Adventures After Dark 4: Boss Rush

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The game continues from the point of view of Wanda, the bear showing the sort of fun that she's having with this whole thing and how it feels to her. It's a rather silly little game, for her, though more serious for the others. And elsewhere, Saul plots to himself.

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Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4: (You are Here)

Part 5:

Adventures After Dark Chapter 4: Boss Rush By Draconicon

Wanda looked towards the top of the stairs, her head cocked to the side. The grizzly bear could have sworn that she'd seen something up there, someone running away, but there was no sign of anything waiting. She hesitated for a moment, then shrugged it off and continued upwards. Her pussy still drooled from the 'demon' ambush of a few minutes ago, and she didn't mind that Robert - and to a lesser extent, Michael - were staring up at her from behind. It was rather nice, actually, to have that sort of attention.

She hummed to herself, keeping in tune and character. After all, a bard needed to be ready to sing their allies free at any time. She couldn't be out of practice. Both of her friends shushed her, and she chuckled.

"What? I'm just staying in role."

"You mean you're trying to get laid again," Robert said.

She smiled.

"Why not?"


Her smile deepened as he couldn't answer her, and she patted him on the shoulder before continuing her way up. She knew it was always confusing for them, how she acted, the way that she treated things so casually. It was hardly straightforward for her, either. Far from a calculated act, it was just...her. Wanda spoke what she thought, and didn't have much in the way of a filter or hesitation behind letting things fly.

Heh, gets me into trouble sometimes, too, she thought, rubbing her sex gently as she remembered the mouse girl holding her against the wall and tail-fucking her with a vengeance. So slight and thin, but with such power, it had pushed her over the edge quickly and efficiently. The grizzly had to pull her hand back from her sex to keep from pushing herself back to that edge. It was not time for that now; she could have time for it later.

They reached the top of the stairs. A hallway stretched out in front of them, surprisingly empty, considering the circumstances. She cocked her head to the side, looking back at her friends as they joined her. She nodded towards the hyena.

"Michael? Do you think we should make a listen check?"

"Probably. But not with these fucking dice."

She supposed that was a fair point. The dice that they had been using had messed them over rather badly at the last listen check, with a unanimous set of natural ones. Robert also nodded his agreement, and she shrugged.

"Well, I guess we walk through without making a check."


"Wait, Wanda!"

The horse tried to grab her, but she'd already taken a step forward. Then another. And then another. Each time, she was mostly dodging Robert or Michael trying to pull her back, and each time, nothing happened to her.

"Well, this is -" She ducked another grab, stepping forward. "Easy. I wonder -" Duck. "Why they even bothered?"

"Get back here! We don't know what the hell they have further down!"

"Well, we aren't going to find it back there, complaining about our dice, are we?"

"No, but -"

"Oh, calm down, Robert. It's only a few more steps. See, the office is right there."

She pointed ahead, where the door to the secondary admin offices were. It was dark inside, but it was only a few dozen steps away. The only thing between them and their destination was a single classroom. The grizzly bear stepped in front of the door -

"Make a grapple check."

"Hmm? Isn't that a rock paper scissors thing?"

The answering grunt came from the classroom nearby, and she turned to face it. A green-gloved hand stuck through, and they bounced their fists up and down before throwing their choices. Scissors for her, paper for the other guy.

"Damn it."

She dodged the pathetic little grab for her body, the figure grumbling on the other side. Her friends joined her, and, out of pure curiosity, she looked around the corner. Standing in the shadows of the doorway was a naked dragon, wearing green gloves on his hands, and with all sorts of little electronic hoses sticking out of his back. Wanda cocked her head to the side.

"Tentacle monster?"

"Tentacle monster."

"Oh, that's not fair. Do you want to try again?"

"You're offering?"

She started to nod before Michael grabbed her by the arm, yanking her away. Robert apologized to the dragon as the hyena marched her right up to the door, muttering under his breath. Something about her being crazy, but she didn't catch the whole thing. Surely, he didn't think she was crazy. After all, how often did one have the chance to really enjoy something like a tentacle monster?

Still, she supposed they were limited on time. She leaned over to turn the doorknob, and immediately got a shock for her trouble. The grizzly bear yanked her hand back, wringing it by the wrist, and shook her head.

"Well, that's a spiteful door. Aren't they supposed to open instead of shock you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"It's electrified or something."

"You've gotta be - let me see."

Stepping aside to let Michael get a better look, she glanced back at Robert. He blushed as he looked her up and down, and she shrugged. It wasn't like he hadn't seen her nearly naked before, or even naked, considering the things that they did. For that matter, she was surprised that he was as embarrassed as he was, still. They were playing a game of After Dark D&D, after all; what was the matter with being naked for that?

"Ah, fuck, she's right. It's electrified."

"How the hell do you think he set that up?"

"No close, but he's got three little holes under the doorknob. I'm guessing those are boss keys or something."

"Boss keys? What is this, SNES days?"

"I suppose you could call it Zelda days, actually," Wanda pointed out. "They were the ones that kept it running."

"...I keep forgetting you know this stuff," Michael muttered. "But in any case, that's three keys, and that means three bosses somewhere around the school."

"Hmm. I wonder how we're supposed to know where they are? I don't suppose..."

Robert reached down to the bag of beanbags, rooting through them. He tossed one over to Michael, and Wanda nodded her head.

"Right, right, of course. The cleric spells. They have something about divination in there, don't they?"

"So do wizards," Michael muttered. "Why do I have to be the one to use that kind of spell?"

"Because I never learned them. I was all about the combat and summoning stuff, remember?"

"Fuck...Fine. Fine. Let's see if someone will help us out..."

As the hyena knelt down, making the praying motions of the divine guidance spells, she and Robert backed up a few paces. Though she wasn't precisely as quick as either of the other two, she knew that this would be a good time for a monster ambush, and she didn't want something sneaking up behind her.

Well, maybe a tentacle monster...

The minutes slipped by, and she leaned over against the stallion. He shifted slightly, moving away before she pulled him back. They stood back to back, and she chuckled as he shifted to try and keep her bare butt from touching his.

"What's the matter?"

"'re, uh..."

"Still bothered by that?"

"It's just, uh..."

"It's a game, you know. We are supposed to be having fun."

"I know. It's just hard to get used to."

"Oh, do you want to get used to it?"

"...Not really, if I'm honest."

"Good answer."

She patted his butt, feeling him jump a little in response. Chuckling, she went back to being on lookout.

No monsters appeared by the time that Michael had finished his spell. The hyena started to pull himself upright, only for something to come flying down the hallway. It landed on the floor and slid, coming to a halt right at the hyena's feet. The three of them looked at each other before Michael bent down, slowly picking it up.

Hmm, a padded bag? she thought. Why would someone want to throw one of those around?

The hyena pulled a phone out of the bag, and the three of them looked at each other again. Then it started to ring. When Michael was done throwing it from hand to hand in a desperate attempt to catch it after almost dropping it, he flipped it open and turned it to speaker.


"Hello, my devoted followers."

Wanda blinked.

"That doesn't sound like Saul..."

"It is not Saul, but a higher power. A being of great interest in your game. In response to your prayer, I shall answer one question."

She looked around, glancing at Robert and then and Michael. For a spell that was supposed to be the DM answering a question, this was a little strange. She thought that the voice was a little familiar, but she couldn't place it. There seemed to be some sort of garbling effect on the other end keeping it from coming through cleanly.

It took a little effort, but she cleared her throat. If nobody else was going to ask, she would.

"Where...will we find the tentacle -"


Robert covered her mouth, and Michael just stared at her, his mouth wide open. She rolled her eyes. Like they weren't thinking of what they might do for some fun before the game was over.

At the very least, it shocked the others into action. The hyena asked where the different keys were, and the voice hummed on the other end.

"They are spread throughout the land. One sits in the deep mines of the Clean Ones, one rests among the machines of the Olympians, and one rests within the Cave of Iron. All are guarded by something of great power, and will not be retrieved easily."

"What sort of -"

"I am sorry. I can only answer one question. Ooooooooooooooh...oooooooooh...ooh!"

The call cut out, leaving the three of them with just the beeping sound of a disconnected phone. Michael shook his head, putting it back in the bag before kicking it off to the side. It disappeared as soon as it hit the end of the hallway, yoinked out of sight.

"Well, what do we do?" Robert asked. "It's not like we can just split up."

"Why not?"

The two males turned and stared at her, their eyes wide. She shrugged her shoulders.

"We've done it often enough in the game."

"Yeah, and we get TPKed. Noooo way. No fucking way are we going solo through this. There's gotta be a better way."

"Well, we do have limited time. And I doubt that we can all beat the different creatures together in the time that we have left."

"Well, let's think about it, huh? Where do you think all the keys are?'

"Clean Ones...well, that's gotta be the fucking janitor's closet," Michael said.

"And the Olympians...yeah, no way that's anything but the gym. Only other place with machines is -"

"Computer Lab or the metalworking shop," Wanda pointed out.

"...It's the metalworking shop."

"How do you know, Michael?"

" me, I know."

The hyena shuddered, shaking his head a few times. It was rather confusing to her, but she didn't push him. There was likely some reason or other as to why he was doing it, but at least it confirmed where the different keys were.

Unfortunately, it also confirmed her idea, that they wouldn't be able to get to all three keys in the time they had left. The metalworking shop alone was on the far side of the campus, the gym was on the south side, and the janitor's storage stuff was back in the central building. They'd have to make a run from one building to another to actually get all the keys before coming back here, and who knew how long that would take?

The other two were arguing, but she didn't have any real interest in fighting with them. She shrugged, and started walking back to the stairs. In no time, the pair of them were charging after her again.

"Whoa, whoa, where are you going?"

"After the key. The one in the janitor's closet seems to be the best one for me."

"But...but alone?"

"Why not? We won't have time if we keep on staying together."


Michael looked back to Robert, almost as if he was thinking that the horse would back him up on this. Instead, the stallion rubbed the back of his head before sighing.

"No, she's right. We gotta split up. I'll take the gym."

"Come on. It's not...we can do it together!"

"Maybe if we had another game session, but who knows if that's even going to be possible. Come on. Let's hurry, and if we're not all back here within forty minutes, we go to the gym first, and then the closet, and then the metalworking shop."

The bear arched an eyebrow, and Robert shrugged.

"I'm the one most likely to get into trouble. Squishy wizard, remember?"

"Oh, right. I keep forgetting, since you keep charging forward with that 'lance' of yours."

She pointed at his half-hard cock, and the horse immediately started blushing, covering himself up. It was just enough to give her the space to keep moving, leaving the two of them to keep arguing if they wanted. She had her own destination in mind, and she wanted to actually win this game while they still had time to finish it.

Dashing down the stairs, she made her way back through the building and across the campus to the central building. The zombies were still walking around, but none of them came near her before she was through. She found that they were a little too busy staring at her to actually get a move on, and she rather liked that. There wasn't enough eye-groping for her during her day to day life, so getting a little extra never hurt.

The hallways of the main building had also been emptied, and she guessed that some of the students had shifted over to the other parts of the campus for the bigger monster battles. Couldn't have zombies and werewolves the whole time, she supposed, but she had to admit that they made for a sexy swarm.

Giggling to herself, she counted off the classroom doors until she found the supply room for the janitor's goods. The grizzly bear leaned down, tapping the doorknob a few times. When it didn't shock her, she gave it a turn, and felt it start before something on the other side clamped it shut again. She blinked, tried again, and found it stifled just like before. It wasn't a lock, but more like -

Oh, someone's on the other side, pretending it's locked. I get it.

She went to her knees, and pulled out a die. Letting it fall and clatter on the floor, she read the number through the door.


The doorknob turned on its own, and she assumed that she'd made a successful lockpicking check. The closet was dark, almost completely black, and when she reached inside to flick the light switch, she felt that it had been covered in tape.

"Ooooh, a dark room, and maybe monsters waiting. I am sure there's nothing wrong with walking in blindly."

She giggled to herself, stepping into the room with a smile on her face. The door shut behind her with a thump.


Robert arrived at the gym without any issues, though the naked horse was getting a little bit tired of having his cock bouncing between his legs. It was a little easier without Wanda there, tempting him every time that he turned around, but the zombies and other naked, wandering monsters were almost as bad. He was almost surprised to find that the basketball court part of the gym was empty, though he feared what he'd find in the exercise machine room.

The horse walked across the gym, his footsteps echoing back to him as he moved along. Each thunderous echo reminded him that there could be anyone around him, any other student or faculty member that wanted to play, and there'd be no way for him to know they were there until they struck. He took a few deep breaths, trying to avoid thinking about it, as he approached the exercise room.

As the door opened, he heard a giggle from the other side. He paused, then reached down to his spell pouch. He grabbed one of the beanbags, and then stepped through.

The door slammed shut behind him, and a blur darted around him, grabbing for his cock.


Michael arrived at the metalworking shop without incident, save for the door slamming behind him when he got into the large room. He turned, trying to open it, but there was no escape. It was locked tight. The hyena shivered, turning slowly as he remembered the offer from before.

Just make sure that you find an excuse to get to the metalworking shop, alone, sometime tonight. I promise, it'll work out for you.

Mr. Akito, or Soramai, as he'd called himself, had told him to meet the dragon down here for something. He didn't know what for, and he didn't think it was a good idea, but now he had no choice. The hyena blushed as he tried to cover himself with one hand and keep hold of the various beanbags he'd taken from Robert with the other. He walked past the various desks, his head scanning over and under the machines.

"Mr. Akito?"

No answer, though he hadn't really expected there to be one. He shivered, moving a little quicker as he checked between the machines for the key. Hopefully, he'd be able to find it and get out, like one of those puzzle rooms in games.


"Mmmm, what is it that's wandered into my lair...HEE HEE HEE!"

The hyena leaped off of the floor, jumping onto one of the tables as he saw a shadow zipping from one desk to another, darting about in the shadows. He tried to follow it, but it was too fast, too quick.

What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck?!

A few buildings away, Saul and Mr. Akito were watching the screens in front of them, the rat DM grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh, this is going to be too good."

He licked his lips as he watched Wanda 'fighting' the giraffe that had been waiting for her in the janitor's closet. She was lifted off of the floor, pinned to the wall as she was eaten out, her clit assaulted non-stop by that long, powerful tongue. The grizzly bear moaned loud enough for the sub-par microphones on the camera to pick it up, arching her back against the shelves and gasping hard.

"Hehehe, have fun with the clit-sucker miniboss, you slut."

Saul had specifically picked that monster for Wanda, knowing that she loved the oral monsters from their other sessions. She had such a hard time pulling herself free of them, always 'begging' for more as a player. Hell, the amount of times she'd had him describe getting her clit sucked into a tentacle and having it abused to hell and back had almost driven him crazy.

He looked away from her as she came, looking at the gym camera. For Robert, he'd picked a 'blink twink,' a quick-moving little rabbit that knew just how to get the horse's motor running. The sight of the big, powerful stallion leaning against the wall, panting as his balls were sucked for a few seconds before the rabbit darted away again, was more than a little amusing.

Heh, straight my left foot. You're at least bi, the way you're enjoying this, he thought as the rabbit darted in again, pushing Robert back against the wall and grinding his bare ass against him. The jockstrap the bunny wore only made it better, keeping that ass free while leaving his dick - and other things that would bother the stallion - covered.

Knowing it wouldn't take long before Robert was humping away at that bared butt, he turned his head to the last screen.

"I have to say, Mr. Akito, you really went all out with getting this set up for me."

The dragon chuckled behind him, idly pushing his glasses up.

"I enjoy my work. And the students deserve, for the end game."

"Oh, they're not at the end game, yet. I'm not out there."

"I know. But still."

The glitter of light off of the teacher's glasses on his computer monitor was surprisingly bright, and he could just make out the toothy smile of the dragon in the reflection.

"I like to encourage...creativity."

Well, the last one was certainly creative. Rushing around on a roller skates and miniature air jets was a squirrel girl, shooting from one desk to another, and when she got close enough to strike, she would pull back and leap from under the tables. Michael would scream, gasping as his sore cock was sucked, and just when he started to get used to the feeling, the squirrel released him before he could fight back.

It was like watching a shark torment its prey, darting in, pulling back, and darting in again. She kept pushing him further and further, always leaving him closer to the edge before pulling back.

"She's a hungry little thing, isn't she?"

"Well, she was part of my special class."

"You'll have to tell me what goes on there someday."

"Oh, I'll do you one better. At the end of this, I'll let you work as an assistant there."

"Heh, sounds like fun. Thanks."

"Oh, no. Thank you."

Maybe he's getting a little too into the whole villain thing...but hey, can't deny that he can play a role, Saul thought, leaning back and groping himself to the three-part sex show.

The End

Adventures After Dark 5: Big Boss Battle

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