Adventures After Dark 3: Hall of Monsters

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A little shift of view, over to Michael for a moment, and we get to see how the less confident guy deals with all the ridiculousness that's going on. Here's hoping that he doesn't have to deal with too much fun all at once...

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Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3: (You are Here)

Part 4:

Part 5:

Adventures After Dark Chapter 3: Hall of Monsters By Draconicon

Michael stumbled away from the arms of an amorous lemur, the hyena desperately throwing his hands in front of him and protesting that he wasn't gay for the umpteenth time. The lemur laughed, waving at him with the most exaggerated limp-wrist wave that he could imagine, and Michael shuddered as he stepped away, trying not to think about how close he'd come to getting a dick up his ass.

This is not how I imagined the game going, he thought, making his way further from the guy side of the room back towards all the girls on the other side. I mean, yeah, I tease Rob all the time about the stuff that he could be doing, and...and that other stuff in the game, but that doesn't mean that I'd ever actually DO it.

The crossing of real life with the porn that they'd been playing out in their games was starting to get to him, and even the exposed breasts of the ladies walking by didn't do quite enough to bring him back to normal after that. He slumped forward, shaking his head as he tried to forget about that lemur's cock and how much it had been bumping him back -

Growling under his breath until the mental image went away, he closed his eyes and tried to pull himself back together. There was still a game to play, a mystery to solve, and a quest to finish.

"Ugh...Saul, I swear, I'll kick your bald tail up and down the campus for doing this."

"Mmm, would you like some help with that?"

A shiver went down his spine at the slightly sultry, slightly authoritative voice behind him. The hyena slowly turned until he was looking up at a rather tall, rather large dragon, one with green scales along his arms and legs and a yellow-green along his belly, almost tan in places. He looked down through sparkling glasses, almost like a hentai villain, and smiled just enough to show the points of his teeth. Michael immediately groaned.

"Mr. Akito?"

"Heh, not tonight."

The dragon sat down beside him, putting an arm around his shoulder and pulling him in close. Michael wasn't sure how he felt about that, but didn't fight it. At least the professor wasn't naked, like everyone else...though he would have liked the older guy to have a little more than a loincloth on.

" are you talking about?"

"Let's just say that there might be a way for you to start getting back at Saul earlier than the end of the game, if you're willing to give me a hand."

"What kind of hand are you talking about?"

"Just make sure that you find an excuse to get to the metalworking shop, alone, sometime tonight. I promise, it'll work out for you."

"The...why there?"

"Well, Saul tells me that they call it the Cave of Iron, but trust me. It'll be good."

The dragon patted him on the shoulder, and then slowly stood up.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, 'Soramai' must attend to his duties. The halls do need to be kept clear, after all."

"Isn't that what you do during the day?"

"Heh, not like this, Michael. Not like this."

The teacher winked, and walked away. Turning quickly so that he didn't have the image of his professor's ass in his mind for the rest of his life, he spotted his friends on the far side of the cafeteria. Heaving a sigh of relief, he pulled himself to his feet and jogged over towards them. It didn't take long; the cafeteria wasn't that large, and they were walking towards him at the same time.

Robert waved at him, and the hyena chuckled slightly at the sight of his friend. The horse looked like he'd been stretching the little strap around his dick to hell and back, and the little leather square barely hid the opening to the horse's sheath. He gave his friend an elbow to the side as he got close enough.

"Heh, what's with you? Been comparing with the other guys?"

"Hey, sometimes the dice really fuck with you."

"And the guys?"

"...Really, REALLY fuck with you."

He spluttered as he tried to hold back a giggle, though that ended up being a futile endeavor. It was just too funny to imagine the big guy on his knees with more than just his own dick involved. The hyena leaned on one of the nearby tables, holding up a finger to ask the other two to give him a minute.

It took a little more than that, but eventually he got himself under control again. He heaved a huge sigh, getting himself to stop giggling, and stood up straight.

"So...other than dick, what have you guys been getting?"

"Well, some information...and the knowledge that cock doesn't taste THAT bad, I guess," Rob muttered.

"And something about a demon of the school, too!"

"Yeah, I guess that's true. Some guy named Soramai?"

Michael's eyebrows went up. That was the name Mr. Akito was using. And he was a demon in this? Baddie, he'd already guessed, and probably some sort of seducer - not that he had to worry about that, this time around - but that was something different. It'd mean he'd have a lot of power, too, though demons weren't that much of a problem for clerics, usually. If he had to, he could perform a banishment spell...if he held onto one of the beanbag pouches.

Taking one as he thought about it, he listened as Robert and Wanda talked about his apparent role, about being bound for a while and now wandering, trying to claim people. He whistled.

"Well, that explains the offer..."


"Oh, Mr. Akito's that guy. He told me to meet him somewhere, all alone."

"...Yeah, fuck that shit."

"Let's not fuck shit. That's messy. Though if you like to fuck something else -"

"Another time, Wanda," Michael said with a blush. "Anyway, we know where the grading sheets are, though?"

"Yeah, they're in the secondary offices, on the second floor of the admin building."

He groaned, already thinking of how the admin building was further away than he wanted to go, particularly with the zombies outside. If that dragon thing was still around, too, then they were going to have to risk a number of monster encounters.

On the plus side, they didn't have to run through quite so many hallways. There was a door out of the cafeteria. It did face the wrong direction, but not by too much. They could circle around by about 90 degrees from the exit and end up facing the admin building again. It would save them having to deal with all the sneak checks and everything else.

The hyena nodded to himself. Yes, that would do well.

"We might as well get going, then."

"That was an interesting set of expressions," Wanda said.

"What do you mean?"

"You went from annoyed, to interested, to smiling. All within about five seconds."

"...Am I that transparent?"

"Yeah, usually," Robert chuckled.

"Even at the game?"

The both of them nodded.

" much for feeling like a mastermind, sometimes."

"Heh, don't worry about it, man. It's not like you need to be sneaky about stuff."

Rob patted him on the back, and he shrugged it off. Better not to get too into that, right now. He'd figure out just how obvious he was later. For now, they had a building to get to.

This time, he led the way to the outer doors, pausing to look out the window. The zombie horde wasn't that big on this side of the building, probably because they were dispersed all over the grounds. Here and there he saw another one of the school robots, just trundling along without any care in the world, but they were all marked with some sort of descriptor or other. They'd have to be careful.

He waited until the zombies were all looking the other way, and then gently cracked the door. The sound was quiet enough that he didn't think anybody else heard it, and without the zombies looking their way, it seemed like they hadn't noticed it by sight, either.

"A little more...a little more..."

Michael hesitated as one of the zombies turned. Their eyes met, and he reached down to his waist. He rolled a die, and held up his hands, mouthing '18' at the zombie. The fox groaned, and then went back to shambling around.

Hehehehe, lucky lucky me.

He pushed the door open the rest of the way, and - after checking that his friends were ready - charged forward.


Several 'zombies' started moving to block his path, boobs bouncing with jiggling movements and dicks doing the same, but he threw his bag ahead of them. The beanbag bounced as he shouted.

"Flame strike!"

The zombies scattered backwards, rolling around until they hit the ground, 'dead.' The way that they were still breathing made them immensely bad actors, though, and some of them grumbled as he, Robert, and Wanda ran by, glaring up at their asses as they lost the chance to have their fun.

Of course, that didn't mean that the rest of the horde was any easier to avoid. They were playing keepaway from the start, trying to get out of reach so that they wouldn't be held down. Once or twice, Wanda got grabbed, and he and Robert had to go back for her, a couple of strength checks required to free her from the zombie arms before she could be stripped.

Unfortunately, that meant that they kept losing ground and the zombies kept gaining it, the group getting closer and closer to them. Every time that they had to go back, he swore that they got free again only by the skin of their teeth. One time, he even felt a zombie hand wrapping around his dick, pressing against the leather of his crotch before he got free. He wasn't even sure if it was a male or female hand, and he didn't really care.

This is supposed to be sexy, and I'm spending more time running away from monsters than I am seducing the ladies. There's something wrong with this picture!

Nevertheless, they were still getting close. The admin building was just ahead, past a hedgerow that was cut low enough for them to hop if they had to, and with only a couple of zombies past that. If they could get over it, then they would have all the time in the world to get to the front door and through it.

Then, it rolled up.

"Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me..."

He remembered when the robot club had decided to build a Dalek for the hell of it, and this was that. Of course, it was a little better armed than a Dalek, and it had a horned hat on its head, almost making it look like a viking. Rather than a plunger and an egg beater for arms, though, it had a couple of suction tubes that flailed about.

"I am the Orgasmatron! Orgasminate! Orgasminate!"

Michael came to a full stop, slowly turning to Robert and Wanda, and gesturing with both arms at the robot.

"I thought we were playing fantasy?!"

"Well, maybe he thought that it was a magic robot?"

"No, no, no, I refuse. I put my foot down, this is bullshit!"

Michael stomped up to the robot, finding the camera that was on top of it and pointing a finger at it.

"You listen to me, Mr. DM. This is a fantasy game, and you aren't bringing any of these robots into it. You hear me? This is not fitting in the setting."

"Orgasmatron was...a golem?"


"Orgasmatron will -"

"Bull-bull-bull, bulllllllllllllshit."


"Bullll -"

"Fine, fine, you know what, fine. You get past Orgasmatron, who was never there in the first place."

The robot turned to the side, the voicebox grumbling all the way down the road. He shook his head at the departing robot, watching as its arms almost seemed to fold over each other in a petulant little pout. When it was well out of the way, he turned around, only to see literally everyone staring at him, zombies included. The hyena rolled his eyes.

"What?! It's a fair complaint."

"You just..."

"Well, it was an effective complaint."

"Thank you, Wanda." He smiled. "Now, uh, let's get inside. Chase on!"

The zombies started growling again as they started running, making the hop over the little hedge and running for the front door. He pulled it open, gesturing the other two in, before slamming it shut behind them. There was no lock this time, but he trusted the rule to hold from the last time. Once they were indoors, the zombies weren't allowed to follow.

Michael smiled to himself. It wasn't every day that he could throw something back in Saul's face, but when he could...god, it felt good. Sometimes, it was just the right thing to do, but sometimes, it was just fun to make the DM work for some of their impossible scenarios. No need to make everything hard.

They even had the good luck to find the halls empty. He couldn't quite believe it, but there it was. Nobody waiting, no monsters in the side rooms, nothing. Just...empty hallways, which was somehow much creepier than watching people in bodypaint shuffling through them from one room to another.

A nod from Rob told them that the horse would take point, and this time he was happy enough to let that happen. He was a cleric and better suited to taking damage than either of them, but he wondered if it would be a good idea for him to stay in front, particularly considering how so many of the attacks seemed to be so...sexual.

I wonder what would have happened if that Orgasmatron had gotten hold of us. Probably something involving those tubes...and sucking...

He blushed a bit, trying to imagine what it would have felt like having that tube around his cock. Probably pretty good; he'd experimented with a couple of different cock pumps before, and the suction feeling actually got to him quite a bit. He liked to alternate between jerking off and having his fun with the pump, getting bigger and bigger, and if that robot had been able to just suck non-stop, milking his dick -


"That's your warning not to have perverted thoughts going off, I think."

"Yes...thank you, Wanda..."

Michael groaned as his cock throbbed inside of the stupid leather chastity pants. If it wasn't for the fact that they actually hurt him, he would have preferred these clothes, because at least they covered more of his privates than they showed. At the same time, they were also incredibly painful anytime that he had a lustful thought.

He forced himself to think about as many unarousing things as he could think of - specifically that lemur - and felt his cock going down. He sighed, and kept walking.

They were just heading up the stairs when Robert paused, holding out a hand.

"Hang on, I think...I think we might have failed a listen check."

"Well, maybe you should roll, then?"

"Michael, got a lucky die on you?"

"Fresh out, man."

"Well, looks like it'll be a regular one, then."

He waited, glancing up the stairs as best he could from that angle, but he couldn't make out anybody waiting. He could, however, hear something that might have been nothing, or might have been the faintest echo of a giggle.

The clatter of the dice rolled out on the ground, and Robert cursed.


"Nat. Fucking. One."


"Well, we certainly know which of the dice are getting burned, later."

"Let's see if we can roll."

Two clattering rolls later, and all three of them were glaring down at the stairway. All three d20s had come up with a 1 on them. Michael slapped a hand over his face, sighing.

"That's it. Not just burning, viking funeral."



Grumbling, the three of them called out 'Nat 1, listen!' in case it affected anything. And sure enough, it did. As a 'surprise' round, six monsters came running down the stairs. Three men, three women, all of them naked, all of them wearing some sort of body-paint to make them look threatening.

Michael glanced at the ladies, two vixens and one mouse, all dressed in pink and purple bodypaint and with sensual spirals coming over their breasts, and costume horns over their heads. There was no doubt what they were, or the hyper-masculine males that had come down with them. Succubi and incubi, both of which he had little problem long as he was the one that got to pick what his partner was.

One of the ladies chuckled, pointing down at the dice.

"Time for a resistance check, everyone!"

"What are we saving against?" Rob asked as he picked up the dice, passing them back.

"Will save, against lustful aura."


The three of them looked at each other, and then back at the 'demons.' Rob was the first one to ask what they were all thinking.

"Do you pick our partners, or do we?"

"We do, of course."

"Well...okay then."

"Oh, let me go first."

Wanda smiled, walking forward...and then just putting her dice back down with the 1 facing up. She didn't even bother turning it, or rolling it, she just set it down. The grizzly bear covered her mouth with a chuckle.

"Oh, darn, I failed."


"What, a lady can't have some fun with a demon?"

The ladies on the demonic side were already giggling, and the mouse stepped forward, grabbing the grizzly and pushing her up against the wall. No sooner were they there than the mouse had her tail shoved deep inside of Wanda's pussy, ramming it hard with the bald tail like it was some sort of sex toy. As the mouse started muttering about how she would steal the bear's soul or something like that, the other 'demons' smiled, all of them waiting for their turn.

He and Rob shared a look, and the horse went next, tossing his die down on the floor. It came up as a 10, and he blushed, looking up at them.

"Uh...does that make it?"

"Hehehe, afraid not, cutie."

One of the vixens stepped forward, grabbing the horse by his cock - "Traitorous erection!" Rob shouted - before leading him back to the wall.

Which left him with far fewer good options than he liked. Michael looked from one side of the line of demons to the other, shivering as he realized that there were three times as many men as women, and just how likely he was to start getting tormented by someone with a dick instead of a pussy. He could take the lady...he honestly didn't want to think about the others.

He looked at his die, and gulped. Will was high, but...oh, it couldn't happen twice. He rolled.

Nat 1.

"I want a new die!"

"Heh, too late. Rakir, looks like this one is yours."

"Mmmm, happily."

A gryphon stepped forward, covered in feathers on part of his body but with more of a lion's structure to it. He walked up and grabbed hold of Michael by the shoulders, and shoved him against the wall. He grunted from the impact, but what shocked him was the feeling of furred fingers already working his pants off, shucking them down and grabbing him by the cock. The hyena shuddered, biting his lips to try and not think about the fact that another guy had their hands on his junk.

This Rakir, though, only smirked, leaning in and nibbling at his neck, the gryphon shaking his head. One pump, two, three, each one making him a little harder than he had been a moment before.

Curse a lack of dating material! he thought, his cock throbbing to full hardness despite his best intentions. The gryphon stroked him hard and fast enough that his dick was dripping and his balls swinging within a minute.

"Hehehe, that's it, big guy. Let's see just how much those balls of yours can produce before we start working you properly. I want to see some big orgasms out of you..."


He bit his lip, gasping and blushing as he tried to think of anything but who was jerking him off at that point. The 'demon' had a better grip on him than he usually used on himself, pumping him hard and fast. The slight danger of those claws down there didn't help, either, making him shudder, his knees going weak at the 'danger' to his cock. Up and down, up and down, the gryphon kept on stroking, working him until he was dripping and his own claws were digging holes out of the walls.

As he looked away, he saw Robert getting his dick sucked by his vixen, the woman taking his cock all the way to the base before coming back up and leaving the stallion gasping for air. Wanda, on the other hand, was pressing her chest against the wall and giggling as she told the mouse to whip her harder with her tail.

Why did I...why did I have to get the one I didn't want?

Saul. It was definitely Saul. And the dice, but mostly Saul, for pushing this. He blushed, trying to think of some way that he could escape this, but the rules had him trapped. He couldn't tap out, he couldn't fight against the spell without making another will check, and the spells were very clear. You couldn't make another save until you'd fulfilled the command that the demon had you under.

Ugh...I don't want to cum from a guy!

But as the gryphon grabbed him by the balls, using his body to keep him pinned, he didn't know if he'd have any real chance to do anything else. The stroking was that good, and as he oozed pre, Rakir spread it over his palm and started polishing the tip of the hyena's cock. He arched his back, panting and gasping, his hips thrusting of their own volition from the sudden burst of pleasure.

"Go on...cum for your demon."

The deep voice in his ear was enough to make him go over the edge, his cheeks burning hotter than ever as he came for a guy. He shot his load over the floor, leaving white lines running back to him. He blushed hard, trying not to think about what he had just done, but it was unavoidable. The evidence was all there.

While the other two looked like they were winding up to their own orgasms, Rakir let him go. Before he could run, though, the demon handed him his die, and chuckled.

"Roll again, big guy."

"Oh, you've gotta be kidding me. Don't I get an attack or something?"

"Against four lust demons? Fat chance."


He tossed the dice. There was no way -

"Shenanigans! I'm calling shenanigans! New dice. New fucking dice! One of you, cough one up, right now."


He rubbed his head as one seemed to fall from the top of the staircase. The d20 was a fresh one, and he rolled it around in his hand a few times before throwing it down.

Well, at least that's better than another - HO FUCK!

He was turned around, his ass out to the corridor as the gryphon spread his ass cheeks. He shivered, trying to think of something he could say. There were rules, right? This was a game, they couldn't do what -


And then there was a tongue against his hole, and there was nothing else that he could say.

3 orgasms later...

The demons departed, exaggeratedly smacking their lips as if they'd had a good meal, and he slowly slid down the wall and groaned as his balls ached from cumming so many times in rapid succession. Robert walked over, trying to offer a hand, but the hyena shook his head.

"Nuh-uh. No...touchies."

"Just trying to help."

"Help me by getting an ice pack or something...owwwww."

He rolled onto his side, not even bothering to reach for his clothes. They'd been completely pulled off by now, and he didn't even want to think about how his dick would feel getting shoved back in there now. At this point, he'd just walk naked.

The other two, it seemed, were perfectly fine. They'd made their second will save. He'd just failed allllll of his. He sighed, shaking his head.

"Look...gimme a couple minutes...then we'll get the grading sheets."

Couple of minutes, couple of ice packs...a couple of packs of beers to forget how fucking awesome that felt...

He leaned his head back, and for a moment, swore that he saw the sparkle of light off of a pair of glasses.

The End

Adventures After Dark 4: Boss Rush

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Adventures After Dark 2: Inn the Cafeteria

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