Spyro and The New Chronicler chapter four

Story by Cloudline Dasher on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: If you are offended by the content in this story or under 18 then do not read further.

Author's note: Bahamut is a real mythical creature. I did not make him up. Type in Bahamut dragon in Google if your curious. Tiamat is a real mythical creature also but the info in the story is exaggerated to fit this story.

Words of interest -

Poly-morph: to transform something or someone into a harmless critter.

Chapter four: Demand of The Heart

Cynder yawned lifting her head. She darted her gaze around the forest to see what the noise was. She slowly got up walking over to Spyro.

"Spyr....." Cynder paused as she tried to touch him with her claw, "Spyro wake up!"

Spyro groaned as he opened his eyes slightly, "What.. what is it Cynder?"

"I heard something." Cynder remarked.

"I hear it too." Spyro said trying to listen.

"We should go." Cynder stated.

"Why, we are ghosts remember? No one can touch us." Spyro said reassuring Cynder.

Just at that moment a large Ape walked into the area where Spyro and Cynder stood.

"Gual?" Spyro said surprised and confused.

"My master has resurrected us with the last of his powers to get revenge on you before you are able to resurrect yourselves." Gual said growling.

Gaul stepped forward and Cynder and Spyro started to notice Gual's body. It seemed mangled. Spyro could see every wound he had inflicted before finishing off Gual when they were both at the well of souls.

"Does that mean Malefor is alive too?" Cynder asked.

"Yes, it very well does. When I deliver the two of you to him and he consumes your life essence, he will be eternally resurrected. FOREVER! Hahahahahaha." Gual maniacally laughed. Pulling out a large mace like object.

"We cannot allow that to happen." Spyro stated trying to fire off a couple rounds of lightning.

Spyro chocked and coughed as he tried.

"Spyro are you ok?" Cynder asked worried.

"I can't use my attacks...." Spyro said worried.

"Should we run?" Cynder questioned.

"Yea, we can fly so we can easily lose him." Spyro said taking to the air.

Cynder soon followed and gave a glance back at Gaul that was waving his mace madly.

"NOT SO FAST." Gual roared taking to the air himself.

"Whoa... he can fly too?" Spyro said shocked.

"HA! That is not the only power being dead brings you." Gaul snickered as he vanished appearing in front of the two young dragons.

Gaul swung his mace at the two young dragons as they couldn't slow themselves and came into full contact with the blow. Cynder managed to only get her wing hit and tumble a couple meters before catching herself, "Spyro!"

Cynder swooped down but it was too late, Spyro hit the ground and laid their. Cynder rushed to his side and nudged him.

"Spyro... please... please wake up." Cynder pleaded shaking Spyro.

Spyro coughed and forced himself to his feet. Spyro turned to face Gaul and Spyro said, "You will die here Gual."

"Oh yea? You can't even spit smoke you worthless dragon." Gual grinned.

"We will see about that." Spyro growled as he floated up into the air. His body glowing and shining with purple luminescence. Dragon like heads started spewing from Spyro's body. Circling Gaul as it passed through his body. Shredding his already mauled body into bits. The first couple shots cut him in half at the waist. Then the dragon heads aimed at tearing apart his torso and arms. Gaul only grunted and groaned in pain.

"Spyro." Cynder called to him, unsure if he was going to lose himself.

Good thing she did call out his name though cause he was about to lose himself in hatred. His body starting to cover in black. Spyro slowly hovered down to the ground next to Cynder panting. Looking almost weak in the face.

"Spyro... are you ok?" Cynder asked.

"Yea... but I feel weak like someone struck me through the heart." Spyro said with his eyes half closed. Ready to just pass out from exhaustion.

"Spyro..." Cynder said worriedly, "I think you should rest."

"No, we will only allow Malefor a chance to get to us. Let's go."

"O... ok Spyro." Cynder said taking to the air along with Spyro.

Ignitus yawned, waking up himself. Looking around the cave as he remembered the past events and how he had become the new Chronicler. He sighed as he walked over to his podium. Calling out a name, "Cynder."

Cynder's book came flying up and he placed it on the pedestal. Turning to today's page and began to read. All he saw was Cynder and Spyro flying through the air. He noted however that Spyro seemed drained. Like he had been awake for days. Then he noticed something rather peculiar. Spyro had a black spot on his back. Ignitus began to speak, "Spyro, Cynder."

"Ignitus." Spyro called out.

"How did you receive that mark on your back?" Ignitus questioned.

"I.. guess it's from using convexity." Spyro guessed.

"I advise not using it again. It seems it is eating your very life essence, turning you.... I guess evil I suppose." Ignitus stated trying to rationalize it.

"Ok I'll try, but just to let you know, I can't use my breath attacks and Malefor has resurrected himself along with many others, but they are ghosts like me and Cynder." Spyro pointed out.

"What! This can be dangerous..." Ignitus said worried.

"How much farther are you from the chro... I mean my cave?" Ignitus asked still not used to being the chronicler.

"A couple days at least." Spyro announced.

"Don't worry Ignitus, we will get their." Cynder reassured.

"Good, we cannot allow Malefor to fully resurrect himself." Ignitus proclaimed.

"Ignitus, what exactly are we going to do when we get to your cave?" Cynder questioned.

"I don't know yet, but I have an entire history of anyone that has ever lived in the dragon realm. There has to be something on this subject." Ignitus stated.

"Ok, we will hurry straight their Ignitus." Spyro said hastening his speed.

"I'll check on you two later young dragons." Ignitus said as he closed the book.

Ignitus allowed the book to return to it's spot among the many others. Ignitus thought to himself while scanning the books, "There has to be sorcerers or some kind of magic. Maybe even history on someone that has been in the same situation as Spyro and Cynder."

Ignitus grinned as an idea came to him, "Maybe instead of calling out names, I could call upon a certain subject."

Ignitus thought for a moment before he called out, "Resurrection."

A book slid itself from the shelf. Hovering in front of Ignitus. Ignitus took the book and read the front, "Table of Contents R-S"

"Hmm... I suppose I should look at Resurrected." Ignitus licked his claw turning the pages.

His eyes scanned passing through dozens if not thousands of words with the letter R. Finally he found it. The word Resurrected with long listings after it. Ignitus began to read aloud to himself, "Resurrected, The act of coming back to life after dying. Only a couple have attempted or given the opportunity of being resurrected by doing good deeds in life, but none have succeeded except for two individuals. Bahamut a full blooded platinum dragon, and Malefor a purple dragon."

Ignitus marked the page and placed it back on the shelf. He stepped back as he thought to himself once more, "A Banshee and the legendary Bahamut. I suppose since I'm more familiar with Bahamut I will read his book first."

"Bahamut." Ignitus called out.

Just as Ignitus did, a large book with Bahamut in large letters came from the shelf. Ignitus lay the book on the podium and opened it up. Ignitus began to read the first page that was used as a summery to show what Bahamut was like. He began to read the words carefully.

Bahamut a dragon that used to be known as the platinum deity. A human race called Arabic's, Bahamut was a good force of nature.

"Human?" Ignitus whispered curiously, but ignored it for now and kept reading.

Bahamut was king of all good. He was known to never sleep up upon his palace that resided on mount Celestia, the seven heavens. Bahamut is noble, wise, judicious, kind, and helpful, but he can also be stern. He believes in the sanctity of life, and will not willingly kill another creature unless he has no other choice, preferring to poly-morph them into a harmless form instead of slay them. By dragon standards, he is selfless and sharing, being neither vain nor desirous of treasure.

Other than all these good qualities, Bahamut abhorred evil. Which came to a war with Tiamat, an evil dragon that wanted to bring evil to the world. He claimed to only want a new perfect world. Instead of helping the old one change, he decided to create the Destroyer and the belt of fire. Which would destroy everything and force the planet to start anew.

Ignitus swallowed, unable to believe what he was finding out. Then it peaked Ignitus's curiosity. How did the purple dragons come to exist and the prophecy of Spyro saving the planet.

Ignitus went to the table of contents and searched for something that might answer his questions. He then found something. It was a page for when Bahamut was defeated and given a chance for resurrection. It was the only thing he found that peaked his attention. He quickly searched for the page and right when he found it he heard his name being called.

"Ignitus, are you in here?" a familiar voice beckoned.

"Yes, come on in." Ignitus said bookmarking the page he was on.

"Ignitus, I can't believe your alive." Terrador said happily.

"Yes, I was given another chance at life to do this task." Ignitus said smiling at his friends.

Following Terrador came Cyril, Kira, and Volteer. All of them with happy looks on their faces.

"Ignitus you dog, you just couldn't let Spyro and Cynder be the only ones surprising us, could you?" Volteer said happily teasing.

"Well, I was only doing what's right." Ignitus said with a blush showing.

"Ok boys, back to business. Any news on Spyro and Cynder?" Kira pushed passed Terrador and Cyril.

"Yea, they are on their way but they ran into Gual and found out Malefor has resurrected himself and his allies as ghosts." Ignitus explained.

"So what do we do when Spyro and Cynder get here?" Cyril questioned.

"I am trying to figure that out. I am reading a book that has a history of another dragon that was given the same chance as Spyro to be resurrected." Ignitus stated pointing to the book he had left on the podium.

"Their isn't any time to lose then." Kira stated walking over to the book and opening it up.

Ignitus and the others followed as Kira opened the book up to where Ignitus had bookmarked it.

"Just read aloud if you would." Ignitus asked kindly.

"Very well." Kira said with a grin before starting to read.

Bahamut looked down from his palace in the Celestia mountain. Seeing all the land which seemed peaceful and glorious. Thanks to Bahamut, but in the distance could be seen Tiamat's land. A gruesome vile destructive land. Bahamut sighed as he wished that he could kill Tiamat but knew he was far too kindhearted to do so. He also knew that his powers of Poly-morph would not work on Tiamat because of Tiamat being able to transform into any living creature. He would just transform back when he did.

How long would it be before Tiamat discovered this. He would do anything he wanted until Tiamat ended up forcing Bahamut to kill him. The one thing Bahamut refused to do unless no other options existed.

"Bahamut, the leader of the Wyrm's wished an audience with you." A small Platinum dragon said to his master.

"Very well, see him in." Bahamut said never looking back to his follower.

The young Platinum dragon did as he was told and welcomed the Wyrm in.

"What brings you here Sigarius?" Bahamut questioned.

"I know I promised that I wouldn't attack Tiamat without you their, but he continues to steal food and keeps pushing into our territory. What happens when he pushes so far that we don't have anywhere to hunt?" Sigarius asked with fear on his face but with a stern voice.

"I know, the other tribes are complaining too about this problem. I can no longer let Tiamat attempt to create this Destroyer and Belt of fire." Bahamut said sighing and looking to Tiamat's land.

"You know every tribe will gladly help, but the prophecy." Sigarius stated.

"I know, I'm destined to die." Bahamut said without the slightest of fear.

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Sigarius asked curiously.

"No, it isn't death I'm worried about. It's that damn Belt of fire I'm worried about." Bahamut said growling.

"He hasn't succeeded though. He keeps trying and his lands get torched every time." Sigarius stated.

"Yes, but my sources say that he is close. Warn the other tribes that we are putting an end to Tiamat's reign." Bahamut ordered, not once did he look back at Sigarius. He only kept his eyes on Tiamat's land.

Author: I hope you all liked this story and the history of Spyro.

Sparx: WHAT!!!! another story without sex????

Cynder: Pervert!

Spyro: ......

Spyro and The New Chronicler chapter five

Disclaimer: If you are offended by the content in this story or under 18 then do not read further. Chapter five: Bahamut and Tiamat Bahamut left his post at the pier of his palace. Preparing himself for battle as he attached many articles of armor to...

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Spyro and The New Chronicler chapter three

Disclaimer: If you are offended by the content in this story or under 18 then do not read further. Summery and notes: well Ignitus reads Spyro's and Cyril's books. He finds out a useful power as a chronicler and all seems better. Except for one little...

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Spyro and The New Chronicler Chapter Two

Disclaimer: if you are under 18 or offended by the possible content in this story then discontinue reading. Author's notes: just to let you know. In Spyro's book I wrote it in context to the game. It took me awhile too along with some added...

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