guil. Someone already took that name" he shouted after him as he took after him.

"A nice warm bed sounds good right now" Ren said, the fox digimon stretching his arms above his head. "Hey Data, did we all get single beds or double?" he asked.

"Beds are designed for your needs and size and weight" Data said simply. He added "You have a king single" he added when Ren didn't stop giving him a look. The fox nodded as the large group began to walk towards the building, every one of them looking happy and exhausted to be home at the same time.

Flame watched as the others walked ahead first, seeing Aqua walk with them. He hadn't gotten a chance to talk with her since they had liberated Kuzuhamons castle, although that was partly because she was too busy doing her duty, and B-W hadn't let him out of his sight the whole time.

He felt the hulking digimons hand on his shoulder, giving him a surprisingly affectionate squeeze as he looked up the mega level black dragon. The big digimon gave him a smile behind his helmet and gestured with his hand, telling him to go with them. Flame nodded a little shyly as he began to walk after the others.

"I....I really should talk to her" he thought to himself as he looked over his shoudler and saw B-W take off into the sky, he assumed to inspect the perimeter. "But what am I even going to say? I thought she was my sister" he thought to himself as he walked slowly, the group ahead of him talking amongst themselves and seeming to forget he was there.

"She hasn't seemed interested in talking to me" he said to himself as he stopped by one of the gardens. "Maybe she doesn't want too." he thought as he looked over the flowers. They looked like tulips, but they were white and they looked like someone had dipped the tops in black in and let it run down the petals like melted chocolate. "I don't want to bother her if he doesn't want to talk to me. I mean, I did take her first time away from her" he thought, his shoulders drooping a bit at the thought.

"I feel so bad about it though" he thought. "Mabye if I got her some flowers, she won't be too mad at me. Don't girls like flowers? I hope it's ok to pick some. I don't want to get into trouble for picking them if I'm not supposed too" he thought.

In the end he decided to pick some anyway. THere were so many, he was sure that no-one would miss any. And if he did get into trouble, well, hopefully they wouldn't be too mad at him.



Flame was not expecting Aquas bedroom door to fly open before he managed to get to it. He had spent the last half hour trying to navigate the place. It was huge on the inside, bigger then the base had been before. And althoguh there were plenty of signs along the walls and arrows to guide him, he still ended up getting lost several times as he forgot where he was going.

He had finally found Aquas room, even with all the doors looking exactly the same to one another. THe only difference was that this room had her name written in a rather nice wooden plaque on the door, which made it helpful.

Flame had barely reached for the handle when he heard Aquas shout of rage and then the door had blown open. He had been startled backwards and managed to avoid seeing BB get thrown through the door. The insect girl collided with the wall opposite and slid down in a heap as she struggled to get herself up.

And then came the forms of both Ren and Shout, the yellow fox and the red dragon digimon both landing in a heap beside her. From the thick yellowed spray on their faces and the dazed look in their eyes, and the throbbing hard cocks between their legs, BB hadn't waited to have her fun.

"IN MY ROOM? AGAIN?" Aqua shouted as she appeared at the door, only wearing her usual top and shorts and an angry look on her face. "BB, GO FIND YOUR OWN DAMN ROOM AND RUIN YOUR OWN SHEETS" she shouted.

"I couldn't find my room" BB grumbled as she slowly stood up. "Yours was closer and I didn't want to wait."

"Well, go and find your own room. And if you pass the furnace, burn these" Aqua said as she briefly disapeared from view before coming back and throwing a large bundle of sheets at the group on the floor before slamming the door shut.

"Ugh, she needs to get laid. again" BB said as she dusted herself off. "Well, maybe next time i'll help with that.....No, actually she'd see me coming a mile away. And that's next time. THis time, I have you two" she said as she slung the sheets over her shoulders and then grabbed the two laid out males by the ankles. "Come on boys. lets go find my room and christen the bedsheets" she said as she began to drag them away.

Flame just stood there, pale with a shocked look on his face as he held the flowers firmly behind his back, his heart pounding in hsi chest so hard he was sure it would going to burst through.

It took him several moments to realise that he could in fact actually move and breathe as he walked slowly over to the door and gently knocked on it, trying very hard to fight the urge to turn around and run like mad. Which was why his legs were trembling so hard they might have run off without him.

"BB, if thats you, I have a taser I'm very desperate to try out....Oh, Flame" Aqua said in surprise when she opened the door and saw him standing there. "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought it was BB coming back.....are you ok?" she asked.

He nodded slowly, although he was looking at the ground as he kept his hands behind his back and his legs trembled.

"I didn't scare you, did I?" Aqua asked, feeling a rush of concern for him. He shook his head again and somehow managed to remove his arm from behind his back.

"I'msorrythatIwasyourfirstandthatIdidthosethingstoyouandthatweendedupbrotherandsisterandthatyouhadtotakemeallthetimeandthatIwasalousybrotherandI'mreallysorryandtheseareforyouandIhopeyouspeaktomeagain" He managed to get out in one full breath as he held the bundle of flowers in his shaking arm towards her while looking at the floor.

It actually took Aqua several very long moments to translate everything that he had just said to her and to make sense of what he had just said. And to register that he was holding a bunch of ink-dipped flowers in his hand and was holding them towards her.

"Well, thank you" She said as she took the flowers. They were all connected together, as she could tell he had just pulled the one plant out of the ground, with the roots and dirt still attached. But the gesture made her smile anyway. "I haven't had flowers given to me....ever" she admitted.

" like them?" Flame asked slowly as he looked at her.

"I do" she said with a smile to him. "And I'm not mad with you, if that's what your thinking" she added as she held the flowers in one hand and took his hand in her other. "We were forced to do all that, and I know I remember it all. You weren't my first choice to have my first time with, I will admit that. But, it could have been worse" she said.

"You're not mad?" he asked her slowly. She smiled and shook her head.

"Theres nothing we can do about it now to change it. I'm pretty sure Anub is going to try and convince me I'm not dealing with it, but there's no point in getting angry over something I can't change" she said. "Besides, you made a pretty good brother" she said with a smile.

"I...I did?" he asked, feeling surprised. He had kind of expected things to go the other way when he ran it through his head twice. She nodded and squeezed his hand.

"There were worse people I could have lost my virginity too" She said to him. "And honestly, I'm glad it was you" she said. "You know, BB might have ruined the sheets, but I can still christen the mattress" she said with a smile.

"I...don't understand" he admitted as he felt more confusion by what was going on.

"Well, I can definately show you" she said with a smile as she gently pulled him by his hand into the room, shutting the door behind them.


"You have....disapointed me."

Daemon sat on his throne, looking down at the throes of minions before him. They were all spread out, each one knelt down on the cracked stone floor, each one daring to not look up at the disapointed evil lord.

Stingmon stood to his left, his arms crossed and a smug look on his face that was easy to see from a mile away. He was enjoying himself, and had been since Kuzuhamons plan had fallen. WIth her down, he was sure that he would be chosen next.

On Daemons right, stood Arukennimon. She stood silently, one arm draped across her stomach and the other reaching up and gently stroking the smal serpentine Kudamon that was draped around her neck. Her face was mostly covered by her purple tinged glassed and wide brimmed hat, so it was hard to read how she was feeling.

"And you know that I do not like being disapointed" Daemon said again, the tattered tendrils of his robes flowing in an unseen breeze around him as he gazed before him. "To think you were so close. You practically had the island in your grasp" he said.

"I had it in more then that."

Kuzuhamon stood kneeling on the floor before Daemon, her arms bound behind her back. She did not look very good. Her usually polished and stunning purple armour was cracked and dusty, from a lack of care. Her hair was matted and knotted, sticking out every which way. Her normally perfect make up was smeared and fading.

She looked a right wreck from her time in Daemons dungeons. He had thrown her in there and left her there untill he was ready to deal with her. Although she knew exactly what that meant. She knew how he managed to deal with her.

And yet, she faced it with her own pride.

She sat on her knees with her back straight and her chin held up, her gaze firmly on the demon lord above her, not even seeming to register the deadly sharp blade held against her throat, or the fact that it was being held in MetalLeomons hand. The large bulky metal lion was completely still, his gaze focused soley on the kneeling vixen below him. He held the metal sword in his hand steady, ready to cut her as soon as his master gave the order.

"You still can't help yourself, can you?" Arukennimon asked with a shake of her head.

"It's part of why everyone loves me so much" Kuzuhamon said with a smirk on her features, as she continued to hold still.

"Love aint the word" Stingmon said with a smirk to his voice. "Whore is more like it" he added.

"Only because you never got laid in your life" Kuzuhamon said with a smirk.

"I have so been laid before" Stingmon said, his smirk vanishing into a sneer.

"Your pillow doesn't count" she said back to him.


"No squabbling" Daemon said simply, in a voice that was loud enough for them to be heard even though he hadn't raised it that much. It was enough to make them all shut up, making Arukennimon and Stingmon move back into their places while Kuzuhamon didn't move.

"Do you have anything to say in your defence about what happened?" Daemon asked simply as he regarded her before him.

"Like what?" Kuzuhamon asked. "Like you said, I almost won. And then I lost. Not really all that much to say about what happened" she admitted.

"You don't want to give an explanation for your failure?" Daemon asked her as he held his fingers together in contemplation against what shold have been his chin.

"Well, perhaps I should have stayed back and made sure I captured all those rescue squad dorks, or just had them killed. Either way" she admitted as she pretended to think about it. "And I suppose that maybe I should have spent more time enslaving everyone instead of playing with my new pets. Which I do not regret by the way" she said.

"And I suppose I should have had all those sluts standing guard properly instead of making my princess castle look nice and tiday" she said as she continued. "So, maybe that way, I wouldn't have lost my castle to a group of invaders" she said.

"Or maybe, those collars should have actually worked and not defualted as they did" she said as she looked up at Daemon. "But I suppose I could give all of those excuses to you and it wouldn't change the fact that I lost when I did" She said.

"You can still give them to me" Daemon said as he tapped his fingers against each other. "I can still listen to them" he said.

"And that worked so well with Ebemon, didn't it?" Kuzuhamon asked with a sneer towards him. "If I remember correctly, you blasted him into oblivion just by pointing at him. There's nothing I can do to escape such an instant kill attack. So why bother trying?" she asked.

"So, that's it, is it?" Daemon asked as he regarded her. "You are just going to kneel there and accept your fate with your head held high?" he asked her.

"She's accepted a lot of things on her knees" Stingmon said with a sneer. But a sideways glance from Daemon shut him up rather quickly. He then turned back to look at Kuzuhamon.

"You have failed" he said to her as he rested his blackened hands down in his lap and looked at Kuzuhamon with his glowing red eyes. "I have you the chance with your collars and strategy, and I must admit, I had a moment when I believed that you would win.

"And yet, you failed. You showed me that my one single moment of faith in you, was not warranted" he said as he unclasped his hand and leant forward slightly in his chair. "And the price to pay, for that kind of failure, is punishment, by death."

"Do you have anything to say?" he asked her.

"Well...." Kuzuhamon said as she pretended to think about it, before turning her gaze back to Daemon. "I would say, Fuck you, but you might get confused since its coming from me. Especially the part about the horse you're riding" She said with a grim smile on her face and narrowed eyes.

Daemon said nothing as he leant back in his chair and raised his right hand up. Stingmon and Arukennimon and the many other digimon in the assembly dared to lift their heads up as much as they could to see what Daemon was doing.

He made a single gesture with his hand, drawing his finger from one side to the other towards MetalLeomon. The metal feline nodded as his grip tightened on his sword. And Kuzuhamon took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

And then MetalLeomon drew the sword through her neck.

There was a splatter of blood along the ground as her head hit the stone first, bouncing once as her body collapsed onto the ground, bright neon blue ones and zeros appearing like a cloud of dust along her body before her body even bounced once.

Her body cracked and broke down, shattering like procelain hitting the ground and dissolving into data. What was left of her body by the second bounce dissolved fully away, disapearing into the air in a cloud of data and ones and zeros. Her head broke down and dissolved as well, vanishing into the air.

Within the span of seconds, all that remained of Kuzuhamon, was a splatter of blood on the ground and the blood that dripped from the edge of MetalLeomons sword. He didn't even blink as he slid the sword back into its sheath.

Stingmon smirked, somehow managing to hold back his desire to laugh. Arukennimon merely looked away and covered the eyes of her Kudamon.

"Failure. This is twice in a row. I must admit, I am more then disapointed" Daemon said as he relaxed back into his throne and looked back out onto the floor of the cathedral before him. "My dear conspirators, please stand before me."

Both Stingmon and Arukennimon walked foward and turned to face him, both avoiding the gaze of the other.

"My plans have been further disrupted, and I must admit further, my patience is starting to be tested" Daemon said calmly, but everything there was able to recognise the obvious threat in his voice. "So, I need results. They only question is, who will be able to deliver those results to me?" he asked.

"I will" Stingmon said as he puffed his chest out and thumped himself with his fist. "My dark spirals will take out this island in a matter of days. They will never see it coming, and those that manage to run, will not run far" he promised.

Daemon said nothing for a moment before he gestured with his hand to Arukennimon.

"My Parasimon can take over this island by morning" was all she said as she stroked her Kudamons head, making him coo softly at her with a warm smile.

"Like hell that can happen" Stingmon said to her with a sneer. "Kuzuhamon took over a week to get the whole island. You think you can do it by morning? That's nothing more then a joke."

"Oh, it's no joke, is it my little sweetie?" Arukennimon said as she stroked the kudamons head. "By morning, that I can promise" she said as she looked up at Daemon. "And, my Lord Daemon, I'm so confident in my plan, that if I happen to fail, MetalLeomon may take my head" she said to him.

Stingmon scoffed as he crossed his arms over his chest, clearly not believing her. MetalLeomon said nothing as he stood still behind them.

"Hmmm. An interesting proposition" Daemon said slowly as he considered what they had both presented him. "And a wager to go along with it. Interesting, most interesting indeed" he said.

"Oh come on, you can't be serious" Stingmon said in annoyance.

"Oh, I am serious" Daemon said as he slowly stood himself up. His tattered robes began to softly billow around him as he descended from his throne. "Stingmon, your plan is interesting. But I am not convinced that you are able to pull it off. So, your plan will be in reserve" he said as he gave a dismissive wave of his blackened hand to Stingmon.

"Arukennimon, I accept your conditions and allow you to conduct your plan immediately. And if you need anything to assist you my dear, consider it done" he said as he stood in front of her, his hands folded against his stomach.

Because Stingmon was behind him, he was allowed to show that he was shivering from the unnatural sense of dread and fear that he was feeling from being in close proximity with Daemon. Arukennimon, to her credit, was practically stoic, even as her Kudamon ducked its head under her coat collar to hide from the overwhelming fear he was feeling.

"Of course, my Lord. I wish to serve you in every way possible" Arukennimon said with a nod as she felt her hand shake against her side. "However, those that decided to flee from Kuzuhamon and prove their disloyalty to you, I would like to personally take care of them for you. As a token to prove my loyalty to you" she said.

"Very well. I leave their fates to you. I have no time for those that are disloyal to me" he said with a nod as he stepped away from her. "Now, there are some matters that need my attention, so I will be stepping away" he said to everyone that was there in attendance. "Arukennimon will be my law in my absence. And MetalLeomon, will be my discipline" he said.

"what about me?" Stingmon said as he suddenly felt left out. "what am i supposed to do?" he demanded as a blood red portal appeared before the old stone throne, a seething whirlpool of blood red mist.

"I'm sure there is something you can clean around here. The bathrooms might be a good place to start" Daemon said with a dismissive wave of his hand before he turned his back on them all and then stepped through the portal. He passed through as the red mist swallowed him up before it closed behind him.

"MetalLeomon, send all the traitors to the pit. I will have them dealt with" Arukennimon said to the metal feline. He didn't say anything as he simply turned around and began to walk away. Arukennimon let out a slightly wavering breath. MetalLeomon never listened to anyone but Daemon, and it was a risk just to talk to him at the best of times.

"This cannot be happening. I can't be overlooked again" Stingmon said as he slammed his foot down on the ground in a slight fit of anger as the crowd in the cathedral began to disperse.

"It has. And you have" Arukennimon said as she walked past him without even looking at him. In fact, none of Daemons assembled forces even looked at him as they emptied out the Cathedral, leaving the fuming insect on his own.


He should have chosen me" Stingmon said furiously as he angrily walked down the halls of the old cathedral, his feet thumping on the old faded carpets and stonework alike. "He chose that stupid trench coat bitch instead of my plan." He grumbled to himself.

"She probably doesn't even have a plan, but I know I do. I'm going to inflict pain upon this island" he said loudly to himself. "All she has is bugs. How the hell can you take over a whole island with a few insects?"

He turned a corner, shoving aside two Pawnchessmon who had been trying to scrub the old flooring. Sting just kicked them out he way, ignoring their cries of pain from the heavy impact and sending a few buckets of water spraying over the walls and creating more of a mess.

"When I get my hands on her" he said, his clawed hand clenching in anger as he rounded another corner. "I'm going to hold that stupid little snake pet thing in my hands, and then wrap it around her neck, and I'm going to squeeze and squeeze untill they both die choking on their own blood" he growled as his knuckles cracked in his balled up fists.

His anger abated slightly when he heard music in the air. Someone was nearby, playing what sounded like a flute. For a moment he found himself lost in the soft dull notes that filled the air, and he temporarily forgot what he was supposed to be angry about.

His bright red eyes narrowed as he recognised the notes and he shook his head, feeling his anger build back up again after having been forgotten for such a short time. His eyes narrowed into slits and his hands balled up again as he resumed his fuming.

"That bitch" he swore as he headed towards where the music was coming from. He didn't stop stomping down the halls before he found the source of the music, knocking over a few old tables and ripping a coulpe of old paintings off the walls as he walked.

Arukennimon was standing at a balcony at the end of a long hall, holding a large silver flute up to her lips. The notes were soft and calm sounding, a sound only having been brought to life by someone who had mastered the instrument.

The end of the balcony usually held a view of the forest land far below, but the sky outside was filled with dark clouds that blotted the view of the land and the dark night sky. THe dark clouds only seemed to make the female digimon stand out as she stood against the ornate stone railing.

"I knew you had nothing" Stingmon said in anger when he found her. Hearing his voice, she stopped playing and looked average her shoulder at him through her purple glasses. Her eyes narrowed behind the lenses as she held the instrument in her hands.

"Is that what you think?" She asked coldly over her shoulder.

"You have nothing" he said again. "You went up to Lord Daemon and said you could take over the whole island by morning. And yet here you are playing some stupid instrument and wasting time" he said in anger.

"Is that what you think I'm doing? Wasting time?" She asked as she turned her back on him and began adjusting her instrument in an obvious display of ignoring him.

"If you had any kind of plan, you'd be doing it by now, not playing some stupid flute. And your not even that good" he added, having clearly thought it would be a good insult.

Arukennimon slowly placed the flute on the ledge of the balcony and turned to face Stingmon, adjusting her glasses with her middle finger as her Kudamon nuzzled under her chin.

"Perhaps your right" she said. "Maybe I don't have a plan. Maybe I deliberately took your spotlight and convinced Lord Daemon to give me a chance so you wouldn't have yours" She said, not sounding angry. She sounded as if she was merely stating the facts.

"That's exactly what I think your doing. You are just doing everything you can to stop me from hatching my plan because you know it's better then yours" he snapped at her. However, his retort merely made her smile, as if she found him somewhat amusing.

"Or, there is the alternative" she said. "Perhaps I do have a plan after all. And I'm so confident that I can win, that I can allow myself to waste some time by playing a stupid flute" she said.

"You don't have any plan that good" Stingmon said harshly. "You said you can have the whole island captured by morning. There's no way" he said. "I've read a bit on Parasimon. They might be a mega level digimon, but you can kill them with a fly swatter. The DRS would see them coming a mile away."

"Well, I suppose your right" she said as she turned around to face the black clouds outside as she leants herself over the railing, supporting herself on her arms. "By morning would be a bit of a stretch. And you are right, Kuzuhamon only managed a week and a day or two. It's a bit of a challenge to do it so much more quickly then she could have."

As Stingmon looked on, she waved a purple gloves hand over the balcony. Stings red eyes went wider then normal as he realised that the swirling black clouds outside the balcony weren't the dark black clouds in the sky.

It was A cloud. Just a few feet away from the balcony.

Of Parasimon.

The insects came to life as they started buzzing in unison, a loud combined noise that made Stingmons ears start to ache as he covered them with his large hands. The insects swarmed and writhed together like a dense mass before they began to disperse. The mass was so large and thick in number that it took several very long seconds before they could both see through it.

The night sky was finally revealed, the dark clouds streaked across the sky and the moon nestled behind them, casting a pale light into the horizon. They were both able to see the forests and the roaming hills and fields below, spread out before them like a giant map.

And above the land, flew the swarm of insects. And the huge swarm spread out the further it went over the horizon, covering the distance like a giant black blanket. But the blanket thinned out the further it went, untill it disapeared from view all together.

"Tonight, every single inhabitant will be sought out on this island, and they will be bitten. The bug will take over, putting them to sleep and taking on their entire personalities. The bugs will control them, and I in turn control the bugs. Ergo, I control everyone" she said as she turned to face Stingmon with a smile on her face. "And no-one will know, as they will all be acting as normal."

"I've already won" she said as she pressed a finger against her pursed lips as she pretended to concentrate. "And in only ... an hour" she said. "Maybe a bit less."

"That... that's impossible" Stingmon said in shock. He was both shocked and appalled that she had not only had a plan and had been acting on it all along, but that he had also underestimated her. Badly.

"For someone like you, it is" She pointedly as she began to walk away from him, her hand gently stroking her cooing Kudamon against her neck.

"You... you can't just do that" he said as he began to follow her as she walked away from him. He felt his fingers ball up in anger and his knuckles crack again in fury as he felt his chance at revenge and his chance to prove himself slip further and further away.

"You mean do my job?" She asked without looking at him.

"Make me look incompetent" he said in an angry huff.

"That's a little too easy" she pointed out as she seemed to walk down several of the stone corridors without taking notice of where she was going. Sting followed as closely as he dared, feeling as if he got any closer to her then he was, he would have lashed out at her.

"This can't be your only plan" he said as he followed her. "It could fail. And I would love to see that happen."

"How?" She asked as she stopped in front of a set of old rusting metal doors that looked like they hadn't been opened in a long time. She stood with her arm aroudn her waist and her other hand twirling a length of her long silvery hair.

Stingmon didn't seem to expect her to ask him that, or even stop so abruptly, as it actually took him a few moments to think of an answer. And it was a little hard to try and think up flaws in her plan that she probably hadn't thought of before.

"Maybe the bugs don't effect everyone" he said. "Maybe they don't bite everyone in one night. Maybe they notice that they get bitten and they squash them" he said, his smirk appearing on his face as he figured he found a way her plan had failed.

"Hmmm. That is true I suppose" she said. "If they dont get bitten tonight, the parasimon only take a few hours to breed and produce offspring. And the hives are in the cliffs under the cathedrals corridors, with more eggs being laid even now. So there won't be any chance of a shortage of them" she said.

"Also, you are right. Perhaps one in a hundred aren't capable of being bitten properly" she said. "But, that one will be surrounded by 99 of my enslaved digimon, so how much of a chance will that one have anyway?" She asked. "And if they survive getting bitten, they will be taken care of."

"And perhaps you are right. Perhaps the bugs won't be as effective as I thought. And maybe I lose control of the bugs, and therefore the digimon they are controlling. I'm not a fighter myself. Well, I can, but I prefer not getting my hands dirty" She admitted.

"So what are you going to do about it?" He asked with a smirk that reappeared on his features. "Admit defeat before you fall apart? Perhaps if you beg now, MetalLeomon might listen to you. Assuming he listens to anyone but Lord Daemon."

"I do have a backup plan for any resistance that might end up presenting a problem for me" she said as she pushed on the door, the rusted metal screeching as it was opened slowly. "And it's right in here."

Stingmon recognised the area beyond the doors instantly. It was the cathedrals old training stadium built under the tunnels. Known simply to most as The Pit. A huge circular stone pit with carved stone walls, ten feet deep with no way to get out once pushed in.

What surprised him and made his eyes open though, was what he was not prepared to see beyond there. It was the overpowering stench of blood that made him want to gag and retch till he had nothing left in his stomach.

The deep pit and sides were covered in it, as well as the old and ruined seats along the edges. The blood sprays were wide and still fresh, blood dripping off everything that it came into contact with. And there was screaming. Lots of screaming. Terrified screams born out of pure fear.

"The digi-hell is going on down there?" Stingmon said. He had an overpowering urge to not get any closer to the pit then he had too.

"Remember earlier, when Lord Daemon asked me to take care of those cowards that ran from the fight?" She asked as she turned to him, a scream and a fresh spray of blood erupted high in the air.

"Yes...." he said slowly. He was finding that he didn't actually want to know where this was going.

She extended her hand and pointed a single finger downwards. He found himself gulping a bit as another scream was choked into silence with another fresh spray upwards, as if someone had just briefly turned on a fountain.

Stingmon heard the screams die down with each gurgling spray of blood that erupted in the air and rained down like a scene from a horror movie. Champions, ultimates and even a few megas were down there, and they were getting slaughtered. Easily.

"So, what will do I do if say, the DRS stand in my way of me achieving total victory for Lord Daemon?" She asked with a smile as the final scream died down and silence fell into the arena. All that Stingmon could hear was the dripping of blood, and the gurgling of the drain down in the middle of the pit. At least now he knew what it was built for.

"Sweetie" Arukennimon called out in a sweet tone of voice.

Stingmon stepped back as a blood covered digimon leapt out of the pit and landed beside her. His first impression was that it was some flamedramon that she had found who had taken a literal blood bath.

Only this one had wings. Black and red wings like a moth. And mandibles where his mouth should have been. His armour was flame printed, but roughly, as if someone had just roughly thrown the paint around. No scales but rough looking fur covered his black coloured body as he stared at Sting with a very murderous look in his eyes.

"Shadramon, sweetie" Arukennimon said with a smile to the bloodied digimon. "Tell me what you'll do to anyone who poses a threat to me?" The digimon kept his gaze squarely on Stingmon, and spoke in a voice that sounded calm and friendly enough, almost pleasant on the ears. But the way he spoke, sent chills down Stingmons spine.

"I'll kill them, mother" was all he said.


The enourmous cloud of Parasimon had thinned out considerably by the time it reached the D.R.S. compound, passing by silently overhead like a cloud over the moon. As the swarm flew overhead, a smaller but still large cloud began to detach and make its way over the compound below.

B-W was alone on the grounds, walking along the top of the permiter wall. He had trouble sleeping most nights, and this night was one of them. Not that he minded being on his own out on the grounds, doing his job.

He stoped and stood still when he thought he heard noise behind him and quickly turned. But he saw nothing out of the ordinary. He thought he had heard a buzzing noise, but it must have been some insect somewhere.

He tilted his head as he thought he felt something brush against his dirty blonde coloured hair, and went to brush it with his hand. And then.....his thoughts jumbled.

He sank to his knees as a sudden rush of new feelins poured forth through his body, surging like a liquid heat through his limbs and centering on his crotch. The crotch plate on his armour suddenly vanished as he grabbed the front of his shorts and pulled them down, revealing his rapildy growing cock.

Huffs and groans escaped his throat as his might fought with the sudden rush of sexual fog that plugged up his mind as his thick sixteen inch erection flooded with blood, rapidly reaching its full hardness and starting to spew pre in bursts.

B-W let out a roar as his orgasm hit him like a freight train and his balls bloated outwards before they visibly shrunk down as his throbbing cock pulsed and began to shoot what felt to him the biggest load of seed he had ever erupted.

Thick copious amounst of jet black ink splattered a foot ahead of him, splashing over the stonework as his hefty cock erupted like a small fountain. His roar of pleasure died down and his body sagged as his cock thumped against his thigh and simply drooled the last dregs out as he panted to catch his breath.

The sudden cloud of foggy pleasure quickly left his mind as he stood up, pulling his shorts on and his crotch plate reapparing around his waist. The Parasimon had fully taken over, and knew the digimon inside and out. And it was make its captive act as if he was still in charge.

Forgetting rather quickly about the thick black pool of cum that he had left in the open, B-W resumed his patrolling along the grounds. It would be some time before he fell asleep.

Banchou sat at his new desk, looking over several papers and dossiers. He liked his new office, it was much bigger then it used to be. More space for everything, and his desk was even big enoguh to actually hold him now.

His ears twitched as he heard a roaring outside and he looked up towards his open window. He removed the twig from his mouth as he pushed his chair back and stood up.

"Wonder what that was" he said as he made his way over to the window. He felt something brush against his his hair and he went to brush his hair back to see what it was, And then his thoughts jumbled.

He grabbed the sill of the window as he groaned out, a fog of pleasure hitting his mind and washing his thoughts with lust as his pants suddenly became tighter with his growing arousal.

Banchou found himself panting hard as his hand fumbled to open his pants, pulling out his rapidly growing cock as pre leaked like an open faucet onto his new carpet. His cock throbbed and swelled to its full hefty fourteen inches long, drooling constantly as the big lion panted and gasped as he held himself steady.

His pleasure rose faster then he had ever felt as his hands gripped the sill till it began to crack as he tilted his head back and roared into the open window as his orgasm him hard. Throbbing and pulsing like a living weapon, his cock began spewing his man juice onto the wall under the window and over the carpet.

This heavy bolts of cum splattered over the wall and the carpet, spreading like a cup of thick gooey cream as he panted hard, sweat building up and dripping from his forehead as the haze of pleasure faded away as his cock fired heavy bolts of cream.

When the pleasure fog drifted away, the Parasimon was fully in control of its new host, as Banchou stuffed his cock back into his trousers and walked back over to his desk, the fresh mess forgotten rather quickly as he picked up several papers and resumed reading. He had a lot of work to do.

Aqua and Flame lay in bed together, the two of them both sound asleep. They laid on their backs, Aqua resting her head on Flames shoudler as he had his arm wrapped around her, the two of them sleeping peacefully ontop of the only remaining blanket on her bed.

Flame started to stir a little as he heard her start moaning loudly in her sleep and shaking against him, the soft movements making him wake up from his pleasant dreaming.

"Something wrong?" he asked as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and blinked a few times as he heard her moan again, feeling something hard and throbbing rub up against his leg as he managed to clear the crud from his eyes.

"Aqua?" he asked as he saw how hard and erect she was against his leg, the mere sight making him blush hard as she gripped at him with her and, thick copious amounts of pre spreading over his thigh as she humped at him.

He felt something against his ear, and for a moment he registered feeling it, then he felt his thoughts jumble as a thick cloud of arousal and fog soaked his mind and he sank back itno the matress as he felt his own arousal build as well.

Aqua clung to Flame as she began to cum, moaning against his flesh as her ten inches of girl cock throbbed and pulsed, firing her pearly blue cum across Flames crotch and coating his throbbing twin sticks, as her swollen petals squirted between her legs and drenched the sheets through to the mattress below them.

Flame panted and whined out loud as those juices coated his throbbing twin cocks and they pulsed hard as he began to spurt as well, shooting several thick volleys of a heated red across his heaving chest and abdomen, drooling across his already messy body as the two of them started to calm down.

The haze of fog cleared both their minds as they drifted back off to sleep, their erections falling soft as the Parasimon took over, sending them back into whatever dreams they had, and in the morning, they would go about their day as normal.

All over the base, the Parasimon found their ways through and took over the members once at a time, taking over each one with a bite and a mind blowing orgasm that lasted less then five seconds.

Those that were asleep, wet their beds with a heavy orgasm. And those that were asleep, forgot the mess even existed as they quickly returned back to business. One by one, they were all taken, and none of them were aware it was happening.


Ren suddenly sat up in his bed as he rubbed the back of his head, just under the furline aroudn his ear. He winced as he pinched something there that wasn't supposed to be and pulled, letting out a brief gasp of pain as he felt the painfull tug against his flesh.

"The digi-hell..." he said as he looked down at the wriggling thing between his fingers. He grimaced, not recognising what he was holding as he squeezed.

"Disgusting" he said as the bug let out a very audible and wet sounding pop as the bug was squished like an over filled grape. No sooner had he popped the little bug then it burst into a small cloud of data and ones and zeros and then faded out.

"Ugh he said as he pulled himself out of his bed and rubbed the bite mark on the back of his head, feeling the sting. He pulled his figners away to check for blood, feeling relief when he found none. "Should not have left the window open" he thought to himself as he walked over to the window.

He pulled the glass cover shut and pulled the curtains closed, giving another grumble to how tired he still felt as he padded his way back to his bed and slipped himself back under the covers.

"Not looking forward to tomorrow he said to himself as he pulled the sheets over himself and cradled his head against hte pillow, feeling that bug bite throb against him as he drifted back to sleep.

DRS Character Biographies

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Commission - To Survive the Night

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Oath to Order 3

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