Fox Dragged Down: Part 1

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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After Falco's disappearance, Fox starts to worry about the absence of his lover...right up until Wolf hops onto the communicator and demands some compensation for some naughty photos of Fox. Cue the blackmail music.

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Falco 1:

Falco 2:

Fox 2:

Slippy 1:

Slippy 2:

Peppy 1:

Peppy 2:

Fox Dragged Down

Part 1

For Limemas

By Draconicon

It wasn't the first time that Falco disappeared overnight, and while Fox didn't like the fact that his best pilot could vanish at the drop of a hat, he'd learned a long time ago that it was better not to push the bird about it. When it came to having a safe fuck-buddy, particularly with the sort of things that the vulpine commander liked, it was better not to ask too many questions or put too many restrictions on it.

Or at least, that was what he tried to do. Didn't always work, particularly when Falco tried to add something new to the mix. Fox hated it when the bird did that. Always felt like they were trying to mess with what worked, which was him getting off.

Falco seemed to be getting the message, though. He'd certainly gotten the hard-fuck that he wanted the last time he'd showed up in the bird's quarters, though...Well, it had been a long time since Falco had actually cum in him. It was something he was starting to miss, even though he was getting off every time.

Maybe the big lug needs a turn getting off?

Fox wasn't one for giving blowjobs, but maybe he could give his best pilot one. Just something to show that he did matter in the grand scheme of things.

When he gets back, I'll tell him that he deserves a treat.

He'd decided that back at the crack of dawn, and he'd waited patiently til noon. Lunch was over and the rest of the crew were starting to pull together, getting ready for the launch that evening. Falco was nowhere to be seen, though, and he wasn't picking up his communicator when Fox dialed him.

No matter how weird their relationship was, how rocky, Fox knew that there was no chance that his wingmate would make him this worried for no reason. Something was wrong.

He hesitated to call Peppy and Slippy in on it, though. The pair of them knew that he and Falco, but Fox had always made sure to sell the idea that it was with him on top. The idea that they might start seeing him as the bitch...

"Nnngh. Damn it, Falco..."

The fox sat up from his exercise machine, taking a few deep breaths as sweat rolled down his chest and face. He pulled his towel from his neck, wiping off his muzzle as he looked up at the ceiling.

Where the hell are you? And what the fuck is -

Ba-deep, ba-deep.

That better be you.

He pushed the communicator button on the side of his head, expecting the view hologram to pop up with Falco's face.

Instead, it popped up with Wolf O'Donnell.

"Hello there, Star Bitch."


He growled under his breath, his fingers near to puncturing the cushion under him.

"How did you get this frequency?"

"Let's just say that a little birdy told me."

"...Where's Falco?" he grunted.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about him right now. What you need to worry about is me. Me, and the little pictures I have."

"What are you - oh...fuck..."

Fox stared at the line of different images that came streaming across the communicator, seeing his own ass being spread wide by Falco's cock. The view had to have come from their fun yesterday, when he had gone down to the bird's room in a skirt. The fact that he could see himself getting railed now...

Fuck, Falco must have gotten caught before deleting the pictures. If Wolf has those, and if he makes Falco talk...

He was more concerned about the fact that Falco might spill the beans about him being a complete bitch. The idea that the universe might find out that their hero liked taking it under the tail more than dishing it out was more humiliating than he wanted to think about.

"What do you want?"

"I want you to come and meet me, Star Bitch."

"It's Fox, Wolf. You call me by my name, or I'll -"

"You'll what? Squirm when all these photos hit the net?"

Wolf's smirk was all the more infuriating with the knowledge that Fox had nothing that he could use to stop the other man from doing just that. Wolf might have been on Corneria - all of Star Wolf team was, as far as he knew - but exactly where he was and what channels he'd use to put the pictures out there were up for debate. Without an exact location or knowledge of what services he'd use, there was no way to block the rest of the public from seeing...all that.

"Fine. Where do you want to meet?"

"Oh, I'll send you an address in a minute. First, though, you're going to do something for me."

"Fuck you, Wolf. If you think I'm going to dance to your tune -"

"Or I can upload these photos right now."


"What's it going to be, Star Bitch?"

"...What do you want?"

"Go to the shower. I want a picture of you naked. And make sure that you send one with your face in it."


"I'll be waiting."

Click. The communicator channel went dead, leaving Fox completely alone in the gym once more.

Damn it...

If it wasn't for the fact that his boots were in view, he'd be dismissing Wolf's whole request, but the fact that they'd label him as the one getting fucked right off the bat...

But if I send him one with my face in it...

Well, the picture didn't have to be one that had him all bitchy. He could be the one posing. He could look like he was sending it to a fan and that it got out on the net that way, if it did. Something that made him look hot and in charge.

Just gotta pose like Falco, then.

Decided, the fox got up from his machine and went to the showers. Peppy and Slippy would be busy in the other parts of the ship, so there was no way that they'd walk in on him doing this.

He hoped.

He stripped off his shorts, pulling his communicator off and setting it on one of the shower stalls. At least it gave it a bit of height, not enough to look down on him, but something.

Fox gripped his balls, forcing his cock forward, and he put on as much of a smirk as he possibly could. He thought about the way that Falco grinned at him when he was going to be bending over, and he shivered, fighting the urge to show off a little bit.

"Take picture."

The camera clicked softly as the communicator followed the order, and he grabbed it, telling it to display it.

He didn't look that bad. He was a trim fox, and while the cameras showed that he had slightly wider hips than the average male, he didn't look that much like a vixen, no matter how much Falco called him one. His cock was big enough to fill his fingers, at least, even while soft, and his balls were...

Well, they were a bit small, but not that bad. His body language seemed to make him look good, leaning back and looking cocky.


It beeped, the file flowing through the net to his worst rival. Fox took a deep breath, reaching for his shorts -

Ba-deep, ba-deep.

"Ugh, already?"

He opened the channel, forcing himself to be calm. The communicator was close enough to make sure that he couldn't be seen naked, so as long as he didn't start giving himself away...

"Heh, that's just what I was hoping to see, Fox. A good shot of the Bitch Commander."

"Fuck you, Wolf."

"It's going to be the other way around, pup. Now, here's the coordinates."

A series of numbers popped into his communicator. Even without plugging them into a computer, Fox knew that they were for the far side of the city, well away from the space port and well away from any reinforcements that he might be able to call in. Not without giving himself up as the bitch that he was.

"Come alone, an hour before sunset. And make sure that you bring your favorite toy."

"What the hell makes you think that I keep any toys around?"

"Besides the fact that you did what I told you?" Wolf smirked. "Now, make sure to be a good boy, and do as you're told. Otherwise, I can get very, very nasty."

The channel clicked off again, and Fox did everything in his power to keep from growling. The fact that he was being told what to do notwithstanding, he realized that he'd probably given Wolf all the proof he needed that Falco's claims of being a top were right.

Dammit...need to think...need to think, or this is going to get a lot more out of hand than it already is, he grumbled.

He arrived outside the apartment building ten minutes early, and he wasn't keen on the situation right from the start.

Top floor of a rickety building, he thought, looking up. No way of getting out except through the inside. Outside's too broken-down to climb down, and I'd kill myself if I tried a staggered fall.

More than that, he could feel the eyes on him even from the street level. There were people here, watching him. Keeping an eye on his every move. Wolf was making sure that he was following orders, that he wasn't going to try and run, or chicken out.

That wasn't going to happen, but Fox knew Wolf didn't believe that. Not yet. He might have been a bit of a sub for Falco, but that didn't mean that he was an outright bitch. He would get everything that he'd lost back, and then he'd teach Wolf a lesson about who the real bitch of the pair of them was.

He walked up to the building, getting buzzed in by a gator that was grinning at him the whole time. Fox fixed the other male with a glare until he backed down, then made his way to the stairwell.

His hand was down on his blaster the whole time, shaking his head as he walked up the steps. Every bone in his body told him that this was a trap, that he was going to get caught and kept from returning to the ship. Peppy and Slippy were willing to wait, he knew, but the old man wasn't keen on paying the docking fees for another night. If he didn't get out, they'd go orbital, and that would make getting free that much harder.

Just don't panic. As long as you don't panic, you can handle whatever Wolf throws at you.

He'd beaten the other guy in every dogfight that they'd gone through. Just because hand to hand favored Wolf...

He shook his head. Better not to think about that. If they got into a fight, then the whole thing would be a done deal, anyway.

He reached the top floor, huffing quietly as he stepped out of the stairway. There was nobody in the hallway waiting for him, but there was only one door at the far end of the hallway.

" you really need this much space?" he muttered under his breath as he followed the corridor.

The door was open when he touched it, and slid further open as he leaned on it. The room smelled of old musk, and not just the personal sort, either, the sort that came from being closed off for a long time and finally being reopened. He rubbed his nose as he stepped inside, looking left and right.

"Old safehouse or something?" Fox asked, taking in the décor. Long, low couches, chains hanging from the ceiling, little books and datapads hanging around. A few tossed around shirts that were marked with sweat stains and rips, as well as old delivery packages. "Could use a cleaner."

"Yeah, well, I could use a maid, I guess. Looking for a new job?" Wolf's voice asked, coming from further in.

"I'll pass. I'll keep whooping your ass in space."

"You say that now, but we'll see what you have to say after we finish our little session tonight."

"You better be ready to hand over all those photos by the end of it. If you don't, I swear -"

"Don't pretend that you have any leverage here, pup. We both know who's holding all the cards."

Deep down in his throat, Fox fought the urge to growl. The fact that Wolf was this smug about it all wasn't helping him, and he wanted little more than to rip the other mercenary a new one.

But he couldn't. Not yet. Not until he had some surety that the photos wouldn't be sent off as soon as Wolf was out of the picture.

"Where are you?"

"The bedroom. Get over here."

Not liking the sound of that in the slightest, Fox made his way down the hallway, moving past the living room and the bathroom to the door to the bedroom. The dank smell of musk was strongest there, and Fox snorted out through his nose before pushing the door open.

There was Wolf, alright, barefoot and naked from the waist down. His cock was half-hard, flopped off to the side, and it was...

Well, if he had thought Falco was big, then Wolf was almost another fifty percent bigger.

His eyes went wide as they glued to that cock, staring at it for a handful of seconds, and he only managed to break his stare when he heard the soft 'click' of a camera.

"Hey!" Fox shouted, slamming the door shut. "You didn't say -"

"I didn't say I wouldn't, either," the bigger mercenary said, tapping his communicator a few times. "Don't worry. They're staying right here...for now."


"You bet I'm a fucker." Wolf somehow managed to sprawl out even further, folding his arms behind his head and smirking as he did so. "And you're going to be one of those that I get to fuck, if you don't play your cards right. Or, heh, if you do. Maybe you'd like to be the kind of bitch that I saw in the pictures, with an even bigger cock spreading your ass out."

It was not a small consideration, either. Falco was about seven inches long, two more than Fox's average shaft, but Wolf? Wolf was a good ten inches long, maybe just a bit longer, and that fat shaft looked like it would be enough to break his ass. The fact that it was dripping at the tip already, despite only being half-hard, told him that it was used to breaking bitches, wanting to get into holes even more than Falco did.

As shivers ran down his spine, he forced himself to look Wolf in the eye, glaring at him with everything that he could muster.

"What the fuck do you want me to do?"

"You bring your toy?"

The fox nodded.

"Show it to me."

Growling, he reached behind his back. His fingers brushed against the grip of his blaster, and the urge to take it out and just shoot Wolf right here and now was more than a little tempting. However, he knew that there was no way that the mercenary didn't have some sort of back-up ready. He couldn't risk it. Not yet.

Not yet.


And he was curious what was going to happen, as much as he didn't want to admit it. This had never happened with Falco. No matter what they did in their scenes, no matter how public it got, he had never felt in danger. He never felt that sense of risk when he was getting pushed around. He was always the one in charge at the end of the day, and that meant that he always made things good.


Now someone else was calling the shots, and it made him feel strange. Not right. Not good. Not good, but not bad.

Fox pulled the toy out from his back pocket. It wasn't the biggest toy in the world, but it was one of his favorites for when Falco was down and out, or when he was not onboard. It was a canine-shaped thing, one with a knot at the base, and just about seven inches long. Nine, if one included the knot, and he shivered as he remembered the number of times that the knot had been included in the ass-pounding.

"Heh, if I didn't know better, bitch, I'd say that you've been training for me for a while."

"Shut the fuck up."

"Why? You're the one that brought the knotted dildo."

Fox growled, glaring at the other merc, only to hear another click. Another picture, capturing him holding a dildo in his hand.

"Damn it!" he shouted, his cheeks burning up with humiliation. "Stop that!"

"Stop what? Saving all these lovely memories?"

Wolf chuckled, holding out his hand. Fox started to offer the dildo, only for Wolf to shake his head.

"Not that. Your clothes."

"You've kidding."



"Then start stripping, Foxy."

The fact that he was this helpless did not make him feel good about this, but he knew that if he didn't start stripping, then he would be exposed for far more than he already had been. He needed to get this under control again, and he couldn't do that if he was having to fight on two fronts.

And besides, Wolf already had a picture of him naked. Anything else would just be secondary.

Shivering, he pulled his vest off, trying not to think about the boner that was growing in his pants. Thankfully, they were loose enough that it wasn't immediately obvious, but still, it made him remember just how exposed he was. He was somewhere dangerous, somewhere that he didn't have any control or power, and he was getting naked for one of his biggest enemies and rivals.

His shirt came off after the vest jacket, leaving him half-nude. The fact that Wolf was chuffing, chuckling, and grunting to the sight told him that the other mercenary was probably jerking off to him stripping down, and he tried not to think about that. He especially tried not to think about the fact that he was showing off his body and it was getting another guy off like this.

I'm the head of the team. I'm supposed to get what I want, not give others what they want.

That was the basis of his and Falco's relationship. The bird got to fuck him, and Fox got to feel dominated safely. He got bits and pieces of humiliation, and he never got to fully let go of his control. He got to make sure that it always went his way.

That was what he wanted...right?

So why did this feel sexy?

He tried to tell himself that he was imagining things, that this wasn't sexy, that he wasn't getting hard at the way that Wolf was humiliating him. Yet, at the same time, one couldn't deny the erection in his pants.

"Boots too. I don't need those in the picture when I have your face."

Fox grunted, biting his tongue to keep from shouting again. It would only get him in worse trouble, and Wolf would start feeding him consequences if he kept defying the other, bigger mercenary. The pictures could start hitting the net at any point, and if they did, then there would be no getting them back.

He pulled off his shoes, tossing them to the side, and his hands hesitated on his belt. He knew that once his pants came down, the evidence that he was starting to enjoy himself would be exposed. Wolf would be able to see that he was getting off on this, and worse, he would be able to capture photographic proof of it, too.


"Take 'em off, Fox, or the first picture hits the public. I got someone to rent a billboard for the night down on Corneria Square, so anyone that happens to pass by..."

The implications were not lost on him. Not just the first hit going to the net, but a good bit of it going to the public, as well. They'd know to start looking for more. The paparazzi would start looking into him more than they already did, eager to find out if Fox was the bitch that the pictures showed him to be.

There'd be no escaping it once it started.

He was harder than he'd ever been with Falco as his pants hit the floor, and he stood with his back to the bigger merc.

Click. Click. Click.

"That's a hot ass, Fox. It's a pity that you keep it covered all the time. Maybe you should start wearing something a little more form-fitting," the wolf said, chuckling. "It'd give people like me something better to aim for than your ship."

"Fuck off...fuck...all...the way off."

"Turn around, pup. I want to see everything."

Fox shivered, looking down at his cock. The veins were actually popping out along the sides, begging to be allowed to cum. His shaft was so hard that it was almost slapping against his stomach, the cut shaft looking so small over his balls all of a sudden.

He's just huge. You're not small.

Yet, he felt it. His cock felt like it was tiny compared to the massive shaft behind him, and the moment that he turned around, he knew that Wolf was going to tell him exactly how different their cocks were from each other.

There'd be no escaping it, no keeping it from happening.

"Turn around, bitch."

And so, Fox did, holding his head as high as he could even as his cock throbbed helplessly down below.

Wolf looked down at it, then bit his lip.

"Ho...Oh wow..."

The fact that his greatest rival was biting back laughter didn't help, and neither did the way that Wolf stood up and walked across the bed to him. The bigger male loomed over him, and then -


"Look at this little dink."

They pressed together, Wolf's massive member grinding against his shaft, rubbing and pressing against his member. He could feel the softness that was still in the bigger male's cock, knowing that it wasn't even fully hard yet. The fact that there was that much of a difference still, that he was five inches shorter than that thing even though he was completely hard and Wolf wasn't, meant that he was going to be even tinier in comparison once Wolf reached full erection.

He tried not to think about it, even when Wolf pressed them together again, slapping their cocks off of one another. Pre-cum drooled down over his shaft, smearing along the sides of it, and he bit his lips to hold back the moans.

Fluffy balls against his didn't make it better down there, either, and his hole started puckering at the thought of that massive member sliding into him. It was something that he had never thought of before, but now, faced with the reality of it, there was no stopping himself.

It's huge, he thought. Bigger than Falco, so much bigger than me. I can't get away. If he wants to do it, I can't stop him.

And something about that, about the fact that Wolf could just utterly dominate him if he wanted, was hotter than it should have been. He didn't want to be puffing and panting at the thought of being made to be a whore...

Did he?

When Wolf finally pulled back, giving him a chance to breathe again, Fox wasn't sure if he was relieved or disappointed. He didn't have time to sort it out, though, because no sooner was he given the room to breathe than Wolf tossed him the dildo.

"Alright, pup. This is what you're going to do."


"You're going to squat down and ride that for me," Wolf said as he sat back on the bed. "You're going to ride it, all while looking at my cock. Feel free to make whatever faces you like, but you're going to ride that toy until you cum all over the floor."

"...And then..."

"Heh, then, you'll get the pictures. All the ones from Falco, anyway. Or, if you want to have him back, I'll tell you where Leon and he are hiding. It'll be up to you what kind of reward you want for this."

Fox stared at the wolf, glaring at him. This was one more way to humiliate him, one more way to make him all the more embarrassed for what he was doing.


There was no getting out of it, and his cock twitched at the thought.


" more pictures..."



Fox's cheeks burned, his cock throbbing and oozing as he straddled the toy on the floor. His asshole puckered hard, already so eager to be filled, already desperate for the sensation of being spread again. He hated that, hated that he wanted it from the toy...

That he was starting to want it from Wolf...

He bit his lips as he pushed down, knowing that if he made a face, Wolf would catch it. He'd be caught for good with an expression of bliss on his face, and the mercenary would be able to show it off to anyone that he chose.

Down, down -


The feeling of the toy sliding in left him gasping, and there was another click. His cock twitched again, the feeling of being on film, the fact that he was giving Wolf more and more blackmail humiliating him more than anything else in his life had ever done. Even being fucked in a skirt wasn't as bad as this.

Yet, he kept riding, his cock kept leaking. He couldn't stop.

He didn't want to stop.

He rolled his hips down, then up, then down, then up, always taking a little more of the toy every time that he went down. He could feel it rubbing against his prostate, tickling him, teasing him.

Up, down, up, down, his heavy balls reminding him that they were there as he bounced faster, harder.

Click, click, click.

Each time he heard that click, each time he knew another photo was taken, his cock throbbed that much harder. It was somehow more humiliating to have the pictures than it was to think about being on video. They were...they were more real, in a way, feeling more sleezy.

And he...he liked that, deep down.

Fox bit back the first moan, but he couldn't stop the second, and by the third, he was moaning regularly as he squatted down, riding the toy on the balls of his feet. Up and down, up and down, his cheeks burning but his cock spitting pre as he went on.

"Hehehe, you like it that much, Fox? You like being a bitch that bad?"


He wanted to say 'fuck you,' but he was too deep into it. The toy was hitting his prostate every time, and his hole was getting smacked with the knot. Up and down, up and down, his pre-cum jetting across the floor...and Wolf jerked while he watched.

It was worse, in a way, knowing that he was getting his rival off by doing a show. It wasn't just that he was riding a dildo, wasn't just that he was huffing down the smell of his own sex, but the fact that he was staring at the fat cock of his worst rival...

And somehow, imagining sucking on it.

The idea of blowjobs had never been that good to him. The idea of sucking cock wasn't as fun as getting one in his ass, and he didn't want people to see him on his knees. There was no way to miss a face in one's lap, after all, and it would give them the perfect opportunity to humiliate him.

Yet...the idea was in his head now, to put his face down there, to suck on that big, fat dick and let Wolf take more pictures. To let him show the world what Fox was like...


"Gonna cum there, Fox? Are you going to be a good bitch and cum on your toy for the camera?"



Fox slammed his hips down, his asshole pressed right to the knot. The toy slid over his prostate, stretching him, filling him -


And he came. He came hard, too, shooting his load all over the floor. Each click of the camera only reminded him of how dirty he was being, how naughty he had become as he kept shooting his seed. He pushed down, grinding the knot against his ass -


And then it popped in, too. It had been months since he'd taken it that far, and he yelped as he lost his balance, falling flat on his ass, his legs in the air, the last of his seed shooting up to hit him in the face.

Click, click, click, click.

Fox shivered, knowing that each of those pictures were now on Wolf's communicator. Panting for breath, he looked up at his rival, shaking his head.

"You...that's all...that's all. That's fucking all," he said, trying to regain some of his dignity, though that was hard with a string of cum dripping from his nose.

"Heh, that's all for tonight. So, you want Falco's pictures back? Or do you want Falco?"


He thought of his wingmate, and he thought about what it would mean if he left the pictures with Wolf. That was one more source of humiliation, one more thing that he'd have to bargain back.

Falco couldn't help him. Who knew what had been done to the bird already, what kind of a double agent he might have become?

Telling himself that it wasn't because he wanted to be taken advantage of again, that he was playing the strategic, long game, he pointed at the communicator.

"Give me the old pictures...and tell me what the hell I have to do to get the new ones."

The End

Fox Dragged Down: Part 2

Fox Dragged Down Part 2 For Limemas By Draconicon It had been a week since Fox had gotten that first message from Wolf, and in that week, he had already done things that he never would have done for Falco. He shivered...

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Slayer or Layer: Chapter 11

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Slayer or Layer: Chapter 7

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