Adventures After Dark 2: Inn the Cafeteria

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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After braving the hallways of the college building, the party manages to get to the Inn (cafeteria), only to find that it's basically an adult entertainment center. Time to start bribing people for info...

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Part 1:

Part 2: (You are Here)

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Adventures After Dark Chapter 2: 'Inn' the Cafeteria By Draconicon

Robert stepped back from the door, taking a deep breath as the zombie hoard seemed to be dissipating. The horse was rather amused to see that the zombies seemed to take the same 'damage' from the artificial 'dragon' that was running around; seeing them have to roll dice and see if they needed to stop and jerk off if they were splashed was pretty freaking funny, though he would have liked to see something more than just cocks and balls. He saw those in the locker room every day, and he wanted to see something

Still, at least they were inside and away from that, and the lights were still on, so things hadn't gotten completely medieval just yet. He slumped back against the wall, glad to feel his cock finally going down and back in his sheath rather than stretching the leather patch he wore even further.

"Well, how long does Michael have left?"

"Ugh. Could talk to me about that, dick."

The hyena on the floor was still jerking his cock, stuck with the condition of the 'dragon's' spray. He'd been doing that on the steps, too, to the point where he and Wanda had had to drag him through the front door before securing it. Michael still looked rather peeved, for that matter, though Robert could understand why.

"Alright, then. How much longer?"

"Nngh. About...mmph...thirty seconds."


They both turned to the grizzly bear who was peering out the window. After a moment, she turned back to them.

"I pay attention to some things."

"Apparently," Robert said, chuckling.

As his friend continued his enforced masturbation, he turned his attention down the hall. According to the map, the cafeteria served as the Inn for this scenario, and he imagined that all the information they'd need would be down there. Their tabletop sessions always started in an inn, unless they had to deal with combat first, as Michael had pointed out. They just needed to get there.

The problem was, he knew Saul. The rat was a devious little dick, sometimes, and considering that he'd pulled half the population of the school in on this little trick, who knew what lay ahead?

"Alright...mmph. Done."

"Glad to hear it. You better not 'lay on hands' until you wash them, though."

"Fuuuuuck you."

Chuckling, he helped the hyena to his feet regardless, and - after getting Wanda to turn away from the windows - they started walking down the hallway.

Unfortunately, they'd barely taken a few steps before the lights went out. The sunset was coming from the wrong angles to light this part of the school, and the various classrooms all had their lights turned out. Groaning, the horse reached down to the bag their costumes had come in, seeing if there was any further inventory. Wanda had found a map, maybe there would be a -


He found a flashlight, but even as he pulled it out, he hesitated. If this was a LARP, there would be rules governing this. What were they?

"Wanda? Any ideas?"

"Maybe a quick look at the map?"

"Why would there be - oh, you mean on the back?"

"Why not? Seems to be in all the movies."

He and Michael shrugged, the three of them stepping back to the window to catch what light they could as they flipped the map over. Sure enough, there were rules on the backside, and Robert started to read them out loud.

"Rule 1. Your health is measured by your stamina. When you can't get hard - or can't bear someone to touch your cock or your ass anymore - then you are out of HP and you have to drop down, dead."

Wanda chuckled, and he knew that this particular rule favored her over the pair of them. He didn't linger, continuing.

"Rule 2. Spells are measured by the beanbags that are in the pouch. You can divide them between you, but when they're out, they're out, so pick the caster wisely.

"Rule 3. The flashlight is a light spell. You are allowed to leave it on for up to five seconds, but for every second past that, you face a penalty. See penalty rules for details.

"Rule 4. If you become 'corrupted,' you become controlled by the DM. See corruption rules for details."

Robert looked up.

"I don't think I see penalties or corruption rules."

"Maybe they're in invisible ink?"

"Nah. If Saul wrote them, then he has them as bonus items somewhere. We'll just have to keep an eye out for them."

Not that they really needed it, but Michael had a point. If they were out there, it would probably be a good idea to find them, just so that they knew what the hell they were dealing with. That said, at least they knew what the flashlight was for, now, and how long it was supposed to be used.

He tossed it over to the hyena, who pointed it down the corridor and flicked it on, and immediately flicked it back off again. The three of them stared down the hallway, the silhouettes of shambling 'monsters' burned into their eyes. Groaning, the hyena reached into the spell bag, pulling out one of the 'spells' for himself.

"Well...this is gonna be fun."

"I don't suppose anyone else has a good sneak skill?" Robert asked.

"I got plenty! And I can sing some onto you."

"Yeah, no thanks. I don't think even zombies can ignore that, big girl," Michael muttered.

"Oh. That's a good point."

"So...I guess we're going to try sneaking, all of us with a spell or something at the ready?"

"Hate the idea of it, but it's probably our best chance."

"Let's tiptoe through the zombies."

Robert took the lead. He figured that, as the one with the least 'problems' with walking quietly - in terms of his character and all - he would do best being in front. Not to mention he had the best Will saves against splash damage coming from any of the effects that Wanda could let loose, and if Michael had to start using his high level stuff, they were fucked anyway. The horse tiptoed forward in exaggerated, horrible sneaking motions, trying to fit into the role as best he could.

Even when their eyes started getting used to the darkness, Robert still used the flashlight when he wasn't sure if he saw something moving or not. The horse winced every time that he found himself face-to-crotch with a monster that was just passing by, and he had to resist a 'seduction' check more than once as the ladies did the same.

They were about halfway down the hall, nearly at the t-junction that would take them towards the cafeteria, when someone tapped his shoulder. He turned, looking back at his friends, until Wanda pointed to the side. He kept turning, and his heart almost stopped when he came face to face with a well-painted wolf.

"Jesus...Frank, you look like crap."

"Hey, Saul's an organizer, not a painter."


The wolf, along with four others behind him, were decked out in ragged silver lines that ran from their faces down to their necks, and then in streaks along their chests down to either heavy, full sheaths or a rather dripping pussy, in the case of one lady. He brought his eyes back up, not wanting to be rude or stare too long at another guy's dick, but he couldn't quite clear his blush.

"So, uh -"

"Ambush unit, you know how it is."

"Oh, right, so, do we roll?"

"Nah, rock, paper, scissors. You win, chance to sneak by. I win, we ambush ya."

"Fair enough."

On the count of three, they threw, and Robert won. The wolf shook his head a couple of times, sighing.

"And here I thought I'd get a horse dick."

"Shouldn't you be in character?"


Stifling a laugh, the horse stepped out of the doorway, letting his friends make the same check. Michael made it, though was a bit more shivery as he stepped by - probably something to do with the sight of so many wolf cocks with his name on them - but Wanda...well, she didn't get so lucky. For that matter, he wasn't even entirely sure that she threw. The pack grabbed her, yanking her into the room, and she laughed.

"Saaaaaave yourselves! Ooh, that's good!"

"...Are you fucking kidding me with this? Robert, is she seriously -"

"Trust me, I've seen her do weirder stuff. Now, shush."

They were still sneaking, after all, and the 'monsters' in the hallway were starting to look their way. Obviously, the players could see them, but their characters couldn't yet. OOC chat was sacrosanct, after all, but there were limitations.

He led the way through the corridor, trying to ignore the shouts and moans from the classroom behind him. A part of him wondered if she'd be 'cursed' with lycanthropy after this, and if so, what form that would take? Would she be something to worry about, or...well, they'd come to that later, if they came to it at all.

They passed three other classrooms, and this time, he made sure to check them before just walking by. One actually had a dragon friend of his, part of this school's baseball team, and he would have just bet that would have been a mini-boss. He threw a spell inside, making sure to call it as a silent casting, and left the dragon in make-believe webbing before hurrying along. Michael gave him a thumbs up for that.

By the time they reached the door to the cafeteria, his legs were sore from the exaggerated sneaking steps, but his cock had finally decided to go back where it belonged. A little touch-up on the straps he wore covered his sheath opening with the leather square, and he almost felt dressed compared to what he used to be. Michael, on the other hand...

"Can we just get through? I'm dying here."

"What? Getting tired?"

"I'm worried about how much more my dick can take. Naked guys can only kill a boner so much, and these trousers are starting to hurt."

He glanced back and down, and winced slightly at the hyena's cock in the position it was in. Even though his friend had been able to jerk it while wearing the trousers, it had been more rubbing the bit of cock that was exposed rather than actually stroking. There were compression marks around the shaft now where it had tried and failed to get hard, pressed down tight.

Guess that's the problem with being a cleric, he thought. If he'd been a paladin...ugh, that probably would have been a metal cage, or something.

"Come on. Let's just get out of the monster zone."

"Sure. Let's just see..."

He pressed a hand to the door, and groaned.

"Locked. Of course."

"Where's the bard when you need her?"

"Oh, right here, actually."


The pair of them jumped almost out of their skins, whipping around with a beanbag in hand. Wanda was right there, her brown fur rather slicked back and a bit matted along the top of her head, and her furry panties were a little...darker...than they had been. She chuckled.

"What? Do I have something on my face?"

"Well, um, not exactly," Michael muttered.

"Breasts? Belly? Ears? Oh, am I tracking things? The female was humping my toes a bit, so -"

"It's, um, not important right now, Wanda. Think you could get the door open?"

"Oh, happily."

She slipped by, going down to her knees as she looked at the lock. As she pulled out her dice, the horse and hyena had a perfect view of her ass stretching her panties, and the hole ripped in the back. The sight of cum oozing out of her was not helping either of them, and he matched Michael's whimper with one of his own as his cock started rising up again.

Fucking Jesus, this isn't fair, he thought to himself. If this is how Saul is going to wear down our HP, Wanda's gonna be as deadly to us as anyone else.

"I rolled an 18."

"Entrance granted," a voice said on the other side of the door. They opened quickly, and the three of them were through in the blink of an eye, shutting the doors behind them. No need to let the monsters in, after all.

No sooner had they stepped through, however, than Michael started whimpering again. Robert turned, intent on asking what this one was about, when he started doing the same thing.

The room was split precisely down the middle, with one half being served by completely naked men, and the other half by completely naked women. There were two large tables converted into strip-dancing stages, and there was a whole bar set up where the middle of the cafeteria had been. Robert could not take his eyes from the big bouncing tits on one side, and he could tell that Wanda was just as interested in the boys on the other side. His cock continued to throb, pushing that leather patch forward until it was wrapped tight around his dripping tip.

"Nnngh! OW OW OW!"

Michael's pain immediately snapped him out of it, and he leaned down to see if he could help his friend. Unfortunately, the hyena's cock was lodged too firmly against the leather to be pushed back in. There was really only one thing he could do.

"Um...You're uh...probably not gonna like this, man."

"It fucking hurts! I'll take whatever you got."

"Remember you said that."

Getting a good grip on the tight trousers, Robert wrenched his arms back, hard. The pants pulled off, ripping down a seam that he'd noticed on the side, and he wondered briefly if it had always been meant to do that if some monster got a lucky grip on those pants. It would explain a lot, he supposed.

The hyena was too busy panting in relief to notice that he was now effectively naked, and Robert intended to keep it that way. He stepped away, tapping Wanda on the shoulder.

"You want to deal with the guys or girls?"

"Well, I have been feeling experimental lately."

"...You're joking."

"No, I think I'll go check with the girls."

The grizzly bear smiled.

"Thanks for helping me decide."

"But-but -"

But it was too late, and he could only watch her shake her butt as she walked off, moving up to one of the buxom zebra girls that were walking around, getting almost tit to tit with her right off the bat. Robert slowly shook his head, taking a deep breath in and out.

"Well...lost that initiative check."

Not having much choice - and not about to try and get Michael back down to earth - he walked over to the male side of the room. He didn't particularly want to, but then again, it could be like he was in the locker room again. Everybody was naked there after an event. He didn't have to be getting quite so Wanda was.

Still, it was hard to keep his eyes off of all the dicks that were swaying back and forth, some hard, some soft. He spotted an elephant that had a good three inches on him, and went wide-eyed when he felt a shark come up behind him and grind two dicks on his ass cheeks.

"Uh, not...looking for that..."

"Heh, fair enough, man. You do you."


"God knows, I'd do you."

"Noooo thanks."

Moving as quick as he could away from the shark, he looked for someone that might know something. He could probably roll a Gather Information check, and see if someone could be pointed out, but that felt like cheating. It was roleplaying, after all; he should be playing into his role.

Hmmm, what would a wizard do?

It didn't take him long to come up with an idea. Robert walked up to one of the naked servers, a buck, and mimed passing a gold piece to him.

"Could you point me to someone that has interests in the ancient texts? I am looking for information on an ancient book, the Lost Grading Sheets of Yesteryear."

"Oh, you want something like that, hmm? Well, I could show you to someone that knows where that is...."

"For more than a coin, I'm guessing."

"For more than a fake coin, honey. I might be showing off the goods, but I'm not selling information that cheap."

"Great. How much?"

"Oh, just get on your knees, and I'll tell you when."


Robert glanced down. The server's cock was one of those that wasn't too hard yet, but it was still quite big. The buck had about seven inches on display, half hard, so, if he was a grower, he probably still had another two to go. He was doing the math, imagining if he could fit it in his muzzle without it going down his throat, and he was pretty sure that the answer was barely. He might do it...

But did he want to? Not particularly. He looked at the buck again, seeing the smirk on his face, and chanced a roll. He threw it on the table beside them.

"Diplomacy. I don't have to do it, but you would like to help a wizard, maybe for some enhancement? 10."

"Heh, I'm sorry, but I'm quite happy with being the way I am. Come on, a little blowjob isn't going to hurt."

"Diplomacy. Can't I offer you something else? I am a wizard, I can do other...things...5."

"Yes, you could, but I'm just a simple server looking for simple service. Unless you're afraid to go down on your knees."

"Diplomacy! Private, at least?! FUCKING 1?!"

The whole table laughed at that, and the buck wasn't immune to it. He had to set his drink tray down for a minute to stop snickering at the whole event, and even then, he looked like he was holding it back when he stood up once more.

"I, um...Heh. I think that critical fail means you're on your knees now, man."

"...Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK."

It was the rules, though, and he went along with it. His cheeks were burning as he hit the floor, his knees clicking lightly on the cafeteria tiles. The buck's cock was slowly getting harder and harder in front of him, pointing right at his face. He could fucking smell it, and he swore it was far stronger and more potent than his own scent. Then again, he'd never been face to face with his own dick like this before.

It didn't help that the buck was rubbing his head, making him feel even more embarrassed about this particular event. He was pulled forward, the shaft rubbing along his cheek, and he looked up with a blush. The server smiled.

"Come on. Just a couple of sucks, at least. I'll tell you when you're done."

He didn't know how long that would take, but he also didn't have much of a choice. Robert opened his mouth, letting the buck's cock past his lips. It was thankfully thin, so it didn't push his mouth wide open, and he was suddenly grateful for his own size as he was pushed down right off the bat. A long muzzle made damn sure that the cock wouldn't go into his throat or gag him.

From there, the buck started bucking, thrusting down his throat with abandon and total eagerness. He grunted and coughed from time to time with the sheer thrusting power of the other male, but other than that, Robert kept himself still, glaring up past the buck's belly at being used like a living toy.

I swear, Saul, if this fucker cums on my face, I'm going to tie you up and let the whole sports team go after you. I ain't in the mood for your ass, but I know a good six people that'd run a train on your fuzzy butt.

Back and forth, back and forth the buck went, groaning, and he could feel the eyes of the other people at the table on him. Some of them were muttering under their breath, but he could hear some other comments.

"Heh, never sucked a cock before, huh?"

"He'll learn. Soramai will teach him later."

"Heh, they're not strong enough for that demon. I'll bet you that they get caught in a couple of hours, at most."

"Hey, at least we get to see this. The zombies didn't even get a chance."

"Hush, I wanna see if the buck makes him swallow."

Fuck, if he does that, I'm going to...nnngh, I don't know, but something!

Suck, suck, suck. He could feel the big guy starting to slow down, panting and whimpering above him, and he could feel the twitching going on through the shaft as it pushed down on his tongue. Pre was probably flowing down his throat, which wasn't the most pleasant thought, but he would deal with it.

Finally, the buck pulled back, cock twitching and with veins popping out on either side. Panting hard, the server moaned, slowly leaning back on the table. He looked down, and laughed.

"Fuck, you look angry. You okay?"

"Well, I'm not exactly gay, and I just sucked a cock, so..."

"...Oh, could have said something."


"Yeah, still a game, dude."


Robert slapped a hand on his face. Yes, it was still a game, but he was feeling so bound by the rules that he'd still gone along with it. The horse shook his head, slowly pulling himself to his feet. He'd just have to...remember that next time...No more forgetting that it was a game. Just say what he liked next time.

"So. The person that has information?"

"Right. Yeah, sorry about that, man. I'll bring you a beer or something while you talk. On the house."

"Something good, please? Did you even shower?"

"Hey, you try and keep it from tasting like cum when you got all this hot ass to watch."

Fair point, he supposed, following the stag through the crowd. Several times, some of the other students gave him a good ass pinch, but most of them were leaving him alone. He was thankful for that; it was hard enough to sort himself out when he was still tasting dick in his mouth.

The stag led him to a table on the - of course - other side of the room, and Robert was not entirely surprised to find that Wanda had beaten him to it. She was seated with a rather well-rounded red panda, thick in the hips and narrow in the chest. Wanda waved as he sat down, gesturing at her new friend as the stag walked off.

"This is...Jena?"

"Jina, actually, but no worries. Hard to hear in here."

"Jina, right. Jina says that she knows where the book is."

Robert nodded, leaning forward as the red panda leaned back. She wore nothing but pasties over her chest, and his cock gave a reassuring twitch at the sight. Even small chested, she was something to look at.

"You see, the Lost Grading Sheets are kept in the administration offices, but not in the main one. They were taken by the Grand Dean to the secondary offices, to discourage cheaters from finding them, and to incriminate those that searched in the old hiding place. It was trapped with cameras, and other such devious traps."

Which means that if we hadn't found this girl, we would have been on camera, dressed like this...

Saul was really starting to push the risky buttons, he thought, but at the same time, he couldn't help but feel rather excited. They were doing well, and they had the promise of some more fun up ahead. And that name...The other students had mentioned some sort of name. He pulled out his dice, rolled it for a Wisdom check.

"Soramai. I heard some of the other people here talking about Soramai. Does that name mean anything to you?"

"Oh, you've heard of him, huh? Well, no surprise. He was - um, hang on a second."

The red panda leaned forward, pulling some notes out from under the table. She flicked through them before momentarily stopping on one, reading it and putting it back.

"Sorry about that. Just checking the script. Right. Ahem. Soramai was a powerful demon, summoned and bound by the wizards of the Staff. They put him to work protecting and cleaning the building, ensuring that their goods would remain safe. But now, he has gone rogue, laying claim to the hallways and the creatures within, and to any student that he finds. He is a demon of great power, and will take you, if he finds you."

"...So, he's the big boss."

"I was thinking janitor, actually."

"Oooh, good call, Wanda."

"Thank you."

"Yes, he will be a danger to any that he manages to catch alone...speaking of which, didn't you have a third party member?"

The horse and grizzly bear blinked, and whipped their heads back towards the rest of the cafeteria. Among the dicks, tits, pussies, and balls on display, there was not a hyena to be seen.


The End

Adventures After Dark 3: Hall of Monsters

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