A Sleeping, Shrinking Queen

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A mouse troublemaker named Leopold shrinks down a queen while she sleeps for a bit of fun.

Commissioned by Inscrutable

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A Sleeping, Shrinking Queen For Inscrutable By Draconicon

The moon shone bright on the queen's chambers, and Leopold T. Mouse needed nothing else to guide his way.

The micro mouse chuckled as he looked down at the lioness queen, shaking his head at Jasiri's easy sleep. She probably thought that all the mouse traps that she and her guards had scattered about the place would have been enough to deter his righteous wrath. Well, they hadn't been...

Though the last one had nipped his tail pretty good.

The mouse reached back, soothing his tail with one hand while clutching his magic ring with the other hand. No time to deal with the injury now. He had a queen that had to be taught a lesson.

Though barely a few inches tall, Leopold was quick as he dropped down from the windowsill, falling to crack after crack in the stone and clinging for dear life. Every time that he jerked to a stop on the way down, he was half-sure that his arms were going to be pulled from their sockets, but it was a worthy goal at the end. He would succeed tonight. Tonight, he would show the queen what her arrogance had earned her.

He hit the floor, scurrying like his feral brethren to the bed on the other side of the room. Leaning against the bedpost for a moment, making sure that his movement hadn't caused the lioness to stir, Leopold began the climb up the sides.

The size of the queen and her people led to their arrogance, he was sure. Why respect the tiny creatures that took minutes, if not longer, to scale the mighty mountains of these beds when they could just sit down on them? Why respect his people when the big ones could just ignore them?

Well, they would respect them after tonight.

He grunted as he dragged himself up, the ring held in his teeth as he pulled himself by handhold and foothold in the carved wood, gradually ascending until he reached the top. He groaned as he pulled himself off of the pillar, falling onto the softer sheets.

Finally, he was near the queen. He lifted his ring, pointing it at her...then paused.

She was mostly naked, covered only by the sheet that draped over her breasts and her privates. He could see every inch of the mighty Jasiri, things that she would never have allowed him to see in the daylight hours. Even the few times that he had snuck around to peer at her in the bath - always with the idea of vengeance on his mind, of course - he'd enjoyed the fleeting glimpses of her body that he had been able to get.

This was something different. This...this was a golden opportunity.

She's asleep. You can do whatever you want as long as you're careful.

The thought was enough to prick up his own little dick behind his nightshirt, but he ignored the stiffening piece of his body for the moment. Why stroke himself, after all, when he could take the opportunity to get a few strokes in on her?

Leopold shouldered his ring, sliding his arm down the band and letting it hang over his back like some sort of pack. That done, he started the long, slow trip up the woman's body, wanting to see everything that he could on the way up.

He passed her feet, having no interest in the squishers and squashers that could cause the end of so many lives of his people. They were big, yes, but he saw them every day. The queen did not bother with footwear most of the time.

Further up, however, things got more interesting. He ran his hand along her calf, and then further up to her knee. The bulges of her muscles there were a bit weaker than he thought, not nearly so big when you were up close. Oh, she was strong, but that was big-person strength, not little-person. She hadn't earned it the way that Leopold had.

Further, further past the knee and towards her thigh. As he ran his little fingers through the tufts of her fur, he felt her twitch, felt the way that her body reacted. He grinned as he felt her shiver as he stroked along her thighs, a soft moan slipping from her lips much further up the bed.

Well, if that's the case...

Leopold turned his head to her thigh, teasingly stroking it with both hands. She shivered again, her muscles tensing beneath his fingers, pushing out against him. Oh, she liked it, alright, and she was wanting more.

He nibbled through the fur, getting great mouthfuls of soft, damp lion fuzz, but also getting down to the flesh beneath. His great teeth left soft marks on it, and she moaned all the louder, arching her back slightly from the bed in her dreams.

No sooner had he started, though, then he smelled something from further up the bed. A smell that he had seldom had before, save from the underthings that he pilfered from her. Robbing from the rich to amuse the poor, in this case, and he grinned as he realized what it must mean.

The mouse hurried up the bed, pushing through the sheets and shoving them out of the way. They came free easily, revealing the hidden sex that he had only seen in brief glimpses when the queen had walked over him, not knowing that he was there.

It was just as beautiful as he had imagined, her pussy already startlingly wet, dripping down along the nether lips. He reached out, stroking his hand along one side, and she groaned again in her sleep. Her hips twitched, pushing a bit closer to him, and Leopold took a step back.

No need to drown in that chasm, after all. But that didn't mean that he couldn't take a moment or two to play with it.

He moved to the side, balancing on some of the blankets to get a bit more height so that he could reach up properly. Getting a grip on some of her pubic fur, he reached further up, soon finding the hood of her clit. It didn't take long to rub it and get it to start showing itself, the little button starting to poke free.

The mouse grinned, dragging himself up on tiptoe to reach properly. One stroke, two strokes, three -


He saw the way that her sex suddenly clenched, pulling tight around nothing as her body started to wake to its own lust. He grinned wider at the way that he was able to play with her, how he could get her all riled up and, this time, there was nothing that she could do to actually stop him.

Oh, your Majesty, if only you could see how wet a little mouse was making you. If only you knew the stuff that I was going to do...

He had come up with the intention of teasing the living daylights out of her, shrinking her and making her chase him around the room in a fury as he had always done, but this...this was something different. This was something many, many times better.

The mouse squeezed at her fur, dragging himself further up. He pulled himself into position just over the hood of her clit, resting his hips against it, slowly grinding down on it. Her body shook, her entire crotch seeming to spasm as the muscles went wild with pleasure, and he had to struggle to hold on tight as she shifted back and forth.


She was still asleep, but barely. He needed to watch what he was doing, or he'd risk getting bucked off by her own desperate need.

Obviously not getting much, are you, Queen?

Chuckling, Leopold pushed himself further up, his feet nudging on either side of the clit hood before he managed to climb away from her crotch. As much as he wanted to tease it, as much as he wanted to push the sleeping queen closer to an orgasm, he knew that he was pushing his luck as well. If he didn't get up to her head, if he woke her up, then it wouldn't matter if he shrunk her down or not. All of this fun would come to an end.

And he wanted to have a lot more fun before she woke up and kicked him out of her room. Literally, if he didn't get a chance to shrink her down first.

The mouse went further, further, crossing her belly and then up to her chest. Her breasts waited beneath the blankets there, and he eagerly tugged the blankets out of the way to reveal her lovely flesh mounds.

He had slept in her bra more than once, having stolen it to make for a hammock to show off to the other mice, but this was the first time that he had had the opportunity to lie over them directly. Grinning, Leopold climbed up the sides of her breasts, flopping over one, his belly lying right over her nipple.

"Mmmm, such big things. You are such a naughty queen, sleeping naked. And...oh, are these getting hard?"

The mouse grinned as he rolled onto his side, looking at the rising bump of pink amidst the fur. He reached out and tweaked it, pulling on it gently, and the queen grunted in her sleep again, her head lolling to the side.

Glancing behind him, he could see that the other breast was having a similar response, the other nipple rising in response to the queen's arousal. He wasn't sure why he was so amused about that. Maybe it was the power that he had over the queen now, or maybe there was something about this that just needed to be done for his people. Or maybe he was just a dick and this was his way of having fun.

In any case, he enjoyed getting the nipples to show themselves off a bit more, rising up until they were impossible to miss in the fur. He stroked his fingers along the little nubs, encouraging them to get bigger, even going so far as to bite down on the one in front of him.


And the queen jerked at that, her head rolling back up. One eye started to open, and Leopold rolled over to lay beneath her breast, on the underside.


She was shifting around, moving, and the mouse's heart was racing. It threatened to beat right out of his chest the way that it was going.

Go back to sleep, go back to sleep.

There was no magic to put her back to sleep, but she did slowly lean back, her head hitting the pillow. Soon, she was snoring again, as undignified as that was. She was snoring, groaning, and sleeping deep once more.

That had been too close. He was pushing his luck, pushing it way too far. He needed to get up to her head before he lost his chance.

Leopold darted between her breasts, moving up to stand on her collarbone. He was light enough that there was no way that she would feel that in her sleep, and she didn't shift as he pulled the ring back out, holding it so that the gemstone on the band pointed right at her face. He grinned, his cock pointing up between his legs.

Oh, the things I will do to you...

Fighting the temptation to grab the end of her muzzle and make her give his dick a kiss at this size, he forced himself to focus on the ring...and let loose the magic.

It zapped out in a bright light that would have woken most people, but the queen was too deep a sleeper. She immediately started shrinking, and Leopold felt her body crunching in, both collapsing down towards the bedsheets and pulling the head and feet closer together.

My cue to get off.

He jumped off of the queen, watching as she condensed tighter and tighter. Her body was losing its superior size, shrinking rapidly. The light continued to glow in a silhouette over her, pulling her down, down, down, leaving her with less and less in height.

Soon, she was little more than child-sized, at least for the big-people. She still loomed over him, bigger than anything that he could handle, but her body was still shrinking, pulling in, dragged inside by the power of his magic.

Shrink, shrink, shrink! Hehehe, try my size on for...size!

She was sliding beneath the covers, under them, the blankets becoming caves for her rather than a simple covering. Her head left the pillows, drifting down to the blankets below, soon leaving her little more than a doll in the blankets.

But even a doll was too big, and she shrank further, one foot, ten inches, eight, six.

Until she was all the way down to his height, no more, no less. The lioness, formerly so fearsome, was now just a naked, sleeping woman in front of him, her nipples still hard, her pussy still wet...

And completely unaware that he was there.

He could leave right then and there, but Leopold knew that there was something else that the queen was worried about. Something else that her court had been riding her on. And why would he not know about this, considering he spent every waking moment either spying on her or trying to find some new way to bother her?

You must bear an heir, your Majesty. A realm without an heir is a realm doomed for failure.

She had been told that by one advisor after another, and he knew that she had been putting out feelers for potential mates, potential fathers for her child, but there had been no luck. Mostly because Jasiri had standards that were far too high, in his opinion, forcing people that would have been perfectly fine away from her throne.

Well, if she didn't want to settle for someone that might have been half-decent, she was going to have to settle for him.

He pulled off his nightshirt, his throbbing cock begging him to just take the woman now, but even he had some standards. He gently pushed her legs apart, making sure to lift her hips up just enough to slide some blanket under her, lifting her up for him so that he had the right angle for penetration. Leopold ground his cock against her pussy, watching as the sleeping cat groaned in her slumber but did not wake up.

I'm doing this...I'm going to fuck her pregnant.

Now that he thought it, the mouse had no way of stopping himself. This was going to happen, one way, or another.

Still, he made sure to push forward slowly, taking his time to gradually insert his cock into the young woman beneath him. The lioness groaned again, her legs spreading a bit more on their own, but her face was still that of a sleeping monarch. Her eyes hadn't open, her breathing hadn't changed.

He slid himself further and further into her tight, wet slit, feeling her clenching down on him in a way that he had only imagined in the past. She was so wet, so eager, all because of the way that he had teased her.

Mmmm, how's a mouse cock feel, your Majesty? How does it feel to have me inside of you? he wished he could say. Oh, if she wouldn't kill him if she woke up...oh, the things that he would say.

Thrust. Hope you're ready to carry a mouse's child.

Thrust. You take mouse cock well, you get a lot of practice?

Thrust. You're so wet. Were you fantasizing about me all this time?

In, out, in, out, each thrust tweaking the mouse's ego and making him feel that much harder, that much sexier. He was thrusting faster, faster, feeling her pussy lubing him up more than he needed. His balls were bouncing off of her, and she was spreading her legs further the more that they fucked.

He wondered what she was dreaming as he filled her. He wondered if she was having some sort of sex dream, if she was thinking of her suitors. He wondered if she knew that she was going to be pregnant before the night was out.

In and out, in and out, speeding up as he rested his hands at her sides, curling them around her. He wished he had the bravery to wake her up, to let her know that he was the one that was fucking her, but he didn't dare let himself give in to that temptation. She still had claws, claws that could rip him a new one, and she would use them if she found him like this.

In and out, in and out, her slippery slit running along his cock, pulling him deeper, teasing him as she clenched down in her sleep. She whispered, panting, moaning, saying the word 'yes, yes' over and over again. She wanted it, he knew. She wanted him to fill her, to impregnate her.

The mouse picked up speed, Leopold knowing that he needed to finish soon. There was no way that he was going to sleep through an orgasm if he gave her one, and he needed to be off the bed at the very least when she finally opened her eyes.

Yet, as she moaned under him, as she relaxed, he half-wondered if she would actually enjoy this. To give up worrying about things for a few hours. To be little. To enjoy this. Her red hair fell over her face as he fucked her, and she moaned through slack lips as he filled her, again, and again.

It was a pretty sight...and it was enough to drag him over the edge.

The mouse buried his face in her tits, covering his mouth as he bit off his moans. His cock twitched inside of her, jerking, pressing deep as he came. He could feel every little jet that was shooting from his cock, and he knew, he knew down to the bottom of his heart that he had done it.

She would be pregnant from this.

The queen was stirring, and he knew that his life depended on him getting the hell out of there. The mouse pulled back, barely remembering to grab his ring and his shirt before he ran for the nearest bedpost. He jumped for it, swinging his way down as he heard the waking groans of the woman on the bed.




The End

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