Devoted to Dibella 2: Learning Proper Skills

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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La'zami has been under this orc for far too long, but no one can deny that her skills have grown massively in the time that she's spent with him. Her pussy, her mouth, her ass, everything is top-notch from how she was trained to take it. But what happens when the master has no more to teach? Previous chapter

Commissioned by Terpander

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Devoted to Dibella

Chapter 2: Learning Proper Skills

For Terpander

By Draconicon

La'zami knew that she was partially broken. She could feel the softness in the back of her head, the weird warmth that came when the Khajiit tried to think of being free again. She knew that there was something that had shattered, that was damaged, that couldn't so easily work when she was alone.

She blamed Mulush for that, and thanked him for it in the same breath.

The Khajiit, dressed in a set of sheer silks that covered less than nothing, knelt before the fancy chair that her master liked to use when he returned from the accounting offices in Lower Markarth. The orc was always eager to be worshiped, always wanting the touch of his slave when he was home, and she knew that she needed to be ready to give him whatever he wanted.

He wants this one, she thought, her hands curling into fists against her thighs as she imagined herself under the orc again. Despite herself, a small purr started to echo in her chest, rumbling up to the surface and begging for a bit more attention. Her pussy was already dripping in anticipation of being fucked, and she could feel that her ass was doing the same, her hole clenching in eagerness at the idea of her master's big green cock inside.

This is the teaching of Dibella. This one follows the teaching of the loving Nine. She will do what she is told.

That was what she had devoted herself to. That was what La'zami was getting out of this. She was learning how to use the Dibellan arts to please another, and Mulush was very...very inventive in finding new arts for her to learn, new things that she could bring to bear for him and other people.

The door clicked, and she forced herself not to turn around, knowing that it would be breaking the rules to look at her master before he sat down.

Thump, thump, thump. The orc's heavy footsteps echoed through the room, the sound of his boots on the floor reminding her of what her first duty was going to be. She shivered, her nose already burning as she thought about how raw and strong his scent would be, and she knew that she would need to love it.

A good whore knows how to love their master. No matter how he smells, you worship it. No matter how strong his musk, you praise it.

That was what Master Mulush had told her, and she needed to obey it if she wanted to get good enough to earn her freedom from the orc.

Thump. The last one was him sitting in the chair. She looked down at the thick, black, leather boots, then up his long pants legs to his crotch. His shaft was already starting to show, the boner pushing down against one of the legs, and she smiled softly despite herself. He was going to make her feel good.

She reached up to her chest, fondling her breasts, lifting them in the blue silks that she had been given. The Khajiit brought her eyes to the face of her master, smiling slowly and cocking her head to the side.

"Does master have a need for this one?" she asked, smiling a bit more for him.

"He wants you to take his boots off."

"Yes, Master. This one will be happy to please."

Her cheeks burned as she reached down to his boots. She still wasn't used to doing something like this, to being of service in non-sexual ways, or at least, non-immediately sexual ways. She dragged at his boots, pulling them off his feet, and the smell of his sweat hit her like a warhammer to the face.

The smell was strong and thick, hot and heavy, and it was already feeling like it was burning through her nose. She fought back a small grunt and gag, but that didn't mean that she was ready for the sheer thickness of the smell that came every time that she breathed in.

It was better than it used to be, though. She used to gag, to grunt, to fight against that sort of stink, but these days, she found herself getting a little wet from it. Just holding his big, green sole over her face, pressing her nose and muzzle into it, made her shiver and groan. One breath made her pussy clench, and she could feel her juices running free, dripping down her thighs into the silks that she wore.


The Khajiit dragged her nose back and forth along the bottom of his foot, sniffing at him before sticking out her tongue. A few droplets of sweat clung to her tongue, and immediately she was reminded of how long he had been wearing those boots, how long he had been stifling his feet in that hot heat and swamp.

And yet, despite that...


She was enjoying it, her nipples hardening through her fur, her eyes closing slowly to slits. She dragged her tongue along the bottom of his foot, gathering up the sweat and swallowing it down as fast as she could, forcing it down her throat and giving herself a bit of a treat.

Master's musk is all...master's musk is all...

The Khajiit shivered as she licked again and again, her cheeks burning slightly at what she was doing, but her blush was gradually fading as the musk burned the shame from her mind. She was a toy, a Dibellan whore, nothing more. She was there to fulfill a need, and that was all that she would ever be good for.

She moved to the other foot, licking the hot green flesh until it was spotless, and then looked back to her master. Her tongue burned with the taste of his sweat and the warmth of his day, but she knew that she wasn't done yet.

He nodded at her. Reaching down to his crotch, he undid the leather strap that held his cock back. One little tug, and the leather came undone, the pulled-together part in the crotch splitting as his massive green dong fell out and flopped onto her face. The Khajiit gasped as the raw rank of his balls filled her nose, leaving her shivering again and juicing all the harder. Her fingers went down between her legs, trying to find a spot to rub, but he stomped one foot, stopping her in place.

"No. You will not touch yourself until I have been satisfied."

"...Yes, Master."

She bit her lips, bringing her hands back to rest on her thighs, letting them stay there as she nosed the orc's cock up, letting it rest along her muzzle for a moment. It was so hot and thick, and even breathing through her mouth, she could taste the powerful musk that clung to his balls, the potent taste that was already settling on her tongue. She shivered, her tongue starting to hang out like a horny bitch, and she dragged it along the damp orbs, sucking up his taste, his scent, his masculinity.

It was all so good, and it was corrupting her further, dragging her further and further down the road to sexual oblivion.

"You are less than nothing before me," the orc said. "You are nothing but a filthy little whore, a little slut that does what she's told. Call it the holy arts if you want, but we both know what you really are."

"Yes, master," she whispered, panting into his balls, nosing into them. "This one is nothing but a whore. This one is nothing but a cock-sucking slut. This one is happy to lick your body clean of sweat and cum, of musk and scent, in order to get what she wants."

"Yes, you damn well are."

The orc groaned as she pulled his cock into her mouth, and La'zami had to admit that she took a small bit of pleasure from being able to silence his diatribe by giving him a soft little suckle. It was little more than a bit of oral, but she knew her skills, and she knew that they had gotten better since coming under his command.

She was a whore, yes, and she was a servant of Dibella. They were not incompatible with each other, and she knew that she could make herself a far stronger servant as long as she did her absolute best with the orc. Any sense of shame had to be removed for her to be the best servant of her goddess that she could be.

So, she bobbed down to the base of his cock, taking it all the way to the back of her throat. She had once had a gag reflex, but it was gone now. Even his massive orc cock could no longer reach the back of her neck like that. Even his powerful shaft could no longer dominate her the way that it once had. At least, not when she was the one bobbing her head and taking control of it.

That was good. It meant that she was learning.

Even as he settled his hand on the back of her head, tangling his fingers through her fur and getting a grip on her, she knew that it was only a matter of time before her blowjobs got so good that he wouldn't need to guide her.

She just needed to keep practicing.


Time passed. A month, two. Her oral skills had gotten so good that she thought that her master might be getting a little bit afraid of them, afraid of what she might be able to persuade him of while she knelt between his legs. So, things had changed.

La'zami moaned as his cock rested in her pussy, her fat tits hanging down from her chest as she hung beneath his desk. Her eyes were clenched shut as she felt him just...throbbing in her, but not thrusting. Her needs left her dripping, her tight, stretched slit making her feel like she was in heat when she was filled but not getting fucked.

She needed to get fucked. Kitty whore needed to get fucked.

"Please, please, master, fuck me. Fuck me. Use me. I need to feel you..."


He pushed forward a bit, but it wasn't a thrust. It was just the master sliding further into his desk, sliding into place and getting comfortable. He pulled something out above her, rustling something over the desk, but his cock was still completely still inside of her.

It was the most frustrating thing in the world. Even though her pussy and ass still hurt when he fucked her - the spell that he had cast to make them elastic was still in effect, even this long after - the need that his cock instilled in her was second to none. She wanted to feel him further inside of her, wanted to feel him fucking her, but there was nothing that she could do. She was tied up, her arms pulled to either side under the desk, and her body was pinned against the floor. Her knees could not flex, her hips could not push back.

She was helpless, helpless to do anything but hold his cock, and that was driving her up the wall. He had fucked her so many times that she was conditioned to need it, to beg for it, to try and ride his cock as soon as it was inside of her, but now, she was unable to fulfill that conditioning.

"Please, I need it. It hurts, master. I need your cock. I need your cum! Please, please, let me have it. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck this one until she screams!" she begged.

"No. You want to be a good whore? Then learn to get me off without moving."

"Mmmph! How?! How can this one do that?!"

"Use your inner muscles."

That was all he told her. While she heard him muttering about the stupid whore under his desk, she could tell that he wasn't going to say anything else to her, not offering any further help. The idea that she was completely stuck, unable to do anything, felt like it would be impossible to actually get him off.

But if he really wanted her to use her inner muscles...

She shifted a bit, trying to get a bit more inside of her. It was a desperate little attempt, but it didn't work. She was bound too well. There was not even an inch of slack that she could use to try and cheat.

So, how did she do it without cheating?

That was the harder question, and it was one that she had to figure out while her brain was burning with need, while her body felt like it was on fire with the denial he was forcing her to go through.

Think. Think!


She moaned as she felt his size a bit more fully when she squeezed down on him, the pressure of her inner walls pushing him against her sensitive bits. He seemed to like it, too. At the very least, there was some warmth on the inside of her, now, warmth that hadn't been there before.


She tried it again, and the Khajiit shivered at the size of the orc cock inside of her. The feeling of it was just magnified so much when she clenched down on him, almost like it was some magic spell that made him bigger by giving more pressure to his cock.

Again, again, again she squeezed down on him, gradually learning how to ripple her pussy to take him deeper, to pull him in and out, to give the sensation of thrusting when they were completely still. She loved the feeling of him inside of her, and she could feel him dripping in short order.

A whore knows every capability of her body, La'zami thought to herself. This one doesn't know all that she can do yet. She must follow him.

It was part of her dedication. She would follow Master Mulush until he had nothing more to teach her. That day had not yet arrived, obviously.

Clench, clench, clench. She could not move, could not even shift her body, but her pussy could squeeze down with abandon. The spell that he had put on her, the one that had cursed her pussy to be nothing more than the tightest that it could be, yet stretch for any sized cock, was working in her favor here. There was nothing that she couldn't fit, yet she could always tighten around them.

Soon, she could hear her master grunting over her, Mulush starting to lose his focus. She felt his big, meaty hand on her furry rump, squeezing it, even groping it as she worked his cock with her inner walls. It was almost a game for her now, seeing how far she could push him, how hard she could make him.

She slowed down when she heard him huffing and puffing, taking some satisfaction in the frustrated grunts from above.

"Stupid whore..."

He said that, but that wasn't true. La'zami knew that she was smarter than he gave her credit for. He wasn't going to get her off this way, but she could get him off any time. She was just using this as a way to experiment with his body, see how far she could push him before he exploded, how to work him and manipulate his cock with just the power of a simple squeeze down there.

And so, despite the bondage, despite the control that he had over her, she smiled.

This one is learning. This one is getting better.


When she learned how to use her pussy properly, and then her ass, the orc seemed to grow afraid of her again. The Khajiit knew this time that he thought that he was losing control, that she was getting to be too good with her body for him to be able to keep up with, and there was something to the Master that seemed to suggest that if he couldn't dominate her, he wouldn't be able to withstand her when she started to beg for him.

So, he pushed her further, again.


She screamed at the top of her lungs as she hung from a rope, her body swinging this way and that as she felt some enchanted piece of metal rubbing against her down below.

And not against her folds, either, but against a metal cage that was pressed right up against her. The metal bars were part of a leather belt that was locked to her hips, keeping her from taking anything into her pussy, keeping her from rubbing it. The only way that she got any pleasure down there now was through that magical metal, the thing that was vibrating against the metal bars.

She felt them pressing against her, vibrating, buzzing against her pussy lips, rubbing right up against her clit. She struggled, straining to get a bit more pressure, a bit more of the vibrations down there, but as soon as she shifted her hips, the master pulled the metal bar away.

The feline sagged against her restraints, panting and drooling, spittle running down her tongue to her bare breasts, her pussy drooling long strings of her juices to the floor. She couldn't even stand on the stones, her arms pulled so far over her head that she was left a few inches off the ground.

And the orc was grinning at her.

"How does it feel not to be able to cum, hmm? How does it feel to be so helpless?"

It felt good. She felt amazing, for that matter, so horny and so needy. But at the same time -

"Mmmph. This one needs to cum so bad, master. This one needs it. Needs to cum, needs to cum. Will do anything, master, please let this one cum, this one will do anything she is told."

"That's what you should always feel like, you whore. That's what you should always be like."

The Khajiit groaned, La'zami shivering as she felt the heat running up and down her body, pulsing in waves from her restricted pussy. Her ass was still open, and she knew that the master would keep fucking it, but the fact that she could no longer gratify herself was a horrible feeling. It was a restriction that was putting her into a state like her natural heat, and it was leaving her thinking of all sorts of things that he had never thought about.

The idea of being under the whole city, for one, of allowing a gangbang right in the public square.

The idea of being put to work in the mines, not as a miner, but as their whore, was just as appealing.

Going to the guards and allowing them to vent their frustrations on her ass, her pussy, her mouth, her breasts, all of that was good.

Walking the lands of Skyrim with nothing but a collar on, of being the whore of anyone that could find her, was almost the best thought in the world.

It all came from the need to cum. It all came from the need for more pleasure, for that tiny bit that might push her over the edge. She panted as she rolled her hips, trying to push them forward, trying to get the master to give her that little bit more pleasure that would allow her to feel that bit of relief that she so needed.

Instead, he slapped his hand against the bars between her legs, slapping them up against her cunt, making her clit feel the hit.


"That's what you deserve, whore. That's all that a Dibellan priest ever deserves."

"Yes, master. This one takes what you give. This one learns what you teach."

And she was learning. Bit by bit, she was learning. The power of lust made anything acceptable. The hornier you were, the less shameful you felt. The better you did for someone else, the more that the most minor things would make you feel amazing.

The lessons that the orc had for her weren't the ones that he was trying to teach, but they were the ones that she was getting the most out of. The power of sex was a mighty one, and it would allow most anyone to become better than what they started as. She just needed to make sure that she learned the lessons perfectly.

The Khajiit thrust her hips back, offering her ass to her master as he walked around behind her. Rather than his cock, though -


"Let's see if you have a sensitive enough ass to cum from a good fisting..."

The Khajiit only nodded, knowing that she had no choice...and knowing that it would be a good lesson.


Fisting, bondage, public whoring of herself. Those were just some of the lessons that La'zami learned beneath the rule of Master Mulush. She moaned every time that he pushed her through it, came so close to cumming in her new chastity cage, but it was never enough. Never, ever, ever enough.

She learned to take his cum as her marking and her shower. She learned to rub it in and thank him for it. And she learned to beg for more, shoving her face into his crotch and letting him mark her face with sweat and musk, too.

She learned how to worship him as if he, himself, was a god. It was nothing against her own deity, of course, but the Khajiit knew that the power of praise was something that no client would be able to resist, and her master was no exception.

She learned everything that he had to give her, everything that could possibly degrade her and lift him up, and she took it and filed it away, putting it into the back of her mind and making herself that much more competent in the process.

By the time that a year had gone by, she felt like she was probably the most well-taught, most accomplished whore in all of Markarth. There was not a man in the city that hadn't seen her naked, and she was probably the desire of most husbands, considering the gloryholes that Mulush had tied her to in the past and the number of cocks that she had taken in both ends.

And now...

Now, La'zami knew that there was nothing left to learn. The Khajiit stood up from her food bowls in her room, shaking her head as she swayed from side to side.

Something clicked in her head as that decision was made. There was nothing more to learn. Nothing. That meant that it was time for her to go, and if it was time for her to go, then it meant that she was in the wrong place.

What does this one do? she wondered.

The answer came a split second later. She would neutralize Mulush, and then leave. That was all.

The wobbling Khajiit had spent so much time on all fours for the last few months that she had almost forgotten how to walk on her hind legs. She swayed from one side to another, trying to pull herself together, but she eventually managed it, making her way down the stone passages to her master's bedroom.

He was asleep, naked as he always was when he was snoozing, and his cock was half-hard beneath the blankets. The Khajiit had been called to his chambers many times in the middle of the night to satisfy her master's lusts, though more seldomly of late. She imagined that it was because her master did not trust her.

He was right not to.

She clawed the sheets, pulling herself up by the foot of the bed, crawling along the master's legs. She pulled his blankets down, exposing his spit-soaked cock. It was still throbbing slightly from her blowjob earlier, and she imagined that he was dreaming of just how well she had treated it.

Well, he was about to get a reminder.

She opened her mouth and pulled it into her throat, swallowing it right down to the base and then just swallowing.

Every suck was another pulse through her neck, a raw, rough, squeezing swallow that was milking his cock already. She was pulling his pre-cum out in the first swallow, and she could feel the veins on his cock popping out with the second. On the third, he was gasping for breath.

On the fourth, he came.

She swallowed harder, pulling his cock to keep erect. She had many plans for him, and him going soft would ruin each and every one of them. The Khajiit growled, almost possessive as she grabbed his balls in clawed hands, giving them a soft squeeze.

The master woke up at that, groaning and shuffling, only to stare down at her as she pulled her head back from his cock.

"What - I didn't call you."

"No. Your dick did."

She pulled herself up, grinding her ass against his cock, sliding it between the cheeks. The cage of her chastity belt continued to grind against her pussy, threatening her with pleasure and pain, reminding her that she was not allowed to cum even though her master could. Again, and again, and again he had used her, never allowing her to go over the edge, lest she lose that desperate need that made her do anything.

She growled as she impaled herself on his oversensitive dick, forcing it into her depths. He gasped, arching his back and thrusting into her by instinct, only to growl and slam his fist into his own bed.

"Mmmph! NNNGH! Get off of me, whore!"


She rode him, instead, her claws sinking into his chest as she held him tight, slamming her hips down on his cock again and again, pulling it deeper, forcing herself to fuck him in a way that she didn't entirely want to.

Oh, she wanted cock, alright, and his cock was a good one for her ass. But she didn't want him. She wanted to get away from him.

But if she had to fuck him to do that, if she had to fuck him into the bed and knock him out from it, then she would do that.

She drew on all her teaching, from the way that she clawed his chest - avoiding his nipples, but touching all sorts of other sensitive spots - to the way that she squeezed on his cock, milking it with her inner walls. She used her tail to tickle his balls, and she used her eyes to tell him the truth of things.

His cock didn't belong to him anymore. It belonged to her. And she was going to use it...again...and again...and again.

The orc broke beneath her, cumming again, less than two minutes after his previous orgasm. She only used it as lube to let him fuck her faster, to take him deeper, to let her fuck him the way that she wanted. Not the way that he did, the way that she did.

He came three times before he tried to struggle, but by then, she was the one in charge. She let him push her back, but only back so that she was taking him at a different angle, feeling him filling her up in a different way. More importantly, it forced his cock to rub up against a different part of her ass, giving him a different sensation as she bent his cock down a little ways.

"Do you like the feeling of fucking your little whore, hmm? Do you like the feeling of your cock so far inside?"


"Call me whatever you want. Yes. Me. Not this one. Me."

She panted, grinning as she reached up to fondle her breasts, feeling something coming back. She was still damaged, but something had returned. Something crucial.

Something her.

She pinched one of her nipples, squeezing down on him, forcing him to cum again. Oh, he wasn't cumming much anymore, barely more than a few droplets compared to the floods that he had once unleashed inside of her. The Khajiit smiled, looking down at him, seeing his chest shaking, his green skin completely soaked with sweat.

"I am me. I am La'zami. And I am a well-trained whore...and a master of the Dibellan arts."

She squeezed, her hands rolling down to his thighs and pinching. She knew his points. She knew where he would love to be touched, and she used it against him, forcing a series of rolling orgasms out of his dick.

He was cumming blanks by the time she was done, wheezing, gasping, almost screaming when she slid up his dick. She knew he would be oversensitive, his entire body wracked with pleasure and pain to a degree that it had never known.

It was where she lived.

It was what she felt all the time, and had felt for the last few months ever since he had put the cage on her.

Despite enjoying his cock in her ass, she hadn't cum once. She wanted it, craved it, but she was able to think past it for the first time in far too long. There was one purpose for her, one purpose in all of Skyrim, and that was to serve Dibella. And that could not be accomplished in the arms of this orc.

She slid her ass up, letting her furry rump rise along his cock. She squeezed all the way up, forcing him to stay hard, pulling whimpers from him that were almost as delicious as his cum was.

Resting one hand on his chest as she held herself at the peak of his shaft, La'zami looked down at him. She met his eyes, those once-fearsome eyes. They looked up at her with terror, as if she had become something from Oblivion itself, a monster formed of sex and need and lust and horror. As if she might suck his very soul out through his cock.

She wondered, briefly, if that was a punishment that priests could give others in the Dibellan church.

It didn't matter. She slammed down again, and again, and again, each time forcing the orc to scream in pleasured pain, or pained pleasure, not knowing which and not really caring.

In a way, what she did was instinct. She was far enough gone that she kept riding him, not quite knowing what it would do, but her body knowing that it would do something. Up and down, up and down, up and down.

He screamed for her to stop, but she couldn't. Wouldn't. Wouldn't stop, not until the thing happened. Not until she felt right.

She kept going for hours, and long after he stopped screaming, long after he had fallen unconscious, she finally felt it. La'zami stopped, then slowly slid off.

It was done. The orc's cock had been stripped of its green color, left a pink-ish red from the way that she had fucked it raw. It wouldn't kill his cock, but it would definitely leave him unable to fuck for many days. But the important part was at the very base of his shaft.

There, where his cock met his balls and his crotch, there was a ring. At first, it almost looked like a bruise, but no. It was a mark. A mark that she realized might only be left by one of pure sexual devotion, not to a person, but to the ideals of sex. She had done that. She had marked him. And from marking him in anger, she had left it with a curse.

What kind of curse, she didn't know, nor how to do it again, but she knew on some level that she had done it.

And now, it was time to go.

Not having time to look for a key, La'zami grabbed a robe and fled the house, running barefoot down the streets of Markarth to the city gate. She didn't know what waited for her in Skyrim, but she knew that there had to be other priests of Dibella. Not the ones in the chapel here, for Mulush might find her again, but out there...

Out there, she would find her purpose. Out there, she would fulfill it.

The End

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