Blue Possession

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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There are times when the daemonette Aludiana comes in useful as a means of revenge. When someone has been pushing their luck, she's called, and sometimes, she makes the revenge pretty darn perverted...

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Blue Possession For Sinister By Draconicon

Cali'fon should have been just fine as she walked into the living room. She'd passed through the same doorway a hundred times before, and each time, she'd felt nothing. Even when she tripped, even that one time when she fell on her face, she'd been perfectly fine.

This time, though -

Mmmm, nice and sensual in here...

The blue-skinned troll stopped in her tracks, her eyes going wide as she realized that she could no longer move her legs. She struggled, pulling at herself from her hips, but then even that failed. Her body did not move. Her hands did not shift. Her shoes could not leave the floor.

She was trapped...and she was no longer alone.

"Who's there? Where are you?"

Oh, dear, do you really think you can get away like that?

The more she heard the voice, the more she realized that it wasn't coming through her ears. If her arms had been free, she would have cupped her head as it continued.

Now, now, let's just see what we have to work with. After all, it's been a very, very long time since I've done something like this...

It was the voice of Aludiana, the neighborhood daemonette. Cali'fon shivered at the thought of that woman being in her head, knowing what was going on in her brain, being in control of her body. Everyone and their cousin knew what the daemonette was one of the most perverted beings in existence, always willing to push any sort of boundary if it meant getting a bit more pleasure, a bit more fun.

The fact that it was her body suddenly took the idea from being vaguely sexy to being rather scary.

Her head turned, her eyes forced to look down at her rising hand. The daemonette in her wiggled her fingers, forcing them to twitch a bit.

"Thicker digits than I'm used to," her mouth said without her will. "But very nice. I imagine that you've used them to finger quite a few sluts."


She tried to speak with her mouth, but all of her access to it was cut off. Her body was no longer hers to use. It was completely, totally under the control of Aludiana.

She grunted, trying to push herself free, but the daemonette had her completely ensorcelled, her body moving on its own as Aludiana made her strip. She groaned in her head, trying to speak, but again, nothing worked.

"Just think, dear. If you want me to know what you want to say, just think it."

Mmmph. What are you doing to me?

"Oh, well, this is just a contract job, dear. If you want to know the details, you'll have to talk to Helen later."


"She was the one that summoned me. Goodness, you really don't have much going on in the chest, do you? At least, not compared to me."

It was annoying to feel her own hands fondling her chest and finding them wanting, but she supposed that the fat-titted daemonette had a lot more to talk about there. Even if they did look like floppy fuck-bags compared to her own pert pair.

"Oh ho ho, you think that's funny, do you?" Aludiana asked.


"I was going to go light, but I guess maybe you do need to be taken down a peg. Come on."

The troll was yanked off her feet, pulled along with the will of someone else. She couldn't stop the daemonette from using her body, couldn't stop the feeling of being nothing but a fuck-puppet, either. If she could have blushed, she would have, but all she could do was go along for the ride.

It was weird, too, considering she'd been stripped naked. She was used to the feeling of her big floppy cock bouncing around between her legs, but the sense of pleasure that came from it was missing. She didn't feel like the cock of the walk - so to speak - any longer. She just felt a doll, something that someone else was taking for a ride.

Her captor took her out the front door, right into the open yard. She hadn't gone out nude - while sober, at least - for a very long time, and the sunlight on her dick only made it worse, reminding her that she was exposed in the middle of the day. Aludiana made her reach down, fondling herself as she was made to look down at the other person in the yard.

Her pet, Nyrii, was chained down in a squatted position. She was a talbuk, an anthro antelope, and just like her mistress, she was as nude as the day she was born. Unlike her mistress, however, Nyrii had much more to show for it...down there.

Again, Cali'fon would have blushed at the sight if she was able, but all she could do was watch as Aludiana pulled her forward, making her squat at Nyrii's side. Her hands moved without her permission, groping the other woman's balls, squeezing at them and pulling them down, one hand eventually moving up to the talbuk's breasts.

What are you doing?!

Giving her the attention that you haven't.

I'm the mistress. I get to choose when she gets it.

Yes, but I'm the one in charge right now, because you haven't been giving it to her. Not enough, at least.

Cali'fon let out a mental groan as she was made to fondle the other woman more and more, feeling up her boobs before giving her cock a few more strokes, getting it good and hard. Nyrii groaned, her head turning.

"What do you want, Mistress?"

"Heh, let's start with those musky balls in my face," the troll's mouth said, leaving Cali'fon gasping on the inside.

You wouldn't!

Darling, I'm a daemonette. We have a whole lot more respect for this sort of thing than you do. And besides, it's not like it's MY body doing the sniffing.

Dropping from a squat to being completely prone, Cali'fon's body moved under the other woman's balls, pressing her head up against the sack and giving it a good, hard, deep sniff. The troll deep down inside groaned, her head metaphorically spinning from the sheer strength of that musk. She swore that she was digging her nose through sweat as much as she was through flesh, the hot, powerful scent burning in her nose and mind.

Another breath, then another, and another, each one burning her brain as she was forced to nuzzle into her submissive's balls. She shouldn't be doing this. This was wrong, but yet, there was no way for her to stop. She kept sniffing, nuzzling, driving herself into those big furry orbs again and again.

I can't...I can't take...mmmmmph...

She struggled to keep herself focused, but that stink, that raw stench of hot balls was not making it easy. By the time that Aludiana let her pull back, she was barely able to think, barely conscious of what was going on around her. She didn't notice what Aludiana was making her do, nor did she have any real understanding of what was happening as they moved about. She...sort of knew that Nyrii was following them into the house, but that was as far as her awareness went.

You don't know how to handle musk very well, do you?'s so strong...

Well, you did leave her tied up outside during summer without giving her the chance to bathe so often, dear. That's going to happen.

She didn't care, at least, not much. The fact that her face was marked by the ball-sweat of her submissive was more the issue for her. She couldn't believe that this had been allowed to happen.

Well, if you can't believe that, then you are really not going to believe this.

"Mmm, I think you deserve a reward for being so patient, Nyrii," her mouth said, Cali'fon groaning on the inside. "How about you sit that ass down on my face?"


"You...seriously, mistress?"

"Of course."

Fuck no!

Heh, I think you'll find that it's 'fuck yes,' dear.

Pushed back by the talbuk's own supreme eagerness, Cali'fon could only kneel and stare as that big, furry rump pushed back against her face. She was swallowed up by it almost instantly, her cheeks soaked by the raw, rank sweat of the antelope's ass, her mouth pressed right up against the pucker.

And now -

Don't you...don't you dare...

A taste of vengeance.

Cali'fon's tongue pushed out without her consent, and it quickly started lapping up and down between the other shemale's ass cheeks. Each one a quick lap, but delivering a strong, powerful taste of sweat and musk right back to her mouth. Her taste buds burned with it, nothing else holding her attention as she dragged her tongue against the hot, bitter flesh of the hole and the wetter, saltier fur around it.

Lick, lap, lick, lap. She couldn't stop, no matter how hard she tried. It kept going. Licking away, teasing that hole, feeling that ass pushing down harder and harder on her face. She was not kneeling anymore, instead pushed to the floor, completely sat on. She could barely hear the moans of the bigger woman over her.

Hehehe, I think my work here is done. Enjoy your time; I'm sure that Nyrii will have plenty to say to you when she's gone.

Fuck you...

Cali'fon felt her body come back under her control as Aludiana disappeared, but she was too tired, too saturated with that scent to move. Even when her pet finally stood up and cuddled her, she just stayed limp, groaning as she was squeezed and thanked for attention.


The End

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