The Ceremony of Dragons: Chapter Four

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#4 of The Ceremony of Dragons

Who is the champion? And just how many of the previous champions will they manage to fuck before collapsing into sleep? Dragons don't dire so easily when it comes to sex...

This is the final chapter of this instalment BUT it looks like we are continuing with a tour after the ceremony with two chapters currently lined up - so stay tuned!

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

The Ceremony of Dragons

Part Four

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Saphira Fafnar

The horde of dragons obediently could do nothing else as the volunteers stepped back into the stands, taking their positions front and centre. Some of the volunteers who had bowed out earlier on sat there also, as no one was required to stay for the full ceremony if they tired or even if they had other needs to tend to, dragons being understanding of one another's cultures and relationships. There was little ruder than actively interfering in the life of another dragon and the punishments for such transgressions could be interesting, to say the least of it.

As the votes were counted, Xigfeldo swung his head obviously back and forth, his grin stretching wider and wider, teeth on show as he bared them. What, after all, was a flash of teeth when he had so much to be pleased about? It was obvious, even then, that there was not a single dragon in the line-up whose marks and, therefore, votes even came close to his, leaving him standing tall and proud above all of them, the clear winner, if not quite yet in name.

But soon. That would be soon.

The votes were counted and Devastos, the previous prince, smirked as he lifted his head, eyes locked onto Xigfeldo. There could have been no other and yet something inside him still surged to know it, heart lifting and muscles tensing in the ecstasy of triumph that had always been his to take.

The youngest of them all at that gathering and ceremony and yet he was the best. His chest puffed out proudly and he didn't even hear Devastos announcing the winner, blood roaring and pumping, wings spreading as he blasted out his victory in a roar that would have been deafening if not for the sheer scale and grandeur of the stadium. A rainbow of colours, interspersed with black, the dragons that had given him the aphrodisiac ability that had served him so well over the years, rose to the air, a shivering mass, every member of which congratulated him for ascending to such heights. He may have been standing on the stadium floor, head raised, but he stood above them all, wing-beats pounding like the tenor of drums, keeping to a rhythm that only the hearts of dragons understood.

Xigfeldo could not resist another roar, spreading and bending his forelegs, neck shooting forward into that traditional, draconian stance, although there was no threat in his position as he blasted out his victory. Triumph! Success! It was all his and, oh, how he had taken it!

Calling them to order, Devastos called out the scores, working from the lowest to the highest. Despite there being no true shame in being the lowest, no one wanted to be down that end of the line-up and they slunk away with their tails sheepishly lowered, heads tilted with a blush, although no one could complain all that much about all the sex they had received and the experience would serve them well in future times. The ones that came closest to Xigfeldo, a stunning, violet dragoness and a drake with a blocky, chunky muzzle set against gold scales, glared at him, their chance to ascend to a higher status snatched from their claws. It was all in fair play, however, and Xigfeldo had won his right to be the prince or princess fair and square; they had no true reason to feel as if something had been taken from them when they had also been competing against each other and the rest of the competitors too.

"Forty-two votes! Xigfeldo is the highest voted in champion and the"

Devastos grinned, tail twitching, strolling down from his lofty perch, wings folded into his back as if he would not bother to spread them in such otherwise droll company.

"Now... To conclude your victory... I shall take you!"

It was tradition to be taken first by the previous ceremony's prince or princess but Xigfeldo still shivered deliciously, scales giving him an oddly 'rattling' sensation, although they could not lift from his body like those of other species could, often to release heat. No, his body was all about keeping heat in but something told him that he would not be chilled at all with Devastos' fiery body keeping him comfortably warmed from the inside out.

The crowd cheered but all the two dragons saw was one another as the other competitors left the stadium, no one noticing the other previous winners entering the fucking floor, so to speak, of the arena. They would play their part but Devastos had waited a decade to come to the forefront to claim and spend his seed at the ceremony once again and he would have Xigfeldo all to himself regardless of their wants and desires for the wanton, rampant breeding that was sure to continue between them all long, long into the night and days after.

"I hear you know my brother," Devastos chuckled, cock slipping out of his cloaca, although the red dragon was, very clearly, all male. "He says you're good. And what an honour it was for you to take his virginity... Twice!"

Chuckling, Xigfeldo shook his head, his cock matching the red dragon's, although his twitched and pulsed, flexibly slapping back and forth against his own stomach as if he was trying to get himself off without using his cunny. It would have been another move he could have used in his masturbatory show (did it count as such if he was fucking himself?) but, alas, his time to show off his tricks and kicks had come to an end and it was only pleasure to be had going forward. Woe be him...

...Not really.

Xigfeldo licked his lips, circling Devastos, taking him in up close and personal for the first time, hide rippling with muscular tensions and releases that could not help but flutter and pulse in anticipation. Every inch of him was ready for what was to come and he could almost taste the other drake's pre-cum in his mouth, feel his cock slamming into a tail hole... Both of them appeared to be dominant sorts but, well, there was no sense in holding onto one side of being so religiously that there was never any room for other fun too!

"Your brother..." Xigfeldo purred, wings folding down close to his back where they would be best kept out of the way. "He was divine. Your family must have...excellent bloodlines."

A compliment in dragon terms and Devastos smirked, pleased to hear it.

"Yes... Though you turned him female. He kept that form for some time too, I'll have you know."

Ah, their words could have been jousting banter but it was a ploy to sashay closer, tails and bodies swinging, the swing of their ribcages giving way to false bend as they circled. They were not so flexible there but other parts of them were more than flexible enough to wind around partners and the mere brush of Devastos' tail on his shoulder was more electrifying than Xigfeldo may have cared to admit out loud.

"He'll bear me a clutch," Xigfeldo hissed, tongue snaking out against the slightly larger dragon's cheek, teasing and flirting with a wriggle of his hips. "Why don't you give me one? I'm sure your seed will flow quicker and more potently than that of the others... You'll be the one to sire the clutch of this gathering as the champion always is!"

Devastos purred and they traded a draconian kiss, muzzles tipped to the side as their tongues tangled together, writhing and stroking up along the full length of the other. They could not lock jaws like some other animals could but, of course, they saw themselves as far more than the mere creatures on which they preyed, their lust carrying them to the heights of the clouds and down into the sparkling depths of the oceans too. They could go wherever they willed whenever they willed and that was the essence of the power of a dragon, their long lives allowing them to learn more than ever as they renewed their population across the world, spreading their wings further and further.

They tussled playfully but there was no true malice in how Devastos and Xigfeldo came together, the silver-black dragon letting out a long, low groan as he was penetrated, a cock driving up deep inside his cunny. Devastas had chosen to penetrate his feminine half but, face to face with Xigfeldo on his back, the 'bottom' dragon was neither to be taken advantage of or trifled with as he growled and rolled them over, taking his rightful place on top and riding Devastos' cock as if his life depended on it. No longer did he have anything to prove when he had proven all that there was to prove.


His hiss was lost in the roar of approval from the crowd, every dragon present stomping and flapping their wings - that was, if they hadn't already devolved into sexual debauchery and the important business too of egg-making. Sure, there was a pleasure in taking a tail hole or getting one's slick rod sucked off but there would never quite be anything like breeding for the purposes of procreation, the rippling pulse of milking muscles or, conversely, driving, pounding, devastating thrusts of a drake claiming what he was entitled to.

Two dragons who looked like drakes and yet where not heaved together in such carnal passion, their roars rising to the domed ceiling above, although the audience swiftly lost interest in them. There was too much to be enjoyed up there, above it all, as the champions below them howled, past winners clustering around the new one as they took up their desired positions, enjoying and lusting after the sensuality that had always been their birth right. Truly, there was no denying the cries of Xigfeldo too as Devastos succeeded in flipping him back over, pinning him down and powering into him, claws scraping through the dirt as he kicked up dust.


But that was all Xigfeldo's fault as he smirked breathlessly and made Devastos' job more difficult than it had to be, head rolling from one side to the other, his pussy impossibly tight. Of course, he had full control over the muscles there and forced the other dragon to grunt and swear and curse blue murder as he sought to thrust and thrust, pummelling and powering into a male who was, by no means, any weaker than he was but his equal in every way. No, they were champions and the best of the best would take their lust from one another in every way possible, if only because they could. And just why shouldn't they?

The red dragon huffed and Xigfeldo coaxed his cum from him, drawing orgasm after orgasm from that delectably hot length over and over again. There was to be no time limit or set end to their fun as the drakes traded back and forth between them who was the most dominant, Devastos grudgingly laying back to allow Xigfeldo to mount him, which he did with great pleasure. The first thrust of his twitching, jerking cock into his waiting pussy brought orgasm forth in a rampant flood, his testis replenishing themselves within his body even as he climaxed. It was a skill that he took great pride in and one that had served him well during the ceremony, a tale that he would tell to every conquest that came after that time, lust and need driving him on and on into sensuality.

"Well, I think we have your new title now, Xigfeldo," Devastos rumbled with a smirk that he would not hide as the silver-black dragon withdrew, once more, from his dripping pussy. "You're a champion... And you are the princess of this ceremony."

The other dragons, champions and audience alike, roared out their approval as the mark was laid and the deed was done, his title fixed that way for eternity. Other dragons may have felt put out to be called a princess when they identified, predominantly, as male but, truly, Xigfeldo used both parts of his sexual system equally and he could not have thought of a more fitting title as he raised his head high and announced himself with an ear-splitting roar as the new princess.

The other converged on him now that Devastos was finished and he chuckled as a pair of dragonesses nuzzled him down to the ground, one shoving her nose up under his tail to seek out his cloaca, tongue dipping lustfully inside. The other took his head and kissed him deeply, tongues tangling as she explored him, so close so quickly that he barely had a chance to see just who was kissing him, bar the flash of electric blue scales. Her lips fizzed pleasantly against his and he arched back into the dragoness who seemed intent on scoping every drop of semen out of his cloaca, although Xigfeldo was sure that there was already a clutch of eggs seeded in there, waiting to grow and develop the harder shells that they would require to be laid.

That would come in time, however, and the present moment, where his mind was, was for lust and passion, kisses traded, another dragon nuzzling into his sex as two of them at once battled for dominance over his cloaca. They settled it between themselves, one sucking his dick while the other sought out his G-spot within, taking their time with him as Xigfeldo grunted and moaned into a wanton, draconian mount through orgasm after orgasm.

"Come here, new princess..."

Ah, that one he knew: a dragoness with dual genders again, her golden-silver scales gave her the attributes of both species' too and she had won in a similar fashion to him, combining the best of both worlds, as one was apt to do and should do. There was no sense at all in not using what one had been born with, their natural talent, and he admired her tenor in pushing on through the longest ceremony that had ever taken place, spanning a whole five days, which would have been impressive enough in itself if not for how she had tackled the volunteers. Her breeding had been a thing of beauty to watch and the dragoness had conducted herself with an elegant sense of both grace and poise throughout, drawing admirers flocking to her as she, quite literally, took her pick of those who were volunteering for that ceremony.

It was only right that she should want to try out one who had also won their challenge in such style, nuzzling one another briefly in greeting while they had the time and opportunity to do so.

"How is your tongue, princess?"

And Xigfeldo readily showed her, dipping it first into her cloaca to seek out her vent, brushing the teasing indent of her tail hole within before finding the sweet aroma that drew him in so keenly. Her scent thickened with a good dose of cervine-like musk too - it was funny how they had such a close affinity with deer after all the differences in their species - and he purred, letting the subtle vibrations travel into and through her as her breath hitched, massive flanks shuddering.

"Oh... Oh, you are good."

Making use of him, she nudged her cock into his mouth and he dove down on it with raw desire, need pulsing through him. All was born anew after the ceremony and he hungrily devoured her shaft, twitching and twisting - prehensile like his. Of course, he still privately thought that only he could use a prehensile cock to the best of any dragon's ability when the muscular control to do so was becoming more and more common. He could not help but note that she did not try to thrust it into her own sex and took that as confirmation, however privately, that she could not do or put on the show that he had, her cock spurting a hot load into his muzzle as he drank it all down and lapped along her flushed and turgid length for more, always more.

Plunging her tail up under his body into his sex, the golden-silver dragoness laughed recklessly, giddy with lust, fucking him sharply and roughly with that appendage, thicker than a cock and able to stretch him out even more deliciously. Yet Xigfeldo was ready for her and relaxed in time, his folds conforming to the shape of her, scales wonderfully soft and yet stronger than metal, warding off any ill that may have sought to befall her.

"Mmff... You don't give in easily to us, do you?"

Just what Xigfeldo was meant to be giving in to was by the by as he panted and took another shaft into his mouth, losing himself in the moment completely and utterly. The world, the throng of heaving, draconic bodies, around him became nothing more than a blur, one sensation crashing on top of the next, each one demanding dominance and precedence at all times. A slickness on his tail star, the anal bud. The stretch of his pussy, gaping more than it had during the entire ceremony with all the dragons that he'd taken then. A drake kissing the line of his jaw, tongue lapping the vulnerable underside of his neck. And, not to say the least, another dragon suckling on his cock, making it glisten wetly with their saliva before orgasm pumped through him, giving them a taste of just what had won him the title to join their ranks.

Everyone wanted a turn, however, and no one was left wanting as the hybrid dragoness blew him a kiss, tail sliding slickly from his sex. Coated in a thickly scented dose of his feminine juices, she offered her tail to his muzzle with a smirk and he delicately and dutifully cleaned off every last drop, revelling in the thickly tart taste of himself. Flush with self-confidence, he thought that it was no wonder that so many wanted to get their tongues into him when he tasted so good too!

She, however, was too quickly nudged aside by an insistent ferrum-scaled dragon, one who was similar in type to the blues but preferred playing with electromagnetism. Chuckling, the androgynous dragon took Xigfeldo's cock into their mouth, toying and playing with his length as Xigfeldo showed off his abilities, twisting his length back and forth to demonstrate the full scope of how flexible it was. A moan came from around his cock and egged him on but he would not cum too soon, teasing one who sent a sense of delicious unease combined with excitement through him. Electromagnetic fields could have wondrous effects on even normal dragons but he was particularly sensitive to them, shivering into the touch that made his head swim, each delectable suck of his shaft making it harder and harder for him to hold back.

The ferrum-scaled dragon did not speak except to giggle, lighter-coloured eyes delighting, twisting and turning and seeming to take up a static position between every slice of movement. Other ferrum dragons lingered around, perhaps drawn magnetically to one another, and it barely took any movement from him at all to have Xigfeldo spurting and shooting his load into that hot muzzle that seemed to shiver between warm and cold every few seconds - or maybe that was simply Xigfeldo's imagination.

Alas, he did not have too much time to explore with one of the rarer breeds, needing to travel a long way to the ceremony, as a green dragoness with a pink tint along her back smiled and introduced herself, a twinkle in her eye as she made her presence known. Larger and bulkier, she still head a feminine delight to her that the eye could not help but enjoy, hips wide and stomach narrow, wings tightly folded down and out of the way. For the act of breeding, they simply were not needed.

"You'll recognise me," she purred, swinging her tail as she stalked him, head proudly high. "I was the winner the year before this oaf here. And I promise you that my cunt will make you forget the others who came before me entirely..."

That was a challenge that Xigfeldo was keen to find out for himself but the ferrum dragons were already gone and off with someone else, beyond his worry as he rose up over the green dragoness' back, her pheromones tickling his nostrils. They could not control him, the power not being quite as potent as the aphrodisiac of a black dragon, but they were pleasant to inhale over and over again, head swimming and tail flicking as he rammed her full. Staying there, deep inside her, he let out a long, relieved sigh as her innermost muscles went to work on him like nothing he'd experienced before. He may have been the champion, after all, but they still had won in their own ceremonies and were sexually proficient experts in more ways than even he could imagine.

Ah, there was still more to learn for the current princess as Xigfeldo's cock was milked over and over again, depositing multiple loads into the dragoness whose name was later revealed as Yverta, a keen spirit who lived for sex and sex alone. He spent himself into her over and over again, seeding a clutch as he would uncover some time on, and near enough collapsed afterwards, chest heaving and yet his sexual fervour stoked all the more by the mere nature of her presence and ardent pheromones clouding the air in a thick, flowery fog.

The champions took their pleasure with one another repeatedly, princesses and princes joining together in carnal lust wherever it took them. No volunteers were allowed to enjoy the 'after party', so to speak, but they slowly filtered out, casting many a longing glance back at the party that they were not invited to. They would be unlikely to go far, however, if they wanted to spend time with the previous champions too, but that was something for them to decide, one way or another, taking whoever took their fancy. Or not, as it was sometimes.

The worker-dragons dimmed the illumination crystals, sending the cavern into a faux-twilight, simmering everything down for the tail end of a day that had taken everything from them. The dragons would prosper and, with Xigfeldo's seed in the mix, there was no doubt that dragon-kind would spread even further, ruling the globe and coming together with so many other species to improve natural ecosystems and the health of other creatures for the betterment of the entire world. There were still oceans to cross and new lands to explore, new territories to be had, but the dragons would take it all in stride and on the wing with the champion princes and princesses leading the way to fertilise the new worlds in their lust.

Slowly, their sexual activity dropped and dropped, although the last thing Xigfeldo saw before his chin hit the leg of another dragon, tangled up in limbs, was Devastos grinding into Yverta, her mouth open to show the pink cavern within, moan rising to the domed ceiling above. The red dragon was a beast of fury, pounding and driving, eyes half-lidding, smoke roiling from his nostrils as his body over-heated, desperate each time for a release that one would have thought that, eventually, his psyche would have realised was coming. He didn't see Xigfeldo's eyes on him even as they closed, grunting and groaning as he worked to seed the winner who had taken him first the ceremony before.

Exhaling softly, Xigfeldo relaxed into slumber - much-needed at long last.

It was a good image to fall asleep to.


When he woke the following morning - it could have been later than that, all he knew that he was hungry at long last - he found Devastos' cock inside his maw and smirked to himself, drawing it in deeper with his tongue to suckle down his morning treat. It would not be much of a breakfast and not even a snack but it would feed and fuel the lust inside him, push him on to further heights of passion as some of the other winners around him pooled in mounds of scales and tails, cocks jammed into cunts and tail holes, maws spread open already for the next load.

If one had not already known what the ceremony was and why it existed, they would have known right there and then for the champions were the best of the best, the breeders and studs that could rule the land all by themselves. Of course, that would never come to be now that the dragon population was recovering and it was all thanks to them and their ancestors, the very first ones that had shown their sexual dominance in the early days and spread their seed and eggs far and wide. They had done so much for dragon-kind and it was the responsibility of every competitor that came after them to show how thankful for that they were by continuing on in their legacy. Why, even their lines dated back to such ancestors and times were surely changing as territory lines shifted and the ceremony took on a new meaning altogether.

The morning slipped on and they rose together in sexual fervour, Xigfeldo taking his pleasure from Devastos' cock as the drake lumbered off in search of someone else that he needed to spend time with before separating once more. It was clear, however, that they would all come together again before the next ceremony, doing what it was that dragons did best, the newest champion's dick pressing into the slit of a dragoness who simply couldn't get enough of him, moaning and grinding onto his shaft while his mouth was put to work.

Smirking between cock and pussy, Xigfeldo bared his teeth in a raw and ragged feral grin. The princess slipped off his cock, her pleasure taken, but there were still more as he rammed into the green dragoness Yverta's pussy, grinding deep and spending his first load of the day that was, most surely, not going to be his last. One thing was certain, despite the sex that was to come, the drake hardly tired at all as he lusted for each and every dragon around him.

It was good to be the princess!

The Ceremony of Dragons: Chapter One

**The Ceremony of Dragons** **Part One** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Saphira Fafnar_ _ _ _ _ Xigfeldo's heart beat quicker and quicker as they flew to the stadium, the underground cavern where the draconic...

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