An Attempt at Cuckolding

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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In the Castle Darksun universe, cuckolding is a kink that goes around from time to time. However, it's important to remember that not all people like it, and not all people will react well to see it used as a tease against one of the partners.

Commissioned by Engy

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An Attempt at Cuckolding A Castle Darksun Story For Engy By Draconicon

Shigend was a comfortable enough city these days. People were starting to relax about all the issues that used to be part and parcel to the Stryker regime, and Sam, in particular, was starting to really enjoy how much more relaxed people were. The fact that so many of them were willing to allow others to be part of their pleasure was a serious boost for him, particularly considering the way that he liked to go around and off.

The black dragon smiled as he toweled his dick off, having just had a fair bit of fun with one of the hot men that was in the process of turning into a minotaur. It had become such a commonplace thing that there were actually cock-cleaning stations set up around the city to fight any sort of spread of disease and dirty dicks, considering the way that urges could just take hold. He liked that, too, and felt rather happy that he had been able to convince Clara to actually institute just such a thing.

He was due back at Lord Aughi's manor later that afternoon, but he was in no rush. The city was running itself, these days, and he was actually considering going for an early dinner when a runner just about ran into him. The naked black dragon caught him by the shoulder, holding him an arm's length away as he looked at the near-naked kobold.

"What's the hurry?"

"Looking for you. Message. Message from Brant," the kobold said, not even out of breath.

"Heh, what's the old man want this time?"

"Says to come home. Urgent. Fun. Urgent and fun."

"Urgent That's a bit different for him. What's going on, he in heat?"

It wouldn't be the first time one of the males in the city developed what had formerly been an entirely female condition. There were some of the reptiles that seemed to go right into it, their bodies needing to put out eggs and all that, so they started attracting men that would help them with it. But he hadn't thought that Brant would be dealing with that. After all, he got fucked more than enough...and they already had an egg or two on the way.

The kobold shook his head.

"No, just important to get home. Quick, quick."

"Alright. I'll head there now."

"Good. Message pay?"

"No time for a full fuck, but you can take a taste, if you want."

As soon as the kobold took a quick lick of the head of his cock before darting off, Sam turned and started making his way towards the city center. He and Brant had picked up a place there for themselves, and, regardless of the situation, Sam was rather curious what could have prompted the older man to send a runner. It was very out of the norm for him...


He reached the door to their home when he heard the sound of moaning inside. It was immediately apparent that the sound was coming from Brant, as only the older bard could make that kind of music while he was getting fucked, but there was someone else there. Someone that also sounded familiar.

Blinking, Sam slowly pushed the front door open.

Right there in the living room, bent over the nearest chair so that they stood in profile to him, were Brant and Fauros. The orange, chubbier dragon was getting fucked hard by the gold one, the muscular Knight of Bliss slamming his hips forward hard and fast, making a clapping sound every time that Fauros's cock slid in up to the hilt.

Sam's mouth just about dropped, his eyes going wide at the sight of his boyfriend getting fucked like that. He knew that Brant was horny, but...

"H-Hey - mmmph - Sam," Brant grunted. "I heard - mmmph - that this was - ah - something that might be fun. God, he's good."

The older dragon leaned his head forward, panting hard against the chair he was bent over, all while Sam just stared with no words. It wasn't the first time that either of them had gone for a different partner, but it was the first time that he had seen someone else's dick in Brant's ass. His cheeks burned, his eyes locked on Fauros's shaft going in and out, in and out, stretching that hole.

That hole that belonged to him.

"I have done this with Lord Aughi and Lady Leora, as well," Fauros said. "They like to tease each other...with Aughi often being the butt of the joke, so to speak."

He could imagine. Their shared master had a thing for being knocked off the top of the mountain from time to time.

Sam...he didn't have quite the same thing, and he wasn't sure how to feel about this.

Admittedly, having the muscular gold dragon fucking his boyfriend was a hot sight. There was something about the dynamic, about the young muscle stud fucking the older, more out of shape dragon, using him, filling him, fucking him. There was even something about the warrior being so in shape that he had just walked in here and done it.

But the problem was...

Brant belonged to him...

And as much as he enjoyed fucking other people, he would never let anyone beside the master under his tail. Having someone else under his dragon's tail, under his boyfriend's tail, filling that hole...

Grunting, Sam pushed forward, grabbing Fauros by the arm. The gold dragon turned, putting on a smirk for a moment, but paused as soon as he saw the expression on Sam's face.

"Too much?"

"Get. Out. Of. My. Boyfriend."

"...Understood, sir."

When Fauros didn't move fast enough, Sam pulled. As one of the first transformed, it was quite a pull, too, his strength not quite in his own control at the moment. Fauros went flying backwards, slamming into a wall, while Sam grabbed hold of Brant's ass and spread his cheeks as wide as they would go.

"What are you do-OOOOOOING?!"

Brant's yelp went higher as Sam slammed four fingers deep into that stretched hole, curling his fingers and grinding, almost scraping the pre-cum in that hole back out. The slime dripped down the back of the old bard's balls, dripping to the floor before Sam lined up his own shaft for the job.

"You're mine. Not his. Mine."

"Mmmph! What's gotten into you?"

"What's not - mmph - getting into you - nnngh - anymore!"

He was slamming in up to the hilt every single time, rutting that hole so hard that he could barely feel it. It wasn't about pleasure anymore. It wasn't about making himself feel good. It was about making Brant remember what dragon had saved his life. It was about making damn sure that he was the one that was still the best fucker in the bard's bed.

It was about them being close again.

He growled as he leaned forward, embracing his own bestial side, fucking hard as he lifted one leg from the ground and held it over the orange dragon's hips. In and out, in and out he went, each thrust slapping his cock in as deep as it would go and letting his balls swing forward for a good smack. In and out, in and out, his eyes going narrow and his lips turning up in a growl.


That was the thought he had. Not the possessive mine of a dragon that was seeing its hoard being stolen, but the needy, growly, deep force that was a dragon protecting what was important to it. The sort of sound that one of them made when they weren't going to see it go, the sound that it made when it refused to let go.

Mine. Brant is mine. Mine. Mine. Mine.

Each thrust went with that thought, until he realized that he was muttering it out loud. He could feel Brant trembling under him, the other dragon spasming and shaking, squirting his seed down over the back of the chair as his prostate was milked. Even then, Sam couldn't bring himself to stop, his own cock desensitized from fucking earlier.

Even that didn't matter so much to him, though he was starting to rethink it a little. Not that he needed to have a harem, or to go around fucking people, but...

Brant. Mine. Me. His.

It was that simple, that primitive. They might have been lustful, might have gone around, but he couldn't conceive of someone else owning or bettering him with this big orange ass. It was his...and if that was the case, then his dick belonged to Brant.

That was enough to pull him over the edge. He slammed in up to the hilt in the other dragon's ass, holding himself there as his balls pulled up. The slow release of cum inside the other male wasn't the same sort of satisfaction that he was used to feeling. In fact, it was almost not satisfaction at all.

It was something different. Something more...loving, less draining.

He reached down, pulling the rounder dragon upright, and he wrapped his arms tight around his friend, his lover, his...well, not to put too fine a point on it, but his husband to be. He squeezed, pulling him tight, and he said it one more time.


"Heh...all yours, hon."

"No, seriously. I...I don't want to see that again."

"...That bad?" Brant asked.


"Sorry. I didn't know."

"Apology accepted."

"Do you want -"

"Nothing but this for now...I...need some time to think."

"...I'll show myself out," Fauros said, reminding the pair of them of his presence and leaving Sam, at least, blushing at his own display of emotions.

The End

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