Couples (continued)

Story by SenSen on SoFurry

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Alright this one may be short mainly cuz this is the last story involving Shadow,Kuri and Shade. Don't fear however for I have a few others I'm writing stories about. I'm gonna start firt with my Herm Misstress Dutchy but that will be a later story.

So Please enjoy the last Shadow-Sen story


Sen was trying hard to get his leg free but could't under the combined weight of the two wolves. He continued to try and remove himself but still to no avail. Kuri however did't seem to notice the small struggling fox as she pulled Shadows tanktop off and then nibbled her neck recieving a loud moan from her fiancee'.

"Mmm Shadow you taste sexy and hot." Kuir murred as her paws reached up and massaged Shadow's exposed breasts. Shadow moaned and held Kuri's wrists in place. Kuri snickered and nibbled on Shadows neck again sending her into anothr wave of moans.

Soon it became hot as Kuri slipped a paw free and slowly traced a nail down to Shadow's panties. SHadow gasped and looked up at Kuri blushing smiling. "You tease." she said. Kuri just laughed and slowly slipped her paw into Shadow's panties and rubbed Shadow's sweet, now dripping wet, lips. Shadow groaned and writhed under Kuri as she rubbed Shadow's cunt and teased by barely sliding her finger in before pulling out. "Kuri you...ahh...please stop teasing!" Shadow cried out as her back arched and she shook her head side to side.

Kuri again laughed and then nodded and complied shoving two finger into her lover making her squel and moan loudly. Shadow was moaning and bucking her hip up giving Kuri the chance to slide her panties off leaving Shadow fully naked humping Kuri's paw and raising her soft tight ass making Kuri growl with lust and domination.

This moment lasted for awhile before Kuri finally decided to push Shadow over the edge by biting down on Shadow's hard pointed purple nipple. Shadow cried out and her body locked up as she went into an orgasm. Kuri smiled and kept suckling on Shadow's nipple and fingering her noew wet and tight cunt making Shadow scream and writh into another climax. Sen watched and continued to get free not wanting to watch these two since he wasn't ever really into girl on girl stuff so it was alien and uncomforatable to him.

When Shadow fell back to earth she looked at Kuri and smiled and leaned up kissing her. Kuri murred and kissed back thrusting her finger into Shadow still. The with her other paw she took her own tanktop off and then her panties as well leaving her fully naked and horny. Shadow took advantage of this and reached out and pinched Kuri's nipples making her moan. "Ahh...Damn you sure do know how to make me moan like a slut Shadow." she said panting. Shadow smiled but soon arced her back again moaning as Kuri added another finger and was rubbing her clit between her thumb and forefinger on her other paw.

This lasted for a few minutes before Kuri adjusted her body so that they were in a 69 position. Shadow immeadiatly started to finger Kuri's cunt and lick her ass. Kuri moaned and did the same to Shadow making her moan as well. They continued on with thier love making while a certain forgotten fox finally freed himself from the confines of the two sexy and horny wolves. He then looked at them and decided to go back to the bedroom and wait for Shade to come home. Who immeadiatly walked in the door and playfully picked up Sen who yelped in surprise and ran to the bedroom.

Kuri and Shadow were to busy to notice the humble kidnapping of Sen by Shade as they continued thier sexual acts on eachother cunts and asses. Shadow was going on her third climax and she screamed as she hit it. Kuri was panting heavily as she was on the verge of going out and moaning her orgasm. She held back though and amazingly kept up on Shadow making her cry out and scream in ecstasy as she went from her third orgasm to her sixth in a matter of seconds. Kuri giggled and kept up her assault but then cried out and climaxed as Shadow in one fluid motion shoved three finger into Kuri's tight warm ass. When they mutually took a break panting and sweating Kuri looked down and glared. "You tricky bitch!" she said with a smile. Shadow laughed and then started fingering Kuri in the ass making her groan and bend over allowing Shadow more access. Shadow took the advantage this time and shoved her other three fingers into Kuri's warm wet cunt making Kuri scream out in pleasure.

Mean while in the back room Sen was bent over the bed and Shade had his entire length in the tight litle fox. Sen was blushing and panting as Shade took slow thrusts into his lover. "Welcome to our little family Sen." Shade said with a smile on his face. Sen nodded and moaned as he felt the veins and throbbing of his Master's cock inside his tight foxxy ass. " this what you do all day is fuck?" Sen asked beofre moaning like a slut again. Shade laughed and shook his head. "No we don't little one but we love showing that we care very much for each other." He said driving into Sen again. Sen moaned and panted. "T-t-that makes sense." he said. Shade giggled and continued to fuck his little fox. Sen knew that this was his new life and new family and he was going to enjoy it to the max. He missed his brother Zack whom he later found out married an old girlfriend and live not that far awayand visited. But as night turns into day Sen found himself with his own family who loved him dearly. Soon he was calling Shadow Mama and Kuri Auntie and Shade stayed as Master.



Well thats that for Shadow,Kuri and Shade. Thanks again Mama and Auntie for letting me use your Fursona's it was very fun. To all my fans out there I'll be starting again soon with a new friend but this time Sen is a normal Red fox...Yes I changed his fur...anyway Till next time


Okay story number 6 and im getting into the trend of having a clean story then the Yiff so that will be how I write from now on!! If you have a problem with that kiss my tight furry fuckable ass \>.\< Thanks Shadow and Kuri for the use of thier Furs I...

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Families (continued)

Hey everyone its Yiff time again this time Shade takes Sen on the couch while the girls watch. I know kinki huh well anywya thank you Shadow and Kuri for the use of thier characters and plz enjoy my Yiff...

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Hehe okay this is my foruth story everyone this one is clean but will have a follow through like last time Sowry all. Again thank you Shadow-Wulf19 for...

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