Slayer or Layer: Chapter 11

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#11 of Slayer or Layer

Another partial transformation back, but the kobolds didn't do nearly as much for the wolf as he hoped with these eggs. Hoping to find someone in this village that might be able to slow the curse down, or even remove it, Lorkos finds some information on the local 'helper.'

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? Slayer or Layer 11 For Lorvianne By Draconicon

It was three days of travel before Lorkos felt the eggs ready to come out. He managed to delay them for another day to be able to find a place where he could do it without being seen.

The effects of the curse had caught up to him in a powerful way. They had spread through his body, the scales reaching all the way down to his toes and making his boots very loose as his feet changed size and shape, and his armor was next to impossible to wear due to the different sizes of his chest and shoulders. The scales had spread all the way up to his neck, and he was thankful that it had spread no further, all things considered.

He blushed as he looked down at his body, the red scales making him look like a curvy torch, considering how bright and brilliant they were under the noon light. The near-dragon groaned as he felt the way that his pussy was already clamping down, the pressure in his womb threatening to escape the second that he allowed it.

So...he did.

The former wolf moaned as he felt the eggs moving down his insides, sliding down to his entrance and then popping out. One by one, they slid free, each one no bigger than a small chicken egg, but all of them good as they slid down onto the ground. Lorkos groaned, panting as the textured sides of the eggs rubbed him just right on the way out, and his tongue hung out again as his pussy drooled juices and slimes all over the eggs beneath him.

It didn't take long for a trio of eggs to pop out, and they formed the base for a small, building tower that continued to grow beneath him. He shuddered, panting as the immediate flood started to slacken off.

He didn't get back to his feet, though. He knew better than to thick it was over. It was just the first part of the birthing done.

As the wolf waited for the next series of pleasurable cramps, he shifted his position a bit, trying to get more comfortable on the balls of his feet. His boots and armor were tossed off to the side, just to make sure that they didn't get all messy, so he was completely naked as he squatted over the little hole in the ground.

Mmmph...this is...getting annoyingly easy...

He rested a hand on his stomach, grateful to see that the scales were slowly retreating from his finger-tips. The claws were still deadlier than anything that a wolf might have had, but it was better than having obviously feminine hands the way that he'd been dealing with. He could feel that his feet were going back to the more paw-like configuration that they'd had before, too, and his tail didn't feel quite so rigid, either.

It's a good start. A good - mmph.

Lorkos groaned, holding a hand over his stomach and trying not to moan as the eggs started moving again, sliding down the birth canal and then popping free loudly. Despite how hard he had been fucked by that kobold - and how much he had fingered himself without success in the days following, trying to build up to a proper orgasm again - he had not loosened up in the slightest. If anything, he was even tighter than he used to be, something that he hadn't thought possible.

It did make everything feel better, though. Much better.

The scales continued to retreat up his body, slowly leaving him with his lower legs clear of them, and his arms were freed up to his shoulders. They broadened back to male proportions, at least, and he was able to feel a bit better as he watched the boobs start to shrink back in. At least that was something. His armor would fit a little better.

Unfortunately, kobold eggs only gave him back so much. He didn't get his full body turned furry again, and he didn't have a chance to bring his tail completely back to normal. Mostly, at least, though not fully.

When the last egg slid out, landing with a slight click clack on the pile, Lorkos got back to his feet. He shuddered, shaking, wobbling from side to side a little bit, but he was...better. Not perfect, not completely better, but better.

Okay...that...that should hold me until I get to a bigger city.

There'd be mages there. Mages that might be able to take this curse off him without lifting his skin off at the same time.

He got dressed, thankful for the better fit of everything but his trousers, and then made his way back to his horse.

The wolf traveled for another half-day before encountering a settlement. It was not a big one, but it was larger than the average farming village, big enough to possibly have a hedge-wizard or something serving there. Lorkos paused, debating whether to make the attempt to make contact.

Desperation won out. He turned his horse towards the village, making his way up the dirt path towards the local inn.

Nobody paid him much attention. It was halfway between lunch and dinner, and he doubted that the locals were that interested in a stranger that they would interrupt their routine to talk to him. He dismounted, tied up the horse, and stepped inside.

A grunting minotaur stood behind the bar at the far end, wearing an imitation of a nice shirt and leggings. He looked up, the shaggy-faced male nodding.

"Dragonslayer," the beast-like man said.

"You know me?" Lorkos asked.

"Heard of you. On business?"

"Not quite."

He walked across the common room, shaking his head as he took a seat by the bar.

"I'm looking for someone with magic."

"Hunting or...favor?"

"Personal favor. Could use a little bit of dispelling, if you know anyone that can do it."

"Might know someone. Shy, though."

"I'm only hunting dragons, not anything else, if that's a problem."


"My word on it."

The minotaur seemed to think about it for a moment, then nodded.

"Ten minutes walk past the edge of town. Lives under a rock. Probably can help a bit."

Lorkos nodded, passing a few of the coins he'd looted from the bandits to the innkeeper. Always good to stay on the good side of locals, he'd found.

The wolf put a down-payment on a room for the night, just in case, then left the building and grabbed his horse. A few of the locals had finally looked up from their routine, noticing him, but he didn't pay them any attention. Best not to stick out in their minds if he didn't have to, particularly if things went wrong.

He made his way out of town, using the side roads rather than the main one, and kept south. It didn't take long for him to find the rock that the minotaur had been talking about.

It was less of a rock and more of a boulder, a standing stone that had probably been resting there for the last few hundred years, if not longer. He shook his head, dismounting again and making his way up to the side of it.

After circling it three times, he finally spotted a loose patch of earth, reaching down and giving it a pull. There was a handle just underneath it, which was connected to a trapdoor.


One quick yank lifted it up, revealing a tunnel to the underground.

"Alright, that looks promising...Stay, boy," he told his horse before dropping down.

The tunnel stretched forward for nearly thirty feet before taking a sudden right-hand turn, but light bounced off the walls ahead, which told him that he was probably expected. That, or the mage out here probably kept light going all the time, anyway.

Probably can't see in the dark, in that case.

Good to know if things got messy.

Lorkos pulled the hatch shut again, walking down the tunnel and doing his best not to reach for his sword. The lack of safety that came from not being openly armed didn't make him feel better, but considering what the minotaur had implied...

Well, best not to spook a mage, particularly not one that was often hunted.

He rounded the corner and found himself face to face with a smooth-scaled lizard, one that looked a bit hunched in the shoulders but very lean everywhere else. Covered in yellow scales, he looked like he wouldn't even be able to take one good blow without snapping in two.

The green robes the scaly wore fluttered as he lifted his head, looking this way and that before settling on the wolf. His eyes were a bit cloudy, but not quite covered. Not blind, then, just going there.

Lorkos tapped on the wall of the tunnel before entering the small chamber.

"I'm looking for someone with magic."

"Hssss. You've found one, then. What do you want?"

"I need a curse removed."

"Powerful magic. Will try; who cassst it?"

"A dragon."

The lizard looked up, eyes widening in obvious shock.

"What did you do?"

"...I prefer not to say."

"Dragonsssss alwayssss angry to casssst curssses. What did you do?"

"...I killed her mate."


The scaly hissed, shaking his head and pacing back and forth, tail swaying around and nearly knocking a number of things off the walls.

"Hssss, not good, not good. Make her angry if I help. Make her very angry. Why? Why ssssshould I help dragonssslayer?"

"Because I can pay."

"No pay good. No pay good for that."

"Fine. If you can't do it, then at least look at me and tell me who can."

The lizard hissed again, but before he could go back to complaining, Lorkos crossed the room, grabbed him by the throat, and pinned him to the wall. He forced himself to think that it was not violence, that he wasn't going to kill the guy, just defend himself.

It worked, sort-of. His pussy only spasmed rather than drenching itself.

"I have a lot of problems right now, and you're making them worse, mage. All I need is for you to tell me what I have to do to fix this. If that's too much for you, I'll leave, but if you can't help me, I have no reason not to tell the next knight I see that this village has a lizard casting spells around."

"...You' wouldn't..."

"I'm Lorkos, the Dragonslayer. Wouldn't I?"

"...Let me look."

Nodding, the wolf dropped the lizard back to his feet. He took a deep breath, forcing himself to remember that he needed to do this, and started undressing.

A few minutes later, he was seated on the edge of the lizard's exam table, his legs spread and scaly fingers rubbing along his scaled pussy. Every touch made him scream for more on the inside, but he was keeping his jaws clamped together, doing everything in his power to deny the curse its influence.

"Well?" he grunted through clenched teeth.

"Powerful magic," the lizard admitted. "Even if I wanted, couldn't fix thisssss."

"So who can?"

"Another dragon."

"Besides that."

"Maybe archmage, or maybe powerful kobold ssssshaman, but nobody else."

So, either he had to find a dragon that hated the one that cursed him enough to get rid of the damn thing, find a kobold that wouldn't keep him as a perpetual egg-layer, or find a way to get an audience with the most powerful group of magic users in the kingdom.

Well, that was simple.

He grumbled under his breath, but still made no move to get away from the lizard's fingers. He blushed, trying to find the will, but the urge...

"Can you stop touching me?"

"Do you really want me to sssstop?"


"I can do more."



The wolf tried to turn, but those fingers had already slipped inside of him, and the scales were rubbing in the perfect places to drive him up the wall. His legs spread even further, almost pushing the lizard mage to slide between them and do more.

Knowing that he'd end up paying the lizard mage with more than just coin, Lorkos submitted to the inevitable, just praying that he'd at least end up with a goddamn egg out of this one so that he could bring the curse down again.

The End

Slayer or Layer: Chapter 7

? Slayer or Layer 7 For Lorvianne By Draconicon The long run down the mountain finally came to an end as Lorkos reached the little town at the bottom of the footpath leading up. Of course, as transformed and naked as he was, the...

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Slayer or Layer: Chapter 6

? Slayer or Layer 6 For Lorvianne By Draconicon Lorkos couldn't believe the situation, but he could believe the dick that was grinding between his legs as he got on all fours. It was too hard, too slippery, and too hot for it to be...

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Slayer or Layer: Chapter 5

? Slayer or Layer 5 For Lorvianne By Draconicon Whether through blind willpower or something else, Lorkos was able to drag himself further from the drake behind him. The feeling of that cock sliding out from between his ass cheeks...

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