
Story by SenSen on SoFurry

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Okay story number 6 and im getting into the trend of having a clean story then the Yiff so that will be how I write from now on!! If you have a problem with that kiss my tight furry fuckable ass >.<

Thanks Shadow and Kuri for the use of thier Furs I love them both!!


Sen awoke on a large soft bed that had many pillows and a few heavy blankets which he had covered himself with. Sen sighed and adjusted himself then sat straight up and looked around. "Where.....What?" he said aloud. His mind raced for he didn't remember at all how he got into this bed. He then looked around to see a dresser a closet and right next to the bed was a small desk.

Then a smell caught his nose and he looked over at the desk and saw a plate with a few cookies on it along with a note. Sen happily grabbed one and then read the note as he munched away on his breakfast. The note was from Shade saying that he had to go to town and that Shadow and Kuri would take care of him. The last part bugged Sen since he knew that his thong was still in the living room somewhere and he didn't want the girls to see him naked.

He sat there for awhile thinking on what to do when a movement caught his eye. He looked over and saw Kuri, she had red fur still but the white was dyed grey with light brown strips running down from her head to the tip of her tail. She stood at the door wearing only a grey tanktop with matching grey panties. Sen noticed that her breasts filled the shirt nicely.

"Well well looks like the brats awake finally." she said in a playful voice that made Sen smile a little. She walked over and sat next to Sen and smiled. Sen pulled the covers up so she wouldn't see his naked body. Kuri giggled and then pulled the covers down exposing the little white fox. Sen gasped and tried covering himself which didn't work as Kuri laughed.

"Don't worry little one I've seen Shade naked before so your no different." she sadi with an impish smile that made Sen blush. She then sttod up and walked over to the dresser and opened a drawer and thne threw something at Sen. He caught it and looked at the object then blushed when he noticed it was a black thong with a pink heart stitched across the crotch area and in black writing inide the heart said. "Kuri's Bitch"

Sen stared at the thong then up at Kuri who giggled and the left saying over her shoulder. "Hurry up before Shadow gets mad." Sen stared at the thong more then blushed as he put them on. Soon he was walking from the room into a hallway that lead to the front door then spit into the living room and what Sen guessed as the kitchen where he heard giggles and quiet moans. Sen slowly walked into the kitchen and looked inside and blushed.

Sen saw Kuri hugging Shadow ,whose fur was still pitch black with blue covering a few areas, she was wearing grey tanktop and panties as well onlt Kuri had her paw inside of Shadow's panties and was nibbling her neck. SHadow in turn was leaning back into Kuri and was lightly moaning and writhing her head back and forth. Kuri then stopped and whispered something and kissed Shadow then turn and sat at the tabl and smiled over at Sen. "Hey Sha lookie here."she said.

Shadow turned andher red eyes looked over at Sen and she blushed. "Oh my....d-did you see all of that?" she asked. Sen nervously nodded then he was dragged by Kuri closer to Shadow. "Shadow then looked closer and saw the panties Sen was wearing. "Oh my....Kuri..." she said blushing more. Kuri laughed then pointed at an empty chair and then lightly pushed Sen. He sat down and soon Shadow set the table with a nice solid breakfast of eggs, sasuage, waffles and milk. The meal started quiet as everyone ate then near the end of the meal Kuri smiled at Sen.

"Uhm...may I help you?" he asked and Kuri laughed then looked over at Shadow. "Hey baby." she said. Shadow looked over at her and smiled. "Wanna know something?" she continued and SHadow slowly nodded and looked at her lover with curios eyes. Kuri smiled and giggled. "When I heard Sen cry out in his climax and moaned I was thinking Shadow moans way sexier then that." Shadow dropped her utensils and covered her face which was visibly bright red through her black fur.

Sen also blushed since Kuri was bringing back memories of last night. Kuri laughed and finished off her plate then put it in the sink. She walked towards the living room and as she passed Shadow,who as getting up to clean the dishes, Kuri reached out and slpped her ass making Shadow jump. "Kuri!!" she yelled bright red and she glared at her now laughing lover as she left the room. Shadow sighed and went to finish the dishes and mumbled aloud. "I can't believe that I'm marrying her so soon."

Sen was shocked to her Shadow say that and turned and stared at his masters sister. "Your engaged?" he asked and Shadow turned with a smile and nodded. Sen blushed and smiled back and then stood up and handed his plate over to Shadow who quickly washed it and set it to dry. She turned and looked down and bent over to kiss the top of Sen's head. During this action her shirt slipped and her breasts fell out and into Sen's face. Niether of them moved and they were both blushing.

Shadow talked first. " Sen....I'm so sorry." she then grabbed her breasts and tucked them back into her tanktop and stood back a bit. Sen just froze and was a bright pink as he didn't know what to do. He didn't find her all that attractive since he was gay but his brother Zack always told him to respect a woman body. So when niether of them talked for awhile again Sen stepped back and whispered. "I'll be in the living room with Kuri." he said. Shadow nodded and stood there blushing still.

Sen made his way to the living room to find Kuri sitting on the couch snoozing. Her eyes were closed and her chest was rising and falling. Sen sighed and walked over and sat down next to the sleeping wolf she stirred a little but didn't wake up. Sen smiled and relaxed and looked again atthe thong he was wearing. The writing in the heart was just embaressing since he didn't belong to Kuri but the writing said otherwise. Soon however Kuri soon woke up and looked over at Sen. "Hey there little brat." she joked again. Sen rolled his eyes and stuck his tounge out.

Shadow then walked in and sat down next to Kuri and kissed her lightly. 'Hey sexy.."she said with a murr. Kuri smiled and scratched Shadows ears. They then started making out and before Sen could move his foot was pinned under the mass of lesbian love. He didn't mind it until Kuri ripprd Shadows' shirt off and then moaning was heard.


YeaYea I know nothing really happening here well im sowy I want Lesbo action before I get into feelings.

Families (continued)

Hey everyone its Yiff time again this time Shade takes Sen on the couch while the girls watch. I know kinki huh well anywya thank you Shadow and Kuri for the use of thier characters and plz enjoy my Yiff...

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Hehe okay this is my foruth story everyone this one is clean but will have a follow through like last time Sowry all. Again thank you Shadow-Wulf19 for...

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Happy Life (continued.)

Okay this is a continuation of Happy Life this is the Yiff scen I left off at. Again I thank Shadow-Wulf19 for allowing me her fursona...

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