Adventures After Dark 5: Big Boss Battle

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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And so, the big boss is finally revealed, and the final battle begins...

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Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5: (You are Here)

Adventures After Dark Chapter 5: Big Boss Battle By Draconicon

Robert stumbled back to the office door, groaning under his breath as his balls sent shots of pain between his legs. Every step was a reminder of just how drained he'd become from the Blink Twink - as the pain in the ass in the locker room had called himself - but he had come through it victorious. As victorious as someone could be after a little cock-sucker pain in the ass tease had been through with him. The horse rubbed his groin lightly, the leather strap that had been covering his sheath long gone.

I'm getting an ice pack when this is done...and shoving a fist up Saul's ass...not sure which one I'll be doing first.

He did, however, have exactly what they'd split up to find. A key had been hidden under one of the machines, near the leg curl one. He held it tight in his fist, and took a few deep breaths as he leaned back against the door. Looking over his shoulder, he saw the book that they were supposed to get, and let out a long, deep breath of relief.

"Let's just hope...Wanda and Michael got their stuff, too."

"Stuff? I got my key, if that's what you mean."

Robert lazily rolled his head, unable to quite summon the energy to blush at the approaching bear. She hadn't even bothered to get her clothes back on, and the grizzly's exposed breasts were bouncing slowly. Even she seemed more tired than when they'd split up, though. The horse chuckled.


"Mini-boss. Hard one, too."

"Mmph. Mine never got hard, but he wouldn't let me go soft, either."

"Heh. Sounds like my kind of thing."

The two of them slumped down the wall, shaking their heads with one long exhalation on the way down. Robert patted her arm, and then looked towards the stairs. He half-expected Michael to come walking up them right that second, since it would have fit the motif of them arriving one after the other.

Instead, there was nothing. He shrugged, and leaned his head back again.

"So...what got you?"

"Not sure. Some guy with a truly absurd fascination with my pussy. You?"

"Called himself a Blink Twink."

"Oh? You were fucking a guy?"

"Not willingly."

"How do you not do it willingly when he's the bottom?"

"Oooooh, there's ways..."

Most of which he hadn't had used on him, admittedly, but it was still embarrassing. He could hardly believe that the rabbit had been that...enticing. It was like dealing with a little demon running around, something that knew exactly what to say, exactly what to do in order to get him hard as a rock and throbbing for more. He blushed as he remembered how long it had taken for him to pin the little slut down and fuck him. Not long at all, particularly for someone that had considered themselves straight up until that point.

It was part of the reason he wanted to punch Saul. Not so much because it had happened - that part was interesting in its own way - but because there'd been no choice in the matter. That'd come later, though, when they were done.

He grunted, slowly dragging himself to his feet. The spell pouch at his side was almost empty, too. Maybe three of them left. Perhaps he could use one to call Michael, see if he needed help, but that would be a potential waste of them if the hyena was on his way. If there was a better chance for it against any further bosses, he needed to save it.

"Think he's in trouble, Wanda?"

"Based on past experience?"

"...Yeah, he's probably getting his butt raped hard."

"I was thinking getting his balls drained."

"Probably both, considering the things that Saul has been throwing at us tonight."

"Mmph. Don't remind me."

She shook her head, and he could hear in her voice that she was annoyed too. Not as annoyed as he was - that was probably beyond her, considering how forgiving she could be - but definitely annoyed. He couldn't blame her. Much fun as this had been, the amount of new experiences and balance issues that they had encountered was more than a little unfair. If they had been doing this by tabletop, he would have called Saul on bullshit more than once.

And that's probably what I should do when this is all over, too, he thought. Hell, maybe we should find a way to put him through a single player campaign like this.

"Do you want to go look for Michael?"


Wanda shrugged.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go look for him. He's probably needing some help, right now."

"Probably, but we agreed that we'd wait for a little while before chasing after anyone else."

"Fair enough. Lets me sit down for a bit longer. That sucker did quite a number on me in the closet."

He nodded, walking over to the stairwell. It wasn't that far a drop, but it would let him see anything that might be sneaking up on them. He cocked his head to the side, half-thinking that he saw a shadow near the bottom of the stairs, but it didn't move again after that.

Heh...then again, this is a LARP now. They'd have to call out something to see if they were sneaking by or not.

At least, he hoped that they still had to. If that was an advantage that Saul and his monsters had over them, then that was entirely unfair.

The horse looked over his shoulder again, and blushed, turning away as he saw Wanda rubbing herself between her legs. He cleared his throat.

"Don't, uh, don't you think you should hold back on that? After all, that's kind of our HP for the night."

"It's not that tiring when you're the one doing it to yourself."

"Well, depends how you're doing it."

"Heh, what's the matter, Robert? You've been shy all night about me."

"Well, it has been a while since I saw you naked, you know."

"Not that long. A couple of months, and I do send you pictures now and then."

"Well, that's...that's different. It's harder just seeing it."

"Why's that? Were you hoping that we'd keep on dating?"


"Oh, well. You should have said something."

The soft schlicking sound of her fingers sliding into her pussy stopped, and he heard her walking over to him. He kept his head turned to the side in embarrassment, only to jump as she grabbed him by the balls.


"Please, if we're going to be dating, that's the least of the things I'm going to do with you."

"I...I didn't mean -"

"Rolled a 1! Fuck me in the ass, if you're listening. Fuck me in the motherfucking ass, because this dice is gonna buuuuuuurn tomorrow!"

The two of them looked at each other, and muttered the name of their missing friend. Robert leaned over the edge as she released his balls, and he could just make out the hyena at the other end of the stairs. He chuckled, waving.

"It's all clear from down there to here. Hurry up, though, before Saul decides to fuck with us again."

"Again? You mean he's ever stopped?"

"Heh, good point. See you up here."

The hyena joined them a minute later, and the three of them all had a key. Three keys for the three locks on the door. They tapped the keys together in triumph, and quickly set to getting the admin office unlocked. Three clicks later, and the door was unlocked, falling open with ease.

"Better let me go first."

Michael stepped forward after they agreed, the hyena making his way into the office. Nothing happened to stop him, no ambushes, no hidden spells or traps, no robots that had been repurposed to monsters. Just an empty office. Robert smiled, following after, and Wanda followed him.

They were halfway across the room, with just one table, computer, and set of drawers between them and the lost Grading Sheets, when a soft laughter filled the room. It grew louder and louder, and in the shadows beyond the Grading Sheets, a silhouette began to stretch from the darkness. Two dark-gloved hands pushed free, followed by a balded tail. He recognized the shape immediately, and groaned.

"Saul, can you cut it out?"

"...Come on, can't I get ONE good entrance?"

"When you're this lame about it? No."

The rat stepped all the way out of the shadows, crossing his arms over his chest petulantly. Their friend had dressed up in black rubber gloves, a cardboard crown, and a set of scribbled-over cardboard armor that covered his chest, arms, and legs. And that was it, as his sheath and balls were right on display, pointing towards them. He turned away, groaning, while Wanda cocked her head to the side.

"Are all rats so large-balled?"

"Better believe it," Saul said.

"Strange. Then again, I suppose having a surplus of genetic material does surpass the need for a larger means of delivering it."

"...I'm going to pretend that you started that with a compliment and left it there."

Robert stifled a chuckle, and he was surprised to see that Michael wasn't doing the same. In any case, he knew that this was the final boss. Saul wouldn't be putting himself out in the open if this was just another little encounter. He stepped forward, his hand dipping into the spell pouch of beanbags as he narrowed his eyes.

"We're about to win, Saul. You can't stop us this time."

"Oh? Can't I?"

The rat smiled. It was the same smile that he'd had a few months ago, when the party was just about to sweep the princess off her feet and take her back for an orgy in the tavern before taking her back to the castle. That same smile had announced a literal army of Dragonborn rushing out of the caverns and taking their heads, and then fucking the princess over their corpses. Of course, Saul had managed to justify it post game, but that hadn't stopped it from being an ass-pull in his mind...nor did it make the smile less terrifying now.

Wanda stepped forward, shaking her head. She grabbed a beanbag out of the bag from his hip, pulling one out for herself. The grizzly bear bard whistled.

"Bardic Knowledge. What are you?"

"Oh, very good, nice choice. Roll."

She did, for once, rather than setting it down just on the one. It came up relatively high, too, at eighteen. The horse remembered she had a pretty good bonus for that, too. Saul sighed.

"Damn, was hoping to keep up the mystery for a while longer."

"Just tell us."

"Fine. I am the Master of Monsters, the sorcerer supreme, whose power stretches through the dungeon and commands the minds and bodies of every monster. There is nothing which escapes my sight, nothing which can resist my might."

"...So, you're the DM given a character?" Robert asked.

"Well, if you want to take all the fun out of the theatrics, yes."

"Isn't that...kinda lame?"

"It's what was left, give me a break."

"Well, it's not like you have monsters here. There's just you, and sorcerers don't have that many hitpoints."

"You would be wrong about that. Michael, if you would join me?"

And just like that, the hyena walked around them, making his way to stand by Saul and taking up a post beside him. The hyena growled, glaring down at the rat out of the corner of his eye, but he was still on the other side of the room, away from his friends. Both Wanda and Robert's jaws dropped, though he recovered faster.

"How? How the fuck...he's a player, not a monster."

"Ah, but he lost all his health, didn't he?"

Michael slowly nodded, taking a deep breath and blushing. Now that Robert took a look downwards, the hyena's balls were massively shriveled compared to how they'd looked only a few hours ago. Then again, he had been attacked far more than the rest of them, and the incubi gang that had run a train on him at the bottom of the stairs had hit him harder than the rest.

But it still didn't make any sense. If he 'died,' he should be dead. Unless -

"Oh, you didn't."

"Yep. Vampire cleric. New monster, all mine."

"Saul, can I just say one thing?" Michael muttered.

"Not really. I've gotten no chance to monologue tonight, so I think I'm about due."

The rat stepped forward, holding two beanbags in each hand, enough spellpower to deal with both him and Wanda at once. Robert took a step back, glaring down at the DM for the ass-pull that this was. Saul, however, just grinned.

"Heh, isn't this great? What an adventure, except this time, I get to be part of it, too. I get to defeat you without having to use all the different monsters, and then, I get to have some fun, instead of narrating all the fun stuff that you guys do. I think that's a good trade, don't you?"

"Nooooot really."

"I have to admit, I'm not so keen on the idea either, Saul. Do you think that we could negotiate this?"

"Nope. I think it's time that we roll for initiative, though."

Robert glared down at the rat. Much as he hated the fact that the rat had pulled this, and as easy as it would be to walk out, he wasn't about to leave it undone. He wasn't going to walk out and let Saul think that he could just pull this on them and be a mastermind, that he had outsmarted them. There had to be another...

He glanced over the rat's head, and saw Michael...smiling. Of all things, right now, the hyena was smiling.

Why the hell would he be...smiling...

The horse cocked his head to the side. There was something else that was niggling at the edge of his mind. The name that had been mentioned down in the cafeteria, during the information gathering that they were doing. Soromai or something, but he had had a title, as well, something like -

The Unbound...

As Saul kept monologuing, putting down a beanbag to grab at a dice to roll, he mouthed 'Professor Akito?' towards the hyena, and Michael nodded. He gave a cheesy thumbs up, even, which surprised him.

So that's how it works. Okay, well, talking is always a free action...

"So, did you expect all of us to get through the mini-bosses, or were you just thinking one of us would fall?"

"Huh? Oh, you mean all those sexy things?"

Saul chuckled.

"I knew that one of you would get messed up there. Didn't really know which, but I was pretty sure that you'd get through it fine, Rob. You might be in the closet, but you sure as hell weren't going to get completely drained by the rabbit."

"What about me?"

"Honestly, Wanda, I really didn't know. I was thinking that you might get taken down, but considering just how sexual you are sometimes...Jesus, I was thinking that I might need to send yours to the hospital after we were done."

"So, it was just me, then, huh, fucker?"

Saul rolled his eyes, turning around and pointing his finger at the hyena. As the DM berated their former party mate, he and Wanda turned around, glancing back out the windows to the hallway. Standing near the doorway was a familiar green dragon, pushing up his glasses with a silent chuckle.

Well, this is going to be...holy...fuck.

Professor Akito, otherwise known as Soromai, walked around the corner as the DM continued his annoyed ranting. The teacher had two buckets filled to the brim with dice, each one near to overflowing. With a grunt, the professor heaved them over, sending hundreds upon hundreds of d20s rolling over the floor. The crashing sound got Saul's attention again, whipping his head around.

"You? What are - I didn't call for you. You're supposed to be organizing the zombies."

"Yes, well, that's what happens when your lieutenant is 'unbound.'"

"...Oh, fuck me."

"Quite possibly. Now, these are all dice for a teleport 'spell' that I just cast, bringing the other monsters here and breaking your little hold over them. I know it'd be hard to break that spell, but I just rolled over five hundred dice right there. Even if only a tenth of them come up higher than a fifteen, I think I've made my point."

"Hahaha! Got you, fucker, got you good!" Michael shouted.

"Language, Michael, please."

"Sorry, professor. Gestures okay?"

As the hyena danced back and forth, both hands flipping the bird at the dungeon master, Saul shook his head, staring from one of them to another. Robert could tell that there was still something going on in the rat's head, some sort of plan that he was trying to work out. So, just to even the odds a little further, he pulled out his die, and rolled. Click, click, click it went on the floor -

"Oh. Look at that. Nat 20."

"...You've gotta be kidding. You're actually gonna push it? I'm the Master of Monsters. I can do whatever I want."

"Ah, let me roll as well, then."

The grizzly bear rolled as well, her die coming up with a 19. She smiled.

"Quite satisfactory."

"You too? I'm only going to make it worse."

"I don't think that you can."

She looked up at him, and Robert looked down at her. The two of them shared a nod, and waved at Michael. The hyena eagerly picked up one of the many rolls from the floor, and chucked it right at the back of the rat's head. It plunked off - "OW!" - and landed on the table.

"Nat 20, BITCH!"

"This is pointless. All I have to do is make a good roll myself, and any of the monsters that weren't ripped out of my control will be here in two seconds."

"Well, make the roll, then," Robert said.

Saul nodded, pulling out his die. The rat started to set it down on the table, only to stop as Robert grabbed him. The DM looked up.

"What are you doing?"

"Heh, more to the point, what are you doing?"

"I'm the DM. I'm allowed to fudge dice rolls for the sake of a story."

"Heh, not anymore. Not since you became a character."

The look on the rat's face was as horrified as one could ever imagine. He looked at the die, and then at the hundreds of others across the floor, and then back at Professor Akito. The glasses-wearing dragon smiled, nodding.

"I believe it is your roll, Mr. Master of Monsters."


"Oh, this was a fun little game, but when you started getting out of control, I thought it best to have a back-up plan. And you might be the storyteller..."

The dragon walked around to the other side of the room, putting a hand on Michael's shoulder.

"But this young man knew the rules inside and out. He kept it fair for you, to still have a chance, but he told me exactly how to fix this so it remained fair...for all of you."

Robert had never seen Michael look quite so pleased with himself as he did right at that point. The hyena looked like he would have been purring if he was a cat. As it was, he was shaking with suppressed glee, and continued his little middle-finger dance.

Between the four of them, Saul looked back and forth, staring and mouthing something under his breath. The rat looked down at the die in hand, slowly shaking his head. Robert heard something like 'that's not fair' getting muttered a few times, and chuckled.

"It's as fair as these games get. Go ahead, man. Roll the dice."

"But I have to roll high!"

"So do we. You roll high, TPK. You roll low, or medium...we win."


Groaning, Saul tossed the dice. It rolled, spinning about, and then came up with a single digit number.


"Oh, you have no idea how hard I'm going to do that," Michael muttered. "Professor?"

"Feel free, young man. I believe you've earned it."

"I ain't gay, but I'm sure as hell gonna enjoy this..."

Michael stepped forward, metaphorically rolling up his sleeves. The rat tried to run, only to get grabbed by the tail and whipped around to the back of the room. Their friend turned around, suddenly a little more embarrassed.

"You guys, uh, don't mind, do you?"

"No, by all means, vent your frustrations upon the master of monsters," Wanda said.

"Seriously, dude, go nuts."

"...Thanks guys. I seriously need this after tonight."

He walked back towards the stunned rat, and only stopped to take an offered strap-on from Professor Akito. Robert and Wanda grabbed the book, and...well, the two of them still had some HP left. They grabbed one of the spare rooms to work that out.

The night ended...well enough. Saul was in a bad mood after getting ass-fucked by Michael twice, and then spilling his load to a couple dozen other horny guys that were annoyed at their minor roles, but everyone else was happy. Professor Akito, satisfied with his role as Soromai, agreed to take over as DM for this as a summer vacation event for everyone of-age and willing to sign up and pay a cover charge. Michael said that he would never do this again, but Robert was pretty sure that it would happen, anyway. The hyena had enjoyed enough of it to try again with a better DM.

They met in a coffee shop a little after midnight, calming down after it. Wanda had found some clothes, and they were all dressed, though in less than they'd like. He and Michael were topless, and she had a skirt with...very little on underneath. They sipped at lattes, and complained about everything, and just had a good time.

Finally, Michael put down his drink, and let out a long, heavy sigh.

"Okay, guys, I need to head home. My dick feels like it's about to fall off, and I'm still not sure if my balls are dead or alive."

"I could check," Wanda offered.

"Not here! I mean, uh...thanks for the offer, but...I think I need a break from all the sex for a bit. You two, though..."

"She's already groping me, man. Run while you can."

"I'll take that invite. Heh. Send me a message later; we got a lot of stuff to come up with, now that Saul's not DMing anymore."

"We'll find someone. But for now -"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm going. You two have fun. Buncha nymphos..."

The End

Adventures After Dark 4: Boss Rush

Adventures After Dark Chapter 4: Boss Rush By Draconicon Wanda looked towards the top of the stairs, her head cocked to the side. The grizzly bear could have sworn that she'd seen something up there, someone running away, but there...

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Adventures After Dark 3: Hall of Monsters

Adventures After Dark Chapter 3: Hall of Monsters By Draconicon Michael stumbled away from the arms of an amorous lemur, the hyena desperately throwing his hands in front of him and protesting that he wasn't gay for the umpteenth...

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Adventures After Dark 2: Inn the Cafeteria

Adventures After Dark Chapter 2: 'Inn' the Cafeteria By Draconicon Robert stepped back from the door, taking a deep breath as the zombie hoard seemed to be dissipating. The horse was rather amused to see that the zombies seemed to...

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