Middle School: Locker room Love

Story by SenSen on SoFurry

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#2 of Middle school

Ok story 9 this time Sen gets a little bunny tailhole so please enjoy and leave a comment


As Sen looked down at the wriggling bunny butt underneath his grasp he imagined his member going ina nd out making Kyle moan and whimper in delight. Meanwhile Kyle was still struggling trying hard to escape and trying hard to hide his aurosal that his briefs failed to hide.

Sen proceed to take charge with Kyle and whisper into his ears. "Stop struggling and I'll go nice on your cute ass." Kyle whimpered and replied. "Why are you doing this?!" Sen didn't reply as he repeated his order. Kyle decided to stop his fruitless struggle and enjoy what his captor was going to do with him.

Once Kyle stopped his pointless struggle Sen let him go and then turned him around to get a look at his face. He saw that Kyle was scared but by the small tent in his briefs Sen knew he was enjoying the excitment of it all. With determined eyes he looked over the bunny and really liked what he saw. Leaning forward he slowly entagled his own lips with Kyle's.

Kyle froze as Sen kissd him and not in a quick emotionless one but one that was deep and loving. Kyle lightly murred into the kiss making his memebr grow stiffer which by now he didn't care that Sen could see it. If fact he wanted Sen to see how turned on he was. When Sen broke the kiss Kyle looked over Sen and he smiled and blushed a little. "Maybe...maybe I'll enjoy him as my first." he thought.

Sen broke the kiss and looked down at Kyle who was blushing and had a goofy grin on his face it was at this point the painful memories came back making Sen zone out.

He saw the fox so innocent and sweet then he met the friendly bull. The two became close friends until that one damn night when his so called "Friend" tied him down and used him like a worthless street whore. The pain was unforgettable the feeling always burned. the once innocent sweet fox was turned into a tough guy looking out for his own ass.

Sen remembered it all and when he took another look at Kyle, who was still blushing and waiting patiently, his mind raced his heart felt like it was skipping beats the pain was coming back and Sen felt it. It hurt so much and nothing could stop it. That was until Kyle made a move and stood kissing Sen just as deep and romantic as he had just before. The pain stopped and the momries vanished. Sen was shocked his eyes wide and frantic.

Kyle felt so alive making a move on the fox. He felt his heart race and his member stiffened more. He knew this was right and that there was nothing in the world that could say otherwise. That is until Sen broke this kiss and bent him over the bench ripping his underwear off.

When that kiss ended Sen felt renewed and free. No more pain no more burning just freedom and pleasure. He was gonna fuck Kyle but unlike the bull who raped him. Sen was gonna make this Bunny enjoy this fuck. A nice slow deep one. One that cried for passion and tenderness. Seeing the tight tailhole bent over and exposed made Sen growl hungrily again as he slide his jeans down unveiling his six inches of foxhood. He then proceed to trace Kyle's tailhole making him gasp and wriggle about.

The feeling was amazing as Kyle felt Sen's foxhood trace and prod his virgin hole. He gasped and twitched in anticipation for the fuck. At this point he didn't care if it hurt he just wanted Sen to be his first sinc he was the only one to show him passion and love instead of just dominence. When he felt his ring start to stretch he held his breathe and grunted with pain.

The feeling was fantastic as Sen slipped his cock into the cute and grunting bunny. When he felt himself push past the ring he slowed his entrance letting Kyle get use to the size. Sen was amazed that kyle didn't scream or cry out but he could feel the discomfort in how tense Kyle's body was. He sighed and smiled as he reached around to find the Bunny's little four inch member standing out. He took hold of it recieving a moan and started stroking and pumping it.

Kyle writhed and moaned as Sen mastrabated his little cock. The pain was alot but the pleasure was to overpowering to worry about the pain and soon he relaxed allowing Sen to slide more of his member in. Kyle moaned and sighed as he felt his ass become full with fox and grunted holding back his release as the fox played with him.

The two maoned in pleasure and soon the musk coming from both of thier hot slim bodies sent them into a high that made Sen go back into his animal insticts and he began to mercilessly fuck Kyle hard who in turn cried out and called out Sen's name and begged him to go deeper and harder. Sen complied and doubled his efforts, strking down deep and hard rubbing up against Kyle's prostate making him scream and writh more then ever. Soon his knot formed and was slamming into Kyle then ripping out making the Bunny scream and moan. However when the knot entered for about the tenth time it swelled big enough it stopped coming out so Sen was restricted to do nothing but short powerful humps. They both panted near orgasm and Kyle was first to go as he bucked into Sen's soft paw and shot out a tiny load that made his body clench up. With the feeling of Kyle's already tight ass become tighter it pushed hiom over the edge as he released a huge load into Kyle who moaned and came again into Sen's waiting paw.

When the frenzy finally passed by with the two sweating and breathing heavily, Kyle went and asked. "Does this mean....that I belong to you?" Sen took a minute before answearing. In his head he thought about how this would end up and soon replied. "Only if you would like to be mine." To This Kyle laughed and nodded. "Of course...Sen I wanna be your sexy bunny." Sen laughed and smiled. "Fine..Kyle from here on out your ass belongs to me." Kyle murred and looked back with a grin.

They laughed and smiled at eachother for a few minutes until the bell rang again and the locker room doors opened.


There story 9 is now done I hope you all enjoy about my new couple. Please comment.

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