
Story by SenSen on SoFurry

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Hehe okay this is my foruth story everyone this one is clean but will have a follow through like last time Sowry all. Again thank you Shadow-Wulf19 for fursona

The rain and winds picked up becoming ever more distructive. The streets of Pinewood were empty and the trees danced away as they drank all that fell on them. Amongst all the closed building due to the rains a single icecream shop still had it lights on and was open. Inside two brothers sat looking out the window and talking to one another. One was a tall brown wolf who wore black pants and a black shirt with a pink stripe on it. On the corner of his shirt was a name tag that read Zack. Next to him on another stool in front of the counter was a white fox who wore a simple t-shirt and jeans.

"Alright alright one more okay." Zack said as he got up and walked around the counter. He grabbed a cone and scoop and put a peach flavored icecream scoop on it then returned to his stool and handed the cone over to his little half brother. The little fox grabbed the cone and thanked his rother then happily licked away looking out the window again.

"I wonder where he could be?" the fox asked aloud. Zack sighed and laughed a little. "I don't know Sen but looking at this weather its not hard to guess that he's being careful getting here." The little white fox,Sen, sighed and nodded and looked bak at his brother while licking his peach flavored ice cream. He then thought about who he was waiting for.

He was thinking of Shade the very tall black and blue wolf with a well muscled body. Ever since that one day a few weeks ago when Shade took his virginity they became close and soon dated. It was a great relationship and Sen loved being dominated by the tall wolf. It wasn't just the sex he dominated in it was everything from kissing to just holding hands Sen let Shade be in charge. Shade always made Sen feel comforatable and made sure he smiled all the time. That was why Sen loved his new boyfriend.

It wasn't long until the doors opened and the little bell rang telling the brothers that someone had walked in. Sen smiled and jumped down from his stool and ran over and hugged the dripping wet Shade who was smiling and leaned down to accept the hug from his litte fox. Shade was very tall and made Sen look like a small child even though Sen was a young teenager. When Sen hugged him they giggled and Sen offered him some of his ice cream which Shade glady took and finished it off.

"Mmmmm but not as good as you little one." Shade said with a wink making Sen blush and Zack giggle a little. When Shade stood back up Sen saw that his boyfriend was shirtless as usual and was soaking wet. "Shade your gonna catch a cold if you dont wear clothing uring this type of weather." Sen said concerned. Shade laughed and pet the little fox. "But then I can't show off my body to my fox!" Sen blushed again and Shade petted him and walked over to Zack who was happily watching his little brother enjoy his new boyfriend.

"So when should I bring him back? Monday?" Shade asked. Zack shrugged then replied. "Ah whenever really our Parents gave me custody over him so I can do what I want with him." Shade smiled and thanked Zack then whispered to him. "Wanna see what the outfit I got him loos like?" Zack was shocked to hear this but nodded since Sen was talking about something like that for awhile now. Shade smiled then called Sen over and took him to the back room where there was a few noises.

A couple of minutes later Shade walked out with a smile and Zacks' jaw dropped when Sen came out wearing nothing but a thong and a coller. Sen was a deep red as he walked out and seeing his brothers expression. "How.....D-d-d-do I-i-i L-l-l-look?" he asked. Zach just stared and closed his muzzle then just nodded. Sen blushed even more. Shade laughed and gave Zack a piece of paper. "Our number." Zack took the piece of paper then walked to his brother and hugged him. "Be good Sen." he said. Sen hugged him back and nodded.

They said good bye then the two luvers ran out into the rain and into Shades car. Shade was driiping water agin and Sen felt wierd as the thong was latex and was slippery and felt amazing on his cock. Shade laughed and said something about how it was raining harder then where he came from and started his car. Soon the car was warm from the heater and they began drying off as Shade began driving away from the ice cream shop. Sen looked out his window and saw his brother smiling and waving and Sen did the same.

The drive was peaceful as they drove out of town into the country side. Shade smiled and watched the road as Sen looked around but soon become tired as hours went by and the heater combined with the comfort of the seat made Sen fall asleep. Soon, however, Sen was shaken awake by Shade and was saying. "Wake up little one we're here." Sen lazily opened his eyes and saw a single story house in front of him the light were on and it was still raining.

They made quick work running inside not getting wet amazingly. Sen was then assaulted with thte smells of a roast cooking and giggling from another room. "Hehe care to meet the family?" Shade asked. Sen nodded and took Shades hand and was led into the living room where he saw to female wolves making out on the couch. "Yo love birds I'm back." Shade said playfully. The two girls stopped making out and looked over at Sen and Shade.

As Sen looked at the two female wolves he noticed that one was exactly like Shade only had a large full and soft looking breasts She was also balck and blue while the other one was white and red she had more of a tomboy look but still had wonderful breasts. Both girls looked at Sen and then they cooed in perfect unison. "Awww Shade who is this?" Sen blushed and hid behind Shade who laughed. "Well ladies this is my boyfriend Sen." They both looked at Shade in disbelief.

"No way he is way to young." the white and red she-wolf said. SHade giggled and replied. "He's fourteen Kuri." The white she-wolf, Kuri, blushed and laughed a little. The other she-wolf smiled and stood up. Sen stared in awe in both the fact that she was taler then Shade and that she was wearing the exact same thong Sen was wearing. "So thats wear it wen't Shade you know I hate it when you go through my underwear! But I'll make an aceeption this time with what you made wear it." Shade blushed and said. "Sorry Shadow but I knew that he would look cute in it." Sen just stared at the tall beuty in front of him.

Shadow walked up to Sen and picked him up with ease and then craddled him like a new born. "Aww Shade he is so cute!" Shadow squeled. Sen blushed as Shadow looked over his nearly naked body and murred. She then sat on the couch next to Kuri and they both smiled and tickled Sen making him squel and giggle in Shadows arms.

Kuri giggled and pulled on Sens' thong. "Hehe aww the little guy likes being touched." Sen blushed as he felt his memeber get harder which didn't help with the fact that he was in a lovely ladies arms. Shadow though saw this and blushed. "Kuri stop that its not right he isn't yours." she said. Kuri let go of Sens' thong and sighed. "Fine hatever I'll go check on dinner." She then stood up and walked out of the room. Shade followed her saying." I'll help get things set up." Leaving Sen alone in Shadows arms.

Sen was still blushing but his cock slowly died down and Shadow giggled. "Well now aren't you just adorable." Sen blushed more and cuddled up to Shadow feeling safe and warm in her arms. "Welcome to the family I guess." she said in a cute tone making Sen giggle. She laughed too then Shade came back in and sat down next to Shadow. "Well well stealing my pet are you? he said. Shadow stuck her tounge out at him then handed him over. "I'm gonna go and get him some proper clothing." She said then walked off.

Shade laughed and sat Sen next to him then leaned over and whispered. "Want to break in your new home for awhile?" Sen blushed and didn't answear as Shade unzipped his fly allowing his cock to pop through and then pulled Sens' thong off and positioned him above his member. Sen knew that he was gonna moan and draw attention to them but he didn't care since after all this was his family.

Happy Life (continued.)

Okay this is a continuation of Happy Life this is the Yiff scen I left off at. Again I thank Shadow-Wulf19 for allowing me her fursona...

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A Happy Life

Hey there this is my Second story and I am giving thanks to my friend Shadow-Wulf19 for letting me use a character of hers. Please enjoy I hope this one is better then my...

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Family Ties

Alright everyone my first story on here be nice lol This story focuses on my RP character Sen whose bio is on my...

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