Life in a middle school

Story by SenSen on SoFurry

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#1 of Middle school

Ok ok I know if you have read them I'm repeating but this wis my 8th story hope you enjoy. If it seems kinda bad I am sorry I have been dealing with a few personnal problems and have been out of it but thanks to a certain fan of mine Im getting back on this horse.


Kids were screaming and forming into large groups in the middle of the just cleaned hallway. Teachers fresh from summer break had smiles and were very active with the students and people were getting back togeather. This was Leofelds Middle school and it was the starting year of a young red fox. His name was Sen and he had pale blue eyes with a slim body that was toned. He wore a black t-shirt with a pare of simple blue jeans. He silently walked down the hall with a piece of paper with his classes in his hand.

As he walked down the hall he saw a couple making out while thier friends talked around them. Sen's ears and tails dropped and he looked away. "Like it means anything" He said to himself as he picked up his pace. He turned around a corner and slammed right into some and he stumbled back. "Ow...Hey are you ok?" he asked.

He looked down to a young golden bunny who dropped his books and was crawling around trying to pick them up. "Oh shoot...." the bunny said without paying any attention. As he crawled on the ground Sen noticed that the bunny was wearing a tight pink shirt and short jean shorts. Sen stared at the white fluff of tail right above the bunnies but with a smile and then knealt down and helped pick up a few books while the bunny grabbed the rest.

When they stood up Sen presented the books to the misfortunate girl. However Sen was in for a shock as the bunny turned around and was a boy. "Thanks I swear i hate these crowded hallways don't you?" Sen nodded slowly still staring at the Bunny. The Bunny grabbed his books and held out his paw. "Kyle is my name..whats yours?" Sen slowly rabbed the paw and shook it. "S-Sen" He looked into the sky blue eyes of Kyle and he saw an innocense in them that reminded him of someone he use to know.

After a few minutes Kyle looked at the piece of paper. "Are you lost?" he asked. Sen cocked his head then looked at the piece of paper in his paw. "Oh...yea kinda." he replied. They both laughed a little and the Kyle offered to show him to his class.Sen showed him the sheet of paper and Kyle smiled. "Cool...we have gym togeather." he said as he handed the piece of paper back. "We also have all th same classes too." he pointed out. Sen smiled and laughed a little, but in his head he said to himself. "Don't get attatched again." the thought repeated itself.

Soon the bell rang and Kyle led the way. He talked about how this school raan itself and which teachers were cool and which weren't Sen wasn't paying much attention he just grabbed Kyle at certain points to stop him from running into someone. When they finally reached the gym they walked inside.No one was there which didn't stop Kyle from walking into the locker room. Sen followed into the empty room where the only sound was Kyle grabbing cloths.

He walked back and handed Sen a shirt and shorts. "Try them on." he said with a smile. Sen smiled back and nodded. Kyle then turned to a locker and opened it and then proceeded to strip off his shirt. Sen stood there ad strared at the smooth slim body that Kyle had. The way Kyle's spine curved and the flexing on his small arms and legs made Sen start to pant a little. Kyle turned and looked over. "You ok? your like red and breathing hard." Sen nodded and replied. "Yea I'm fine". Kyle shrugged and then pulled down his shorts.

Sen stared and he couldn't handle it anymore he set his cloths down and then walked up behind Kyle who was adjusting his grey underwear. Sen then reached under Kyles arms and locked then behind his head and bent him over. Kyle yelped and tried to get free but Sens hold was strong. Sen then looked down and growled hungrily at Kyle's cute round ass.


Okay I think Im back and will be writing more...please leave a comment those really do help and get me interested so I write more.

Couples (continued)

Alright this one may be short mainly cuz this is the last story involving Shadow,Kuri and Shade. Don't fear however for I have a few others I'm writing stories about. I'm gonna start firt with my Herm Misstress Dutchy but that will be a later...

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Okay story number 6 and im getting into the trend of having a clean story then the Yiff so that will be how I write from now on!! If you have a problem with that kiss my tight furry fuckable ass \>.\< Thanks Shadow and Kuri for the use of thier Furs I...

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Families (continued)

Hey everyone its Yiff time again this time Shade takes Sen on the couch while the girls watch. I know kinki huh well anywya thank you Shadow and Kuri for the use of thier characters and plz enjoy my Yiff...

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