Fox Dragged Down: Part 2

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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After some time of teasing his little slut pet, Wolf invites Fox to a final little meeting to get all the pictures back. Unfortunately, this is at night, in a park, where Wolf could do any number of dirty things to Fox. However, he doesn't really have a choice...

Commissioned by Limemas

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Falco 1:

Falco 2:

Fox 1:

Slippy 1:

Slippy 2:

Peppy 1:

Peppy 2:

Fox Dragged Down

Part 2

For Limemas

By Draconicon

It had been a week since Fox had gotten that first message from Wolf, and in that week, he had already done things that he never would have done for Falco.

He shivered as he pulled the knot out of his ass, feeling the toy sliding out, feeling all the cum lube that he'd pumped into his ass sliding out with it. The slimy feeling was almost like getting fucked, except that it wasn't nearly warm enough.

"End...end recording," he grunted as he covered his hole with his hand.

"Recording ended," his communicator said.

"Send Wolf."

It beeped as he stood up, getting out of bed and walking to the refresher with his hand between his legs. His fingers brushed against his rim, giving him a shocking reminder of just how sensitive the stretched flesh felt, and he bit back a whimper of pleasure as he felt the fake cum oozing out of his ass. The weird feeling of having been fresh-fucked like that was only getting stronger as he felt the ooze coming out.

It was a feeling that he hadn't had since the last time that Falco had fucked him.

He stumbled into the shower, turning on the water with his clean hand before holding the other under it. The lube took forever to actually wash away, and by the time his hand was clean, his cock was actually mostly soft.

Not completely, but mostly. Enough to keep him from being embarrassed if Peppy or Slippy walked into the showers.

Not that either of them are happy right now, he thought to himself. Falco still missing, me forcing us to spend money that we don't really have to stay on-planet...If they don't mutiny before the end of the month, I'll be amazed.

He turned under the water, letting the stream run down his back and over his tail. Some streams managed to get under his tail, starting to wash off the puddle of lube that had gathered down there. His cheeks burned as he reached under his tail, spreading his cheeks to let the water wash away -


He bit his lips again as he felt the water splashing right over his hole. It was stretched, gaping, well-fucked by the toy. It was trained more than it had ever been before, and he was starting to think that if he ever subbed for Falco again - something that was seeming less likely by the day - he would be too loose for his wingmate.

But that was secondary to why he was doing it in the first place.

Gotta be better. Gotta get all the evidence back.

Tonight should be the last night. He'd been gradually building up to this, getting back the pics and video little by little. If he did well tonight, all the blackmail should be back in his hands, and then he could...

Well, he didn't know what he'd do to Wolf, but he was pretty sure that it wasn't going to be anything gentle.

Fox fingered himself slowly, sliding one digit, then another into his stretched ass. He bit his lip more than once as he worked himself up, getting the cum lube out of there so that it didn't start sticking and squelching through the day. He ground his fingers over his prostate in the process, his dick twitching and rising slightly.

Not much, but slightly.

The hot water was nearly enough to lull him into a feeling of comfort and safety, but he knew that he wasn't done yet. He had to go and get this done. Had to get this done so he could have his life back.

As soon as he was clean, he jogged back to his room, wrapped in nothing but a towel. His communicator was beeping, and he already had a good guess who was calling.

He picked it up, and Wolf's face appeared.

"There you are, pup."

"I was showering."

"Who said that you could do that?"

"...You don't have that...authority..."

"I have whatever authority I like, Star Bitch. Whatever I want, you'll do, unless you want these videos to hit the net."

Videos now, not just the pictures. The one that he'd just sent of himself fucking a dildo was not the first one, either. He'd sent more than that, videos of him sucking it off, videos of him riding it...

And once, he had sent a video of him sucking Slippy off while the toad was sleeping. It was a good thing that his copilot was such a deep sleeper, but it had been a huge surprise to find out what the toad was packing. Six inches, but a fairly thick six inches, for all that. Bigger than Fox...

And that was something else that the video had shown, too, with him comparing himself to Slippy and coming up wanting.

"Where am I meeting you today?" Fox managed to ask. "This has to be the last of it. I'll do whatever it takes to get everything back tonight."

"Heh, I knew you would, Star Bitch. Don't worry. I already have the coordinates ready for you."

It was early enough in the day. Fox might be able to get some back-up, have some old friends waiting there if he really needed it. He could ambush Wolf, set up something to block signals. If he...

If he was brave enough to risk that. Which he wasn't.

The thought of someone stumbling across those vids on the net, the chance of someone seeing him acting like such a slut, of knowing that he was less of a man than Slippy, of all people...

His cock was throbbing again, and he blushed.

"Just send the coordinates."

"Already done, pup. I'll see you tonight."

The communicator beeped off, leaving the vulpine pilot alone again. He looked at the numbers, then blinked.

"A public park..."

What the hell was Wolf going to make him do at a public park?

Fox showed up just as he'd been ordered, wearing a coat with nothing on under it. Not even his boots, since they might have been recognized by someone that was a bit of a fan. The feeling of the pavement, then the grass underfoot hadn't helped, and he shivered every time that he felt a breeze blowing up through the bottom of the coat.

Don't blow up, don't blow up, he kept thinking, his tail twitching all the time. I could get seen, I could...

The idea of being exposed in public to this extent had him hard as a rock, though he didn't know why. He should have been afraid, ashamed, angry that this was being forced on him, but instead...

Instead, he actually felt hornier than he had been for years.

Wolf is gonna pay, he thought, but the thought lacked the venom that it had had the first time that he went to see the mercenary. This time, all he felt was a whimpering urge to fall to his knees and...

Well, he wasn't sure. Wolf had made him do all sorts of things in exchange for pictures. Ride dildos. Suck on toys. Compare himself to unaware strangers.

There was one time when they had gone to a set of gloryholes, where Fox had been made to suck other cocks, to tease them with his tongue, all while Wolf had filmed it. It was humiliating as hell, pushing him down further and further with every successive act, but at the same time, he was almost relieved - almost - that Wolf hadn't gone so far as to put his own dick in him yet.

There was something odd about it. Like Wolf was pushing him down, like he was being trained for something. But what?

Fox didn't know, but he knew that he needed to do whatever it took to get the damn pictures and videos back before Wolf could humiliate him further.

Before he could ask for more. this point...Fox didn't know if he could say no.

He arrived at the park, standing at the edge of the lit street and looking down the path around the artificial lake. A long, concrete walkway led along to a fake forest at the far end. No lights lit the streets, no illumination could be seen.

Except for one.

There was a faint red dot in the distance, and Fox knew that it had to be Wolf's artificial eye. It had replaced the patch lately, and he knew that the wolf was waiting for him in the distance.

Fox took a step forward -

Ba-deep, ba-deep.

"What?" he muttered, tapping the communicator. "What do you want now?"

"Leave the coat."


"Leave the coat behind. You're going to be walking naked tonight."


"Do it."

The communicator clicked off again, and Fox bit his lip, looking down at the long coat. If he took it off...if anyone saw him...

His tail started rising almost before he could stop it, and he shoved it back down. Hard. The feeling of need was back there again, filling his ass in a way that he couldn't understand. His cock was hard as it could get, and he wanted nothing more than to run away and jerk off...

And yet...

He bit his lip again as he undid the buttons of the coat, pulling it down quickly. His bare ass was cold immediately, the night air feeling like a pair of grasping hands, squeezing his rump, while his cock tried to shrink away from the chill in the air. He ran for the path, pushing himself as fast as he could to get away from the street lights and the chance of someone actually seeing him like this.

However, running with a hard-on was not exactly easy. He stumbled, winced as he almost crushed his balls between his thighs three times, and had to slow down when he reached the lake. Fox looked over his shoulder, hoping he was far enough in the dark to avoid being seen, but still blushed as he walked naked beside the lake.

Oh god, someone could see me, someone could see me.

And yet, the risk was so powerful an aphrodisiac that he was panting, hard and throbbing and eager for someone to do just that. The idea of someone coming by on a midnight walk, someone that might keep him from finding Wolf and taking their own pleasure from him instead...

Oh, it was horrifyingly arousing, and it scared him just how hard he was by the time that he reached the far end of the lake. Wolf was waiting for him, alright, the red glow of his missing eye just getting brighter and brighter the closer that Fox got.

"You took your time there, pup," the bigger mercenary said, smirking at him. "Looks like you enjoyed it, though."

"Shut up."

"Heh, don't you tell me what to do, Star Bitch. We both know who's holding all the cards here."

Wolf. As always. Fox fought the urge to cover himself, knowing it would only make him look that much weaker before the other man, though it was a struggle and a half to keep his hands at his sides. He took one deep breath, then another, forcing himself to calm down as best he could.

"What do you want?"

"Come on."

Fox followed behind the bigger male, trying not to think about how empty his ass still felt. In hopes of keeping himself from showing too much arousal, he had fucked himself twice more on the knotted toy, but it had only made his stress that much higher. He hadn't cum, he hadn't gotten rid of anything. All he'd done was loosened his ass further, reminding himself of what he hadn't had.

He shivered as he walked down the path, his toes curling from time to time as he looked from left to right and back again. There had to be a reason that they were doing this in public, right? There had to be a -

He came to an abrupt stop as Wolf grabbed him by the ass, giving it a squeeze. It was the first time since they'd frotted that first night that he'd felt the other man actually grab him, touch him, make them come closer together again. His eyes went wider, and his hole clenched tight.

"Heh, you're going to earn those files tonight, bitch. I'm going to make sure that you know exactly where you belong."

"Nothing's changed. I'm just doing this for the files."

"Heh, keep lying if you want, pup. You're the only one that believes them."

The thought sent a shiver down his spine. The idea that he might be doing this for more than the files...

No, I'm here for the files, and just the files. Everything else is just a lie from Wolf. I'm not breaking...I'm not breaking...

He hoped. Yet, at the same time, he was out in the middle of the city with nothing but his fur on, and being led deeper and deeper into an artificial forest by someone that wanted nothing more than to humiliate him and use him.

And he was hard as hell from the idea.

That's just from teasing and failing. That doesn't mean that I want him.

Yet, here he was, following orders, slowly starting to press his hand back against Wolf's clawed hand and almost wishing it would squeeze him harder.

No, no, I don't want that.

His cock did.

I don't!

Does that matter anymore?


He blushed as they walked into the shadows of a new tree, only to grunt as he was shoved back against it. Fox groaned as he was made to look up at the one-eyed Wolf, grimacing as his mouth was forced open, a finger pinning down his tongue.

"Here's how it's going to work, Fox. There's a bunch of drunks that are down at one of the bars just on the other side of this forest. A bunch of military academy grads that are getting one last night of shore leave before they're shipped out all across the system. You know how that goes. They get all kinds of rowdy, don't they?"

Fox nodded, unable to move his head much more than a few inches, nor speak with that thumb on his tongue.

"And you know that they're gonna be looking for anything that can hold a cock, too."


"Heh, don't worry. I'm not gonna whore you out to them. Not today, anyway."

Wolf reached down with his free hand, and Fox heard the undeniable sound of a zipper coming down, the slow zzzzzzip that came when someone that had all the cards was having all too much fun dominating another guy.

He looked down, shivering at the soft length. It was eight inches now, and he knew that it would grow at least two and a half, possibly three if Wolf was really, really horny. Even then, it dwarfed his erection, and Wolf pushed that point home by flopping that fat meat over his cock, forcing it down.

"You're going to talk to me right're going to beg me to fuck your face, and then your ass. And you're not leaving this spot until you finish."


"That means that if you don't convince me to fuck you, and you don't serve me well enough to get me to cum, you're still going to be in the middle of getting fucked when all those grads come around. They'll see the 'best mercenary' in the system on his knees, his mouth gaping open, his eyes rolled back, and his ass stuffed full of his rival's cock. They'll be the first people to see it, but you know damn well that they won't be the last."


"Yes, that's right. This is your challenge, Fox. Make me want to fuck you...make me want to ravage you...act like a real slut, and make me believe it...or get exposed with everything I have on me, and everything that they film."

It was a nightmare, an absolute nightmare. Wolf had effectively stripped him of any and all dignity, forcing him into a corner. There was nothing he could do.

Either he did what he was ordered to do, pretending to be a slut or he would be painted as one by both his rival and those people that he was supposed to be an idol for. this point, would it be pretending anymore?

He shivered as his cock throbbed all the harder, imagining Wolf's cock going down his throat, imagining the many cameras on him as he pushed his ass back against a cock that put the toy in his bedroom to shame. He imagined it, and he almost came right there, and his cock definitely spat pre across the wolf's crotch.

"Heh, either you're trying to piss on me, or you're enjoying this a lot more than you're supposed to, Fox. So...let's get this started. What's the first thing that a slut does for their master, huh?"

Get on their knees.

The thought hit him hard, and he was down on his knees before the bigger pilot without even thinking about it. His cheeks burned as he looked at that cock, that fat, black cock right on eye-level, and at the furry balls just beneath it. The heavy scent of musk was coming off it, too, a reminder of the uncut head and the fact that Wolf seemed to rely on sluts like Fox to actually get it completely clean.

The idea of himself as one of those sluts shouldn't have passed his mind.


"Heh, you have a choice, Fox."

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do. You can admit you're a slut and act like it...or you can pretend that you're not, and let other people make you one instead."

That wasn't a choice...was it?

Mmmph...Falco never pushed it this hard...

But then again, he had never been this hard for Falco, either, never been this turned on by any of the situations that they ran through. Sure, there had been a few that had come close, like the times that they had had sex in an alley and he had almost been discovered, but this was something different.

This was something better.

Fox bit his lips as he looked at that cock again, whimpering as he imagined it in his mouth, the musk turning from smell to taste. He opened his mouth -


Wolf slapped his cock across Fox's face, and the smaller pilot groaned, shivering as he felt the sting in his cheek. He looked up with a glare, panting softly.

"I didn't say you could suck it. Beg me, Fox. Beg me, and make me believe it."

Groaning, he fought back the blush, slowly managing to speak.

"Let me...let me suck your cock. I need something in my mouth. I've been wanting to suck it ever since that first night."

"Heh, say more."

"You're big. Bigger than Falco, and Falco was pretty big. I want to see...I want to give you a blowjob. I never wanted to do that for him, but I want to do it for you."

"Heh, that's better. You can lick the head."

As Wolf peeled back his foreskin, exposing the pre-cum soaked tip, Fox felt the heat of that smell go through him. A big man. A forceful man. A real man. All the blackmail that made him do this...

Right then, it was the last thing on his mind. He was so deep that he just needed cock.

He leaned forward, swallowing around the head and pulling it into the back of his mouth. He moaned as he tasted the slippery, salty pre that coated it, bobbing his head forward to take all of the head into his mouth. Wolf's fingers kept him from taking the rest, but that didn't matter just yet.

Male, he thought, his head rolling back slightly. He tastes so...male.

And there was no other way to describe it than that. It was not the mild taste of a cock, not quite the slippery, wet taste that he had gotten from Slippy. It was thick, heavy, and just a little raunchy.

And it kept getting stronger. Every time that he flicked his tongue across the head, he felt it surge up a bit more, getting a little harder. He felt the pre splashing on his tongue, the thick, heavy squirts that were right on the edge of a real string of cum. He blushed, pulling his head back a little, dragging his tongue across the head properly before pulling it back into his mouth.

Wolf was getting harder and harder, and Fox knew that it wouldn't be long before it would be fucking his throat. That cock. That cock. It was


He shivered, his tail rising high as he remained on the balls of his feet, squatting and sucking. A soft moan escaped him before he realized what he was doing, and his cheeks burned all the hotter.

"Hehehe, looks like Star Bitch is a bigger fan of my cock than he thought. You're worshiping it like a two credit whore on a street corner."

"'s not...not my fault..."

"No. It's not your fault you're a whore. It's your fault that you've been in the wrong job all this time."

Wolf pulled his cock back, finally, and there was no way of ignoring just how huge he was.

Huge, at nearly eleven inches long, and huge, with such a thickness to it. Nearly two and a half inches thick, nearly as wide as the knot that Fox had been popping in and out of his ass earlier. He shivered, imagining how it would feel to have something that big fucking him constantly, rather than just being the widest point of a toy.


"Heh, you begging again already, McCloud? What's gotten into you?"

"Your dick."

"You want it that bad?"

"I want it...want it more than anything..."

"Then show me."

Fox groaned, hardly believing that he was doing this. This had to be an act that he was putting on, right? This couldn't be what he really was on the inside, not even for someone that was so hung, so sexy, so...

No, this was him. He realized it then. He needed someone that would crack his pride, that would push him down, that would take everything from him to make him actually submit the way that he wanted to.

The way that he needed to.

He reached back, spreading his ass cheeks further than usual, feeling the slight strain on his hole that came from keeping them apart. His fingers felt like they were digging into something plush, a reminder of the softness of his own ass.

God, no wonder Falco loved to look at it. I'm a born bottom, he thought, surprising himself with the thought.

Then he felt the heat of that cock against his ass, felt the throbbing, twitching heat that came from such a large shaft. He bit his lips, keeping his whimpers from getting worse, but his cock slapped against his belly.

"Heh, you want it that bad, Bitch?"


"You know the rules, Star Slut. Beg for it."

"Mmmph...I need it. I need your cock so bad, so bad. I need it in my ass, I need it stretching me out more than any of the other toys. I need you more than I ever needed Falco. I need you...need you to..."


"I need you...I need you to expose me..."

He couldn't believe he said it, but he had. He whimpered as he felt his hole flexing, pulsing, tugging in tight.

"I need you to make me a slut. Make it so I can't turn back. No more pretending. Don't let me pretend. MAKE me a slut!"

"Heh, you're not going to be able to pretend. Not after this."


The sudden thrust took his breath away, and Fox slumped forward even further, his gasps for breath rustling the grass around him. His ears went flat on his head, his tail flagged off to the side as he felt the slow, deep thrust that came with taking that huge of a cock.

His asshole felt like it was getting pushed deep inside of him, tugging on that cock with every inch it went. He couldn't breathe, couldn't gasp for breath quick enough to fill his lungs as that fat cock pressed against his prostate, as it went deeper into him, caressing his insides.

Then it was pulling out, dragging on his rim, pulling it out. It felt so big that it might actually turn him inside out, but there was no way for him to slow it down, no way for him to squeeze tight enough to force his needs down on that huge cock. All he could do was take it, give Wolf the pleasure that he deserved.

Fox was moaning, but he was barely aware of it. All of his thoughts were back on his ass, making him think about how stretched he was getting, how lucky he was to have a dicking from someone like this.

In, out, in, out, each thrust sinking more of that cock inside. Six inches became seven, then eight, then nine. Ten popped in...

And then those balls slapped gently against his ass, telling him that it was all hilted inside of him.

"Oh god...oh god..."

"You ready for the pounding of your life, pup?"


"Then take it."

Wolf grabbed him by the tail and by the back of the head, forcing him to lean back, his head up and exposed as he was rutted from behind. Fox felt his tongue dropping out of his mouth, his eyes widening further and further as he was rutted harder than he ever expected. In and out, in and out, those hot, heavy balls slapping against his ass cheeks, his asshole stretching wider and wider, unable to squeeze anymore.

In and out, in and out, in and out, that cock went, and he felt his hips moving on their own. The bitch-thrust, he thought of it as, when a bottom started fucking themselves on their top's cock. He was doing that. He was being a bitch, doing the bitch-thrust, riding that cock as hard as it was being fucked into him.

And he loved it.

Fox's tongue hung out as he huffed and puffed and panted for more, his toes curling through the grass, his hole aching but clenching as much as it could in its weakened state. His cock drooled against the grass, and it only got worse as Wolf whispered to him.

"You're my slut from now on. You're going to be seen any second now. The bars just released the grads, kicking them out, and some of them are going to come right down this path. Think about it, McCloud. You're going to be seen soon. A bunch of grads with communicators and cameras are going to see you, on your knees, begging for cock."


"And you love it."

"Yes...yes, I do...please...where are they..."

"Heh, they're almost here, Fox..."

He felt himself spasm, clench, tighten at the idea of being seen. His cock was throbbing hard, but so small compared to what was already in his guts. His mind was washed out with the pleasure of that shaft, of the assault on his prostate. He wanted this, needed this. Needed someone to take away all his choices.

He had no choice. He was a slut. Needed to be a slut. Needed to have no way back from being a slut.

Fox moaned as he was lifted off the ground, held in Wolf's arms, his legs spread as wide as they could go. A gloved finger pressed his tongue back in his mouth, kept it open as the sound of footsteps could be heard, voices rising over the harsh thud, thud, thud of the thrusts up his ass.

"Here they come, Fox. Give them a smile."

The vulpine turned towards the edge of the path, his eyes going wide as he saw no less than a dozen people coming round the bend. All of them were drunk to some extent, but that didn't stop them from staring, from grabbing their cameras.

As the click, click, click, click sounds of cameras going off filled the air, Fox moaned, and came.

He came, his hole clenching on that huge, dark cock in his ass, his toes curling, looking like nothing more than the whore that he wanted to be. Wolf's Whore. Star Bitch. Pup.

He moaned, cumming, cumming, cumming, even as the thrusting and clicking cameras continued all around him.

The next morning, he woke up in the dirty apartment, surrounded by all the different bits of trash. Fox looked around himself, blushing as he realized that he'd come home with Wolf. That he'd allowed himself to be taken away.

Peppy and Slippy...they'll know what happened, soon, he thought, yet felt very little regret.

Why feel worry? Star Wolf was no longer part of the galactic threat that Andross had leveled on the system. They were fired, nothing more than a split-apart team that could no longer threaten anyone.

Why not let it fade? Why not...

Why not admit that he had no more choices, that he had become a slut? And just...enjoy it?

Why not...

Why not help his Master find ways of corrupting the rest of the team? He'd been selfish for so long, and a slut needed to be better at helping others.

The End

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