Happy Life (continued.)

Story by SenSen on SoFurry

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Okay this is a continuation of Happy Life this is the Yiff scen I left off at.

Again I thank Shadow-Wulf19 for allowing me her fursona Shade.

Sen felt alive as his lips tingled togeather with the tall blue and black wolf who towered over his soft white body. What made the moment even worse was the fact that both were only wearing short shorts showing off thier upper bodies. While Sen was small but slim Shade was very tall and was in great shape. The two kissed for a long time until Shade broke the kiss and looked down at the little Arctic fox with lust.

"Sen are you sure you want this?" Shade asked with concern. He knealt down and put his hands on Sens' shoulders. Sen blushed and nodded then felt the wolves hands slide down his soft fur. He yelped a little when he felt Shade wrap his fingers arond the hem of his shorts.

It was a strange feeling having someone else slowly pull down your pants and you let it happen. When Shade lifted him a little and threw his shorts off to the side Sen gasps at how it felt naked with somone else watching. Shade smiled and then pulled his own shorts down. Sen gasped as he saw the large 12 inch monster that hung in front of him.

Shade just smiled and stroked himself bringing his cock at full attention just inches from Sens mouth. Sen whimpered a little and Shade laughed. "Yes little one?" he asked. Sen went a deep red that made him turn pink under his bleach white fur. Shade laughed and then knealt down and kissed him again.

After the kiss Shade asked again is Sen was ready and he nodded. Shade smiled then walked over to the desk and cleared it of what he could then beckoned Sen to come over which he did with no hesitation. Shade then picked him up and placed him on him back atop the desk and opened his legs. Sen blushed and turned his face away as Shade stared at his naked body.Sen felt himself become hard and Shade cooed as all 6 inches slowly rose out into the air.

Sen was a amazingly deep red and Shade smiled then went to the bottem drawer and found the lube that Zack told him of and pulled it out. Sen whimpered when he saw the lube and his eyes went wide. Shade smiled and said softly. "Don't worry little one I'll be gentle." Sen nodded but started to shake from both fear and excitment.

Shade opened the lube and poured a little over finger index finger then poured alot betwenn Sens ass and rubed in against his hole. Sen moaned a little and writhed as Shade worked his finger slowly into Sen. Sen was in bliss as Shade entered a second finger very slowly into his little pup.

"Ohh Sen your so tight and warm." Shade said softly and he slowly finger fucked Sen who in turn was whimpering and yelping. Sen felt Shades finger tickle right by his prostate and he moaned loudly. He then looked over at Shade and said. "Ah....Please....S-s-shade....I can't stand it!" Shade laughed then pulled his finger out and flipped Sen over so that he was on his stomach and his ass was up in the air.

Shade then used alot of lube to coat his entire length. He then placed himself at Sens' hole and pressed lightly into him. Sen gasped as he felt the large thick shaft try to seek entrance into him when he felt the head slip in he cringed a little and cried out. Shade took it very slow sliding all of himself in until the knot stopped him. Sen was in a mixture of pleasure and pain as Shade slowly lid it all in when he felt the knot stop he sighed and whimpered in delight at how full he was.

Shade moaned a little as he pulled out only to thrust in again. Sen cried out but soon his cries became moans and commands to Shade to thrust harder into him.Shade followed with no complaints and was soon ramming hard into Sen moaning loudly and grunting. Sen was in heaven feeling his prostate twitch as Shade slide pass it with a tempo that was rising. Soon they were both moaning loudly and Shade was ramming into Sen hard nearly tieing with him.

"Ah...Shade....uhm........ah...I'm....gonna ....CUM!!!" Sen yelled and this sent Shade into a frenzy and he rammed his entire shaft including his kntot deep into Sen and continued fucking hard. Sen cried out and gripped the sides of the desk and felt his ball tighten with seed and pleasure. It a matter of seconds he cried out and erupted in climax and his seed launched all over the desk and his stomach. This made his anal ring tighten making Shade cry out an fire his load deep into Sen and his gut visibly grew full of Shades seed. Sen groaned at how full he felt with Shades seed all warm and slick.

After a few minutes of a daze Shade pulls out of Sen with a loud pop with his knot. Sen moaned as all of Shades' seed rushed out coating his ass and thighs with warm cum. Both were panting heavily and Shade picked up Sen and walked over to the couch in the corner and layed down spooning Sen. "Aww you were great Little one.* Shade said softly petting Sen head between his ears. Sen in response whimpered lightly in a tired way. Shade laughed and pulled Sen close to him.

"Even though he's younger and petite in height he is cute." Shade thought rubbing Sen's chest. The young Fox moaned and scooted closer to the tall wolf who laughed. Soon though both started to drift of into a deep and needed sleep both with smiles on thier faces. Sen though had other plans when he awoke with his wolf.

A Happy Life

Hey there this is my Second story and I am giving thanks to my friend Shadow-Wulf19 for letting me use a character of hers. Please enjoy I hope this one is better then my...

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Family Ties

Alright everyone my first story on here be nice lol This story focuses on my RP character Sen whose bio is on my...

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