The Ceremony of Dragons: Chapter Three

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#3 of The Ceremony of Dragons

The ceremony is in full swing and Xigfeldo is gathering more and more votes to be named champion of the breeders - but will he get enough and please enough dragons to best them all?

There will be four chapters to this one as the full piece is 20K words and I thought it needed to be broken up into more manageable, kinky chunks! There'll be another chapter up tomorrow for you guys. The tagged pairings show what will be included in the full story and all chapters now. :)

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

The Ceremony of Dragons

Part Three

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Saphira Fafnar

With no one else setting their sights on him at that moment in time, Xigfeldo smirked and sat up on his haunches, his cloaca on full show with his cock out. The length of his cock pulsed up, hard and full of blood, and he grunted thickly, showing off the organ. It turned a few heads but not enough, everyone wrapped up in their lust, ignoring him as he flaunted and showed off. Only a silver dragon who could have either identified as a dragoness or a drake, for their scent came tinted with the aroma of both, looked up, cock throbbing with withheld desire, but they already had another competitor with their muzzled shoved up under their tail and appeared loathe to leave such lust. And was there no one else that craved spending time with the silver-black drake who suddenly found himself left out of the very proceedings that he was supposed to lead?

Xigfeldo frowned: that would not do. He needed more, more marks to prove his worth and he had more tricks up his figurative sleeve to make sure that everyone who was anyone knew that he was the best around in more ways than simply one.

Rearing up higher, stretching his already long body out and out, he made sure that he towered above everyone else, cock twitching and pulsing, each throb teasing it out with a tickle of inner magic. That magic was what allowed him to enlarge or shrink his cock to fit any partner, although it appeared to be a natural part of how his body functioned for how seamless it was, the shape changing in the blink of an eye. One had to be quick to catch it and it did take the silver dragon that was still eyeing him up a moment to release that the ridges had plumped out there, shaping his shaft and demonstrating his ability yet again to shape his body to his will in the moment. It thickened up lustfully, those raised ridges standing out in hard lines from the main body of his cock, drawing the eyes of those who were not already fixed on him - and who wouldn't have wanted to be so? They licked their lips, head tipping towards Xigfeldo, perhaps already imagining how that shaft would feel rammed up inside them. He wouldn't have blamed them, since it was, indeed, a rather nice dick to wear and bear too, although he would soon return it to its natural form, showing his length off in its delicious, natural glory.

But there was so much more that he could do with it too and it was about time that they saw that, the drake in charge flexing his cock, making the shockingly prehensile organ bounced back and forth. It had a far greater range of motion than most would have expected and he knew there was a greater flicker of interest there but they hadn't yet seen the full scope of it too. Xigfeldo grinned. That was exactly what he needed to show them.

It took them a moment to notice just what he was doing with his cock but Xigfeldo felt every inch of his own dick, now smooth again, ploughing into him, stretching the scaled edges of his cloaca and his vent in just the way he liked it. He moaned for their attention, showing off all he had to offer, and more and more heads turned his way, the dragon demonstrating, very effectively, just how well he was able to 'fuck himself'. Only, in his case, it was not an insult as his cock drove into his body over and over again, giving himself the attention that he thought that he deserved and, well, did too.

"Look at him!"

His heart leapt as some dragons left their competitors without marking them, keen to watch his show. It may have been sad for them to miss out on getting a mark or two but, well, it was all fair in love and war and he was there for the art of making love and not war between other dragons. Trying times were not for him and he smirked salaciously as he tipped his head back, manufacturing a teasing sense of vulnerability as they thought that he was laid bare for all to see. In a way, he was, but Xigfeldo knew better than anyone how to put on a good show and a thick dose of his pheromones, a slick of his marking oil glistening around the base of his cock, didn't hurt either.

They murmured and gathered and the drake's legs trembled, fighting even then to hold himself up as the pleasure mounted and mounted. He had their attention but he needed to do something with it now as he slammed his cock into his vent repeatedly, grunting and twisting his head back and forth as he tried to hold out as long as possible. The problem with that was that he knew exactly what he liked and exactly how to stimulate himself to the best of his ability, breath coming in raspy, heavy gasps, squatting down for a more stable base for his sexual pleasure.

Harder... He needed more and he'd show them more too, luxuriating in the sheer number of eyes locked onto him. He was the main event and they needed to know that, needed to know that he was the best of them all without question. Never again would there be a dragon prince or princess to best him and Xigfeldo snarled, lips curling back from his teeth, as he hit a particularly sensitive spot, unsure which part of him was going to orgasm first. Would they both come together? Oh, if he could time that just right, it would be exactly the display that he was looking to give!


"Come on!"

"Show us how much you can cum!"

The lusty crowd shouted and jeered for him and Xigfeldo was more than happy to give them the show that they craved, plunging his cock fervently in and out of his sex, showing off how deep he could get it. Infusing it with his magic too brought on some lovely 'oohs' and 'ahhs' from the adoring crowd and he laughed too, pink tongue protruding out over the edges of his sharp teeth as he fucked himself as hard as he ever had. His shaft glowed with an otherworldly aura, making sure that all eyes were on him and him alone. Sure, there were other things going on further away but they were the ones missing out on the display, although it was likely to be one of many he could put on during the course of the ceremony as there were many, many hours left for all kinds of lust.

Orgasm crashed upon him and he spat out a roar tinted with his acid breath, corroding holes in the bare ground before him, the earth melting away as if it had never been. Rocks and metal could not stand up to his ability and he fought to hold it back, pulse after pulse of divine pleasure wracking him. His strongest orgasm of the day yet ironically came via the tease of his own claw and he huffed and grunted, rolling his hind end and back, showing the course of each ripple of climax rising through his body.

And they ate it up, some darting in right then and there to mark him with their scent, cloacas pressed briefly to his thighs and his tail - anywhere they could reach - to leave their vote. Still, he was not convinced that they left even then, his cock pounding harder and faster as he fucked himself to a quick second orgasm, cock spurting and filling his womb with cum. If he'd wanted to become pregnant from his own seed, he could have done that too and he could not deny that he would have relished the opportunity to show off just how studly and virile he was by bearing a clutch of his very own eggs as the champion. Growling, he didn't allow his cock out of his sex, pounding and ploughing it with renewed demand over his body. Wouldn't that be something to prove he was the best of the best?

"Cum again!"

He would not tease the crowd by denying such a request and he pulled his cock out, sending a thick stream of cum over his cloaca, although it would not cover up any markings he had received but slough slickly off his scales. He wouldn't have wanted any votes to suddenly not count, after all, but there was a lot more that he had in store too, a show to put on as he rolled onto his back, using his tail to thrust his hind end up from the ground, partway lifted, just to give everyone a better view of how his cock slammed into him.

Twisting and driving, it crammed every last inch that it could get into its master's cunt, a mindless peon in the grand scheme of draconic breeding. And Xigfeldo felt everything, every last tiny sensation that may have otherwise have been overlooked if he'd been fucking another dragon. His cock tingled, the other dragon's ridges catching and pulling in the most perfect of ways, his soft passage closing around it in a ripple and a pulse that felt as if his body was trying to pull it deeper inside him still. Of course, he was actively trying to do that with his incredible muscular control but there was no way to possibly get his cock any deeper than it was already - not unless he made it grow more and it was already such a perfect fit in his cunny that he was loathe to change a single thing.

The crowd grew bored, however, of seeing one dragon in one place fucking himself and edged away - he had to do something! Flipping over, he snarled and bent his hind legs, powering himself up and into the air as he roared out his lust, signalling to everyone there that he was the one to be reckoned with, the one that would rule them all, be the champion over all else. Maybe it was a conceited thought to have but there never had been any shame in knowing the true strength and depth of one's ability and being willing to show it off. Everyone was there for the same reason that he was, after all, so everyone was in the same flight and no one would think strangely of it. Frankly, Xigfeldo wouldn't care if they did.

Beating his wings, he flapped and soared, lifting himself up higher and higher from the swaying throng, most of the volunteers staring up at him while the competitors desperately tried to regain their attention. It was a futile endeavour, however, as Xigfeldo laughed recklessly, looping and spiralling and pirouetting in mid-air, showing off the full extent of his aerobatic acrobatic ability as his cock continued on fucking him. Huffing, he fought for control of his mind, wings trembling, but he had to go on, had to keep putting on the kinkiest display they'd ever seen, all for the championship that was his to take.

His cock slapped free of his cunny, deliberately, and the crowd roared in turn with him as he splattered them with semen, his creamy mess raining down with a good dose of his oily essence too. They'd know that it was his aphrodisiac perfume mixed into it, of course, but no one really cared if he was trying to make them enjoy it all the more for it was all a game that everyone was playing to win and not even another silver dragon could fail to be swayed by his glorious scent, thrumming up heady and strong as they sucked in greedy, short puffs of breath.

They clamoured for him but, eventually, Xigfeldo had to land again and the dragons converged on him, marks covering seemingly every part of his body. That was just his lustful mind at work, however, telling him that far more was happening than was in reality, the sticky, gluey essence of their mark lingering on him. He hoped his parents were getting all his scores down accurately particularly after such a windfall.

The only downfall to his escapade was that the dragons that had been watching, of course, had to go off and satisfy their lust elsewhere, though some lingered, eyes on him. He played up to them, strutting and puffing out his chest as if to put himself well and truly on show, his head held high as he pranced out on parade, acting the part of the champion prince or princess anyway. He could be either, considering his gender, and either would be fine for him, as long as he was hailed and heralded as the best breeder dragon of them all with his cock hanging thick and wanton, seeking a hot hole to plough into, beneath him. He would not be solo for long, however, with a rustle of silver scales moving through the cluster of admirers nearby.

"You... You are divine."

And Xigfeldo could have said the same about her, the silver dragoness (though she clearly was of a dual gender, considering the massive length of dragon-meat dangling between her hind legs) approaching him at a slow, sensual stalk. Everything about her came with an air that she could afford to take her time with him, taking him in from every angle, the tip of her tail trailing up under his chin with such sweetness that Xigfeldo could not help but shiver. He would never know her name but that dragoness would become one that softly haunted his dreams, lingering and drawing him into sexual adventures that sometimes felt more lucid than controlled by his unconscious in any way, shape or form. Maybe her magic was simply that practised that she could slip into his dreams? He would never know but he would, indeed, continue to dream.

She wound herself around him and Xigfeldo rumbled his soft approval as he leaned into her touch, kissing and licking, his tongue teasing over her cloaca and even slipping inside her vent when it was presented to him. There was no question as to who wanted who and Xigfeldo nuzzled up under her tail, cock throbbing and twitching with ardent desire for her, despite his recent climaxes. That was one thing that was true of him sexually too that could be shown, in the end, to give him even more of an edge: sex never tired him out.

Letting Xigfeldo lap at her vent and even grinding her cock back against his muzzle, the silver dragoness purred warmly, front end bowed and back end raised as if in play.

"I can't resist one like you..."

"Nor me."

Unseen while they courted, a black dragon chuckled and stepped to her dipped shoulder, the male and female pair as different as the moon and the night sky that surrounded it, although the silver dragoness rolled her eyes as if she'd seen the black drake before. She scoffed at him and flipped her tail, scooting away, but he followed her so closely that one could have been forgiven for thinking that his interest was in her rather than Xigfeldo, which, while not helpful, would have been an interesting development.

"Ugh... Can't you let me have this one to myself? I swear you're following me around here."

The black dragon's eyes narrowed but Xigfeldo was already turning his tail to them, arching it up over his back so that his flushed and slightly gaping cloaca was on show, cock hanging and drooling viscously. That had their attention and he rolled his hindquarters back lustfully, openly offering himself to them.

"Dragons and dragonesses," he purred throatily. "There's more than enough to go around."

And that was true enough as they worked out how they wanted to test him, to take him - sometimes the fact that they were doing it as part of the ceremony for young dragons fell by the wayside, dragons getting caught up in the sexual mayhem and madness of it all. The silver dragoness twisted around him and coiled her tail along the length of his, ploughing into his tail hole boldly without asking, though he would have been bound to please her anyway. That hole brought a manner of pleasure to Xigfeldo's mind that may have felt ill-placed coming from a drake as he was more of a top than a bottom, but, with her, he could only moan in satisfaction.

The black took his muzzle and Xigfeldo eagerly slurped on his cock as time slipped by, running his tongue around it and giving the dragon that had already spent himself within so many partners the blowjob of his life. Xigfeldo had no such desire to hold back as he was pounded with such raunchily illicit pleasure under his tail, lifting it high so that the silver dragon could take him with all the fervour she wanted. He would later uncover that she did not often get to indulge that particular kink of hers and his acceptance of it made all the difference to her vote, panting and hammering in as she played her magic over his scales, a pulsing massage that squirmed under his belly, seeking out the very spot where his testis were hidden and located.

He shuddered but a single shudder wasn't going to make any difference to the grand scheme of the ceremony where his orgasm was key, the silver dragon purring and growling as she crammed him full. He needed more and he'd show them more, slipping into a state where he could barely be considered conscious, although his consent was rampant in the slick markings slithering down his scales, the darker cream of them sticking and staining. There was nothing that would remove those markings until the ceremony was completed and, well, even then he would want to wear them as a mark of pride, showing everyone just what he was capable of, how far he could go and, of course, all that he could achieve as a breeding drake.

That was, ultimately, assuming that he won, however, and Xigfeldo growled around the cock in his mouth, striving not to buck and hump back too aggressively as his need rose. It didn't stop there either, fresh sensation overwhelming the old, a tightening in his rump sending shockwaves of pleasure reverberating through his body. Almost as if they were travelling down the length of his spine, his body snaked back and forth, eyes closed, lips parted - but only there because he was busy taking a monster cock into the back of his throat. Moaning around it, he suckled it deep, using his tongue and the coolness of his breath to tease and caress it, giving the male in question everything that he could have ever wanted from such a wickedly devious liaison and then some.

Huffing, the dragoness leaned over him, her cock rammed deep, breath heavy as she put her lips close to the indent of his ears, brushing his scales.

"Mmm... This is a tight hole for you, isn't it?"

Her teasing was playful enough that he rumbled his acquiescence but he was a drake of pleasure and, with him, it was an 'anything goes' kind of deal. Pleasure was pleasure and he could not have chosen a sexier dragoness to slam into him, the pulsing twitch and ripple of her magic making him want to cum right then and there but she kept him on the edge - and he allowed it too. He was confident that he could have thrown her off and stolen every last bit of the pleasure for himself if he so chose but that wasn't how they played the game as he growled and moaned, narrowing his focus to the realm of pleasure and no more than that. Ecstasy, that tricksy fiend, would come in due course.

It was for patience with those too, letting the two of them snarl and rock together, trying to outdo one another - and he had to play his cards just right too. The black dragon didn't want to cum too quickly but Xigfeldo had to get him off at exactly the right moment where he could best show off his breeding prowess to the dragoness. The focus should have been on him but, in some parts of the ceremony, his destiny was merely to be a tool to be used and he would be the best they'd ever had, his sights set on a greater pleasure.

Slurping and suckling, he tensed and let out a muffled roar that still, somehow, managed to reverberate as his tail hole was ploughed, her magic tickling his cock with a light touch - and yet that touch was still enough to get him off, on a hair-trigger. He could enjoy that orgasm, playing with her shaft as she thrust and pounded him, panting heavily as the effort of sex took its toll on her. Not that that would stop a dragoness like her, however, for Xigfeldo should have known just how close she had come to being a champion in her own ceremony, although she had since aged out of the group that would be taken into each decade's challengers. It would have been a pity, for he would have to seek her out on his own after the ceremony to see how they could explore their lusts with one another. If she'd been a previous winner, of course, he would not have met her right then but later, when she was breeding him after the challenge itself was complete.

He pushed on, sucking and slurping and drawing the black drake off a moment before the dragoness shrieked out her climax, an otherworldly cry splitting the air as she rammed in harder and faster, his muscles working furiously to stimulate her. His control was not only limited to his cock and cunny, after all, and his many talents deserved a stage to be shown, tongue swiping along the fleshy girth of the cock in his mouth, tickling at the back of his throat.

After they'd spent themselves, the strangely well-matched duo marked him with one on each cheek, their votes obvious to all and impossible to miss. Yet that was not the end of it and only one who had spent years watching the ceremonies already, once they had come of age, would understand just how long they could go on with so many competitors present all at once. The day passed and he rolled onto his back, allowing a gold to mount and ride him, taking his cock deep into her cloaca and sex as she howled, squirting on him and covering him with so much of her slick juices that it nearly covered up his marks. It was good fortune indeed that they were designed to stay and, regardless, they would have been counted anyway by those set to the task.

He knew they'd be proud of him, his silver and black parents, the duo rumbling their approval even if he had not seen them in years. Dragons did not stay with their parents for long, leaving the nest soon after they were deemed self-sufficient, often in their own eyes, but there was still a familial fondness there. Neither did dragons mate for life and his parents had had other partners during the course of their lives and, undoubtedly, would have others. Whether they were living as mates at the moment or not was not his business, although it would have made him smirk to see his mother waddling, perhaps, heavy with a clutch of eggs whether or not they belonged to his father.

It was simply an arousing thought.

More dragons came and went, not all of them leaving their marks but the stakes were high in the ceremony and there was much still that the dragons had to do to impress. After the initial bouts were good and done, the competitors had to up their game and Xigfeldo cavorted in mid-air, spraying the crowd with his seed, challenging them to take them. Out of all the dragons there meeting the challenges of the ceremony, he was by far the cockiest, the one who believed absolutely believed that he was the best of the best, the one to take them all. He landed in the midst of a cluster of black dragons, males and females and those with both genders too, and disrupted their fun, sending a competitor scarpering, too few marks on her hide to be of any sort of threat during the competition.

The losers would have their chance again but his world narrowed to one of lust as dragons came and went, the volunteers changing shifts so that they could best ensure the fairness of the ceremony. Well, that was what they said but even Xigfeldo knew that, as he lay on his back, slithering his tongue into one needy dragoness cunt after the other, they only wanted more of a chance to experience the pleasures of the competitors. There were many that wanted to enjoy them and it would have otherwise been a shame for them to not please everyone, their lives for those few days reduced to sexual desire.

There was no sense of the passage of time where no natural light showed but Xigfeldo held true to his nature, moving from one partner to the next as their sessions grew more intense, raunchily lustful. He found a green dragon that enjoyed watersports and they enjoyed one another by trading markings in that manner, the reek of them attracting the attention of those interested too in such kinky scent play, flirting with the hot stream of urine with their flickering, darting tongues. Others wanted to serve him, to adore his cock and his vent, and he allowed them to do so, laying back against a fallen tree trunk like a king adoring his charges, tail stretched out, a dragon well and truly in his element.

One encounter blurred into the next but there could be no disputing the ultimate champion as the ceremony rose to its tenacious climax, dragons growing restless as the time grew nearer and nearer for the votes to be counted. And then, oh, only then, would they see the truth of it all, the one what they would have to seek out across the lands to get a taste of their prowess, a belly of their eggs or even seed them, depending on how that dragon or dragoness swung.

The announcer climbed his rock, clinging to the precipice of the crag as if to say he could go no further, and bellowed out the climax of the challenge, the time limit that let them all know that things were coming to a close whether they had all the votes that they wanted or not. Although dragons could not strictly become tired from simple sexual activity, they did lose focus and some of the weaker, younger dragons had slipped away, losing the ability to gain more marks as they failed to do as much for the further volunteers moving through them, keen still to get everything they could out of testing them. Yet Xigfeldo's concentration was as solid as ever, coming from his black dragon heritage, and he stood tall and strong and powerful in the very centre of the arena, flanks heaving with breath and his front claws gripping a felled tree. The grounds-dragons would have an awful job clearing everything up after this ceremony and Xigfeldo laughed to himself to think that they may well have been stuck clearing it up until the very next ceremony too.

His final hour was not to be a quiet one, however, as a trio of black dragons converged on him with lustful intent. All were male, which was all the less fun for him as Xigfeldo could not claim any feminine sexes as he had of so many dragonesses at the ceremony. That was a shame and it was the youngest black dragon that lost the bet to take Xigfeldo's feminine passage and sink into that cool embrace, instead offering his tail hole to a dragon who had not had all that many of those throughout the event. How sublime... He was always up for a little change and variety! It looked like most wanted to take Xigfeldo's pussy, which was more than okay with him, but it was a nice change too to plough into a slickly lubricated tail hole too, a hole that was never meant to be penetrated but felt too damn good to ignore also.


He couldn't have said which of the black dragons made the noise but he felt them clambering up and over his tail, trying to find a good position. They could have made use of both of the holes within his cloaca - his tail hole, of course, offering a sweetness too as the blue dragon had taken liberty of earlier - but they had something else in mind, their legs tangled together as not one but two dragon-cocks pressed into his slit. Eyes rolling back, Xigfeldo's grasp on consciousness swayed, the stretch catching him off-guard as he grunted and sank his claws into the ground where he could. One leg lifted from the earth but he couldn't get it back down as he heaved for breath, head snaking back and forth as his body adjusted to it, sealing itself around those cocks without even the semblance of pain: another feature of his body that he was thankful for.

They were feverish in their administrations but Xigfeldo could not complain, struck between arching back and slamming into the tight hole of the third brother, who was tightest by far, he was sure of it. The black dragons on his back humped and thrust awkwardly, although their pleasure was evident in their moans and Xigfeldo rippled his passage around them, teasing and stimulating where they did not have the leverage to thrust. It had the desired effect and, trapped between three, lustful bodies, he groaned and used his muscles and his flexible, thrusting cock to please all of them at once, the best kind of partner that any of them could have ever hoped for in the heat of a moment that stretched on and on and on.

They had time for such pleasure.

Someone groaned but their cries of ecstasy wound into one another as lovingly as if they had been partners for a much longer time than they actually had, lives coming together in such a way that they could not help but remember. And Xigfeldo would remember the black dragons for the rest of his long, long life for being his final partners in a ceremony that would linger on as his legacy to the end of his days, proving his worth even though he had already been convinced of it, the power he gave to the world in his seed and potent breeding passage. His womb could lay clutch after clutch of eggs and he was more than sure that he could repopulate the entire world with dragons if it ever came down to it, although he would need a willing partner to take on the kinky task with him too.

But that was not to come to be with how dragon-kind flourished under the combined rule of every species, everyone coming together much as his body came together with the black drakes, their scales making his seem all the more silver by way of comparison, a contrast that could actually be seen by the naked eye. He could have been a pure silver right then and there in their midst but no one would have cared if he was blue or gold or green or something else entirely, only that his cunny was doing its work pulsing and pulling at those shafts, trying to coax them deeper as the two thrusting dragons groaned and puffed. One of them rasped out a growl, eyes half-lidded with single-minded desire, striving to find the words that itched to crawl their way up from the back of his throat.

"Huff... No one... Mmm... No one's taken this challenge yet."

"Maybe you are the champion!"

One snarky voice and one impressed one: he'd have to total that up to three dragons that were all in awe of him by the finale of the ceremony, which he was aware was fast approaching. He milked them and milked them, coaxing cum from them in a seething fountain, although there was more to come and time to pass before they allowed him that privilege. Using their water affinity, one of the drakes murmured and called the water from a nearby pool that may have been placed there for the dragons to cool off in; they hadn't had the time to do so with so much happening.

But it was that water that they could bend and shape to their will, teasing it into fantastically shapes and playing it across Xigfeldo's tongue, the water taking the flowing form of a dragoness' slit before him. The cloaca was not needed but Xigfeldo thrust his tongue into it all the same, the spark of something new enticing him on as his cock twitched and throbbed within the other black dragon's tail hole. He squeezed around his cock and it was all Xigfeldo could do to keep fucking that faux-cunny with his tongue, pleasuring it as he would if he was trying to get a real dragoness ready to mate. Most of them, however, were always hot and ready, their passages self-lubricating regardless of the situation that they found themselves in.

Beneath him, the black dragon grunted and squirmed, the cock under his tail not quite enough to push him over the edge, over stimulated after such a long day of sex. Wait... Had he been volunteering for days? Time lacked meaning at the ceremony and he could not even tell just how much time had passed since he had joined to do his part with more volunteers, a fresh horde arriving to make sure that the choosing of the champion was fair and not in any way rigged. They'd taken precautions against that years ago but it was more than a little difficult to think about that when his hole strained and tried to clench down, forced wide by a cock that trembled and thrust without all that much movement from the contestant's hips. Rather impressive, really, if he was being honest too, as a strict volunteer...

Ah, but there was a little thing that Xigfeldo could do for the little drake, the smallest and youngest of the brothers, as he grinned and reached out to him with his magic at the very moment his flexing, spurting cock eased from that tail hole, coating his under-tail in a thick layer of semen. He didn't know the extent of a silver dragon's magic, clearly, but Xigfeldo made quick work of drawing his cock gently back into his body, sealing it away for later use without a time limit on its peaceful retreat. As the black dragon before him braced and gasped, eyes wide and wild, Xigfeldo pushed on, hustling to give him a slit within his cloaca that stretched to a deeper passage, a womb too that could bear eggs if the drake so chose.

Well, Xigfeldo supposed he could be a dragoness only for the moment and the new dragoness before him could only moan our her delight for everything as he slammed into her temporarily virgin passageway, roaring out his conquest as he gave her everything that she may have wished for and more. There was no sense in denying the pleasures of the body when they were so fruitful, ripe to be taken with the right kind of dragon, and Xigfeldo leaned his weight heavily over her, the dragon behind him grinding harder into his own pussy, squeezed up against the cock of the third and final of the black dragons.

"Huff... Clever one, aren't you?"

He didn't know who said that but he didn't care either as he humped and ground back at them, the black drakes unable to thrust even as they pressed up against one another in the stunning warmth of the competitor's cunt. Xigfeldo was more than skilled enough to get them off straight away but he made a bit of a show of it, huffing and arching, jaws clenched together from the false strain of it, although it was hard to move all that much with three dragons clustered around his tail-end. Legs and tails and claws all scrambled together but the mess of dragon-scales did not bother anyone truly, for small marks and scars from such a crude and rough interaction would heal soon enough. Ecstasy was the name of the game, what they were there for, and they would have it for themselves too one way or another.

As their cum flowed into Xigfeldo at long last, they took it from him, letting it seep from even his tight passage like water, swirling and holding it, circling it above them to show the final climaxes of the event. It glistened with a silvery sheen, tinted red with the glow of the illumination crystals that had been activated for the climax, but there was still one dragon left to climax and Xigfeldo took liberty of his cunny-slit being empty for the moment to truly ram and pound into that no longer virgin hole, slamming into the black dragon while the competitors wound down.

The dragoness beneath him howled out her pleasure, head whipping back and forth as she drove her tail down over and over again into the ground, toes curling and ecstasy thrumming through her. There was no denying it and her cunny rippled around Xigfeldo's cock in the strangest of ways - nothing at all like getting fucked in the tail hole. A pussy twitched and pulled and she couldn't control it, the muscles there bearing far more nuances than she could ever have imagined if she had not had one for herself.

Maybe she'd even find herself paying Xigfeldo a visit at another time to see just what more the champion could do for her... If he was to become the champion, that was, but his hide was covered in so many markings, a heated mess, that it was almost difficult to see the dragon beneath it as he ploughed into her, slamming and driving and, finally, bellowing out his final ecstasy with all the pride that befitted a true champion at the height of their lust. What cum leaked out of the dragoness was scooped up with that liquid influence, shaping it and adding it to the halo above them, although the four of them were, by no means, angels. Not quite devils either but a dark force in-between that could only be contained by...well...exactly what they were doing right then.

As they parted, the new dragoness darted up to Xigfeldo before he had a chance to take his distance and his leave of her, cheeks tinted red. Her pussy tried to clench down and keep what was inside where it belonged but she could not tighten up again that quickly, not as skilled as the dragon she'd tested, and it sloshed out of her messily, marking his scales as she left her marking on his side, choosing one of the few bare patches there.

"Can you leave me like this for a while?"

She murmured, putting her muzzle close to Xigfeldo's as the announcer called everyone to order, revving up for another roar that would conclude everything that they had worked and fucked so hard for, the other two black dragons rushing and cursing to mark Xigfeldo too. They were to be the final votes of the ceremony as the announcer roared and the previous champion stepped up to take charge and control, everyone in awe of his suave coolness. Which, in itself, was ironic considering his red scales and the fire flickering from his heated maw as he walked. Shivering, Xigfeldo grinned, running his tongue around his mouth, recalling in relish just how the last red drake's cock had felt crammed up into the back of it. It was enough even to make a cooler-blooded dragon like him feel warm!

"Our competitors!" The announcer boomed. "Line up! There is to be no more! This is the conclusion of the ceremony and no more votes will be counted from this point forward!"

The deed was done and now all that remained was to see who the champion, at long last, actually was...

The Ceremony of Dragons: Chapter One

**The Ceremony of Dragons** **Part One** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Saphira Fafnar_ _ _ _ _ Xigfeldo's heart beat quicker and quicker as they flew to the stadium, the underground cavern where the draconic...

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