A Snake's Corruption 1: A New Home

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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What happens when a snake finds his way from the Soviet culture all the way to western mega-debauchery? Particularly when the debauchery is supplemented by a sexual utopia that would get someone jailed or killed in the snake's country if they were to even think about trying something like that?

Commissioned by Kacacarrotcake

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A Snake's Corruption Part 1: A New Home For Kacacarrotcake By Draconicon

Yana Kuznetsov came from a very different place than this western city. He came from a land of snow, of order, of red and white posters and stern men looking down from on high, telling the people what was and was not right. The cobra knew what was supposed to be done because he was always told that, knew his place in life because people were always putting him in it. As harsh as it was, there was a part of him that looked back on it fondly now that he was off the plane.

Black and white scales were joined with a red blush as he looked at the naked security guards that stood behind the glass booths at the passport checkpoint. They didn't seem to have any shame, not when they were looking at him, and not when he was looking at them.

"Reason for visiting?" the well-stacked vixen on the other side asked.

"Um, coming for a job."

"Do you already have it lined up?"

"A formal interview...uh, yes, a very formal interview with MagiTech, Inc."

"Ah, then you should be fine."

She smiled at him, pulling a pen from between her very, very large breasts, making a mark on a form before stamping his passport. She must have noticed him looking a bit nervous, because she chuckled and reached out, patting his hand.

"Don't look so shocked, dear. You'll be fine. We're very friendly here."

"Are...are all of you..."

"Naked? Well, it's been a bit of a thing lately. Ever since MagiTech put itself on the map, we've just seemed to go for it. Something very freeing about being naked, I have to admit. And the climate control rings really work. See?"

She stood up, and Yana nearly fainted as he saw her exposing her clitoris to him, pulling her pussy lips apart to show a piercing that had been driven right through the hood of it. He turned away rapidly, closing his passport and running through the checkpoint to the other side.

What is wrong with westerners?! he thought. Have they all lost their minds?

The guards weren't the only ones that were naked, either. As he stumbled through the airport towards the bus terminal, he found one eyeful after another of different naked people. Some males, some females, but every single one of them naked as could be.

He wobbled around in shock, barely able to pull his suitcase behind him. There were several times when the snake had to stop and lean against a wall, covering his eyes with one hand to try and pull himself together. He told himself that there were nudist beaches back home, too, that there were places where people could take off their clothes in public and it wasn't a problem. The way that they showed off their bodies didn't mean anything.

"Excuse me, sir?"

A soft voice, high, but male. He should be fine with that. Yana opened his eyes -


And jumped several feet back as he found that the voice did not match the species. A big, brown-furred, big-balled, fully aroused draft horse stood at his side, one that was shamelessly showing off his big flared cock. The snake's eyes felt like they were about to burst from their sockets as he looked the other male over, hardly believing that a voice like that could come from someone that big.

"Pardon me, sir," the horse said again, and Yana wanted to cry from just how wrong that voice sounded from that body. "Would you like to purchase my services? You seem to be suffering from ESPS."

"What...what is that supposed to be?"

"Excessive Semen Production Syndrome. If you would wish to relieve it, I offer both a prostate massage or, if you haven't stretched, a direct way of emptying it."

Before the horse could turn and demonstrate the 'direct' means, Yana was already running down the airport concourse, fleeing at top speed for the bus.

This is what's wrong with the West! he thought. Degenerate, deviant, and completely shameless!

At least the naked people waiting for the bus weren't the complete majority. There were other foreigners that did wear clothes, much to Yana's relief. He wasn't the only one not showing his flesh to the entire world. That was something. He got in line for his bus, paid his fare, and sat down. The snake closed his eyes, letting the blackness behind his eyelids fool him for a while that the bus wasn't filled with naked people, that the sounds he heard didn't mean that they were jerking off or fingering themselves or...something else.

Mmmph...Maybe this was a mistake...

No, he wouldn't let himself believe that. His father had specifically said that the best place for someone with his skills in techno-magical interaction was at MagiTech, Inc. Their offices in Russia were minimal, at best, but his father had picked up a flyer that said that they were hiring in the West, that they were willing to take on new employees, even from outside the country.

It was the best place for him, according to his father. The best place, even if the government back home was not best pleased by the way that Western magic and technology were starting to penetrate the country. There was no stopping it, considering how effective the technology was and how efficient it was compared to the standard, home-grown goods, but there was still dissatisfaction with its spread.

Yana would never have gotten a job in the industry in Russia, but here there was hope. If he could take the shamelessness all around him, that was.

The bus dinged, and he opened his eyes.

"Welcome to the Ralton Hotel. All passengers departing for the Ralton, disembark."

That was his place. The snake stood up, grabbed his suitcase, and left the bus, hoping that the hotel would be a little less insane than the inside of the airport.

He was wrong.

Not only were there still hookers waiting for Johns at the front door, but the hotel had some of the mounted right into the walls, nothing but asses, pussies, cocks, and feet pointed out towards the lobby. The snake's eyes felt like they were going to fall right out of their sockets as he saw that there were even little credit card slots right next to them, offering clients a chance to pay after having one or two 'sample thrusts.'

What is wrong with people?!

He ignored them the best he could, even though his own double dicks were starting to throb in his pants, and walked up to the main desk. At least the wolf there was wearing something, even if it was nothing more than a latex thong.

"Checking in. Kuznetsov," he said.


Handing over his passport, the snake did his best to keep his eyes down and his attention anywhere but on the sexy stuff around him. There was nothing that he wanted to see in terms of sexual goods. All he wanted was his room, not whore all around.

The wolf scanned his ID, then his credit card, then handed over the room key.

"You're with us for a week, Mr. Kuznetsov. According to our records, MagiTech is footing the bill, so we're putting you in a suite."

"That...that is not necessary, but thank you."

"It is necessary. For our bottom line, at least," the wolf said with a chuckle that made both his belly and his bulge shake. "Enjoy your stay, sir."

The snake did his best not to look at anybody as he made his way to the elevator. At least that was working normally. No sudden nudity to surprise him, no buttons that had to be pressed with a dick, no gloryhole built into the thing. At least there were some limits to western perversion.

The elevator took him right up to his suite, right at the second to top floor. There were only six doors on the level, so it was easy to find his, and as he entered it, he felt...comfortable.

There was a small waterfall running down the wall on the far end of the room, the place was scantly lit to allow for the natural light pouring in from outside to warm the place instead, and the open space felt...liberating. Better than the cramped quarters that the government allotted back home, at least, and far better than the comforts of a long plane ride.

The snake sat down on the couch in the main living area, shaking his head as he looked at the TV. He was almost tempted to turn it on, but knowing what he had seen, he would imagine most of the channels would be pornographic at the moment. He resisted the temptation, running his hands along his cheeks as he let out a long, slow sigh.

Ring ring, ring ring.

He blinked, hearing the landline in the hotel room ringing. The snake turned to look at it, arching an eyebrow.

"Who even uses these anymore..."

He ignored it at first, letting it continue ringing through. It was probably the hotel trying to tell him something, and they could leave a message. Yana closed his eyes and tried to relax, to meditate through the stress that seeing all the deviancy on the streets had brought.

Ring ring, ring ring.

The phone started up again, and he opened one eye, glaring at it.


Groaning, he slid over to the other side of the couch, picking it up and muttering.


"Hello, this is MagiTech calling. May I ask if I am speaking to one Yana Kuznetsov?"

MagiTech? His eyes went wide. Had he let them go to voicemail just a moment ago? Not a good way to make a good first impression on what he hoped would be a long-term employer. The snake blushed as he nodded.

"Yes, yes, that's me. I'm sorry if I missed your earlier call. I was busy getting situated here in the hotel."

"That's fine. We were expecting you to be there a bit earlier, that's all." The caller chuckled. "Now, we wanted to make sure that the interview timing is well-understood. We were planning to have you come in tomorrow, around 11:30 in the morning. Does that work for you?"

It was a good time, he supposed. He was going to be jet-lagged to hell and back, but that was better than going for an early morning time. At least if he was able to take this one, he would be able to go back to the hotel and collapse for a while afterwards. It was probably the best that he was going to get.

"That works fine for me."

"Wonderful. We'll see you tomorrow. Ask for Ailsa when you get in."

"Got it. Ailsa. Will do."

The phone line went dead, and he put it back on the receiver. Shaking his head, he laid himself down flat, looking up at the ceiling.

MagiTech. Just a few years ago, it had been the subject of a huge investigation, something about corruption and the use of magic in harmful ways on various volunteers and workers. Then it just seemed to go away, as if the investigation had never been.

He didn't know what was going on with the company, but he doubted that it was as innocent as all of the commercials that it put out made it seem to be. There were reports everywhere that something had gone wrong, though there were no specifics as to what it had been. Something about a cult, an internal upheaval, something that had escaped the vaults of the magical company. It was all that anyone could really say about it before the websites started getting shut down and the forums were hit with a delete and desist order.

Then again, he supposed that the big-time companies had to keep some secrecy, particularly when they were working with the government. He knew that there were dozens of companies back home that were under gag orders about the stuff that they did, where the government came down hard on those that were trying to spill the beans to anyone. Gag orders were something that he understood.

He just hoped that the rumors were more exaggerated than truthful. The last thing he needed was for his new life to start under a tyrant.

The snake took a deep breath, closed his eyes a bit tighter, and told himself to wake up in a few hours. For now, he was going to have a nap, and by the end of it, he told himself that he would feel much better.

The time passed, and when he opened his eyes, the late afternoon sun had become the setting sun. Probably about two hours of a nap, not enough to screw up his sleep cycle, but enough to allow him to stay up long enough to get into time zone. He sat up, adjusted his t-shirt a bit, and then swung his legs off the couch.

Time for dinner, he thought, his stomach giving him a hell of a rumble at the moment. What's good...

A quick search through the local maps told him that there was a diner not far away. It was definitely a different sort of place to eat for him, considering what he had grown up with back home, but it was a way to start getting used to the local culture and cuisine. If nothing else, he might start learning a bit more about how the locals acted, and that wouldn't be a bad thing.

A quick call got him a taxi, though the ride itself was a bit more eventful than he would have liked. The driver was talking about this new invention, a guidance device that allowed him to just hook his dick into the car and it would interact with his neural system to get him where he wanted to go. The shocks apparently worked as a way to stay hard, and the machine rewarded him with a climax with each drop-off.

The snake could have gone his whole life without seeing that, even if it did mean that the car started to run on a much more green sort of fuel. He left the cab with a grunt and a bit of a queasy look on his face, trying not to think about the moaning rat left behind in the vehicle.

The diner itself was a bit more normal. Some sort of chain restaurant, from what he could gather, but it was comfortably warm inside. A decently-dressed hostess - she at least wore an apron over her breasts - sat him down and gave him a menu. He looked at it immediately, not wanting to see if she was naked from the back, and tried to keep from thinking too much about the world around him.

God, there's a sexual menu in the back...not looking at that...

He kept his attention to the food items, though even those were a bit strange. There were lots of different dishes, some of them with names that he had never heard of before, but all of them had something similar to them.

Prepared using MagiTech materializers...

Materializers were something new on the market, a tech that was almost sci-fi in the stuff that it did. They were very specialized, of course, but they merely used a hint of magic to make actual stuff. It defied the laws of physics, shifting matter up by a number of exponential levels, capable of turning nothing but a small pebble into a full meal, for example.

And a simple little restaurant had one?

This is insane...what is this sort of...extravagance?

Nevertheless, he ordered something from it, a steak. He was curious, that was all. Curious if the western way was any good.

When the food arrived - and he was able to convince the hawk woman that he didn't need any sort of extra stimulation to go with the meal - he took a taste.

The first little bite lit a fire in his belly. Not from heat or spice, but rather from something else. He panted a bit as he tasted the juices of the steak running down his throat, the hot, beefy flavor something that exceeded just about anything that he had ever had at home. He coughed in shock, holding his napkin over his face as he tried not to just wolf it all down.

Extraordinary, he thought, shaking his head. This is...this is delicious.

Delicious, and strange. That heat from the first bite was already spreading through him, leaving him feeling warm and happy in a way that felt very unnatural. He shook his head, trying to tell himself that it was just a different sort of food, but his knowledge and instincts were telling him something else.

The way that tech and magic integrated with each other always meant that there was a price being paid somewhere. It meant that someone else was paying it, usually, that there was something done that extracted energy from a different place, from a different person. Sometimes it was done before the spell was cast, sometimes it was done after, but there was always a price to be paid.

And from the way that his body was feeling, he was getting a pretty good picture of where that price was going to be paid from.

He blushed as he shifted in his seat, feeling his cocks being pulled right from his slit, dragged out and made hard as they could be. His pants felt tighter than they had been since he was a teenager, feeling as though he had been staring at a girl and had never jerked off before. His ass cheeks quivered, his balls felt like they were swelling, and his entire body felt like it was heating up more and more.

The idea of the steak basically becoming a magical aphrodisiac to pay off the magical cost of the spell was something that he had never considered, but he was starting to see why there was the secondary sex menu...

And he started to wonder if this sort of price was included in all the MagiTech equipment, if that was why they were so different out here.

It was certainly a possibility...

The snake decided to walk home, not wanting to expose himself to another sexual car ride. Having a front-row seat to seeing a rat fuck his car was bad enough, and he didn't want to see what would happen with a woman driver.

So, he walked. And walked. And walked down the long airport road, shaking his head as he felt his cocks still throbbing between his legs. They were still burning with the result of the steak, and he was pretty sure that they were going to need to blow a load tonight. The fact that he had been tricked into that was not something that he was keen on, but he knew that there was no getting around it.

He had accepted that magical contract without looking into it, and now he needed to pay the piper.

Yana was most of the way there, reaching the edge of the hotel blocks, when someone hissed at him from behind. The snake paused, looking over his shoulder.

There was a red dragon standing at the edge of a rundown motel, wearing a coat rather than a speedo or some of the other scanty clothes that he was starting to get used to seeing. The reptilian male smiled, nodding towards the side of the building.

"You want to get off, big guy?" the dragon said.

"That's a little...forward."

"Well, I run a forward sort of business. What do you say? You look like you're about to spring out of that."

"I...maybe...No, I should go -"

"Foreigner, eh?"

The dragon's eyes seemed to light up a bit at that, and he smiled in a way that the snake wasn't sure that he liked. He shifted a bit to the side, trying to keep walking, but now the dragon was following him, soon standing at his side.

"I know a foreigner when I see one. What's the matter? Not quite used to our ways just yet?"

"It's...a bit overwhelming," Yana admitted, not wanting to seem rude even as he tried to pick up the pace.

"We are very forward, and very open. But if you want to stick around here, you're going to have to get used to that."

"Yes, I figured. But I can do that a different day."

"Why wait? I can offer you a deal. Do it cheap."

The snake shook his head, blushing worse than ever. It was bad enough that he had been tricked into eating a steak that was basically an aphrodisiac. The fact that he was even talking to a whore would have gotten him in trouble back home, so much trouble that he might have ended up getting locked up for it. Now that he was thinking about what he was doing, all he wanted to do was get back to the hotel.

But the dragon wouldn't leave him alone. He just kept talking.

"Look, I can give you a good deal. Maybe even do it for free, if you want to set up a little contract."


"Maybe I just like you guys. Maybe I like being the one to pop an outsider's cherry."

"I won't be doing anal that way."

"Ah, now I know you want to do it, we're just haggling over how."

Yana groaned under his breath at the way that the dragon was handling it, but he had to admit that it was pretty expert. He hadn't even been considering using the male until now, but now...


If the job worked out, he would need to have some comfort with the way that the western world worked. He needed to be able to just relax and go with it if he had to, particularly in a business meeting or something.

And if this dragon was going to make it cheap...

"Do you have somewhere private?'

They were in an alley, hardly private, but better than nothing. Just behind one of the hotels, between it and another property, with a brick wall keeping anyone from seeing them. The dragon had already stripped off his coat, throwing it to the ground and turning to the wall, pulling one of his ass cheeks to the side.

It was like looking at a pussy where an asshole should be. The hole had been fucked so many times that it looked more like a vertical slit, and it was so soaked in lube that he swore that the insides were producing their own little slime to keep dripping down over the dragon's balls from how slimy and wet and shiny he looked.

Yana blushed, knowing that he was doing something fairly immoral. Back at home, this would have gotten him thrown in prison for at least a month, probably lectured by a priest or two, as well. The fact that it was a man that he was about to fuck would have made it even worse in their eyes.

But here...

Well, a hole is a hole, right? he thought. And it isn't like it's illegal over here, considering that the restaurant was selling it...

Yana pulled the zipper of his pants down, blushing as he let both his cocks out. He could feel the heat burning off his cheeks as much as he could feel his dicks hardening between his fingers, his shafts, at the very least, wanting to fuck this little hole.

The dragon gestured him forward with a tail, drawing him in. There was something almost magical about this, something perversely wrong and powerful. He felt a tingle as he came closer, as he rested his twin shafts against the reptile's ass cheeks. Somehow, they felt hotter than they should, like the red scales were putting off their own sort of warmth, their own unholy heat.

Something was wrong, but as soon as he touched his cocks to the dragon's ass cheeks, something seemed to seize hold of him, a tingle that ran through his dicks right down to his balls and yanked him forward. He slid towards that slit, then both his dicks were inside.


"Feels good, doesn't it, foreigner?" the dragon asked.

There were no words for how it felt, not that the snake could think to say. His eyes rolled back in their sockets as he felt the slippery, wet, but most of all, hot inner walls clamping down on him, that asshole feeling like it was milking his cock without even trying. They clamped down, squeezed, even seemed to ripple around his shafts, pulling on them, stroking them without the dragon even moving.

He panted, trying to pull back, but the dragon's tail wrapped around him, and the dragon shook his head.

"Ah ah...I'm in charge now..."

There was...a growl? Something like that in the dragon's voice, something that seemed almost more possessive as the dragon's ass cheeks clenched tight around the bit of his cocks that were still outside. The hole itself was rippling and then...then...


Yana panted, his eyes drawn down to that asshole, trying to pull back. He managed to lean enough to see that the slit had warped, the rim of the hole looking more like a pair of lips now, soft, puffy lips that should have been on a face...and there were tiny tongues that were licking along the sides of his shaft.

"What the...what the fuck?!"

"Hey, a demon has to eat, right?"

The dragon's horns uncurled, rising over his head, and as the reptile turned to look back, Yana saw the eyes go from pink to yellow, the teeth turning sharper, an unholy aura surrounding the whore as that hole kept clamping, squeezing, milking, licking.

Yana tried to open his mouth to scream, but the demon reached back, gesturing. A sudden tentacle leaped from its hand, shoving down the snake's throat, gagging him.

"Ah ah. You're mine right now, foreigner. I might not be able to get my full meal from the locals, but you? Oh, you're just a meal and a half..."

The dragon's - no, demon's - fat ass started to pump back, smacking off of the snake's crotch as he was pinned in place. His cocks were no more than dildos for the demon, his balls churning as he was forced higher and higher towards orgasm. His body was still so hot from the enchanted steak, and he felt the need to blow his load right then and there.

Tensing himself up, Yana tried to hold back, but the demon's magical hole was still working him, taunting him, teasing him. He could feel his load being milked from him, the riding, the grinding, the squeezing, everything pushing him further and further towards an orgasm that he didn't want. He shivered, panting, moaning, feeling the need rising higher and higher with each passing second.

"That's it, snake-boy. Give me what you got...let me have all that virility...give me your manhood..."

Yana whimpered, trying to hold back...and ultimately failing.

The snake moaned as he came, his seed bursting from his cocks into the demon beneath him. Splash, splash, splash, he felt it spurting from his cocks into that hole. He felt himself letting loose, felt some of the heat fading from him...

And he felt his cocks going softer with each successive squirt.

What? What's...what's happening?

Yana fell backwards, and the demon let him. The snake stared down at his cocks, staring at they seemed to deflate, as if they were balloons that had been pricked. They went softer faster than he had ever seen them do before, going from stony-hard to completely soft in less time than it took for a popped balloon to deflate.

"What did you do? What did you do to me?!"

"I took your manhood," the demon said, smirking down at him.

"What -"

"Those dicks will never get hard again."

Never get hard...

It was impossible, and yet, apparently, it was all too possible. Yana couldn't get them hard even as he stroked him, even as he teased his balls, even as he tried every fantasy that he had ever felt. He could feel the lust still inside of him, the need to cum again, but nothing he did brought his cocks back up.

Not even when the demon shoved him down, sitting on them, grinding that fat ass against them. That ass that had gotten him so hard the first time.

"Why? Why did you..."

"Because I'm still deciding whether to keep you as a bitch, or just drain every bit of life out of you."

"You...you'd kill me?"

"Kill you? Heh. No. Just take everything else. Leave you nothing but a little drone. Feast on you until you were just a husk of your former self."

"No...no, please, don't do that. Don't do this!"

"There's nothing that you can do to stop me, little snake."

"No, but there is something I can do."

A different voice, a very feminine one. The demon hissed, jumping to his feet, but something dark grabbed hold of the dragon before he could flee.

Yana, on the other hand, didn't dare move for his own reasons. He slowly turned his head, following the line of the dark lasso back to the end of the alley where the voice had come from. A stingray figure stood there, stepping forward bit by bit, the end of her finger the source of the dark lasso.

Who is she? he wondered.

"According to the contract you agreed to by coming through the hellgate," the stingray said, "you aren't allowed to feast on anyone to that extent. You may fuck with their brains and bodies, but you can't actually take it that far."

"There's nothing protecting foreigners in that agreement!"

"Subsection 24, bitch."

"...Give me the contract! I want to see that."

The stingray snapped her fingers, a bubbly, gooey thing appearing from her hand. She tossed it over, and the demon unrolled it, reading it.

"...Dammit! That's not fair. That's tiny print."

"You still signed it. And you broke the terms."

"Wait, wait, I didn't - he's still okay. He's still in -"

"You declared intent. Goodbye."

The dragon demon screamed...and disappeared, leaving only a haze of black particles behind that was soon dismissed.

Yana stared, unable to believe what he had seen. He turned back to the stingray, who only smiled at him before disappearing in the same way. The snake got back to his feet, unable to believe what had just happened.

...This was a dream, he told himself. Tomorrow, I'm going to wake up. I'm going to have an interview. My life is going to get better. There is nothing wrong with my dicks that some Viagra won't fix.

Zipping up, the snake didn't just walk back to the hotel. He ran. He ran so hard, so fast, hoping that he could leave what just happened behind him, that it really would all be a dream by morning.

The End

A Snake's Corruption 2: A New Job

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