The Ceremony of Dragons: Chapter Two

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#2 of The Ceremony of Dragons

The ceremony has begun and Xigfeldo must breed and show off his skills to all who want to enjoy and lust after his scales, dominating and submitting in turn for the ultimate, mutual pleasure...

There will be four chapters to this one as the full piece is 20K words and I thought it needed to be broken up into more manageable, kinky chunks! There'll be another chapter up tomorrow for you guys. The tagged pairings show what will be included in the full story and all chapters now. :)

This story has been available for early reading one to two months ago on Patreon and SubscribeStar (SubscribeStar contains extreme content)! Please check the tiers on the following links if you would like to support!



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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

The Ceremony of Dragons

Part Two

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Saphira Fafnar

It was chaos, complete and utter chaos. The dragons came together with roars and squeals, separating out as the volunteers flooded them, bodies heaving together in carnal lust. Xigfeldo sucked in a breath, eyes sweeping back and forth - should he catch a volunteer and seduce them to breed him? It was difficult to know where to go with so much going on but he had to try and already there was a beautiful, silver goddess of a dragon stalking up to him with a swing to her hips that called him in, tail enhancing her motion tenfold.

Swallowing hard, he grinned and tipped his head, inviting her in with the spread of his claws, cock jutting out wantonly. It was time to show them what he was worth and then some.

"I've heard about you..." She purred, wriggling her hips as she swayed up to him, light glittering off her beautifully silver scales. "You're the one that everyone's talking about. But I'm not convinced."

"Then you'll have to find out for yourself, won't you?" He answered saucily, rearing up onto his hind legs so that she could take in the full display of his luxuriously garbed body, trying to get the silver in his scales to be highlighted just a little more. "I'm here to be tested, m'lady."

It was a taunt that he tried to address her so formally when things were less than formal between them, her cloaca flushed and ready for his attention, although he could not see as yet whether she contained both a cock and a vent as yet. Her feminine sweetness, the lines of her body, could not be denied, however, and he treated her as a lady as she eyed him all over, stalking him in a tight circle, although he was still not one to be put on the back foot even in the most trying of situations.

"Name's Alyssa," she said, smirking as she looked down on him, although it truly was impossible for anyone to be at all above Xigfeldo. "And I will be the first to try you."

They came together carnally, snapping and snarling and fighting for the top position - and not even Xigfeldo was so far gone in his want to win that he would submit to her. He trembled with barely restrained passion, grunting and lunging for her, teeth around the base of her neck even as Alyssa pulled for her magic, his influence swatting it away from her claws every time she mentally reached for it.

"Oh, you have some skills now, do you, young one?"

Rolling onto her back, she allowed the drake on top of her, submitting as well as a creature of her stature was able to. Her eyes gleamed with a fresh hint of respect and he didn't waste any time at all slamming into her pussy, tearing up the ground beneath them as his claws cut through and she howled out her ecstasy, desperate already for more.

"Yesss... You are as good as they say! Fuck me then - fuck me hard!"

He wouldn't have wanted to disappoint her, the tip of his cock burrowing deep, seeking out the source of her essence, how hard he could go, heaving and gasping and pounding, a creature driven by pure lust along. The moans of fellow competitors filled the air, stretching across the entire width of the stadium, and still there were more and more volunteers pouring down the stands where the audience was to sit, taking their leave in enjoying the competitors and trying them all out for themselves. But Xigfeldo was only concerned about the dragoness before him, begging him for the brutally demanding strokes that he hadn't unleashed in so long...

Not even Avilia could bear through how he fucked her, changing the shape of his cock with his magic, showing her just what the very best of silver dragons could do. There was no telling who was who as they hammered together, each one hissing louder and louder, demanding attention, a silver, frenzied blur coming together over and over again. He forced his body to shift, changing shape and calling on the ridges that could be brought to life along his length to pulse into her, plumped up thick and full and hard, jammed against her G-spot as he slammed in, drawing a scream from her muzzle as he forced her over the edge into climax - one that she had truly not been expecting for at least a few more strokes.

Head spinning, she gasped, emotion and ecstasy ploughing over her in turn. Was he really that good? By the dragon lords themselves! Alyssa panted and heaved, sinking back into the grass, ultimately submitting to him as he overpowered her, his form looming, teeth flashing in a draconic smirk, lust rising higher and higher as he ground into her, their sexes pressed together, fleshy yet still scaled 'lips' strained around genitalia that had to come into the nuances of passion at all costs.

His teeth grazed her throat, a carefully calculated nip. And it was then that she knew that he had her right where he wanted her, pinned and submissive, lusting after the might of a greater dragon at all costs. And maybe one of the costs there was another orgasm from Alyssa's lust-addled mind: by all counts, a fair trade.

Rumbling a growl, Xigfeldo licked her neck, drawing another teasing shudder from her, scales shivering.

"Do you submit?"

As if it needed to be said. And yet he made her say it anyway, dragging his tongue down her neck as she grunted, shuddering and twisting her hindquarters, but he already made her want his seed so desperately that one little word wasn't going to make her feel worse by any means...

"Yes..." She growled, eyes half-lidded, magic flaring and dying as he forced her beneath him, clamped down despite resistance. "Yes, I submit to you... Now, fuck me properly!"

It was all part of the challenge of dragons and he pounded her with raw ferocity, other dragons even moving away to give them space, so rampant was their lust. Driving a furrow into the ground itself with her body, Xigfeldo barked a short, harsh laugh and pounded her cunny for all he was worth, hankering for that orgasm that was not all that elusive when it came right down to it - not anymore, at least. She didn't contract her muscles around him as he had become used to with dragons but he flooded her with his magic, stars sparking throughout her body, an electric charge that may have been better suited to a lightning storm, lighting up the splendour of a stormy night sky.

And Alyssa climaxed again right there on his cock as that familiar rush of orgasm pushed upon him, lifting him up and slamming him back down again with the need of a being far greater than himself. He snarled and kept on fucking her through his climax, the scales covering his internally held testis trembling lightly as if his body could not contain the tenor of such a powerful orgasm. Shot after shot of cum filled her and he was keen to use a little of his magic there to make quite sure that not even a single drop escaped her, flooding her cunny and even forcing the passage to swell a bit as it tried to find a way through the tight barrier into her womb. Not all of it, of course, could seep into her without the aid of magical intervention and he exuded, on the sly, just a little bit of his oil too, the aphrodisiac that had served him so well during the course of his many prior adventures too.

Purring softly, she pressed her muzzle to his even as the drake's cock reluctantly slipped from her vent, dripping with her juices, a thick cream of his cum lingering on the length as if it was loathe to leave.

"Mmm... So, you are as good. You have my blessing, Xigfeldo."

Her sticky marking plastered itself to his stomach, close to his cloaca, and he rumbled his thanks to her, tongue hanging out as he panted. He hadn't fucked anyone with that much roughness in many moons but, oh, it was so good to be able to do that again, taking charge and control and dominating with every last muscle and nerve-ending in his body screaming all the while for more, so much more...

Another dragon bopped his chin on his hindquarters, a quiet invite for something more seductive, and he struggled to stay still, wanting to see who was there, as Alyssa pressed her cloaca to him, marking him with her scent - what would count as a vote. His heart swelled: his first dragon and his first vote! Things were going even better than he'd imagined!

And yet there was still so very much more to come over the course of the next few days and it was a green dragon that next wanted his attention. A bigger and bulkier sort of breed, he smirked and twirled a foreclaw in the air, eyes glinting with dark lust and scandalous need.

"I hear you have both sexes for mating, Xigfeldo... And I think you've had your turn with a dragoness for the time being."

Smirking, he chuffed and lowered his head, although it was far from a submissive gesture in his case.

"Lift that tail for me, pretty one."


It was Xigfeldo's turn to act the cocky one, pivoting to show off his body, the fresh dose of sticky marking on his stomach-scales standing out in stark definition in the shadow underside of his body. He didn't deny the drake, however, and bowed his forelegs down to the ground, tail fanning up over his back in a sweet arc that may well have been more befitting a dragoness. And yet he was far from a dragoness and never would be one, taking the best of both sexes and genders and making them entirely his own, regardless of just how he identified. That sort of thing was fluid in dragon-culture but it was a male and a male alone that pressed his cock up to his cloaca, seeking out the vent within that could offer him so much pleasure.

Xigfeldo hissed as he allowed him in willingly, his feminine slit parting around that hunk of cock-flesh, wanting it all, wanting it deeper. It would have been impossible to control his lust and passion even without the other dragons around moaning - there was even a small blue female being taken in her muzzle and her tail hole at the same time! - the green dragon heaving his bulk over him with a feral grunt.

"Such a tight hole... Maybe all that about your experience was wrong, Xigfeldo," he taunted the silver-black dragon, bearing down, forcing a fat, slick length of cock-meat deeply up into his vent. "You told everyone you were better than you actually were just for the status of it all, hm? And you thought you could get away with it..."

Laughing hoarsely, he bit the back of the silver-black drake's neck, Xigfeldo shuddering but holding his own, grinding his teeth together as the line of his jaw ached ferociously. No... Not a lie but he'd rather show than tell on that count, merely pushing back into those rough, crude thrusts with a throaty moan that told all the tales that he was willing to spend.

"Oh... Maybe..."

"Yes, and you thought that you'd get my mark that easily?" The green dragon laughed and gave him a particularly savage thrust that, under different circumstances, would have made Xigfeldo swoon. "Not today. But I'll still spill my load in you, maybe give you a lesson or two, hm? Silver dragons never come up to par..."

Xigfeldo snorted. Maybe the green dragon just wasn't used to a silver and what one like him could do with their magic? That was not his problem, however, as he smirked and laid his head down on the ground as if he was submitting, but he had far kinkier plans in mind. After all, he could not win the title that he wanted simply by letting whatever dragon do whatever they wanted to him - oh no. He had to be more cunningly sexual than that and he had just the trick in mind to take a strictly aggressive, dominant drake down a few pegs.


The green dragon gasped but it was too late for anything else to be done as the muscles of Xigfeldo's passage rippled and squeezed and massaged his cock, holding him tightly in there. The deft dexterity and control of those muscles swiftly became apparent, his skill evident for all who cared to bear witness, holding the green drake's shaft tightly at the base while the rest of his passage went to work. All the 'poor' dragon trapped there in lust could do was moan and hump and arch his back, quivering deliciously in place as his cock was pumped and squeezed as if he was pounding and thrusting all by himself.

"You trickster..."

Yet there was a note of fresh respect in his tone as Xigfeldo churred a laugh, eyes glittering and back maintaining its arch, every muscle in his body focused on holding up that weight that sought to bear him down. He was the one in control, truly, and it was high time that the cocky, green dragon understood that, regardless of his blocky form and just how he fought to take the upper claw at all costs. Xigfeldo could keep him on the edge for hours if he so chose or he could get the other dragon off right then and there, although he doubted that edge-play would go down well with a dragon who clearly wanted his orgasm as quickly as possible.

Ah, but there was a tease to it too that would make that ultimate climax all the more pleasurable for him, something that Xigfeldo needed too, just to win the crown. There was no option of failure in his mind at all and he grunted deep in the back of his throat as he forced his body to comply, eyes closed, a cacophony of moans and howls and squeals surrounding him, heightening his own lust. Every inch of his body trembled, nerve-endings lanced through as if with an electric shock, that thrumming nervous energy that blue dragons were so often wonderful tat drawing out from him. And yet there was a sweetening scent swarming the air like a cloud of bees, if only for the furtive buzz of it all, Xigfeldo fighting all of a sudden to maintain self-control as the green dragon showed off what his species was good as, chuckling as he released a cloud of pheromones.

"Try that... Unff... Dragon. You'll not last long with this in your nose"

Yet it was difficult for even him to keep going, to keep talking, his cock milked and pumped over and over again. He had to use every trick in his book too to even attempt to draw back the upper claw to his domain, each grunt of breath coming increasingly laboured, more and more so with every passing moment. Xigfeldo sucked in a breath that made his head swim, that flood of sickeningly sweet pheromones near enough claustrophobic.

Think! He had to think, had to keep using his cunny, that rippling massage having the effect he'd intended it to. And yet the dragon's cock still felt too good inside him, far, far too good, and he heaved for breath, eyes wide with a shocking rim of white, desperate for relief that simply didn't seem to be his to grasp in the nuances of the moment. He had to hold out and he ground his teeth together, head thrown down, wings tucked in close to his back as he fought fire with fire, every pulse of his vent coating the slick member of dragon-meat with more and more of his own oily aphrodisiac too.

The drake rumbling over him stiffened and grunted and he knew he'd hit home, doubling down on his efforts as every muscle in his body threw its energy into getting the massive dragon off as quickly as possible. Xigfeldo's pleasure was no longer important right then and there, only the glory of becoming the champion and winning above all else - screw the rest! He could have his fun when he was somewhere else and with someone else, ploughing them full, although the image he had in his head of wearing a golden crown set with diamonds was probably a little too farfetched for even that scenario...

And then the green dragon hunched and let out a dull roar and Xigfeldo knew that he had won that bout, keening out in raw relish as he allowed his own body over the edge too, the green dragon permitted to thrust and grind and spew every last drop of fertile, virile cum into his desperate slit. His hips jerked and thrust, forced into an erratic breeding, and Xigfeldo hummed out his pleasure, knowing that he'd well and truly proven his worth even though the green dragon did not think so and had come into the encounter with the sole aim of proving that the silver-black beast was less than what he claimed to be.

"Damn it..."

A muttered curse was about all the audible satisfaction that Xigfeldo was going to get, however, as the green dragon spent his cock inside him, a hot, sticky flood of cum clinging to his passage - a feature of being a dragon of his species. Even Xigfeldo was impressed by that and it was only his aphrodisiac that had managed to overwhelm the dominant dragon's in the nick of time that had saved him from embarrassment, tail lifted higher still just to waft his scent further and further, the heads of others around them even picking up, turning their way. Even they could not resist him and they weren't even the ones buried in his cloaca right then!

Drawing out, the green dragon left hardly any cum behind to mark Xigfeldo's cloaca but he still paused, knowing what had to be done. His cock jerked and twitched, layered and knobbled unlike that of the silver-black hybrid, and Xigfeldo spared a moment to rumble his appreciation of that cock, even though he did not very much like the dragon it was attached to. Maybe another time he could pin the bulky drake down and show him what a dragon like him was actually capable of when unrestrained by tradition and convention? For he had so much to show and give and one round would never be enough to cut through the noise that clouded such liaisons.

Alas, only one vote per volunteer counted and Xigfeldo had a job to do there.

"Go find someone else to test," Xigfeldo rumbled as the green dragon huffed and marked his tail with his thick cream, casting a vote in his favour. "But just know that they won't be as good as me."

He didn't have anything to say to that and Xigfeldo paused a moment to catch his breath as he was left alone, knowing that that too would not be for very long. The ceremony swirled on around him and he clicked his teeth together eagerly, watching a pair of red dragons going at it, swapping between who was on top, both boasting a cock and a vent, clearly. Rolling and twisting, they snapped at one another until the volunteer was finally pinned and slammed into, the victory of that spell roaring out his victory as he sloshed out an exceptionally large dose of seed into the welcoming passage to be found there.

They were stunning to behold but not as good as him - not as good as Xigfeldo who posed and flaunted himself, showing off his dual gender as another dragoness approached, a purple with a particularly wicked glint in her eye that promised perhaps a little more fun than expected. Her regal air could not be denied, being the best magic-users aside from silver dragons, of course, and she rubbed her body along the length of his like a cat as he shivered, a pulse of sonic force rising from the tip of her nose, although it was one of several points (that would quickly become apparent) that she could emit that particular ability from.

"Now, Xigfeldo..." She purred, tail flicking back and forth, one forepaw raised. "I'm Tiana. Maybe you've heard of me... Maybe not. Either way, you would not forget to use your muzzle now, would you?"

She grinned and winked, sinking back onto her haunches as a cock protruded from her cloaca, denoting that she was just like Xigfeldo, only with a more feminine outward appearance and form. A sensuous sway lured him in and down and he took that shaft into his mouth without hesitation, for it was not a submissive gesture in the heat of that particular moment but one that rendered him moaning around her, pleasing her and making quite sure that she would leave her mark on him too.

He could not only focus on that cock, however, and let it spring wetly from his muzzle, dripping with saliva, as he nuzzled down and gently teased open her cloaca with the tip of his tongue, delving into her depths and scooping up a heady dose of her oily marking, reeking like a cervine but still with that flowery aroma of pheromones, directly into his mouth.

It had the desired effect as he hissed, pupils dilating and the female dragon grinding against him.

"So needy... But if you don't show me just a little more of what that tongue can do, I won't leave my mark on you."

Xigfeldo smirked and the next thing Tiana knew was that she was on her back with Xigfeldo on top of her, head to tail and back again, the tip of his ready cock nuzzling at her lips as if in a far more intimate kiss than touching lips together. Of course, dragons would kiss and all but there were more intimate and lustful things in the world for them and they would have been sorely amiss to not partake in them as often as possible. The purple dragoness hissed and twisted, relishing in the position, his nose teasing over her cloaca as if he was, even then, trying to decide just which part of her he was to savour first.

"How about this then?" He rumbled, tail twining softly around her neck as she pressed up into him. "There's more to be had than everything going one-way, my dear..."

And she could not have agreed with that more as she readily took his cock into her mouth too, the prehensile nature of the silver-black drake's shaft making this task easier for her than most: another impressive feat that he could add to his already extensive repertoire. Moaning around his cock, she drew him swiftly up into the back of her throat - she'd show the youngling that he was out of his depth! Although it was ultimately Tiana who would be shown to be wrong when he bested her in the art of sexuality there too, rolling together as they swapped just who was on top, their focus on getting the other off as swiftly as possible.

Tiana was smarter, however, than he perhaps gave her credit for and his true earning in her eyes would be just how many times he could orgasm in swift succession, his cock jerking and splattering, covering her muzzle in his cum. She wasted no time in drawing back, making him think for a moment that she was stopping proceedings - yet it was all for the fun of the sonic abilities that her species granted her. Smirking, she fired a softer, massaging blast at his crotch, seeking out the deeper curl of his testis, pummelling and rippling over it as Xigfeldo tensed and did all he could to not let out a roar, ejaculating over her neck and muzzle.

"Mmm... Yes..." She rolled her head, getting a good spray of it across the top side of her muzzle, the pulse of her heartbeat bounding noticeably at the point of her throat. "Now, that's better. Again! Prove yourself!"

And that was something that Xigfeldo was more than happy to do as he suckled on her shaft, letting her shoot her load quickly before delving into her cunny, tongue worming its way deep even as she coated his tongue with her oily essence too. He had to narrow his eyes and really and truly focus to maintain some sense of himself, remember who he was and where he was, why he was doing what he was doing. He was still a dragon, after all, and not impervious to the effects of others - on the contrary, he rather enjoyed the lucidly sharp feeling of being 'tipsy' on pheromones too, although they could overwhelm weaker dragons.

He was not a weaker dragon. He snarled and bore through another orgasm as her sonic flutters pulsed over his cloaca, stimulating even his cunny from the inside, tongue hunting out the sensitive patch of nerves within her vent, the source of her feminine pleasure. He knew when he had it too as Tiana growled and rocked her hips, on top and curling her claws into the dirt, the ground so torn up beneath and around them that it was a wonder at all that there had been grass there at some point. The pulses came so swiftly that Xigfeldo barely had a chance to react between each one, huffing and grunting and giving Tiana load after load - each and every deliciously heady spurt of cum that she'd wanted so badly to begin with. His eyes glazed over with pleasure and yet he still had the energy in himself to give a truly seductive grin, licking her vent and plunging his tongue inside for just another dose of her arousal, thick and sweet juices flooding his muzzle.

It was not the mark that he was looking for, however, and he persisted, bringing her to orgasm after orgasm as she moaned for him, needing him, wanting him...and yet there were still other champions to satisfy and test. It was hard for one to remain focused on the task and plan at hand, the very purpose of the ceremony, when there was so much fun to be hand and Tiana's mark was left on him almost reluctantly, sharing a last kiss before she was forced to move on her way, although her legs were most certainly shakier than they had been before.

Xigfeldo panted, eyes locking onto a blue dragoness - no, two blue dragons, a couple that was male and female in turn. Their eyes shone fiercely and he would have taken a step back and away from it if he had been a lesser dragon, the pace of the ceremony moving on as quickly as it always had, wanting to claim those who were not victors. Yet there could only be one as the dragoness purred and flickered her tongue out at him, tasting the scents on the air as his thick, amorous aroma permeated the area thickly and headily. They could not have resisted him but, ah - they had never intended too, the couple that had watched from afar for some time already.

He, of course, was not to know that.

"Xigfeldo..." The drake raised his head, curiosity perked as if he had, perhaps, not expected to see Xigfeldo there. "Now, you could be a fine catch!"

"What do you say, my dear?" The dragoness hissed, snaking her head back and forth, although her intent was already clear. "Shall we have him?"

The blue dragoness and her mate descended on him, but it was her that laid herself before Xigfeldo for him to plough her vent full of dragon-dick, slamming hard and deep. She knew what she was there for and how far she could push things, getting what she wanted either way. Though if Xigfeldo was not on the same page as her, he certainly did not show it, moaning out his lust and pleasure in turn and lifting his tail for the touch of the drake who, of course, could not be let out as his blue sparks crackled and danced from his maw in anticipation of all that was to come.

The blue dragon was all too willing to push up over his back, driving into his tail hole without worrying about anything as trivial as lubrication when he knew that Xigfeldo was already a breeder-stud of a dragon who could take it. He could have gone slower but Xigfeldo was not in the business of taking his time when the lure of a mark taunted him, wanting that end goal even though the means of getting there was particularly tasty too. Strangely enough, Xigfeldo could not smell the typical marking emanating from either of the blue dragons as if they had not yet marked anyone and cast their vote: interesting. Maybe they were tough customers to please?

No matter. He would best them all regardless and show them what he was really made of. He didn't let the female dictate the power of his thrusts, snarling and hissing as he hammered into the her, taking his cues and direction from one who really did seem to know just how she liked it. The drake was nothing of a stud on top of him, although Xigfeldo guessed that he was at least somewhat different with his partner dragoness in his inclinations of domination and submission, but the silver-black adored the lure of switching back and forth and rolling back into his thrusts. Allowing the drake to seemingly take a rarer top spot made the blue dragon pound his tail hole all the harder for it, hisses roiling from his muzzle in a sheer outpouring of delight.

"Yesss..." His eyes blazed, the blue dragon lapping up his taste of dominance. "Cum for me!"

Yet it was seemingly not to be Xigfeldo who climaxed first, his cunny squeezing around nothing as his cock sank into the female but the blue dragon who thought he could power through it all. He climaxed with a shriller shriek that was perhaps a little strange coming from the lips of a male, although Xigfeldo was not there to judge as he roared and leaned into fucking the blue's mate, unforgiving in the coarseness of his thrusts.

As the blue drake climaxed, electricity burst from his claws and his muzzle, the electrical power that he held sparking up within him, a force that could not be contained at the height of passion. It poured out and seared lightly into Xigfeldo's scales, leaving him with a sensation that something was burning even as the tingle too burst into shocking life, driving him on to fuck the female beneath him harder and faster than ever. A mark from a blue would embody that sweet kind of spark too and Xigfeldo twisted keenly and tried to coil his long tail around both of them at one, his nervous system affected as he sought release.

The crackling electricity of a blue dragon, however, was something that Xigfeldo was a little too sensitive too with his water affinity, huffing and grunting as tiny shocks trembled into him, a rise of sparks dancing from the tongues of the blues. Even the dragoness turned to smirk at him, daring him to fill her, to cum in her at last. Yet her orgasm was the thing he was waiting for and his cock tingled with electric fire as she sealed her cunny around him, his hammering strokes spreading her open as she moaned for it all. Her fervour was intoxicating and he snarled, striving to match up to it, but he still could not stop his body from contorting as it was struck with that electricity, the vibrancy of it trembling through him with due power.

The female blue laughed, head thrown back, giddy in the height of climax.

"Oooh, he squirms so!"

Her eyes glittered, putting her muzzle up against his, cheeks pressed together - as much as the angle could have been a harsh one with his head taking a higher position than hers.

"Do it again!" Her mate hissed.

Grinding his teeth, Xigfeldo could not help but release a moan all the same, head thrown back and throat vulnerably bared as he pleased the couple together, playing the part of the taken and the one doing the taking as his tail hole squeezed, still milking that blue dragon-cock. Another orgasm was gleaned from the dragoness on the bottom and Xigfeldo used every trick at his disposal, nerve-endings shivering anxiously as those tiny, electric shocks thrummed into him, hotter than any red dragon's fire ability by a long shot. He was not the best for no reason, however, and his long flow of cum sent her into her third and final orgasm with him, her desire rising to the heights of the chamber as he seeded her with a virile dose of dragon-cream.

And there he stayed, his cock crammed up deep inside her, only drawing out when she was done to press her cloaca to his tail, marking him with a thickly oily dose. Their time together was done as her mate too withdrew softly from Xigfeldo's tail hole, his cock spent for the moment and his mark ready to be delivered to the worthiest competitor of them all.

"There now..." The dragoness murmured, licking his cheek almost tenderly. "You are worthy, after all, Xigfeldo. Though I do wish we had more time to spend with you."

A pleasantly whimpering, lustful mess of a dragon, her mate tried to form words but all he could do was arch his back, pressing his cloaca and softening cock up to Xigfeldo's shoulder, leaving his mark there too. Of course, there was no sense in every dragon simply marking a competitor's sex or cloaca as it would become a mess of oily sludge in due course but the stickiness of it all coating his body in other locations too rendered the silver-black dragon's scales itchy, although he had to resist the urge to rub it off. No, he wore it as a mark of pride and lifted his head high, roaring out his challenge for the next dragon that wished to test him. He would show them how good he was before the eyes of all, his scores racking along with others in the arena too.

But he would be the best of the best and he was there to prove that as a dragon reeking of sulphur approached him from behind. He barely had a chance to whip his head around to see what kind he was - of course, there could only be one with a musky quite like that - and a red dragon bore him down to the ground. There were no words or pleasantries exchanged between them but Xigfeldo sucked his cock into him with a well-timed jerk of his hips and the action of his innermost muscles as the red dragon hissed, flame licking out over his head.

All he wanted was a quick fuck and it was no trouble at all for Xigfeldo to give it to him, pulsing his muscles without tightening them so much that the dragon could not thrust. He wanted that too, Xigfeldo sensed, to feel as if he was claiming a feel, ramming into them, destroying them, spending his seed inside a lovely, fertile body. And just who would Xigfeldo be to deny someone that heady sense of masculinity when it was exactly the reason he was there for? Ah, for there was to be a flexibility in how he approached things and that was why he had to stay there and take it, all to please one and get another slick mark on his hide.

Huffing and grunting, the red drake did indeed prove himself to be a dragon of few words as he claimed the willing hermaphrodite, even though Xigfeldo did not immediately present himself as one. But that did not mean by any means that he couldn't give the dragon what he wanted and he grunted and groaned and gasped for him at all the right times, although it was a refreshing experience too to be fucked so hard without need for the pleasantries. It almost allowed him to drift away, to revel in the moment of breeding, his passage ploughed and pleasured. He didn't have to do much but that was just as the red dragon liked it all to be, huffing and grunting and pummelling away until he spent himself too with a long, drawn-out groan.

There you go...

_ _

Xigfeldo may not have reached his own high from that particular encounter but that was not the point of the ceremony and he exhaled softly as his cloaca was filled, cum sloshing out of his vent as the seemingly very over-productive red dragon went to town on him. Each hammering, driving stroke punished his cunny and yet he rejoiced in it, tongue lolling from his muzzle and each puff of breath coming clouded with headily wanton pheromones. Whether they were his or the red dragon's, however, was by the by as the inner heat of the powerful drake warmed Xigfeldo's cooler body, scales tingling as he was filled and filled. Cum drooled thickly from him, although it was nowhere near enough to cover up the markings that had already been placed on and around his cloaca, the lustful dragon rumbling his quiet, stoic approval.

"Hmph... Good."

The red drake was gruffer than most but Xigfeldo was more than thankful for the sticky mark of a vote that he left on his flank before lumbering off in search of another competitor. Had anyone else passed the test of that particular red dragon yet, he wondered? Maybe some had and maybe some had not but his competition was his own, his own kind of challenge to best himself in. After all, the only one that Xigfeldo felt that he was competing against right then and there was, absolutely, himself.

Yet more challengers awaited and the ceremony was far from over...

To be continued in part three.

The Ceremony of Dragons: Chapter One

**The Ceremony of Dragons** **Part One** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Saphira Fafnar_ _ _ _ _ Xigfeldo's heart beat quicker and quicker as they flew to the stadium, the underground cavern where the draconic...

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The Joust

**The Joust** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _A YCH round for Silver, Gabriel Clyde and Madoc_ _ _ _ _ "Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!" The crowd chanted, all manner of furs stomping and clamouring for the next bout of the joust, the...

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