The Ceremony of Dragons: Chapter One

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#1 of The Ceremony of Dragons

A dragon fertility ceremony is looking for the best breeders of them all, fucking on public show before an audience of the elders, voyeurs and the previous champions too, of course...

There will be four chapters to this one as the full piece is 20K words and I thought it needed to be broken up into more manageable, kinky chunks! There'll be another chapter up tomorrow for you guys. The tagged pairings show what will be included here. :)

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

The Ceremony of Dragons

Part One

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Saphira Fafnar

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Xigfeldo's heart beat quicker and quicker as they flew to the stadium, the underground cavern where the draconic ritual had taken place for so many years - so many, in fact, that not even he could recall exactly when it had all begun. Every decade, however, all dragons would come together where they were able for the ceremony to prove their worth as competitors and, ultimately, which of them all would be crowned the prince or princess of the ceremony for their mating prowess before the eyes of all that may judge them.

Avilia flew alongside, although his tail hole and cloaca dripped with cum after the larger silver-black dragon had had to relieve himself along the way. They hadn't even stopped to land for their mating pleasure that time, Xigfeldo taking the red drake in his claws and flinging the two of them into a daringly deathly freefall that had both of them wondering for a heartbeat of a moment whether they would crash down into nothingness, an untimely end coming to pass for both of them beneath the soft grey of the clouds. And yet Xigfeldo defied the danger once again, risking it all for the thrill of orgasm, ecstasy pouring into Avilia's needy holes (well, he'd had to add a feminine slit to his cloaca too with the aid of his magic, just to keep things interesting) repeatedly, seeming to have no end.

"Is that..." Avilia huffed, staggering in the air as tiredness claimed his wings. "Is that the mountain?"

He should have known for himself as he was the one who had been a designated message-carrier for this ceremony but the ache in his wings bore him down and Xigfeldo helpfully flew beneath him, buffeting him up gently with gusts from his wings that took a little of the strain out of them. It was just as well that Avilia was too young to partake in the ceremony of young dragons this time around, although there was no doubt that he wanted to, considering the sheer number of his complaints during the entire flight there.

And he could understand that as they approached the mountain, dragon homes set into the rocky face, massive caves begging entry, flocked with draconian life. For his first ceremony, Xigfeldo lunged mentally and emotionally for it, relishing in the memory of all the breeding sessions past that he'd both watched during the course of the ceremony itself and, undoubtedly, undertaken for himself outside the ceremony. Only dragons within a certain age range of a couple of centuries were able to join and it was always the virgins who were up front and centre each and every time. Although he was far from a virgin, he had no doubt in his mind that he would be set to buck that trend, diving into the shadow of the age-old mountain itself, the lower slopes giving way from bare rock to scrawny foliage and, lower still, dense forest. It was a prosperous area and there was no doubt that dragons enjoyed the plentiful prey available there too, the ease of the hunt leaving their minds and bodies free to contemplate the...intricacies of other matters that were so due their attention.

Yet from the base of the mountain, the forest rolled out into sand, the baking heat of the desert seemingly out of place with the sustenance of the forest. And yet there had to be a balance in life for all to thrive and it was out on that sand that glass castles rose, the walls tinted different, glorious shades for privacy and secrecy, although few dragons really utilised them at all when it came to matters that, perhaps, should have been private. Blue dragons were the ones that had the ability to melt and shape sand with their breath, which was just what the castles were, at the base foundation of it all, constructed from - an impressive feat that had even Xigfeldo, who thought that it was more difficult to impress him than that, whistling in admiration. Sunshine slanted through breaks in the clouds, cast off the glory of the glass castles, rising in spires that dared him to fly up to meet their twisted peaks.

That was not all there was, however, a lake to the side of the mountain (from the direction of his flight) begging the eye, a choppy rage in the blustery wind that was picking up. But the wings of so many dragons flocking to the mountain, the site of the ceremony, would do that to the land, although he knew from his past visits there to observe the ceremony that there was an underwater palace there too that connected to the stadium that he would spend at least the next few days in, the valley beyond that boasting floating islands that made one simply want to dance around them in flight, dodging and flirting with the magic that kept them aloft. It was said that the purple dragons had built those but he was sure that it had to have taken more of a silver's magic to keep them held up so serenely, although he would have, of course, had some manner of a bias in that matter, embodying the best of a silver and a black dragon as he did.

There was much to see in the central point of the dragon lands were all species came together in harmony but Xigfeldo still fondly remembered ducking into that underwater kingdom, throes of lust washing over him as he tangled himself up in kelp for the praise and wishes of those there that sought his passion too. Truly, he may have just put himself a little out there but it was all for the sake of a greater fun!

"You'll have to train there for your own ceremony," Xigfeldo murmured to Avilia, once again buoying him up a little so that he did not have to strain his wings too much in the last furlong of the flight. "There are so many wanton dragons down there, maybe they just don't have enough to do in a lake rather than the ocean but they are always up to be entertained. You'd have to please each and every last one of them though if you wanted to stay. A tall order that I'm not even sure that a little dragon like you could do in advance of the ceremony but we can only hope you won't embarrass yourself before all the other princes and princesses..."

Snorting a jet of flame, Avilia shook his head, tail lashing the air.

"I'll be a prince," Avilia huffed, powering on with a sudden burst of strength that only came from the daring trick of pride. "There shall be none that can best my prowess when my time comes! You'll see! But you won't be able to test me then because you'll know all my tricks."

Laughing, Xigfeldo shook his head, their wings angled in a shallow dive, approaching the largest cave mouth on the mountain - wide enough to fit a whole flight of dragons within.

"Oh, Avilia... No, no, no, that shall not be, as I assure you that a princess is more fitting for you, with how you moan."

Avilia opened his mouth, indignant words balanced on the tip of his tongue, but closed it again just as quickly, a blush searing through his scales, cheeks heating up.

"Why, you did moan so sweetly when I took your virginity too," Xigfeldo teased, although there was a lightness in his tone that had only come through after spending more time with the cute red, who he could never quite see as an equal in any sense of the term. "You're not a prince, Avilia, but a princess who just needs her holes filled, bred over and over again. Isn't that right, my sweet one?"

Ducking his head, Avilia grunted and hid but there was nowhere truly to lock himself away, embarrassment seething up softly but in one of the better ways. He didn't mind it, not really, being on the bottom, but there was a raw kind of sensuality to it too that made him feel small and helpless... And it was that that he wasn't all that sure whether or not he liked it as yet. It was, well and truly, up for debate.

There was no time for further talk as they delved through the opening in the mountainside, hardly breaking pace. It was a path they had both flown before and the passage of time in the breeze lifting up and cradling their wings sent them into the belly of the mountain, regardless and unafraid of how the tunnel narrowed drastically at some points. Stalagmites and stalactites rose and fell, dripping with moisture, but there was much more to the cavern system as they jutted off in strange directions, the tunnelers having carved out more and more since Xigfeldo's last visit. It would have been as impressive as the glass castles if not for the fact that he knew too for himself that they had a surplus of dragons there to do the work, hustling for the cause of their species as a whole.

"Follow me!"

Forgetting his tiredness in his excitement, Avilia swept on ahead, leading the way with his lither, lighter form - a body that he still had time to grow into before the time came for his own ceremony. It was fortunate too, particular for Avilia, that a dragon did not only get one chance at the ceremony, able to try again and again until they reached a certain age, although there was not always a reason for one to try again other than the rampant sexual thrills that the stadium itself could contain, if they found the right partners in lust. It was all up for debate on that matter and many others too.

And then they were out - but not really. The tunnel opened up all of a sudden into a colossal limestone cavern set in golden hues of stone, a massive feature that had been carved and hollowed out over many, many centuries before Xigfeldo's time on the earth had even come to be. The scope made even him feel small, the base lined with grass that was tended to by dragons who would, undoubtedly, soon be sorry to see their work become torn up in the heat of mating lust, rocks and logs and even trees too allowing ample obstacles and features on which mating could occur. Although there was no natural sunlight within such a deep cavern, the magic of silver and purple dragons, the best magic users, was what kept the flora alive down there, although the only fauna to be seen was, of course, that of the dragons themselves.

Around the base of the stadium where Xigfeldo diverted off from Avilia to land rose seating after seating, a tower of steps completely encircling the stadium ground so that the competitors could be viewed from all angles at all times. On the highest level resided the seven elders who had come to watch the ceremony, massive beasts whose scales may have become hardened and cracked in places and yet their hearts were wiser than all of those that they bore witness too in the simply salacious endeavour of climbing the bars of lust with every ceremony that came to pass.

Xigfeldo lowered his gaze respectfully from them. He already knew what they looked like, having seen those seven when he was younger and merely watching the ceremonies. But this was the first one during which he had actually been of age, his lust rising and tail lashing as he threw one farewell glance back at Avilia, taking up a good place in the stands to watch, and settled himself down onto the thick, luscious grass to wait.

It was time, at last, for the ceremony to begin.

Or, at least, it would begin shortly, leaving him to cast his eyes over his competitors as the flocked around him, taking up their own space on the grassy floor. Some peacocked and showed off, cocks out and tails up, attempting to intimidate before the challenge had even begun, while others took a quieter place on the outskirts, musing and contemplating what was to come. Although in the middle, where he was supposed to be, Xigfeldo sank into himself, a meditative state that enveloped him in calm, conserving his strength even as his body ached to spill its seed again, need rising with the encroach of such lust.

Right there... He could almost reach out and snatch it up in his claws. Just not quite yet - not yet. He had to be patient, remember what he'd trained for, every partner that he had bred and mated with, all the way back to losing his virginity that fateful day. That had not been the easiest experience but he had come on from that clumsy encounter in leaps and bounds, a dragon who did not differentiate between species when it came to lusts and passions of the body, spilling his seed throughout the land. Despite the fact that the ceremony itself had originally come to be when younger dragons had not met and mated with others of a similar type for breeding so easily, he was sure that he had taken a fair claw in turning that about during his lifetime, seeding more dragons throughout the land that he called his own than any other that dared to even attempt the same claim. And if they thought they had bred and seeded more than him - he'd fuck them too and make them see the error of their ways!

He had to calm down, keep his cool, sit up strong and tall and proud as he waited on the ceremony to begin, the announcer finally ascending the stairs to the podium that Xigfeldo had latched his attention onto each and every time a previous ceremony had come to be. It was the centre of events before things became, well, rather a bit messier, and he hissed keenly through his teeth, drawing the attention of those around them as a little of his acidic breath ability seeped out, stealing between his teeth.

It was time. The announcer threw his head back, calling out his name, as was the way, but Xigfeldo was too wrapped up in the world of beating, driving hearts, his cock trying to edge its way crudely from his sheath right then and there.


"Dragons of all species!" The announcer roared, claws digging into the rock as he tipped forward, jutting out from the spire with his wings raised as if he was about to take flight. "I give you... Our previous champion and prince - Devastos!"

Xigfeldo sat up a little straighter, although he had no real reason to, the red dragon with a jagged edge to his horns as if from battle holding his head cockily high, a little swing and sway to his hips, as he advanced, rolling his stride. Blazing confidence oozed from him even as he walked, heat simmering out from him as he enjoyed their adoration, lapping every last bit of it up. And he had every right to appear arrogant before the dragons that were, in the realm of sexuality, lesser beings than him. Where he had proven his worth and taken the top spot, breeding many others during the ceremony and after it, the rest of them still had to step up to the plate, to show what they had to offer if they were to join him in the ranks of the champions.

"Thank you," Devastos rumbled, standing beside the announcer, who had done his job swiftly and admirably. "I have been called to the front this time to announce and record the ceremony. As you are all aware, it is the parental dragons of each individual taking part in the ceremony that will keep track of the scores. Where no parents are available to mark their offspring's results, another family member will be designated in their place. There is to be no foul play."

Of course, foul play had not happened in many years but that didn't stop the dragons from muttering and whispering amongst themselves, for there were always little tricks and ploys going around, schemes that were surely enough to 'win', if only they ate this plant or that plant. There was nothing that could be used except for magic to drug test dragons for the toxins in certain plants and the like that could enhance their virility and stamina but none had passed the wisdom and rules of the elder dragons as yet and Xigfeldo was confident enough in his own ability that nothing of that sort had even crossed his mind.

He tilted his head back, scanning the crowd, the flat, wide seats taken up by dragon after dragon. Somewhere up there were his parents but they were lost in the crowd where black and silver could not stand out amongst the rainbow of shades, scales glistening in the natural illumination and magical illumination of the limestone cavern. He frowned minutely but he had not been notified that his parents were not there to mark down his scores, so he rested assured in himself that all was well and just as it should have been. They would watch and they would judge their adult son making them proud, he was sure of it.

"Each contestant will have the opportunity to mingle with our volunteers and elders - any who choose to put you through the trials of mateship," Devastos went on, not needing to raise his voice to be heard over the mutters, voice carrying strongly. "If they find you pleasing, they will mark you and, as is the tradition, your scores will then be recorded. We have set a span of seventy-two hours for this ceremony, due to the high number of contestants who have presented themselves here today. The volunteers will rotate in and out as they please to rest and obtain both food and water. There will be no rest for those competing but I am confident that you will all perform...admirably."

Xigfeldo bristled. Was that a hint of a smirk on Devastos' face? Was he mocking him? Challenging him? From such a distance with so many other dragons around, it was difficult enough to understand what he was saying, blood roaring in his ears, heart pounding. Why couldn't they get to it already? Things were moving too slowly, far too slowly, and he hunkered down, a snarl ripping itself from his throat as the dragons around him backed away warily, warned by his presence and understanding that, perhaps, he was not in the best of moods at that time. Although those who did not know him would do well to not underestimate him, that was for sure...

It was impossible to ignore him and, that time, Devastos did lock eyes with him, the yellow orbs of his gaze seeming to glow faintly, although that was merely an illusion. The golden cavern had that effect and some of the other dragons had taken a liking to play with the crystals of illumination set into the walls, but that did not mean that it would have been unnerving to a lesser dragon that Xigfeldo himself. As it was, he tipped his muzzle up in challenge, showing off the gleam of his horns, crest thick and full between them.

He was ready. He'd been born ready.

Devastos raised a brow, the heavy ridge of scales lifting noticeably in curious amusement.

"Looks like we've got a live one down here, folks," Devastos chuckled throatily, shaking his head. "With that, let the ceremony...begin!"

The Joust

**The Joust** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _A YCH round for Silver, Gabriel Clyde and Madoc_ _ _ _ _ "Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!" The crowd chanted, all manner of furs stomping and clamouring for the next bout of the joust, the...

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Calling the Storm God

**Calling the Storm God** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by anonymous_ _ _ _ _ The vixen paused on the edge of the encampment, although it was better decorated than she could have imagined on hearing about the anthro...

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