Devoted to Dibella 1: A Deviant Bet

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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La'zami is a miner in Markarth, hoping to find a way out of the mine and into a better life. Calling herself a follower of Dibella due to her many sexual exploits, she eventually attracts the interest of a richer orc in the city. Offered the chance to leave the mine if she can beat him in a sexual contest, she takes the offer immediately. After all, how hard could it be, really?

Commissioned by Terpander

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Enjoy. Next chapter

Devoted to Dibella

Chapter 1: A Deviant Bet

For Terpander

By Draconicon

Kneeling on a rock floor was not a new experience for La'zami, and neither were the butterflies in her stomach. As a Khajiit, she had eaten many of them in her time outside the city walls, though this was the first time that they fluttered about without actually being there. She took a deep breath, smoothed her whiskers, and then lowered her head to stare at the ground again.

This is a chance for freedom, she thought. One night of practicing Dibella's arts, and there will be freedom.

The Khajiit had been working in Cidhna Mine for over a year, spending whatever time that she hadn't been swinging a pick-axe working with the different men and women inside of the mine. Her body had been her greatest asset to her, and she had learned to use it to bring pleasure to anyone that came before her. Whether they had a prick or a cunt, they were welcome between her legs.

La'zami chuckled to herself. It might very well have made her a priestess of Dibella, considering what she'd heard of what happened in those temples. It certainly got her attention when she said that she was a disciple of that Aedra's arts.

Which was why she was here.

She looked up from the stone floor to the door at the far end of the room, shuffling in the nearly-transparent robes that she'd been left to wear. There was still no sign of the owner of the house, no sound that indicated that he might soon be there. There was only the soft passage of the wind through the underground house.

Where is he?

Though she was nervous about dealing with Mulush - Mulush gro-Shugurz, to give him his full name - she was sure that she had a good chance of winning his wager. She was sure, no matter how many butterflies were trying to join the colony in her stomach.

Just make him cum before he can make you cum. That was the deal. Do it twice, and you're free. Do it twice, and you're RICH.

Ever since he'd heard of her, she'd seen the orc wandering through the mine, looking down at her, smirking and fondling himself. She had thought that he might be looking for some bit of fun, and she'd even considered giving him a tumble to see if she could earn a little more food, but she'd never gone through with it. Something had always felt off.

And then, yesterday, someone had passed her a note from the rich orc. An invitation, and a bet.

Be better than him in bed, and he'd not just buy her freedom, but give her the money to get away from Markarth and go wherever it was she wanted. Fail, and she would be bound as his house slut, a slave to his pleasures for who knew how long.

She'd taken the deal. Now, she just -

The creaking of a door opening was her only warning that he had arrived, and the cat-girl sat up straight, her muzzle poking out from under the hood of the robe as she looked at the door.

Mulush stepped through quickly, his face illuminated by a candle and little more. The orc, as green-skinned as so many of his people were, didn't even bother to wear proper clothes. He walked into the room naked, his long, flaccid cock swaying between his legs like a weapon, and despite her confidence, she shivered at the sight of it.

Orcs were always the hardest of her clients to satisfy. Not only because of the strange stamina that all of the males seemed possessed of in bed, but also from the strange way that they tended to 'play' with her. They had a touch to them, a bestial sense of what someone else needed, and they weren't afraid to use it when they were breeding another.

He won't beat me, she thought. I know how to use my body. He just likes others to play with him. He's not used to breaking others...

She hoped.

His tusky mouth turned up in a smirk as he approached her, kneeling in front of her so that they were nearly eye to eye. The bed that they were to share was just behind her, and she felt like she was prey, pinned between her predator and its den.

"'re prettier now that I can see everything. Nice tits, cat-girl."

"They are quite fine."

"And that cunt. I look forward to fucking it."

She knew that it was all too visible through the sheer cloth that she wore, but she tried not to let it get to her. The fact that she was doing this meant that she couldn't have any shame. No Dibellan priest should.

So, she slowly spread her legs a bit further, lowering her head as she showed off the space between them. She could feel the orc's eyes staring at her, felt the way that Mulush was feasting on her private parts, and did her best not to groan or heave. The idea of having him on her was more than she wanted, but she reminded herself of the prize.



A chance to be what she wanted.

"Shall we adjourn to the bed?" she asked, gesturing with her tail.

"In a moment."

He pulled his other hand out from behind his back, revealing a pair of tankards. Taking one, he offered her the other.

"A simple brew. Just to relax, eh?"


"Just a way to get us ready." He chuckled. "Why, afraid that you can't beat me if you're drunk?"

"I don't get drunk from one mug."

The Khajiit took it without thinking, downing it as he did the same. The sweet taste of mead crossed her tongue, but also...

Something else. Something bitter, hot -

A potion?!

She tried to pull the mug down, but Mulush was already pushing on the other side, forcing the mug up and forcing her to keep drinking if she didn't want to drown. The Khajiit groaned, her ears flattening tight to the sides of her head as she swallowed just to stay alive.

By the time that the mug was empty, the heat had moved from her mouth to between her legs, burning inside of her pussy. She panted for breath, dropping the pewter thing to the floor. She tried to get to her feet, only to stumble back to her knees, the room spinning as the heat spread from her core outwards, resting in her hips and then up to her chest, her nipples popping out through her fur.

"What...what did you..."

"There were no rules on this bet, miner," the orc said. He grabbed her by the wrists, lifting her up with one hand. "Just see who can get the other off faster. Heh. You thought I'd be honorable about this?"


"You Dibellan whores. All the same."

He tossed her onto the bed with ease, and the cat slammed down on it hard. She groaned, her back and tail sinking into the bed, her head hanging off the foot of it. The impact hit her harder than she expected. Much harder.

My strength...

She used to be so strong, so powerful in the mines. All that time there had toughened her up, making her far stronger than she used to be. Somehow, it was gone, her muscles barely the strength of the average thief...

And an average thief had no way of getting away from an orc. Particularly one that grabbed her by the throat the way that Mulush did, pinning her to the bed and forcing her mouth open.

"You want to know what your fate will be, miner? Let me show you."

La'zami groaned as her face became the cum-rag of the orc's cock and balls. He ground his crotch against her again and again, the hot, spicy musk of his manhood rubbing off on her fur, as well as his sweat.

"You'll be down there every day, sucking that off and giving me the pleasure that I deserve. I've been looking for a personal whore, and I bet you'll do just fine."

She groaned, her hands pressing to his hips to try and get him to pull back, but she was too weak. Too weak by half, as he pinned her down and smothered her beneath those fat, green orbs.

Struggling to breathe, she struggled even more with the fact that every breath was laced with his musky stench. Normally, it was something that she endured - particularly from other miners that were less than well-cleaned - but this...this was something...

She groaned, the heat between her legs getting worse as she felt the smell doing something to her. She was dripping wet in short order, her juices flowing from her pussy down to her ass, and La'zami struggled to keep her head on straight. Even when he pulled back, slapping his dick against her lips, she was barely able to pull together enough common sense to hate him for what he'd done.

The Khajiit rolled over, rubbing her hand against her face in a vain attempt to get rid of the stink of his balls. It just clung to her fingers, instead, soaking into them and leaving her smelling even more of him. Shaking her head, she looked up, panting, barely keeping from growling.

He only smirked back, and a second later, she knew why.

Her chest suddenly felt hot, hot as a forge fire burning the trash from the silver. She winced, leaning forward as her breasts expanded, growing heavier, fatter, her nipples pushing through her fur so far that she swore that they were trying to always be on display, like some human or orc woman. She bit her lips, trying not to think about how shameless they looked.

Even as her breasts pushed forward, bubbling from the inside out, she could feel her ass growing, her hips flaring out from beneath. The heat built and then exploded, pushing her ass out, forcing her tail higher, almost making it look like she was constantly offering herself. Her hips were wider, too, making the robes she wore almost pointless.

Still panting from the potion, she struggled to get to her knees, feeling so top-heavy in comparison. She felt like a doll, almost, a prostitute that had been molded into whatever her client wanted her to be.

And somehow, that was hot in and of itself.

Ignoring the flushing heat between her legs and the juices running down her thighs, La'zami forced herself to look up. She tried to growl, but all she could summon was a mewl of need.

"Are we doing this...or not?" she managed to get out.

"Oh, we're doing this."

He joined her on the bed, his cock half-hard and rising further as he pulled her to his chest. The feeling of his hard muscles against her was not quite what she expected; she wanted to be disgusted, but her body was aroused. Very, very aroused.

Not good, very not good.

Panting, she barely remembered that this was supposed to be a contest as he started to reach between her legs. She managed to grab his hand, stopping it from sliding up to her pussy just yet.

"Rules?" she panted.


He seemed almost amused at her. The fact that he was this confident told her that the potion might be more effective than she was feeling just yet. Though she wasn't an official priestess of Dibella, that didn't mean that she didn't know what she was doing. He had to know that; he'd spied on her with other men before, and she'd been very, very clear about her skills then.

What else does this thing do? she worried.

"Let's start with...hands and feet and 'real' riding...just hands, feet, and tongue."

He was hiding something. She was damn sure of it, but there was nothing that she could do to stop it now. The game was afoot, and she needed to win.

And if that meant suffering from a lack of dignity, then that was what she needed to do.

The Khajiit laid herself back on the bed, spreading her legs and waving for him to come to her. She did it in the most seductive way she could, trying to keep herself from losing her mind to the heat between her legs. If she allowed that to take charge, then she was doomed, completely and utterly.

I need a 69, she thought. If I can get him on top, thrusting into my mouth, then I've already won.

La'zami's mouth was legendary in the mines. She was able to get the most numb dick off in less than a minute when she was allowed to do what she wanted, and her hands were never required. All she did was open her mouth and suck. It was...well, something of a gift, if she was completely honest.

She just hoped that it worked here.

Thankfully, Mulush didn't protest. He seemed to grin at the idea of holding himself even further over the lowly 'miner' that he had brought to his house, and the green-skinned merchant pulled himself up and over her, throwing his legs on either side of her head and letting his cock dangle down over her face.

Only half-hard, his cock still reached a good seven inches, and at a guess, the feline imagined that it would probably reach ten before it was done growing. Her throat was going to get a stretch, that was for sure.

"Ready, girl?" he grunted as he got comfortable over her.

She didn't answer with words, but she did use her tongue. Flicking it up, she caught his cock with it and dragged it down to her lips, wrapping around the head and stretching her mouth already. She groaned, faking a moan at his thick, musky taste, pulling it into her mouth and dragging it further into her throat.

Already, he was stiffening up, and she hid a slight smirk as she buried her face in his ballsac again. This was going to be easy.

At least, that was what she thought before his fingers found her pussy.

La'zami almost jumped out of her skin as she felt his fingers pushing inside of her, the shock of pleasure so strong that she almost came right there and then. She had to force herself not to bite the thick cock in her mouth, whimpering around it as she felt her body's need skyrocket, her juices suddenly flowing far faster.

"Mmm, you're so sensitive. I bet you that I can get you to cum without even touching your clit."

He probably could, too, considering how needy she suddenly felt. The Khajiit panted, her breath puffing from her nose to the hefty green balls over them, barely able to catch her breath as she struggled to think of a way forward.

Gotta...gotta kick it up...a notch...

Desperately, she started sucking on the orc's cock as if it was the source of life itself. Her cheeks pursed in, her eyes rolled back, and she forced herself to savor it the way that she had done with endless numbers of mine managers, knowing that this was the only way that she was going to make it to the end and win.

She thrust her head up, moaning around the base of Mulush's cock, and she felt him shiver, shaking, his legs almost giving out. He would have thrust down her throat if she let him, and she was tempted to do that.

But no, she needed to maintain control, or he was going to just stay there and do all the work on her pussy without her -


She screamed against his balls as he shoved three fingers into her at once, his hand moving fast as he pumped his fingers deep. There was no question of just how good it felt. It was amazing, and it was driving her mad.

And it was distracting her. Even as her hips bucked up to meet his fingers, she was desperately trying to remember to suck his cock. She forced her tongue to keep moving, even as the shivers of pleasure and orgasm were already working their way down her spine towards her pussy. If it kept getting better, if it stayed this good -

Can't let it, can't let it, can't let it...

She forced the orc's cock all the way back in her throat, swallowing desperately as her tongue kept swaying back and forth along the underside. She pressed her hands to his thighs for leverage, bouncing her head up and down on his cock. Intentionally, she set off her gag reflex, forcing herself to squeeze down on his cock.

Every trick earned her a shot or two of pre, but none of it was good enough to get him to cum right then and there, and she needed him to cum, soon.

Every passing second had her pussy that much wetter, that much needier. She was actively humping his fingers, and she was barely coherent. Her gasps for breath were getting shakier, her heart racing in her chest.

The only consolation was the fact that the orc had to be as close as she was. He was panting over her, almost collapsing. His thighs were quivering, his weight falling more and more firmly over her. The fact that she was getting crushed beneath his pelvis and stomach was more of a relief than it should have been; it meant that he was enjoying himself too much to be able to stay upright.

She sucked again, swallowing another mouthful of pre, wondering if she dared stick a finger up his ass. It was perfectly fine with the rules, normally, but he had said no penetration...but with what he was doing to her...

Desperately, La'zami shoved one finger up his ass, going right for his prostate.

Almost instantly, Mulush thrust forward, roaring as he ground his balls against her nose, his crotch against her face. She gagged, barely able to take that massive cock without throwing up, but she...

Had she won?

She didn't suck as he pulled back, but when she realized that there was no taste of cum around his cock head, she realized that she had made a mistake.

And he made her pay for it.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" She screamed as he redoubled his efforts on her pussy, slamming not three, but four fingers deep inside of her, barely a hairs-breadth away from fisting her. The Khajiit's back arched right off the bed, and she screamed to the heavens as she was made to cum right then and there. Her juices squirted towards the other side of the room, soaking the floor, spreading all over the place.

He kept punching his hand right into her pussy, too, spreading her wider, forcing her over the edge not once, but twice, her body shaking as it was made to follow the rolling orgasms, rising up, falling down, rising up again. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, her vision going black and sparkly at the same time as the heat of orgasm rushed over her.

When he finally pulled his hand free, the Khajiit slumped down, gasping, panting, barely able to catch her breath. She felt like a fish out of water as she struggled to calm her heart down.

You lost. You lost. You idiot, you lost!

But...but there was still a chance to pull this to a tie, she was sure. If she could at least not cum first in the second round -

"Heh...look at you..."

La'zami struggled to pull her head up, grimacing as the image of the orc finally solidified in her vision. The naked man was chuckling, holding up a paint brush in his hand.

"What's that for? Painting a trophy?" she panted.

"Almost. I have made a study of magic in the past...I think it's time to mark you for what you are, miner. A toy. And a near-perfect toy, at that."

Magic? She was helpless to resist as he forced her to spread her legs, the fluff of the paintbrush running down between her thighs, painting lines and letters and sigils in a circle around her pussy and her asshole. She almost giggled at the feeling, but the tingle of power told her that something really was happening.

He pulled it tight with one final rune just above her clit, and before her eyes, her stretched-out pussy suddenly pulled in tight again. Not just to the point of where it was at the start of the night, but further, tightening more, and more, and more, until it looked like the virginal slit of a teenager, one that had never allowed anything inside of it. Her eyes went wide, her fingers reaching down -

"Ah ah."

He grabbed her hand, pulling it back before she could slide it in. She grimaced, wishing that his power didn't make her so turned on. The damn potion was still burning through her veins and making everything so fucking difficult.

"What did...what did you do to me?" she panted.

"I made you perfect."

He reached down to her pussy, sliding one finger against it. As he pushed it, she grimaced, then gasped as it felt just as big as his fist had felt only a few seconds ago. She bit her lips, the cat's toes curling against the bed, her eyes closing into slits.

It's just a finger! she told herself. Why does it feel so big?!

She panted as he worked it in and out, feeling like she was getting fucked as virgin once more, but far more pleasurably. It was completely impossible, and yet, there was the evidence. She was getting filled, emptied, filled, emptied, and it was just one finger, but it might as well have been a horse cock.

And Mulush smirked at her the whole time.

"I made your holes perfect. Your ass and your pussy will be as flexible and tight as possible, able to squeeze down on anyone, but open up for any size. It'll make everything feel absolutely amazing...for us."

And absolutely huge for her. No matter who was fucking her, from the slightest-endowed Bosmer to the biggest orc, she would feel like she was getting fucked by a stallion. Mulush had found the ultimate humiliation for her...and the ultimate advantage for himself.

Before she could say anything, he flipped her over, shoving her down on her belly. He yanked her hips back up, her ass at fucking level as he slid his erection between her legs, rubbing it against her oversensitive pussy.

"Round two, miner."

"Mmmph...I thought...I thought we'd get a break...between..."

"Not a snowball's chance in Oblivion. You think that you can hold out? Prove it. Make me cum, and you at least get to go back to your old life. If you cum first, though..."

She could already imagine what would happen if she came first. Mulush would keep her as a toy in his mansion, possibly even as a whore, trotting her out to pay off debts and to please those that he wanted to impress. She shivered, feeling her body heating up at the idea, but at the same time...

You can handle are that good...and if you're not...

Her thoughts were shattered by the orc's first thrust, her eyes going wider than they had ever gone in her life. That first thrust was worse than the finger, a hundred times worse, and her pussy opened up for it the way that it had done for her first cock, which had been a good bit smaller.

The problem was, it was huge...and it felt amazing.

She nearly broke right then and there, her arms splaying out at her sides, her mouth hanging open and her tongue flopping out like a bitch in heat. The Khajiit couldn't help it as the orc started hammering her like that, using her pussy like it was nothing more than a hole for him to dump his seed in.

Squeeze, she told herself, and she tried, but despite all the pleasure she was getting, it was like her pussy was numb to her. Like the spell that had left it this elastic and tight had turned it into a toy for others rather than a bodypart for her. She couldn't move it, couldn't clench, couldn't do anything but lie there and take it.

She couldn't even thrust her hips back the way that she used to, her body held too tightly by the bigger orc. La'zami moaned under her breath, gasping for air as she was fucked harder, harder, harder, pinned down beneath the big guy and fucked right into the mattress. His rutting hips were slapping against her ass harder and harder, almost bruising it beneath the fur, forcing her further along until -


The Khajiit yowled as she was forced over the edge, her pussy clamping down on instinct on the bigger male's cock. She felt it throbbing in her, but she didn't feel it cum.

I lost...I lost again...

The thought was almost as crushing as the weight on her back as the orc pulled her up, forcing her arms under her before grabbing her chest. He pulled on her nipples, dragging them down so hard that she felt sharp pain beneath the pleasure of his touch, and his cock was slowly sliding out of her pussy.

"You're mine now, miner. Nothing but a toy...nothing but a good little bitch."

La'zami gasped as he slammed into her ass at the last word, only her own juices lubricating her for that. The spell on her kept the pain from breaking her, but she still felt the heat of the penetration, still felt the ache that came with a deep, firm thrust under her tail.

The ache...and the pleasure.

By the Nine...

He was filling her more than any other miner had done, more than any foreman had ever done with a double-penetration session. Her eyes were rolling back in her head as he fucked her, used her, filled her. Everything felt mind-meltingly good...

Is this...this what...Dibellan acolytes feel?

She had always thought that she was doing well by the church by allowing herself to be used, by throwing herself out there, but she doubted that she had ever made a male feel this good. She knew that she had never felt this good with another person before. It was warping her, wracking her body as her brain was corrupted by it.

This was the meaning of pleasure. This was the epitome of what a person could be enjoying with their partner. This was what sex should be, what the lust of another person should always come to.

I need this...we all need this...all praise to pleasure...all praise to Dibella...

She nearly collapsed at the thought, but Mulush's hands kept her upright, his cock forcing her ass to stay right where it was. Her rim was burning, but in the best of ways, reminding her of how she was being of service, how she was giving the big orc what he wanted, what he needed. That was her place in life. That was what she was supposed to do.

She could learn under him. Learn depravity, debauchery in a way that the mines would not teach her. The mines freed her from shame, for the most part, but they were basic. Nothing more than oral, than vaginal, than anal. This roughness, this purity, was what she needed to know to serve her goddess right.

I will be better, she thought as the orc huffed and puffed over her, slapping her ass when he wasn't molesting her tits. I will be better...I will be better...I will be better!

Eventually, Mulush came in her ass, and she moaned in a third orgasm by the time that they got there. She almost collapsed over the bed, whimpering, moaning, gasping, grinning from the experience as he pulled out, slapping her ass cheeks with his cock.

"I'll have to get you a collar tomorrow."

A collar. She wondered if it would be a slave collar or a beast collar. She even wondered if maybe the priests of Dibella should all wear collars, showing how they were enslaved to the needs of others.

Was she broken a bit? Maybe. There was definitely something different with how she was thinking, and La'zami knew it, but there was something that she could learn. Ways where she could be better.

She needed to be better.

Had to be better.

Being better was the only way to escape.

For all that the orc had done to her, for all that her mind was warped under the pressure of the pleasure that she'd gone through, she wasn't about to live here forever. She knew that there was every way for her to turn this to her advantage, every way that she might be better from this, but she wasn't going to give the orc the pleasure of owning someone like her forever. She wasn't better than that just yet, but she would be.

One day.

Until then...

She slowly rolled over, spreading her legs and bringing her feet around, resting the toes of one on Mulush's balls and the other along the head of his shaft. She curled her toes, letting the blunt ends of her claws rub and touch them, teasing them, and his cock soon started to throb for her again.

"Let this one please you, master..."

"Heh...after I clean up. There's no need for a dirty slave," the orc said. "Or a sick one. Sit here, and wait. Tease yourself while I'm away."

As the orc left the room, she did as he ordered, leaning back on the bed and spreading her legs. She looked down at her pussy and ass again, and wasn't too surprised to see that they had basically sealed themselves up again. The orc's spell had done quite a number on her, keeping her looking virginal, and probably feeling it to everyone else, as well.

It will take a long time to get used to that, she thought, running her fingers along her tightly-clenched pussy lips. I wonder if this will be permanent.

She wasn't sure if she hoped it was. On the one hand, it would give her a way of easily pleasing other people in the world. They would want to fuck the perpetual virgin at all times, she imagined, and it would give her a leg up on a number of other real priests.

On the other hand, it did make it hard to enjoy the different sizes of cocks for what they actually were, and it did make it very, very hard to think. She would need to be careful while she was learning to not break any further.

Nevertheless, she reached down with one hand and started teasing her pussy, rubbing along the outside of her tight little sex, and moaned as she started dripping again. She leaned back so that her juices would roll right over her asshole, knowing that the orc would probably want that even more than he wanted her pussy again.

And she wanted to make sure that she didn't take him dry. Even with the spells on her, even with her near-breaking, she didn't want to injure herself.

Learn, she told herself. Learn everything he has, then leave when he can teach you no more.

The End

Devoted to Dibella 2: Learning Proper Skills

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