Feet for Freedom

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Well, what do you expect from the foot-loving possum? In this case, a wolf guard that has a serious case of a foot fetish, one that demands that he take a bit of pleasure from Robin Hood's feet when he's locked up in the dungeon. After all, when is an opportunity like that going to come again?

Commissioned by 3rdHarleyJoe

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Feet for Freedom For 3rdHarleyJoe By Draconicon

Prince John's dungeons were built into a castle just outside of the city of Nottingham, and due to the recent capture of Robin Hood, many new guards had been hired to keep watch over the wily fox. Ralf was one such guard, a wolf from the countryside, and he was...different, different in a way that all of the guards tormented him for, and it didn't take long for him to become an outcast among them for his peculiarities.

It wasn't that he was outspoken against Prince John, or that he was particularly supportive of the fox that they had to guard. After all, about half of the guards had some sympathy for the rogue, but they needed the paycheck from the royal coffers badly enough that they weren't going to turn down the job. Ralf was no different there.

Nor was he pitiful, or a suck-up, or a snitch on the other men. If anything, he was better at keeping his mouth shut than anyone else in the castle.

But for all his good qualities, there was one 'bad' one that ostracized the wolf from the other guards. One little thing that had come out one summer night when the entire barracks had woken up to a shocked shout from one of their numbers. They'd bolted upright in a flash, only to find Ralf on his knees, licking the feet of one rhino while everyone else had been asleep.

Ever since then, Ralf had been on thin ice. Nobody had ratted him out to their superiors just yet, but every other soldier had made it clear that they'd do more than report him if he did it again, and the wolf didn't want to be the whipping boy for three dozen soldiers.

So, he suppressed his urges, doing his job, until one afternoon where everything changed.

Relax, relax. Ralf took a deep breath, brushing his hands down his tunic and hoping that it was as smoothed out as it looked. He could already feel his boner starting to rise up, and thinking of his plan was only going to make it worse. He's a prisoner, you're a guard. You don't have to think about it. Just tell him to do something, and he...he has to do it.

He hoped that was the case, at least. The wolf's cheeks were burning at the thought of ordering Robin Hood - THE Robin Hood - to let him play with his body. Sure, he was going to offer something that Robin wouldn't be able to refuse, but at the same time...

Just do it. He won't say no.

The wolf pulled his hat down a little more securely on his head as he looked down the stairs. Nobody was coming up, not that he could see or hear, and there was still at least a half-hour until the shift change. It should be enough time...he hoped.

Taking a deep breath, Ralf turned to the thick wooden door that locked the thief off from the rest of the world. A padlock hung from the front of the door, and there was a second look built into it to make sure the fox couldn't just pick his way out. Ralf had both keys, though. Every guard did.

The first lock came undone with a thunk, and he froze, looking down the stairs, half-expecting the other guards to come running at the loud sound. Maybe it was his imagination, though; nobody came after the first few seconds, and it probably wasn't as loud as he was afraid it was.

As he unlocked the second one, he heard movement inside the cell. He opened it a mere crack -

"Back for another session? Heh. I told you before, if you think I'll tell you where the gold is, or my men, you have another thing coming. Tell Prince John to go back to sucking his thumb! I won't -"

He shut the door before Robin could get any louder, looking down the stairs again. Nobody had come to check what the shouting was about, but if he wasn't careful...He opened the door again, once more just a crack -

"- and if you think that my men -"

Shaking his head, he shut the door, letting the ranting continue for a few more minutes. When it sounded like the fox had run himself to silence, he pulled the door open again, poking his head around the edge of it.

"Are you done?"

"Oh, I suppose."

Nodding as he opened the door the rest of the way, Ralf forced himself to look as confident as possible. He tried to look like the smirking sheriff, but he doubted that he was really carrying it off. No point in stopping, though. He had to keep trying.

"I'm not here to ask you anything about your merry men, or about the gold."

"Why, that's a first. I was starting to think that the sheriff and the prince paid you out of our thefts."

Even tied up, Ralf could tell that the fox was far more relaxed than he was. Though Robin Hood's arms were tied up over his head, pulled up high enough that he couldn't quite rest them behind his head, the fox smirked as if he was leaning back against a tree trunk, looking down on a hapless victim rather than at his guard. His legs were extended, crossed at the ankles, and the green fabric of his clothes wrinkled nearly as much as the bottoms of his shoes.

And it was those shoes that Ralf most wanted to see disappear, to look at the soles underneath, to see the way that sweat and -

The wolf gave himself a mental shake, pushing the thoughts away before his cock could throb any harder. God, if it got any worse, it would lift up the edge of his tunic and give them game away.

"Well, we're not paid from that. And we'd be paid just keeping you here, anyway. Not like we need to go looking for - ahem. Anyway, it's not why I'm here."

"Isn't that dandy for you, then. Then what do you want?"

"Those feet...o-on my face."

Despite all his work building himself up for that moment, he'd not only hesitated, but stuttered. Ralf's cheeks burned hot as the fox looked at him in complete bafflement, his eyes narrowing, then going wide.

"You must be joking. Why?"

"You're the prisoner. Do what I say or -"

"Or what?"

Ralf's teeth clicked shut. Considering Prince John's orders to keep Robin isolated until the eventual execution, there was nothing that he could really threaten that wasn't already going to happen. He rubbed the back of his head, trying to think of something, but everything that popped into his head just felt...wrong.

Not to mention that he had hoped that the fox would just say yes and he'd be able to have his fun and go.

"Um, well..."

"Why would you want...that...anyway?"

"It's, um..."

"...Wait, you're..."


"Oh. You're him."

"What do you mean, I'm him?"

"The one that all the guards were talking about. The guy that likes feet in a very...different way."

If it wasn't humiliating enough to have been outed by the other guards that way, it got even worse as Robin pulled his feet under him, sitting on his heels rather than spreading them forward. Ralf bit his lip, holding back a whimper of humiliation.

"Look, I just...I can't do it with anyone else, and..."

"And you certainly aren't doing it with me," Robin added. "I don't know how anyone could enjoy that, but I'm not one of those prisoners. Offering up their bodies like that for favors."

"Well, I, um...I did...I did have a good favor I could do you."

"Unless you're planning on letting me out -"

"I was."

"..." Robin blinked, his muzzle opening and closing several times before he could speak again. "Come again?"

The wolf pulled the keys from his belt. Two for the locks on the door, one for the chains around Robin's wrists, and one for the ones around his ankles. He blushed, letting the key ring fall to the floor.

"I'll, um, leave these here...if you, um...let me..."

Unable to bring himself to say it, he just gestured to the fox's shoes. It was all that he had the mental fortitude to be able to do, and it still humiliated him to go that far. Even so, he could already imagine those feet sliding out of their shoes, imagining the slippery soles pressing against his face, the soft musk of another guy's feet, the taste of his...his...

Robin snorted, grumbling under his breath.

"And here I thought that the Prince and his men were all that I had to deal with...no, I have to deal with a perverted wolf, as well..."

Ralf lowered his head. He started to turn -


He paused in mid-step, blinking. Was...

Turning around, he looked down at the fox. The thief was shifting about, looking back and forth. After a few seconds, he gestured with his head, almost nodding for Ralf to move a little closer. The desperate wolf did as he was asked, leaning in as Robin leaned forward.

"Are you...serious?"

"About letting you go? Yes, yes, of course. I'll unlock everything as soon as we finish. I mean...if you'll let me..."

He looked down over the fox's shoulders, looking at the tight green shoes that seemed to almost outline the fuzzy toes that were kept inside. He had no idea how long they must have been in there, how long Robin had been kept shod like that. They were probably musky as anything at this point, locked up and marinating on the inside. A shiver ran down his spine at the thought, and his cock -

"Back up, good man, back up!"

The fox's grunted instructions were too easy to follow, and he did as he was told. It was only when Ralf was further back that he felt the breeze down below, and realized why he had been asked to move.

His cock was throbbing, pointing forward and bouncing, twitching in mid-air. It had lifted up the edge of his tunic, showing it off to everyone that might have come around. Thankfully, that was just him and Robin, but still...

He blushed, covering himself.

"We...we have a deal?"

"Hmmph. It's a perverted deal...and I would never normally do this..."

Ralf wondered if that was the case, but didn't dare say anything. There were all sorts of rumors that flew through the castle, all sorts of tales of what Robin Hood and his men got up to in Sherwood Forest with no one there to see what they were doing. But if they were really willing...

The fox eventually sighed.

"Fine. You may take off my shoes, then...and you may do what you want to my...feet."

The fox tentatively slid his legs forward again, the chains around his ankles clicking as they went. The sound was one more reminder of how they were captive toys, in a way. If only Ralf was stronger, more dominant, more cruel...

But he wasn't. He'd made a deal because he knew that he couldn't just take it. He wasn't that kind of wolf. He'd never be able to treat prisoners the way that the Sheriff did. Not now, not ever.

But if they were willing to offer him the chance to play...

Ralf pulled the keys from his belt, putting them down on the floor. They were just out of reach of the fox's shoes for the moment, and it meant that he would be able to put them back on his belt if he had to rush out. Or give them to Robin, if he got what he wanted. Either way, it was better to have them halfway between him and the fox.

Blushing as he lifted those shoes off of the floor, he rubbed his fingers along the stiff leather along the underside, along the green tops and the tiny, almost invisible laces that kept them tight to the fox's feet. His cheeks burned as he imagined what they'd look like when they were finally pulled off.

And now I get to see...

Moving quickly, just in case he lost his nerve, he yanked the laces loose and then pulled on the first shoe. It was slippery, almost like it was soaked on the inside, and that was the case, indeed. His eyes went wide as the shoe came free, staring at the damp pads along the bottom of Robin's foot. They were wet, slippery, shiny as he brought them into the light, and the smell of sweat and foot musk was strong enough to burn at his nose.

His cock throbbed in time to his heartbeat as he stared at the perfect toes, the soft red fur along the top contrasting to the damp pads along the bottom. They seemed to dance as Robin flexed them, the fox groaning in relief.

"Mmmph...whatever you plan to do to them, my perverted friend, you better get to it soon...it won't be long before the other guards show their faces."

He knew that was the case, and he knew that he needed to hurry, but it was so hard not to stare at that sole for a bit longer. They were such beauties, begging for some tongue-attention, and if he had more time...

But he didn't, and he knew that. He needed to move on.

Stripping the other shoe off and throwing it over his shoulder, Ralf pulled the pair of feet up to his face. He could see the little droplets running from the gaps between the toes down to the pads just below, on the ball of the foot. He could see the way that the toes themselves wiggled in nervous anticipation. Robin must have been a bit worried about what he'd do.

Mmmph...they're so...hot...

Not just sexually, but in temperature. The flesh must have been encased in those shoes for days, if not for over a week. They burned to the touch, and he groaned as he pulled them to his face. One breath, and his cock felt like it was going to explode, throbbing and bouncing beneath him. His eyes rolled back in their sockets as he pushed himself to sniff a bit harder, a bit more firmly.

Oh gods, yes...yes...such hot...feet...

He nuzzled between them, pulling the slender soles and meaty tips against his face, feeling them make his cheeks all damp. His fur was getting matted to his cheeks, pushed down from the dampness, and he didn't care in the slightest. He just wanted to give the fox a session of worship that he would never forget.

Looking through slitted eyes, he was surprised to see Robin staring at him, then looking away, and then staring once more. The fox didn't look so...reluctant anymore. If anything, he looked...curious. Very curious.

Maybe...maybe there was a way to make him want this again.

Ralf blushed as he turned his head, looking at the damp soles once more. He took another breath, taking in their soft, heavy, warm musk. It didn't quite burn his nose, nor did the saltiness of the sweat bother his tongue as he stuck it out. One long, slow lick covered his tongue with the taste of foot and sweat and musk and -

"Mmmph...oh god..."

"You are...a very strange...strange man," Robin choked out.

The fox wasn't so confident? Or was there something else going on? He honestly didn't know, but he was getting what he wanted, so he didn't question it.

He nuzzled against the damp sole, feeling sweat and spit on his cheeks as he worked his head up and down, licking and nuzzling, nuzzling and licking. Every little taste made his cock throb, drooling down to the floor as he worshiped the fox's feet, moaning every time that he felt the hot taste running down along his tongue and towards the back of his throat.

Lick, lick, lick. It was wonderful, amazing, outstanding. He licked again, and again and again, feeling the soft flesh depress under his tongue, feeling it almost dimple from the pressure of his licks. The fox didn't pull back...

And in fact, he almost seemed to push his feet forward after a few seconds. Ralf didn't notice at first, but after the first few licks, he was all too aware of the pressure on his face, the way that the fox's soft feet were pressing down against his cheeks, his lips, his tongue. Every time that he stopped licking, Robin seemed to push against him that much harder, rubbing his face underfoot.

It wasn't even intentional, he was sure. The few times that he looked past Robin's toes, he could see that the bandit wasn't even looking at him. But he did have that look of, well, bliss on his face. There were even a few silent moans passing his lips, making him look like he was getting turned on.

Maybe...maybe he is?

Testing his luck, Ralf opened his mouth, pulling the big toe of the fox's left foot to his face. He hesitated for a second, then pulled it into his mouth, sucking on it.

Robin's sudden gasp was all he needed to hear. The fox wasn't just enjoying it. He was getting off on it.

The wolf moaned under his breath, wondering if he was giving the fox a new fetish or if the bandit had always wished to enjoy the feeling of having someone under his feet. Ralf liked the idea of it being the second one, of being the one to finally make the fox feel good in a way that a woman would never do. He couldn't imagine a vixen allowing herself to be put underfoot this way.

Oh god, what if he wants to find me again? What if he'll let me do this again, once he gets free? What if he hunts me down and pins me underfoot for this humiliation and makes me -

The thought was almost too much for him, and he buried himself into Robin's feet, nuzzling them, licking them, begging for more of that sweaty, musky, manly taste that the smaller fox seemed to have in spades.

He was halfway towards orgasm from the licking and nuzzling and sniffing alone. He wanted to hump the air, cum from licking between Robin's toes and sucking along the arch of his foot when -


It was the first audible moan that he'd heard from the fox, but when he looked over Robin's toes again, he couldn't believe what he saw.

The fox's tunic was lifted in the front with a boner of his own, a throbbing, twitching hard-on that was almost enough to match the wolf despite the species difference. His cheeks burned as he imagined Robin standing over him with that cock in hand, threatening him with 'revenge' for this humiliation.

The urge took him, and Ralf got down to all fours, letting the fox's legs tall to either side of him. Robin panted above him, started to mutter under his breath, but the wolf was already reaching up.

"You're, um...you're hard..." he muttered.

"Certainly not what I expected," Robin said. "Heh, are you some sort of witch or something? This feels like a curse."

"N-no, nothing like - let me fix this."

"Fix? Wait, what are you - mmmph!"

Ralf couldn't believe what he was doing. He had never taken his antics with the guards further than licking feet or sniffing boots, yet here he was, his mouth open and the head of a cock - a cock! - in his mouth. The taste was even stronger than it was down at the feet, though a bit cleaner than that had been.

His cheeks burned as he bobbed his head down, pressing that shaft further and further down his throat. He couldn't believe that he was sucking off a bandit, a thief, a prisoner, but here he was.

God, what does this mean? Why...why do...this?

The wolf didn't have an answer for himself. All he knew was that it felt good. That it was right to give a little service for the gift that he had been given. He closed his eyes tightly, focusing on the cock in his mouth. The heavy thickness, the way that it pushed down on his tongue, the way that the head was so soft and sponge-like compared to the rest of the shaft: it was all there, all so new to him.

He shivered as he went down to the base, his long muzzle letting him take the whole thing without it going into his throat. Everything felt so...so strong, so powerful in there, and his cheeks burned all the hotter at the realization of what he was doing.

As he kissed around the base of the fox's cock, he heard Robin muttering under his breath, the thief saying something. Maybe a question. Ralf didn't know, and he had a hard time making himself care.

He had a job. It was getting this cock off. And he was going to do it.

Up, down, up, down, he went, constantly sucking and licking and swallowing. It was amateurish, he was sure. He was nowhere near as good as a woman of the street, or a practitioner of the bedroom arts, but he was definitely putting his heart and soul into it.

Or was it heart and sole?

He shivered, pulling back to the tip and looking down out of the corner of his eye. The fox's feet were just laying there now, slippery and wet and...

I need them...god, I want them...

Unable to help himself, he brought Robin's feet to his cock, letting them rest against his shaft. The dexterous, slippery toes grabbed hold of his cock right off the bat, giving it a squeeze from either side, tugging around the head. He moaned, shivering as he felt them starting to rise and fall, rubbing and pressing against him as he bobbed his head.


Robin's whispered grunt sent a shiver down his spine, telling him that he was doing a pretty good job as he kept bobbing his head up and down. Up and down, up and down, that little bit more, and then that little bit less. He swept his tongue from side to side, gathering up pre-cum and swallowing it down -


And groaned as he felt the fox's heels pressing down against his balls. Those long, smooth feet were long enough to cover him from his balls to the tip of his dick, and they were doing just that. They pressed down on his balls just enough to remind him that he was the one getting a favor, here, and he moaned around the cock in his throat, swallowing around it a few times.

Robin and him shifted a little bit, giving each other a bit more room to work, and he kept sucking, and the fox kept stroking.

Oh god, he's going to make me cum soon. So soon. Oh fuck, oh fuck...

Ralf shivered as he felt his urges bubbling up, his cock throbbing all the harder. Was he going to cum first, or was Robin going to? He didn't know, he barely cared. He humped harder, sucked deeper -


And suddenly, Robin came. The fox arched his back, his cock thrust deep down the wolf's muzzle. Ralph barely swallowed in time to keep the sudden cum-shot from going right down his throat or up his nose, and he kept swallowing as the fox kept cumming.

It was more than just a deluge of seed, though. His cock was trapped between foxy feet, between slippery soles that were pressing all the harder on either side of his shaft, like a vise. They were trapping his cock, holding him there, furry toes pressing right into the head of his cock. His eyes went wide, his whimpers got louder.

One, two, three, four shots of cum went down his throat as he swallowed, but even then he didn't pull back too soon. He shivered, instead, holding himself there and licking the head of Robin Hood's cock clean. Every lap was gentle, yet he felt the bandit shivering from them, gasping, twitching.

When he was finally able to pull back, he was shocked to see the formerly confident, cagey, trickster fox leaning back with his tongue hanging out, his eyes rolled back and looking several stages beyond relaxed.

Did...did I do that good?

Apparently, though he hadn't thought that was possible. His cheeks burned as he looked down to the pre-cum and spit-soaked feet in front of him. They were just waiting to be used...and while they hadn't agreed to that, Robin looked like he was too out of it to complain...

He grabbed the fox's feet by the ankles, pulling them back to his shaft and pressing them to either side. The soft clink-clink of metal reminded him that they could have been used as toys at any time, that he could have taken control...

But he never wanted to. It didn't feel right. Even now, he almost wished that Robin was free so that he could be 'punished' by those feet, feel them grinding his balls, his cock, 'teaching them a lesson.' A shiver ran down his spine as he gripped the fox's ankles all the tighter, grinding his cock against the soles.

They were wrinkled and soft as the toes wiggled, textured in a way that his hand had never been. Every time that he thrust against them, he felt the softness pressing back, dimpling, denting against his thrusts. He could see the pre-cum smears that he was leaving behind, smell the fox's musk against his shaft.

Oh god...he's gonna be...be wearing this...when he leaves...

That thought was enough to send him over the edge, and he came hard, spurting his load all over the bandit's feet. He moaned loud enough that he almost worried about someone hearing him, but he was past caring.

He pulled back, gripping the base of his cock hard as he spurted seed over Robin's soles, watching as the white lines arced through the air and landed on his heel, his arch, his toes. Oh god, the way that it landed on his toes and spread from there, leaving spider-webs of cum between them as the fox wiggled them.

Wobbling more than he expected as he pulled back, Ralf chuckled almost drunkenly. He reached for the keys, holding them by the ring.

"Mmmph...oo-de-lolly...you..." Robin shook his head. "You got what you asked for, hmm? How about you give me what you promised?"

"What I asked for...and more."

Shaking his head, he lowered his hand, putting the ring for the keys on the fox's toes. He wanted to do more, but he could already feel himself wobbling, and a few seconds after, he was falling.

He managed to land on his side rather than on the ground, and he chuckled - no, giggled - at the frustrated sounds that Robin Hood made as he tried to get the keys.

"Couldn't have just unlocked me, could you? Nooo, you decided to go for a nap..."

Ralf barely heard him, already drifting off towards unconsciousness. Yet, for all that, his cock still throbbed beneath him, still begged for some more play and some more fun. He didn't know what to think about that, but he knew that he was going to have some dirty dreams tonight...possibly more than one.

Eventually, he heard the clinking of chains coming loose, and he knew that Robin was free. He tried to turn, but unconsciousness was already claiming him. He couldn't open his eyes, too drained of energy, only slightly turn his head as he heard the fox step over him, moving around him.

"If I ever see you again..."

He shivered, feeling a cum-covered foot stepping on his face. It smeared back and forth along his cheeks, then slipped off.

"Perhaps we can make another deal."

The 'threat' made him smile, and kept him smiling long after he fell into dreamland, where he was surrounded by more pairs of feet than one could shake a stick at.

The End

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