Slayer or Layer: Chapter 7

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#7 of Slayer or Layer

And so we move on to chapter seven, showing Lorkos as he finally escapes the breeding that he so desperately needed. He reaches a village at the base of the mountain, a place where he can finally get the rest of his equipment, but there's one little problem. How do you ask for your stuff back when you look exactly like the enemy that everyone is all too eager to kill? And can you even do that when you have a bunch of eggs in your belly waiting to come bursting free?

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? Slayer or Layer 7 For Lorvianne By Draconicon

The long run down the mountain finally came to an end as Lorkos reached the little town at the bottom of the footpath leading up. Of course, as transformed and naked as he was, the partial-wolf had come running out of a forest and nearly into the stable-building of the village. He panted, backing up quickly to get back into cover before anyone could see him.

It worked, thankfully. He'd just settled back in the greenery when the front door to the attached inn opened, a young man stepping outside and stretching his arms over his head. The wolf made his way to the stable, pulled out a horse, and rode away, but the whole time, Lorkos was squatting in the bushes and hoping that nobody would think to look at his hiding spot.

Long time getting back here, but at least I'm finally back, he thought, looking over his shoulders. Time to leave the damn dragons behind.

First things first, though. He needed clothing, and he needed his horse, and he needed all the stuff that he had stashed with the innkeeper. The camp had been trashed, and most of his goods were gone, but he had left a few emergency supplies in town just in case he'd needed to make a quick escape.

Like now.

The wolf made his way through the underbrush, cursing his curse and his transformation with every step. The orgy with the drakes had left him with scaly feet, a scaly, rigid tail, and a great deal more curves to deal with than he really wanted to think about. In addition, his swollen belly was even bigger than it had been a short time ago, and he knew that there were a great many eggs waiting to come free if he let them.


Lorkos hesitated, holding one slender-fingered hand over his stomach as he felt them moving. His pussy was drenched with cum and his own juices, still, and the eggs inside were eager to slide out and be laid. Only raw willpower kept them from doing that very thing, and he was doing his best to keep them from taking it any further.

If he could get some clothes, then he could start making his way out of town. If he could get out of town, he could lay the eggs, and if he did that far enough away from the mountain, then the eggs might very well die.

He waited for the spike of horrible pleasure that always came when he wished harm to dragons, but this time, it didn't strike him. Lorkos froze, hardly believing that it hadn't.

It was new information, valuable new information about the curse. Was it possible that eggs didn't count as dragons because they weren't hatched yet? Was it a loophole in the curse? Or was it more like there was a difference to the spell now that he was this far from the mountain? Could he get better if he just put enough distance between him and the cursed dragoness that had hit him with that spell?

Don't get your hopes up, he warned himself. Just find what you need, and then get going.

That was the best plan he had, and he'd go with it. At least, for now.

Slowly, Lorkos crept around the stables, moving towards the back of the inn. The town itself, a tiny little place known as the Forsaken Homes, was built on the ashes of a town that had stood at the base of the mountains at the start of the war. Most people didn't have the courage to move back, despite the safety that dragon hunters and slayers like him had offered, but it was a slow-growing place. He had been a little annoyed by its lack of amenities when he had arrived, but now...

Now, the silence and stillness of the town was a welcome relief. Fewer people around meant a far-less risky chance of people seeing him.

He reached the back of the inn, marked by a lone door and a single window. The naked wolf walked over, cursing his red scales with every step and hoping that nobody decided to take a look outside. He hesitated as he heard footsteps through the window, knowing someone was in the other room, but slowly lifted his head to peek inside.

The innkeeper, a human by the name of Silus, was still there. He'd expected the fat man to be, but at the same time, he would have been unsurprised if the innkeeper had run off. It would have been just his luck.

At the same time...

The wolf lowered himself back down, leaning his back against the wood side of the building.

At the same time, he was mostly transformed, and there was no hiding the fact that he had a cunt between his legs rather than a cock. He didn't know how he could possibly explain something like that, particularly to someone that had met him as a man. Lorkos's whole appearance screamed 'Dragon Trick!', and if he were further along in the kingdom, nearer to the central lands, he would have been killed in seconds. They would have seen it as getting rid of a dragon spy, and he wouldn't have blamed them...if they were doing it to someone else.

He, however, wanted to live.

Another spasm of discomfort ran through his guts, the eggs pushing him, telling him that they wanted to get laid. Lorkos ignored them for the moment, trying to think of a way to get his stuff and go.

Could just steal it back. Wait until nightfall and get out of here, he thought. But that would mean hiding for hours and hours, hoping that nobody found him. Not a very ideal situation, not with most of the day still to pass.

Could try and steal it back now; the innkeeper didn't look that strong before.

And he wasn't that strong anymore. And he was pregnant. He had a feeling that there were elements of the curse that he hadn't found yet, and he didn't want to be educated in them during the middle of a fight.

Which left...

When I laid the eggs before, with the kobolds, most of the transformation went away. I just kept the...the thing down there, he thought, looking past the slight breasts on his chest down to the cunt between his legs. If I let them out -

He groaned, the sudden squeezing between his legs at the idea of letting the eggs out deciding the matter for him. If he didn't do it now, he was going to be forced to do it way too soon. Might as well pick a good spot.

Lorkos hobbled back into the treeline, managing to crawl about fifty feet away from down and put his back against a tree before the urges overwhelmed him. He slumped down, spread his legs, and waited.

The first egg began to drop down, forcing its way down his inner walls and spreading him wide. His eyes rolled back in their sockets, his breath coming faster and faster as he struggled to keep himself quiet. His fingers curled into the dirt and his scaly toes pressed against the bushes just ahead of him.

Looking down with a great deal of effort, he could see the white tip of the first egg starting to push free. It slid between his pussy lips, a little bit out, then went back in. Out, then in again, and then again, and again, each time feeling like he was getting fucked in reverse as the damn thing kept moving.

His pussy was getting wetter and wetter with each subsequent movement, and it was getting worse as the other eggs started dropping down, pushing themselves towards his opening. Lorkos leaned his head back, growling and gritting his teeth.

"Come oooooon..."

He panted, shivering, resting one hand on his stomach. He wanted to push down, shove everything out in one fell swoop, but he knew that his body wouldn't let him do it. It wasn't built that way. He needed...he needed to wait.

But it felt so gooooooood.

Stuffing a hand in his mouth to hold back the worst of his moans, the wolf forced himself to relax as the first egg finally popped free. It was like a knot coming out in reverse, opening him up, only for another egg to take its place. A bigger one, he felt, one that had probably been forming for longer than the first one.

Even as it opened him up further, stretching him out, he could feel something happening. He looked down, seeing the little lumps at his chest getting pulled back in, his nipples flattening out again. Better, the scales were falling from his shoulders, giving him fur again, a bit of his dragon-hood slipping away as he gave birth.

Another egg, another pop, another moan, and another bit of transformation, the scales creeping down his chest, stopping just under his rib-cage, his fingers slowly fattening up again and his claws turning black and blunt rather than sharp and curled.

He panted softly, his orgasm getting closer and closer as much as he tried to hold it at bay. The dragon slayer leaned his head back, clenching his teeth as the third egg, biggest of the bunch so far, pressed against him. It wanted to get out, alright, and it wanted out in a hurry. He could feel it sliding down, getting stuck, and then not moving again until he clenched on it to help push it out.

Nnngh...need...need more...

Reluctantly, Lorkos reached down to his pussy, rubbing the scaly slit to get it nice and slippery. It was so hard to pull his hand back, particularly as he felt so close to orgasm. One little touch wouldn't hurt, he was sure, but the pleasure...

No, remember...remember the curse...

He was stuck in chastity unless the eggs got him off or a scaly thing did. No matter what else fucked him, he would never get off without it being someone with scales - in which case, he would likely get pregnant - or if it was an egg sliding out. One was already there, already waiting. If he just let it, it would carry him over the edge.

Lorkos clenched down, urging the egg out. He could feel every little bump on it, every little pattern along the shell. The other two had been drake eggs, but this was a dragon egg. This was a true dragon's egg. One towards his debt.

And as it finally pushed down, stretching him like nothing else had in some time, he could feel it. His orgasm was building, his need rising, his body shaking from head to toe as he felt the changes tingling, ready to be reversed with this laying. He closed his eyes tightly, clenching down harder on the egg, feeling it pushing down towards his pussy.

Out, just a bit, then in again.

Out a little bit more, the shell pushing past the outer lips, then sliding back inside, sucked in.

He pushed down, forcing it out as best he could, feeling the egg rolling as it moved down the tunnel. It was so thick, so heavy, and he was about to go out of his mind if he didn't get it out of his body. Just a bit more, just a bit more. It was at the one-third mark, almost at the thickest portion.

"Come on, come on, you damn egg..." He shuffled slightly, dragging himself up to a squatting position, feeling the weight suddenly pulling the egg further down. "Come on...just...fall...out..."

Gravity tugged at the egg in a way that it hadn't before, pulling at it even as he wiggled his hips back and forth. He was almost half-wolf, half-dragoness at this point, his body teetering on the edge of another transformation. Lorkos bit his lips, pushing down a bit more, clenching around the egg -


It slid out, landing with a soft thud on the ground, and the wolf went over the edge. He shoved a fist down his throat to keep himself from howling in pleasure, his body shaking, spasming, falling and trembling against the tree behind him. The scales fell from his tail, his stomach, his thighs, and his feet went back to a simple, flat-footed stance that he hadn't had for too long, kicking up dirt as he seized in pleasure.

Finally, his squirting pleasure as done, and he sagged back against the tree, panting for breath. Slowly, he lifted his head, looking down at the eggs again, seeing the pile of them gathered against the bushes.

They could...actually die down here, he thought, thinking to hold the kobolds had been working hard to keep theirs warm. If I just...leave them...

He expected to be filled with glee at the loophole, but instead, he felt...worried. Why the fuck did he feel worried?

Before he could examine the feelings, he heard the thump of wings above him. The dragon slayer whipped his head up, staring at the sky. Before his eyes, another dragon - a female, he realized - swooped through the gaps in the trees, landing with a thump in front of him She stared at him for a second or two, then leaned down, picking up the eggs that the wolf had just laid.

As she flew off with them in hand, Lorkos didn't know why he felt a sense of relief, nor did he care. All he knew was that he didn't have to worry about them anymore, and now...

Now he could figure out the more important puzzle. How he was going to get enough clothes to cover his cunt until he could talk to the damn innkeeper.

Well, back to the stables. Maybe there's a horse blanket or something that I can use...

The wolf shook his head, making his way around. He couldn't wait to get to the capital and fix this mess.

The End

Slayer or Layer: Chapter 6

? Slayer or Layer 6 For Lorvianne By Draconicon Lorkos couldn't believe the situation, but he could believe the dick that was grinding between his legs as he got on all fours. It was too hard, too slippery, and too hot for it to be...

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Slayer or Layer: Chapter 5

? Slayer or Layer 5 For Lorvianne By Draconicon Whether through blind willpower or something else, Lorkos was able to drag himself further from the drake behind him. The feeling of that cock sliding out from between his ass cheeks...

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Slayer or Layer: Chapter 4

? Slayer or Layer 4 For Lorvianne By Draconicon Getting out of the mountain was the easy part. Despite the kobolds knowing the layouts of the tunnels far better than him, there was something to be said for being the biggest guy in...

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